• Breaking News

    Monday, March 16, 2020

    Borderlands It's actually insane how often I'll die in FFYL because I literally just killed an enemy and go down to a random barrel explosion of DoT.

    Borderlands It's actually insane how often I'll die in FFYL because I literally just killed an enemy and go down to a random barrel explosion of DoT.

    It's actually insane how often I'll die in FFYL because I literally just killed an enemy and go down to a random barrel explosion of DoT.

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 09:08 AM PDT

    It's incredible. In my whole borderlands career it has happened hundreds of times. It's like they have a "fuck you" switch they turn on just before they die.

    submitted by /u/ZettaSlow
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    Borderlands 3 player count tops 90,000 on Steam, six months after launch

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 04:25 PM PDT

    From PCGamesN:

    Borderlands 3 peaked at 93,820 players on Sunday, March 15, as SteamDB shows. That puts it firmly in the territory of Steam's most popular games, and it's still hovering at the number 13 spot as of this story – clearly, a substantial number of people were waiting for the Steam version, and the substantial 50% discount that accompanied this release probably helped.

    At the original launch back on the Epic Store, Gearbox chief Randy Pitchford said that the Borderlands 3 PC player count had doubled that of Borderlands 2 – which would put the new game at a peak of nearly 250,000, far beyond even the impressive numbers that the Steam release is posting now.

    submitted by /u/Frocharocha
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    Borderlands 3 - "Guns, Love, and Tentacles" First 12 Minutes of Gameplay

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 07:41 AM PDT


    (I just wanted to post it as a link or a video, but it would only let me create a text post for some reason.)

    submitted by /u/Ceiyne
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    New steam player, my self and a friend have avoided all the news on this game we could for fucking forever and frankly BL3 is bloody good.

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 07:36 PM PDT

    The gameplay feels pretty damn good, the gun play for me atleast feels better than BL2 and each VH feels decent to play even if im pretty sure im a moze main now and im not sure ill go back to the other three,

    BL3 is basically just as good as we was hoping it was, the fact leggos actually drop through out the leveling is a really nice touch as in the previous games without mods that shit was pretty damn rare in my experience, even though most of the leggos that drop arnt really my jam but ofc my friend just happens to need just that very thing but i just tend to call dibs on shit i actually want he loots as a result (the fucker got the first leggo class mod for example),

    all in all so far its pretty good, im rather looking forward to getting an end game mech build together in new game+,

    my only real complaint if i can call it that is so far the story is what im going to dub an "idiot plot" in so much as the only reason the story moves along at all is because all the protagonists eat glue and bricks, mayas death for example, i would have thought she would notice someone draining the life from her and do anything, same with lilith getting all fucked up is due to seemingly pure retardation, i find it hard to belive this is the same pair of badasses that did all the cool shit in the previous games.

    Edit: also while its only a small thing the reload animations in the game are fucking fantastic, alot of the hand cannon reloads are some of the best ive come across, plus sliding around and being able to climb are things i didnt know i needing in a Bl game until now and im not sure i can go back to not having them.

    submitted by /u/Dobzords
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    I think fighting bandits in BL2 is better than fighting them in BL3

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 05:19 AM PDT

    I think they really lost personality and diversity.

    Yeah, Zealots have more different appearances, but that's useless when 80% of them look generic and look not very different from someone I'd fight in Mad Max, Fallout 3 or Rage. I miss the masks Marauders had in previous games, they had more personality than this ones

    Thankfully Goliaths were only improved, but the BL2 Nomads were replaced by Enforcers, who share the same models with the new Bruisers (which are super lame compared to the classic ones) and those guys with machetes and car doors, which are a new addition, but so pathetic to fight agaisnt that they barely batter

    The other addition was Hags, which I quite enjoy as enemies because they are very distinct, but that's pretty much all (apart from Tink Turrets guess. Those Sniper guys don't really count since we already had that in the Torgue DLC)

    And togheter with the completely removal of all the Rat Bandits (I miss the Lab Rats, they were pretty cool, but not those that stole your money, fuck them), all the Bandits being COV really reduced the diversity and flavour when fighting them.

