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    Friday, October 4, 2019

    Borderlands Borderlands 3 - Character Build Competition

    Borderlands Borderlands 3 - Character Build Competition

    Borderlands 3 - Character Build Competition

    Posted: 29 Sep 2019 07:32 AM PDT

    We are launching a competition for the most badass character builds in Borderlands 3.

    It will last one week: submissions will be accepted until Sunday October 6th at 8pm GMT.

    To participate:

    1. Create a new independent post in /r/borderlands with the full description of your (level 50) build. Make sure to give it the new [Character Build] post flair, and to follow the build description template.
    2. Submit your build via a top level comment in this competition thread, with simply "Character name: build name" (with a link to the build description post).
    3. Maximum one submission per person, for each playable character: you can submit one Moze build and one Amara build (separately), but not two Zane builds.

    To evaluate:

    Everyone's participation is welcome to evaluate the builds, using reddit's upvote system on the comments in this competition thread. Upvotes on the build description posts themselves should be granted too, but will not be taken into account here.

    The criteria you should consider before voting are 1) The quality of the build description, and 2) the quality of the build itself: raw power, but also originality, fun level (builds that are fun to play but not necessarily viable at the highest difficulty can be valuable additions too), etc. Ideally, try out the build first.

    The winners:

    The mod team will select a few winners for each playable character. The selection will be strongly guided by the number of upvotes, but not strictly (e.g. we may choose not to select the second most voted build for a character, if it is very similar to the first most voted build, or if we simply dislike the user who posted it (/s), or whatever other reason).

    The prize:

    This competition is mostly for fun, and to encourage some nice build write-ups, and to celebrate the 10 years of the sub, and maybe even to distract from some topics/complaints/"unpopular opinions" that get reposted a bit too often.

    The winning builds will however receive the honour of a spot in a build repository that will be created for the occasion in the Wiki of this sub. Note that this build repository on the wiki is not meant to be constantly kept up to date with whatever new builds get posted. It may get updated at some point in the future (e.g. if the competition is successful and we ever launch a second edition) but, at least for some time, it will only contain the winning builds.

    Comments in this thread should only be top-level comments with the build submission. Anything else will be removed. If you wish to comment/discuss on a build, please do so in the individual build thread. If you wish to comment/discuss on the competition itself, please do so in the build template thread.

    submitted by /u/55tumbl
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    Troy Should Have Been the Main Villain of BL3

    Posted: 04 Oct 2019 06:31 AM PDT

    He has way more personality than Tyreen ever did, and the whole "Living in Tyreen's shadow" thing could have been used to really give him some character development. Honestly, I think it would have been a much better use of his character if after her leached Maya, he realised that he doesn't need Tyreen anymore and just killed her himself and took over the COV. The small interactions we get with him on Eden-6 are better than any other interactions we get with Tyreen. I would have really loved to see him more in the spotlight, it's too bad they didn't use his character to it's fullest potential because it really had something.

    submitted by /u/Exp4nd_D0ng
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    We need an actual way to know when our teammates are down

    Posted: 04 Oct 2019 04:03 PM PDT

    The amount of times i have been playing and didnt even notice my teammate already died then respawned without me even noticing is ridiculous. Theres barely even a popup with the small text in the bottom left of my screen.

    submitted by /u/zTheftx
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    24 hour shift code: K9WJT-35CSJ-953WK-BTJJB-HWC9C

    Posted: 04 Oct 2019 08:05 PM PDT


    Edit: a second code that expires in 12 hours


    Two separate codes, first 24 second 12 hour expiration from 10pm central

    submitted by /u/MarcDVL
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    Zane’s got a mouth

    Posted: 04 Oct 2019 05:59 PM PDT

    He may not be the most broken character but his voice lines are my absolute favorite between the four vault hunters.

    submitted by /u/TheMightyDerp64
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    Looter shooter with 40 slots seems awfully low...

