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    Wednesday, September 18, 2019

    Borderlands Enemies flying back from shotgun blasts was a genius addition

    Borderlands Enemies flying back from shotgun blasts was a genius addition

    Enemies flying back from shotgun blasts was a genius addition

    Posted: 18 Sep 2019 11:23 AM PDT

    It's so stinking satisfying to pick up a shiny new shot gun, point it at the nearest enemy, and watch a fanatic go flying from the force of the bullets. It was a little touch, but it gets a smile from me every time.

    submitted by /u/neochase23
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    I find it sad that class mods don't give you the name under the XP bar anymore

    Posted: 18 Sep 2019 10:36 AM PDT

    I always thought it was a nice addition in bl2 to just have something cool there instead of just "Level x"

    submitted by /u/Bright_Vision
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    Mad props to Borderlands 3 for getting right what so many loot games get wrong: Weapons that feel unique.

    Posted: 18 Sep 2019 11:57 AM PDT

    There's a fundamental understanding here of what makes these kinds of games fun.

    Guns and equipment aren't just boring stat sticks.

    I've found so many varieties of weapons, some with unique firing patterns or special procs or different projectile types that it makes it legit fun to chase after new gear.

    I won't spoil any of the fun legendaries I've found, it's so cool to actually find them and realize what they do or what they're a reference but I will say one such legendary is a callback to a certain classic videogame complete with a familiar sound effect and everything, it's great.

    Gearbox got this part of the game right, and they did so right out of the box without needing to "overhaul" the games itemization. While the verdict is still out on the endgame one thing we can agree on is that the package we got on day one is fulfilling and not in dire need of major revamps to the quality of weapon drops.

    Good shit, dudes.

    submitted by /u/HouseOfDegenerates
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    Manufacturer loyalty packages were a great addition.

    Posted: 18 Sep 2019 12:55 AM PDT

    Every 100 kills you get within a certain manufacturer you'll get a loyalty package with a gun that is at your level. It's honestly a genius decision.

    submitted by /u/Illi53
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    If you join another players game, DO NOT TAKE CONTROL OF THE PACE.

    Posted: 18 Sep 2019 01:01 PM PDT

    I stopped allowing people to join my game cause i would be playing and then I'd have people rushing and instant activating fast travel, starting next missions, and charging right into the next fight. Like i just gathered 10 new items, i wanna check them, sell off the crap at this machine we are right next too and put on any better weapons. If you aren't hosting the game, don't take over control of someone else's fun. I typically left my story open because I am quite over leveled for my progress and have extremely op gear right now so increased difficulty is fine and if another player is struggling at the same part i can help them get past it. But now I just don't want to play with randoms anymore cause it seems i always end up having to kick them. You are supposed to stop and reevaluate things between missions, not just go go go non stop until the games done.

    submitted by /u/22taylor22
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    Borderlands 3 Interactive Maps (WIP)

    Posted: 18 Sep 2019 12:57 PM PDT

    Hi all!

    Myself and u/GameCartographer have been busy working on some BL3 maps over the past few days. Thought you guys might like a preview of what we're working on:

    SPOILER WARNING - this map shows all zones on Pandora + bosses/chests/collectibles

    Full Pandora Map -

    It's suuuuper work-in-progress at the moment - Pandora is the only world available, but we'll be uploading the other worlds over the coming days. Stay tuned!

    There's plenty of stuff missing which I'm currently hunting down (white chests + ECHO Logs especially) - so suggestions are plenty welcome. You can add your own notes to the map too!

    Enjoy! :)

    P.S. If anyone knows of any semi-hidden zones (like Lectra City), please give us a shout! It's a major PITA to redo the custom map layout if we miss an area :D We have the Circles of Slaughter and the Proving Grounds - although I haven't found any collectibles on these yet - not sure if there are others we're missing though

    submitted by /u/The_Mighty_Tspoon
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    My favorite voice lines in the game are from Wainwright

    Posted: 18 Sep 2019 01:50 PM PDT

    Specifically from the scene where he provokes Troy in the Jakobs Manor.

    "Fill your hands, you zealot scum!"

    "Come and get me you rat-faced bastard!"