    In BL2 we'd have a few different bandit clans, that'd wear their specific colors and some distinct equipment like masks. But now they all partake the same big clan, and despite being encountered in many different locations, they all look the same, and there's no bandit variety specific for a certain place or planet. We could have something like a tech bandit using salvaged/stolen Atlas or Maliwan gear in Promethea, or a something specific to Eden 6, maybe a dinosaur rider, that'd be awesome.

    submitted by /u/not_anakin
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    Level-scaled boss-drop guns farmable prior to the end of the game?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 10:08 PM PDT

    I'm on my first playthrough and the legendary gun Killavolt dropped for me at level ~14, a Shocking 9-Volt SMG was wonderful for my build and just all-around super fun to use. I used it for ~10 levels but it's finally fallen behind in damage. I want one appropriate to my level. Is there a way I can farm Killavolt prior to finishing the game?

    submitted by /u/AtomikRadio
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    Enemies completely underleveled

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 09:48 PM PDT

    I was playing with my friend in co-op, hes lvl 49 now and im lvl 31, but the enemies for him are lvl 24 and mine are lvl 6. Earlier it was 20 and 1. It's hard to get xp trying to help him with his story because he grinded other xp sources and im getting nothing mowing down these guys

    submitted by /u/JoeyRuns5
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    Wainwright... you're looking good today (He just walked through the house... I've no idea what happened, anyone see this before?)

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 01:46 PM PDT

    Probably old news, but Gigamind's chest is now farmable on every reload.

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 12:31 PM PDT

    I just noticed last night when I was farming him. Normally you can only open it once every x number of minutes or whatever but now it's unlockable after every reload.

    submitted by /u/Collusion_illusion
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    Can't play with friends because Shift servers are down for maintenance

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 07:57 PM PDT

    Any way around this?

    submitted by /u/AyJenkins
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    Play on Corona and Handsome Jack

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 10:16 PM PDT

    The original line is just give it up kiddo. Bloodwings got ALL the elements at her disposal. Fire. Electricity. Slag. Corrosion. That's out of order obviously.

    My take is. Just give it up kiddo. I've got all the viruses at my disposal. The flu. Ebola. Small pox. CORONA!

    submitted by /u/F1r5TBl0oD23
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    When would you say is the optimal time to start the DLC on a first playthrough?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 10:04 PM PDT

    Be it story-wise or gameplay-wise. I kind of want to wait until the end of the main story, but at the same time I'm really tempted by that juicy Seein' Dead COM. Oh, and speaking of--do you have to be playing as Zane to get that COM, or can it drop regardless of which character you're playing?

    submitted by /u/Xaldyn
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    What vault hunter should I pick?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 09:59 PM PDT

    I want to replay the game as a character besides Axton because I already beat the game like three times as the best lad and Zer0 because another friend picked him and I don't feel like stealing their idea. Any ideas?

    submitted by /u/WamuuPillarMen69
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    To all the Zaniacs out there.

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 09:53 PM PDT

    Hi mates Im in Love with Zane Right now, just to open that up. Before him i was playing fl4k because i loved the idea of having a Skag on my side and being an absolut crit... beast. Now that this second love came into my life i find my self using the same "toys" as before. Dont get me wrong the Maggie is still my favorite Pistole in the game and all the other weapons i used with fl4k are doing even better on Zane it feels like. But i would like to spice up this new relationship.

    Let's get to the Point.

    What are/is some super fun weapons/gear to use with Zane? I bet you guys got all kinds of interesting ideas, be creative.

    submitted by /u/OnkelHerpes
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    A critical analysis of the franchise and BL3's reception

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 03:33 AM PDT

    Greetings everyone.

    I've been browsing this and other subreddits linked to the franchise for the last year since news and leaks started approaching BL3's release, mostly because I really like the series of games and it's concept and still consider it the best looter shooter in the industry because of it's lack of (heavy) monetization practises, quality&quantity content and good support after launch that combined surpasses it's competition tenfold. This is in no way trying to throw shade at all and just a means for you guys to understand how much I like this series and, because of that, how difficult it is to me to judge it as harshly as I'm about to do right now, but I feel like it the current state of the sub with it's complains and comparisons with BL3 and previous games aren't exactly accurate and sometimes going as far as omiting previously faulty design and writing mistakes in some cases, which leads to a certain bias in quite a few posts and arguments brought up here.

    I will be looking at each game separately from what I think is the worst to finally what I think is the best game in the entire franchise, so we get more and more positive the longer this goes up. Of course, this is my opinion on the matter, so while I'm not gonna be putting "in my opinion...my thoughts on this are...I believe..." on every sentence, I feel it's pretty safe to asume this is mostly subjective and not an objective fact. This is going to be very long read, you guys can just go ahead and skip to Borderlands 3 or the conclusions if you don't like reading about how I point out things I didn't particularly liked about previous games, it's fine by me. Calling me out on things I have wrong/you think I got wrong/you disagree with, that's also perfectly fine to me.