    Posted: 04 Oct 2019 09:32 AM PDT

    The Division is another looter shooter which has a backpack capacity of 150 and a lower loot drop rate in general. BL3 has 40 which I seem to fill and have to empty 2x in a single run of proving grounds... They really should up the pack significantly.. At least to 100. It gets old fast seeing inventory full constantly. I don't even pick up everything and still have to empty constantly.. In a looter game the pack should be much much larger.

    submitted by /u/KnuckleHeadTOKE
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    [BL3] Of all the places that desperately need vending machines, the theater in Jakobs Manor seems the most egregious.

    Posted: 04 Oct 2019 12:00 PM PDT

    No, let's put slot machines instead. 🙄

    There should be a fast travel at the front door, too.

    submitted by /u/rivensky
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    Not sure if this is a place for suggestions but a Pack-a-punch like machine that took your favorite gun and refreshed it your level for 50-100 Eridium based on the rarity/level would be amazing.. for new players atleast.

    Posted: 04 Oct 2019 04:47 PM PDT

    Too many time grinding I'm using a gun that's just wrecking, then I get 5 levels higher, it's still wrecking, then it's 10 levels, and other guns are rated higher but still do less damage, why not refresh the gun? Instead of putting it up on the wall or selling it..

    I think this would improve people's ways of playing a lot, it would have helped me that's for damn sure. Not sure if this is the right place, please delete it if it is.

    submitted by /u/ToxiiicHaze
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    I miss the Grinder.

    Posted: 04 Oct 2019 09:18 AM PDT

    With BL3's Bajillions of guns, but very limited carrying capacity, it kinda dulls the fun of carrying as much loot as you can. and after you buy all the SDU's, money becomes pointless, ergo hunting for loot, even with the lost loot feature added, why bother? with the grinder in the pre-sequel I was farming for anything I could huck into that machine for the thrill of potentially getting a good weapon. hell, even white-level guns were deemed marginally acceptable because I had a tiny chance of upgrading to better stuff. now I just leave a trail of crappy loot in addition to the usual bodies and spent bullet casings.

    submitted by /u/IrresponsibleAuthor
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    Borderlands 3 Shift Code

    Posted: 04 Oct 2019 06:19 AM PDT


    One golden key


    Expired 10AM CST. Edited for update. It was good while it lasted

    submitted by /u/VitaIncerta666
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    As I wonder around Eden-6, I keep hoping to be overcame with fog, containg a half man half dinosaur named Old Grogg...

    Posted: 04 Oct 2019 06:49 AM PDT

    Maybe he'd offer us a drink? Ask if we could learn to love him? Possibly even display his downstairs mix up?

    Edit: Whomever gave me my first Gold, it is very much appreciated! Thank You!

    submitted by /u/1Limited92
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    Mayhem 3 Slaught Shaft: Crit Flak is Still Very Much Viable Without Leave No Trace (no anonited gear).

    Posted: 04 Oct 2019 12:15 PM PDT

    I had the gear in order to fiddle around with a Rakk Build and a Gamma/Pet Build but I have chosen to keep the same build I had prior to the nerfs. LnT points have been moved to filling out Stalker and Intention.

    ~ CRIT FL4K "Hammer Cannon" ~

    Does well with most M3 rolls except stacking Elemental Damage and Assault Rifle debuffs.

    This is an "Always Moving" shoot and loot style that tries to minimize cooldown on Fade Away and maximize survivability while we wait for cooldown.

    Mist and Unblinking (obviously).

    Pets are unfortunately inconsequential but I go with a Spiderant Scorcher for the elemental damage.

    Transformer/Shock Jackhammer Combo

    • Bread and Butter of the build

    • Allows for quick and multiple full-shield heals when thrown at your feet which is great for 100% cooldown granted by Topped Off.

    • Gets around the glass cannon problem.

