• Breaking News

    Thursday, October 3, 2019

    Borderlands Trevor Eastman passed away

    Borderlands Trevor Eastman passed away

    Trevor Eastman passed away

    Posted: 03 Oct 2019 01:09 AM PDT

    Hello all,

    Trevor, or as known by his moniker on here, u/taurustrev passed away on 10/2/2019 at the age of 27. He will forever live on with what the creators of Borderlands 3 did for him by creating the Trevonator.

    Thank you for all of your kindness.

    (I'm a close personal friend)

    submitted by /u/ineedhealing911
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    Borderlands 3 Patch and Hotfixes: October 3, 2019

    Posted: 03 Oct 2019 07:07 AM PDT


    • Addressed a reported issue where an infinite loop could occur when hitting the Guardian Rank experience ceiling


    • The Hollow Point Guardian Rank skill no longer damages allies
    • Hollow Point Guardian Rank skill has been re-enabled
    • Addressed a reported issue where some players were unable to unlock the Ultimate Vault Hunter achievement on Xbox
    • Addressed a reported issue where mouse functionality may have been lost when hot joining a friend's session on PC
    • Addressed a reported issue where some players' inventory would not be saved in their bank

    This week's Borderlands 3 hotfixes, which will be live on all platforms by or before 3:00 PM PDT today, contain some player character balance changes and address some player reported concerns regarding enemy behavior.

    Our goal is to make sure all three Action Skills for each Vault Hunter are viable, but we have noticed some skills have been outperforming others. To encourage more build diversity, we made some adjustments to FL4K and Moze this week.

    We also looked at a few boss fights and made balance changes to make their combats more enjoyable. Finally, we went over some enemy behaviors that could have affected mission progression and adjusted some attacks to happen with more frequency.



    Rakk Attack! is great for constant damage output, especially when paired with Anointed gear. The base skill still seems to be lacking, so Rakk Attack! now has a guaranteed status effect on any enemy that it damages. Leave No Trace was returning much more ammo than intended, and we have added a re-trigger delay to keep its ammo return within expectation. Barbaric Yawp has an increased bonus, as we didn't feel that the amount of investment had an equal payoff. In addition, we felt that FL4K's pets were demanding too much attention, which was interfering with players trying to stand still for any length of time, so we disabled the ability for them to move you around.

    • Rakk Attack! status effect chance as been increased to 100%.
    • Leave No Trace now has a re-trigger delay of 2 seconds
    • Barbaric Yawp stat bonus increased by 100%
    • Pets no longer push around player characters
    • "Touch Pet" prompt is now a lower priority and should no longer interfere with looting or vending machines


    Infinite Grenades is not an intentional build for Moze—even if it is hilarious. To lower the power (and spam) of this build, a re-trigger delay has been added to the grenade portion of Means of Destruction.

    • Means of Destruction now has a re-trigger delay of 2 seconds


    • Adjusted the balance of Gigamind, Katagawa Ball, and Billy the Anointed

    These three boss fights had concerns with their health and shields that made their combat loops more difficult than we intended. Gigamind had a little too much health, so that was reduced slightly. Katagawa Ball will no longer regenerate its shields; we found that while players contended with the adds during the fight, it would unfairly regenerate its shield, negating the players' progress. Finally, Billy had 25% of his health removed; we agree that this fight often dragged on needlessly. We will be monitoring each of these bosses and may make further adjustments in the future.

    • Bloated Rakks no longer spawn so many Rakklesnakes

    This change should make the Cistern of Slaughter in particular much more fun.

