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    Monday, October 28, 2019

    Borderlands Vault Hunters Fanart

    Borderlands Vault Hunters Fanart

    Vault Hunters Fanart

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 12:36 PM PDT

    Increased annoint drops and less bad mayhem modifiers are permanent now

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 04:37 PM PDT


    This is of course tremendous news. But lets not forget the real good news in this.

    With the reduced modifiers and increased health Fl4ks's pets can live up to a mini-


    submitted by /u/Variantr
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    Borderlands 3 has way more waiting.

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 08:37 AM PDT

    I'm not gonna list all the times this happens, because I don't want to drop spoilers, but think of how many times in Borderlands 3 you have to talk to someone, wait for them to say something, then wait for them to "hand" you something, then go to a waypoint silently, then hit the waypoint, wait for talking to be done, then keep going.

    This is best exemplified in Tiny Tina's mission, where you have to go get the pizza parts, come hand it to her, wait for her to put it together, then go out, put the pizza on the wall, wait for them to talk, it explodes and you keep going finally. Or even in the mission with Rhys, who you meet up with, he talks, when he's done he gives you a hack thingy, then you walk maybe 20 feet over, stick it into a hack hole, wait for the jokes & door to open, then go inside.

    I don't know if it's just be, but in Borderlands 2, it always felt like you would walk somewhere **as the dialog was happening**. This gives you a chance to listen to something while making an otherwise boring commute from waypoint to waypoint. It also means the flow of the game becomes Action -> Comedy -> Action -> Comedy instead of Action -> Comedy -> Wait -> Walk -> Wait -> Action -> Comedy.

    It just flowed better.

    EDIT: Why do I even have to hit E to talk to people? Just like... have them talk to me when I get close.

    submitted by /u/LockeAndKeyes
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    Borderlands 3 Story: Taking away the player's agency

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 05:08 PM PDT

    Let me begin by stating that I enjoy Borderlands. Aside from the "Tales", I've played them all and have always enjoyed the gameplay loop. However, something has been deeply troubling me with the latest installment and once I was able to pin it down, it became impossible to ignore.

    The player character is not the protagonist of the story. We aren't the focus, or even one of the cruxes of the entire story. Now, let me explain.

    There are spoilers ahead. Duh.

    Let's start with a comparison to previous games. I'm not going to cover TPS and Tales, mostly because I consider them filler or spin-off content that enriches the main lore of the game. I'm not saying they're bad. Just that they are secondary to the "main thread" of the story.

    Borderlands 1 featured the player as a (mostly) silent protagonist and one of the first of a new generation of Vault Hunters. Lilith, Mordecai, Brick, and Roland weren't the first Vault Hunters, but they were the first to come to Pandora after the discoveries of Typhon Deleon. The Vault Hunters were the instigators of change in the fairly static state of Pandora. Atlas owned the planet under a sort of limited martial law, bandits roamed the areas not directly under Atlas control, and free citizens managed to eek out an existence somewhere in between.

    The Vault Hunters changed all that. They proved that what was once a myth on Pandora was in fact, truth. Vaults were real, and they could be dangerous. We shook up the landscape and paved the way for the events of Borderlands 2, through the influence of the Angel.

    In Borderlands 2, the new Vault Hunters were a part of the massive wave of hunters brought by Hyperion and Handsome Jack to Pandora as a trick. We are special in that we are the only survivors, attesting to our mettle and abilities. We aren't just "one of the hunters who showed up". We have something special, and the other characters recognize this. We aren't the leaders of the anti-hyperion resistance, but we ARE the main arm. We were duped by Jack and put Sanctuary at risk, we uncovered Angel's treachery in BL1 and are why she switches sides later on, we save Lilith in the end, and most importantly, we are the main focus of Jack's ire. Jack's irked at Roland and the Raiders at first, but as we become more and more a thorn in his side, he takes special interest in the player character specifically. That's a huge sign that the player character is central to the story.

    Now we have a third wave of Vault hunters in Borderlands 3. Who are we? Are we some proven, grizzled badasses that dealt a huge blow to the bandits of Pandora and were recruited into the Crimson Raiders? Nope. We're just the four people that showed up when Lilith put out a classified ad on the echonet. We're literally just "some guys" that showed up. We're the only ones who could be bothered. That's all. This is the first sign that the player character is NOT the focus of the story.

