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    Friday, June 10, 2022

    Borderlands What character you would like to become a vault hunter in a later game?

    Borderlands What character you would like to become a vault hunter in a later game?

    What character you would like to become a vault hunter in a later game?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2022 03:27 PM PDT

    Scarlet <3

    submitted by /u/RipVanWinkleX
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    Should I do mayhem on claptrap farm? Or should I do claptrap at all?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2022 01:14 PM PDT

    So I just finished the game, and I want to catch up to my friends that are lvl 72 already. I'd like to do slaughter shaft with them to level, but my schedule seldom matches theirs, so I end up playing by myself a majority of the time. I'm lvl 54 right now, should I do a mayhem lvl im comfortable with? Or does it just slow down my exp/hr? Or if you guys think there's a better way to farm EXP let me know!

    submitted by /u/Verdex49
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    Did Bloodwing have a better death than ____

    Posted: 09 Jun 2022 07:45 PM PDT

    Did Bloodwing have a better death than Maya? Discuss.

    submitted by /u/ShitbullsThrowaway
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    PS4 Firing Range Help

    Posted: 10 Jun 2022 05:31 PM PDT

    I'm pretty early in the game (lvl 19) and looking to just knock out the firing range trophy ASAP. Anybody willing to hop on real quick and help me out? I can help anybody else if you also need it. Thanks! PSN: new2thispower

    submitted by /u/new2thispower
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    Regular crashing with events? (Epic)

    Posted: 10 Jun 2022 05:49 AM PDT

    I recently enabled events and the game started freezing 10-20 minutes into the play session. I played through the entire game with no issues, yet this started causing problems. I tried verifying the games files, but it didn't help in the slightest.
    Any ideas on a fix?

    submitted by /u/KingofCubes_
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    My friend is telling me to put my list on this sub so I can get downvotes so here we go

    Posted: 10 Jun 2022 01:03 PM PDT

    1:pre-sequel, I loved playing as claptrap and was my favorite over-all game with the story of it and learning the lore and it help d a lot that with every level up I enjoyed it even more with how whacky claptrap's design was.

    2:Tina's, probably recency bias but easily the best over-world that was still filled with quests but not being a drive-fest although it did seem like a filler episode of an anime, not bad but it could have not existed it wouldn't hurt me.

    3:3, was the first game I played and the movement felt nice but story wasn't that good imo loved being able to teleport when falling behind my friend, mayas death didn't mean all that much with it being the first game I played but that didn't make me despise Ava any less.

    4:2, this will probably get me hate, it was played last and I never fell In love with any character so it was harder to enjoy from the start, I liked the world sort of but never felt like I was having fun on any character which kinda hurt my experience.

    5: 1, never got to play one becuase I wasn't gonna pay full price for it, obviously the start of the story but it is very old and the first game not meaning it's the worst to begin with but it has the biggest shoes to fill being that it has to stand the test of time and build the whole story.

    submitted by /u/Jbanning710
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    [BL1] I wonder how many people have noticed this? Tiny Person in Car

    Posted: 09 Jun 2022 08:37 AM PDT

    Okay, so in Marcus's shop in T-Bone Junction (General Knoxx DLC), upon unlocking his door and walking in, there is a mini-race car with a tiny, tiny little person inside of it.. and you can even talk to him! He will say things like "Vroom Vroom! Beep Beep!" and "It's bigger than it looks..", I am just curious how many have noticed this? After playing for well over 2000 hours, usually when I get to this DLC I am just blowing thru it quickly as possible and don't pay attention to much around me.

    A bonus if anyone can explain this too me.

    HWIBKBU.png (1280×720) (imgur.com)

    edit; I have to edit and say, even though this seems to be popular and/or getting a lot of up-votes, or more well known that I originally thought (apologies, it's new to me), no one has answered me what it means yet! Is this an easter egg? There has to be some reason, some modeler took the time to make this. If you look closely, I believe it's originally made from a blue Radio, the tires from the Monster and the Flag/Tent poles from Kroms Canyon so a bit of work has went into it. I am an absolute nut for Borderlands lore, even naming my house-cats after characters. I think I would be content for life if I knew the name to this little guy, I'd def name another cat after him! Thank you kindly, this was my original question. :P

    submitted by /u/KUPOkinz
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    People hate the Pre-Sequel?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2022 04:08 PM PDT

