• Breaking News

    Saturday, October 5, 2019

    Borderlands I'ma need a BALEX voice option for Waze now.

    Borderlands I'ma need a BALEX voice option for Waze now.

    I'ma need a BALEX voice option for Waze now.

    Posted: 05 Oct 2019 05:15 PM PDT

    Upon arrival: "Navigated, Bitches!"

    submitted by /u/rivensky
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    Besides an overall touch up for his pets effectiveness, Flak needs a skill that lets him have all 3 pets active at once, or the ability to switch them on the fly like a pokemon trainer.

    Posted: 05 Oct 2019 06:31 AM PDT


    1. Let me set up all my pets variants like an action skill augment instead each one being treated as a unique pet

    2. Give me a new skill in the green tree that has 2 skill points investment max, an extra pet for each point


    Lemme switch them out when they have low health for a full health one like it's a fucking pokemon battle.

    Failing tweaks to his existing trees, his new tree when Gearbox releases it ABSOLUTELY needs to focus on rapid switching between pets like some sort of deranged pokemon trainer.

    This playstyle could very active that has Flak playing support for the pets, buffing them, healing them and altogether focusing on using his pets.


    Some naysayers in the comments have decided I just wanna play like a pokemon trainer and have no other reason why I want this.

    To this I say:

    Gaige can really play into her name as the Mechromancer. She summons a robot, he has electrical skills and she all round fits that title through her abilities.

    Krieg can really play into his role as a Psycho as all his trees tie into things psychos do in borderlands.

    Aurelia really plays into her rich bitch, cold duchess personality.

    Athena really plays into her gladiator, melee/shield focused Atlas soldier.

    Does Fl4k achive this same level of meeting his description through active gameplay based on the skills available? I say no. Currently even if you spec into his pet based trees it feels more like a gimmick than a playstyle you can get behind like in the other examples.

    submitted by /u/FMW_Level_Designer
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    Hey gearbox love the guardian rank system but I’ll be totally honest with you..

    Posted: 05 Oct 2019 04:57 PM PDT

    I will absolutely, positively, Jojo's Bizarre Adeventuarly never ever spend a single point on vehicle damage.. like I never ever will consider doing that for a single moment. Scrap it and replace it with literally anything else more damage oriented

    submitted by /u/supervondilla
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    there is no way in hell gearbox tested having more than one rocket launcher Zealot at a time.

    Posted: 05 Oct 2019 10:42 AM PDT

    The lack of visual clarity is something any competent, breathing human would have seen and been like "uh yeah that needs to be fixed".

    Doing endgame stuff like the slaughter shaft is infuriating because I'm simply unable to see what is going on.

    submitted by /u/haunterloo92
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    New Shift Code

    Posted: 05 Oct 2019 08:05 AM PDT

    Raining and pouring! SHiFT code for a Golden Key for Borderlands 3:


    24 hours, 10AM CST

    submitted by /u/VitaIncerta666
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    [Spoilers] Things seem set up perfectly for a Borderlands: The Pre-Pre-Sequel

    Posted: 05 Oct 2019 08:15 AM PDT

    Given all of the stuff we learn in BL3 I really hope that the next game in the series is actually the very first one chronologically and is a pre-pre-sequel. I would love to play a game that follows the exploits of Typhon Deleon featuring a younger version of himself as one of the vault hunters. Obviously Leda would be another playable character and maybe Dido could fill the siren role. A young Wainwright could possibly be the fourth? I'm sure there's plenty of other good options too.

    Azlan Devega is already there as the primary antagonist until things progress further and the game finally ends on Nekrotafeyo fighting the seven headed vault guardian. Plus who wouldn't want to put points into a Vercuvian back ham skill to increase their defenses?

    submitted by /u/MojaveBreeze
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    Amara: Anointed Goliath Mob Melter Build

    Posted: 05 Oct 2019 06:32 PM PDT

    Amara: Anointed Goliath Mob Melter Build

    Game version: [Hotfix] October 3rd, 2019.

    Category: Extreme Mob Killer, like S tier. This build is not optimized for boss fights, unless you're fighting "mob" type bosses like Katagawa.