    • Being able to stand still during a firefight synergizes with Turn Tail and Run

    Cryo / Incendiary / Corrosive Lucian

    • Used primarily as the "openers" during action skill.

    • Rotate based on M3 rolls and Enemies

    • Rowan's Calls, I find, are too slow and magazine sizes are too small to be used reliably outside of Fade Away.

    Hellwalker or Flakker

    • Need to down a Bad Ass or Anointed ASAP? Shotguns are still Flak's best option.

    • Flakker is great if you find yourself fighting for your life.

    Giant-Slayer Swooping Thrillbot Mod

    • +2 to Dangerous Game and Hidden Machine

    • +1 Big Game

    • +31% Assault Rifle and +31% Shotguns

    • This is one area that I'm still figuring out what the beat option is. I have tons of mods but good Legendaries are offset by very poopy rolls (like charge speed and Atlas firerate)

    • 42% Gun Damage, 16.7% Crit Damage before 40% buff by Big Game

    Last Stand Victory Rush Relic

    • Gives me 5 full seconds to either run away or pop my shield all the way back up (or both)

    • 40% FFYL duration

    • Movement Speed from Rush is invaluable

    • For some reason, I have yet to find a decent 100% slide speed relic which I have a feeling might be better. Mobility is survivability with this build

    Recurring Hex (shock)

    • Splits into 2

    • Spawns 3 MIRV

    • Homing

    Doesn't rely on anointed gear whatsoever.

    I have a slight concern that enemies are actually still targeting me while in Fade Away, which might make Hidden Machine pointless during solo play.

    Gear Highlights

    submitted by /u/_Mellex_
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    Though I know Gearbox wont see this or read it...

    Posted: 04 Oct 2019 06:28 PM PDT

    Remove Vehicle Damage from Guardian Ranks and replace it with Pet/Companion Damage Vehicle damage is utterly useless for every single build and it seems more like a filler stat placed there due to a lack of coming up with something better.

    Pets are a pretty big thing for a couple of character builds and actually holds a use throughout the entirety of the game.

    Also, please add a feature in the menu where we can quickly see all of our character stat bonus' granted through skills, equips, ranks, and so on. This is such a useful feature in other looter games that it seems pretty sad that Borderlands 3 does not have this sort of menu.

    That is all.

    submitted by /u/darknessforgives
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    PSA: List of Broken Customization Items

    Posted: 04 Oct 2019 05:14 PM PDT

    These items are unobtainable on updated versions of the game and you shouldn't try to get them until it's resolved.

    Head Skins:

    -NOG Mask


    -Atlas Classic

    -Candy Raver

    -Crimson Rainment

    -Gilded Rage

    -Like, Follow, Obey

    -Maliwan Mood

    -Signature Style

    -Tropic Blunder

    Echo Skins

    -30/33 seems to be the max possible.

    Side note: If anyone knows how to potentially mod these items in please DM me, as I'm ok with cheating in unobtainable cosmetics.

    submitted by /u/Faceroll-Tactics
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    manufacturer mail cannot give you lengendarys, but they should. and here's why.

    Posted: 04 Oct 2019 04:19 PM PDT

    late game, they do nothing and are a useless mechanic. if you could get, say, any world dropped legendary from the mail, it would make it much more useful and maybe even worth farming for specific manufacturer legendaries, adding another dimension to the game. also, you should be able to get this mail from doing more than killing 100 enemies with a certain manufacturer, such as crit kills, damage over time kills etc. it just seems like a missed opportunity to me.

    submitted by /u/manlikermx
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    New VIP email code

    Posted: 04 Oct 2019 05:23 PM PDT

    EDEMONSTER-250 points

    submitted by /u/mithrandir1864
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    12 hours shift code: W9CTT-95KSJ-9CJK5-BJBB3-HSWC5

    Posted: 04 Oct 2019 08:24 PM PDT

    Valid until 10am CDT

    submitted by /u/Gazzak80
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    please, for the love of calypso and my sanity, fix the mayhem rocket launchers

