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    Borderlands Would Borderlands 3 have been better as a corporation war?

    Borderlands Would Borderlands 3 have been better as a corporation war?

    Would Borderlands 3 have been better as a corporation war?

    Posted: 08 Nov 2021 05:27 PM PST

    At the end of the Pre-Sequel, the Watcher gives a short speech about a coming war, that would require as many vault hunters as the raiders could find. The events of 1 and especially 2 were bad enough, so that kind of warning means something apocalyptic, right? Except we get a pair of shitty twins and Maliwan because they need a "bad guy" corporation. What would have worked better?

    As it says in the title, I think Borderlands 3 would have worked better as a galaxy wide corporation war. Just think about the implications of the vault map for a moment. All 2 vaults that have been opened in the games (not counting the Torque vault) have led to the galactic domination of a corporation. Atlas became a superpower overnight after opening the Prometheus vault, and Hyperion became even more of a superpower than it already was after picking up the crumbs of the Pandora vault. The Vault map had HUNDREDS of vault locations on it. The moment the corporations learn the vault map exists, they would be pissing themselves in excitement. The only outcome of that is a corporation war that tears the galaxy apart.

    On top of being the only natural outcome of the discovery of the Vault map, it fits with the previous games attitudes on corporations, especially in 1. The only positive presentation of a corporation in the games has been Torque, and even then its only because of Mr. Torque himself. He's nice, yeah, but at the end of the day he's still an arms dealer with an unhealthy obsession with blowing shit up and the willingness to set up an illegal combat tournament for no other reason than he wanted to. The other corporations range from greedy and tyrannical, to not having an appearance at all.

    Now, how would this look in the games? At the end of the DLC, the vault key is lost, so we would need to start from there. The easiest way for the story to start is for a bandit to find the key... and promptly find out about the map. An idiot without any power, he decides to put the key up for auction on the echonet, thinking he'll become the richest man in the galaxy once a corporation pays him for it. Lilith learns that the vault key has been found after Tannis discovers the simpleminded Bandit's advertisement. Lilith, of course, puts her forces to work to secure the vault key before the advertisement gets too much attention, but its already too late. Rather than bite, the corporations gather whatever forces they can and send them out as quickly as possible to secure the vault key (explaining why these enemies are so weak), each one with different ambitions on what to do with the key.

    This is all explained by Marcus in the opening, and then the game opens up with the new Vault Hunters (recently arrived after being hired by Lilith) fighting the different corporation forces. The gameplay begins after this, with the first mission being to retrieve the Vault Key. Ultimately, Vladof takes the key, but this is only the start of the new and terrible corporation wars...

    From there, the game would go from planet to planet trying to secure the key, similar to how 3 is set up already. Going from planet to planet fighting different corporations who are setting up alliances and fighting each other for dominance is great and all, but the game still needs a more... personal villain. And the Calypso twins would work great in that regard. The problem they had in the original is that they just don't have staying power. They work fine when they show up every now and then, but when they're the villains of the story, their constant presence just makes them a nuisance. Having them as mercenaries out for their own interests that only show up every now and then would let them make an impression without overstaying their welcome. I would probably have them be the final villains after managing to steal the key from their employers before doing... something, idk.

    But that's just what I think.

    submitted by /u/Calsalitra
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    So I got a weird philosophy type question about "heroes" and "villains" in BL

    Posted: 08 Nov 2021 03:01 PM PST

    I thought of something when I went to go back to try do farm Aurelia for some ice weapon. Was she really bad?

    So then I thought of Gaige. Gaige is wanted on core worlds for some reason so she's really bad ionno? Was the Meriff really bad? Isn't Tyophon DeLeon bad for raising his kids wrong? IONNO

    The deal is we play as heroes in the games, but aside from Roland and Lilith, can't all our heroes be seen as murderous douchenozzles from a different perspective? So we play as the robotic guy, aurelia, and meriff, in TPS, but they're all bad in BL2 and BL3. We play as Krieg and Gaige in BL2 and there's also Tiny Tina. This is such a hard question to come up with the right words, but I guess. . .


    submitted by /u/AfterThisbutNotThat
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    Good place to farm for cash and weapons

    Posted: 08 Nov 2021 08:50 AM PST

    I'm doing Brick's side quest before going to kill Jack's clone but I find myself not doing enough damage and running out of ammo really fast so I have to spend most of my money in bullets and in deaths wich is really annoying since I was finally starting to get a stable income of cash. Is there a relic a Siren can use so you can get your ammo for free like the mod from BL1?

    submitted by /u/noedss
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    We may not have defeated WOTAN, but at least this Ghost Call glitch made a cool title card

    Posted: 08 Nov 2021 05:32 PM PST

    So we were trying to defeat WOTAN for the first time when we experienced a weird glitch where the Ghost Call grenade just kept spawning more ghosts. We had already been killed by WOTAN twice before, and fought our way back only to find the frame rate had been decimated BY AN ENDLESS NUMBER OF GHOSTS CALLED FROM THE DEPTHS OF HECK. Turns out a lot of grenades going off can really do a number on WOTAN's health.