    Level: 50

    Summary: I feel pretty confident in saying that this is the most powerful mob killer in the game as of right now, or very close to it. I have been soloing TVHM Mayhem 3 with very minimal effort, and the build is potentially powerful enough to carry your team in TVHM Mayhem 3 Slaughter Shaft when everyone is dead and you're being pounced by 5+ anointed enemies plus 10 more badasses. I put "Anointed Goliath Mob Melter" in the title because I've literally killed 4 of them in less than 10 seconds, and I didn't even know there was a total of 4 until I saw their husks after they were dead. The more enemies there are, the easier it is for you to kill them quickly, as odd as that sounds. She will kill single targets slower, but survivability is not an issue for her against single target because Phasegrasp makes it so enemies can't shoot back at you. Slaughterhouse 3000 and Cistern feel like Normal mode without any Mayhem modifiers when playing TVHM Mayhem 3. I almost don't want to post this because I foresee some aspect of this build being nerfed if everyone starts using it.

    Video: To showcase the power of this build, I wanted to get some of the worst TVHM Mayhem 3 rolls possible for this build. I'm entirely dependent on my shotgun, shock damage, corrosive damage, incendiary damage, and cryo damage. This Mayhem roll (as shown at the end of the video) has -50% shotgun damage, and enemies take 50% less damage from shock, corrosive, and cryo. Radiation damage was also reduced, but I don't use that on this build. I couldn't get one with -50% incendiary too, but it wouldn't have changed much. I'd also like to point out that my secondary weapon, Rowan's Call, is also shock damage.

    Video 1 - Slaughter Shaft Round 5

    I'll add that I did die one time during this Slaughter Shaft run at the end of my first attempt at round 5, but it's more my fault than the build's.

    Video 2 - 15 minutes of gameplay leading up to my first and only death.

    I would have liked to have been attacked by 3+ anointed enemies at once, but it didn't happen for some reason. The more anointed enemies there are, the faster I kill them because I can use their large life pools to continually chain damage. They die slower when they attack 1 by 1 because I can only use regular enemies to chain damage, and they can only chain damage until they die, and that lifespan is shorter than that of an anointed enemy.

    Skills: Gearbox


    Brainstormer [required] - This weapon is the bread and butter of your build. I'm sure a lot of you know by now that this is a shotgun that chains lightning between enemies. Amara can do with this weapon against mobs what Fl4k could do with the King/Queen's Call against bosses before his nerf. The base Brainstormer will work for your build, but the higher up the anointed chain you go, the better your DPS will be. Ideally, here is the path you want to follow in regards to upgrades. Cash Infused Brainstormer -> Redundant Brainstormer -> Anointed Cash Infused Brainstormer -> Anointed Redundant Brainstormer. For anointed abilities, you really want 50% incendiary damage after Action Skill End. (Corrosive will work too, if it even exists. If you get a corrosive one, make your action ability use the fire element.). Unfortunately this is a very very difficult roll to find. If you have a Redundant Brainstormer with 50% Incendiary damage.. hook me up on PS4. A Radiation Brainstormer is not as optimal, but it's also very powerful and is probably even more fun. We'll get back to that when we discuss relics. If you run the radiation build on base PS4/Xbox One, though, be prepared to have your game run like MS Powerpoint every once and a while.

    The Transformer (Shield) [Required] - This shield converts 100% of shock damage into shields and has a 40% chance of absorbing bullets. Now, considering your main weapon is a shock weapon, I want you to think about TVHM Mayhem 3 with a "30% to reflect bullets back to you" roll. Does that sound kind of OP? Relics will only make this shield even more powerful. It's worth mentioning that I have an Anointed Transformer that has 20% action skill cooldown after using it. It's not required, but it's only going to make you more deadly.

    Element Projector Artifact / Ice Breaker Artifact [Optimal] - The only time I ever use an element projector relic is when I get a Mayhem 3 roll that reflects bullets. This roll makes it so I'm constantly applying the effects of shock on myself, but the Transformer shield ensures that I don't take any of the damage. I'm simply gaining shield, ammo, and doing a 183% elemental damage boost on the four elements I'm applying. I love it when shots are reflected back at me. My element projector also has the "Otto Idol" roll which is not necessary, but it heals me for 18% of my heal for every kill; and as an extreme mob kill, it's a bit overkill.