    • Adjusted the cooldown values when they are displayed for Zane's skills
    • Amara's Glamour will now turn enemies on each other, as described in the Action Skill
    • Modified the loot spawn for Sera of Supremacy
    • Spiderant Emperors occasionally wouldn't drill back out of the ground, which created a potential progression blocker in the Proving Ground of Survival; we have adjusted this and the issue has been addressed
    • Resolved an issue that could have prevented enemies from spawning while in Devil's Razor
    • Lavender Crawly's physics were adjusted to prevent them exiting the world like a popped balloon
    • Further safe guarded Apollo from being launched out of world as well
    • The Rampager will no longer enter an idle at state at inappropriate times
    • Saurian Slingers attacks were addressed
    • Guardians now use all their attacks in Playthrough 2
    • Guardian Wraiths now reliably use all their ranged attacks
    • NPCs in the Slaughter maps were reported to sometimes attempt to automatically revive players in the arena. Going forward they will no longer attempt to revive players
    • Minimized the glow effect when opening Eridian ammo chests, can more easily see the ammo inside when opened

    SOURCE: https://borderlands.com/en-US/news/2019-10-03-borderlands-3-patch-hotfixes-oct-3/

    submitted by /u/rafaelribeiro99
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    So the Nerf to Fl4k’s Leave No Trace Makes it Completely Useless

    Posted: 03 Oct 2019 03:16 PM PDT

    The timer on it is 2 seconds. Just about every guns magazine in this game is emptied in much much less than two seconds. So basically you're getting one bullet back per mag. The only guns whose mags can last long enough to make use of this skill post nerf are Jakobs, but they don't need it because bullets are returned to their mag on crit without the ability.

    submitted by /u/profits68
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    2 Hours, 42 Minutes, 6 Seconds.

    Posted: 03 Oct 2019 07:09 AM PDT

    This is all of the un-skippable cutscenes, NPC escort, and NPC dialog within 1 playthrough of Borderlands 3. This only includes the main story line. So nearly 3 hours of content that you are REQUIRED to repeat during every playthrough.

    Yes, we used a stop watch, and yes....it was grueling. Gearbox, please; for us playing on multiple characters, please! Let us skip this content.

    Bonus fact! The main storyline makes you Travel back to Sanctuary III, 14 Times! Really? This feels like extra loading screen fluff to pad the duration of the campaign...Cheers.

    Edit: Holy ass, Silver?! Not even my "Twas the night before Borderlands" poem was worthy. Thanks stranger. Smugly struts away like a bedbug

    submitted by /u/mustache_slides
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    Gearbox needs to make a Balex plushie that we can buy

    Posted: 03 Oct 2019 07:46 AM PDT

    I need to give that bear a squeeze.

    submitted by /u/iamlunasol
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    Left the sub so I wouldn't be spoiled, just came back after beating it and I'm surprised...

    Posted: 03 Oct 2019 12:06 PM PDT

    I left to not be spoiled or have my view swayed by Reddit (as Reddit is usually very vocally negative.) Very surprised at the bad response for the story. I enjoyed it a lot. I like Tyreen as a brilliant, not Troy very much. Was always going to be hard after having jack, but I thought it was great! Side missions were amazing and better than BL2 side missions by a longshot. Ran into some bugs along the way but nothing too bad. Was disappointed some of you didn't enjoy the story as much. And Ava is cool. Period.

    submitted by /u/TheBarberOfFleetSt
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    I Hate To Say It But...........Borderlands 3 Should Not Have Been Released When It Did.

    Posted: 03 Oct 2019 08:09 PM PDT

    If these hot-patches are not proof enough alone to you, most of what is happening has been a shit show. I'll begin by saying I definitely enjoyed the gameplay of the game but many of the topics need to be said even as a die-hard borderlands fan. The list could go on and on but ill start here:

    1. Glitches Plague This Game. From banks being mysteriously wiped to skills not working at all. How did this ever get released in its current condition.
    2. (Some) Main Story Characters Are Just Flat Out Misses. Did they test characters likeness with anybody at all? I mean come on we all know Ava sucks and the fact that she's supposed to lead the crimson raiders is just beyond all of us. They needed to test the waters with beta testers before hand for that feedback and clearly did not.
    3. Nerfs, Nerfs, and More Nerfs. They constantly are nerfing everything fun that players have become accustomed to. Its crazy sad to see all the OP skills and unique abilities of various VH's being reduced to rubble. Using the phrase "blah blah blah is not what we at gearbox intended" is such bullshit I cannot even begin to explain my utter disappointment when this is thrown around constantly. If this is the case then why the f did you release the game this unpolished. Did you somehow not know the vault hunters would do the things they do with the skills you created with them? Did you test anything at all? I almost forgot as well......ITS A PVE ONLY GAME! GOD FORBID WE ALLOW OUR PLAYERS TO BE OP VAULT HUNTER BADASSES! WHAT A GREAT IDEA, LETS NERF EVERYTHING FUN! IM SURE THE PLAYER-BASE WILL LOVE THIS AND COME BACK FOR MORE!
    4. Opening Up Your Menu Makes Your Game Lag Harder Than Most Experiences I Have Had With Any Game On Consoles. How is this a thing in a game released in the ripe year of 2019. I don't know what excuses there are for it but in a game that has cartoon-esqe graphics I see this as inexcusable. I can play RDR2 (2018) with life-like graphics and have 0 issues with lag at all. I am no game developer but the lag you get from it is not and should never be acceptable and or justified by anyone.

    I still will say even after all the issues, Gearbox is still one of my favorite developers but with all these issues and not listening to their player base with things such as nerfing a PVE game, not fixing the game breaking bugs, and throwing BS characters at us that are supposed to be huge parts in the future that are utter trash....I gotta say my disappointment is immeasurable and my borderlands is ruined.

    Gearbox should have taken a more time with the game and realized these issues before all the repercussions of releasing a game in the current state it is. I understand developers deadlines and wanting capital as soon as possible but please Gearbox, start fixing these issues you created right away before the player-base truly does decide it's a lost cause or plays in offline mode forever and doesn't ever update the game because its far more fun (Have you ever thought why people go offline? Maybe its because we're having more fun....maybe take note of that?). Anyways I hope Gearbox sees all the backlash and responds appropriately, until then its time to go back to borderlands 2 again for the millionth time lol.

    submitted by /u/Alpha-Haus
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    Playing BL3 now feels like being beta-tester.

    Posted: 03 Oct 2019 07:42 AM PDT

    Ok I have to say it - half of the shit in this game does not work.

    Already lost whole legendary bank twice, half of Zane skills does not work, 1/3 of Amara skills does not work, plot is rushed, guardian rank skill was bugged, most annoited gear is not working, UI and performance are terrible, mayhem mods are retarded, iron bear is usless in end game (a whole fucking skill for 1 of 4 characters), FL4K pets are usless at endgame, game shuts down consoles (xbox), text in split screen is super small, 50 slot bank, event does not work, retarded hotfixes that breaks more than fixes. Not to mention balance stuff like anoited or RPG enemies.

    I mean come on. There are so many broken CORE mechanics in this game. I don't mind a few bugs but there are super important stuff like whole character or skill not working properly. This are not a minor problem.

    Also there are a lot of things they knew for sure - like Iron Bear and pets, UI etc. yet they decided to release game in that state.

    Whole game feels like spaghetti-coded hot garbage once you go into details. Every day on r/Borderland and r/Borderlands3 there are new posts about new broken stuff.

    submitted by /u/TheGejsza
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    I want Leave No Trace back

    Posted: 03 Oct 2019 07:03 PM PDT

    TLDR, I want more viable options than lucian/Queen, not less...

    Yes, I understand that FL4K is still the premier boss slayer. Yes I understand that Leave No Trace had buggy interactions that resulted in it far exceeding the listed 36% chance on multi hit guns. But imagine if they just removed b0re from zero. Sure you still have plenty of powerful aspects, but this core defining aspect of your playstyle got removed across the board because they didn't want to bugfix it's interactions.

    For most guns, the new Leave No Trace will proc once per magazine. Three points and careful aim to get one extra bullet in your magazine. This is no longer a skill that allows you to work around the ammo inefficiency of snipers, it is no longer a valid alternative to Call spam, it is a trap option.

    I would honestly be happier if they just disabled the skill entirely while working on a fix, because at least then the reminder would tell them like Hollow Point to come back and fix it. As is, I'm not looking forward to hoping they bring it back. I was fine with the damage nerf to Guerrilla and Queen's Call, I dislike but accepted the nerfed duration but this?

