• Breaking News

    Wednesday, October 23, 2019

    Borderlands If they don't rename the Maliwan tinks to 'Egg NOGs' during some sort of Winter Event, I will be severely disappointed in Gearbox.

    Borderlands If they don't rename the Maliwan tinks to 'Egg NOGs' during some sort of Winter Event, I will be severely disappointed in Gearbox.

    If they don't rename the Maliwan tinks to 'Egg NOGs' during some sort of Winter Event, I will be severely disappointed in Gearbox.

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 11:25 AM PDT

    So much so, I may never be mildly entertained by Randy's magic tricks ever again.

    submitted by /u/Tels315
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    TIL Pixar predicted Handsome Jack EIGHT YEARS AHEAD lol

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 09:26 PM PDT

    Why Amara’s Fist of the Elements tree needs some attention

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 07:54 PM PDT

    So I've seen a few people comment on having issues with Amara's FotE tree, particularly with the skills Sustainment and Infusion, so I decided to do some tests and see if I could find out what was going on. What I discovered was that several of her skills had some serious issues...

    Sustainment: The Skill text states that Amara gains Life steal when she deals elemental damage with her weapon, healing 20% of the damage dealt when 5 skill points are invested.

    In reality the health stolen has nothing to do with damage dealt and instead is entirely based on the damage listed on the weapon card. Yes, you read that right, your damage boosts from Tempest, your elemental damage boost relic, critical hits, and even enemies' natural weaknesses to certain elements have no effect on the amount of life stolen.

    So, let's suppose you are playing as a Siren (in TVHM) with 5 points in Tempest and 5 points in Sustainment. If you shoot a fleshy-target (red health-bar) with a 1000 damage fire-element sniper rifle, you will deal 2275 damage to your target (1000dmg x 1.3 tempest boost x 1.75 enemy-weakness to fire) but your health regenerated with just be 200 (20% of 1000).

    Incidentally, this also means that Sustainment only works with weapons that naturally have an element. Non-elemental weapons that have gained elemental damage (via Infusion and/or Forced Expression) gain no lifesteal due to the fact that their weapon card itself lists non-elemental damage. In fact, Infusion/Forced Expression have no effect (positive or negative) on Sustainment's life steal when using elemental weapons either...

    Given that the skill clearly states healing is based on "damage dealt" and not "base damage" I would hope that we can get this corrected by drawing attention to it.

    Tempest: The Skill text states that (at level 5) Amara deals 30% extra elemental damage, with shock damage getting an additional 20% boost (50% damage boost in total).

    In reality, shock damage is only getting half the boost it's supposed to (+10% vs +20%, giving a total of +40% instead of +50%). Either the devs nerfed shock slightly and forgot to adjust the skill's text, or they accidently coded the wrong value. Either way it ought to be an easy fix and hopefully gets addressed.

    Infusion: The skill text states that a portion of the damage Amara deals with her weapons is converted into whatever element her action skill currently is

    In reality… this skill actually does exactly what it states. Unfortunately though, it's honestly a bad skill that will hurt more than it helps in almost any situation. If the skill gave additional damage (like Forced Expression) it would be perfectly usable, but since you actually have to give up weapon damage (that ideally should be matching the enemies weakness) for a less effective element you are only hurting your combat efficiency. An argument could be made that adding shock damage might save you a bit of time that would otherwise be spent swapping weapons to drain shields but Forceful Expression gets that job done perfectly fine on low-capacity shields, and if you're fighting a shielded boss you really should just be swapping to your shock weapon to deal with their bulkier shields. Same argument applies if you're using Infusion just to spread multiple different DoTs via Conflux and Wildfire; you'd get the same result (without giving up any damage) by just running Forceful Expression.

    Samsara: (Not a FotE skill but felt it warranted a quick mention) The skill states that you are granted a stack of Samsara each time you damage an enemy with your action skill. WIth a 3 point investment, each stack grants 5% bonus damage and regenerates 5% of your max health per second. Stacks last for 20 seconds and you can have a max of 5 stacks at a time.

    In reality, at 5 stacks the healing is nowhere near 25% of max health per second. It seems that they mistyped the healing effect, and it is actually coded to function similar to the Clarity skill where the healing is a percentage of your missing health and not a percentage of your max health. You can observe this by watching the health regen drastically drop as you approach max health; on my lvl 37 Amara she was only regenerating 1 health per second as she approached max health even though she had 5 stacks of Samsara.