    The Ice Breaker artifact is what I use for every other roll in Mayhem Mode. It gives me extra cryo efficiency and damage. Cryo is my fourth element that I apply with my grenade, and I only ever really need it if there is only 1 enemy left that I'd like to kill fast without using much ammo. I also have the Otto Idol healing bonus on this artifact, but it's not required; you can use purple artifacts and be almost as deadly.

    If you end up using a Radiation Brainstormer, use a Atom Balm artifact that boosts Radiation damage. Pair this with a radiation grenade like a Radiation Hex Grenade.

    MIRV-Tacular Hex [Optimal] - This is my CRYO grenade of choice. It spawns multiple grenades that have high cryo efficiency and synergizes well with my Ice Breaker artifact. The damage is good, and if it manages to actually freeze someone solid, your damage skyrockets. You want to try to freeze the person you Phasecast, because the extra damage they receive also applies to anyone caught in your ability "Ties That Bond."

    Primordial Phasezerker [Required/Optimal] - A Phasezeker class mod is required, and a "Primordial Phasezerker" is the best because it has a +4 bonus to your "Anima" skill which is essential. For a while I used a +2 Anima Phasezerker mod and it worked great. Then I had a +3 which worked better. Now, my +4, works the best. The other stats on these mods are good, but all you really care about is "Anima".

    Lucian's/Rowan's Call [Alternative] - I switch to one of these when one enemy is left so I don't waste my precious ammo (unless they reflect back into my transformer). Just Phaselock and shoot them in the head endlessly.

    Your mod/artifact bonuses aren't that important to this build because your damage is already so high. My rolls are not "god rolls". Still, be on the look out for things like Hyperion damage bonuses, gun damage bonuses, elemental damage bonuses, or action skill cooldown rate.

    Gameplay: The basic idea is this. Run up to a group of enemies and Phasegrasp the one closest to the center of the group, or the tankiest one. Ideally you want to Phasegrasp the tankiest member in the center of the group. Once you Phasegrasp them, all enemies in their vicinity will also be Phaselocked by "Stillness of Mind". And fun fact, all the enemies that are phaselocked are supposed to be "freed" once you shoot them, but the elemental damage being applied to does not free them. Anyway, after you Phasegrasp an enemy, start shooting them in the head. Everyone dies. Fast. If you're using a Radiation Brainstormer, everyone is exploding. Just explosions everywhere, and lightning, and lowered frames of course. If you're using a Brainstormer with Incendiary/Corrosive damage and make your action skill element the opposite of whatever is on your weapon, you are applying all 3 main elements, melting through any type of health, and also doing Cryo damage if you need to.

    So what is actually happening and why is everyone being killed so fast?

    This build has layers and layers of synergy, and honestly I couldn't explain to you why it works so well. The 3 most important things are the Brainstormer, your Ties That Bind ability, and your Stillness of Mind ability. What the Brainstormer usually does is chains lightning between enemies; this works on any character. What Ties That Bind does is that any enemy "linked" through your Phasegrasp share damage with anyone else in the vicinity, and in this case, anyone caught in Stillness of Mind (although your Ties That Bind has a further range than Stillness of Mind). When you add the Brainstormer and Ties That Bind together, the lightning ping pongs between enemies multiple time, dealing massive damage. Under normal circumstances, lightning chains from A to B. On Amara, It chains from A to B, but then from B to A, but also A to C, C to A, B to C, etc.

    "Anima" is so important to this build because it increases Status Effect damage, duration, and action skill status effect damage. (I'm at +36%, 180%, +72% with 9 Anima).

    "Infusion" converts 40% of your raw shotgun damage into your action skill element. So as you Phasegrasp a completely motionless enemy and shoot their head, 40% of that crit damage is turning into corrosive damage.

    "Tempest" increases elemental damage, but increase shock damage even further which is perfect for the Brainstormer. You basically have a 50% elemental shock increase from this ability alone.

