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    Thursday, October 10, 2019

    Borderlands Borderlands 3 Hotfixes: October 10th ,2019

    Borderlands Borderlands 3 Hotfixes: October 10th ,2019

    Borderlands 3 Hotfixes: October 10th ,2019

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 07:06 AM PDT



    We addressed a concern that Alacrity was only rewarding players one point worth of bonuses even if the player put in more than one point. In addition, we wanted Phasegrasp to be more accessible to all weapon types and play styles, so we doubled the range to grasp an enemy.

    • Putting points into Alacrity now awards a reload speed bonus per rank

    • Phasegrasp can now be used on targets further away and the cooldown is now instantly returned if a player misses


    The Bloodletter class mod was creating some overwhelming synergies for Moze so we increased the delay and decreased the recharge rate of the shield to compensate. This should help encourage the intended use of this class mod, which is to heal shields manually, not automatically. Means of Destruction's re-trigger delay was adjusted again because the change limited other builds beyond creating infinite grenades. The infinite grenade bug will be addressed in a future patch but we wanted to enable other builds that use Means of Destruction so we dramatically reduced the re-trigger delay to a reasonable number.

    Bloodletter Class Mod

    • Increased the Recharge Delay by 150%

    • Reduced the Recharge Rate by 50%

    Addressed a reported bug with Close the Distance so the Action Skill Augment will now deal the intended Shock Damage

    Means of Destruction now has a re-trigger delay of 0.3 seconds


    The Leave No Trace change last week to FL4K was to forcefully inject the functionality of a cooldown into the ability. However, the value that was added was never the intended the value. We dramatically lowered it to retain the promise of the ability but with a cooldown that still allows players to gain ammo without dramatically removing a core aspect of a weapon's gameplay loop.

    • Leave No Trace now has a re-trigger delay set to 0.3 seconds


    • Death Follows Close will correctly update several Kill Skills after unlocking this ability


    • The Lob's projectile tick damage is now 60% of base damage (up from 20%) and projectile speed decelerates faster to increase chances of hitting the same target multiple times

    • Creeping Death damage increased by 200%

    • Carrier damage increased by 60%

    • Gunerang damage increased by 20%

    • All Sniper Rifle Zoom Levels have been slightly reduced

    • Long scopes on Jakobs, Children of the Vault, and DAHL Assault Rifles have also been slightly reduced

    Anointed Parts:

    • When Zane swaps positions with his Digi-Clone, the damage gained is increased to 130% (up from 75%)

    • When FL4K hits a target with Rakks, the target now takes 100% increased damage (up from 50%)

    • The Anointed part "Increased damage vs Badasses" no longer heals the player and now correctly adds bonus damage to Badass enemies


    • Pain, Terror, and Agonizer 9000 have been adjusted to have an increased chance to drop higher quality loot

    • Addressed a reported bug with Dynasty Diner that could potentially halt mission progress for some players

    • Addressed a reported concern that some players fell through the floors in various boss arenas

    • Modified enemy spawn level discrepancies reported in the later parts of the campaign

    • We noticed that some enemies were spawning at lower levels than expected in the later parts of the campaign.

    • Players should no longer see enemies that are dramatically lower levels than other nearby enemies in certain areas.

    submitted by /u/myman580
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    (Spoiler) Brick and Mordy were completely wasted in this game.

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 05:37 PM PDT

    The one main mission we got with "B-Team" was fantastic. Their side quests were great. I loved hearing them banter. The chemistry between Brick, Mordecai and Tina is fucking phenomenal.

    So the fact that they've been shoved into the background is such a shame. I'm fine with the siren centered plot, but makes no sense for Brick or Mordy to practically not care about anything other than their new home.

    Don't even get me started on Sanctuary being handed over to Ava and not.. well... literally anyone else that had a closer relationship with Lilith.

    submitted by /u/SolidStone1993
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    SHiFT code for a Golden Key for Borderlands 3: 5ZC3B-WRKHT-Z53CK-BTB33-CB9HH

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 11:24 AM PDT


    Active until 10am CST tomorrow!

    submitted by /u/-Kujau-
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    Y'all wanna talk about how Mr Torgues full legal name would be Mr. Mr Torgue High-five Flexington

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 11:58 AM PDT

    That's kinda badass

    submitted by /u/Patriarch_FH
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    PLEASE do something about the Rocket Launcher bandits...

