• Breaking News

    Wednesday, October 23, 2019

    Borderlands Ah Sh*t... I navigated again.

    Borderlands Ah Sh*t... I navigated again.

    Ah Sh*t... I navigated again.

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 05:29 AM PDT

    Who else want to hear Balex voice in the car gps??

    submitted by /u/SirCaramell
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    A 6.8GB update is out. Well, it is for the Xbox One at least.

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 06:54 PM PDT

    No patch notes I can see so far but playing offline might not make a difference after this update I think.

    submitted by /u/VTiiiiiiiiii
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    Did anyone else read Tannis' journal?

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 07:56 AM PDT

    Her final line on the Nekrotafeyo journal just brings her character arc to such a lovely finish for the game, "I'm going to take an anti-emetic, leave my room, and go talk to my friends. Wish me luck." Tannis has always been my favorite character and seeing her finally start to break from her anxieties is such a nice, wholesome, touch to the games finale.

    submitted by /u/Kylehazer
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    [Guide] Amara's Misunderstood Best Friend, the Shooting Star shield, Boss/Slaughter Shaft Farming, and you!

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 12:38 PM PDT

    Hello Reddit,

    I'm writing you today to talk about what I think is one of the most overpowered and undermentioned items in Borderlands 3 today. I'm writing up this review and providing two different builds on how to best utilize the Shooting Star shield.

    What is the Shooting Star and why is it any good? As the image shows, when depleted, the shield creates a projectile on each successful melee attack.

    You might have heard this shield is bugged, and you'd be partly correct. This shield does have some real issues that cause usability to be an issue on certain maps (Athenas, The Anvil, and more that I hope Gearbox fixes soon) as well as many issues with collision with walls. But before you look away, allow me to demonstrate the raw power.

    The above video is old and I have since refined the build further and learned a few things. I will create a new video later on today as well as one for Slaughter Shaft (now both available at the bottom of the post). Most of the Slaughter Shaft plays well with the shield except for the elevated area near the spectator's window. Things you need to know:

    • The shield procs one full power projectile per shot from the Face Puncher (7x Deep Dive, 14x Redundant) in the element of the resistance your shield.
    • The projectiles scale with Splash Damage, Area of Effect Damage, and Elemental Damage assuming elemental shield.
    • The projectile does trigger Sustainment, the lifesteal talent in the Fist of the Elements tree assuming your shield is an elemental variant.
    • The projectile does AoE in a reasonable distance.
    • The projectile (unless reflected) is not harmful to the player.
    • The projectile can critically strike.
    • The damage scales with Weapon Damage anointments.
    • The damage does not scale with your melee damage.


    The only hard gear requirements for this build are:

    • Shooting Star shield, prefer elemental for Sustainment/Tempest.
    • Face Puncher shotgun, either redundant or deep dive.

    That's it.

    The shield is a drop from the Sky Bullies (there are two that spawn) in The Anvil. They are Zer0's kill target in the area. There's a re-spawn point there for easy farming.

    The shotgun is a world drop sadly :(.

    Any level Sellout can be used to light yourself on fire/break the shield. Don't take Anima at all if you're doing this or you will kill yourself with a high level Sellout.

    Ideally you would want a class mod (Breaker for Shaft helps a lot for tankiness, Nimbus with big Tempest rolls for damage) with Splash Damage as the most important stat and Magazine Size or Reload Speed or Weapon Damage as offstats.

    You would also want an artifact with the same sort of rolls, including AoE Damage. An Elemental Projector White Elephant works very well with this build as you're already investing into splash damage, but it is not required.

    Grenade is users choice; for Slaughter Shaft I opt for a Cyro Recurring Hex. For Graveward I go with a Shock Trans-fusion Grenade to strip shields on the way down to the pit.


    Here are two variations of the builds that I am currently using. The build in the video is entirely still valid and can still kill Graveward very quickly:

    Graveward Killer

    For this build I recommend a Fire Shooting Star for max damage, but any element will kill big boy. I went with a less tanky build here and put more focus on damage. For skills, you should take generic Phasecast, any Augment, and Fire Element. You want fire element to make sure you aren't killing yourself with a fire dot if you are using Elemental Projector. One with Nature makes the fire status non-lethal.