    "Indiscriminate", because you're using Stillness of Mind, has a 60% chance to ricochet to all locked target with only a -25% decrease in damage.

    "Sustainment" heals you for 20% of damage done, and because you're damaging an entire mob at the same time, you're essentially a tank. Even enemies you don't see are constantly healing you because of the elemental damage you apply by basically existing. This is the ability that also keeps you alive against single targets. A single target won't be able to outdamage your healing. Two targets that are very far from each other, too far to both be affected by your action skill, might outdamage your healing.

    "Forceful Expression", the final skill in the red tree, converts 18% of your gun damage into action skill damage, which in my case is corrosive.

    "Dread" makes it so the main enemy you Phasegrasped, upon their death, fully reloads your shotgun. This synergizes with the "next two magazines additional incendiary" bonus on my shotgun.

    The 11 points in the green tree are for movement speed, damage reduction, healing, and extra damage (36%) to close enemies which you definitely want to take advantage of since they will be locked in place. These survivability bonuses constantly proc because your action skill has a very short cooldown.

    11 points in the blue tree are for basically giving you a permanent 45% status effect chance increase, +25% cooldown rate on an already short cooldown ability, and longer Stillness of Mind so people are locked in place longer if you decide to shoot them. .75 seconds is pretty much almost always long enough to make it too late for the enemy to shoot you back.

    Finally, as with all builds, Guardian Ranks will help you even further. Constantly regenerating grenades, action skill cooldown at full shields (so great when things are reflected back at you), and Shield Reboot which triggers shield regeneration after killing someone are particularly useful for this build.

    Credits: Me! Just kidding This build is pretty much exactly a small YouTuber named Eroktic's. I believe he created it with his Twitch chat. The only changes I've mad are for a slightly different Phasezerker mod, the optional Radiation path for this build, and the Otto Idol bonuses on artifacts.

    submitted by /u/Erediv
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    If anyone is still interested in all of the legendary weapons and grenades in the game, how they perfom and where to get them, i have all of them covered with time stamps and references for every single one of them in the comments. Every legendary is covered in about 1 minute each.

    Posted: 05 Oct 2019 03:27 PM PDT

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oskeBcmzN9M&t=0s This is part 1 for all the legendary grenades, part 2 will be out tomorrow.

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6xYS8eOm51g This is my last and final part 6 for all the legendary weapons, finally finished it about 4 days ago. Thanks to anyone who is checking them out.

    submitted by /u/chillfeedgaming
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    Why the end boss may have been so easy [THEORY/SPOILER]

    Posted: 05 Oct 2019 08:17 PM PDT

    Tyreen absorbs the Rampager, but we don't really see any change in her powers or morphology at all after the fact.

    I just realized, however, that Tyreen the Destroyer looks oddly similar to the Rampager. Two important things make me say this: - It's wide mouth opens up horizontally, but unlike the Destroyer they resemble skin flaps instead of jaws. - It is able to balance on two or four legs similar to how Tyreen the Destroyer does.

    One disproving detail is that comparisons to Borderlands 1's Destroyer may not be so apt. A log from Nyriad mentions the Vault opened in the first game is merely a "feeding slot", so we may have only seen the Destroyer's head before merging with Tyreen and may have an identical torso structure.


    My Theory: The Rampager's purpose was intended to make the Destroyer weaker.


    The way I see this being the most viable is if Nyriad tried the same conquest of absorbing everything like Tyreen would. If you're confused, I followed a few points in YouTuber EruptionFang's video: - Nyriad's siren power was to leech. - Tyreen (and Troy) received Nyriad's power when Typhon conceived his kids in the vault.

    Tyreen may have just fallen victim to the Eridians' fear of Nyriad.

    EDIT 1: Found some even more compelling evidence: - During "rest periods", the Rampager will kneel. - It's crit spot where it opens it's chest, almost exactly relative to where Tyreen pops out of from the Destroyer. - They both have similarly-styled wings in their third form, as shown in the previous picture.

    submitted by /u/alecwatersmusic
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    Another take on the fl4k nerf: Let's use Math!