    They took a defining core skill that needed a bugfix, and made it the weakest option in his entire skill tree (ok debatebly +pet damage is worse). How did anyone think this is an ok state?

    submitted by /u/magemachine
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    Zane is broken

    Posted: 03 Oct 2019 04:21 PM PDT

    I'm linking this video that explains it because the actual link wasn't posted and it may be from reddit but I managed to miss it so I assume other people may have as well. Skip the first six or seven minutes as he's talking about patch notes it when he starts talking about Zane things get interesting. Anyway hope this helps anyone who is left scratching their head when they play him. https://youtu.be/7H6dKhXsgGI

    submitted by /u/Bruhhealme
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    A New FL4K Pet build is born

    Posted: 03 Oct 2019 01:07 PM PDT

    So FL4K has gotten a 100% buff to Barbaric Yawp from the blue skill tree, I'm currently using a Friend-Bot legendary class mod gives that me +5 points to barbaric yawp for a total of 10 points and +400% pet passive buff, the horned skag pet is giving me a passive +25% damage and +50% gun damage, also im having no issues keeping the skag alive because the class mod gives the pet second winds for every kill you get, tbh this buff is actually big and im noticing that I'm killing badasses and annointed way faster than I was before.

    I still have to test with other pets but Eridian skag gives +25% damage +25% fire rate, scorcher gives +50% elemental damage and +5% health regen per sec and spiderant countess gives +25% damage reduction and +5% health regen.

    Build: https://borderlands.com/en-US/characters/fl4k/#t=%22cb__2759216193___p__3579448174-5_3320005682-5_1546991626-5_3024594450-3_1401085196-3_493978030-1_2818453945-3_2675403350-3_696695617-3_2555484897-5_895088904-1_390492389-1_1226621728-5_2581189346-1_2694263575-3_3096568734-1___e__1618958551-122875490_2361518773-4185937591_4161501083-3952986505_772024924-2841879906%22

    Keep in mind its mostly the friend-bot legendary class mod what makes this build * so you might need to get a good roll on that.

    submitted by /u/kaysher_90
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    Vehicle Augments don't function as expected - May be bugged.

    Posted: 03 Oct 2019 04:35 PM PDT

    I couldn't shake the feeling that the different booster options weren't actually making that much difference, so I decided to test them out systematically.

    Test Conditions: I went to Carnivora, as it offered a vast, empty plain to give the longest test possible. I started on a marked spot on one side, and aimed at a distinctive geographic feature on the opposite side. I would aim there and then just press forward without moving my mouse, while timing it with an external clock. I would clock out when I impacted the cliff on the far side.


    Cyclone(Hover Wheel)(Sonic Booster): 33 Seconds Cyclone(Hover Wheel)(Basic Booster): 33 Seconds Cyclone(Basic Wheel)(Sonic Booster): 33 Seconds Cyclone(Basic Wheel)(Basic Booster): 33 Seconds Cyclone(Basic Wheel)(No Boost): 36 seconds. Cyclone(Fat Wheel)(No Boost): 36 seconds 

    At this point I just assumed all wheels are more or less identical, and did the remaining tests:

    Cyclone(Flame Booster): 33 Seconds Cyclone(Digithruster): 34 Seconds Outrunner(Basic Booster): 36 Seconds Outrunner(Triple Boost): 36 Seconds Outrunner(Laser Wings): 37 Seconds 

    tldr; There is no difference in speed between any of the boosters, other than to potentially make you slightly(~3%) slower. There is no difference in speed between the basic wheel, fat wheel, and the hover wheel. And finally, the actual speed boost offered by the booster is only about 10%.

    Knowing this, I would suggest using the Hover Wheel, as it offers the greatest maneuverability.

    Still, a bit disappointing that these different options are mostly just aesthetic.

    submitted by /u/EndlessArgument
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    Meta Problem: Good builds are extremely gear-dependent, but you can't farm bosses for the gear you want, nor can you store it...

    Posted: 03 Oct 2019 03:15 PM PDT

    Anyone else find this dissonance particularly striking? Good builds typically require you to combine three, four, or five specific legendaries (especially on Amara), but you can't even farm bosses to try and get the specific items you want. Instead, you must waste your time farming for literally anything and just hope and pray that you get the items you want.

