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    Friday, October 25, 2019

    Borderlands Could we please stop trashing a FREE CONTENT update?

    Borderlands Could we please stop trashing a FREE CONTENT update?

    Could we please stop trashing a FREE CONTENT update?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 06:26 AM PDT

    It's not a DLC you paid for. This, as well as the Maliwan Takedown raid next month, are free updates and it sends a great message about future plans and content upgrades down the line.

    Yeah maybe the overload on anointed terror weapons is not the best idea ever, but there are better ways to communicate that.

    Also I saw people complaining about things like "this event sucks because I can't believe I have to kill Haunt 25 times!!!" - seriously? Well then go back to your previous gameplay loop of farming Graveward for 4 hours straight.

    Entitlement among some people has risen to scary new heights.

    BONUS: the new soundtrack is amazing

    submitted by /u/xGundhi
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    I'd love a UI indicator for when Anointed perks are active.

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 04:56 PM PDT

    It would make it easier to get a feel for how long you have to do your extra damage, especially when it's melee damage, I don't want to be up in a bosses face for any longer than I need to.

    Edit: Wow, thanks for the gold!

    submitted by /u/D3dshotCalamity
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    A big gripe I have with the Bloody Harvest Event

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 03:35 PM PDT

    Captain Haunt doesn't shout "HAAAAAAAAAAAAAUUUUNNNTTTT" from the top of his lungs. Hahaha.

    submitted by /u/Tazmo99
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    Borderlands Birthday Cake for my 11 y/o son's birthday party Friday. He LOVES Gaige.

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 12:27 AM PDT

    A new hotfix is out for the Bloody Harvest

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 06:30 PM PDT

    Link to Gearbox Tweet

    "We just released a hotfix for Borderlands 3 Bloody Harvest.

    -Captain Haunt has learned how to project; his VO volume has been adjusted.

    -Increased the loot drops for Captain Haunt."

    submitted by /u/gr4ndm4st3rbl4ck
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    Friday Gold Key Shiftcode

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 04:04 PM PDT



    Expires 11am EDT 26/10

    submitted by /u/kkallum
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    Captain haunt missed opportunity

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 09:56 AM PDT

    Seriously gearbox I thought it was going to be the ghost of traunt with hilarious dialogue. Instead we get no dialogue?!? C'mon gearbox!!!

    submitted by /u/willb2989
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    Small problem.

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 03:53 PM PDT

    I noticed that after this free dlc came out im not able yo favorite or trash items in my inventory. I hope they fix is soon.

    submitted by /u/Commander943
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    I just want mayhem mode without the terrible negative modifiers.

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 03:50 AM PDT

    true vault hunter mode is way to easy in terms of enemy health being too low and their damage to you being low, it feels easier than normal mode even.

    putting on mayhem 1 seems just right for tvhm difficulty and i love the amount of mobs and badass mobs that spawn and their aggressiveness.

    but the gun type and element type modifiers just kill it.

    having modifiers that simply cripples a certain weapon type or element is not fun and all it does in ruin gear choice in a game that's supposed to be all about gear choice.

    the modifiers should never simply be -x weapon type damage or -y element type damage. modifiers shouldn't change that, because then you are forced to not use what you want.

    I like the risk/reward of increasing enemy spawns, how hard they hit, their hp, the amount of badasses and the payoff of more xp and loot.

    that's what mayhem should be. beefier and more aggressive enemies.

    submitted by /u/Seek_Seek_Lest
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    Pumpkin Puzzle Spoiler: Color Blind Friendly!!!

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 07:21 AM PDT

    Jump on the banisters with the pumpkins and there are pucks with symbols that correlate with the hanging skulls eyes.

    I'm color blind as hell and was both bummed about this puzzle and mystified at the eyes being dissimilar. I thought I'd never get to have access to this chest without friends.

    So, standard playthrough/grind of Heck and I'm jumping around just looking at stuff and I hop onto the banister and FINALLY notice the damned little puck with a freaking triangle on it. Hop onto the next one and see a circle. You see where this goes.

    As a color blind dude I can solve the color puzzle. Screw you litmus test.

    Edit: THANK YOU DEVS! APPRECIATE THE SHIT OUT OF THIS EASTER EGG (which as a sub chromat I assume is what you super chromatic folks refer to as a pastel suprise)!