    Posted: 05 Oct 2019 11:27 AM PDT

    To start, I literally only picked fl4k because of Leave No Trace. Being able to fire a double barrel shotgun even three times before reloading is just magnificent, and this skill is the single reason I picked this character. That said, the idea behind the nerf makes sense, though the execution is atrocious and makes us all doubt Gearbox as a game developer.

    1. If no guns were multi-pellet, the skill would already be very well balanced.

    Suppose you have a gun with 30 bullets; this skill makes it so that first you fire a bullet, then hitting a crit has a chance of replenishing that depleted ammunition from your magazine. If every single bullet crits, and you have 3 points in the skill, you expect to have 30(0.36)/(1-0.36) = 16.875 free bullets, a 56.25% effective magazine size increase at maximal performance. With 6 points in the skill due to class mods, you expect 30(0.72)/0.28 = 77.14 extra bullets, at a 257% effective magazine size increase.

    Now, this skill is, as it stands, already incredibly powerful and rewarding: if you never miss, and use GitM - or Fade Away at all - it guarantees optimal performance, and you get a bunch of extra bullets.

    But again, suppose you have a single pellet gun; you would need to hit crits literally every single shot for max benefit. If you can only hit crits with half of your bullets, then instead of having an effective 72% chance of getting ammo in your mag, you're back down to 36%, meaning only a 56% magazine size increase instead of the ideal 257%. Obviously, on bosses with huge crit spots, you can get closer to the ideal, but otherwise it rewards the use of Fade Away by removing the player skill reliance. All in all, pretty damn good, integral to his playstyle, but absolutely not broken.

    2. However, a nerf makes some sense.

    Let's consider a masher with 5 pellets instead of 1. If every single pellet crits, with 3 LNT you get a 1-0.645 = 89% chance to get a bullet in your magazine, more than a single pellet gun with 6 LNT! Moreover, with 6 LNT, you get up to 99.9% chance to get bullets added to your mag.

    Below is a chart with your points in LNT (assuming perfect aim or GitM - if you hit 1/3rd of your pellets as crits just move down in your %ammo column), with your effective magazine size multiplier on the right.

    Magazine Multiplier
    %Ammo \ #Pellets 1 2 3 5 8 18
    0.12 1.136364 1.291322 1.467412 1.894901 2.780601 9.984168
    0.24 1.315789 1.731302 2.278029 3.943956 8.984445 139.7511
    0.36 1.5625 2.441406 3.814697 9.313226 35.52714 3081.488
    0.48 1.923077 3.698225 7.111971 26.30167 187.0567 129401.7
    0.6 2.5 6.25 15.625 97.65625 1525.879 14551915
    0.72 3.571429 12.7551 45.55394 581.0451 26468.89 8.94E+09

    It's silly to suggest that this was not intentional. If it were truly unintentional, each and every pellet from a shot would be able to separately add ammunition to your magazine; Gearbox accounted for multiple pellet guns by preventing you from adding more than one bullet per shot. What was allegedly overseen was the strength of this skill.

    3. Their execution was garbage.

    With their current 2 second delay between executions, let's pretend Leave No Trace has a 100% ammo chance. If you have a double barrel shotgun with a 1.3 second reload time, you get on average a x1.5 magazine size multiplier (since you get one free bullet every other clip). If you have a 30 shot smg with 10/s fire rate, you get approximately 2 free bullets before reloading, meaning only a x1.06 magazine size multiplier.

    Now, this isn't even how LNT works; even if you buffed it up to a 100% chance, it still nerfs it by a factor of 3.5 for single shot guns, or over 400 for multi pellet guns. It's still just a chance to add ammo on crits. They absolutely intended it to function how it used to, and now they intend for it to never be used... lovely. Hopefully they never fix the Megavore interaction with grenades, thrown Tediore guns, and Torgue sticky explosions that allows ammo to be added to your magazine.