    So without further ado, let's get to it:

    ---Borderlands 1---

    The almighty godfather, the originator, the light in the dark tunnel that inspired our further obsession down the loot hunt for a lot of us. A fairly decent, albeit incomplete and rushed prototype of something that could have been much more and which potential doesn't really quite reach the highs of what newer, more polished games have done and the reason why this is lowest on my personal list.

    Gameplay has it's high and lows. On one hand I will argue that the guns have weight and look better than the ones in BL2, but unfortunately, it doesn't have the same amount of variety and sometimes it really feels like the manufacturers are just a different name with slighty different stats, they don't really stand out from one another with the exception of Maliwan, and that's mostly because of how broken and useful they are with it's elemental damage. The UI is clean, fast, and with some of the QoL improvements brought in the Enhanced edition, easier to navigate. I don't really miss the weapon mastery system, it felt like a grind and not something enjoyable if you didn't feel like using a specific weapon. Quests are for the most part awful and basically "go there kill X/find Y/collect Z" tier garbage that you see in your average online game without any of the flavor of the sequels, but I can admit they don't slow you down as future entries with long amounts of dialog, which to be honest, is basically their only strength.

    The enemies and bosses are simple put, terrible or lacking in variety. There are some memorable encounters here and there that many of us still remember to this day, but I simply doubt it's for the quality of it and more for the unique kind of presentation that today is a staple of the franchise. Encounters like Mad Mel or Rakk Hive are clear examples of really, really bad or non-existent mechanics and poorly thought out bullet sponges that aren't really engaging or weren't really given the time to be more than that. The environments are also pretty dull and same-y, like, you see one, you have seen 80% pretty much most of what you will encounter for the rest of the game: arid wastelands, hills and abandoned buildings filled with bandits all around for the whole game. I've seen some people mention this gives the game a "Mad Max" feeling that they severely miss, but I think they did a great job in BL3 with keeping the aesthetics and identity of Pandora the same it was while giving that environmental variety to the other planets instead.

    Story, characters and writing is overall pretty bland and not really well developed outside of Tannis echo log journey across the whole game. Unfortunately, while other fan favorites and recognizable faces that have become a staple of this franchise are introduced here, they aren't given enough time to really look that deep into them. The plot is a carrot on a stick with a series of Macguffins that aren't expanded upon until, again, the next games and the villain is laughlably undeveloped and barely in the story, to the point where the final encounter is something along the lines of "who is this chick...oh right, the hot echo gir-...oh welp, she dead" with probably the worst final boss in the entire series and leaves you hanging on the true identity of Angel and how is Hyperion involved in all of this, which is a result of a troubled/rushed development.

    The playable cast and action skills were, in comparison to newer games, frankly underwhelming. Roland has 180º turret that if anyone looks at it funny it dies (it sucks) that at higher levels you mostly use for health and ammo regen, Brick has a Berserker rage melee override, which is fun at first but doesn't really scale all that well and has a lot of trouble with tougher and bigger enemies (so you're left with rocket/grenade/explosive builds), Lilith's Phasewalk goes from completely worthless to a SANIC cheat mode, but you still basically play the same way from lvl 1 to lvl 69 (pick the strongest elemental smg and break everything) without changing the way your character plays in a very impactful manner (besides feeling like activating your cheat codes) and finally we have Mordecai, who is a pretty cool dude with a bird fetish that has both an effective sniper build and pistol/revolver one and is probably the best designed character in the game because of this, but has been surpassed by FL4K and his skill tree with "Rakk Attack", so he's (mostly) kinda obsolete in that regard.

    The DLC is, quite frankly, low quality overall. Mad Moxxi Underdome has a (well deserved) reputation as arguarbly the worst DLC in the franchise for good reasons (poor content, high difficulty, lack of meaningful rewards, no story...), Ned Island is filled with incredible annoying zombies that slow you down and can drain your second wind meter and uninteresting, bland quests like "pick brains/collect eggs" which is par of the course for the absolute terrible quests this game has in general in a DLC that is already short (2-3 hours at most) and Robolution is mostly reused assets that you can clearly tell when they ran out of budget, because they have you fight the previous bosses (twice), even if the premise of meeting Mr Blake and the Hyperion Corporation seemed interesting at first. General Knoxx is the shinning light in this fiasco, but has some serious issues, like the level design consisting of mostly straight highways with no fast travel (which is also a major issue of all DLCs) and his boss fight being, just like almost every boss fight in this game, a really underwhelming reskin of previous armored Atlas soldiers you already faced. Overall though, the humor, the armory and the Cramerax challenge at the end make up for it, making it the first solid DLC in the franchise.

