• Breaking News

    Saturday, October 26, 2019

    Borderlands The Bloody Harvest Event should be locked behind having the quest active.

    Borderlands The Bloody Harvest Event should be locked behind having the quest active.

    The Bloody Harvest Event should be locked behind having the quest active.

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 08:28 AM PDT

    It would fix a good bit of issues everyone is having with the event. Personally having Terror anointed weapons/gear taking up 90% of the drops is annoying and right now I don't want to encounter haunted enemies.

    submitted by /u/Bigcat9715
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    The new Shrunk 'n Dead weapon trinket is much larger than others and real easy to see on guns

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 09:38 AM PDT

    They did a really good job with this trinket. I hope it means that the other ones have a chance at being made larger and easier to see as well because honestly there's some pretty cool ones to choose from. If I could have a bigger Butt Stallion tail, rakk hive and Rhys stache on my guns it would be a small thing that would really make me happy!

    submitted by /u/MojaveBreeze
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    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 11:46 AM PDT


    Active until 10am Sunday CST.

    submitted by /u/drunkboarder
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    I'd love to see current Mayhem Modifiers displayed on the in game HUD instead of only on the map.

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 09:40 AM PDT

    At least until they can make the menus in the PS4 not super laggy. Anyone else?

    submitted by /u/wolf_logic
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    Just when I thought I couldn't love Zer0 in this game anymore...

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 12:29 PM PDT

    This is my 4th time through the game and I never noticed this happen before with an NPC but Zer0 just revived my Jabber. What an absolute stand up guy he is. I don't think an NPC could possibly impress my FL4K self any more than he just did.

    submitted by /u/MojaveBreeze
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    Bloody Harvest dors something Ive wanted to see for a long time

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 10:36 AM PDT

    Add elements if a dlc/event into the whole game world. Way back with robolution I always thought it was a shame that the claptrap enemies were locked into the dlc region. Really limited the scope of the events. I know people are annoyed by it being always on but I cant help being a little happy though.

    submitted by /u/Variantr
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    Zane is my favorite character, but...

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 08:33 PM PDT

    I straight up can't see anything through all of the particle effects. If I'm on any Mayhem mode and I pick up my shield, the entire screen is filled with bright lights and explosions and I can only see enemies for fractions of a second. I'm often shooting at nothing because I can't tell that I'm not hitting anything anymore. If it wasn't for the Bad Dose icon I wouldn't even know where any enemies are at all.

    Do other characters have the same problem? I really wanted to play the Bloody Harvest event but there's no point in playing the game at all if I can't see what's happening.

    submitted by /u/mango_myr
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    Oct 3 Hotfix isn't working -> “Touch Pet” prompt is now a lower priority and should no longer interfere with looting or vending machines

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 03:09 PM PDT

    Yeah, that isn't fixed, as far as I can tell it didn't change. Spiderant still decides to just stand on the loot and you can't see through her.

    Guess I'm going back to playing petless, it's unbelievably frustrating to have her constantly walking in front of me and obscuring everything even when we're not in combat.

    submitted by /u/temporalwolf
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    Split screen

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 12:24 PM PDT

    The best part about this last update was the notes. Where it really showed they are paying attention and working on what the players are voicing needs to happen. So I wanted to start a thread to show how many people want horizontal split screen back.

    So many if the menus and huds are set up for the space and are just so squished on horizontal split screen. Not being able to look at the gun card with out looking at the other players part of the screen is silly at best. I for one turn around thinking I missed something when ever my wife picks up a gun because the card info appears at the bottom of my screen. The bank, the backpack, the stores all favor vertical space.

    Anyway what do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/magisky
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    Did the recent update (PS4) break anything?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 03:36 PM PDT

    On PS4 my Mark as Favorites feature no longer works in the Backpack, only in the Vendors. This sucks cause the Backpack is how I organize what to sell by comparison and Mark as Trash before selling it. Anyone else notice this? Needs fixed ASAP.

    submitted by /u/weirdeyedkid
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    Revolution Babe Moze build

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 02:59 PM PDT

    Hi guys, my name is escapich and I am Moze main.