    4. Let's spend 5 minutes finding better alternatives to what they did.

    1. Leave it alone - it's early game, skills for Zane / Amara aren't even functional yet, so how the hell do they know how to balance anything? We don't even have raid bosses yet ffs.
    2. Make your crits give a chance to make your next shot fired not consume ammo - Now all guns are exactly equal; no matter how many times you crit, your next shot still only has an X% chance of not consuming ammo. No need for more pellets, etc. Now with a Hellwalker, for example, you shoot the enemy (crit), reload, then fire again. You have a chance to not consume ammo, yay, so you get to shoot twice that magazine, but wait, you hit a crit, so now you get to shoot again, on average getting 3 shots per magazine, huzzah! Literally the easiest fix.
    3. Make multiple crits count as one for the skill - This one is super easy. Instead of recalculating whether a shot will give ammo, only check upon the first crit after a trigger pull. Best suggestion yet (credit /u/Atuaguidesme)
    4. Nerf the scaling of the skill - make it so that it peaks at 36% with the best class mod, and 24% without it. Then it still functions, and while still absurdly strong it doesn't gut the skill.
    5. Give it the bl2 Bee treatment - Divide the success rate by the square root of the number of listed pellets on the item card, to make the magazine size increases equivalent regardless of pellets. If you just divide by number of pellets, then it nerfs too hard. Obviously, with unlisted pellets, this won't properly function, looking at you Lyuda.
    6. Disable it during Fade Away - boom, success rate now relies on skill, it defeats the whole purpose of the synergy with Crit Fl4k, but it still nerfs Fl4k's boss killing ability without dramatically worsening his mobbing (not like we have raid bosses yet lmfao).
    7. Reduce its rate during Fade Away - don't need to outright disable, but since Fade Away makes crits very easy, just lower the chance during Fade Away. (credit /u/TrainerBlack2)
    8. Nerf Geurillas in the Mist - oh wait, they already did this. Again, if Fl4k is killing bosses too easily, maybe nerf GitM by removing the "every shot a crit" thing without gutting the time, but keeping the crit multiplier - allows for safety in invisibility while forcing one to aim. Maybe just remove GitM entirely from the game if it was so "unintentional".
    9. Change the skill to be a magazine size increase - voila. Boring AF, doesn't synergize with crits, but accomplishes the same thing on average.
    10. Make it identical to Moze's Redistribution - make crits trigger a rapid ammo regeneration over time, so shooting more crits just refreshes the duration. This allows for literally any ammo regen rate the devs want, while again keeping multi pellet guns on the same level as single pellet guns.
    11. Make it a higher tier skill - It's a strong skill, move it up on the tree; something so fundamental to a build shouldn't be so easily obtained (credit /u/Game25900)
    12. Lower the chances, buff Tw0 F4ng - Make LNT be designed for multi-pellet guns, and buff Tw0 F4ng to allow single pellet guns more chances to proc crits. (credit /u/Gokiburi-Sensei)
    13. Change the skill: Lower the base chances, increase over time - Make LNT give very low chances which ramp up over time. If they want the skill to work with snipers, make it so waiting 2 seconds increases the chance to 100% on crit, with more points in LNT decreasing the cooldown. Hell, make the base rate be only 5% or 0% even which increases up until it procs. (credit /u/Atuaguidesme)
    14. Lower base chances, buff rate with snipers - If it's meant for snipers, then literally just buff it for snipers and nerf it for every other gun (credit /u/TrainerBlack2)

    Derivation of the Math used in this post:

    If r is your magazine size, and p is your probability of not consuming ammo, then the number of free bullets you get per clip follows a negative binomial distribution with parameters r and p. Meaning, your expected effective magazine size will be r/(1-p). Moreover, your magazine size multiplier will always be 1/(1-p).

    This means that increases in your chance to gain ammo to your magazine does not scale linearly; 36% chance means x1.56 magazine, 72% crit chance means x3.57 magazine.

    If you have a multiple pellet gun, the chance of not getting ammo added to your magazine if all pellets crit is (1-LNTbonus)number of pellets, so a standard masher has a (1-0.36)5 chance of not getting ammo, thus a 1-(1-0.36)5 chance of getting ammo, meaning 89% [effective x9 magazine]; with 6LNT you get up to 99.85% [x600 magazine].