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 01:51 PM PDT

    Playing the Slaughter Shaft is UNBEARABLE right now. Once these bandits start shooting, you are getting pushed around all over the map and your screen is obscured so much it's hard to even play the game. Not to mention they keep shooting if you're in FFYL and it make second winding impossible.

    submitted by /u/BladesReach
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    Reminder: All builds are temporary

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 11:29 AM PDT

    Just a reminder to everyone. Even disregarding hotfixes and patches changing the viability of builds, none of them will be what anyone uses within a year.

    DLC will come out, level caps will be increased, all the vault hunters are going to get entirely new skill trees added, everything is going to change.

    So please, remember that. If you want to be on the bleeding edge of meta builds, by all means do so! But you really need to keep in mind that all the hours you spend grinding for specific gear for specific builds is going to be wasted in the long run. None of these builds will matter in 6 months to a year, even if they never did another single balance hotfix.

    Play what you find fun now. Lower the Mayhem mode settings if they're too hard, take your time. Enjoy what the game has to offer now, and don't turn grinding and farming into a job.

    submitted by /u/Edymnion
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    Oh god I hope [spoiler]

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 12:13 AM PDT

    Did anyone else see Lilith engulf Elpis in flame and remember that little shit Pickle lives on that rock.

    God I hope the worse happened to him.

    submitted by /u/Itroligy
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    Guardian Angel

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 01:42 PM PDT

    I think it's crap that guardian angel kicks on whenever you die and are surrounded by enemies when you could easily get a second wind. Then when everyone is dead you die from a delayed element affect. I think guardian angel should not kick in until the end of the FFL. It's guardian angel not insta rez.

    submitted by /u/User4hire
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    Borderlands 3 has been out 27 days and my Xbox One X will STILL completely shut down several times a day

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 06:28 AM PDT

    After doing some testing, posting, and digging around i've come to the conclusion that there is nothing actually wrong with my Xbox One X yet everyday anytime in the middle of any gameplay with Borderlands 3 my xbox will shut off COMPLETELY in what has been described as "your xboxs attempt at preventing damage by overheating".

    This is absolutely ridiculous and is completely unacceptable as it is an issue relating directly to Borderlands 3 gameplay. What if this starts to affect the overall health of the console? Not only has the game been out for almost a month but they've had time to 1. nerf the fun out of all your favorite characters, guns, and gadgets 2. drop weekly events and 3. have press meetings discussing the state of the game without a care in the world.

    I have contacted 2K support in which they had this to say which was completely useless cause ive uninstalled the game several times. 2K has come out and say they "know of this issue" which is a blanket statement they say for all issues.

    Spend less time nerfing Fl4k and more time on this extremely precarious situation please 2K. ~Sincerely, GuardingCross (console player, long time fan and concerned gamer)

    Edit: I appreciate concerned gamers giving me tips on how to clean and keep a console cool however I think some might be missing the point. This post is to bring attention to an issue affecting many Xbox One X users and its Gearbox who needs to fix it. It's likely NOT an Xbox issue.

    submitted by /u/GuardingCross
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    I would love love love, a save/load -build button!

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 04:02 PM PDT

    Like in the Quick Change, if you could save and load a build. If you would be able to switch between build for tests/solo/multiplayer. With skills, weapons, gear, heck even skins and trinkets. Maybe a bit like in Diablo 3, but it might cost some eridium and/or 2-3 times a normal respec. If so Quick Change would love up to it's name in the fullest.

    Edit: Maybe even a copy paste option from echocast of the skills. And name idea "Quicker Change" or "member that build"

    Sorry if there's weird punctuation and stuff, not my fist language. Thanks

    submitted by /u/fedAek
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    Please don't use Cheat Engine in matchmaking

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 06:13 PM PDT

    Apparently cheat engine modifiers apply to all players in the game if the host is using cheat engine. I just came from a creature slaughter where the host had exp modifiers (earned 5 Guardian ranks in 1 wave), auto-crit, massive damage bonuses (bullets did 130k on body shots), and infinite ammo. This removed all of the challenge and fun from the experience. It's fine if you want to bypass any challenge for your own game, but don't ruin things for others in the process.

    submitted by /u/Unshkblefaith
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    The small feature I hope gets expanded on in DLC

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 01:21 PM PDT

    Vehicle Parts and hijacking. It's a small feature but pretty cool that you're able to throw heavy armor, different guns, different boosters and wheels to add some unique flair to your vehicles.

