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    Borderlands Is borderlands 1 worth buying?

    Borderlands Is borderlands 1 worth buying?

    Is borderlands 1 worth buying?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2021 07:29 PM PST

    Borderland games have offernnin steam now due to black friday.. is borderlands 1 worth buying???

    submitted by /u/Icy_Ad5721
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    What's the difference between Borderlands 1 GOTY and Borderlands 1 GOTY Enhanced?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2021 05:30 PM PST

    I bought Borderlands GOTY on Steam recently and noticed it put two games in my library, Borderlands GOTY and Borderlands GOTY Enhanced. What's the difference between these two games, if there is any at all? Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/flamingc00kies
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    Rant/discussion: 5 characters that I wish be vault hunters in the future.

    Posted: 30 Nov 2021 01:43 AM PST

    I recently thought about possible new game vault hunters and come up with few ideas that I would consider viable. POSSIBLE SPOILERS

    1. New soldier type: August/Vaughn

    August - after more time skip post bl3 he actually strikes me as a competent candidate for new soldier type. His bandit background is giving him a street smarts and cunning. He could be kind of "rally the troops" character. I would love to see his lore expanded as well.

    Vaughn - we already know the deal with Vaughn. Goofy, nerdy resistance hero type. Noble at heart. Give a man some tech or other fun gimmick and he is good to go. Rally the troops gimmick suits him as well. That would be the way to give him depth he needed to be more relevant.

    1. Gunning/tech specialist: Fiona/Una Baha

    Fiona - when I played bl3 for the first time I was soooo happy we get to see rhys post events of tales, which made me think: where is Fiona? She could be actually interesting character more so then for example nisha. Alternatively she could be main importance npc in the game and I would be quite satisfied

    Una - We "met" her briefly during hyperion-baha confrontation mission. She seem to be decent inventor herself which could bring nice gimmicks on the menu. As well as keep beloved baha in our hearts once again.

    1. One and only, crowds favorite: (not so) tiny Tina

    Yes I want to play Tina. She would be a matured vault hunter with her side psycho attitude. Explosive specialist can always come in handy. And possibilities for her lore is just a deepless well. Just give us Tina.

    1. Elemental specialist: New firehawk incarnation.

    Another siren huh? Why not? They are fun in their design. I see this as an opportunity to remake phasewalk and make a brand new firehawk. Id rather take that than Ava. I don't mind Ava lore but I see her more as npc in current state.

    1. Wild card (weird and wonderful) Scooper/Wainwright/else

    I love those type of characters: claptrap, aurelia, gaige etc. They reinvent the playstyle into completely something new gameplay wise. New unique gimmicks are fun and always make creating this kind of character refreshing.

    Scooper - claimed to be Scooter son. I cannot help but I'm imagining a guy in a rocket podded, minigun mounted, jet motored wheelchair or such. Seems fun enough to me 😁. Besides that would make scooter live in our hearts once more. Just think its a potential there.

    Wainwright - proved to be competent enough to be fully fledged vault hunter in the time of need. Even if he wanted to live peacefully right now I feel he could pick up his gun and fight as the true Jakobs would do.

    What do you think? Whats your vault hunter ideas?

    submitted by /u/Sizzler1001
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    Could I run Borderlands 3?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2021 07:06 AM PST

    I've seen Borderlands 3 is on sale but unsure if my computer can run it or at the very least can run it on lower settings playable. If not would just getting Borderlands 1 be better? (I already have 2 and pre sequel)

    processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4460S CPU @ 2.90GHz 2.90 GHz ram: 8GB gpu: Nvidia GeForce GTX 660.

    submitted by /u/Mocaff-
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    Is Zane's MNSTIS Cannon considered splash?

    Posted: 30 Nov 2021 06:09 AM PST

    Is Zane's MNSTIS Cannon considered splash?

    submitted by /u/Tizerak
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    Best way to get golden keys?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2021 02:25 PM PST

    I got the bundle for the borderlands series and I didn't know that it game with about 10 golden keys. I used a few, but now I'm wondering on how I can get more? It's hard to resist the temptation to just burn through the few I have lol

    submitted by /u/Zero_Hero75
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    Trouble with Crossplay

    Posted: 29 Nov 2021 02:26 PM PST

    my friends recently got borderlands 3, one on xbox same as me and the other on steam.

    not matter what we try it doesn't let us connect to the steam player, is there any fix to this whatsoever or is this a problem everyone else is having/had

    submitted by /u/PsychoFrett
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    Cant play with my friend on Steam

    Posted: 29 Nov 2021 11:32 PM PST

    For some reason I (on epic games) cannot figure out how to play with my friend on steam. Everytime I send him ShiFt friend request he accepts it, but the accept button just turns orange and hes unable to actually add and play with me. Any help?

    submitted by /u/LatterDayMeme
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    Does starting a new game through the DLC skip the beginning story?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2021 04:21 PM PST

    I never played the DLC, but the story a good couple of times at launch till I stopped.