    Given how powerful this skill is anyways I don't think it should be changed to be a percentage of max health, but the text should be adjusted to reflect what it actually does. Additionally Phasegrasp (and it's variants) need some love with this skill... none of the Phasegrasp variants (except Fist Over Matter) will grant Samsara stacks even when you're running the Revelation augment to add nova damage to your action skill.

    That's really all I've got for now, there are a few other quirks I've noticed but they're relatively minor and related to Amara's other skill trees. For example, you can aim phaselock at the ground to activate Helping Hands' damage reduction without expending your action skill. Conversely Helping Hands currently can't be refreshed before its effect expires, so if you activate your action skill a second time via the Avatar skill you'll miss out on the Helping Hands boost. Now if they fix this exploit without also fixing the inability to refresh Helping Hands I might cry...

    That's all folks! I also posted this on the forums for max visibility. Fellow Amara players out there, let me know what you think!

    submitted by /u/StockLetter
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    Can we tone down the elemental splash effect when shooting through Zane's Shield

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 03:02 PM PDT

    I've been playing with the shield for a long while. and it's kinda irritating now.

    especially with the more accurate dahl weapons that like to be scoped.

    as you can see in the image im firing, and trying to be accurate on an enemy at a height & mid-range
    and there's always this weird splash effect, when you shoot an elemental weapon, that happens on the shield. I see it as a big negative on the shield that it doesn't really deserve to have.


    submitted by /u/Islarf
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    Save this to your favorites or even set it as start page! This nice website run bots to check all sources for shift codes every few mins!! They become posted in real time right after a shift code gets grabbed. This nice service isn't for Borderlands 3 only, but also all other BL games. Have fun :)

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 11:28 PM PDT

    There may is coming email notification soon! Here's the link:




    There is all VIP stuff too!

    submitted by /u/Dyrdin-op
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    Call me sentimental but for the (for now) ending of the series....

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 04:42 PM PDT

    ...I was really hoping it would bring us full circle to where we started. I was hoping the entrance to the Great Vault would be in/near Fyrestone.

    It would be a great excuse as much as anything to pay tribute to the awesome introduction to the series, and also I can never hear enough of Jesper Kyd's music, especially This which I consider to BE Borderlands, and having a musical theme based on it would have certainly warmed my cockles.

    Though it may have seemed overly convenient - on a massive planet, the entrance could really be anywhere - I reckon it would have been a small concession. Thoughts?

    submitted by /u/piercehead
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    Who is your favorite weapon manufacturer?

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 04:16 AM PDT

    Mine would be Maliwan, I love building elemental characters.

    submitted by /u/ObligatoryNameee
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    Borderlands Anniversary Celebration: Week 4 Mayhem On Twitch

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 09:08 AM PDT


    We're continuing to celebrate Borderlands' 10-year anniversary with another week of in-game bonuses for Borderlands 3. This week is Mayhem on Twitch!

    As the month-long Borderlands Anniversary Celebration nears its final week and Bloody Harvest draws near, we're bringing a double dose of bonuses to Borderlands 3. This week's event, Mayhem on Twitch, rewards players and viewers alike as Mayhem Mode and the Borderlands 3 ECHOcast Extension get kicked up a notch.

    Mayhem on Twitch will begin courtesy of a quick micropatch deploying by or before 3:00 PM PDT on Tuesday, October 22. You'll receive an in-game notification if you're playing while the micropatch goes live; to ensure that the micropatch is successfully applied, verify that you're online then hang around the main menu for a minute or two.

    For the duration of the event, players who enable Mayhem Mode will see an increased drop chance for Anointed gear, increased XP gains, and reduced values for various Mayhem Mode penalty modifiers. Meanwhile, viewers and streamers on Twitch will enjoy the mayhem of amped-up ECHOcast features. Badass Viewer Events will happen more often as we tweaked how those are triggered (this is a permanent change, too!), and we've accelerated voting periods during the event to make these viewers-controlled badasses even more of a challenge. In addition, Rare Chest Events will have a 100% guaranteed win rate this week instead of the usual one-in-four chance.

    As a reminder, Mayhem Mode can only be enabled once you've finished Borderlands 3's main story campaign, which unlocks a special console aboard Sanctuary III. In contrast, earning rewards through ECHOcast requires almost no effort; all you need to do is link your SHiFT and Twitch accounts. Even if you don't own Borderlands 3, you can still take part in the fun. Any rewards you score via Rare Chest Events will be waiting for you in your in-game mailbox whenever you jump into Borderlands 3. Here's a step-by-step guide to linking your SHiFT and Twitch accounts:

    If you don't have a SHiFT account, you can set one up for free at the Gearbox SHiFT site.

