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    Monday, March 28, 2022

    Borderlands Some people are saying Wonderlands is too PC or “woke”?!

    Borderlands Some people are saying Wonderlands is too PC or “woke”?!

    Some people are saying Wonderlands is too PC or “woke”?!

    Posted: 27 Mar 2022 11:21 PM PDT

    On other social media I'm seeing people say it's somehow too PC or something? I'm maybe halfway through but so far it's one side quest with two lesbian or bisexual women and character creation allows one to make a non-binary character, right? But BL has had canonically queer characters since Hammerlock in BL2, plus some real explicit criticism of typical fantasy presentation of women in Assault on Dragon Keep and early Pre-Sequel Torque about the friendzone. The social commentary has never been a primary focus, it's part of the jokes and merely acknowledging that queer characters exist like queer people.

    I mean from everything in Wonderlands I don't see how people zero in on a few parts where it's more inclusive of different types of people. It's pretty damn badass so far with really clever methods of taking classic BL into the fantasy realm. New weapon traits have me really debating on what to roll with, and while I'm still unsure about the primary/secondary class mechanic it's definitely a change up to how I had my old play styles. I really gotta give the BL team props for keeping the games interesting and different, the mechanics and gunplay are great and the story is much better than BL3 IMHO. There are legit criticisms out there but why do some people focus on shit that doesn't matter? Don't make a non-binary character if you don't want, but nothing about their "wokeness" is really off from what BL has always done

    submitted by /u/aggie1391
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    Reticle too Low? Wonderlands

    Posted: 28 Mar 2022 11:18 AM PDT

    I've been having a blast in the game, fun gameplay and refreshing after not really digging 3. The only issue that I notice and maybe it's just me, but the reticle feels like it's lower than it should be? Or like looking through scopes I see the tops of it but not the bottom part.

    It just throws me off a little and weirdly I can feel myself craning my head to get a different angle, lol. Is this just me?

    Edit: Never mind, there is literally an option for reticle position. Oops!

    submitted by /u/CrunchyRaisins
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    Was the UI always this bad?

    Posted: 28 Mar 2022 01:53 AM PDT

    Like the title sais, was the UI always this bad at the beginning?

    I only played BL3 pretty late in its lifetime. Even there the UI wasnt great but in WL its just so bad that it alone makes me want to quit the otherwise very good game.

    Some things that are bad:

    • Chaos chamber buffs/curses/stages stay after a new run making it impossoble to know which you currently have
    • Tooltips closing instantly mostly for stats like str/dex/int/...
    • Lagging especially when marking items in quick succession
    • Map showing unintuitive behaviour. When moving cursor over a teleporter it wont always set this teleport as the target. also why cant we teleport via clicking on it?
    • empty quest log
    • Having to tight click out over mything rank each time because it doesnt correctly show in which quadrant you are right now

    Those are just the things that come to mind quickly. There are many more litte things that are annoying.

    Did they improve it in the older games?

    submitted by /u/Urganot
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    My current experience with Tiny Tina's Wonderlands (TTWL)

    Posted: 28 Mar 2022 05:20 AM PDT

    I'm not an OG fan of the game, I've only started playing all games borderlands-related 2 years ago (excluding BL1). I wouldn't say I'm exactly a die-hard fan, but this has been one of the most entertaining games franchises I've ever played, just in my own opinion (I've sunk the most hours in all BL related). TTWL will undoubtedly be another game that I will be way too obsessed about.

    Sure, maybe my computer isn't good enough to run at high graphics, sure, the game does have its bugs, sure, the game is confusing at times, but I'm treating it all completely like it's a mysterious experience (dumb yes, but fun for me). I guess I don't really have much to say about the graphics, The game can look better on high graphics, but I really do think I can sacrifice great-for-good for better performance. Bugs I have encountered are certain sounds being gone, UI elements disappearing and I guess enemies spawning down below the map, but these issues are usually very rare and resolved after a couple of minutes of playing. Suffice to say, I have not experienced too many issues.

    I really enjoyed BL3's gameplay (I think we can all agree BL3's story was distasteful), so many of the changes that appeared in TTWL blew me away. The crossbows, new weapon "types" (like one-pump Jakobs/Blackpowder weapons), the magical spell shotguns, were genuinely so interesting as new barrel types and mechanics that for me just shooting the weapons themselves were enough to be interesting enough for gameplay. The spells were also very cool! No more cooldowns, they're gone for days, they're like a new action skill ability for you to use. I am additionally, genuinely impressed by how well implemented the combat loop was. Maybe it's just me, but shooting the enemies while shooting your spells then meleeing every other enemy occasionally seems like such a breath of fresh air compared to the previous more gun-driven (of if you played Krieg, melee-drive) gameplay that existed. Now it feels like your options for going out and killing your enemy are much more diverse, allowing you to take on a range of ways to rip and tear.