    The second sign is that nearly all of our achievements ingame are not recognized by any NPC, beyond a one liner after we finish an objective. We aren't even the focus of the Calypsos' attention. They regard us as almost nothing more than a pawn. They're MUCH more focused on Lilith, Maya, and Tannis. We get echos once in a while, but the broadcasts in the ship are directed to Lilith, usually. We as the player don't even get a second glance.

    In addition, our achievements end up meaning almost nothing, because directly after each and every one, we get shit on in a cutscene by one of the Sirens. This happened a few times in previous games, but it's a constant in BL3.

    • Beat the first vault monster? Great! Now get shit on in a cutscene because the bad guy gets what they want anyway and kills your friend. All without you ever actually appearing in said cutscene.

    • Figure out a way to stop that from happening again? Get shit on anyway, because the bad guys are literally gods who can steal anyone from anywhere at any time. (Which, strangely, the people that used to have those powers apparently never thought to do)

    • Kill one of the big bad bosses and stop their plans to open the Great Vault? Get shit on in a cutscene because actually you didn't and the remaining bad guy instagibs your entire team. Also, you don't appear in the cutscene again despite having literally JUST been there.

    • Find a secret way to close the Great Vault that is expressly made known to you to be a total secret from the bad guy? Get shit on in a cutscene as the bad guy magically now knows your plan, teleports in, and instagibs your entire team AGAIN. Oh, and you don't appear in the cutscene again despite having JUST been there.

    • Kill the bad guy for good this time? Aha! Get shit on again because the Great vault is still opening so a team member has to sacrifice themselves to stop it. And guess what, you're STILL not in the cutscene because you don't matter. It's the Sirens doing all the work.

    See, that's the thing. We're not the focus of the story here. Borderlands 3 isn't the story of a heroic vault hunter who arrives to save the universe. It's the story of Lilith, Maya, Tannis, Ava, and the Calypsos. Four Sirens (at any one time, and the Calypsos technically count as a single one) who feuded, almost destroyed the galaxy, and then managed to stop it... Also there was a Vault Hunter there. A camera with a gun attachment that was only there to document the actual story, not to take part in it. Sure we actually do all the menial tasks like fetching their equipment and killing things, but any time anything meaningful happens, it's one of the Sirens that calls up their magic god powers and shits on you/saves the day.

    One single example is all that is needed to prove my point: The Vault Hunter killed the vault monsters. The Vault Hunter killed Troy and Tyreen. The Vault Hunter tracked down the Eridian messages throughout the galaxy. The Vault Hunter did all this, but who does Lilith give command over the Crimson Raiders? Ava.

    A newly reborn Siren child who has shown no character growth throughout the entire game, and merely exists to throw tantrums and whine. But she's a Siren, and that makes her a better fit to lead than the Vault Hunter apparently.

    This is especially galling if you play AS a Siren, because even the story's own internal logic of "Sirens are literally the only people who ever matter in the whole galaxy" breaks down.

    And frankly, it's sort of disappointing to know that almost every ounce of agency the player character might have had has just been entirely stripped away. We as a Vault Hunter make almost zero impact on the story. The Sirens do all the work when it comes down to the linchpin maneuvers. We're just there to clear out the mobs in between, and receive a shit reward at the end.

    Edit: Formatting.

    submitted by /u/TheOnionBro
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    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 01:15 PM PDT

    Monday Borderlands 3 bonus! SHiFT code for a BL3 Golden Key:


    Active until 10am CS Tuesday.

    Redeem in game or via shift.gearboxsoftware.com - Collect Golden Key from in-game mail in "Social" menu.

    Happy Vault Hunting!

    submitted by /u/P3nGuinz
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    I originally thought making us run the Heck Hole 25 times was a bit much until I realized it’s basically just Gearbox giving us enough runs to earn all the new legendary loot from it before we’re finished

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 05:34 AM PDT

    It took me until my 22nd time to finally get the Fearmonger to drop, after getting the grenade and shield a couple times already. If I hadn't gotten it by the time I was done with my 25 runs, I don't think I would've had as much of an incentive to keep running it afterwards and I might've just given up. So thanks Gearbox, for making us run it so many times.

    submitted by /u/FlikTripz
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    Gearbox, could we please be allowed to turn off ghost?

