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    Wednesday, March 30, 2022

    Borderlands BL4 Weapon Type Wants and New Gimmicks

    Borderlands BL4 Weapon Type Wants and New Gimmicks

    BL4 Weapon Type Wants and New Gimmicks

    Posted: 30 Mar 2022 02:20 AM PDT

    Rocket Launchers change to "Heavy Weapons" to allow for more variety

    Atlas - Now takes the Crossbow approach of Wonderlands and doesn't fire traditional bullets and fires Eridian Fragments and every bullet lodged into an enemy deals 3% more Gun or Melee Damage

    - Sniper Rifle Added

    COV Now S&S Munitions returns from being S&S Accessories

    - Replaces COV as they took all the Bandits weapons to get back in business

    - SMG Added

    - Their SMG are Spray type weapons like the Musket from BL3 etc Flamethrowers / Arc Casters / Acid Spitters / Cryothrowers / Microwave Emitters / Transfusion Rays


    - Shotguns Added

    - The Shotguns are typically 1x5>7 Variants and always cost 1 bullet to fire but can select the fire mode

    - Shotguns that can swap between Single Fire, Burst Fire or Full Auto

    - A Double Barrel Shotgun Variant that can fire one chamber or swap to blast both at once


    - Assault Rifles Added

    - Hyperion Assault rifles are more like 'LMGs' and benefit just absolutely spraying the enemy down but take a bit longer for the accuracy to kick in than SMG


    - Heavy Weapons Added

    - Their Heavy Weapons are Grenade Launchers


    - Heavy Weapons Added

    - Their Heavy Weapons are Massive Laser Cannons like Spartan Lasers


    - Heavy Weapons Added

    - Throwing the Heavy Weapon causes it to fly like just like a Rocket just like in Borderlands 2 - Effectively adding another rocket in the magazine


    - SMG Added

    - Rapid fire SMG added - They act just like normal Torgue with explosive rounds and reloading sticky rounds


    - Shotguns Added

    - Super Fast Full Auto Shotguns

    - Grenade Launcher and Spikes Secondary that deals Melee Damage



    - Wanting a piece of the weaponry market they decided to turn their Shield Technology into their weapons

    - Railgun Munitions and AMP Barrier

    - Very High Velocity and Damage weaponry

    - Pressing Alt Fire creates a stationary AMP Barrier that DOESN'T BLOCK Bullets but will instead increase damage when shot through it OR grants additional effects such as adding Elemental Damage to Bullets

    - The Weapons when ADS charge from 0 to 100% and at 100% they deal more AMP'd damage at the cost of more bullets

    - When fully charged Up the Bullets puncture enemies AND CAN TUNNEL THROUGH THE ENVIRONMENT like a built in 'Bore' or the Auger from Resistance

    - Pistols - Assault Rifles - Snipers - Shotguns

    - Their Shotguns shoot a Line that cuts through all enemies (Wonderlands Magic Shotgun)


    - BL1 scrapped Manufacturer returns

    - Scavenged parts from every other manufacturers OLD weapons and Cobbled together appearance to mass produce weaponry so very light and look like a miss mosh hybrid of other weapons

    - Trying to increase their customer base Corazza are having a special offer on all Pistols, SMG, AR and Shotgun weaponry. For every weapon you buy you get another one for free which is attached onto the weapon either at the side OR the weapon is split in HALF to create two small versions of the weapon

    - Alt-Fire to Split the weapon in half to create a weapon into your other hand for a limited time - Increasing reload times and removing the ability to aim down sights. Press again to put your weapon back together again

    - The weapons are light granting High Mobility and Swap Speeds and keep their max walking speed when ADS when in normal mode and Hip-Fire and Weapons are quick to fire from sprinting and Accuracy Excellent from coming from sprinting Also has exceptional Accuracy Recovery due to how light they are – Stop firing and notice how quick your accuracy will return

    - Slightly larger magazines than normal and less damage you will burn through your max ammo pools if you are not careful because you are effectively shooting double ammo in dual wield mode

    Legendary items could offer bonuses while you are duel-wielding – Such as slightly regenerating ammo while in combat, health regeneration while in combat, increased accuracy and recoil reduction or Twin fangs in which you have a 25% chance to not consume ammo etc

    submitted by /u/AAHill92
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    Little Boys Blue is an awesome quest.