    ---Borderlands: The Presequel---

    The black sheep of the franchise. The one game that made it's fanbase and content creators run away in fear because it had nothing to do, the one game Borderlands families tell their children bedtimes stories about so they go to sleep early, the game that could've been, but was not given a fair chance and support. Yet...is better or at least on par with the first game, in other words, is a pretty decent game. So what happened, what went wrong?

    The gameplay is a mixed bag. Level design and environments are probably the worst part about this game, huge lands of really nothing to do and boring, grindy sidequests (remember the "collect 50 white guns"? I do) similar to how badly done they were in the first game and with the flaw of the modern games of huge, long winded moments where your character stands around with nothing to do. The UI is the same as BL2, likewise with the Badass system. This alongside the plenty amount of bugs, reused assets (with somehow even less guns than the previous game) and problem farming the guns at release made it one of the main flaws of the game as a whole. It felt like a big BL2 DLC and apparently that is what they had in mind at first, but a core of the audience couldn't probably shake the fact that it seemed like cashgrab because of the popularity of the previous game.

    Enemy variety in comparison to BL2/BL3 is very lacking, there is simple too many bandits and lost legion soldiers and too little robotic or eridian enemies, anything that will shake things up. However, it makes up a bit for it with it's stronger boss encounters in comparison to previous titles. They not only have a good entrance, but each of them have some kind of mechanic in their battles to shake things up and make them memorable and exciting, particularly "The Sentinel", which if you ask me is still the best final boss in the series, to the point where I really didn't mind it was also the raid boss in a Pyro-Pete kind of fashion.

    The only exception to this rule is the flying ship. It's unique for sure, but damn was that boss fight bad. Another good gameplay change it did great was the removal of slag (thank goodness) and it's replacement "Cryo", a much more fun, albeit fairly overpowered new elemental effect that freezes enemies and increases the damage you deal to them as well, making it the most effective one in the game. Also, the scaling of the enemies and weapons is more in line and not as overboard as BL2, with a fairly more enjoyable and well balanced UVHM than it's predecessor, even if the experience rate could (and should) have been way higher. This, alongside the new added verticality that the Ozkits provided, made it the best gameplay in the series...before BL3 came out and stole the spot by a landslide.

    Story, characters, writing are overall an improvement compared to BL1 and we, the players, for the most part are more interested in the story because it can share some details about Jack and what made him lose his sanity, as well as reintroducing old beloved characters. The way it's presented as a flashback and the fact it's being told from Athena's point of view probably makes her the most attractive character to start with alongside Claptrap, considering the other two choices are canonically dead and evil/villains. It had some huge headscratchers for sure (how did Jack get the eye and when? Why did Athena just stand there when Lilith attacked Jack? Why didn't Lilith simply kill Jack instead of injuring him?...) and there are some chunks in the story that could've been presented better or gone by faster, but overall, it tried and setup a cool future conflict (albeit still a cliffhanger), which is more than I can say for the first game. Zarpedon is also a better main antagonist than Steele, she is more present than her across the entire game and we see her in a couple of side quests that give her more characterization, but overall she really isn't quite there yet with the likes of Jack or other Borderlands villains and feels like DLC character rather than a main game one.

    The playable cast were a mixed bag. Some argue that these are still the best designed Vault Hunters (I respectfully disagree) in the franchise and others say that they rely too much on stacking mechanics, be it kill skills, elemental effects, etc. Claptrap is too unreliable, you sometimes won't get what you want and it can ruin the entire encounter and others it's still not strong enough, Aurelia's build variety is limited and a lot of her skill points are simply useless and wasted if you play solo (like Clappy) or simply don't like snipers, so she isn't for everyone. Nisha is a powerhouse, but she still can go down fairly quickly so it feels like a much more balanced Salvador in that regard, Athena is...okay, her maelstrom is pretty strong, but her action skill takes a lot to get used to and sometimes won't even work or deal substantial damage at all, Wilhelm is not nearly as bad as Axton or Roland thanks to the fact his turrets follow him around and increase his survivability as well as dealing more damage so he is more flexible and his middle tree is really impressive and I wish this "the more you go down a tree, the more your character changes" is something they will do for other characters and finally Jack/Timothy, who is not only strong, but you can build him however you want and still be incredible succesful at what you do regardless, so yeah, this I agree is a top tier designed character.