    Let me show you maybe not as powerful as pre-nerf Nade Moze, but still perfectly viable and very fun build.

    Video version with gameplay footage with different guns


    We focus on shields, gun damage, fire damage, fire rate and ammo regen to never, NEVER reload.

    Since we don't run Vampyr, our only way to sustain is through shield recharge (and taking shock damage to Transformer shield), if you end up with low shield, pop into Iron Bear to activate Full Can of Whoop-Ass and you'll get back to full shields in few seconds.


    Shield: Transformer, immunity to shock damage and 40% bullet absorb, makes us very tanky.

    Artifact: Elemental Projector Deathless, actuvates Desperate Measures to its full potential, increases our shield pool and shield recharge rate, boosts our fire damage if we are ignited. If you have regular Deathless, it is still fine, elemental projector is mostly used on bosses and there are other ways to destroy them anyway.

    Grenade: I run Epicenter to proc self-ignite, Storm Front is also viable option for mobbing. This build is not centered around grenades, so pick the one you like, really.

    Class mod: Blazing Marksman, since there is no Bottomless Mags legendary class mod. +1 redistribution imporves out ammo regen even further, +4 Scorching RPMs increases fire rate and critical hit damage. Another viable option is Bloodletter with +3 Desperate Measures and +2 Phalanx Doctrine, it decreases shield recharge rate, but allows us to replenish shields with health pick-ups, use it if you like it.


    This build has a lot of bonus gun damage, so you can actually use many different guns. Pick ones with big damage, high fire rate and more than few bullets in a magazine and you're good. Also, fire.

    Personal favourites are: Shredifier, Butcher, Crossroad, Lyuda, Conference Call, Dictator, Faisor

    Best anointment is "After exiting Iron Bear, the next 2 magazines will have 40% bonus Incendiary damage", since we never reload, it will have 100% uptime. Don't forget to reactivate it if you swapped weapons!

    Honorable mentions: Torgue Potent Quickie, this in sticky mode with Some for the Road will destroy any boss without invul phases. Alchemist and Redline also work just fine.


    Most of the time you should run into enemies' faces and destroy them faster than they destroy you. On low shields, acttivate Iron Bear, sit in there 5-10 seconds and jump out with full shields. If game hates you and spawns 5 rocket launcher badasses on your face, don't be shy and kite them, hide around corners and snipe them from safe distance. you can not face tank everything, you are not pre-nerf hex vampyr Moze.

    On bosses, jump into Iron Bear to activate anointments and Some for the Road and unload your Quickie on their faces. Finish them off with Lyuda/gun of your choice in case of invulnerability phases.

    Good luck and have fun!

    submitted by /u/escapereal1ty
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    Legendaries with Highest One Shot Potential

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 11:23 AM PDT

    I know people rank fire rate higher than raw damage but I enjoy aiming at enemies once and exploding them with just wasting one ammo. Below are the weapons in each class I found to be the most effective at one shotting, please let me know if there is anything better out there.

    • Pistol - Amazing Grace / Unforgiven: The raw damage on this gun is nothing to scoff at. If you get crits, it can one shot most badass bosses also - but then... Unforgiven is the gun if you want to one-shot crit. Just so much sauce.

    • Shotgun - One-Pump Chump: Over 4K raw damage from the weapon alone,l. It literally destroys everything. You can 2-3 shot most bosses using FL4K Fade Away.

    • Heavy - Quadomizer / Nuclear Jericho: Either one of these rocket launchers are an explosive spectacle. I think the secondary of Nuclear Jericho is definitely higher in fireworks potential and overall damage but its secondary explosions are delayed (and therefore may not qualify for one-shot, same reason occulist wasn't mentioned in the list of pistols).

