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    Wednesday, September 25, 2019

    Borderlands Major Guardian Rank bug

    Borderlands Major Guardian Rank bug

    Major Guardian Rank bug

    Posted: 25 Sep 2019 10:05 AM PDT

    Don't know if anyone has posted this or seen this but I ran into a pretty bad bug last night.

    I beat the game with Fl4k and started getting my Guardian Ranks. After I hit 50 a friend of mine jumped on and started playing as his character who was about a quarter of the way through Eden-6 (About lvl 24-26ish). I figured, instead of jumping in with my lvl 50 Fl4k and not getting any of the TVHM or Mayhem bonuses, I'd start a new character and just level that up with him.

    So I went into his game as Moze at lvl 1 (Don't get me started on the stupid gear slot unlocks that don't happen because of this by-the-by). As soon as I get in, it automatically opens the Guardian Rank screen the first time I load into the menu. I notice I have 20 Guardian rank point.

    "Hell yeah!" I say and start slamming those bad boys into stats. We play, I get to around lvl 10 and call it a night.

    Next night I get on solo and jump back on Fl4k. Everything seems fine. Guardian Rank is the same, and I even increase it about another 15 levels on TVHM/Mayhem 3. Same friend from the night before jumps on so I jump over to his game with Moze again.

    At some point in playing I gain another Guardian Rank and jump over to the screen to see what I can spend it on AND...I have -29 guardian tokens to redeem. Throughout the rest of the night of playing (ending around level 20) I only maybe got three ranks back ending at -26. I haven't switched back over to Fl4k yet to see if it affected him as well but I have a feeling it did.

    So, word of warning:

    If you make a new character AFTER unlocking Guardian Ranks and see a bunch of free points, DO NOT SPEND THEM!

    submitted by /u/kangarutan
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    Please, if you have never played a Borderlands game. Stop calling powerful weapons and skills "broken".

    Posted: 25 Sep 2019 06:12 AM PDT

    Anyone who has ever played a borderlands game knows that while there are many good weapons and skills. There are a small handful that standout amongst the rest.

    Sand hawk, DPUH, Double Anarchy, Bore... just to name a few.

    I understand some of you first timers mistaking powerful for broken but this is how borderlands plays. Some of you come from destiny where the meta changes from nerf to nerf but here on pandora we play by different rules. Players should be able to feel powerful. This is not a dark souls game. As more dlc comes out and levels get higher, mobs get tougher. In 2 at 72 every mob just about has armor. Not to mention we could level up to OP8. The name was in the level! OVER POWERED 8?

    This is just my opinion and feel free to tear me a new one but I've played borderlands for well over 7 years now and it frustrates me that 3 is the first one where I heard players cry nerf like it's a battlecry.

    Edit: this is my biggest post ever! Thank you whoever gave me silver. Happy hunting!

    Edit: Holy crap, this post took off.

    submitted by /u/MerkyMouse
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    After about 4k of eridium, I can say that the Gun Gun most likely cannot produce legendaries

    Posted: 25 Sep 2019 11:02 AM PDT

    Well, curiosity killed that cat... I was bored and had a stupid idea. And so I shot into a hole for about 10 minutes with the Eridian Fabricator.


    Some observations:

    • It shoots faster, the longer you use it
    • The description is wrong. It shoots not 10, but 6-10 Guns per shot. Heavy weapons seem to occupy multiple "slots"
    • Every 20 or so shots will produce an epic
    • NO legendary after 420 shots
    • The world can only hold about 600 Gun gun guns. After that, they start to disappear
    • This was a completely unnecessary and stupid waste of eridium
    • Part of this experiment was to give myself the chance to write gun gun guns
    • Sadly, it makes no sound if you jump into a gun-pool
    submitted by /u/Khamael_X
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    Gearbox PLEASE don’t nerf the other three characters to Zane’s level. Just buff Zane.

    Posted: 25 Sep 2019 02:03 PM PDT

    The other three characters are fun as hell and have something that they're really good at. (Fl4K crits, moze explosions/tanking, Amara melee/elementals) while Zane is just.....jack of all trades master of none?? I guess?? Movement is so incredibly underwhelming because borderlands enemies don't exactly miss their shots all that much.