    Hopefully this gets expanded on in DLC if they introduce new vehicles.

    submitted by /u/stevenrama
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    Melee damage calculation for Amara

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 03:36 AM PDT

    Yesterday I posted some findings on anointments, and how they stack.

    Here's the post

    TL;DR two of the same anoitments can't stack, but two different anointments that boost the same stat can. (+100% melee after action ability can stack with +200% melee after phaseslam, but two + 200% melee after phaseslam do not)

    I thought I'd do some in depth testing about how ALL melee interactions work, along with a couple more anointment tests. There was a lot of stuff to test, so if I missed anything feel free to let me know.

    Anointment questions I tested Do holstered weapons give anointment benefits? NO

    Do you receive benefits by switching to an anointed weapon after it's trigger is preformed? NO

    Do you retain anointment benefits when swapping weapons? NO

    If not does swapping back to anointed weapon retain benefits? NO

    Can you stack benefits by swapping between 2 pieces of anointed gear? (Trigger one then swap weapons to another) NO



    is find your center additive or multiplicative? ADDITIVE

    Is blitz additive or multiplicative? ADDITIVE blitz gives additive 100% even without lunge MULTIPLICATIVE lunge gets addition 1.5 multiplicative bonus, always seems to do electric damage (only on lunging attack) which is also multiplied by elemental resistances (always electric regardless of weapon/action ability element)

    EDIT: Upon some thought I wasn't using my action ability to "apply" my new elemental damage type to myself. The blitz lunge damage was probably just defaulting to shock instead of my action ability element

    Is illuminated fist additive or multiplicative? ADDITIVE +75% melee bonus is additive MULTIPLICATIVE chosen elemental damage multiplied by elemental resistances

    Are bayonets additive or multiplicative? ADDITIVE

    Class mods/artifacts additive or multiplicative? (Also artifacts that imbue melee with elements) ADDITIVE - roid damage - extra skill points in melee skills - regular melee damage bonuses

    MULTIPLICATIVE artifacts that imbue melee with elements gains a multiplicative * 80% of total melee damage that is THEN multiplied by resistances (electric v flesh *.8, fire v flesh *1.5, ect)


    Completely frozen enemies take TRIPLE damage multiplicative off of TOTAL melee damage

    Melee formula:

    Base * (1+all additive bonuses) = total

    With blitz lunge:

    Base * (1+all additive bonuses) * 1.5 * elemental resistances * elemental bonuses (i.e tempest) = total

    With artifacts that imbue melee with elements:

    (Base * (1+all additive bonuses) * 1.5 (if lunging with blitz) * elemental resistances * elemental bonuses) + (Base * (1+all additive bonuses) * 1.5 (if lunging with blitz) * elemental resistances of artifact * elemental bonuses * .8) = total

    If enemy frozen, then triple total

    Note: tempests description is incorrect. At +5 it states Amara deals increased elemental damage. Shock damage is further increased

    Elemental damage: +30% Shock damage: +20%

    It is made to appear that shock damage is boosted by 50%, but it only gains a 40% boost for whatever reason

    submitted by /u/alexyost1991
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    Does the Agonizer Boss fight remind anyone else of Ratchet and Clank?

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 06:52 AM PDT

    Don't know why, but the boss felt something straight out of R&C. Like a few of the first three Ratchet and Clank games' boss battles. If it were a bit faster with running, dodging, jumping, and hurting, it would've basically been an Annihilation Nation bossfight.

    submitted by /u/MatrixReaper
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    I have my grievances but I do love this game.

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 05:51 PM PDT

    There're things about this game I don't like and will talk about in comments or such in the future. It's not perfect (no game is, I never expected it to be) and it has its problems such as story, character, lack of player involvement, and hardware issues as others have brought up.

    Just because I have these problems and talk about them and want Gearbox to fix them doesn't mean I don't love this game. I absolutely do. Its gunplay is fun as hell, general gameplay is addictive and I keep coming back to it, I love the world, etc. It's Borderlands and I'm very happy with it.

    I think Gearbox did great for what the game is. Do I think they could've done better? Of course.

    Spoils ahead for the story. If you don't want spoils, please click off now.