    Posted: 04 Oct 2019 08:49 AM PDT

    i'm tired of getting killed by badasses shoving rockets down my throat over annointed who just put up their shield everytime i lay a hand on them

    submitted by /u/yeehaw-cody
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    picked up this bad boy today (spirit Halloween store)

    Posted: 04 Oct 2019 06:29 PM PDT

    For any Borderlands 3 players on PC who are still having constant crashing issues - I think I finally found the fix

    Posted: 04 Oct 2019 09:17 PM PDT

    So I tried every possible fix the internet and I could think of and could never fix the constant hourly-or-less crashing in Borderlands 3. But I think I've finally fixed it -- It's memory/RAM related. Especially for anyone who did light overclocking/XMP on RAM at any point without being thorough


    1. Try re-seating RAM, and if you have 4+ slots make sure RAM is in correct A1/B1 positions (this could be enough to fix?).
    2. Update/Flash your Motherboard's BIOS to the latest version, in case your mobo has better memory compatibility with newer versions (need a USB). Download the latest motherboard version from your mobo's product support page.
    3. Run MemTest86 to test for any errors. When I first ran it I got like 80 errors. You will need a USB and it will take a while (takes ~3.5 hours at a time for my 16 GB of RAM, so run it while you're asleep or whenever you're not using your computer for a good period of time). If you have a test result with even just one error, then you should try doing the next steps.
    4. If you're a novice (like me) in fiddling around with this type of stuff, try just lowering the DRAM speed in the BIOS/UEFI. I was able to go from 3200 MHz to 3000 MHz for a 0 error test result and thankfully no difference in the BL3 benchmark. If you're more experienced or willing, test out different RAM timing configurations and increasing RAM voltage from around 1.35 to 1.45 Volts to see if it can run stable at higher memory speed. Tip: to get through tests quicker, exit the test as soon as you see one error come up so you aren't wasting time.
    5. Once you've tweaked your RAM and tested it until it's stable, try out Borderlands 3. I still got a random "driver crash" from running it in DX12 (even after updating, rolling back, clean installing drivers), so use DX11 (unfortunately DX12 gives way more performance for me, but I prefer no random crashing).

    Individual Motherboard brands may have how-to videos on how to flash your motherboard, but it shouldn't be difficult at all. Here's MSI's video for example.

    Instructions on how to use MemTest86 as well - One video | Another video -- Also really easy, coming from a beginner.

    My Specs for clarity -

    • Ryzen 5 2600 stock clocks
    • MSI B450M Gaming Plus Motherboard
    • EVGA RTX 2070 Super XC Ultra Factory Overclock
    • Team Dark Pro 3200 MHz 14-14-14-31 RAM 16 GB B-Die
    • Corsair Vengeance 750W Silver PSU
    • Sandisk Ultra 128 GB Boot SSD SATA
    • Western Digital Blue Caviar 1 TB + ADATA XPG 240 GB NVMe M.2 SSD linked via AMD StoreMI (where game is installed)
    • All latest GPU drivers, Windows updates, etc.

    I did a ton of tests to try and keep my RAM at 3200 MHz with the 14-14-14-31 timings by increasing voltage in small increments up to 1.45 V (from what I hear is the safe max to keep for daily computer use), but ended up not getting it to work (disappointing given it's supposed to be high-quality B-Die). I've actually been running this set of RAM for about a year now with the default XMP 3200 MHz profile and Borderlands 3 is the first game to have all these crashes. Guess BL3 is more sensitive to having stable RAM?

    Today is the first day I've been able to have a 3+ hour session without a crash. So I guess I'm not 100% certain this is the fix until I've played more of the game, but I've been really busy with IRL stuff so I won't be playing too much for some time.