    Let's keep the fun factor UP and just make weaker things a bit stronger eh? I'd love to use my Irish boi more often, but if you nerf everyone else I have no reason to do that. I'm just gonna keep melting faces with FL4K.

    Edit: people seem to have some sort of Stockholm syndrome with Zane in the comments and are furiously defending their character choice. Guys, if you have fun with Zane then use him, but he's literally mathematically worse than everyone by several tiers. It's not close. He has no play style or any real "endgame" that benefits him over the other characters. These are facts not my opinions, if you like him good for you, just do what you want to have fun idgaf

    Edit 2: u/thevironis went into the specific numbers for greater comparison purposes if you really want to get into the nitty gritty and see for yourself just how far behind Zane is from the other 3 vault hunters.


    submitted by /u/epicgamesbad
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    If the backpack size is going to remain small, that’s fine. But for Torques-sake, PLEASE put more vending machines in the middle of missions!

    Posted: 25 Sep 2019 04:34 PM PDT

    I hate how I just cannot pick up anymore items after a certain point; and I've still got more than 1/2 the mission to go.

    submitted by /u/LittleRudeDude
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    Moxxi keeps track of sabotaged radio towers in her bar.

    Posted: 25 Sep 2019 12:57 PM PDT

    Really nice detail I found in her bar.


    submitted by /u/xylitol777
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    Eridian Writings Observations and Speculations

    Posted: 25 Sep 2019 03:56 PM PDT

    Eridian Writings Observations and Speculations


    There are 30 Eridian Writings in Borderlands 3 right now and our dear narrator, Nyriad, seems to write about a couple different themes I am only going to point out the writings that I find most interesting.

    I am no doctor so I apologize if some questions I ask were obvious or already answered.


    This category is for the writings dedicated to the Vaults, Pandora (The Great Vault), and their Monsters

    Secrets - "For every Graveward, Traveller, or Timekeeper, there are surely a dozen more slumbering in forgotten vaults". We kill a Graveward on Eden-6's vault in Borderlands 3. We kill a Traveller on Pandora in Tales from the Borderlands. Will we get to kill a Timekeeper in a future vault?

    Feeding - "The Eridians devised of a feeding slot that calls wayward souls to open it every 200 years. A cruel surprise for those that open this false vault..." Was this "feeding vault" the same as the one we opened in the first game? Nyriad refers to the feeding vault as a false vault. Doesn't that mean that the first vault we open is not a genuine vault and the Destroyer we fight is just a piece of the real one?

    Curiosity - "I don't know how the Eridians became aware of the Destroyer. They never spoke of a time before it. I suspect they went searching for it..." This means that the Eridians didn't create the Destroyer but instead found it. I wonder what vault monsters were created and which were found.

    Warrior - "Those who hoped to appease the Destroyer by ruining Pandora were met by another of the Eridians' creations-The Warrior". This is related to the writing above. The Eridians created the Warrior to defend Pandora whilst it was being constructed, further proving that some vault monsters were creations

    Reflection - (Paraphrased) "As long as something exists the Destroyer will be there with its unceasing hunger". Just a thought, but I wonder if the Destroyer has any Lovecraftian inspirations.


    Brighter - "My sisters told me where I could die that my thread might never be picked up again. This would be a brighter universe without a leech." The only thing we could assume about this is that Nyriad was a leech and that the crushing guilt of what she had done caused her to try to kill herself and end the line of Leeches.

    Knotted - "Every Siren must decide what will happen when their thread reaches it's end". This leads directly into the next writing.

    Burden - When a Siren dies she has the choice to pass her gift/curse to someone of her choice or to pass it so a random soul". Do Sirens know they can do this? Maya did but she was a monk who studied Sirens. Maya also knew who Nyriad was so I think she knew. But what about Angel and Lilith? Did Angel choose Tannis or was it a sheer coincidence. Who is Lilith going to pass it too? And Tyreen, who will be the next leech?