    DLC wise, "The Holodome" is a complete disaster that rivals and may even be worse than Moxxi's DLC from BL1, with the only shinning beacon of hope being Gaige, Axton and Athena talking with each other. How could anyone expect that after such dumpster fire they would come out with arguarbly the best DLC in the entire franchise? But it happened. And that's what Claptastic Voyage was. Amazing environments, good villain, good weapons, good music, engaging quests, an extremely hard, but inmensively satisfying to beat final boss that is still to this day one of the best bosses in the franchise, even rivaling the best bosses in BL3, and a questline that answers what happened with Claptrap's product line, as well as directly linking with the beginning of the second game. Words alone can hardly tell how good this DLC is and is a shame that this game doesn't have a "start a VH at lvl 30" like BL2 because of this, which by the way I also miss in BL1 as well.

    ---Borderlands 2---

    The magnum opus, the one game that catapulted Gearbox into fame and glory, a game that would make it so Gearbox could throw fists with other gaming giants and enter "Big Boy" clubs, an outstanding success where everyone no life-d this game for hours and showed their close to (or higher) thousands of hours as a badge of pride instead of shame like other unfortunate franchises out there. A very good, albeit not the perfect game people claim it as, let's look at it more closely.

    The gameplay is an overall big improvement, although it hits some really big lows later on. Just from the first level you can see that they put more effort into the scenery and environments. There is still a fairly amount of road and arid wastes, caves, etc. but the variety is way better than 1 or TPS. Quests are also much more improved this time around and offer different, unique and amusing quests that don't fairly follow any kind of conventional rules, some are just joking around, others take a more serious tone, others are a parody of certain real life events...is kinda wild. The UI is, again, an improvement over BL1, still remaining fast, clean and simple, showing all skill trees at once and your character on the side. This game also introduces a new system called Badass Ranks, which is cool on paper, but the objectives that need to get to rank up are usually pretty annoying and not very fun for the most part, aside from the usual that you will get just by playing conventionally. The only downgrade I can think of is, well the guns. The sound design and the weight of the weapons really wasn't as tight as it's predecessor or his future succesor, to the point that it sometimes felt like they were barely better than peashooters, but this really wasn't the biggest issue of the game, since everything else was for the most part enjoyable enough that you could otherwise ignore or not be bothered by it too much.

    Enemy variety in comparison to BL1 was an improvement in every way, it gave us not only the enemies from the first game with new additions, but also a new and fairly satisfying to beat enemy faction: Hyperion and it's loaders, which made corrosive weapons way more useful than in previous games. The bosses remained with their memorable entrance screen and some (albeit not all of them) used also fun mechanics that usually had something to do with the arena they were in, rather than their movesets themselves being interesting, so while lacking, they were still an improvement and it felt like they actually tried this time around. Except the Bunker. Gearbox, you really can't design a fun flying boss, my good men. Also, the Warrior, while better than the Destroyer from the first game, still falls short of what a final boss hyped as a "planet destroyer/cleanser" should be like, it's a big disappointment.

    So, this all seems pretty good, what's the problem? You know it, the forbidden word: SLAG. And UVHM. And the terrible scaling past lvl50. And the godawful droprates. So, basically, the core gameplay after a certain point is awful.

    I think everyone by now has heard time and time again how restrictive slag was and being forced to use it or have a weapon/gun that used it and swapping to another wasn't fun, how UVHM inflated enemy and armored pools so high that it made the previous weapon type mandatory and made it so you had to discard your weapons every other level because of how much damage a lvl51 did compared to a lvl50 and so on, and how little some trees or skills weren't really balanced well for this mode, which limited build variety, destroying some of them entirely. TVHM was were, gameplay wise, BL2 peaked. UVHM and the raise of the level cap from 50 to 72-80 destroyed and gutted the balance of the game, and made it a DPUH farmfest until the lvl cap were you could actually begin to farm in peace for your gear, even if you still had to worry about normal mobs two shotting you with a heavily defensive build, to the point where the best plan was to abuse health gate and shield regeneration and put almost everything in increasing damage, because your millions of health didn't really actually matter all that much.