    I wasn't expecting Lilith to have her powers sapped from her but it wasn't an unwelcome change. I thought it would give the opportunity (Marcus style) for Lilith to prove to what remains of the Raiders that she's competent without her powers. She may've lost her firehawk powers but her sheer gunfighting skill and capability isn't completely erased, just hampered.

    Unfortunately, Lilith remains in the Sanctuary III. I can understand this, she IS the commander of the Raiders, but even still I'd hope she'd have some groundtime. I can forgive that. I can't forgive that she seems oblivious to hints and outright logical bricks the Calypso Twins throw at her. "See you at the planet!" "Dear gawd how'd they know?"

    It annoys me.

    Then there's Maya, Ava, and our own seeming lack of placement. Maya I never expected to die. I thought she'd take Lilith's place as the groundpounder, working with the Vault Hunters since she has her powers. Ava has her fans but I am not one of them. I find her annoying in high degrees, no real traits that would redeem her in my eyes.

    I know, she has a fucked up past. Everyone does in Borderlands. Everyone's fucked, all the time, always, and forever. High Tech, Low Life but goofy as fuck. Everyone's a hero in their own story and it has its own brightness despite the ugly.

    Ava's annoying, doesn't listen, and at least to me eyes helped to cause Maya's death (Albeit not because she wanted Maya dead).

    I just couldn't help but roll my eyes when Ava would talk. Maya dying was a surprise and one that fucked me up, especially because we as the Vault Hunter had no place in it.

    At least have Tyreen and some COV restrain us while Troy kills Maya. But we're not even there, even though we're outside the vault. Like others have suggested, if it at least showed us walking into the vault rather than doing it after we're outside I'd be gritting my teeth less and more understanding.

    At least it'd explain why we can't have something to do with keeping Maya and Ava safe. We're inside the vault eating up our loot while Troy's outside eating Mayas powers.

    Another grievance is that we have no presence in the game..much at all. We're in no cutscenes at all, Amara (A SIREN) is never considered food by the Calypsos (That would've been interesting to play with in game), in general it looks more like the Raiders are taking the fight to the Calypsos while we're stuck in a coma and dreaming.

    I've heard the argument that "It's a continuation of 2's story!" Well, if that's true, we shouldn't have been in 2's story. It should've been the story of Moze, Amara, Zane and FL4K hunting vaults on their own. More of the corporate warfare. Jakobs fighting to keep itself family owned against a hostile takeover, Atlas doing similar and trying to resist Maliwan's merger. We could've had Vladof and Dahl fight eachother, that would've been interesting.

    It shouldn't have been 2's story if it meant we would have no presense.

    The Calypsos could've been better but they were funny as they were. However they didn't really feel much like I had a desire to fight them. They were..kinda there. I was more interested in fighting Katagawa or Aurealia than I was the Calypsos. Hell I'd of rather have them as antagonistic friends if it wasn't for their end goal.

    Now, beyond that, the game like I've said before is a fucking blast. I love the gunplay, the guns, the characters, the worlds are spectacular. It's just stupidly fun to play and experience over and over again. Funny as can be, the characters are Borderlands doofuses and I love seeing the new folks like Ma and Pa at the Homestead.

    I love shooting enemies with shotguns and watching them fly, freezing them with one weapon and melting them with another, sliding and kicking barrels at them, and the alternate fire modes are fun to experiment with.

    Jakobs feels like a kickass manufacturer and doles out damage like a train, Atlas has great design and fun to use, I can't say I've found a manufacturer that isn't at least fun to use a bit even if they're not my favorite.

    Bosses are fun, enemies are especially fun, can't say I'm a fan of jumping puzzles though. Feels like Far Cry.

    In all, I have my grievances. It has problems, it has warts and pustules, but GOD is it fucking fun. In all, well done Gearbox. It needs improvements but it's good as it is. I hope to see it get all the better.

    Now that I've typed my fingers off, I need to play again.

    submitted by /u/CheeseyCentipede
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    Troy is a clown?

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 12:57 PM PDT

    Anyone else think he looks pretty cool in trailers and his character icons when talking, but in cutscenes looks like Ronald McDonald?

    submitted by /u/PapaRetardo
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    PSA: You can just punch Mother of Grogans

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 08:44 AM PDT

    For those that didn't know, but are wanting to farm Mother of Grogans for artifacts during the event:

    Any character can just punch her in the face for an instant kill.