    I think when I said confusing earlier I really just meant my limited brainpower in figuring out where and what to do because there's so much! It really truly feels like you get to go out on your own adventure and choose how you want to beat the game. Although it is realistically my first playthrough (that I don't think I'm halfway done, doing all the side quests and all that), I feel like I have so much freedom in deciding how I want to explore, move along the map, fight anything I want, go anywhere I want, and it will always feel like I'm making progress as the FATEMAKER. A continuation of the note of exploration, I really do think that other than collecting collectibles serving a meaningful purpose narratively and progression-wise, the beauty of the maps and how they enhance your adventure really makes running around blindly looking for things so much more grandeur.

    I'm looking forward to playing more of this game with my friend on the weekends or with you (if you happen to live in a part of Asia so lag doesn't kill us)! There are so many things I want to do, and haven't done that it's literally boiling my anticipation meter to its fullest, I hope you're having as much of a blast as I am and am interested to discuss what you think about this game!

    Tl;dr I really like TTWL, and like a nerd, I wrote a 5 paragraph essay, but it's my vent and I just really like the new changes to gameplay, exploration, and willing to overlook the bugs/issues of the game to have a good ol' fun time.

    submitted by /u/Yoboiguitar
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    Zomboss Won’t Spawn

    Posted: 28 Mar 2022 10:26 AM PDT

    I beat Zomboss as part of the story, but now when I go back to farm her she doesn't spawn. All the enemies before her spawn, but Zomboss doesn't spawn. Has anyone else run into this issue?

    submitted by /u/Bugsausage
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    Crazy Earl type character

    Posted: 28 Mar 2022 09:29 AM PDT

    Is there a crazy Earl type person where you can buy heads, colours and stuff?

    submitted by /u/WeathalAye
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    Health Shields

    Posted: 28 Mar 2022 01:59 PM PDT

    Has anyone found any shields that give more health in Wonderlands yet? Something like Rough Rider.

    submitted by /u/_FgtKek_
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    I hate to add to the complaints, but the map navigation needs work!

    Posted: 28 Mar 2022 12:01 PM PDT

    • Cursor seems to stick to the player icon until frantic click-dragging gets it free
    • Can't scroll with W,A,S,D
    • Needs Details on how many Lucky dice have been found/remain per area
    • Needs 'Player' option near the fast-travel options to quickly find current location after scrolling around
    submitted by /u/TallWhiteandNerdy
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    Having issues with borderlands handsome collection disk

    Posted: 28 Mar 2022 03:20 PM PDT

    When I put my handsome collection disk into my Xbox it does not load up the game as it brings me up to a screen which lets me manage borderlands 2 and the pre sequel I have even went to a different Xbox to try to load it up after installation it still was giving me the same problem.

    "Do you own this game or app?"

    "If you have a game disc insert it now if you bought this online make sure you've signed in. If you don't have rights for playing it, you'll need to get it at the Microsoft store."

    Can anyone please help I just want to play this game again.

    submitted by /u/EatYourHeart-out-
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    when can I do co op in tiny tina wonderland with my gf?

    Posted: 28 Mar 2022 03:20 PM PDT

    Hello we just both did the first mission just before entering brighthoof for the mission hero of brighthoof but we still can't do co op so was wondering when we are able to do co op? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Pulse_Of_Me
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    And they’ll tell two friends

    Posted: 28 Mar 2022 11:03 AM PDT

    Hi everybody, I'm looking to platinum borderlands ps3 and this is the most daunting trophy. Does anybody have this that's willing to spare the time?

    submitted by /u/TheRealJackCaudwell
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    Searching for help

    Posted: 28 Mar 2022 02:05 PM PDT

    Currently playing Borderlands 1 GOTY and just beat the main story. I could use help beating the DLC's. I play on switch, my friendcode is 5328-2503-1227. I'm a lvl 38 Siren

    submitted by /u/Foggykitty
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    [BUG?] Unable to hex edit my game

    Posted: 28 Mar 2022 10:17 AM PDT

    IDK if I should be asking for help here, but basically I'm unable to hex edit Borderlands 2 so I could play with mods. Every time I try and go to my hex editing software, It keeps telling me "Pattern not found". I've tried to validate my files, have tried to delete the folder, have tried different editors etc. The strange thing is that this has only been an issue with my new computer instead of my old one. Do any people with the same issue or know a fix for this?

    submitted by /u/lumicatti
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    So much to learn and understand, Tiny Tina’s wonderlands.

    Posted: 28 Mar 2022 10:10 AM PDT

    In the hero stats menu my dexterity stat shows +20.0% crit chance but above that near loot luck and dark magic it says "critical hit chance 0.0%.. what's is the difference between "crit hit chance" and "crit chance" I mean are they both not the exact same thing with an extra word added into one of them?

    submitted by /u/GanglingGiant
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    Pre Sequel CO OP classes

    Posted: 28 Mar 2022 10:04 AM PDT

    Starting a pre sequel run as Athena usong Phalanx tree so I can be more of a medic/support role, my friend is dping Wilhelm but not sure if its his jam. He's doing Nisha in his solo run and says he really enjoys it; do Nisha and Athena pair well together?

    submitted by /u/Skinwalker686
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    Option to toggle Class Feats on/off.