    Okay, I haven't played Borderlands 3, but I've played 1, 2, and am currently playing TPS. Out of those three games, so far anyway, TPS is far and away my favorite. But I read online that it's the lowest rated out of all the games, and that apparently some Borderlands fans really don't like it? Maybe the story pulls like a Mass Effect 3 moment or something, I dunno, I'm only on chapter 5. But, everything this game added from 2, I absolutely love. I love the low-gravity and the oxygen tanks. I feel like they add some depth to the game play that was missing from 1 and 2. I love the laser weapons. I love the Cryo element. I love the Stingray bikes. I really love the atmosphere of Elpis, and the music. And I dunno, it just seems like, if the issue is with the story, it shouldn't matter that much. I mean its not like Borderlands' stories were ever super deep anyway. They're not bad, but the main focus has always been on the game play, I feel.

    submitted by /u/ether_rogue
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    Borderlands GOTY Enhanced: unable to scroll to read description when accepting a mission

    Posted: 09 Jun 2022 07:07 PM PDT

    Whenever I accept a new mission and try to read the description, I am not able to use my mouse wheel to scroll. The control listed says "page up/down," but pressing neither the direction arrows nor page up/down keys scrolls. What is interesting to note is that after accepting a mission, going into the mission log to view it DOES allow me to use the mouse wheel to scroll down in the description. Please let me know if I am missing something. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Google_Defenestrate
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    Are there any mods that change loot colors?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2022 03:31 PM PDT

    Like, I'm colorblind, and I appreciate, a LOT, that these games have colorblind settings. The colors still look the same, but they have text on them, so I'm sure of their rarity. The problem I'm having in The Pre Sequel is, the beam coming off of moonstones. It's really hard for me to see. I'm sure I've missed moonstones because of this. With the Eridium in BL2, I NEVER missed it, it was super obvious when it dropped. But the moonstone beams are hard to see, and even when I look right at them, they look like the beams on ammo and white gear.

    submitted by /u/ether_rogue
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    Is their a final pay for Zombie Island of Dr Ned?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2022 07:05 PM PDT

    Like the title suggests, I'm looking for some big loot for ZI of DN. Claptrap has that chest room beneath the house next to blake, knoxx has the big munitions room, but what does ned have? Is there a mission or a secret room I'm missing? I noticed a sign with a pistol on it pointing somewhere, but I can't seem to find much in the general area. Am I missing something or did the borderlands devs not include some big pay for this one?

    submitted by /u/You_dontkn0wme
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    (PS4) (Borderlands GOTY) Anyone able to help with the 'Circle of Duty' missions?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2022 03:47 PM PDT

    Keep getting absolutely destroyed in the Circle of Duty TVHM playthrough, can anyone jump in and help?

    submitted by /u/NukaJuice
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    Did Enhanced Edition change how you view class-mods?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2022 04:20 PM PDT

    Hello, I remember in BL1 the original, upon equipping a mod, it would show your skills + the mods addons, such as Phoenix 7/5 (it would also highlight the skill showing it was modified), where-as +2 is being added from the class mod. In the Enhanced Edition, it doesn't seem to do this anymore and will just show 5/5, even if it's +2 from something else. Is my memory playing tricks on me or was this removed for some reason? Thank you kindly. :)

    submitted by /u/KUPOkinz
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    [Lore] Jack was never a good guy

    Posted: 08 Jun 2022 01:06 PM PDT

    Might not be a new point, but I personally haven't seen this being discussed.

    When talking about The PreSequel, it's important to understand that Handsome Jack aready had his daughter hooked to a satellite network by then. Likewise, the plan to trigger the eridium growth by opening the vault also predates TPS.

    Jack didn't become a self-indulgent narcissist during TPS. He already was like this, just more socially constrained.

    submitted by /u/EasyRecognition
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    BL1 Late Game Difficulty

    Posted: 09 Jun 2022 08:11 PM PDT

    I've played BL1, 2, and the Pre-Sequel, but I've never gone past 1 plaything on any of them… until now. I recently finished the main story of BL1 on PT2, and am now in Jakob's Cove. On PT1, I did all the DLC's in no particular order, which is what I'm doing now. It started out alright, I started the DLC at about level 58/59, and was fighting level 60/61 enemies. Now I'm level 60, and all of a sudden every enemy is like level 63/64. I only beat Pumpkin Head by running away from him for 15 minutes, taking the occasional pot shot at him. It's getting pretty annoying, now that a regular zombie can burp on me once, taking down my shield and leaving me with a third of my health left. Am I doing something wrong? Our does it just get super brutal once you start PT2.5? Any tips or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/skydawwg
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    Looking for players (Playstation) BLTPS

    Posted: 09 Jun 2022 12:41 PM PDT

    Hi all, I have no friends playing and I'm looking for people to play The Pre Sequel with on Playstation Add my psn @hayounchen Or comment ur username in the comments and I'll add you!