    Slaughter Shaft

    This build is tankier and focuses a bit more on sustainment. For skills, I recommend The Eternal Fist (ties that bind doesn't work here) + Allure + Element of Choice, recommend fire. You will go down from time to time, but the shield does proc while you are on the ground, making it really easy to stand back up. We do really like to have Sustainment in the red tree, so you can assign the points in Fist of the Elements however you like, as long as you reach 2 points in Sustainment. 2 points in Sustainment gives 8% life steal. My missiles on average hit for 20k~ a piece. (20,000 * 0.08 = 1600. 1600 * 7 = 11200 which is equal to my entire health pool, all projectiles hit at the same time refilling your HP entirely per hit)


    For Graveward, it's pretty simple. Spawn, Ignite (if using Elemental Projector), Strip Shield (either with gun or grenade) during or before the drop, cast Phasecast during the drop to proc buffs, shoot the Face Puncher at the boss aiming slightly to the left of the critical point. Stay towards the back of the platform, do not rush the platform.

    For the Shaft, you want to avoid fighting on top the platform on the opposite side of the room. You can bait them down easily by just not going up there and staying out of their line of sight. The projectile spawns to the right of your screen, avoid having walls on that side. This is relatively easy to do. Cast action skill on cooldown to bunch mobs together and give yourself some breathing room using crowd control.

    If you've read this far, thanks for your time. I hope this can help making this weeks farm easier for people with relatively easy items to get. Gearbox, please fix the projectiles spawning in the floor in certain areas.


    It's worth noting that this build could and should also work with any character that has decent elemental boosts. I would imagine this working well with Moze especially as she does a lot of increased splash damage. I haven't leveled a Moze or any other vault hunter to try this out. If you want to try it out, do it and tell me how it goes!


    As promised, here are the two new videos (might not be done processing yet)


    Slaughter Shaft (Two Rounds)

    submitted by /u/cjgros
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    Give Zane his Grenade Counter back; he kinda needs it depending on his build

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 06:01 AM PDT

    Zane has a lot of skills that take from his Grenade supply. However when Zane has 2 action skills his grenade counter goes away.

    I suggest keeping it hidden, but only display it if he has one of these skills chosen.

    submitted by /u/Islarf
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    QoL: Can we get patch notes on the main screen please

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 02:46 PM PDT

    Personally I look up the patch notes when it tells me to main menu update but it's tiresome and I imagine there's a very significant number of people who assume it's a desperately needed performance update and just jump back into the game.... Only to find their build is nerfed to death and rage ensues.

    Please add! Thank youuuu

    submitted by /u/willb2989
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    Xbox user here, and this new update made me able to play mayhem modifier on tvhm, without completing the story

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 10:09 PM PDT

    I believe no one has mentioned this yet since it's new, but I'm able to be on mayhem 3 for tvhm without completing the story. I heard you couldn't do this before, but wanted to update and say it's applicable now.

    submitted by /u/Ravager159
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    [BL3] Can we talk about how cute Pippie is?

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 03:15 PM PDT

    I love that little dinosaur. I actually gasped with delight when I encountered him back on Sanctuary some time after the Witch's Brew quest had concluded. Absolutely my favorite addition to the ship, and I still smile when I hear that pap pap pap of his feet as he hops around.

    submitted by /u/Loreweaver15
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    The thing that bothers me the most

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 11:12 AM PDT

    The thing that bothers me the most about BL3 is that the mission logs don't tell you what you're getting for completing a mission. It would just be nice to know before you go through a 10-15 minute side mission just for a blue rarity item. Besides that though I love the game and will continue playing it till the day I die.

    submitted by /u/FR33huggs
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    Where is my FL4K Pokemon Trainer Hat?

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 08:22 AM PDT


    But no seriously gearbox pls where

    submitted by /u/Dan-3
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    Finished the game with my wife.