    Only she drops the legendaries (not her pets, just her), so you can ignore the adds, run in and punch her, check the two chests, and repeat. You don't have to actually fight her.

    Not sure if this is a bug or a Game of Thrones reference I don't get (was the character killed in the show by punching her or something?), but it GREATLY speeds up farming.

    submitted by /u/Edymnion
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    Moze and her sustain

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 03:50 PM PDT

    So , in the latest hotfix Gearbox slightly nerfed Moze's Bloodletter COM, adding Shield Recharge Delay and reducing Shield Recharge Rate. I assume it was intended to fix the immortal build with low lvl Stop Gap, but Gearbox comment on it also brought an interesting point for me to discuss.

    They said that "intended use of this class mod, which is to heal shields manually, not automatically"

    But the thing is, Moze really lacks sustain in 2 of her passive trees. Yes, Vampyr is really great and all, but it kinda makes no sense for me to have a legendary COM which synergises only with ONE specific build. There is no hp/shield regen whatsoever in Bottomless Mags tree, and in SoR trre we have: 2 passive sustain skills(Behind the Iron Curtain and Full Can of Whoop-Ass) which are counter synergetic with current Bloodletter (the only Legendary COM for that tree btw), 1 skill which is a straight up weaker version of guardian skill (Force Feedback) and a capstone which doesn't work with 1hp at all (Tenacious Defense, skill which needs you to have HP pool in a tree which promotes you having as little HP as possible, but that's a matter of another topic).

    I really hope Moze will not be forced into builds with Vampyr and grenades, I personally have much more fun with maximum dakka BM/SoR build with Shredifier/Lyuda/Dictator/Faisor/Magnificent, but only ways to sustain is either picking up health potions with bloodletter or some Transformer and shock damage shenanigans.

    Maybe change completely useless Force Feedback to be "gain x% of HP with every critical hit"? It would add another way of sustain alternative to Vampyr grenades, synergetic with Bottomless Mags tree AND it would fit the whole "heal shield manually" approach of Bloodletter too.

    submitted by /u/escapereal1ty
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    New Hotfix Patch Is Up, 10/10/2019

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 07:27 AM PDT

    Bl3 story evaluation so far (Spoilers)

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 04:46 PM PDT

    This entire post has spoilers for BL3 and past titles. I figured to mention it here since marking all spoilers would be most of the post:

    BL3's story is...not very good imo. It's not the worst but it needs a lot of work. Especially compared to past games. I just beat the main campaign so want to talk to sort my thoughts as well as here what others have to say/feel about it. I did not 100% the game yet though. I still have side missions, echoes/kiosks, and map missions to complete but this is merit based on main campaign only. A story's campaign should hold it's own without side content and side content should work as an enhancement opposed to a crutch imo; either way so going to speak about it from this perspective.

    Note: I still love playing BL3 and love the game but the plot is weak af. I wish it wasn't though. Not sure if the same team of writers worked on this game but it does not feel like it at all. Also, these are just my opinions and my experiences. For any who found the plot flawless there's nothing wrong with it and those who hated it nothing wrong with that. Just here to discuss and hear what others think who care to share. This is also just covering plot/story related content. Even with issues I love the gameplay and loot as well.

    New Characters: Katagawa Jr, Balex, Clay, Wainwright, Lorelei to name a few that I liked. They were all fun imo Lorelei did not get as much exploration/development as others but I liked her too. If you talk to her a few times you can learn a little about her but this should've been implied in plot. Still, I liked her. The best part of the game featured these new characters.

    Corporation Wars: Best parts of the story. I enjoyed seeing faces of other munition corporations. I honestly would want to see more of this and have corporate faces for the rest. I enjoyed the plot the most during these moments.

    Past Character Appearances: B-team was really funny and fun ans I wished we saw more of them. Would have loved to have more missions with Maya and doing missions for Rhys was fun. I also enjoyed Vaughn's involvement on Pandora. I recall the developers mentioning they are trying to stray from old characters but I can appreciate seeing moments of them doing their own thing. Makes them feel even more fleshed out that they exist even if not crucial to the main plot.

    Ava: I hate how they wrote her into the main plot and how they wrote her centering around Maya's death. It was poorly written and everyone's reaction felt somewhat OOC. However, she mellows out by the end but without well written character development. She did everything wrong and was rewarded for it and without any means of reflection, apology or anything. However, after the anger from Maya's death scene-and those scenes soon after-waned I feel like she's not a bad character. Well designed, well voice acted but poorly written so I'm conflicted. I understand the hate for her character but then I think that she's a kid too and kids can be crappy. Tiny Tina was also a child who dealt with death in the series but she was written significantly better. I like to imagine if it was written better Ava would have been received better.

