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    Wednesday, October 9, 2019

    Borderlands For the love of f****** god remove the -50% damage modifier. It's not mayhem, it's not fun.

    Borderlands For the love of f****** god remove the -50% damage modifier. It's not mayhem, it's not fun.

    For the love of f****** god remove the -50% damage modifier. It's not mayhem, it's not fun.

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 11:22 AM PDT

    I know this has been said but I created an account just to post this because it's that bad. Can't tell you how many times I've went into a map just to save and quit to get rid of this blanket damage decrease. I'm totally cool with the selection of weapons that have their damage decreased because at the very least I can play around that. I cannot play around an overall damage decrease for a small increase in action skill damage when I depend on my weapons. Maybe if my action skill made up for that damage but obviously it doesn't because I'm sure everyone groans when they see that modifier. Plus what's worse when playing with friends only to see that modifier and go through the trouble of re-inviting people at the hopes of not getting it or toughing it out and doing little to no damage ON TOP of whatever other resistances they give the enemies or other decreases the game throws at you. It's not fun, it's annoying as hell. How this got past QA I will never know, just needed to rant. Game is still freaking fun

    Edit: Same goes for reflection. Although it's a bit more doable I think the reflection is in need of a damage decrease when it does reflect and hit you. Maybe it does 30% damage of what you deal. All I know is if it turns out like BL2 and the numbers become ludicrous then the reflect will be impossible because you'll one shot yourself.

    submitted by /u/bbqsauce101
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    Can we appreciate how Good Hammer Lock and Jakobs Chemistry was

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 04:58 AM PDT

    Like It's the best part of the Story in my opinion, and I left Wanting more from the characters hopefully we get like a Microdlc like Mercenaries Day from BL2 of their Wedding

    submitted by /u/DarthSquidward1
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    Zer0 doesn't use a proper haiku when first meeting Lorelei. I feel this this can be used as a small clue to be put towards the mystery of his origin.

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 11:34 AM PDT

    After offering his assistance to Lorelei and then staring (probably because it's implied he has the hots for Lorelei) and being called out on it Zer0 replies with:

    No. I wasn't, uh... / I'm Zer0. I'll go tell Rhys. / It was nice meeting... you. Damn it.

    The last line is 8 syllables (6 if you don't count the damn it) and makes this an improper haiku. To me this makes it seem very likely that Zer0 speaks in haiku because he chooses to, which would mean he's not a robot/mechanical and programmed to (infallibly) speak that way. There's still the mystery of him having 4 fingers, but I feel pretty confident that under the suit Zer0 is something organic after that line. At best he's just mechanically modified.

    Also I just have to say that BL3 gives Zer0 SO much personality that I went from feeling ambivalent towards him to absolutely adoring the guy. Rhys is lucky to have such a good friend.

    submitted by /u/MojaveBreeze
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    This is pretty accurate for the third game��.

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 11:37 AM PDT

    Gearbox. You need to prioritize circle of slaughter and enemies bugging out making it impossible to complete

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 04:03 PM PDT

    I'm not joking, this happens to me 1 in 5 circles. An enemy will bug out and be stuck behind something or some anointed will not appear and you have to restart the entire thing. It's fucking dumb.

    submitted by /u/zamoth85
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    PLEASE let Zane's clone use the element of the Maliwan gun that Zane is using at the time we initiate the clone.

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 04:49 PM PDT

    This is kind of frustrating. If a badass armored enemy comes along, I'll switch my fire/corrosive smg to corrosive, and kick in the clone, but the clone uses fire. I guess each Maliwan gun comes with a 'default' element and a secondary element, rather than being 'two alternatives'.

    This would make inventory management easier, because now I have to look out for a corrosive/fire gun not fire/corrosive, and I'm not sure that they exist in that configuration? Otherwise a different manufacturer weapon that is only corrosive.

    submitted by /u/StiffCrustySock
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    After hours and hours of killing bandits, I’ve learned something...