    A counterpoint some people will probably think is "well, you don't have to use DPUH!" but, if you didn't want to use slag, your choices were very limited, so it was the best choice for leveling, not only because it was a sure proof farm that anyone could get eventually by farming tokens in Torgue DLC or Savage Lee, but because it outshined everything or almost every other weapon you could find and you could get it fairly early too. Even if you used slag, the fact that it outshined everything else felt like you were just handicapping yourself if you didn't. BL2 was a game with millions of guns, were you were inclined to use just combinations of 1 (a tiny bit more if you include sandhawk, pimpernel, norfleet but yeah, you get the point) in the end game. That's not something small, that's some really, REALLY bad game design/balance and even to people who love the game I tell you this: you sadly can't defend this. Is a fixed state of the game past lvl 50 that sadly you can't simply go back or stop after a certain point and even if you can technically bypass it by certain skills or grenades, the fact that you have to micromanage around a gameplay mechanic that constantly dampers your ability to clear content is a bad state of affairs. Is sad that the more well thought out designed variety this had at release was destroyed by people who simply wanted more content without thinking about the consequences of what said farm and content would bring, but it is what it is.

    Story, characters, writing...okay, this is gonna be a bit controversial, but I feel like I need to lead to it a bit. I don't doubt that anyone considers these to be stronger than it's predecessor and I would agree that is a stronger told story than BL1, TPS and BL3 for the most part, only second to Tales. They reintroduced previous playable characters and tried to spice them up a little bit, giving them roles into the story to play in the conflict with the main villain of the game and making it so that the previous game unsatisfying and abrupt ending made a bit more sense. And then comes Jack. Handsome Jack is probably one of my favorites videogame characters, not only because of this game, but because of what they build up on him with TPS, Tales and even the sidequest and DLC of BL3 about him and I will say that he just carries the game, BL2 wouldn't have been remembered half as fondly if another man other than Dameon Clarke voiced this man. Now...I don't think the writing in this game is great. I would argue that is not even good for that matter. If you read Jack's script, and most of the script as a whole, the whole thing is full of inconsistencies, flaws, plot holes or just downright dumb decisions that don't really make a lot of sense and you really, really have to suspense you disbelief.

    Jack has the dialog that you would expect a 12 year old kid who thinks it's being funny or a young adult who read "Knowyourmeme" (although this feelslike the entire game as a whole sometimes, not just Jack) would write "hehe, buttstalion...piss for brains huh...dumb kiddo hehe..." that again, is being carried hard by Dameon Clarke's wonderful performance (that was also heavily ad-libbed by Anthony Burch admission), and the whole point of this is taunting you and playing with you so that you open up the shields on Sanctuary and he blows it up but...that's fucking dumb. They even make fun of this in Tales, where AI Jack is just like "yeah, shouldn't have brought my own competition to Pandora or have paid them instead to help me". Like, no shit. Any smart person doesn't throw a bunch of potential resources against you so that they kill your best man (Wilhelm) for a potential chance to wipe the Raiders. After that, the plot only progresses because of Angel trying to help you beat up Jack because he's bad and evil and kills people...and helps other glory seekers that have made their livings murdering other people, are cannibals or straight up psychos...see what I mean? It would make more sense if they were righteous like, let's say Maya, or are forced to be in that planet because reasons like Gaige, but when half the cast is like that, it raises an eyebrow or two. BL3 had critical points where the story needs our character to disappear from it, but the whole premise of the BL2 plot, right from the start, doesn't even make any sense because Jack acts like a total dumbass "Wow, I'm gonna create my own competition by putting adds all over the place only to kill them and the ones who actually survive will kill my best pal and right hand man only to have a chance to destroy the Crimson Raiders instead of just hiring them to defend my Eridium mines, sounds like a plan!". I know I reiterated this twice, but it's just SO DUMB it's insane.

    There is also a couple of gameplay moments that disrupt the flow of the game like Sawtooth Cauldron when you can't just call brick so that it flies you up to the next area because...reasons? Or the fact Jack somehow just appears out of thin air, blows roland trained pectorals with a pistol (also kills him too, kinda sucks) and only Lilith runs up to him. Nobody shoots him, nobody goes after him, nobody moves. Canonically there are supposed to be 6 people in that room and none of them do anything for the next 20 seconds. This isn't Jack being too fast that it shocks them, this is Jack having plot armor. These are a couple of instances, but I think people get the point that, for a game that is hailed as having great characters, writing and story by the community, the last two fronts seem...quite lacking, average at best. BL2 has charming characters, staple characters, recognizable characters, but they are not really deep, meaningful, complex or well written outside of a couple of exceptions or, simply put, take a whole DLC to make them work (Tina Tiny had some potential, but is only fully realized with AoDK, for instance), merely following their archetype for the most part. Not saying that's a flaw, just something that maybe shouldn't be praised when is not entirely accurate.