    Braid - "Even when one passes and a new Siren receives her markings, she always finds her way to the sisterhood" Will we get to a point where all the Sirens are together? And will we be able to predict what Siren we will be able to play as next?

    Witch - "I am a Siren" boom Nyriad is a Siren

    Warning - If someone were to put these writings in chronological order(a project for another day) then this one will be last. It opens with, "You. You know now all that I know." and ends with, "Before I can put my fractured mind to rest, I must pass on one final warning. You must never find the seventh." The only thing I can think of is that there is a seventh Siren. Who is it? Who will it be? Have we already met her? Was it Troy (Probably not)?

    Sirens we know of

    As Handsome Jack said in Borderlands 2 there can only be 6 Sirens in the universe at a time so I wanted to try to find all the kinds.

    The Phasewalker - Lilith

    The Phaselocker - Maya - Ava

    The Phaseshifter - Angel - Tannis

    The Phasecheekclapper - Amara

    The Phaseleecher - Nyriad - Tyreen (I guess Troy too)

    The Phase???

    To my knowledge we don't know the sixth siren. Queen Dido and Commandant Steele we're both Sirens but it is unclear which goes where.

    The Guardians

    Free - "What will the Guardian do when all the vaults are empty"? I have the same questions that Nyriad asks. Will the Guardians still stand their vigil? Will they find a greater purpose and what is stopping them from finding it now?

    Consciousness - "Vaults operate as self-contained prisons. The Guardians are not jail-keepers, they are sentinels guarding the walls. Why then bring them so close to consciousness? What purpose has a thinking spear?"

    Keen - "I suspect some Guardians are keener than others. I've seen them acting on their own accord and even heard them speak". Is this like the Watcher from the Pre-Sequel? It definitely seemed smarter than all the others

    Uncountable - "Guardians aren't bound to individual bodies so there could be a uncountable army hidden below the surface of a hundred worlds".

    Change - "I have seen guardians change their bodies to better fit their situation. I wonder how far they will change in the absence of their makers". Could the Sentinel in Elpis be an example of this? Elpis's Vault was strange because it was a vault on the vault key to the great vault. Was it like a pseudo-vault? So they let a Guardian enhance itself in place of a vault monster.

    Watcher - "There was a single Guardian present when I killed the Eridians. It stood and watched from above us in that mechanical crypt. I feared, and perhaps hoped, that it would seek to avenge them and strike me down. But it made no motions to save it's life-givers as they died. It merely...watched". In trying to find The Watcher's name on the Borderlands wiki (https://borderlands.fandom.com/wiki/The_Watcher), I stumbled on it saying that this watching Guardian is the Watcher from the Pre-Sequel. Which goes to the idea of guardians evolving themselves. Perhaps the Watcher is like a rouge Guardian. Or the Eridians created it specifically for watching over and controlling disasters like the War it mentions after the pre-sequel or that Nyriad was not supposed to die yet as she feared/hoped. - The use of "Us" could be referring to the sisterhood. Perhaps the other Sirens were there.

    Please correct me if anyone has insights or answers :)

    submitted by /u/PukeSkyyaker-the-II
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    Posted: 25 Sep 2019 06:55 AM PDT

    Shits out a white rocket launcher

    submitted by /u/WrittenOffski
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    Is there a canon explanation why the galaxy is simply littered with washing machines?

    Posted: 25 Sep 2019 05:45 AM PDT

    Pretty much the title. I mean, it's not even like their clothes are particularly clean.

    submitted by /u/anirban_82
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    Zane Barrier Visual FX makes IMPOSSIBLE to aim most of the time

    Posted: 25 Sep 2019 05:17 PM PDT

    So, im using a Zane build the require the Barrier and i like the Barrier skill but most of the time is IMPOSSIBLE to see my target, i have to be constantly marking my targets with the ping system, so i know where to shoot, the visual FX is terrible, I tried lowering graphics(PC) to see if the FX becomes less blinding but makes no diference.

    Doesnt matter if the game is beautiful, if we can see shit, or even worse, a SHOOTING game that we cant see our TARGETS.

    I know Borderlands game have lot of chaos going on, but this FX is just useless, its only a bad thing, is not even pretty.