    Typhoon DeLeon: Another wasted opportunity for good plot written/implemented poorly. I liked the concept and his involvement in the end but it was not build up/earned at all. The game is basing his involvement on players who 100% the game and heard all his kiosks. If you do not venture for these it's hard to understand why he is relevant at all and he feels so random by the time the end of the game when you meet him. I understand some games tell lore through environment (Bioshock, Dark Souls, Bloodbourne to name a few) but these are games that implement it well and master this art. Borderlands did this much better in the past and these elements were used to enhance information given in the main plot opposed to being vital to it. I feel like his play in the plot and his death were just for shock factor and and not developed to be meaningful. I liked what they started to build but it was introduced so late in the game it felt rushed and had less of an impact.

    Lilith: Watered down significantly. Although I do understand that now that she's a leader and throughout the games she was slowly changing (maybe in some way trying to emulate Roland as a leader since his passing and the crushing responsibility her had) but she felt like she had no fight in her. She supposed to be battling her instincts vs. her responsibility as a leader and she just kind of existed. I think she could still exhibit personality even if she became a leader but BL3 translated leader = emotionless commander. Because her battle between who she was and who she is becoming was not emphasized or written well the end of the game felt weird. Like, her saying "Run towards the fire" and she does would've meant a lot more if the player was able to see her struggle between being the firehawk and the crimson raider leader. He conclusion to mesh them as one felt unearned due to the writing despite the games setting up this development in past games. These events are never followed up despite the focus on Lilith this time around.

    Humor: It was a hit or miss. The game did make me laugh a few times but a lot of jokes did not land like past games. There are good moments though.

    The Twins: By far the worst villains in the series. They are not written well and they were a lot of fumbled potential. I see ideas given but none were implemented in meaningful ways. They are not good villains even if you do not compare them to Handsome Jack. I think the plot trying to garter sympathy for them after Maya's death was pretty gross too tbh. Didn't learn enough about them until the end of the game either. I wanted to like them. I love the designs but they are not great villains. Not the worst either but a lot of potential lost due to poor writing (and imo voice acting, I did not enjoy Tyreen's VA's performance). Their sudden shift in their dynamic was weird and sudden as well. As the player I did not feel like they explained why (it was not just Troy getting Maya's power or at least it didn't seem like enough to justify it). Foreshadowed concepts of Troy's possible betrayal went nowhere or Tyreen turning on him. They don;t seem all that close and kept jumping between being a team and being frenemies. Siblings do clash but we didn't even see that really.

    General Plot: Disjointed af and a lot of potential once again fumbled. Poor pacing and a lot of off screen changes happen and not really explained at all. Too many meaningless deaths that were written poorly, stakes weren't there at all until the last couple of chapters (went from -50 to 100 in a heartbeat) and it felt aimless and rushing towards a goal that did not feel earned. The plot feels like large chunks are missing and rearranged opposed to a complete story. I'm reminded of the flaws FFXV's vanilla release had.

    Discarded Established Plot from Previous Games (so far): I'm hoping DLC fixes this but they completely disregarded build up from previous titles. The end of TPS and TftB felt very non-consequential to the plot in BL3. I think it's worse because the game actually acknowledges these events but brushes them off like they were concluded and/or not important enough to give time to answer (speaking to Vaughn and/or Rhys mention opening the vault of the traveler if you keep talking to them during different parts of the story). WTF happened to Timothy Lawrence? He has not been accounted for yet but the game is hinting something I think. Handsome Jack posters pop up from time to time so I'm wondering if they is homage to bl2 and HJ fans or...if we'll finally get some answers. Not getting my hopes up but it'd be nice.
    Speaking of TPS, there's a "war" in BL3 but it has nothing to do with Eridians/guardians like TPS ending hints but between corporations and these wars are not the main point of the overall plot. Going against the twins, even with the COV, did not count as a war to me. We always bandits in Borderlands games, this was no different. Just on different planets). Missing characters without any reason given about their disappearance kind of sucked (Loader Bot, Gortys, Sasha and Fiona, etc.).