    Edit 2: http://imgur.com/gallery/NRJiaQV picture for clarity.

    submitted by /u/NinjaRage83
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    Character Dialogue Differences In Bloody Harvest Special

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 06:56 PM PDT


    I've gone ahead and decided to do a special episode of the Character Dialogue Differences series that I do which showcases every difference in the 4 characters dialogues from the start to the end of the game. I didn't expect this event to have dialogue but thankfully it does so enjoy :)

    submitted by /u/xTGE_Youtube2019
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    so the new update broke the ability to mark as trash/favorite items in my backpack?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 01:55 PM PDT

    its really annoying, i have to equip items to mark them as junk and then unequip them to put them back in my inventory. i can't mark them as junk from the (already slow) inventory

    submitted by /u/tobeytoker
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    Can "Terror" gear only drop from Haunted enemies please?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 08:54 AM PDT

    I got so excited last night when I finally got an Anointed Lyuda drop from Graveward, only to see "Terrorized" on it. This is kind of putting a damper on this awesome Anointed buff we have right now.

    submitted by /u/Mattman_Fish
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    I beat the warrior in UVHM!

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 08:54 PM PDT


    submitted by /u/game_lieutenant
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    Nice And Easy Ghost Farming Method...Great For Getting Loot Ghosts Too...

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 01:32 AM PDT

    Any of the Circles Of Slaughter Missions sponsored by Tourge TM are great ways of getting tons of ghosts.

    Personally I prefer the one on Pandora - The Slaughter Shaft but i believe any should work.

    1. So head there on mayhem level 3

    2. Start the mission and head into the arena

    3. Survive as long as possible (or just to wave 2 tbh) and when there is enough enemies on screen DIE and purposefully fail the round

    4. You will get teleported into the relative safety of the starting area and all the enemies will have de-spawned HOWEVER

    Ghosts are not a part of the mechanic of the circle of slaughter and are just tied to random enemies so as soon as those enemies de-spawn all the ghosts are freed and you can just go to town on them. They will head towards you but it's best to run into the arena as on mayhem 3 there appears to be a higher chance of loot ghosts and obviously as usual a higher chance of better loot. Loot ghosts do not aim for you.

    • As soon as everything is dead head back into the arena and activate the round again and rinse and repeat.

    I did this for about an hour yesterday and saw about 7 loot ghosts who dropped some tasty stuff.

    submitted by /u/lordsmish
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    It’s crunch time! Infusion, friend or foe?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 06:25 PM PDT

    Greetings Travelers!

    I see lots of varying discussions around the validity of infusion, so I thought I would try to put together some actual numbers behind it.

    This spreadsheet can be used for any value of points in tempest, or infusion. And can be modified for different health/armor/shield amounts.

    A link to the spreadsheet can be found at the bottom of this post, along with some interesting observations. The sheet is locked to only be able to modify the 6 values under the "variables" section in top left. All other calculations are then done automatically.

    This allows to play with different ratios of health vs armor vs shields. It's somewhat easy to have a rough idea in your head of what 5 points in infusion does when using a kinetic weapon and fire Action Skill Element to an enemy with a flesh only, but what about a triple barred enemy with health, shields, and armor? This spreadsheet can help you answer that question.

    Some interesting observations (at least to me) about the TVHM data

    • Without 5 points in tempest, infusion drops your damage by a fair amount in many situations

    • Shock overall is the most efficient element type

    • If there is even a tiny bit of shield, using a shock weapon (with or without infusion) is the best weapon, even if the shield is a fraction of the armor or health on that target

    • If you run tempest, cryo is very close to shock in efficiency

    • Cryo outperforms corrosive in almost every situation

    • Running 0 infusion, 5 tempest, and a shock weapon is better in any situation where there is any amount of shield

    • Radiation is extremely lackluster from the point of view of just straight bullet damage (obviously doesn't take into account aoe dot, or dot spreading aspect)

    • Cryo weapon, shock infusion (with 5 tempest) outperforms or equals almost any conceivable infusion, for any amounts of health/shield/armor, unless it is flesh only

    • Fire element bonus vs flesh only is really that substantial, and outperforms other elements if flesh only, as would be obvious, but any amount of armor/shield very rapidly reduces overall efficiency to the point where you are better off using a different gun, a shock infusion, or no infusion at all.

