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    Tuesday, September 24, 2019

    Borderlands N e G a T i V e G u A r D i A n R a N x X x

    Borderlands N e G a T i V e G u A r D i A n R a N x X x

    N e G a T i V e G u A r D i A n R a N x X x

    Posted: 24 Sep 2019 02:43 PM PDT

    Didja hear?? Jess' Guardian ranks got killed by Rakk.

    Known bug, everybody.

    submitted by /u/Daemmerung
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    Anyone else appreciate the fact that when you have to follow an NPC, they pretty much haul ass to wherever it is they're going?

    Posted: 24 Sep 2019 06:21 AM PDT

    I feel like I haven't really seen anyone mention it, but it's something that I really appreciate. Normally in games the NPC you'll have to follow is moving at a crawling pace that's slower than your normal walking speed, while in this they normally take off in a full sprint to wherever the objective is. It's really nice.

    submitted by /u/radbrad7
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    The way Gearbox handled the hotfix is concerning for the future of the game.

    Posted: 24 Sep 2019 06:52 PM PDT

    I want to get this out of the way right at the start; this is not a post meant to fearmonger or bash on the developers, but rather a few choice examples of how the hotfix had a detrimental impact on areas of the game. Specifically how the changes to the drop rate solidified the power farming of bosses while devaluing the rest of the content in the game, and how the blanket reduction in power of Torgue Shotguns effectively gutted a specific type of weapon. Both of these changes had aspects of them that needed to occur for the health of the game, but the execution of such led to issues that may not have been obvious at the time.

    Starting with the changes to the drop rate, I'll get the obvious statement out of the way first. Boss drops needed to be reduced, that is not in contention here. The sheer amount of the legendary items players could collect by melting bosses in seconds overshadowed all of the other content in the game and rapidly devalued the feel of those drops (whether or not that feeling is actually important I won't go into here, we'll just assume it is). The issue with the hotfix is that it only addressed one of those problems, the feeling of getting legendary drops, without correcting the other, which is of potentially greater significance. This leads us to:

    Hotfix Issue #1: There is now no content that feels rewarding other than boss farming.

    The endgame of Borderlands 3 can be broken down into three main components.

    • General Mobbing, in which players are killing regular enemies in the game, typically alongside completing quests.
    • Boss Farming, in which players load in, kill a boss as quickly as possible, quit out, and repeat.
    • Proving Grounds/Circles of Slaughter, the equivalent of dungeons/arenas.

    Pre nerf, general mobbing gave a consistent trickle of legendaries, proving grounds done optimally gave a few nice piles by the end of every run, while bosses flooded you for how quickly they could be done. Post nerf, general mobbing has a drought, proving grounds gives a couple per run if that, while boss farming remains far and above the fastest and most consistent choice. Notice the problem here? The ratio of drops between boss farming and everything else didn't change. Instead of the outlier getting toned down to be more in line with the rest of the game, it was solidified as the only viable choice.

    I want to make this clear because it's important to the central point: Mobbing with the pre hotfix values is less efficient than farming bosses after the nerf. You will see more legendaries per minute farming bosses with the current drop rate than you would have before just killing random dudes. There was no need for it to be reduced. In the case of pre nerf Proving Grounds, an optimized sub 5 minute run may be slightly better than farming bosses in the same timeframe post nerf, in which case, mission accomplished right? Endgame dungeons completed in the fastest window of time should, at least in theory, be the most rewarding activity in the game.

    The most frustrating thing about this is that Gearbox could have just reduced the drop rate from bosses. They did it for the Chupacabratch, and I'd find it very hard to believe that it was the only enemy that could be adjusted. Opting to not do this leads to:

    Hotfix Issue #2: Endgame coop play has been disincentivized due to boss farming being the only rewarding activity and being most efficient solo, which also encourages circumventing the hotfix.

