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    Wednesday, March 23, 2022

    Borderlands The Mordecai > Zer0 > Zane pipeline. Is it real?

    Borderlands The Mordecai > Zer0 > Zane pipeline. Is it real?

    The Mordecai > Zer0 > Zane pipeline. Is it real?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2022 06:18 PM PDT

    Basically asking, what were your mains in each game? I've seen the list above so many times, and have fallen into it myself, and I wanted to know if it was a common experience, and what other pipelines are there, if any?

    Edit: i leave this alone for 6h and it does better than any other post ive made. basically what im seeing here is when i get to my serious bl3 playthru i should try FL4K, zane is just. very fun for me tbh

    submitted by /u/cadentcorv
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    Borderlands TPS having huge fps drops and not running smooth for no reason (Help)

    Posted: 22 Mar 2022 09:19 AM PDT

    Anyone know what can I do to fix this? Basically the game is running at 40fps for most of the time and dropping down to 20-30 in fights.

    My specs:

    RTX 3070

    Ryzen 5 5600x

    16gb ram

    submitted by /u/franciskratos12
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    Tiny Tina's Next Gen Performance?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2022 07:59 AM PDT

    Does anyone know if this game will have a 120fps mode on Xbox Series X and PS5? Couldn't find anything in a Google search about it so I'm assuming it's 60fps.

    submitted by /u/BorderlineBunk
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    Tiny Tina's co op

    Posted: 23 Mar 2022 07:00 AM PDT

    I'm going to assume it's like the other games in that its split screen and drop in drop out? Is this correct?

    submitted by /u/kornychris2016
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    Gearbox is streaming gameplay for Wonderlands and showing the Character Creator

    Posted: 22 Mar 2022 12:39 PM PDT

    Starting gaige - does deathtrap still have a lot of bugs?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2022 10:40 AM PDT

    I want to spec into bff because I want the unstoppable force skill, so I'm wondering if I should get buck up, explosive clap, and other deathtrap abilities.

    submitted by /u/myghostisdead
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    Borderlands 3 DLC

    Posted: 22 Mar 2022 07:33 PM PDT

    Hello everyone. I have recently been playing BL GOTY enhanced and BL2 with dlc's.

    I bought BL3 in 2020, but I forgot how gearbox likes to add lots of dlc's to keep the game alive.

    Any tip on what exact DLC should I buy for BL3? Like, the ones that actually are new content, like the headhunters in BL2 and other maps. Not the skin packs.

    Thanks in advance, I actually got very lost getting track of every single DLC.

    Any tips on what should I get on steam will be useful on both saving money and time.

    submitted by /u/Dylan_reference
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    Borderlands 2!!!

    Posted: 22 Mar 2022 07:24 PM PDT

    Playing BL2 for the first time since high school in 2013 forgot how much fun this game is, anyone else playing the handsome collection on PS4? If so let me know!!

    submitted by /u/caper_-101
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    Which version of Wonderlands would be the smartest choice?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2022 02:48 PM PDT

    So I pre-ordered BL3 when it came out, just the standard $60 version and then bought all the DLC for fairly cheap late last year. I didn't really keep up with the DLC as they dropped but I know there was a shitstorm with how the season pass only gave you the first 4 DLC and everything after that was an additional purchase, or something like that.

    Are we assuming Wonderlands will follow the same track? Would it be smarter to buy the more expensive version with the season pass or just get the base game and buy the DLC down the line?

    submitted by /u/whaleweaves
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    Dragon Keep One-shot Chubby idea, am I crazy?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2022 05:45 PM PDT

    Trophy chasing time! So I'm told that the chubby spawn will replace a badass spawn. Is that right?

    Well, I have found a reliable badass spawn. If you have the Post-Crumpocalyptic mission running, there's a crumpet in the docks at the end of a pier, near Bony Pants. As long as that crumpet is there, a badass spawns out that door. Leave the crumpet alone, log out, return, yet another badass.