    • If you are using a kinetic weapon, with tempest, pretty much any infusion improves overall efficiency

    • Corrosive infusion is trash

    Some other smaller observations here, but hoping this at least sparks some discussion, or helps you make an informed decision about Infusion.

    This data does not take into account the "bug" (some call it a feature, I call it a bug) where if your action skill element matches the element of the gun, the overall dot is reduced. In fact, these calculations do not take any DOT into question.

    This shows me that Infusion allows you to have loadout diversity if you don't have guns to cover all mayhem mods, and can improve your damage in some cases, but has a greater chance to lower your overall damage if you don't choose the right gun vs AS element infusion.

    For me personally, If I run Infusion, I will definitely run tempest, will only be using shock infusion, and will focus on Cryo weapons for greater efficiency in most cases.

    Hoping this helps someone out. I'm open for feedback on the spreadsheet. Right now if anyone modifies those 6 values it modifies it for everyone else, which isn't ideal, but you can always download a local copy.

    ***Link to spreadsheet, ie click here for free cookies:


    submitted by /u/qozh
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    Favourite/trash inventory bug

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 12:49 PM PDT

    So after the most recent update I now have this bug/glitch where I can't mark anything in my inventory as trash or favourite. I know it's not my controller as I can still sprint (which is L3 as is the button to mark inventory). Is anyone else encountering this or it just me?

    submitted by /u/stripedslippers
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    The Problem With Moze

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 08:40 AM PDT

    Ok, so long post incoming here, but I see a lot of Moze anger right now, and while adding another post seems to be part of the problem, my aim is to at least explain where I think a lot of the anger comes from at least in my book.

    • Moze was misleading from the start

    When I picked Moze, I was very attracted to the idea of a tough as nails soldier who, when the going got tough, she got into her mech and decimated things. I knew she was tanky out of the mech, and I tend to play tank characters. I don't have to be the most damaging character out there, but I do want to be the one that is constantly in the fight contributing. Moze seemed to fit this perfectly. Moze finally about to die? Eat this skaglicks, here comes the mech!

    Throughout my first playthrough, Iron Bear was fun. Neat little damage spike, breathing room, made for fun play. Then I hit around level 35, and suddenly, I was getting knocked out of Iron Bear almost immediately after jumping in. A few FFYL's later, I took Security Bear to try and boost the survivability. This worked more or less until I stepped into TVHM, and then I noticed that I was killing things faster out of Iron Bear, and getting knocked out just as fast It didn't do enough damage no matter how I tried to configure it. By the time I hit level 45, I wasn't even using it to get my shields up. It was a waste of time to even activate it. At level 50, I decided to try and make an Iron Bear build, and specced so that I could take as many Iron Bear related perks as possible. There were problems there too. I couldn't get the weapons I wanted due to perks being too spread out, and getting the best perks for IB meant that Moze was supremely terrible out of Iron Bear. And then when I got in, I still wasn't doing any damage and getting knocked out before I could even overheat/reload my guns once.

    This is strange because Moze is frequently Iron Bear this, Iron Bear that, "Even Iron Bear can't smash through this" (we know...it can't smash through a psycho, let alone eridium space rocks) so it is strange to me that it is such a major feature for her character, yet so super duper awful to use. It has a horrendous cooldown, gets wrecked seconds after activating it, and I actually get worse because I don't do any damage for six or seven seconds...which is an eternity in Borderlands. I avoid the L1 button at all costs when playing Moze. Because hitting L1 means the fun stops and I will likely die.

    • Moze has terrible skill trees

    Looking at Moze's skill tree, we can all pretty safely say the Shield of Retribution tree is pretty great. More shields, more damage, a great way to stay in the fight. No healing, but the idea was you had so much shielding that you didn't need it. I have no issues with this tree...

    Except that you absolutely MUST spec heavily into it in order to have any kind of survivability on Mayhem anything.

    To get decent returns on the tree, about half of your skill points are going to go into this tree. This isn't an out of the ordinary thing, but when you examine her other two skill trees the problem becomes pronounced very quickly.

    It is no secret that the runaway best build for Moze is the Immortal Moze build. By speccing the rest of your points into the Demolition woman tree, you can take advantage of two supreme perks (Vampyr and Means of Destruction) and combine them with the Bloodletter class mod, Deathless Artifact and Hex/Storm Front grenades to to really up the survivability. Add in the Flakker, Roisen's Thorns and you basically never reload, always have full shields, respawn grenades and are able to tank literally everything the game threw at you. It was game breaking no doubt. Now THIS was podracing!