    "Hey, rat boy! Ain't you the one that has to suck on your sisters teet for sustenance?"

    submitted by /u/Bane_of_Ruby
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    [BL3] So this is a thing, apparently

    Posted: 18 Sep 2019 09:10 AM PDT

    Just opened the golden chest and received an ECHO-2 grenade. Has its own red text but it's white rarity -- its actually a really good grenade mod.


    submitted by /u/iLuSioNz
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    Zane should be able to dismiss his digi-clone via high five

    Posted: 18 Sep 2019 03:59 PM PDT

    Or at least just high five it. Zane seems like that kinda guy. What kinda game can you pet the doggy and not high five the grizzled Irish corporate hitman? Shame.

    submitted by /u/DubstepLemon
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    In case anyone hasn't seen it, there's an awesome roller coaster on Pandora!

    Posted: 18 Sep 2019 01:02 PM PDT

    I just found this while looking for Typhon logs and figured I would share it with everyone!


    submitted by /u/mccann5
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    The Gunplay in 3 is phenomenal

    Posted: 18 Sep 2019 05:23 AM PDT

    I used to get bored of the countless enemies running out and having to gun them down in the past borderlands. I'd always just wanna use my skill to wreck things in the fastest way possible. With 3, even though there are more enemies than in past installments, I'm wanting more. When I see someone's arm fly off from a revolver, or their chest explode from a shotgun blast, it's a moment of satisfaction. It feels good to aim for the head and get that crit kill. I almost forget about fl4k's skill half the time because I'm just enjoying blasting everyone away with the absurd variety of guns. Maybe I'm just fanboying because I love the borderlands series, but this has been the most fun in a shooter I've had in a long time.

    submitted by /u/LizardsWithGizzards
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    Please sort side missions into planets and distinct zones

    Posted: 18 Sep 2019 11:08 AM PDT

    I've spent more time looking at loading screens because of planet hopping than playing the game

    submitted by /u/Antiflunky
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    The highly specialized, infinite ammo, nearly invincible, freeze king Zane build.

    Posted: 18 Sep 2019 07:17 PM PDT

    I've spent over 50 hours on Zane trying to understand how he works as a character, and I believe I have discovered the most effective long-term build for him for most content in the game.

    This build is extremely specialized and requires 4 specific legendary items to work effectively. I don't believe there's a single other build out there that requires so many legendaries, so I don't expect many people to be able to build this right off the bat. However, if you like what you saw, this is something to work towards. This is the most fun build I've used with Zane and so far I'm basically unkillable, even with my measly 1 HP.

    For those who dont have the time to watch a 10 minute video, The required legendaries are Rowans Call (assault rifle), Transformer shield, Deathless artifact, and Cold Warrior class mod.


    submitted by /u/Viroking
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    PSA: DO NOT put 75 points into enforcer guardian rank

    Posted: 18 Sep 2019 07:14 AM PDT

    https://twitter.com/Gothalion/status/1174265187010060288?s=19 Apparently it breaks the game and makes it much harder ironically because it deals damage to you and teammates.

    submitted by /u/LemurWithAFemur
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    A Genuine Thank You.

    Posted: 18 Sep 2019 04:49 PM PDT

    I am a big fan of shooters. Wasn't very big on BL1 and BL2 at the time they were releases. Not that they were bad games, but I was more into other stuff.

    Comes today. Older me struggling against the new multiplayer focused industry...The hero-shooters the battle royales, the dungeon crawlers, the live services and so on.The living hell. The endless queues, the troll on the team, the over-performing enemy. Always relying on the ability of another player whether for failure or success. It gets to your nerves. Especially when time is finite.

    I work long hours. My life requires that and with my wife and kids in the mix, my gaming time is very very limited. I dont have time or the energy to build the muscle memory to land a 1km sniper shot in PUBG or to keep up with the gear scores of the recent looter shooters to be eligible for the endgame content.

    Last week came BL3, I know it's not entirely a singleplayer experience but it has more than enough content for me. First game since Doom2016 that I can play at my own pace and actually enjoy! In 2019! A shooter that I can enjoy with no strings attached! Wow...