    Aurelia: Is it just me or did she seem off? Not necessarily her level of cruelty but how they completely disregarded her character in TPS. She went from being so rich that she became bored enough to become a VH to just being this witch trying to kill Alistair and ruin his life. Don't get me wrong, it's mentioned in Aurelia promotional content and ingame that she and Alistair do not get a long and she despises him but that never translated to her being obsessed with ruining his life like BL3. She was too rich and powerful to even be that bothered by his existence. As long as they did not cross paths they were good. She didn't seem to care about what he was doing then all of a sudden she's obsessed. She even mentions being a VH during her fight "It's takes a VH to kill a vault hunter". And she calls the VH a whore first meeting, something once again that felt "off". She, in many ways, is no better since she was previously hired help for Jack (which by the end of TPS she didn't like him much but she can get a long with the Calypsos? And them promising her something she could obtain on her own? Why did she need them?).

    It feels like whoever wrote her in just did not know anything abut her accept she hates her brother. She's not a super popular character so not sure if anyone else cares but her portrayal in the game irked me and then they killed her off for no real reason (well there was a plot related reason but it did not line up with her established character). I get time passed and Aurelia was far from innocent but this was too much. I was hoping she'd have come to her senses but gotta keep killing off past characters in this game. It's a hit list at this point.

    VH in Plot: The involvement, or lack of minus little recognition, felt jarring. It was not like in past games, felt disconnected. The VH might has well have not been involved based on how scenes are animated/written. I think since VH's have unique dialogue and talk more having unique scenes would've been special. There is only 4 and will only be 4 based on Gearbox's claim so why not give the full package? It's work, time and money but it would've been nice.

    Maya's Fate: The one thing I've seen everyone agree with: Maya's death. It's not even that she died but how poorly it was written and how undeserving of who killed her and how she was killed. The Calypsos did very little, if anything, it earn killing off a previous VH. I hate that she died at all (one of my fav characters tbh) but major character death is not wrong in stories but how they are written and how it's written up to that point and after. I feel like they bought her into the game just to shock the audience to kill her (and to replace her). She was fine on Athenas, minding her own business, if they did not want to add in characters they didn't need to. I feel like this was weird but characters have died before so it's really how it was written for me and the scene after it.

    I think I missed a lot but this post is very long so that's it for now. If it's not acceptable to not mark spoilers on this post then I'll transfer said post to a word file and replace content with a link. I'll probably add marked edits if anything I feel changes.

    submitted by /u/Brain-Hemorrhage
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    Skip Quests in TVHM?

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 04:07 PM PDT

    Maybe I'm just not seeing anything about it, but am I able to skip the main quest if I join and complete the main quest missions near the end on a buddy's playthrough?

    submitted by /u/Jessyskullkid
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    Question about “easy” vs “normal” difficulty.

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 12:18 PM PDT

    In the option menu you can choose between easy and normal difficulty. In fact when u first start that game it prompts you to do so. I have since noticed that you can change between them whenever u want in any mode. TVHM and all the Mayhem modes. Question is does this have any effect on TVHM/Mayhem and if so what effect???

    submitted by /u/chef_fuzzy
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    Borderlands 3 Shift Codes

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 02:52 PM PDT

    My apologies if this has already been linked, do not recall seeing it on search bar. Found these while browsing information on BL3: https://www.gamesradar.com/borderlands-3-shift-codes/ multiple shift codes, all still worked except one for me. Enjoy the Golden Keys and thank you to all who share Shift Codes they find.

    submitted by /u/ZetaChi800
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    [BL3] I've finally finished the main story but I don't know what to do for end game

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 02:51 PM PDT

    I'm not knew to the Borderlands franchise but I am new to end game content. Now that I've finished the main story where do I go from here? I'm under the impression I should start up TVHM but after finishing the main story do I really need to play it again to properly experience end game? Or are there other things I should/could be doing first? Perhaps with Mayhem mode?

    What did most of you do? Did you just load up TVHM and power through the main story or did you do some normal mode/mayhem for a while?

    I'm a little lost and need some direction.

    submitted by /u/zmmar007
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    You have sent too much mail

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 08:01 PM PDT

    Tried to send some duplicates I had of my Wagon Wheel and my Riposte Impaler to a friend, and was greeted with this message. Have not sent mail in two days prior to this. Anyone else seen this bs?

    submitted by /u/VitaIncerta666
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