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 09:53 AM PDT

    Anyone else getting annoyed at the ghosts?

    submitted by /u/FanFu
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    Very funny, Gearbox

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 09:08 PM PDT

    Can't trash/favorite.

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 10:24 AM PDT

    Ever since the update for the bloody harvest I haven't been able to mark my items as trash/favorite unless I'm in the shop to sell. Is this happening to anyone else??

    submitted by /u/LordOfBooYa
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    So anything on that whole BL3 shutting down xbox one Xs getting fixed? It is getting a bit annoying...

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 06:52 PM PDT

    Try to farm with a friend and it just keeps shutting system down. Just had it happen back to back... It is a bit of a major bug.

    submitted by /u/heimdal77
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    PSA: Gamma Burst actually makes your pet unkillable.

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 08:52 PM PDT

    I wasted quite a few skill points on my pet's health before I realized this; at higher tiers of play, your pet will die, and no amount of pet health will change that, but as long as Gamma Burst is active, your pet simply cant die.

    Literally. It will go to 1 health, but it is impossible for it to die, as long as Gamma Burst is still active.

    So if you want to build more towards your pet, consider skipping any points towards increasing your pet's durability. It'll die almost instantly to any badasses no matter what you do, so save time, effort, and improve your build by just keeping them alive via the only way that actually works! Gamma Burst!

    submitted by /u/EndlessArgument
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    I feel so stupid

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 12:47 AM PDT

    I have played much more than I want to admit and I just realized you can shoot the tanks on the backs of heavies.

    Sometimes I feel like I should go back to turd farming.

    submitted by /u/kylezillionaire
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    Can we please have a better system for declining mail?

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 07:19 AM PDT

    I think it's ridiculous that you have to hold x/a to fast travel, but one click and your fucking weapon is gone forever. Especially when the decline button is the same as the inspect weapon button, it's just cruel.

    It'd be much better if it was like hold triangle/Y to decline, so you don't accidentally get rid of things you're wanting to look at. Or even a 'recently deleted' button that lets you look at stuff you've declined so you can get them back. Anything other than trying to inspect that cool looking legendary I've just been mailed, and having it disappear into the void. Please, thank you

    submitted by /u/Dansterai
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    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 02:46 PM PDT

    New VIP Email Code: BLOODYHARVEST for 250pts


    submitted by /u/Hegemonic_Imposition
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    Hello, I'm Joshua and I enjoy borderlands 3

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 06:01 PM PDT

    I'm not here to tell people they can't be critical of the game or how it's being handled.

    Just here to slap a little positivity in.

    I think this is the most fun I've had with a borderlands game and I have around 1000 hours collected between 1,2 and TPS(700 of which was on 2)

    I don't want this to be a wall of text that no ones going to read so I won't dive into it deep. Gunplay, combat flow, new vault hunters and mechanics all feel so great to me.

    I love gun variety and fun little quirks. I love anointed enemies. I really wish we could have gotten anointed skags and such.

    Looting feels more rewarding than ever to me. And Amara is just the tits. There's so much content and I love being able to pick something to do that isn't farming one boss for like days for a legendary. (The bunker never dropped an optimal Sham for me.)

    It's okay to criticise and lord knows you're entitled to an opinion. But when all there is, is negativity it can feel a little bit like a downer to see. I want to talk about the things people love about this game. Not just the bugs and it's faults.

    I always imagine if all someone ever did was point out my flaws. It's discouraging ya know?

    I really like borderlands 3 and the people working on it seem to be improving it and are listening to us. They deserve some praise too.

    Can't wait to see what's to come and good Lord am I excited to be getting a raid boss.

    submitted by /u/AuthorJoJo
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    Waiting for players that never come...

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 04:22 PM PDT

    My current issue with playing is nearly no one ever shows up in your game when made public. Like when you need help with a certain mission, boss, circle of slaughter or proving ground. Why is it that no one shows up and what can we do to fix this?

    submitted by /u/Reciter5613
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    Question about the final cutscene (spoilers but I'll try to be vague)

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 09:00 PM PDT

    I have a question to anyone whose beaten the game on true vault hunter mode, when the final scene plays out, and you get that really nice shot, did the color change for anyone else the second time? Or was mine weird the first time and not give the right one?

    submitted by /u/Xitex2
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    What gives the most powerful loot, TVHM or character lvl50 Mayhem3?