    By making sure your RAM is stable maybe it'll help with any crashing in other games too. I hope this helps someone.

    submitted by /u/ninjyte
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    Zane And His Two Best Friends

    Posted: 04 Oct 2019 07:36 AM PDT

    Because Who Needs Real Friends When You Have Military Grade Hardware

    Game Version: [Hotfix] September 27th

    Category: TVHM Mobbing

    Level: 50

    Summary: This is a digi-clone/SNTL themed build designed around getting as much dps off of your clone as possible with SNTL providing debuffs and shield cracking. Thanks to the Double Barrel skill its not just mobbing you can do successfully, it can also wipe the floor with bosses.

    Skills: The Build

    As our first skill of Digi we will be taking Synchronicity (We will be picking up Borrowed Time Later as it is not as important early). This gives up to 20% gun damage at rank 5 per active action skill. Since we are running double ability we will be getting a massive 40% bonus gun damage off of it. Afterwards we will be taking Donnybrook. Upon killing an enemy both Zane and Digi gain 19% more gun damage and regens 3% missing health. So with rank five Synchro and DBrook we can gain a potential 59% increased gun damage. After this we take Fractal Frags which is incredibly important to this build. Upon use Digi will throw out a grenade based on your current grenade mod and on death drops a grenade but thats not all. It has a kill skill that gives Digi a 30% chance to throw another. This ability certainly gets better with age but that will be described later in the guide.

    Now here is where the build really starts to shine. PFoG is a kill skill that gives grenade regen up to 24% a second and lasts for 15 seconds at rank 3. This will give and endless supply of grenades for our other important ability. With Boom Enhance when Zane summons his clone he will consume up to three grenades to boost all of Digi's stats. This not only makes your clone much beefier but gives him access to even more gun damage buffs. He gains 20% gun damage at three grenades consumed. Now with Synchro, Donny, and BE he has a bonus 79% gun damage and its only activation requirements are as follows: Pressing a button and killing one entire enemy.

    Now its time to unveil the reason why Zane is incredibly damn strong. You will be taking the Double Barrel skill under the Digi tree. This allows Digi to copy the weapon Zane has and switching places gives Zane and Digi 20% increased gun damage. Now what is scarier to a shield than a character with a Thunderfist? Two characters with Thunderfists! There is so much absolute nonsense you can pull with DB. Just snag a gun with a high fire rate and you can go to town on most content in this game. Not much to say its probably the best ability that Zane has access to right now.

    Now we are moving on in to the SNTL tree. I will talk about skill augments since they actually matter here. Your first points are going into Violent Speed, a kill skill which grants you up to 25% movement speed. Just under Violent Speed we will be taking Drone Delivery. If Digi tossing grenades wasn't enough now SNTL does it too. Afterwards, we will put five points into Salvation. For fifteen seconds after killing an enemy you lifesteal 10 percent of total damage dealt. Since its inevitable that your shield will get cracked eventually this is a big safety net to keep you out of FFYL.

    And now we will take Zane's second and final milestone in his build. Death Follows Close. All of Zane's kills skills have +25% increased effectiveness and last +7 seconds longer. This is an absolutely insane buff to Zane's abilities. DB's damage and healing get buffed, it nearly doubles the chance for Fractal Frags to go off again, gives PFoG even faster grenade regen, etc.

    Now a quick break from the main event to look at action skill augments for SNTL. I run Bad Dose and Static Field. Bad Dose shoots a beam of radiation from SNTL that weakens enemies and make Zane even stronger. Zane gets 2% fire rate and 6% percent movement speed per enemy affected. Those numbers may look a little low but trust me, SNTL is very very good at this. Also the same stats that Zane gets buffed are lowered on enemies lowering their dps and giving you some breathing room. Static Field gives SNTL a shock beam that will destroy enemy shields. At only a 2 second cooldown you get a lot of mileage out of this ability. Having to switch weapons a lot less will make your day a lot more convenient.