    Eventually I do want this new character endgame worthy, I just don't wanna do the story right away.

    submitted by /u/WeissLegs
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    A meme on yt I can't find

    Posted: 29 Nov 2021 12:47 PM PST

    Hello I know this might sounds weird but a while ago I saw a video meme on yt, basically it was a guy trying to chat with Lilith in Sanctuary in BL2, She answered the usual "sup killer", the guy joked "I thought you'd say..." then she suddenly said "The lava's rising", the guy got knocked out and he yelled "how is that even possible?!"
    I swear I saw it one day and couldn't find it again

    submitted by /u/KrisNew
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    How do I get the siren elf head in the one shot?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2021 06:14 PM PST

    I've been playing since the launch of 2, and my favorite head on any character to this day is the elven eliminator head for maya. I could have sworn I got it in a dice chest once, but I've been trying the chests for hours and I can't find it. Is it not in the dragons keep one shot? Because I will be very sad if that's the case

    submitted by /u/Dracolo14007
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    Loot explanation?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2021 04:26 PM PST

    Has anyone else gotten any terramorphous gear? I didn't realize you could get his dedicated drops here…

    submitted by /u/SublimePickles
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    Cannot join games

    Posted: 29 Nov 2021 12:09 PM PST

    So when I attempt to join my gf or a slaughter game it gives me a infinite loading screen or it just loads me into this unfinished terrain I can see the clouds move but I'm under a moutain or glitched into some out of bounds ground and I cannot do anything but close the game and restart I tried remaking my character and everything is anyone else having this issue?

    Edit: and it's not the claptrap loading screen it's the loading into the world one it would either give me the out off terrain bs or infinite until she kicked me which then would bring me under the map any help would be grateful sorry this rant is a mess it has made us livid

    Edit: And its PS4

    submitted by /u/BamWY
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    [BL3] Low fps on Rtx2060

    Posted: 28 Nov 2021 09:55 AM PST

    I get 30-50 fps on bl3 at medium-low setting of the game on my laptop.

    The spec are; Rtx 2060 16 gb ram (10 useable because laptop took 5.4gb for background) Core I-5 gen10th

    Is there problem with my laptop and how do I make bl3 stable with 60fps?

    Edit: Will be testing if changing to dx12 would do me any favor.

    UPDATE: After 2 days of testing on setting you guys suggested I have improved fps and not much drop on gameplay ever since.

    The setting I've changed are dx11->dx12 / texture streaming from low to high / Update new geforce to latest / Turn off overlay (nvidia).

    The final result yielded me 50-70 fps on enclosed area and indoor fights and 40-60 on openworld big fights. And while on dx12 little shutters when leaving ironbear and slow on character customization item load.

    Thanks everyone who willing to support and share your experiences.

    submitted by /u/cptmarkii
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    Which to play first?

    Posted: 29 Nov 2021 06:08 AM PST

    Should I play borderlands 2 or the pre-sequel and why?

    submitted by /u/Zaplo194
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    Borderlands 3 problems

    Posted: 29 Nov 2021 08:09 AM PST

    Is it just me or is borderlands 3 way to easy. It feels like I'm breezing through all of the bosses easily compared to bl2. Also the two antagonist characters in the main story are so cringe it make me wanna turn off the sound every time they come on. It like the writers are 40 year old men trying to connect with the "youth" and use streaming as some sort of connection. It just feels like there teaching a sped class and you have to sit there and listen to it. Another thing wrong with this game are the bugs for example the fucking Balex mission where I had to restart the game 4 times because Balex kept getting stuck in the floor. Another thing I hate is the shitty character ava. all I have to say is her voice actor voice makes me wanna stick fire crackers in my ears and her writing make me feel as if I were watching a knock off Disney movie made by my 8 yr old cousin. Over all Ava just sucks doggy doo doo. Anyways those are just some of the problems I see with the game and I just wanted to go on a little rant. This is probably gonna get down voted but...

    submitted by /u/Straight-Platypus-94
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    Should I buy BL1

    Posted: 28 Nov 2021 01:43 PM PST

    I kinda like to play all the games in a series.and if I start later I try the earlier games at least once.I already have like 700 hours on BL2 and I finished the pre sequel a few times. But i wanna ask is it worth it(like AC or Witcher) Or am I gonna be disappointed like (fallout)

    submitted by /u/ThisOneHasNoUsername
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    confused on whichweapons are best.

    Posted: 28 Nov 2021 11:30 AM PST

    Weapon stats really confuse me like why do some low level weapons have higher stats then high level ones and ones with higher rarity also sometimes have worse stats. I dont know what weapon I should use the one that is higher level or the one with higher numbers?

    submitted by /u/nothing08
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    what are good places to farm weapons in borderrlands

    Posted: 28 Nov 2021 07:09 AM PST

    i can't farm the armory of general knoxx, i am farming from the chest in tartarus station but i can't find good weapons there

    submitted by /u/Kukurti
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    Gameplay on consoles?

    Posted: 28 Nov 2021 02:30 AM PST

    Hello! I've got Series X and finally I can catch up‍ with borderland series in playing 3 on it. My PC unfortunately wasnt good enough to run it :( The question actually is, should I? I heard for looooong time that playing Fps games on gamepads is pointless mainly because aiming. I always played sniper characters in this series so i'm worried about character performance using pad to play. Can some of you, console players, talk about how gameplaywise game is playable on consoles?

    submitted by /u/crack_onlyfans
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