    In regards to the characters cast, I will say straight away that one of the main flaws of this game is that, while they're overall an improved cast, it feels like a lot of them aren't "complete" or nearly as fun or balanced until they get their first capstone. Zer0 is really frail (I'm not saying weak) all the way through the game even at the highest levels and a mosquito bite can make him go into second wind when he is outside his AS, so he's not a beginner friendly class because it requires mastery and precision to make it work against pretty much everything. Maya had (still has) a lot of problems at release that were really apparent. Her red tree is infinitely superior to the other two (which are used mostly for support) since you have Acid Cloud and Ruin there, and her AS at lower levels is lacking. CC on an enemy when there are other 3-4 guys running around you and gunning you down and you might not even kill that one in time if it's a badass? Yeah, that's rough, she's really rough until later on, when she becomes one of the best in the game. Krieg has some of the issues Zer0 suffers too, but not to the same degree. You can still break havoc if you pace yourself carefully and learn when to activate his AS, but you're going to be downed too much otherwise. That's it, until you get Release the Beast at lvl 31. That's when you start feeling it and become a murder killing machine. Now…Krieg is not really well designed or should I say, he would have been a much better design choice for BL3, and that's mostly because, if you want to play his other two trees (Hellborn/Bloodexplosion) you don't really use your AS at all, so it's a shame that a character's best build doesn't use what makes him special in the first place. Axton is…Axton. He only really shines at higher levels when utility is more important than raw damage and you can get slag, turret length, explosions,etc. but overall, he's mediocre. Salvador is broken, awful to play at low levels when you have no synergy in your two weapons and awful to play at high levels because you might as well headbutt the floor while playing with your feet if you still want some kind of satisfaction while clearing everything in the game. Now, Gaige is tricky, because she had the potential to be, easily, the best character in the game (by far) but…her middle tree doesn't really scale well besides her capstone and Deathtrap scaling isn't very good at higher than NVHM levels, which is a shame, because she's probably the best designed character in the game. Impactful AS from lvl 5, high-risk, high reward playstyle with Anarchy on lvl6 and she once again changes styles completely in lvl 11 since…you can actually try to ricochet or use low accuracy guns with multiple pellets to play while shooting at walls or the floor…or you can just forget about that and focus on your pet entirely or build around a shock build. A shame about her faults that condition her into an Anarchy build. I would say that truly one of the best QoL things that happened in this game was the lvl 30 character creation that came with the Lilith DLC, it lessened the blow of those characters that really needed that first capstone and made replaying the game much more enjoyable, it really was a horrible experience with half of them before that (at least to me).

    Now then, the DLC was overall, decent to great. Captain Scarlett, too many land, too little content, had it's fair share of annoying moments running hastily from one place of the map to other, then going back and forth, the biggest issue being with Herbert and it's long quest chain, to the point you are happy when he's finally gone. Still, Scarlett herself was a fairly entertaining villain, and the loot at the end of your journey made it somewhat worth it. Torgue is considered by many as an amazing dlc, mostly because of the humor, the new currency (mostly for the Harold, duh) and Bar farming that helped level up fast and while I agree with most points, I will also argue that the environments left a lot to be desired and felt like cut content from even BL1, the enemies were recycled and low effort, and the boss fights were mediocre to downright garbage (Badassasaurus, I'm looking at you). So in regards to the humor and characters, is top tier. In regards to the gameplay and combat…not so much.

    Hammerlock Big Hunt was pretty bad at worst, mediocre at best. I still don't know what exactly went wrong in development, it has it's fair share of good ideas and some moments here and there where it clicks, but whoever was in charge of the gameplay, levels, bosses and enemies...wow, was it terrible. Nakayama was a fairly decent addition that was given more importance in later installments and his fight is one of the highlights of the game, but otherwise, I personally beat it once and never touched this DLC again, it's just not worth it. Lilith DLC was fairly enjoyable as well, seeing Tales characters again, Hector was a decent antagonist, and setting up the next Borderlands game was exciting and it had decent amount of content (2 OP levels, 80 lvl cap, one more raid boss) with the best farming spot on the game (Uranus). However for some reason I can't shake the fact that it lacked something. Like, on paper it's a good dlc, but it just feels like it didn't hit any marks, like it's just...there. I don't agree with the poor reception that it got on sites like Steam (negatives) since it's, in the end, more Borderlands and the price seems fair, but I will just rank it alongside Scarlett, higher than Hammerlock and below Torgue.

