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    Borderlands Ideas for the Next Game

    Borderlands Ideas for the Next Game

    Ideas for the Next Game

    Posted: 30 Nov 2021 11:40 AM PST

    It's time for one of those bi-weekly "What would you like to see in Borderlands X that wasn't in the others?"

    Please don't say better story than 3. Or no Ava. I'm talking mechanics. Gameplay.

    One of the things I want to see is a better enemy level up system. Goliaths already level up as they attack other enemies, and in BL2 in Sir Hammerlock's DlC shamans leveled up certain mobs to a raid boss. Same with varkids. It's such a cool mechanic that you don't really see in other games. I think it could probably be improved upon by giving enemies experience when they kill you. Certain areas apply, like probably not in takedowns, but say when you die, an enemy earns some experience off of you and when you return they may have hit Badass or Super Badass rank. It would be a cool way to make death an interesting game mechanic. It's also a little dark soulsy and punishes players for messing up, so I understand why not everyone would desire it persay. Mayhem modifier?

    I'd also like to see smoother movement. Aside from abilities that help characters break the sound barrier, the movement in BL3 feels... Slow. Clunky. Oh it's an improvement from BL2, a game that's a decade old, but if you play modern FPS games, the movement feels so buttery smooth. I'm talking Apex Legends level of smooth.

    What are some of your ideas?

    submitted by /u/Wraithgar
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    Loaded ammunition keeps disappearing from guns

    Posted: 30 Nov 2021 03:16 PM PST

    Playing Borderlands 1 GOTY on Xbox One. Whenever I do things such as entering the status menu or entering and exiting a car, I lose a bit of ammo that was loaded. Ex: having 12 bullets loaded but it drops to 10 after exiting a menu. All of my guns seem effected. I don't think it is an issue with any class mods, but it may have something to do with the soldier's overload skill which increases magazine size. Couldn't find any reference of this issue online and was wondering if anyone could help.

    submitted by /u/Exeon84
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    Made in fyrestone achievement not unlocking

    Posted: 30 Nov 2021 06:21 PM PST

    Im 95% sure I've competed all arid badlands missions, but the achievement "made in fyrestone" is not unlocking. I need help to fix this issue

    submitted by /u/CheesyStic
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    tiny tina's assault on dragon keep, Can the Dwarf Master be rescued?

    Posted: 30 Nov 2021 10:04 PM PST

    There's a segment where you come up on an orc camp, and if you're observant you see a dwarf master (one attempt I jumped at him and glanced the name) hanging by a rope with a white beacon over a spike pit. I've sniped the orc on the crane, but even then the dwarf still falls and it all seems scripted. I just want to make sure I'm not missing anything important there.

    submitted by /u/PlNG
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    Alternatives to Lightshow on No-Reload Zane build

    Posted: 30 Nov 2021 11:10 AM PST

    Hi guys! As the post title suggests, I'm playing with a Zane build using the 30% ammo regen anoint, which essentially lets me keep firing without pause while my clone is active. The only issue I'm having... is that the Lightshow is too good on this build. No other gun seems to come even close to it no matter the type or elemental roll. On Mayhem 8 with the current setup, a Lightshow with arguably poor stats kills pretty much anything in seconds, while even guns like The Lob barely scratches the enemy healthbars. I'm starting to get bored of using only one gun but I can't seem to figure out what's wrong with the build, why other guns don't seem to be as effective as the Lightshow.

    Any advice is greatly appreciated, maybe I'll even try out a different build if you can show me one that has comparable DPS and healing properties. Thank you for reading! :)

    submitted by /u/Prestigious_Bank9428
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    Skill revamp

    Posted: 30 Nov 2021 08:27 AM PST

    Right of the bat, this is just me sharing some funky, crazy, wacky ideas for additions to the vault hunters' skills.

    Axton: - Let us equip a gun in the turret! We already have a copy of the shield for deathtrap. It is about time that we see some custom gun turret!! Imagine a turret with a DPUH, nukem, Ogre, Hive, conference call, or Norfleet!?!? Plenty of guns that would work. Obviously rocket launchers etc would fire slower etc. Would need to be balanced. But very fun! - A drone option would be nice for a more fluent play style. Could come with some downsides to balance it out. - Actually supercharge your grenades by holding the grenade button, making them more powerful, both in numbers and in effect. Fastball? Crazy knock back, meteor shower? Huge meteors, storm front, even more electricity! (or just a big ass storm cloud raining down thunder)

    Maya: - Seeing her throw around enemies in Bl3? Epic. Make our phaselock versatile like that! We phaselock an enemy, that enemies will then be stuck in our crosshair. But we can fling the enemy around. Hit him against the ground for damage, or crunch him up into a lil meatball. - Phaselock your weapon and have it as a drone, you can then, for the remaining duration, use your skill to throw the gun into an enemy's face where it would shoot point blank! - Phase lock yourself to place yourself on hard to reach spot. Would allow for a more sniper oriented build for maya. Boost through levels by phaselocking and throwing yourself forward, could easily be made into a double jump too.

    Salvador: He is already broken - The only idea I had was to give him a third gun... In his mouth. So it shoots sideways. Wack.

    Zero: I feel like zero could have been a bit better. - Make him ricochet like maya/ BL3 Jacobs. But as a skill. Not a just a gun. That way his clear is way better. - As a sniper, give him an always crit buff while in in decepti0n. A headshot or crit show could just be MOAR dmg. We can't shoot a lot of bullets anyway, make them worth our while! - For melee zer0 I suggest him being able to temporary gain buffs depending on the enemy. Kill a psycho? Have some movement speed. Kill a baddass? Have some more melee damage! You could gain infusion of the element when you kill an elemental skag, making your melee deal the appropriate elemental type. Bosses excluded since that buff would be wasted by save-quitting.

    Gaige: Gauge always felt limited by her anarchy.. - Anarchy goes up when you take dmg, and it lowers when you don't take dmg! The longer your fight. The better you get. No more shooting a mailbox for max stacks. - More anarchy gives a bit of dmg resistance and health regen, and obviously reload/weapon dmg. - No more accidental reloads, or unbinding your reload key.

    Krieg: I've always loved Krieg. - Permanent psycho mode. A mod already implemented it, borderlands 2.5 iirc. But this would be so sick! A full on pyscho berserk only playthrough could be possible! - He deals with fire for sure, but let his buzzaxe infuse with the elements he comes into contact with. Or give it some perk that the buzzaxe fills with an elemental fluid appropriate to the enemy it hit last for better scaling. - He's a psycho, let us do more crazy shit!? Grabbing an enemy and using it as a shield, totally pyscho. Then give the enemy a kiss on the forehead before telling "GOODNIGHT" and then you shoot and toss him to the side! - Make his psycho rampage mode more entertaining. Right now it's just a melee masher. Again, make him grab and then throw enemies like the hulk (this would work on smaller enemies) . Pounce on enemies, more combat styles other than just "melee". Bigger enemies could be headbutt and then stunned, making for some easy crits afterwards. - Or go god of war on his buzzaxe rampage, he uses his chain on the buzzaxe and just go crazy with a more range-friendly melee style.

    If you came this far I hope you enjoyed the read! Add more crazy suggestions down in the comments!

    submitted by /u/actuallyRjel
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    Should I get Borderlands 2 or ?

    Posted: 30 Nov 2021 10:33 AM PST

    I played‍ 2 but only the CO OP and only occasionally never the memoir

    submitted by /u/itsyourgirlkaterina
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