    There are issues there, but the point was, this was where Moze was forced to settle build wise for end game battling. After a few nerfs the build still stood, but after the patch yesterday, it is completely dead. Because of the changes to how Storm Front an Hex work with splash damage, you can no no longer constantly heal with Vampyr, nor can you respawn ammo or grenades. This wouldn't be the end all, except that the actual explosions that trigger Vampyr don't send back that much health. Basically, you are spending half of your grenades to stay healed. This doesn't really kill most play, but considering that the waves modes of the game are pretty much where you spend a lot of your time, this is game over for Moze. Badasses rip her shield apart now in two or three shots and you can't heal aggressively enough to survive the onslaught of even the first wave in many cases.

    In short, Gearbox outright killed Moze's best endgame build. Players are trying to find a workaround, but so far, Immortal Moze is dead, and when you take away Means of Destruction and Vampyr, Demolition Woman isn't worth speccing into because all of the synergy is gone. Sure sticky Torgue weapons are neat (lots of explosions) but the damage and healing aren't there. Moze loses a lot of DPS when she isn't throwing repeated grenades, and has no other way to heal at all in her trees other than Transfusion grenades and Transformer shenanigans.

    This leads players to look into the Bottomless Mags tree, which I would argue is the most useless skill tree any vault hunter has ever had in any Borderlands game ever. The tree is designed to make Moze shoot essentially forever. OK, great. Given the relatively weak state of most SMG's and Assault Rifles (there are exceptions), we need to see some kind of damage buff to make this worthwhile. We can get a bump in incendiary procs and damage (which is nice with Shield Maiden's Experimental Munitions) but that is erased because more often than not, Mayhem 3 throttles incendiary damage by 50% in most instances, and assault rifles frequently eat a 30% damage nerf, in addition to 30% more if they fire normal bullets. Essentially, you are shooting hugs and kisses at badasses throwing rockets at you. The only damage increases come in increased critical damage, increased fire rate (so now you can shoot hugs and kisses even faster - Beverly Goldberg approved) and the most dubious perk in the whole tree: Click, Click. In a tree designed to make emptying your mag extremely tough, Gearbox put a perk that does more damage as your magazine empties.

    So adding all of this up, Moze has one viable skill tree, no way to heal, negligible damage increases and nothing to build around. Iron Bear is useless, Shields only save you for so long and you have no way to heal...Moze is just poorly designed because she has no personal synergies, and nearly everything about her relied on one tree, two perks, and on very specific gear to survive. Her one viable end game build is dead, and she has nowhere else to go. In four hours last night I saw ZERO Moze's in Slaughtershaft. Amara, Fl4k and Zane abound, but not a single Moze character in sight. Because she can't contribute in fights anymore.

    • How can Moze be fixed?

    Well, I am not a developer, but if it were possible, I might redesign her Bottomless Mags tree from the ground up. Include a perk that buffs assault rifle damage a flat 50%. Maybe change Click, Click to work more like "the longer you fire, the more damage you do up to 20%" Find a way to sneak a perk in that perhaps heals you for one or two percent for every five or ten bullets you fire. In any case, Bottomless mags is too much about firing a lot, but no real incentive to do so. Give Moze players that incentive.

    Demolition Woman is mostly there, but I would like to see Vampyr return a LOT more health per explosion if they aren't going to let beam damage heal, and perhaps some serious buffs to splash damage. MAybe even buff grenade damage.

    Iron Bear is problematic for a lot of reasons. Mostly, it's the worst action skill in a Borderlands game ever. Even buffing the health 50% did nothing. The thing to think about, is while other characters' action skill ADDS to their battlefield presence, Moze's REPLACES her. And in replacing her, you get none of the benefits of her gear...meaning that you are essentially trading nukes for tickles.

    At the very least, Iron Beat would probably need a 150% damage and health buff across the board to even consider using at high difficulty. Cooldown needs to be seriously reduced as well, because even taking the cooldown perks and using gear, it still sits at a horrid minute and a half in most cases. I would put the cool down at 30 seconds. The best fix, is to hope for a skill tree that is Iron Bear focused. We can hope.