    So, thank you. Whomever had the smallest bit of contribution in BL3. A ginormous thank you from the depths of my heart.

    submitted by /u/Totemdary
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    Borderlands saved my sanity (literally)

    Posted: 18 Sep 2019 06:00 PM PDT

    So on Thursday night, I was SO excited for the games release. Unfortunately, my mom came into my room and I noticed she was having a stroke. I couldn't play much after I called 911 and rode in the ambulance with her, but I was a complete nervous wreck all weekend. This game was the only thing that took my mind off of my mom and what was going to happen to her. Luckily, my mom is going to be okay. However, i can't imagine waiting all weekend to hear some good news if I didn't have a great game to "escape" from the tough times. Thank you Gearbox, 2k games, and all of you Vault Hunters for reading :)

    submitted by /u/WheatiesFlow
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    Phasezerker Siren: Rushing Through Mayhem 3

    Posted: 18 Sep 2019 05:19 PM PDT

    So, I haven't seen much buzz around Amara over the past week, a couple builds scattered here or there, but in particular I haven't seen anyone mention her Phasezerker COM. And having played an excessive amount of Amara since release, I've settled into a Phasezerker build in a big way, mobbing and bossing on TVHM Mayhem 3 with relative ease. Hopefully this build guide is easy enough to follow.


    So, to get this out of the way, this is what the COM gives:

    +5 Maximum Rush Stacks

    Upon Action Skill use, max Rush stacks are granted. Rush stacks now decay slowly.

    3% Gun Damage and 10% Action Skill Cooldown Rate per Rush stack.

    So, what does this mean for Amara? Well, it means we need to raise our maximum Rush stacks as high as possible and have an Action Skill that is easily spammable.

    The Skills

    https://bl3skills.com/siren#5000050000000050513010333310055000000000 (I'm using the unofficial calc for ease of reading and a much shorter link. The numbers in the skill descriptions aren't entirely accurate on this page unfortunately but it's easy enough to check in game.)

    Enter the Mystical Assault tree (to no one's surprise). Our capstone skill Avatar grants two major perks. First, it raises our maximum Rush stacks cap by 10 and also allows us to use our Action Skill a second time while it's cooling down, once per cooldown. So, we reach a total of 25 Rush stacks, granting us 75% Gun Damage and 250% (!!!) Action Skill Cooldown Rate. We pair this with Deliverance to help ensure that we're spreading the love around to all our bandit friends (and keeping our Rush stacks up) and Soul Sap as our Augment, allowing us to effectively full heal from every cast of Deliverance.

    Now, for a small breakdown of the skills we took to get there and where we invested into the other two trees, we'll start with Do Harm and Violent Tapestry. These two are the bread and butter of any Rush focused build, and with the ability for their consumed stacks to, well, stack with previous uses, it's not uncommon to see 45-49 stacks of their bonuses on the bar. Add Awakening into the mix for increased effectiveness and you can get up to 250% bonus Action Skill damage, allowing your Deliverance to scale well into Mayhem 3, and a metric ton of status chance to ensure even the lowest status chance weapons will have no issues helping keep your stacks up.

    We take the full three points in Transcend for the bonus Critical Damage, Ascendant to increase the effectiveness of Soul Sap and a single point in Alacrity to get a little extra use out of our Rush stacks and reduce our downtime, as well as hitting the next threshold. We skip on Restless, as even with the full five points, it's only 25% cooldown rate, which compared to the 250% we're already getting, just isn't worth it for the investment required. We take Wrath for the bonus Gun damage and Laid Bare to ensure that we can burst down priority targets, such as Annointed and Badass Zealots and Militants (those launchers can be brutal). Remnant is the last skill we take in Mystical Assault, allowing most of our kills to chain extra damage to nearby enemies and any Overkill damage to be put to better use.

    Now, with how Mayhem 3 plays, you want access to as many elements as possible, so we need to invest at least 5 points into both Fist of the Elements and Brawl in order to gain access to Corrosive and Incendiary damage.

    On the Brawl side, we take the full five points in One with Nature and Helping Hands, providing us with some much needed tankiness and hitting the threshold for the Corrosive option.