    And even if you do get the item you want, there's a good chance you won't have the space to store it, and the item you throw away to make room for it, you might end up having to farm 100 hours for when you end up needing it later.

    submitted by /u/CharityDiary
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    Raid boss idea

    Posted: 03 Oct 2019 02:29 PM PDT


    Just a maxed out Sal with a DPUH and some gun that isn't giving him life steal or health regen. Let players experience being on the other side of this walking tank of meat and rage.

    submitted by /u/umbralpyro
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    Can we have the option to turn off our guardian rank bonuses?

    Posted: 03 Oct 2019 10:54 AM PDT

    We could turn off BAR in 2 and TPS. Why weren't we given that feature in 3 with guardian rank? I would love to do a melee amara build but I cannot because of the perk that regens my shield after a kill. It would mess with roid shields.

    submitted by /u/joetheminoin
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    Friendly Reminder: There's More Than One Fix Team

    Posted: 03 Oct 2019 09:30 AM PDT

    New small hotfix/patch, new round of people crying over performance issues, or opponent AI, or any number of other issues "not being addressed".

    I would just like to take a moment to remind everyone that Gearbox is not a tiny indy company. They have multiple teams work on different types of fixes at the same time.

    One team working on vault hunter balance tweaking numbers is in no way slowing or preventing another team from working on AI. So just because there's a stream of hotfixes does not mean they are ignoring performance issues or anything else.

    It just means the balance team is getting quicker turnaround times because their fixes are far less complicated. The other teams are still working on the harder code related stuff, and nothing is getting "pushed back" to a later patch simply because someone else fixed something first.

    Different teams working on different issues at different paces. What one team does and how fast they do it has no baring at all on what another one does or how fast they do the other thing.

    So calm your tits, people, they're working on it.

    submitted by /u/Edymnion
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    There's some irony in people making comparisons between BL3 and Diablo III

    Posted: 03 Oct 2019 02:16 PM PDT

    I've noticed a lot of people in the sub drawing comparisons between Borderlands and Diablo especially when it comes to the issues with BL3 endgame content. These comparisons are funny to me because a number of people considered Diablo III to be a total mess when it was first released. BL3 certainly had a rushed released and it needs a lot of work, but it feels disingenuous to compare it to a game that had 5 years of major updates to maximize its potential.

    As a specific example, consider the Adventure Mode that a lot of players want to see in BL3. This was a feature that wasn't added in Diablo until almost 2 years post release. I understand people's frustrations with the current state of the game, but the fact that Gearbox has been releasing weekly patches makes me optimistic that they're committed to fixing major issues and any lackluster endgame content.

    submitted by /u/WhatAKatana
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    Quick Money-Saving Tip

    Posted: 03 Oct 2019 01:20 PM PDT

    Now that money actually means something in Borderlands other than just another number to max out, I just wanted to share a quick tip.

    When you go back to Sanctuary make sure there are no Ammo Upgrades that you can buy before doing anything else with your money. The thinner your wallet, the cheaper the Ammo and Respecing.

    (*Not a qualified financial advisor)

    submitted by /u/ZackeroniNoCheese
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    So we got a patch and it still hasnt fixed the most broken, laggy problem?

    Posted: 03 Oct 2019 07:19 PM PDT

    The inventory interface is horrible. I actually hate having to get into my pack pack or try to switch skills this is ridiculous

    submitted by /u/GhostToast0o0o
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    I miss Threshers

    Posted: 03 Oct 2019 02:58 PM PDT

    I was running through Pandora the other day trying to 100% the planet and realized I missed having my day ruined by a threasher sniping me from a mile away with a rock it picked up.

    submitted by /u/Murphzilla73
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    After playing the Tales game i can see why people were disappointed in 3 story more

    Posted: 03 Oct 2019 02:37 PM PDT

    I was fine with BL3 story at first, sure i had expectations and was disappointed that the old vault hunters were not involved. Especially Brick, Mordecai and Tina. But i enjoyed the Twins as villains and felt the story was good overall.