    This to me is the most egregious part of the changes to the loot system. With Proving Grounds and Mobbing no longer dropping items at a decent rate, Coop farming is effectively dead. Furthermore, since solo boss farming is now both the most efficient and only consistently rewarding mode with the hotfix, why bother playing with it at all? Circumventing the drop rate nerf is as simple as going offline for a moment when starting the game. Amusingly (or sadly, depending on your viewpoint), not only did the Hotfix not fix the main issue with the loot drops, it heavily encourages players to go do the very thing it tried to address.

    The drop rate change does not look like it was thought through at all, and just seems like a knee jerk reaction to twitch clips that got passed around the office. Only two things needed to change regarding loot, being:

    • Getting rid of the permanent Loot Tink
    • Reducing the drops from bosses

    The blanket nerf was actively detrimental to the health of the game and only encourages farming bosses without the hotfix applied.

    I believe that sufficiently covers the issues with the changes to the droprate. While there are other problems with the loot in general, such as most legendaries coming from world drops and farming for a specific weapon roll being nearly impossible, these are things not directly caused by the hotfix and would be more suited in a post that covers the raw statistics of weapon drops, part rolls, and anointed perks. Let us move on to

    Hotfix Issue #3: Weapon adjustments that were detrimental to items which were not an issue.

    The issue with the changes to Torgue Shotguns will be a little shorter, but not without its merit. It is another example of how a quick knee jerk reaction hurts the game. While the nerf to stickies stacking damage was warranted for the Torgue Shotguns with multiple pellets, as these would quickly rack up obscene bonus damage, there was a rather glaring flaw with how Gearbox went about reducing their damage. They seem to have forgotten that there is a variant of the Torgue Shotguns that fires a single grenade slug rather than a number of pellets, yet these have had their stacking values gutted to a much greater degree than the rest.

    Let's compare stats pre and post hotfix. While these weapons are not optimal stat rolls they do share the same barrel, which puts them relatively in the same ballpark.

    Name Double Penetrating Shredded Bangstick (Pellet) Pre/Post Shredded Bangstick (Slug) Pre/Post
    Damage 297 x 18 3752
    Effective Magazine Size 3 4
    Pre Hotfix Stick Value 7% 30%
    Post Hotfix Stick Value 2% 5%
    Pre Hotfix Base Damage/Mag 76,662 33,018
    Post Hotfix Base Damage/Mag 33,359 18,010

    Those among you with functioning eyeballs will recognize the issue here. The shotgun with pellets does more damage post nerf than the slug did before it was adjusted. It should be noted that there is likely a variance of a couple thousand between the final values here and the optimal damage rolls, but that difference could not possibly be enough to bridge the massive gap between these two guns.

    Like with the loot, Gearbox's quick solution to an issue had the consequence of harming other things in the game that were not problems. Torgue Slug Shotguns were not an issue. Their damage was not vastly out of line, as evidenced by the previously overtuned shotguns ending up being as strong as the slugs were pre nerf, and it's not like slugs have a drastically longer effective range to warrant the lower damage. The spread of even the weapon with 18 pellets stays rather tight when aiming down sights, enough that the projectile speed will give you trouble at range before the spread will. This adjustment doesn't even address the main thing that leads Torgue Shotguns to be gamebreaking, which is their interaction with magazine regeneration. Moze and FL4K can still melt anything with them, it just takes a few more shots.

    There is a trend beginning to arise here that is mildly concerning and worth keeping an eye on. In an effort to quickly fix some issues, Gearbox has opted to use a sledgehammer rather than a precision instrument, and in doing so failed to address the underlying problem. Boss drops were too high, leading everyone to just farm them instead of playing the wealth of content the game has to offer. In response loot drops overall were decreased, leading everyone to just farm bosses since they're the only thing dropping items consistently instead of playing the wealth of content the game has to offer. Torgue Shotguns were broken with magazine regeneration, so their unique perk was reduced which gutted a weapon type that was otherwise fine with no word of future adjustment. If these types of changes are what can be expected in future hotfixes, over correction seemingly without regard for the detrimental impact, then there may be a serious problem down the road.