    For Fist of the Elements, we're going to massively buff our damage and make pretty much every non-elemental gun into an elemental hybrid. We take the full five points in Infusion for a 40% damage conversion to our Action Skill element, and five points in Tempest to buff all of our elemental damage, especially Shock.

    With that done, we've spent all of our skill points and now we'll move on to equipment.

    The Gear

    COM: Phasezerker. If you don't have this, you're going to be playing a signficantly weaker version of this build. Any version will do to start.

    Shield: I personally use the Transformer, but really any good defensive option will do, perhaps a Rough Rider or whatever you have lying around.

    Relic: This one is close to mandatory, in my opinion. Almost any variant of the "Gain 5s of invulnerability at 50% health" relic (I don't remember the name), as it will significantly reduce the number of times you go down to a Badass Zealot/Annointed spawning in behind you, and gives you a chance to react to some of the more hectic situations.

    Weapons: This will vary greatly depending on your preferences but almost anything that can crit is viable here. I personally use a purple Jakobs Masher with an Annointed bonus of 50% bonus cryo damage on the next two mags as my main weapon, with a Flakker for backup for priority targets. However, pretty much anything that feels good to you will be mostly viable with the damage conversion from Infusion. Make sure you pay attention to your modifiers for maximum value.

    Gameplay Summary

    As for how the build plays, it's fairly simple to write out but will take some practice in game. Simply use your action skill often, aiming it at priority targets or anything you believe it can consistently kill. If it's a priority target you'll be able to use Laid Bare to take them out quickly, and if it's a regular mob you'll be triggering Remnant to double up on your kills. Make sure to switch your element as needed, as the bonus damage from matching damage types is too big to ignore. For regular enemies Shock is probably enough to get through but if you run into any Hardened enemies you'll definitely want to be able to kill them as fast as possible.

    This is a very fast paced build so don't expect to stand around pretty much ever. You want to be constantly moving and looking for enemies to kill in order to maximize your chances for that sweet sweet loot. I hope you all enjoy your Phasezerking Sirens!

    submitted by /u/foxhull
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    Overpowered Fl4k Crit Build Guide (60 second video)

    Posted: 18 Sep 2019 01:00 PM PDT

    The Office reference in borderlands 3

    Posted: 18 Sep 2019 04:45 PM PDT


    As the post says they referenced one of the most iconic scenes in the office with Kevin's chili

    submitted by /u/Gio-Cap23
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    BL3 Boss List, Location, Loot Table - especially legendary unique drop LIST

    Posted: 18 Sep 2019 06:07 PM PDT

    What's the best resource for this? I'm currently leveling 20, and would like to have the list for reference to farm for leveling and legendaries. What's the best one you use? Thanks!!

    Edit - also, if it includes the bounty monster/bosses, such as Chupacabratch, would be incredible! Bounty bosses such as him are super easy, great XP, and drops fantastic legendary shield.

    submitted by /u/GWHITJR3
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    Boring math and the Scaling of the Violent Momentum skill for Zane

    Posted: 18 Sep 2019 03:55 PM PDT

    Hello all, I've been playing Zane and been avoiding the move speed build because I was suspicious about how it scaled. I couldn't find anything by googling so below is my attempt to figure it out. So, I decided to do some testing. Skip to the end for a TLDR. Also, I am bad at reddit formatting. I am sorry. Skills for testing are linked at the bottom.


    DMGa: Actual Damage

    DMGb: Base Damage

    S: Speed

    Sb: Base Walking Speed


    So the important skill in question, Violent Momentum, reads: "Zane's Gun Damage is increased while moving. The quicker he moves, the greater the Gun Damage bonus." With 5 points this skill provides, "Gun Damage: +20% at default walk speed". The wording makes it sound like the game is calculating THE BONUS damage and then adding it to the base. So with that in mind let's assume the Actual Damage = Base Damage + Base Damage * X. X being some factor. At base walk speed we know that X=0.2. However, the skill states, "The quicker he moves, the greater the Gun Damage bonus." So, X must, in part, be determined by the current move speed of Zane. My guess brought me to the following:


    DMGa = DMGb + DMGb(S/Sb)0.2


    We don't know S or Sb but we know how they relate to one another. So, with a move speed increase of 20% (Which is what we get from 5 points into the Violent Speed kill skill) we know that S/Sb =1.2. Which brings our formula to:


    DMGa = DMGb + DMGb*0.24


    A move speed increase of 12% (What we get from 1 action skill active and 3 points in Supersonic Man):


    DMGa = DMGb + DMGb*0.224


    And so on. With a gun dealing 113 base damage while standing still below are the expected and actual results.