    Despite that, we never ended up defeating him with our gear, but it made for a really cool title card!


    submitted by /u/CurlyParmesan
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    Zane or Moze?

    Posted: 08 Nov 2021 03:58 PM PST

    Which one is the best? Zane or Moze?

    submitted by /u/TheJ0kerCZ
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    What is best Level design in history [BL3 EDITION]

    Posted: 08 Nov 2021 10:24 PM PST

    The latest level design thus far, until wonderlands and BL4. End of this discussion

    submitted by /u/ItsaGoatBlurr
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    What would be a good base value on items to grab?

    Posted: 08 Nov 2021 04:25 PM PST

    I would like to know how expensive of items y'all normally loot. I ask since I would lkke to be more efficient with earning money, but I don't want to grab absolutely everything.

    submitted by /u/TheGamersofaLifeTime
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    What is best Level design in history [BL:TFTBL EDITION]

    Posted: 08 Nov 2021 09:44 PM PST

    Discussion in the comments, one more game and thats potentially all there is right now but i'll have to wait for what new level designs i'll see in the next games

    submitted by /u/ItsaGoatBlurr
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    I'm Concerned About Overleveling In Borderlands 2. Should I Start TVHM?

    Posted: 08 Nov 2021 03:26 PM PST

    After completing the base game, I've started my journey into the DLC but I'm concerned about overleveling and whether or not that could trivialise the DLC content for me.

    I've done most side-quests as they appeared, haven't went out of the way to farm weapons or xp, and ended the base game at a few levels over 30. I then went to Oasis expecting the DLC to scale up, but realised that DLC doesn't scale past 30 during the base mode. Is this the case for all DLC, or will I have to start playing TVHM?

    I would start TVHM without asking here, but I've really enjoyed the balance of the base difficulty. I like how there's still some difficulty, but I can still use whatever equipment without the game becoming too hard. So I've got four questions:

    1. Is it just this first dlc that doesn't scale past 30 and others do, or was I right in assuming this is the case for other dlc?
    2. Does too much leveling actually trivialise the content, like I was worried about or does it not actually matter that much?
    3. If I do move over to TVHM, will it limit my ability to just use and stick with whatever gear I take a shining to, even as other gear surpasses it?
    4. Is there another way to continue the level scaling besides TVHM? Note for this question that I'm on console, so I wouldn't be able to use mods.
    submitted by /u/Miserable-Eagle
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    What is best Level design in history [BL1 EDITION]

    Posted: 08 Nov 2021 04:58 PM PST

    What's your favorite level design in borderlands 1 tell me in the comments

    submitted by /u/ItsaGoatBlurr
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    Looking for group

    Posted: 08 Nov 2021 06:13 PM PST

    Just started a new playthrough on BL1 and was trying to find people to play with on Xbox. Gamertag is SirRedHood

    submitted by /u/SirRedHood1
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    What is best Level design in history [BL:TPS EDITION]

    Posted: 08 Nov 2021 06:10 PM PST

    Discussion in the comments

    submitted by /u/ItsaGoatBlurr
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    What is the best borderlands for singleplayer?

    Posted: 08 Nov 2021 04:17 PM PST

    I've only ever played them all 2 player. Which is the best for singleplayer?

    I would also like it to not be super super confusing and complex. I seem to remember on borderlands 3 I had to google everything just to find out where to get things. I want a game where I can just play it and I don't need to google where to get a certain legendary otherwise I'll get my shit kicked in

    submitted by /u/notgodpo
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    [XB1] Who You Gonna Call achievement not unlocking

    Posted: 08 Nov 2021 02:24 PM PST

    Just ran both missions with four-player split-screen, three accounts and one guest. The achievement didn't unlock for any of the accounts. Is this a known issue, or did I get unlucky? Google searches just gives me achievement guides (which I followed) and people boosting the achievement.

    submitted by /u/mikachu93
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    Borderlands Legendary Collection ps4 frame rate?

    Posted: 07 Nov 2021 11:20 PM PST

    I play on ps5, does the ps4 version of this game runs at 60 fps on all three games? and ive seen on ps store that handsome collection has 4k textures, is it strictly for that or you can also get it for legendary collection? i want to buy the legendary collection since in my region it is on sale. Ive searched everywhere for infos about this but to no avail.

    submitted by /u/NerveVirus
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    Borderlands 2

    Posted: 07 Nov 2021 09:20 PM PST

    Hi, I'm looking for somebody to play borderlands 2 with. I'm level 5 as maya and I need some help killing beam boom and captain flynt

    submitted by /u/Georgent9412
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