    If you don't have a Twitch account, you can set one up for free by heading over to Twitch and using the "Sign Up" link at the top of the page.

    Linking your accounts is easy. Visit the settings tab on your SHiFT profile page by clicking the little gear icon, click on the Twitch logo under "Connections," and follow the onscreen instructions to link your account. Alternatively, sign in to your SHiFT account over at the Gearbox SHiFT site, click on "Gaming Platforms" on the left, and then click on the "Link" option under the Twitch logo. You can also click the "SHiFT Account Link" button under the Events tab within the ECHOcast extension itself to navigate to the SHiFT site and link your accounts if you haven't done so already.

    Mayhem on Twitch will run from October 22 to October 29 when the final week's theme begins. The Borderlands Anniversary Celebration calendar is below—and if you want to know what this month of Borderlands 3 bonuses is all about, you can catch up here.

    Week 4 (October 22-29): Mayhem on Twitch! Week 5 (October 29 - November 4): Spooky Surprise!

    Whether you spend this week braving Mayhem Mode yourself or enjoying the ECHOcast Extension on Twitch as a viewer, the Mayhem on Twitch event should deliver a bevy of white-knuckle battles against badass enemies. If you're an ECHOcast-enabled Twitch streamer yourself, stay vigilant—there's no telling how chaotic those badass encounters will get when your viewers start buffing these baddies without mercy.

    submitted by /u/Kiiidd
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    Favorite Easter egg/pop culture reference?

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 09:53 AM PDT

    Mine would be the black hole shields red text quoting the best of the star wars movies "Spaceballs".

    She's gone from suck, to blow.

    submitted by /u/Deviate_Taco
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    The best thing about BL2 is the new personality given to the Vault Hunters and weapons

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 03:33 PM PDT

    Borderlands 1 had a lack of real personality. The Vault Hunters didn't really talk except for their combat voicelines, so you didn't really get a good feel for who they were as a person.

    The weapon facturers were also quite bland. Sure, Borderlands kicked off the looter-shooter genre with over a million different guns to get your hands on, but the weapon manufacturers themselves felt almost pointless considering that there was almost no distinction between them.

    Borderlands 2 completely changed that in the best way possible. Not only did Gearbox have to give life to the new Vault Hunters, but they also had to give the OG Vault Hunters the personalities we never got in Borderlands 1, and they did it perfectly. I found myself truly caring for the characters, and heartily laughing at their bantering.

    The weapon manufacturers were improved tenfold. Each of them finally felt unique. Jakobs are the high power, style factor guns, Tediore are the fire and and forget guns, Torgue are the fking bada explosive guns, and so on.

    My friends and I have all found our favorite manufacturers for each weapon type, and we constantly trade gear we find to get the appropriate types we love. I usually run a Jakobs revolver, Tediore smg, Torgue shotgun, and either Jakobs or Torgue assault rifle.

    My friends and I have finished our first Borderlands 2 playthrough, and goddamn it was a fantastic experience. I cant wait to play BL3

    submitted by /u/HeyoItsMrMayo
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    Thoughts on future threat (Spoilers)

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 09:49 AM PDT

    Just working my way through the eridian writings and I noticed that a lot of detail is given regarding the guardians.

    "Guardians aren't bound to individual bodies so there could be a uncountable army hidden below the surface of a hundred worlds". "I have seen guardians change their bodies to better fit their situation. I wonder how far they will change in the absence of their makers" "What will the Guardian do when all the vaults are empty"

    We see that the guardians that we kill in borderlands 3 are not the actual bodies of the guardians which is why their souls are released and they can power up other guardians. Maybe there is another like the watcher who is a sentient guardian and wants to lead them to another purpose. I would theorise that that is the watchers duty given by the eridians. To keep an eye on the guardians in case they get ideas above their station and to seek means to eliminate them incase they become a problem. The guardians could evolve bodies to deal with different planets and this could lead us to the great war that was prophesied at the end of TPS. Every vault hunter available vs a billion guardians located on numerous planets and systems. Perhaps their goal to awaken the 7th siren which Nyriad said never to do. Some people think this 7th could also mean the 7th galaxy which could lead to an invasion if the enemy located there is not friendly. Maybe that's what the eridians fled in the first place as their home world name also means first landing.

    Hope someone finds this interesting and not just the ramblings of a madman.

    Zane main baby.

    submitted by /u/Bloodymalteaser
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    Annointed Drops definitely got a buff...