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 08:59 PM PDT

    Just finished the story at level 50 and I was wondering if what gives the strongest gear and weapons, a TVHM play through or character lvl50 mayhem 3 enemy farm? (I'm New to borderlands endgame)

    submitted by /u/Triforce_Hero__64
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    Is it just me or do certain guns have higher priority in the global loot pool?

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 08:35 PM PDT

    it seems like I am getting constantly barraged by Malak's Banes and Lobs, probably two of the worst legendaries in the game, but I rarely get loot that I actually want.

    submitted by /u/jab136
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    Heal pet by betting him (fl4k)

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 07:54 AM PDT

    I feel like it would be a really neat addition to allow anyone to pet fl4k's pet and have it get healed a little bit.

    submitted by /u/d3adtreeKay
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    Kill Haunt challenge counting for host only glitch or intended?

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 05:54 PM PDT

    Me and a friend have been doing some event stuff together and so far he's still at 0/25 for "Kill Captain Haunt" even though we've done it a few times, I've been host. I understand the "Kill Haunt with a harvest weapon" only ticking up for the person who gets the final kill but for Killing Haunt to do the same seems like it's incentivizing players not to play together. Is this a glitch that we're having or is this everyone's experience?

    submitted by /u/WideMenCantJump
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    What counts as "Cryo Damage"?

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 08:27 AM PDT

    Trying do my Bloody Harvest challenges and I'm having trouble with the cryo damage one. What exactly counts as Cryo Damage? Can I freeze and shatter them, just kill them with a cryo gun, or do I need to kill them with the actual elemental damage caused by the gun?

    submitted by /u/BigMekMacReady
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    I'm confused about the completion counters.

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 10:10 AM PDT

    In the map menu, there are a few different metrics for completion. There's galaxy progress (which I currently have sitting at 103%, figure that one out), planetary progress, zone progress...and objective progress, which confuses me. If you select a planet and hit right on the d-pad, you get objective counters for each zone--on Promethea, for example, I have Skywell-27 at 22/22, and Meridian Metroplex at 23/26. You'd think this would line up with the zone objective list inside the zone map, right? But if I press L3 on the Meridian Metroplex map, I get a list of objectives that total 23. What are the other 3? It's like this for quite a few of the zones--I've done everything in the zone, but the counter on the planetary map remains incomplete. I don't understand this--can anyone help me?

    submitted by /u/Loreweaver15
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    Constructive: Seriously, what happened to Moze?

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 03:15 AM PDT

    I've been maining Moze since day 1, and I also got lev 50 Amara and Zane, and working on Fl4k.

    As a little premise, I agree that the original "immortal Moze" build was a bit too strong, I could literally sit in the center of Slaughter Shaft and just throw grenades for the whole time, not even firing my gun even once.

    But as of now, as many builds I try, I can't do Slaughter Shaft no more. The best I can do is the first 2 rounds. I've tried to mix&match every possible thing to no avail.

    On top of this, I think somewhere along the way the skills "Means of Destruction" and "Vampyr" got some serious bugs. This is a very serious problem, especially for Vampyr since it's the only sustain skill we have.

    The former is proccing in a weird way, sometimes I find myself with 0 grenades, keep firing my splash damage weapons and I still remain at 0. Other times I get 5 or 6 grenades back at one time. I also don't understand if my grenades (which do splash damage by definition) are proccing this or not. It seems like sometimes the do, sometimes they do not.

    The latter, is flat not working. No matter how many grenades I throw out, even the strongest ones I have in terms of damage, they can't keep my shields up (using Bloodletter) anymore like they did before. I played this build way before getting the Hex, just with a regular Storm Front, and I was doing just fine. AFAIK Storm Front hasn't been nerfed like the Hex so something is clearly wrong here.

    I'm not asking for an immortal build, I'm asking for something fair. Flakker became unusable, Hex is a joke right now, those talents do not work anymore. Of course I can still kill Graveward in 2 seconds with the Lyuda, but does that really matter?

    The "hard content" right now is Slaughter Shaft and I think there should be a way to do it. I can do it with Amara no problem, still learning Zane. I don't think it's insane to ask for a fair chance for Moze too.

    Does anyone know of a viable way to play Moze in Shaft in the current state of the game?

    submitted by /u/BodomSgrullen
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