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 09:36 PM PDT

    Really enjoyed the game. All the little bits of nostalgia and surprise voice actors made the game fun. Couch coop on the ps4 was brutal. Between menu lag and constant blue screens it really tried our patience but we made it. Here were go for round 2.

    submitted by /u/rtavbipolarbear
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    The (Almost) Invincible Iceman Zane: Abusing the Stop Gap Shield

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 06:45 PM PDT

    I used to run a Rough Rider on Zane for Mayhem 3 mobbing; I thought more reliably getting CCC off on freezes would give me all the survivability I needed. But the rocket spam in the Slaughter Shaft taught me that getting constant crits wasn't always a viable plan.

    Now I use Distributed Denial with a Stop Gap, and oh boy, it seems broken. When your barrier ends, you get 5 seconds of invulnerability. With 35% cooldown reduction from Adrenaline, another 31% from an epic Rabble Rouser class mod, and another 10.29% from guardian points, my barrier cooldown is reduced by 76%. That means less than 6 seconds before it's up again. That means I'm almost invincible while holding my barrier, and literally invincible when it goes down, until it's back up again. And if I get hit during the small window where I have to throw and equip my barrier, the actual invulnerability of stop gap will protect me.

    The only real weakness seems to be anything that gets past the barrier, like railguns.

    Running this alongside the usual CCC-centric fare seems to be an optimal build for Zane. Now I just need better guns.

    submitted by /u/JekoJeko9
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    Lodestar Question (spoilers)

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 07:55 PM PDT

    I beat the game, and got the Eridian Ascensionator. It said something about finding "lodestars", but I can't figure out what to do. In my TVHM play through I found what I think is one near the beginning of the Meridian Outskirts map, but when I interacted with it my character just said "huh. Weird gate. I'll file that under investigate later".

    Anyone know?

    submitted by /u/matzohballs
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    What does NOG stand for?

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 07:49 AM PDT

    I can't seem to find it anywhere. A friend and I were curious if it was an acronym.

    submitted by /u/TiMomentme
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    Xbox One update

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 06:31 PM PDT

    Just had the update for Xbox, 6.8GB download

    submitted by /u/Boylin
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    Would it be better for me to boss farm at Mayhem 3 or do the slaughter arenas at a lower mayhem?

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 09:08 PM PDT

    What would be better in terms of loot gains?

    submitted by /u/Hotstreak
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    Xbox One Update and Performance

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 07:23 PM PDT

    Just downloaded the update for Xbox.

    I have an Xbox One X, and the first thing I noticed was the frame rate improvement when playing in Resolution mode. It seems to no longer be so laggy.

    Granted, not everyone may have had the same frame rate/performance issues, but for those that did on the X, this update has really smoothed it out.

    I can finally play in 4K!

    submitted by /u/ArtofMotion
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    Handsome Jack clothing

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 04:10 PM PDT

    I'm dressing up for Halloween, but I'm having trouble figuring out what kind of white button down handsome jack wears. Can someone tell me what its called?

    submitted by /u/ch1huahuasp1r1t
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    Is it worth to play Mayhem 3 on TVHM to farm legendaries? Or is there not much of a difference playing on Normal Mode's Mayhem 3?

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 10:26 PM PDT

    I've already tried out both, but I'm not much of a vet when it comes to farming, just getting into it myself. Only difference I've noticed is the bogus difficulty scaling. Was wondering if I'm just wasting my time with TVHM's Mayhem or just go back to Normal's?

    submitted by /u/Kennyashi
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    Bloody harvest

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 10:14 PM PDT

    Anyone know what time it launches?

    submitted by /u/barfchicken
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    What to do do after the main story?

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 08:48 PM PDT

    Hello fellow Vault Hunters, I finally finished the main quest along all the side quest. I saw lots of you talking about builds, legendaries, chaos and true vault hunter mode and I don't know what I should do Can you guys give me advice on what to do now?

    Should I continue in chaos and get to lvl 50? Should I create a new character in True Vault Hunter? Should I look for legendaries? Is there hidden quest worth doing after the main story?

    Thanks in advance for your advice

    submitted by /u/DarthKovu
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    Shift not connecting?

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 08:33 PM PDT

    I keep getting an error that says retrying to connect to shift on the Xbox one. Anyone else having this problem?

    submitted by /u/OkieBeast1975
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