    I'm personally hoping the next patch carefully revisits these issues to correct the problems the hotfixed caused. I really liked the idea of endgame farming being the Digistruct Peak style gauntlets that rewarded the ability to mob well and take down a boss, rather than just endlessly instantly killing a boss, quitting out, and repeating, but with the current state of the game that just isn't worth doing.

    submitted by /u/TwevOWNED
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    For The Love of God

    Posted: 24 Sep 2019 01:03 AM PDT

    Fix the fucking thing that makes the mini-map snap to fast travel points every time you move the cursor on console. Its driving me up the wall.

    submitted by /u/crewserbattle
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    Since there’s no dlc vault hunters, I propose FL4K gets a ravager as a pet skill tree, because dinosaur.

    Posted: 24 Sep 2019 06:41 PM PDT

    I want to make ARK 2, loot boogaloo a reality. That's all

    Edit: I had some ideas for it. One upgrade would be making it ranged instead of melee and the last one would make it be able to breath fire like some can. Just a few ideas

    submitted by /u/EmperorOMadness
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    [SUGGESTION] let us pay to respawn bosses

    Posted: 24 Sep 2019 10:20 AM PDT

    This fixes two issues: 1) Having to rejoin the host repetitively when playing in a group. All that time quitting, loading, joining host is not fun gameplay. 2) Money having no value after buying all SDUs. This would be a great money-sink.

    Give each boss a 1 minute respawn time to keep the max kills per hour as the same as it is now. Everyone in the group can mess around with guns, skills etc during that time rather than looking at the loading screen. Cost scales by level and number of players.

    Edit: Further fleshing out the idea - Most bosses are designed such that the boss fight starts in a predictable fashion, with the vault hunter(s) dropping into a set location. This guarantees plenty of spacing between the player and the boss at the start of the fight, and that the player can't start with a big positioning advantage. This would have to implemented in a way to keep a predictable start to the fight without the player leaving the boss arena.

    In the square area that you drop into to start the fight, add a switch and a countdown timer to the back wall. The timer lights up and begins counting down when the boss is killed so all players can see the remaining time. Once the timer reaches zero, any player with enough money can then press the switch and the boss is digistructed. ALL vault hunters must be standing in the square area where you drop down to enable the switch, as is done in some missions (like in borderlands 2 the elevator before the bloodwing fight and at the elevator going down to the warrior). This ensures the fight always starts the same as during the original mission where the boss is first encountered.

    submitted by /u/tennispro9
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    Can we make the shield boost drops auto pick ups like ammo is?

    Posted: 24 Sep 2019 07:40 AM PDT

    I don't know about you but I find this extremely annoying. Especially when you're playing mayhem 3 and getting pounded from all directions, it can be extremely hard to actually hover over the drops and pick them up manually.

    They should behave like ammo does and become just auto pick ups when you need it!

    *edit: a lot of people are suggesting that increasing the area of pick would be a good fix and I'd agree. The problem with them at the moment is that you have to be pretty much standing on top of them to an option to even pick them up.

    submitted by /u/S_Costy92
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    The lost loot machine should have a toglleable rarity filter

    Posted: 24 Sep 2019 03:24 PM PDT

    Eventually you get to a point in the game where epics and legendaries are basically the only thing you want and ur lost loot machine is just filled with rares you have left behind and I think there should be an option to change the rarity to conserve space

    submitted by /u/Griffin6279
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    It should he possible to collect every legendary.

    Posted: 24 Sep 2019 05:06 PM PDT

    Always bugged me that there aren't enough bank and backpack slots to have every legendary. As someone who loves collecting these things, it really sucks that's it just impossible without filling up the inventory on multiple characters. I would love to see a proper museum where every rare weapon can be stored and looked at with maybe a short bio kind of like the hammerlock trophies.

    submitted by /u/TheGoodIdiot
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    Ya'll realize the winner of Killavolt's quest would receive her prize on camera, in front of his audience, for the entire ECHOnet to watch?