    Here it comes, the one you have been waiting for, Assault on Dragon Keep. It's amazing. It really, really does everything right and sets the standard for what a DLC should be in the industry and I would argue that it's better than other expansions for older and newer games. For 10 dollars. Not playing it as a Borderlands fan is a huge disservice, the only other DLC that I could see being on par is Claptastic Voyage, they're both around the same, even if I would still give Tina the edge, but yeah, those two are "la crème de la crème" of the whole series thus far. They actually put a whole DLC around a character who was very underutilized in the main story and used mostly for comedic purposes and not only does the setting work in it's own crazy unique way only Borderlands game manage to do, but it fits the character without feeling like they forced her in for fan service like what happened in the Torgue DLC. This is how you do a character centric add-on content.


    submitted by /u/Ratcher4616
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    Is it just me or are the King’s/Queen’s Calls extremely rare now?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 08:52 PM PDT

    Title, basically. No matter how many times I suffer through her fight on M4 it doesn't seem to wanna drop.

    submitted by /u/FrederickJupiter
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    Latest patch broke my game, anyone else experienced this?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 08:12 PM PDT

    I was one of the few unlucky people whos progress was blocked during the Shadow of Starlight mission, but this new patch from a few days ago fixed it. Now however, I can progress through the campaign, but my game freezes for anywhere between 30 seconds to 5 minutes, unfreezes for about 20 seconds, and then freezes again. This only seems to affect my vault Hunter that was affected by the progress glitch. Has anyone else ran into this problem? It took them 6 months to fix this mission glitch, and to have another, almost as game breaking glitch take it's place is super disappointing.

    submitted by /u/dinodude47
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    BL1 GOTY Enhanced Glitched Achievements - Any insight?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 07:52 PM PDT

    Hey redditers I'm trying to top off my achievements for BL1. Before Enhanced got got released all I hadn't gotten were the Competitionist - all G. Knoxx Quests and Sneaky Little Buggers - G. Knoxx 5 loot midgets.

    Now, I had a Roland at like lvl 66 and I ported him over, and just finished all the quests for GN, and just killed all five loot midgets. But, the achievements are not unlocking. Any one have any insight on what's happening and what I can do?

    I really hope I don't have to replay the entire DLC, but I will if I have to.... I love BL1 but I have about 150 hours and I've definitely spent enough time with it.

    submitted by /u/CaelThavain
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    Why is everyone hating on Lilith?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 07:16 PM PDT

    Spoilers for Borderlands 2

    I'm watching a review on 3 by AngryJoeShow and the first comment is that quote by you-know-who "You saved Pandora, you killed Handsome Jack"

    People are saying my girl is being given credit where it's not due.

    Lilith is a Vault Hunter in 1. She saved Pandora in 1. Canonnically it was decided that she dealt the killing blow to HJ.

    She was playing the role of a commander after the events of 2. She's inexperience, bdl3's storyline is questionable and not that great of writing, but she's an important character.

    It's not her fault the writers turned her into another Roland but with even less personality, right?

    submitted by /u/unnamedcatt
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    Steam Cloud not synchronizing/storing data

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 05:52 PM PDT

    As the title says, I play BL3 from 2 different computers so I quickly noticed that my game does not saves to steam cloud servers. Is this some known bug or just some personal dysfunction on my side? I feel very dumb going around with a pendrive w my saves.

    Pic here shows that my cloud sync is indeed enabled but nothing is uploaded.https://imgur.com/a/v659j6h

    Searching for it in the remote storage to be sure at https://store.steampowered.com/account/remotestorage shows no trace for it too.

    submitted by /u/kistejes
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    Any way to play BL3 on Steam without getting the new library layout?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 05:35 PM PDT

    I picked up the game earlier today but when I went to play it, I got an "Unable to initialize API" error message. The only solutions I could find online about that were to update the steam library to that ugly ass layout they chose for some god forsaken reason. Is there any way that I can get Borderlands 3 to work without updating?

    submitted by /u/HayRoss
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    Got bonus gear--when should I open it?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 05:25 PM PDT

    Hi, I got some freebie gear for purchasing. Do they open up at the level I am at? And if so, what is the sweet spot for the level to open it?

    submitted by /u/Cicero_Johnson
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    Anyone notice the ultimate super badass digi clone in the new dlc gameplay?

    Posted: 16 Mar 2020 05:21 PM PDT

    Seems like we're gonna get a new zane digiclone COM with the dlc. Also no one's mention the skullmasher returning either lol

    submitted by /u/YaBoyGaara
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