    • Sniper - Crossbow: This weapon is such a hit and miss. It can do massive heaps of damage or next to nothing. It all depends on how far away you are from your target and did you arc your shots properly to land a headshot.

    Anyway, I don't think machine guns have one-shot potential but I would love to hear what y'all think or if there are other legendaries out there with higher one-shot prowess (that I just haven't come across).

    submitted by /u/foxmindedguy
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    Bloody harvest not active?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 09:26 PM PDT

    So last night I played the BH quest half way and once I went into the portal I got off because it was like 1am and this morning I noticed I spawned back in sanctuary instead of the other place and now it says the event is inactive

    submitted by /u/velariumm
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    What makes the Flakker good?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 02:55 PM PDT

    Finally got one. It feels awesome to use, but it wasn't actually good for me. How do I beef it up? I assume +Splash damage and +AoE, but what else. Or does it need a good roll? I forget what it's prefix is, but it does a little over 1,000x3. I'm using Zane.

    submitted by /u/SweetAlpacaLove
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    "Show on map" is the missing quest log feature we all need

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 11:33 AM PDT

    Seriously, this one fix / addition would improve life so much, on console in particular

    submitted by /u/adyo
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    Game won’t load after update

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 06:23 PM PDT

    Is anyone else still having this problem after the last update? I'm on an OG Xbox One. It goes to the loading screen, but then times out and won't start. It did this before, but would always work after a couple tries. I've now been trying for a few days and hasn't worked once.

    I've tried a system restart and an uninstall/reinstall. Anyone had any success with anything else?

    submitted by /u/MisterPickel
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    Which character is best suited to Jakob’s/snipers?

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 08:53 PM PDT

    Looking for a character I can most effectively use these guns on. Amara is my only character but she relies more on elemental damage

    submitted by /u/borealbadger
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    Moze's vampyr skill is broken.

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 05:54 PM PDT

    After the latest patch/ hotfix Moze's vampyr skill is unusable it almost never activates now completely. Ruining my explosive builds survivability.

    submitted by /u/UnusualCape
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    Moze HELP

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 07:38 PM PDT

    My grenades suddenly stopped healing me. Is it a glitch or nerf? I've respec my character twice and doesn't seem to work.

    submitted by /u/coloreefer
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    Broken Mark Favorites/Trash Fix

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 07:08 PM PDT

    You can't do it through your backpack, but you can through the bank, vendors, and only the weapons you have currently equipped in the inventory menu.

    "Try your weapons out before marking them as trash!" /s

    submitted by /u/Dragwolf720
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    Mysterious Moze build I encountered in matchmaking

    Posted: 26 Oct 2019 06:44 PM PDT

    I queued into Circle of Slaughter matchmaking on Mayhem 3 at level 50 today on Xbox. I've only had experience playing Flak and I got queued in with a Moze today. Right before we started I saw her pointing her gun at the ground and damaging herself for a while. I just assumed it was someone being stupid so I didn't pay attention or ask questions. Then we start up the CoS and we are breezing through it. No problems. We get to round 3 and it's getting a little tougher and I start taking some damage and realize I should probably stay closer to my partner in case one of us needs a revive. That's when I notice this Moze is appearing to one shot essentially everything. Big two health bar Heavys on mayhem 3 just evaporating so dang fast. I also realize she's taking next to zero damage it looks like. So I start getting suspicious. We made it to the end of the 5th round and we both wipe at the same time and have to start over so I thought well she's not invincible but I wonder what sort of stuff she's running. Then before we start the round over again I see her shooting her feet for a while doing damage to herself and I realize it's probably some cheese build.

    I say all that to ask:

    Anyone know what type of build this is? I'm now very interested in leveling a Moze and want to know a) if it's worth leveling a Moze and b) is this a real build or some cheats or something fishy going on? c) what sort of legendaries should I hold on to for Moze if I level her next?

    Thanks for your help vaulthunters.

    submitted by /u/aaronmagoo
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