    Here is a screenshot of me shooting my gun while using the Zane Barrier Skill, it's VERY bad to see anything, and thats because im not even in combat, if im in combat there going to be explosions, granades, enemies shooting at me as well, and becomes even WORSE.

    I played borderlands games for years and i dont mind the chaos, i part of the fun, but its not fun when i cant even see the game im playing.


    submitted by /u/rafaelribeiro99
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    PSA: You can get second wind out of bosses 'attacks'

    Posted: 25 Sep 2019 12:43 PM PDT

    I recently figured this out like 2 days ago.

    You can shoot the icicles and fireball during the captain Traunt fight to get up.

    Same goes for Billy fight when he do his flaming skulls attack.

    Those are just a few examples. But for those who are not inform. Well there you go

    Edit : any objects that you can destroy that are deploy by the enemies.

    submitted by /u/Xaoney
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    New VIP Email Code: ALLABOARD

    Posted: 25 Sep 2019 05:58 PM PDT

    New VIP Email Code: ALLABOARD for 250 pts


    submitted by /u/Hegemonic_Imposition
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    Fl4k has undeniably the best voice lines among the new roster.

    Posted: 25 Sep 2019 08:16 PM PDT

    Change my mind.

    submitted by /u/Warhause
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    Can we please get a more streamlined way to change Amara's element during a fight

    Posted: 25 Sep 2019 08:16 AM PDT

    so, with the changes to how skill trees work in BL3 it is possible to change Amara's element during battle by going to the menu and just selecting the element you want. I think it would be great if there was a way to hotkey (like with numbers 1-4 for guns) this instead since the element of her action skill can also affect the element of her melee and gun damage. If we could easily change from shock to corrosive or fire during a boss fight this would make her much easier to play without affecting balance too much. I don't know if this is feasible for console, but it shouldn't be too difficult for PC, and PC already has more control than console anyway.

    Edit: When I created this post I didn't realize that there was already a relatively simple implementation for Fl4k on console which could be adapted for Amara, I figured it would be much more complex to implement it on console.

    submitted by /u/jab136
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    Absolutely Unacceptable Gearbox...

    Posted: 25 Sep 2019 09:03 AM PDT

    Why could we not have Ace from the side mission 'healers and dealers' mix track? He threw down some pretty cool rhymes. Hell, even put him on crimson radio ya know?

    submitted by /u/xTGE_Youtube2019
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    Don’t gamble kids

    Posted: 25 Sep 2019 06:07 PM PDT

    Me and my friend spent easily 30 minutes at the slot machines and eventually won a siren class mod I could use. Our 6 million finally paid off so we could get something. He drops it for me aaaaaaand it falls through the fucking map. Didn't get it back through the lost loot machine. All in all, I think it's safe to say I'll never go to Vegas.

    submitted by /u/okillfindanewname
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    Fast Travel Stations way too far apart (or not enough of them)

    Posted: 25 Sep 2019 12:32 PM PDT

    [Borderlands 3]

    Someone was right, being able to fast travel from anywhere now is GREAT!

    Trouble is, respawn points are very sparse and this makes things a nightmare for joining new games where you have to run through an empty map for 5-10 minutes to catch up to your team :/.

    Not sure if someone already posted such a thing.

    That and... Not being able to skip cutscenes after viewing them... WTF?

    I though game design solved this in 2002.

    submitted by /u/makotomike
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    Nerf Rakks. Honestly.

    Posted: 25 Sep 2019 12:40 PM PDT

    Have you every played Cistern of Slaughter in True Vault Hunter Mode on Mayhem 3?

    Than you will know what I am talking about.

    Their movement speed is way too fast and their path is not predictable, this leads to you missing 90% of your shots. The shots that hit do really small damage and the crit damage multiplier also doesn't help to get thos things on the ground. They are super tanky, not to talk anout their attack strenght. One hit can easily hit you for 10k hp, not factoring in damage over time. It is crazy how how this combination makes my personally most feared enemy type by a long shot.

    Every other enemy is balanced some sort, but the rakks are just a mix of all positivr traits an enemy can have. They are agile, unpredictable, tanky and strong hitting.