    EDITs: "" He appears to have no real way to become OP without the inclusion of the 3 things which are clearly outshining every other part of his trees. "" - /u/Game25900 this is an amazing point. LNT is required for most of Fl4k's builds, and completely outshines everything else. Playing Amara, almost any tree would be fun; Moze can be similar; Zane is weak. With Fl4k, there's no reason to go down the blue tree, many skills are just not that impactful at all (Grim Harvest, Sic Em, etc) and so without this one skill you lose most of what makes Fl4k themself. It's pretty dang stupid.

    submitted by /u/minimang123
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    warning the transaction packed quest gave me an epileptic seizure

    Posted: 05 Oct 2019 02:49 PM PDT

    do not play this quest if you have photosensitive epilepsy!!!

    submitted by /u/needkoreanssn
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    Quick change items shouldn’t take inventory space

    Posted: 05 Oct 2019 04:12 AM PDT

    Items such as heads, heads, gun skins, and echo themes shouldn't take inventory space so we don't have to sort through our inventory and drop something and pick up the customize item and then pick that something up

    submitted by /u/oNe_SpICeY_bOi
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    F*CK anointed enemies

    Posted: 05 Oct 2019 08:04 PM PDT

    There have been so many times where I have been able to just die from these anointed enemies nearly instantly, but that isn't the problem entirely, because I can usually deal with it. THE PROBLEM ARE THE SHIELD ONES. Not only do the have shields that have hit boxes that are way bigger than they should be, but then they just turn invincible, and shoot fire under my feet where ever I go, even if I'm like 50 feet away. The fire doesn't instantly kill, but it damn near does, but it will still kill anyways because there is ALWAYS FIRE UNDERNEATH YOU BECAUSE IT JUST APPEARS. NO REASON AT ALL FOR THERE TO JUST BE FIRE UNDER ME AT ALL TIMES. I understand not making too many changes to the game to keep it pure, but AT LEAST nerf* the shielded anointed enemies.

    submitted by /u/DeiDrop
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    FL4K should automatically be able to get a second wind for his pet without use of an artifact

    Posted: 05 Oct 2019 11:17 AM PDT

    I find it odd that the supposed symbiotic nature of the class and it's skills doesn't allow for FL4k to get his pet up by killing an enemy. They could even replace the ridiculous ability to hit an enemy and turn them to your side with this ability. It's about as useful as Maya's ability to turn an enemy to your side in BL2 and I have no idea why it would even be a thought for a skill tree in BL3 despite it being useless in BL2.

    Reviving in the game is a nightmare as is and there's next to no synergy between different Vault Hunter abilites that extend to allies so why not make actually useful skills instead of mind control for 12 seconds? I also think your pet should be able to revive allies and maybe let FL4K summon more than one pet or consider adding a skill that lets you summon two of the same pet or mix and match pets to give a more expansive means for build optimization. Basically I want a modified version of what FL4K did in the trailer that has balance to it so all the Fade Away fans can maybe have other options to consider.

    submitted by /u/Sinryuku
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    The grinder

    Posted: 05 Oct 2019 03:08 PM PDT

    Is anyone else surprised they haven't incorporated the grinder feature that was in the pre-sequel? Especially considering that was a base-game feature and not DLC or anything like that.

    True that it could be a bit unpredictable, but it was nice to be able to do something with all the decent loot you were never going to use. Just feels like a bit of a step backwards to not include it.

    submitted by /u/Alcopath
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    Unlocked cosmetics should never go to lost items

    Posted: 05 Oct 2019 08:44 PM PDT

    While I think most of us would agree that most items should be in order of value, I'm not expecting that to happen anytime soon. But for the love of all that is holy, can gearbox please remove cosmetic items we've already unlocked from going to lost items?! I don't think a single one of us needs that $1.....

    submitted by /u/Gotwake
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    [Spoiler] So I just finished finding all the dead Claptrap parts...

    Posted: 05 Oct 2019 10:02 AM PDT

    ...and I have seen the true enemy of Borderlands 3.

    Veronica, you bitch. On my honor as a Vault Hunter I will hunt you down, and I will rip every last piece I got for you out of your miserable body one by one before I end you.

    I hope we get an entire DLC campaign that revolves around tracking that 'bot down and killing her.

    Even Claptrap didn't deserve THAT!

    submitted by /u/Edymnion
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    Where is Athena?