    submitted by /u/hayounchen
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    does anyone know about the mod im describing?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2022 10:29 PM PDT

    Ok so basically its a mod where you can equip a class mod in to any characters class mod slot. So if I wanted to put a Krieg class mod in zeros class mod slot I could. any help would be very much appreciated!

    submitted by /u/Few-Interaction2129
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    Action skill cooldown rate not working

    Posted: 09 Jun 2022 09:57 AM PDT

    So i just started a wildfire playthrough, and ive noticed the action skill cooldown skill in the clawbringer tree isnt working, or maybe im just not understanding. For example, the cyclone skill has a 35 second cd. Now i have 22% "skill cooldown" from my hero stats, and the skill in the clawbringer tree provides 30% "action skill cooldown rate when at max ward". When i time how long cyclone takes to cooldown with full ward, i get ~22 secs. However i tested it after i dropped my ward and only had hp, and still got ~22 secs. Am i missing something? Is the skill cooldown from hero stats not apply to action skill? Is it just that specific skill in the clawbringer tree thats not working? Would appreciate any input anyone would have.

    submitted by /u/ALQatelx
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    Treasures of ECHO Madre

    Posted: 09 Jun 2022 05:22 AM PDT

    Can't find Timber Logwood, possible I killed him?? Help!

    submitted by /u/hayounchen
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    Am I imagining it or are COV guns slower to switch to?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2022 09:57 PM PDT

    Does the pressing buttons and pulling cords slow down the switching or is it just the animation?

    submitted by /u/Ham_The_Spam
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    Posted: 09 Jun 2022 12:33 AM PDT

    Okay guys so Nyriad's last message was to "never find the seventh" and a lot of people are thinking it is the seventh siren. back in bl2 (i think) handsome jack said that only 6 sirens can be alive at once (idk if jack said it or not but i think he did). who do you guys think will be the 7th siren or how do you guys think it will affect the story.

    Another thing that has been on my mind is Tyreen's death. okay so basically a siren has to choose who will get their powers once they die, if they don't then someone will randomly get the siren power. so in Tyreen's case i don't think she ever picked anyone to get her powers (hopefully not bc that'll be bad) but if she didn't the phase leech ability will go to a random host. who do you guys think will get her abilities? The same thing goes for Commander Steele back in bl1 no one knows what her siren powers were but who do you guys think will get her powers?

    (I have been wondering about these two things for a long time so i want to know what you guys think about it)

    submitted by /u/ExpensiveRub17
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    Posted: 08 Jun 2022 03:08 AM PDT

    I found this sub-Reddit because I wanted to find a place to discuss this amazing series.

    Actually, I'm a little hyped right now because I just beat the first game early this morning in its Game of the Year Edition on Nintendo Switch for the first time using Roland.

    It is a pleasure to meet you all.

    submitted by /u/NeoBlisseyX
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    I did not like shade

    Posted: 09 Jun 2022 10:07 AM PDT

    I thought he was annoying creepy and deserves to get shot in tales from the borderlands I don't know what choices are considered Cannon but with tales from the borderlands 2 coming maybe gearbox will introduce what is the Canon path that is tales from the borderlands what choices that need to be made to understand the story who lives who gets betrayed whose feelings get hurt who do you trust who do you not trust obviously don't trust digi-handsome Jack get rid of August he's a total scumbag and has zero trust he's willing to kill his own girlfriend for betraying him because he has serious trust issues if you're going to survive on Pandora you're going to need to learn to trust people even if they look like they could kill you and eat your organs or feed you to skaggs and use your intestines as jump ropes.

    submitted by /u/Cold-Practice3107
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    Are you supposed to drink out of the claptrap mug?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2022 12:12 PM PDT

    I just bought a claptrap mug, which is to my knowledge official borderlands merch. I would send a link, but that is against the rules. It is almost square-shaped.

    I am an avid tea drinker and I am just now realizing this mug might not be made for my mouth. Is this item just for show, or is it meant to drink out of in the long-term? I really want to sip tea out of claptrap's head but I am suffering.

    Thank you, A Borderlands-playing tea enthusiast

    Edit: I just remembered about straws

    submitted by /u/Sightedflyer5
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    Borderlands 2 crashing on launch on Switch 1.0.2

    Posted: 08 Jun 2022 02:02 PM PDT

    I decided to get back into Borderlands 2 on my Switch. I launch the game and I get "The Software was closed because an error occurred." The version I have installed is 1.0.2 with all of the DLC installed including the fight for Sanctuary DLC. All other games I launch on my Switch launch fine. I've already reinstalled the game, but it is still giving me the same error.

    submitted by /u/Asmash_kirby
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