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 10:29 PM PDT

    There are a lot of chili recipes that will never be made again and that is a damn shame.

    submitted by /u/Johns7erMons7er
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    Let's just inspect this mail.. oh.. it's gone.

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 06:30 PM PDT

    Whoever decided to make the inspect button the same as decline on consoles needs a Torgue style knuckle sandwich. I haven't been to this reddit before, but it annoys me so much I needed to vent. I just got Jakobs sniper that didn't appear to have a scope.. which was awesome. But now, I'll never know.



    submitted by /u/Swedish_Robot
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    Pro tip for farming mother of dragons

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 04:34 PM PDT

    She gets one shotted by melee. I have no idea why.

    Good luck getting the perfect legendary relic.

    submitted by /u/willb2989
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    PSA: The Facepuncher shotgun counts as Melee. Fl4k's Dominance skill works with Facepuncher

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 06:34 AM PDT

    You can SHOOT a badass one time with the facepuncher, turn him into an ally until he dies, and switch to a different shotgun or weapon. When he dies or time runs out, swap to facepuncher; tap another badass (or anointed? not sure if it works on anointed) and then go to another gun again.

    It's stupid fun seeing it happen; especially when you have 4 Fl4k's who all turn 4 badasses into allies. XD

    Should have mentioned this too, but /u/zyocuh mentioned that the Facepuncher also works with any of the relics that say "melee" to activate. (Cutpurse OP for unlimited shotgun ammo)

    submitted by /u/BrostFyte
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    New possible dup method for BL3

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 07:41 PM PDT

    Use at your own discretion, I tried to get footage of it happening after my friend showed me and my game kept crashing, lol. Also don't do this for everything, try to enjoy the game.


    Alright, so I think my friend may have found a possible duplication method for BL3 that is reliable and easy. No force quitting the game and no trading required.

    What you need to do is have the person who will be receiving the duped weapon be the Host. The person with the weapon to be duped is the second player and joins the other.

    The host goes to their bank and begins to mash between the two options, Deposit and Retrieve. Once the host notices lag between the menu swaps, the second player goes to their bank abd mashes the Store button on the weapon to be duped.

    If done correctly the second player should have stored a second copy of the weapon, with the original still in their backpack. They can then give the copy away. You can even get a second or third copy to spawn, if you'e lucky. (Note, I got 10 copies made when trying it out, so anything is possible)

    That's basically it. It takes advantage of the menu lag currently in the game, so if that ever gets fixed this may not work. Good luck!


    I'll try to get footage if people need.

    Edit: Got footage of 10 copies made, just gotta wait for it to upload.

    submitted by /u/PreviousHistory
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    *Spoiler* - Addressing Cutscene differences B2 Vs. B3

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 11:40 AM PDT

    I keep seeing people using the scene where>! Jack kills Roland!< as an argument against people unhappy with cut-scenes in B3. I love borderlands 3, I have put almost 60 hours into it and I enjoy it immensely. That being said, the plot is one of the game's weakest points. Its been said over and over on this subreddit, but the fact that for most significant events in the game the player is just immediately yanked out of the game and forced to watch a cut scene. Some of these events have the player JUST OFF SCREEN but chooses to do nothing and this is never addressed.

    In response to these complaints, lots of people like to say "Well this happened in borderlands 2 when (SPOILER)>! Jack kills Roland!<. In my humble opinion, this is a weak argument and the cut-scenes are not comparable. When Jack Kills Roland, it is shot in first person , addressing that the player is there (already leagues ahead of B3). The first time I watched the scene, I was shocked. I completely buy that the vault hunter is just shocked in that moment and Jack's surprise attack takes you completely off guard. The way the shot is framed you don't even see Jack until its too late to do anything about it. After he grabs>! Lilith !< the vault hunter is teleported away. This scene is great because it enrages the player and adds some stakes for the finale without being too blatant about moving the plot forward.