    • Closing

    Moze just needs more ways to take the fight to her enemies. Endgame builds are often narrow, and in most cases only one or two viable builds can exist (this is the nature of games like this...see Diablo) but there is no room to make a viable Moze character with the things she has at her disposal. She is too gear dependent, and her trees too restrictive/poorly designed to even brew around with. Moze players are angry because they already didn't have an action skill, and their solitary build just got nerfed out of the game. Meanwhile, Zane gets buff after buff, Fl4k and Amara continue to trivialize every encounter and continually lead the farming/DPS front and Moze keeps eating nerfs. This is frustrating for Moze mains...especially those that have limited time and devoted that time to building into a character. Try to be nice to those angered by the nerf, because while your other Vault Hunters can just respec or re-gear, Moze players can't even do that.

    Gearbox talks about a Mayhem 4 that rewards players with the best builds, yet they move in and destroy those best builds, which makes no sense. Moze has no best build anymore. She doesn't even have a "mostly works" build for Mayhem. Yes, Moze players can play, but it is far harder for them than it is other characters, and they spend half the encounter in FFYL. Gearbox has paid an unfair amount of attention to blowing up the Moze build, and in return have given Moze players NOTHING in return to compensate for the loss. That is frustrating.

    submitted by /u/OogaDaBooga
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    Can someone explain weapon parts for me please?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 07:36 PM PDT

    I've just looked at some of my guns and the way the stats are listed for each part (mouseover the gun, press F then Z on PC) is weird, and I can't get my head around how it works.

    As a specific example if I look at the first scope accessory on my Storming Resolute Lyuda

    • Up (Green) Weapon sway -30.0%
    • Down (Red) Weapon sway -30.0%

    So I read that as working out more or less even ..

    Then on my Binary Mocking Cutsman's

    A: Barrel (acc 63% overall) :

    • Up (Green) Splash Damage Radius +5
    • Up (Green) Damage +200%
    • Down (Red) Accuracy +60.0

    B: Body Accessory (1):

    • Projectile speed +30%
    • Up (Green) Accuracy -15%

    I've got 3 Lyudas (Storming Resolute, Molten Vicious and a Kravvy) and even looking at them in comparison doesn't help. I get that for some numbers higher's better and so on but the Cutsman I have has just those 2 mods for Accuracy and it ends up with 63%. What's the logic behind the way they're displayed in the parts, or am I just having a brain fart ? Seems counter intuitive for +accuracy% to be red and I can't find a gun where it shows it the "logical" way (up, green, accuracy and + together).

    Though the amount of stats and so on those things change is pretty impressive. Nice work getting it all working and looking so good.

    submitted by /u/yeebok
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    How rare are the Golden (lost) Ghost?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 06:57 PM PDT

    So yesterday i was playing the game doing the story and what not, when suddenly I after killing a character a "Lost" soul poped up, it was golden and pretty easy to kill. When i killed it, it droped tons of loot. It droped a purple, some blue and white raritys. And the new legendary shotgun! So i was wondering how rare are these things? I need to know so I can feel special.

    submitted by /u/Memtalface
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    Reminder to not over-farm Bloody Harvest

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 06:44 AM PDT

    Just a reminder here folks. Bloody Harvest is going to be going on until December. We've got 6 weeks of it.

    Don't burn yourself out doing 50 heck runs the first couple of days trying to get everything right away.

    Its going to be here for quite a while, so just play normally and go fight Haunt whenever you just happen to get enough hecktoplasm to open the portal. Treat it like a daily or something, because you're just going to burn yourself out and be sick of it by the end otherwise. :)

    submitted by /u/Edymnion
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    Maliwan Whipblast - custom nerf repaint

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 10:04 AM PDT

    Hi all! I played Borderlands 1, 2 and Pre-Sequel. I also love nerfs. So... If we combine those two passions... TA-Daaa! My own Maliwan!


    submitted by /u/Xzippo
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    Face puncher annointment

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 09:16 PM PDT

    What's the best annointment on the Facepuncher, I have one that has 300% increased damage but there's also one with increased 200% melee damage. What puts out more damage ?

    submitted by /u/abemansour
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    Mark as Junk/Favorite not working?

    Posted: 25 Oct 2019 04:55 PM PDT

    SSIA. I have tried all 3 of my controllers and it is not working. Is this a known issue? Very annoying

    submitted by /u/PhishBrains84
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