    Posted: 28 Mar 2022 01:36 PM PDT

    Just suggesting a way to turn off Demi-Lich Companion off in a possible update.

    submitted by /u/leer333
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    What is your favourite gun/spell?

    Posted: 28 Mar 2022 09:36 AM PDT

    What is your favourite/best gun/spell so far in Tiny Tina's Wonderlands?

    submitted by /u/_-bobo-_
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    Has anyone had any issues with Trophies not popping?

    Posted: 28 Mar 2022 01:13 PM PDT

    I just completed Walk the Stalk, but the trophy, "Parasites Lost" hasn't popped, although it did for my co-op partner. I've tried restarting the game, etc.

    I'm getting really frustrated with all the issues now. I love these games, but this one, whilst fantastic fun, is grating on me - sometimes my Quest Log doesn't work, other times the HUD says all my companions are dead, other times I can't see the Level Up menu descriptions for more than 1,000th of a second, amongst other annoyances.

    submitted by /u/LordWrust
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    Wonderlands - How is the overall game length / size (doing all quests etc) seeming compared to previous Borderlands titles? Thanks in advance.

    Posted: 28 Mar 2022 01:04 PM PDT

    Wonderlands - How is the overall game length / size (doing all quests etc) seeming compared to previous Borderlands titles? Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/Severe-Draw-5979
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    Anyone else buy the wrong version of wonderlands.

    Posted: 28 Mar 2022 12:52 PM PDT

    Been playing and just realised I bought last gen one version and not the S/X version. The base 60 game is last gen and there is no way to upgrade to the X unless you buy the complete 70 dollar game. I'm trying for a refund but it sounds unlikely. Idk maybe should pay more attention or 2k can't be more clear on the store page.

    Has anyone else done this on their PSs and xboxs?

    submitted by /u/XxThexJanitorxX
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    Deciding which Wonderlands Version to get.

    Posted: 28 Mar 2022 08:52 AM PDT

    Hello Borderlands Community. I have been a long time Borderlands fan I played the first one when it came out as well as the sequels. Also I have bought the Handsome Jack collection more times than I would like to admit. That being said after borderlands 3 I was hesitant to get Wonderlands. Granted Bl3 isn't a terrible game but somewhere along my first playthrough and subsequent playthroughs I started to feel like the game didn't quite have the same feel as 1 and 2.

    Anyway my point is I decided to not pre-order wonderlands and wait to see on it. Now after seeing gameplay and reviews I have decided to buy it. Now I have to decide whether to get it on my older PC or PS4.

    A couple things to consider are that my PS4 isn't a pro and my PC only meets the minimum requirements. My main concern is getting the game on the platform that doesn't necessarily look the best but has the best performance. So I was wondering what your guys opinions and experiences on this matter. Which version do you recommend I get for the best experience?

    submitted by /u/Superfantasy
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    Does Wonderlands feel too easy to anyone else?

    Posted: 28 Mar 2022 12:35 PM PDT

    Im enjoying myself a lot blasting enemies but it feels like I cant die ever. I play graveborn and my action skill just almost one shots all the enemies in an area and even when Im not using my action skill I can just run around without any fear of even getting close to dying.

    Today I pumped up the difficulty to intense and it made things a little bit more difficult but I can still pretty much just run around aimlessly without a worry in my mind of dying. For example in borderlands 3 I cant just straight up run at everything and not die, especially when my build is nowhere near ready and I dont have the best weapons for my class.

    submitted by /u/Nikostiny
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    There needs to be an easier way to mass trash items in your backpack.

    Posted: 28 Mar 2022 12:24 PM PDT

    I'm going to flair this with Wonderlands as that's what most of us are currently playing, but I've really had this complaint for a long time now in Borderlands. They make it so convenient and easy to sell trash/junk items to vendors and clear out your inventory. The game is designed for you to pick up all kinds of weapons. Yet, the only way to mass junk/trash items is individually clicking on each one? Why? It takes so much extra time to do so and the whole time I'm just wondering why I'm individually doing this if the result would be the same amount of button clicks if I were to just sell them individually to a vendor.

    My solution? Add an option to "trash all in backpack". Maybe make it so it won't ever trash a legendary/favorited. But there seriously needs to be this option. The X button on Xbox doesn't seem to do anything in the inventory screen, bind it to that button.

    Please Gearbox. I want to use your convenient options to mass sell junk/trash, but right now, it is just way faster to favorite all of my equipped weapons, and then rapidly press A to sell items in the vending machine.

    submitted by /u/DemonSlyr007
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    Make the end credits skippable.

    Posted: 28 Mar 2022 02:44 PM PDT

    Why make players have a sour taste at the end of the game just to display a bunch of names no one is going to read. Don't get me wrong I loved the game and i think the people involved did a fantastic job. That dosen't make me want to sit and read a thousand people's names for 10 mins. There is even an option on the title screen to watch the credits If you want to see them. Why force the credits down your players throat before they can even pick up the end boss loot. I'm currently writing this while the credits continue to scroll. It's pretty Infuriating.

    15 plus minutes I sat waiting to loot the boss. Thats crazy.

    submitted by /u/Wisdomlost
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