    Posted: 29 Mar 2022 09:06 PM PDT

    It's super funny and has a lot of good references. Such a great quest! and killing smurfs is a lot of fun

    submitted by /u/TheBarberOfFleetSt
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    For the love of God reduce the text over the mushroom companion: Tiny Tina Wonderlands

    Posted: 29 Mar 2022 07:28 AM PDT

    I'm literally aiming through text lol and there's nothing I can do. Am I the only one that thinks the text is abnormally large over the pet. I can't see

    submitted by /u/The-Movements-
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    Borderlands 3 or Wonderlands?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2022 02:16 AM PDT

    Putting aside the price difference, which one should I pick up? :)

    submitted by /u/MarleyJMusic
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    Borderlands 1 GOTY co-op

    Posted: 29 Mar 2022 11:10 PM PDT

    can anyone tell me if the Borderlands GOTY or the enhanced edition support online co-op or is it LAN only?

    Also, can you play the campaing in multiplayer?

    submitted by /u/invisible_being
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    So let me get this straight, Wonderlands DOES NOT have a New Game+/TVHM?

    Posted: 30 Mar 2022 02:46 AM PDT

    Any word on if they'll add it in an update, cause…

    What's the point of maxing out if we can't replay the story with our characters? That was the most fun for me in the previous games and where a lot of my time was spent. Creating a new build exactly the same as my old one to go through the story again just seems to utterly pointless. Because, once i max out and have my perfect build…what am I supposed to do?

    I know a lot of you see the story as a hinderance to your loot grind, but for players like me, it was the creme of the proverbial Boston Creme Donut. I LOVED playing through the game multiple times because I'm not a fan of mindlessly farming bosses for better loot just to go mindlessly farm another one. I loved getting my set-gear with my set-stats and running through the story with my favorite loadout again, and again and again.

    submitted by /u/Dee_Dubya_IV
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    What buffs the Stabbomancer capstone skill?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2022 08:51 PM PDT

    Just wondering if anyones tested what buffs the damage of the Ethereal Blades that the Stabbomancer capstone skill makes? Is it just a flat damage number based on the equipped melee weapon or do skills that buff melee damage like Follow Up from earlier in the tree also buff it?

    submitted by /u/TheLaughingMa
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    Do you prefer the borderlands skill tree system or the multi class system of Wonderlands more?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2022 07:59 AM PDT

    I honestly prefer the borderlands skill tree system more due to the fact not all classes harmonize well in my opinion where as the 3 skill trees were deliberately made to work together. Still loving the new game regardless.

    submitted by /u/1309Log
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    Lost 15 hours of progress in Wonderlands

    Posted: 29 Mar 2022 07:23 PM PDT

    I just logged on tonight and my character was level 14 instead of level 30, I lost all my loot, and my quest progress was reset to early game.

    Has this happened to anyone else? This puts a sour taste in my mouth for an otherwise great game. Are there any fixes right now?

    submitted by /u/Smallgenie549
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    is there a reason I can't buy the base version of wonderlands on series x?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2022 10:44 PM PDT

    I was gonna buy the game but it's limiting me to buying the more expensive versions. Is this a bug with the store?

    submitted by /u/SonofthePleadies
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    Question: Does Wonderlands use the same netcode as Borderlands 3?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2022 12:07 PM PDT

    I was hopping to buy or maybe get the game soon to play through it with my best friend, thing is, we live in different countries. America and Europe.

    Borderlands 3 was unplayable for me with people who weren't on the same region as me, since all bullets were delayed by 0.5 to a second. We tried wired connection too. Does Wonderlands suffer from this too?

    submitted by /u/MurasaKiso
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    Tiny tina's wonderland bug help

    Posted: 29 Mar 2022 10:30 PM PDT

    Was about to enter the God's Well location to move on int he story but it wants me to go back to the fast travel location and couldn't actually go into the God's well. I went back to the fast travel and God's well still isn't showing up can't seem to even access the location to get back to God's well as the ship you normally break in now fully repaired and won't break.

    submitted by /u/XZ2V
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    loot rarity balance in wonderlands feels so much better

    Posted: 29 Mar 2022 12:15 AM PDT

    Just finished the main story today, and after watching someone play bl3 a bit after, it's crazy how many legendaries you get just going through the story of bl3. legendaries are cool and all but I don't want them spewing out of every boss, miniboss and badass I kill. I like them being rare and exciting when you see one, like in bl2 farming for that perfect sham or Bitch from the bunker. seeing that yellow light beam trough the loot pile is always exciting. bl3 made legendaries so ubiquitous so your entire loadout just turns yellow after the first playtrough.