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 01:25 PM PDT

    Logged on when I got home from work, and Annointed Legendaries are dropping like crazy. I'm seeing between 2 and 5 every boss kill, which is quite a bit more than I was getting yesterday.

    submitted by /u/Morris_Cat
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    The Garcia shotgun shoots slower in online multiplayer

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 09:06 PM PDT

    For whatever reason, The Garcia will shoot normally in solo and split screen coop, but has an added animation and reduced fire rate when playing online.

    Reduced fire rate online: https://youtu.be/j7pMbBk4piw

    Normal fire rate when playing solo: https://youtu.be/efQhsEiWyrI

    I've only ever gotten a single one of these shotguns so I'm sure it's the same one. This is somewhat consistent as far as I can tell; it pretty much makes my Garcia a gamble whether it's worth using online.

    submitted by /u/castem
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    Over a month of its release and you STILL CANT skip the beginning 20 minute cutscene when starting a new character.

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 11:02 PM PDT

    I dont understand? Honest to god thats just kinda unacceptable at this point

    submitted by /u/EverBlack697
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    How come my gun decreased in damage?

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 04:33 PM PDT

    So I got the Legendary Nuclear Infinity from the Eden-6 vault boss and this was the stats when I'd picked it up. Then when I'd looked at it again and the stats dropped to this. So now im just left wondering what happened here or if it glitched on me or something.

    I tried looking at the hot fixes but according to the latest one, and if im reading it right, it says the damage should've been increased by 40%. Or was it really just nerfed?

    submitted by /u/OmniSlayer_006
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    Storymode and Open World

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 12:21 AM PDT

    I just recently experienced two known and apparently already fixed bugs again when playing tvhm on my Siren.

    First Troy still shouted like crazy when using the fire element.(Which was the first time for this happening since the "fix") The second bug I experienced was falling through the map at one point on Nekrotefayo: When taking the alternate route to Big Bro Traunt, on the first part with the guardians there are 2 points at which you can fall through the map. Both on the edge of a stair leading to one of the gates that opens after killing the guardians.

    Finally for a suggestion: As seemingly every person playing this game for more than one playthrough is begging for: Please make cutscenes skippable(at least after the first playthrough). Including Marcus story telling and the pre-char creation scene, where the VHs clear the COV village. There really os no valid reason for cutscenes to not be skippable after the first playthrough and a lot of people would enjoy the change, so I was wondering how there is publicly not even an attempt on working on that. Other than that I am no fan of nerfs(other than"bug fixes") but I see where gearbox is coming from and what their intend is, so no hate on that.

    Have a good day everyone :)

    submitted by /u/Jake7even
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    What happened to the borderlands show stream that was supposed talk about the Maliwan Takedown?

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 07:13 PM PDT

    Atlas HQ after Story is tragically empty

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 11:04 AM PDT

    So I finished normal mode a little while ago, flipped on Mayhem 1, and have been going back through for side quests and stuff. Went to do some at Atlas HQ, and it's freaking empty. I know that storyline-wise we defeated Maliwan and cleared Atlas HQ, but it seems atypical that the area stays that way. There was plenty of stuff to kill the first time through, but going back was a huge disappointment...just a big empty ring and a lot of running.

    Anyone else notice this? Intended feature, or bug?

    submitted by /u/Zacksonfire
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    Borderlands 3 was the second highest-grossing PC game in the world for September

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 03:10 PM PDT

    Borderlands 3 was the second highest-grossing PC game of September, as ranked by SuperData's worldwide earnings chart. That puts it just above Riot's venerable MOBA, League of Legends, and just behind South Korean free-to-play beat-'em'-up, Dungeon Fighter Online. Borderlands 3 sold 3.3 digital units throughout September, though we don't know how that breaks down across consoles and PC.

    It is extremely rare to see a traditional, triple-A release release hit this PC earnings chart at all – the list is typically dominated by free-to-play titles with astronomical worldwide popularity. This is a bit of a down month for digital spending, though the effects were bigger on console than PC. Either way, Borderlands 3 is the only traditional, $60 PC release to rank as high as number two this year – if Epic Store critics slowed down the game's momentum, it wasn't by much.

    Thanks to PCGamesN

    submitted by /u/Frocharocha
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    Where did the chubbies go

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 03:26 PM PDT

    My first few hours they were everywhere and I haven't seen once since lvl 10 or so

    submitted by /u/redrocket6999
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    Lost Progress

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 04:29 PM PDT

    Just saw that all my guardian ranks, customizations, and bank sdus reset. Has anyone had this happen and been able to fix it?

    submitted by /u/Lumberjakson
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    Does the Laserspolder weapon skin deop?

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 06:01 PM PDT

    I want it. It looks really good and I'd like to see it more on my other weapons.

    submitted by /u/tagamaynila
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