    Posted: 24 Sep 2019 10:01 AM PDT

    Like, you go to the ceremony so Moxxie can get her prize and there are all of these CoV watching and cameras... I guess Twitch has really loosened it's guidelines in the future.

    submitted by /u/Tels315
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    Borderlands 3 is the first game in the franchise that doesn’t censor “fuck”

    Posted: 24 Sep 2019 07:49 PM PDT

    Just realized BALEX says he's in the belly of a big fuckin' dinosaur, laughed my ass off

    submitted by /u/NotAshMain
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    TIL that enemies will flex on you if they down you

    Posted: 24 Sep 2019 08:54 AM PDT

    Goddamn Maliwan smugbot just brushed his shoulder off right in front of my dead face

    submitted by /u/jorjorbiinks
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    (SPOILERS) Vercuvian Ham?

    Posted: 24 Sep 2019 12:08 PM PDT

    Typhon De-Motherfucking-Leon. How the hell are you gonna make a reference to it almost every 2 or 3 Typhon Logs and yet when he gets slammed in the wall HE HAS NO BACK HAM.

    He joked about never in his entire life being without his Vercuvian Back Ham, that it has saved his life hundreds of times and always keeps him safe as a good luck charm. Tan is even states that Vercuvian Ham is canonically one of the densest and sturdiest materials in the known universe. If this cunt had that level of protection on him at all times, where the fuck was it!!?

    When my wife and I were playing through and saw him get yeeted into that pillar back first, I immediately was like "BACK HAM!" The fuck, Gearbox? Why you gotta do Pandora DeVito so dirty like that?

    submitted by /u/HeroicTacoShell
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    TIL that the psychos with bats can slap grenades back at you!

    Posted: 24 Sep 2019 12:49 PM PDT

    I threw a grenade and this dude hit a home run right back at me. It's the little things they added in bl3 that make you really pay attention to the detail.

    submitted by /u/theecrunch
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    [Bl3] Can we have the option to sort gear by rarity?

    Posted: 24 Sep 2019 03:25 AM PDT

    Just want to throw that out there if it hasn't already been done....

    submitted by /u/nero_107
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    What an insulting way to kill off a character (Spoilers)

    Posted: 24 Sep 2019 11:03 AM PDT

    I'm a bit biased as a Maya main in BL2, but her death really felt like a middle finger to anyone that spent time playing her or liking her character.

    They built up a pretty dignified story for her, training all her life as a siren, forced into this goddess status that she ditches to become a vault hunter, trying to learn more about other Sirens. She goes through the events of BL2 building up her abilities and saving Pandora while having this trillion dollar bounty on her head as a Siren. Then with the BL3 echo log she steps away to defend her home, while trying to learn more about herself, while promising to return to Krieg.

    Then you get her BL3 "arc".

    -Built up as this badass monk with a cool new look in one mission, and dies abruptly in her second

    -Her choice to join the vault mission to begin with when there are known siren leeches knowing their location is dumb on both her and Liliths part for not advising against it

    -Dies to Troy by accident, who doesn't even know about his powers

    -Has her death broadcasted live, with the last thing out of her being this really horrible death moan and face that gets replayed into a Benny Hill replay clip for everyone to make fun of (imagine if anyone in IW died with those faces/moans during the snap lol)

    -Has a completely half assed memorial service, and gets mentioned more with Troy making fun of your dead siren friend than all the Crimson Raiders combined

    -Is chalked up as just being the cost of war, but is also the only crimson raider to really die, with Lilith being questionable

    -And I think worst of all, they couldn't even let her die without a fight. I don't fully blame Ava for her death because I think Maya was as good as dead as soon as she went on the mission, but Ava is the reason why Troy killed her by sheer luck. I would have much preferred seeing Tyreen show off her new powers to overpower Maya, but Tyreen doesn't even have to do anything