    Now, does this increase my odds of success? A chance on every restart instead of hoping some other skeleton spawns better? Or is this a terrible idea because this particular badass won't ever turn in to a chubby spawn because it's part of some mission related script?

    Your thoughts, internet?

    (I'm at least repeating this until Deathtrap kills 100 of Bony Pants' crew, I'll update if I have luck.)

    submitted by /u/Spaceknight_42
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    Raining pearls?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2022 11:15 AM PDT

    Last week I played Borderlands 1 for the first time. After about 50 Craw kills I got 1 pearl, and after about 30-ish armory runs I got another.

    I just played Borderlands 2 UVHM for the first time and decided to do a midget farm. After only 10 minutes of farming around level 60, they dropped 3 pearls. I proceeded forward and in the room right before Bloodwing, I opened two chests and 2 midgets came out and dropped a fourth pearl.

    Are Borderlands 2 pearls much more common than in the first game, or was that some uber-stupid luck on my side?

    submitted by /u/Tyrag0n
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    Borderlands 1 Levelled Loot

    Posted: 22 Mar 2022 02:20 PM PDT

    Or lack thereof as the case may be.

    First time properly playing BL1 as it just never clicked with me first time around, but got into it over recent weeks in a big way.

    The issue being, is the loot just poorly levelled or am I missing a trick here? I'm lvl 69 and have been for days now,. Plus I'm in ng+ 2.5 on both the base game and all dlc. Yet I only have one single lvl 69 weapon. The rest seem to fleet between lvl 66-68. Mostly lvl 66.

    Plus i have what was a lvl 68 hellfire, but when it's equipped it drops down to lvl 55. I'm assuming this is a graphical glitch as the stats have never changed. But yeah, the lack of lvl 69 gear/weapons is glaring.

    submitted by /u/Prof_Bawbag
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    Best build for a Vladof aligance Moze?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2022 01:28 PM PDT

    Im doing a Vladof aligance playthrough as Moze and am at endgame but dont know what gear or build would be most optimal. Any help would be appreciated.

    submitted by /u/RedSlothGaming3
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    Which character is the least "conditionals based"?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2022 11:22 AM PDT

    By that I mean for example I was really enjoying playing Maya until I got to her skills like wreck or chain reaction. They make me feel bad if I'm not shooting as much as possible during phaselock or if I kill anyone too quickly during a phaselock it feels like a waste. Another example would be most kill skills like axtons onslaught. If I kill someone and have to take cover afterwards it feel like I'm wasting the skill. Or if I can't find someone else to shoot quickly enough it stresses me out. Kills skills like blood soaked shields don't bother me at all though. I guess it's just the stress of trying to get perfect uptimes on these things that bother me.

    submitted by /u/myghostisdead
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    BL2 Tiny Tina DLC not scaling properly in TVHM

    Posted: 22 Mar 2022 10:17 AM PDT

    Playing with our group of 4, we started doing the DLC in chronological order after unlocking TVHM. The DLC scaled properly until we went into NVHM to try our hand at the bosses before going back to TVHM. Now this DLC's quests are locked at 35/37 despite the pause menu saying we are in TVHM, while the enemies are at our level. Is there anything we can do to fix this bug or are we screwed in terms of quest rewards?

    submitted by /u/lnTwain
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    which is better for bl3?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2022 09:58 AM PDT

    So I'm running bl3 on bog standard xbox 1,and currently going through my 3rd run as flak and I've noticed my xboxs frame rate going to what seems like 3fps after I use my action skill (the one where you teleport your pet to another place with gama burst?).

    I'm using a 4k TV, so that might be the issue, but its seriously chugging once I throw a nade, use a projectile shotgun (the ones you have to uses parabolic arcs) and use the skill. I'm already using the performance setting rather than "display" setting....

    Has anyone had this issue? If so how did you fix it?

    submitted by /u/EskimoB9
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