    But man, after seeing how under utilized the Tales characters were i gotta say... Its kinda changing my opinion on BL3 story more. There is so much they could have done. They never really picked up on the whole war thing from the pre sequel ending either

    BL3 just seems so much smaller now. The DLCs are going to need to bring it because the writers really did a shit job on BL3 story and characters. they could have done so much better.

    i hope fiona and sasha will show up in some DLC. i wish i played tales ages ago, i got it free with ps+ i think, but i thought i would hate telltale games since there isnt much game. so wrong...

    submitted by /u/COREY_2293
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    Remove Rakks from Circle of Slaughter

    Posted: 03 Oct 2019 04:10 AM PDT

    It's already annoying shooting those things, but now, shooting those things, with three other players, making it laggy, plus, some bullets are projectiles, crappy rakks + lag + projectile bullets = FUCK YOU, and sometimes it'll be a badass one, yay, waste more bullets, one time me and group was so close to killing the last one, it slowed diwn a bit, making it easier to shoot... But BL3 is known for having things that aren't fair, such as, IMMUNITY, it went immune for some fucking reason, and went back to going fast, fuck Rakks, they're already annoying, and you had to make it worse.

    submitted by /u/Monkey_With_Tankard
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    It seems that Axton has done porn...

    Posted: 03 Oct 2019 09:54 AM PDT


    Found in Devil's Razor, in the Claptrap's "porn cave" in the area where you do the quest for not-Tommy Wiseau.

    submitted by /u/Rahgahnah
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    New Patch shuts down Ps4

    Posted: 03 Oct 2019 06:25 PM PDT

    The new Borderlands 3 Patch shuts down my ps4 after starting the game right before the Claptrap loading screen tried 3 times in a row it happens every time so be careful people.

    submitted by /u/Hellersche
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    Useless Planet Time Facts (planet name spoilers of course)

    Posted: 03 Oct 2019 05:06 AM PDT

    So this was done when i didnt get much sleep and was very bored so I could be wrong on some things here but:

    Edit 2: Thank you for the correction, Pandora has a 96 hour day time cycle, moze's watch only counts to 24 still.

    Wiki also says 90, so it might be that. But 96 is easier to math. Itd still just be like 6 or more minutes less.

    So Pandora technically has a time cycle of 2 hours and 12 minutes to span a full day on pandora

    (im not sure if that is actually a thing in game, but i am not gonna sit there to find out, sorry)

    Pandora has a 24 hour time cycle of 33 real life minutes.

    Well use Pandora as a time basis and use 5pm

    Promethea has a 33 min time cycle. It is 8 hours after Pandora. So using Pan, its be 1am

    Athenas has a 37 min time cycle, im not good with time but im not sure if theres a way to keep track of how many hours itll be past Pandora or if its always gonna be different.

    Eden-6 has a 33 min time cycle. It is 11 hours after Pandora. So 4am

    Neko has a time cycle of 2 minutes and 30 seconds in real for a full 24 hours in game.

    Obviously i dont know how to track that.

    Some places on Neko also just dont have any time.

    Now the hours after didnt seem to change, but i could be wrong, this is just based on what ive seen and timed.

    Sanctuary does not have any time of course.


    (Kinda was hoping it had (88:88) but in the 0 sense, like a bomb timer)

    Id like to give a special thanks to Moze's watch, and my phones timer.

    Now what can you do with this information, well nothing, correct me if im wrong, or use it as you will.

    Im sorry for wasting your time.

    Edit: any vault area wether outside or in it, has time crawling to a stand still. Almost like its trying to stop

    submitted by /u/Deadvoxx
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    Action skills should scale with average equipped item score.

    Posted: 03 Oct 2019 11:29 AM PDT

    Like in every other loot based rpg where abilities scale with equipment. Otherwise, vault hunters will always be imbalanced in that abilities that indirectly scale with equipment, i.e. fade away, will always be top tier for the end game. Rakk attack and gamma burst should scale with equipment somehow as well.

    submitted by /u/johnwickwannabe
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