    -There is also the whole "we just sit and watch" thing, but I will give the Devs the benefit of the doubt that they just fucked up the cutscene trigger, as the setup for that scene was clear we should have still been in the vault

    Just wanted to rant while I'm bored at work. I know it's just a game and etc., but as far as major character deaths go in any medium, this one seemed particularly insulting to anyone that wanted to see her arc properly ended. I'm hoping there is some sort of better closure in an upcoming DLC, but my expectations for it are extremely low considering how poor the story/writing has been in this game overall. I'm all for good tragic deaths in games, but this wasn't it.

    submitted by /u/Fu11m3ta111
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    Vault Symbol shirt made by the guy wearing it (me).

    Posted: 24 Sep 2019 08:52 PM PDT

    Please make it easier to see where teammates are (and get to them?)

    Posted: 24 Sep 2019 06:48 AM PDT

    Once they are outside of minimap range, can be hard to tell where they are. Also, their arrow is the same color as yours which in a chaotic fight can make it hard to tell. Visually distinctive marker plus a direction marker at the edge of minimap when they are far away would be great.

    Also, I do think it would help a lot to enable fast traveling to other players. Other similar games have done it and it definitely feels missing here.

    Anyway, LOVING this game and congrats to the dev/production team! Thanks for a great game,

    submitted by /u/Unpaid0vertime
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    I might be in the minority on this one, but I would like the gun trinkets to glow

    Posted: 24 Sep 2019 10:56 AM PDT

    Some of the gun trinkets are very hard to see while equipped. I was thinking maybe making them glow their primary color so they'll stand out a bit. For instance, the VIP Hunter trinket would have the yellow colored parts of its design glow. I guess the Neon Skeleton is a good example. Its green has a slight glow to it so it tends to stand out and pop.

    What do yall think?

    submitted by /u/JesterrMinded
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    Can GENIVIV stop making mating noises

    Posted: 24 Sep 2019 10:58 AM PDT

    That'd be great

    submitted by /u/Para-dise
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    PLEASE fix the map. It shouldn't snap to my vehicle I left in east bumfuck

    Posted: 24 Sep 2019 04:56 AM PDT

    If I open the map, it's because I want to see my immediate surroundings and how to get somewhere from here...

    I do not want to see where I dumped my vehicle 3/4 of the way across the map...

    submitted by /u/Hovdogjay
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    Anyone else love the fact that there’s a machine that gives back the loot you didn’t pick up?

    Posted: 24 Sep 2019 09:35 AM PDT

    Seriously, when I first saw the box, located in sanctuary if anyone hasn't seen it, I clicked on it and it dropped 2-3 purple guns that I didn't know how I missed but they ended up being really good guns to use! I think this is a great feature for when you're in those long fire fights and constantly running around killing/surviving. I've been very happy with how accommodating the game is with loot.

    submitted by /u/HairJordan87
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    Suggestion: Change where FL4K’s pet rests.

    Posted: 24 Sep 2019 07:30 AM PDT

    Currently it seems like FL4K's pet will automatically move just in front of him when FL4K comes to a resting position. It causes problems when trying to use the Interact button with an object such as a quest item or echo log, and often you just end up touching your pet or the pet (my thicc spiderant) severely obfuscates my view. By changing the default resting position to FL4K's side or behind him, this issue would be solved.

    submitted by /u/Perfectenschlag_
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    So...it's almost been 2 weeks, any news on that performance patch?

    Posted: 24 Sep 2019 07:29 PM PDT

    As much as I love this game is still runs like garbo for a whole lot of us.

    submitted by /u/HouseOfDegenerates
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    Moxxi's drift when fighting Killawatt

    Posted: 24 Sep 2019 06:05 PM PDT

    So when you go to kill Killawatt, she tells you to shoot him in the dick. On my first playthrough I tried unsuccessfully, upon a second attempt found out instead of critical it says "Dicked". God do these games rock.

    submitted by /u/TheMasterFatman
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