• Breaking News

    Sunday, October 27, 2019

    Borderlands Be careful with the pumpkin puzzle.

    Borderlands Be careful with the pumpkin puzzle.

    Be careful with the pumpkin puzzle.

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 07:29 AM PDT

    The pumpkins needed to solve the puzzle can be destroyed and don't respawn. If they are destroyed, it will also destroy the small colorblind pumpkins. So be careful and watch your shots.

    Or be a jerk and destroy them so no one playing with you can get the chest.

    Do what you want. I'm not your mom.

    submitted by /u/Skittle1323
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    There is one setting in the options of which I never thought I change until BL3

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 08:38 AM PDT

    It's "music" to 100 and the rest to 40. Holy crap the soundtrack is SO fucking good in this game. Main menu, Sanctuary, Halloweenland, Splinterlands (dnb) it's amazing.

    submitted by /u/Troll-or-D
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    PSA: If you have more than one character, you only need to do the event on one of them

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 03:02 PM PDT

    Sorry if this was well-known, but I saw several posts this week saying that you had to do the event on each character because of the character skin unlock. I wanted to make sure people knew that wasn't the case. When you finish the 12th challenge and unlock the character skin, it is unlocked for all of the characters just like the trinkets and so forth.

    (As you probably already know, the challenges themselves are character-specific, so if you do the event on more than one character, progress is tracked separately for each one.)

    submitted by /u/Ceiyne
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    Bloody Harvest should be turned into a proving ground.

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 10:07 AM PDT

    Like the title suggests the bloody harvest event should be turned into a proving ground rather than a quest you have to complete(eliminating the 25 hecktoplasm). Either after the event it would be nice to be able to run through heck and still give purpose to terror anointed weapons.

    submitted by /u/Soulreaper31152
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    SHiFT code for a BL3 Golden Key: CZWJJ-X6XHJ-9CJC5-JTT3J-WZ6WC

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 02:31 PM PDT


    Active until 10am CS Monday.

    submitted by /u/Hellige88
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    Gearbox: We need BALEX voice in Google Maps

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 10:42 AM PDT

    I am sure there are ways to change google navigator voice.

    I want to hear "Navigated, Bitches" when I reach a destination using google maps.

    submitted by /u/foxmindedguy
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    Captain haunt's battle theme is fucking amazing

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 11:49 AM PDT

    Nothing else to say

    submitted by /u/Sansisanoldmeme231
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    How Jack 1 shorted Roland

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 08:45 PM PDT

    I see all of these people saying things like "how the heck did Jack kill Roland in one shot!!!" Well to me, this is really quite simple:

    He was using a Jakobs

    submitted by /u/Sans_Toad
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    What happened to Rhys and Sasha after Tales From The Borderlands?

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 10:18 AM PDT

    From what I've gathered so far, Rhys has a photo of Sasha on his desk in ATLAS HQ, which could indicate they're together.

    Also, at the end of TFTB, you can tell Rhys that you're either allowing him to go out with Sasha or not, and whether or not he is/was out with her is still unknown.

    However, what I've recently found out is if you talk to him you can trigger a dialogue option which basically says "have you ever been in love? Well since you asked... now I'm sad now" could this indicate that she's dead? (Hence the photo on his desk, as a memorial thing?)

    EDIT: I have just found the ECHO log in atlas hq which has a conversation between Zer0 and Rhys. Basically they talk about somebody going missing and Rhys trying to find HER. Pretty sure this is either gortys, Fiona or Sasha. Hopefully we will get more answers, Rhys doesn't deserve an unhappy ending.

    submitted by /u/MrMosebyIsMyDad
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    Is anyone else concerned that jack could be resurrected using a gun?

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 12:47 AM PDT

    The gun "handsome jackhammer" is jacks ai put into a gun which could be the same jack ai from tales from the borderlands were jack was almost resurrected

    submitted by /u/grey_labcoat
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    People like this are scum

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 09:32 PM PDT


    I'm unsure if this has been posted before but please don't pay for loot that can be unlocked for free.

    submitted by /u/AT_OP
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    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 10:03 PM PDT

    Finished fighting everyone in area mission objective talk to brick and rescue Hammerlock but won't let me talk to brick (option doesn't come on screen)

    submitted by /u/binkybaby19
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    Great News! You Only Need to do BH Challenges Once

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 04:32 PM PDT

    Was just pleasantly surprised to find out that the character skin reward for Bloody Harvest applies to all 4 classes once rewarded.

    This means you only have to get to 12 challenges once.

    submitted by /u/Faceroll-Tactics
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    Bloody harvest is good, but it’s slightly aggravating and such an easy fix

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 03:40 PM PDT

    Literally all they had to do was make it so you continuously collect Hecktoplasm and make a vending machine with terror anointed weapons like earls

    Obviously 25 is pretty cheap if they pick up all the time, so they could change it to 100 to open the portal, or hell 200. I'd even accept 500 tbh. I've killed easily over 5000 ghosts at this point so it could be a way higher number if they stacked and wouldn't be an issue. This having to listen to him talk, accept mission, fast travel, kill 30-50 enemies, fast travel back, then him open the portal is just sooooo tedious.

    The event is amazing and it's free so Beggars can't be choosers, and even if it wasn't a challenge to kill haunt 25 times I probably would have done it anyway. But this constant mission accept/turn in is ridiculous and could have been so much greater and simpler

    submitted by /u/ThoraxeTheeImpaler
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    Can the techspert Zane mod please get a buff?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 10:50 PM PDT

    Right now it's pretty useless for just about every build. I can appreciate the skill choices but 5% to recharge SNTNL duration kill skill as the ability?