    Movement Expected Actual
    Walking 136 138
    Walking+1 Action Skill Active 138 141
    Walking + Kill Skill Active 140 143
    Walking + 2 Action Skills Active 141 143
    Walking + Kill Skill +1 Action Skill 143 145
    Walking + All 3 146 148


    So, with 2 Action Skills and a Kill Skill active we estimated a 29% increase in damage and we got 30%. With just the base bonus from Violent Momentum we get a 20% increase in damage. We spent 8 skill points to increase our damage by an extra 10% when we could have accomplished the same thing with only a couple points in something like Synchronicity or Donnybrook. The damage scaling of the movement speed skills on zane are really bad if you're trying to deal more damage. I was hoping Violent Momentum/Speed would synergize better. If you don't care about that stuff then no worries this isn't the post for you. Enjoy the game and zip around. Hope the rest of you enjoyed my bad math and formatting. Let me know what else y'all have found.


    TLDR: Violent Momentum does not scale well with move speed increases. I would expect that a doubling of your movement speed would give you only +40% damage to the base gun damage. I hope you random googler found what you were looking for.

    Edit: Forgot this. This was the skill setup I used to test this. This is not an actual build: https://borderlands.com/en-US/characters/zane/#t=%22cb__3859198443___p__2754125392-3_1616506934-5_1105028631-1_25717230-5_4076945791-1_3198540024-3_855159471-5_630140661-5_2942539557-3_1577929110-5___e__3441733518-4219377344_1590166781-1251885132_1434065960-1301230966%22

    Edit2: Maths

    submitted by /u/JackFr0st5
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    Remember when Vasquez said that every ship is shaped like a c*ck.

    Posted: 18 Sep 2019 10:37 AM PDT

    The supposed horrible writing in Borderlands 3

    Posted: 18 Sep 2019 08:06 AM PDT

    Every single reviewer I come across point out how terrible the writing in the game is; they call it cringy, or juvenile, stupid, one even said that it was freaking agony every time the characters opened their mouths, etc.

    So, naturally I'm just waiting to get to the parts that are 'so bad they fucking hurt to listen to' and they never come. yes, once in a while a line of dialogue seems forced and generally the writing in borderlands 2 was better but I'm not really seeing what is so god-freaking awful. It isn't like I'm chuckling every minute but some quests I found funny enough.

    I get that the humor and writing are very juvenile and over the top but I thought it fit right into borderlands. I mean when I play borderlands I know that that is the sort of humor I'm going to get when I play a borderlands game. This is the franchise where we have enemy psychos rush at you half naked while yelling about poop and meat and now all of a sudden is too juvenile and cringy?

    I don't know, maybe my dense of humor is too childish but I didn't find anything too out of place for the franchise. Did I think it was masterfully written? absolutely not, but I never found what it was so supposedly horrendous about it.

    submitted by /u/AresuSothe
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    [PSA] For those who don’t know you can use the d-pad to quick change weapons in BL3

    Posted: 18 Sep 2019 05:37 PM PDT

    I'm sure a lot of people know this but almost every post about this game one of the top comments I see is people saying "I wish we still could use the D-Pad to change weapons"

    For those who don't know go to control settings and change the controls to "Classic". Keep in mind you lose the ability to quick swap missions, and the place nav point feature. Weapon firing mods can still be changed by holding triangle/Y.

    Happy Vault Hunting.

    submitted by /u/ImaFknWizardXII
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    Best change has been the removal of gun sway in BL3

    Posted: 18 Sep 2019 06:11 PM PDT

    I hated how some guns just had abysmal gun sway in BL2 which made them irrelevant because you couldn't aim without spending 3-5 seconds per shot.

    submitted by /u/Curxis
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