    Up next is a little bit of choice in the build. On one side you have Playing Dirty which is a kill skill that gives a 50% chance on Zane's next five shots to shoot another projectile. I personally take this one because I generally go for high fire rate weapons in the first place. And on the other side we have Violent Violence, a kill skill which gives you increased fire rate. Both of these are relatively interchangeable as they both are technically fire rate buffs with Playing Dirty being artificial and Violent Violence being natural.

    And to finally put our level 50 Zane in his final place, Good Misfortune is a kill skill that increases his action skill duration on every kill with sadly diminishing returns. The longer your SNTL and Digi are out the more grenades they are throwing.

    Gear: There are two things that are pretty necessary for gear. Everything else can be tweaked at the users pleasure.

    • Legendary Executor Class Mod

      Buffs Good Misfortune, Playing Dirty, Violent Violence

    • Storm Front

    Electric Fuckpocalypse. Zane and SNTL will throw these out like hotcakes. No shields will be spared

    Weapons: Weapons with a good rate of fire are recommended for this type of build. Although, a lot of guns are pretty viable with this I will list some personal best guns for this build

    • Infinity

    My baby came back from BL2. Infinite ammo with high fire rate.

    • SkekSil

    COV weapons are godlike. High fire rate AND shoots extra projectiles.

    • Thunderball Fists

    Them fancy dancy corp folks will be seething when they find out some bandit who called his gun Thunderball just wrecked all of their shit

    • Gatling Gun

    Maximum UNGA

    • Cloud Kill

    Two Cloud Kill's firing hotboxes whatever planet you are on

    Gameplay: Gameplay wise this is pretty straightforward. You start up fights by dropping both Digi and SNTL since you have kill skills and abilities that give them more than enough time to leave their mark. And from then on basic kill skill gameplay. Kill all the weaker enemies and slowly move up to the big ones. Always make sure to keep an eye on Digi's health bar. He is important to keep alive so swapping to redirect aggro is always a good plan since you have the Salvation safety net.

    In Conclusion: Don't let Zane being considering the weakest put you off of playing him. He is an incredibly fun and rewarding character to play. You can pull off so many sick outplays with him and his actual character is pretty funny and lighthearted. Thank you for reading.

    submitted by /u/BigUggo
    [link] [comments]

    Bug Barbaric Yawp does not apply to jabber!

    Posted: 04 Oct 2019 06:29 AM PDT

    200% now are nice if they would apply

    submitted by /u/Denny_Blue
    [link] [comments]

    Can we get some new legendary class mods that directly buff the action skills?

    Posted: 04 Oct 2019 05:54 AM PDT

    For instance if you play Moze, having a class mod that buffs her rockets or flamethrowers to do %250-400 more damage, and potentially gives the rockets a new ability to split into 2 with every shot, or cost less fuel maybe? You could also add different elemental effects to the flamethrower to make it shock or cryogenic, or radiation and if you have gear that adds bonus damage to elements it could apply to Iron Bears weapons. Being able to create a build directed around the weapons she has on her Iron Bear would feel rewarding and more enjoyable than just spamming grenades and camping the Flakker (the current meta in my opinion right now).

    Or with Zane for instance making his drone appear larger and giving it larger machine guns/rocket launchers, centering a build around having a really cool decked out war drone that just destroys when it's up.

    Personally as a Moze player I feel like my options are so limited, I would love to use my Iron Bear more and the annointed weapon bonus just feel super weak since Iron Bear has such a long cooldown. Potentially making some more unique annointed bonus for each class also?

    submitted by /u/Bear_Jake
    [link] [comments]

    Let me choose when to use guardian angel damn it

    Posted: 04 Oct 2019 02:42 AM PDT

    there's a guy right in front of me and my guardian angel is wasted because the stupid game decides I should get revived as soon as I go down. how about adding a second button in FFYL ? I'd like to save it for when there's no one around.

    submitted by /u/BigEffinZed
    [link] [comments]

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