    One of moze' mods gives iron bear full life on eject, why not Zane on SNTNL?

    And if you think that's too good and will make Zane broken can it at least get a buff that would make it not useless for bosses.

    Plus 5% on kill for a skill with base 24 second duration... I mean you need nearly a kill a second for that to refresh by second 24 on average. You can increase duration a bit through skills but its still very yeesh

    Please buff gearbox!

    submitted by /u/willb2989
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    Luck Modifiers and the stats behind 4,000 runs with Graveward

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 11:05 AM PDT

    **Credits to the author of this u/mix3xim ** Saw this topic come up and thought I'd share this for anyone who has yet to see it, maybe it'll help provide some clarity! (Posted Oct 10th 2019)


    Link to original thread! ————

    Luck Relics, Are they woth it? (1000 sample size)

    I finally got to 4000 runs with Graveward and here we are. Done in Online, TVHM, Mayhem 3, 15% Guardian luck.

    1000 Runs without relic = 1450 Legendaries(89 Anointed)

    1000 Runs with 12.67% relic = 1545 Legendaries(121 Anointed)

    1000 runs with Loaded Dice = 1523 Legendaries(106 Anointed)

    1000 runs with Loaded Dice+12.67% = 1495 Legendaries (114 Anointed).

    I also tracked drops for first 2000, and luck only changed amount of legendaries.

    Relics: 378.

    ClassM: 329.

    Shields: 357.

    Grenades: 323.

    Skins: 322.

    Guns: 1271.

    submitted by /u/AkAmpZ
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    Pandora doesn’t have a sun, does it?

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 03:23 PM PDT

    Was listening to one of Typhons logs after beating the game about to do Gracie's Quest and realized to myself that I haven't seen the sun on Pandora. I mean, it sort of DOES have a sun now.

    submitted by /u/MatrixReaper
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    I'd like to see something like a workbench where you can change weapon parts with Eridium

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 04:51 PM PDT

    Earlier today I got some Vladof assault rifle and it came with an under barrel shotgun, which is my least favorite attachment on my most favorite brand. I thought how nice it would be if I could take the gun to Earl and swap the shotgun out for a grenade launcher or even the bipod for some Eridium and that got me thinking about swapping other parts. Like if the gun with a 6x scope if I could swap that for a regular red dot or something.

    One of the biggest complaints I've seen about Earl's shop in particular, not the vending machine, is how it's just a cosmetic store but adding something like a workbench where you can change parts for like 25 to 100 Eridium depending on the part would add something useful to him but also give players more choice over their guns and loadout. I'm not a game designer so this could be a crap idea but just thought I would share.

    submitted by /u/ZeroCuddy
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    Information I can't seem to find in game. Is it there?

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 06:53 PM PDT

    1. The info on what the red text is for legendary gear. Many websites have this text description so it must come from somewhere. Is it actually accessed in-game or is it data mined from somewhere?
    2. The in-game achievements that always popup when you hit certain milestones like damage with X element, or X kills of Maliwan, etc. I used to think this was tied to guardian rank but quickly realized this wasn't the case once i finished the campaign. But then I couldn't find anywhere in game to see what achievements I Have completed or what was still left.
    submitted by /u/raydawg2000
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    Seeking buzzaxe prop for halloween in east tennessee

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 06:48 PM PDT

    Hey all, I am in the johnson city/elizabethton area of east tennessee and I'm wondering if any fellow fans have a buzzaxe I could borrow for my halloween costume this year. I promise to return it. I just want to have a really cool costume for this year. Please respond fast. Will PM phone number to anyone willing to let me borrow such an awesome prop. Will give something equally as valuable as collateral.

    submitted by /u/gothicgamer99
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    Killing Katagawa Jr. in seconds

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 09:49 AM PDT

    I know Katagawa Jr. isn't a commonly farmed boss because he is a pain to kill, but this might change that. If I can understand what happened. I was fighting him during the story with amara and right as I got out of the cutscene I shot him about two times and for some reason I just decided to phase lock him and right as I did all his health went down and he did the teleporting thing he does when he's dead. I have video proof I just want an explanation of how to keep doing it. Or if it's just luck.

    submitted by /u/PapaHentai305
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    can’t play on mayhem mode on my other character now.

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 09:52 PM PDT

    since they added where u can select wat mayhem mode u want to search now. i can't search any mayhem mode on my other characters. i'm really not trying grind the whole story 3 more time.

    submitted by /u/mr_meany11
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    Who thought this was a good idea for the Circles of Slaughter

    Posted: 27 Oct 2019 09:41 PM PDT

    I can kind of understand lumping all five waves of the circle of slaughter into one quest to I guess cut down the hassle of spending 30 seconds running back to the lobby area and talking to the questgiver, but how the fuck is that acceptable when turning the fucking game off fails the quest, causing you to start the entire fucking circle from round one. When you combine that with just how ridiculously long the circles are, it's just awful. I've literally spent a week at the Slaughter star 3000 because I keep spending an hour plus running through the circle, die towards the very end, go to bed since I don't have time to start the round over, and then when I come back to the game the next day, the quest is failed and I have to start over. This has to be a glitch right? Because if it isn't I honestly have no clue why anyone would think it should work like that . Anyone else having this issue?

    submitted by /u/mtbeck2012
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