    Posted: 05 Oct 2019 04:53 PM PDT

    I know there are a lot of these for a lot of different characters but the end of TPS kinda shows her to be with Lilith.

    As a lot of people seem to be playing TPS now I won't spoil the realizations revealed at the end but that character is also not shown in TPS.

    Also in TPS it is stated Gaige & Axton captured Aurelia. Did I miss something in BL3 as to how she came to be doing what she is doing?

    submitted by /u/Sex_Tillerson
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    I think COV weapons should have parts from every manufacturer

    Posted: 05 Oct 2019 12:26 PM PDT

    Considering that they are just rednecked versions of guns i assume that whatever gun they can get their hands on would be included nut from the ones I've gotten it seems that this is not the case. Which doesn't seem to make sense to me. Just my opinion but i want to hear what you guys think.

    submitted by /u/Z_0_0
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    Its funny going back to borderlands 1 again after 8 or 9 years.

    Posted: 05 Oct 2019 12:19 PM PDT

    So much nostalgia replaying it, but every thing felt smaller than what i remember. Especially Rakk Hive. I decided to just buy it on ps4 since it was dirt cheap on the UK store right now and i had never played the claptrap DLC. Good news, the game still holds up really well but accuracy is pretty crap lol. They did a great job in later games improving the skill trees

    Tonally, it does have that sense of humor Borderlands is known for. But its a much darker game. Visually Pandora is really melancholy and the music is pretty serious through out. Pandora feels like fun in the other games but in 1 it feels like a real shit hole.

    There isnt much talking in the game. Its pretty noticeable when fighting enemies, it can be quiet until some psychos show up. Taking missions you gotta read everything. I actually didnt remember this part at all and it was surprisingly jarring. I kept wanting Tannis to speak.

    Tannis is nuts, but she isnt as autistic as she get portrayed in the other games. She feels like a pretty legit scientist but just effected by solitude and the psychos on Pandora. Her echologs are really interesting, she actually wants human interactions. Her shtick in the other games feels like a running gag now. Its really played up. They play up a lot of the characters, i remember why i enjoyed claptrap in this game but in the others hes a real arsehole. They really want him to be annoying.

    1 thing i noticed too, the game has areas that wants you to switch up weapons. I feel like Borderlands 3 missed this, Kroms area for example really wants you to use Snipers. And speaking of snipers.... They actually are useful in this game. Critical damage matters, they need to buff snipers in the third game.

    They changed the designs of the guardians a lot lol. Goliaths are my favorite enemies (not in BL1 sadly), but i got reminded how scary Badass Psychos are and how tough Bruisers are. Badass Bruisers never made it into BL3, really tough enemies.

    And the ending, even though i know what is coming i still get disappointed haha. What a troll.

    submitted by /u/COREY_2293
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    Any console players also annoyed that we need to beat the game again

    Posted: 04 Oct 2019 10:59 PM PDT

    We have to beat story again on true vault hunter mode just to get mayhem unlocked. But PC gets it after sanctuary is unlocked.

    EDIT: It seems to be some confusion as I realized I did word this poorly since some are getting what I'm saying and others not. For PS4 and Xbox you have to beat TVHM to get mayhem unlocked for it. For PC from what I've seen they get it right when they get sanctuary.

    submitted by /u/Olmes
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    Missed Red Text Opportunity

    Posted: 05 Oct 2019 11:27 AM PDT

    I'm surprised Gearbox didn't update the Conference Call's red text to say "@everyone" instead of what it said in BL2.

    submitted by /u/Kola18_97
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    Which Legendary Weapons are being Overlooked Right Now?

    Posted: 05 Oct 2019 09:52 AM PDT

    Most of us know about guns like the Cutsman SMG, Lyuda sniper, Flakker shotgun, or Recurring Hex grenade, etc...

    But what are some of the weapons people might be sleeping on?

    There are about 140 legendary weapons/grenades. Ive been collecting them over the last week and while I haven't had the time to test them all, most seem pretty lack luster. I know I must be missing something though and would love to mix things up in Circle if Slaughter etc.

    submitted by /u/DabScience
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