    I am happy to see the rarity of loot spawning late game in wonderlands isn't just legendary after legendary and purple and blue items still feel very powerful. I might just be speaking out of my ass here but that's what I remember from playing bl3.

    submitted by /u/VelvetCake101
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    Level 14 blue spell has carried me through most of the game. Don’t understand the scaling on this game.

    Posted: 29 Mar 2022 08:51 AM PDT

    It's called concentrated magic barrage of the condemned. 353x2 damage cooldown 12.4, 2 projectiles. 1000 percent spell damage, 400 percent spell crit chance 110 percent status effect damage and 200 percent spell radius. I'm a stabbomancer, so with the crazy crit damage I produce, this spell is nasty.

    submitted by /u/IndieDC3
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    Boss Ability Spam in end-game on Xbox

    Posted: 29 Mar 2022 10:01 PM PDT

    So, has anyone been having any issues with bosses spamming abilities in the chambers? I mean like the spectral aegis just being summoned the second it dies, so the boss has the shield forever up, or the 6 fire orbs from Vorcanar just being used every 15-20 seconds when the previous ones are still chasing you?

    submitted by /u/MarriedMule13
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    Does primary vs secondary class matter?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2022 04:45 PM PDT

    Heyo! Just a quick question for those already playing the game. Aside from the primary class being permanent and the secondary being changeable later on, does it make a difference which class goes into which slot?

    Like, is a Brrzerker/Spore Warden the same as a Spore Warden/Brrzerker?

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/BetaNights
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    can't use Skullantir spell

    Posted: 29 Mar 2022 08:19 PM PDT

    Why can't I use the Skullantir legendary spell I'm level forty and it only says Dragonl Lord Pack whats wrong

    submitted by /u/cagedhc
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    Terramorphous the invincible

    Posted: 29 Mar 2022 04:09 PM PDT

    Hey guys can anyone help me defeat terramorphous on borderlands 2 ps4 my gamertag is rgnightmare.

    submitted by /u/Mental_Mammoth_6370
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    How far have you made it into Tiny Tina's?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2022 07:43 PM PDT

    Just seeing how far everybody has made it into the campaign / side missions. Today I finished the rest of the side missions, I'm done the campaign missions so I'm pretty much just on chaos runs and then not sure what else to do

    submitted by /u/BrodyTheBK
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    Posted: 29 Mar 2022 07:33 PM PDT

    Does anyone else freeze up when leaving the "social menu" (which also doesn't work)?…….I've also seen 2 Switch codes; both of which I entered, they both say redeemed, and I only got 1 gold key?

    submitted by /u/JoshKap420
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    Preorder armor missing

    Posted: 29 Mar 2022 12:26 PM PDT

    So I had pre ordered wonderlands and forgot it came with bonuses. I go to the mailbox and see the armor and the skin. I accept both of them and it says they'll be delivered into my inventory (I had enough space in inventory to hold it) I go to my inventory and can't find the armor anywhere. I want to know if I'm the only one having this problem

    submitted by /u/Gemparziva106
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    Assistance for "And They'll Tell Two Friends" achievement on PC for non-enhanced edition?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2022 06:57 AM PDT

    If anyone could aid me out with this one that‍ would be awesome!

    submitted by /u/Chronomuim_RSA
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    Pre-order Bonus Question

    Posted: 29 Mar 2022 08:11 AM PDT

    Sorry if this is a dumb question. Is it possible for the Dragon Lord items you get for pre-ordering to show up in vending machines or otherwise be re-obtainable at max level? i.e. skullantir

    submitted by /u/Dash-Fl0w
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    The online/co-op experience of Tiny Tina's Wonderlands is just awful

    Posted: 29 Mar 2022 01:03 PM PDT

    Every single time I've joined a game is a random much more advanced or earlier quest and my team are super far away and I have to walk all the way.

    I've been kicked several times for no reason.

    The desync and lag are awful.

    And I literally just finished the whole game without a clue of what was happening because I joined a game where it seems they just killed the final boss as soon as I joined and now I see credits and my game is frozen?

    What a huge disappointment for me, the game was amazing but the online experience was soo bad.

    submitted by /u/alvaro761991
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    Is wonderlands worth full price, or should I wait for a sale

    Posted: 29 Mar 2022 04:46 PM PDT

    Don't like the epic games stor so just gonna get it on my ps5 but $70 is crazy

    submitted by /u/unkamenramen
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