    I absolutely melt every enemy in the arena, but when it comes to the rakks they just kill me so fast, and my Lyuda crits do pity damage. The fact that at least 3 badass variants spawn at the same time just makes matters worse.

    The rakks need a serious rebalance for endgame content, they are stupid overpowered.

    Or maybe I have just not found the way to kill them. In this case, please let me know how to do it right!

    Thanks for reading!

    submitted by /u/Szlobi
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    I spent my first 40 hours of this game as Zane, me thinking he's a balanced character and all, before coming to this subreddit and reading about the other classes.

    Posted: 25 Sep 2019 09:12 PM PDT

    Does it bother anyone else that mailbox is at the title screen but can only be used in game?

    Posted: 25 Sep 2019 08:40 AM PDT

    That being said, this is one greatest and most enjoyable games that I have ever played.

    submitted by /u/DarkBlueMullet
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    Let’s talk about Ava...

    Posted: 25 Sep 2019 12:38 PM PDT

    How does everyone feel about Ava? Cause honestly I hate her. I get that she's a teenager but I don't need angst or 13 year old emotions in this. She's not funny and having Maya sacrifice herself was a waste of a character and felt unnecessary. Could've replaced Ava with Tiny Tina and made this game 10x better.

    This game needed more Tina, Brick, Claptrap, and TORGUE.

    submitted by /u/jellocupconti
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    If you're going to post a brag video about how quick you killed a boss, show your mayhem modifiers at the start.

    Posted: 25 Sep 2019 09:11 PM PDT

    It's the biggest point of criticism I've seen, and its legit. The right rolls can make Mayhem 3 significantly easier than Normal, and its scummy to brag about how your build can kill Gravemind in 3 seconds, when you're not showing that you've re-rolled to stack three positive damage modifiers against a negative health on enemy modifier.

    It takes three seconds to make your brag legit, so put up or shut up!

    submitted by /u/CitizenKing
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    So is the PreSequel effectively retconned out? (Spoilers)

    Posted: 25 Sep 2019 01:58 PM PDT

    No reference whatsoever to the Eridian they met at the end, no reference to Aurelia working for Jack, no mention of Athena, and no mention of the millions of people on Elpis including when Lilith sets the entire moon on fire

    I'm just really disappointed in how much they left out. Including the rest of the non Maya B2 characters, at least Krieg got some ECHO logs but outside of that it just seemed like there was a huge amount of lore missing.

    submitted by /u/sinascendant
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    I REALLY want...

    Posted: 25 Sep 2019 06:54 AM PDT

    That chili recipe. 🌶

    submitted by /u/hellomountains
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    I am so, so disappointed that Moze’s Iron Bear scales terribly after the first playthrough.

    Posted: 25 Sep 2019 04:09 PM PDT

    I was enjoying the mech so much an the first playthrough. I loved the weapon customisation, and that badass feeling of being able to wade into a group of enemies and open fire unscathed for a while.

    But after starting the TVHM playthrough, it feels completely useless. I'm not using close to an optimum build, and my legendaries aren't that good, but being outside the mech completely outclassed the damage you do inside of it. A direct hit from a double railgun does less damage than a shot from some random sniper.

    The DPS isn't even the worst issue, it's the mech's durability.


    Even basic bandits tear through you like a wet paper towel. It's completely ridiculous that your huge armoured robot gets completely shredded in seconds, whereas your character's shield can survive much more punishment. Feral skags basically 2 shot the mech, and any bandit with an elemental weapon melts it. I feel like I'm lasting about 10 seconds in it each time. It's not like you can play defensively either, because the AI accuracy shreds you at long range too.


    I've completely lost all motivation to play TVHM now to be honest. I chose Moze because of the awesome mech, and now it genuinely feels completely unusable, rather than a badass action skill with a huge cooldown. I don't want to run the generic OP explosives build, I just want them to make the mech a viable choice. I'm only just at Sanctuary in TVHM, so I can imagine it's just going to get even more pointless as the game goes on :(

    submitted by /u/princeapalia
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