    In B3 almost all the cut-scenes are shot from third person perspectives and offer no explanation to why the player didn't intervene. They very obviously need to move the plot forward and disregard the player for entire segments of the game. I didn't want to add to any negativity, because I think the game does many more things right than wrong. However, I think it is okay to acknowledge the games plot is kinda weak compared to other titles, and I am real tired of seeing the Jack argument.

    This game is great and I am grateful for a community where I can talk about it, glad I could get this off my chest so I can get back to farming legendaries.

    submitted by /u/MillecentBystander
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    was jack a hero the whole time?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 07:38 PM PDT

    ok so theory time.

    ** spoilers for bl:tps bl2 and bl3 **

    during the events of tps jack was able to see events that would be coming to pass. hints how he was aware of the warriors presence. in bl2 jacks whole plan was to wake the warrior to destroy the bandits of Pandora. yes jack was more then a bit insane after lil hit him in tps and he wasn't all together there prior to that however that can be said about all the vh's the only difference is our perspective. the entire time we play 2 jack kept telling us that he was the hero of the story. maybe he was. his who goal was to wake the warrior who would have destroyed the bandits on Pandora who would have thus in turn stopped troy and tyreens rise to power in 3. idk what do you all think?

    submitted by /u/nixythekitsune
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    Mayhem Modifiers Megathread

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 07:26 PM PDT

    I have seen many Mayhem Mode complaints on the subreddit lately (for good reason) and I figured that we could all get together and make a huge thread of ideas we have for Mayhem Mode that makes the game more challenging and are more unique and borderlands-y than boring stat shifts. So friends, dump all your whacky ideas in here! no idea is a bad idea! hopefully someone from gearbox sees this and realizes that their Mayhem system is amazing but really needs some revamping to be fun.

    Ill start:

    Tinksplosion (this one I saw on another thread but thought it was too good to leave out): All enemies explode into tinks when killed

    A little piece of Elpis: Low Gravity

    Floor is Lava: Take damage if you spend too much time on the ground at once

    The Horde: Significantly more Psycho spawns

    Turf war (this one also may be stolen?): Multiple factions fighting each other on the map

    _________ Loyalty: All armed enemies use a specific manufacturer

    Quality over Quantity: better loot but less of it

    Quantity over Quality: worse loot but more of it

    Fast as F*ck BOIIIIIIS: enemies move faster

    Annointed Appointment: More annointed enemies (only after they are reworked)

    Gibfest: Killed enemies explode (and maybe their limbs fly out damaging whatever it hits?)

    Big Game Hunt: More Wildlife spawns

    Eclipse: Eternal Night

    Supernova: Eternal Day

    Switcheroo: The element of every gun you have is switched (Normal guns also randomized and guns can be randomized to normal)

    RAGEquit: More goliath spawns, all spawn already raging

    Big Boned: some enemies have an extra health bar

    Annoying armor: more enemies have an armor bar

    Shocking shield: more enemies have a shield bar

    Fist full of flames: all enemies do fire damage

    The Shocker: all enemies do shock damage

    Acid (bullet) rain: all enemies do corrosive damage

    Ice Age: all enemies do cryo damage

    War never changes: all enemies do radiation damage

    Nearsighted: damage increases when close

    Farsighted: damage increases when far

    These are just some of my ideas, the names are all a work in progress but I think these ideas could raise the difficulty but in a way that is more interesting and much less bullshit. As I said above, please add your ideas down below and lets get a list of mayhem going!

    submitted by /u/jesuschristk8
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    Classic red chests.

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 07:01 PM PDT

    Is no one upset that they're not in borderlands 3?? I'm unreasonably sad that the OG red chest design was completely scrapped.

    submitted by /u/EwokChalk
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    Borderlands 3's biggest sin

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 09:38 PM PDT

    The fact that Patricia fucking Tannis is more important to the plot than any of the previous Vault Hunters. I personally think the writers just had massive stiffies for Tannis.

    submitted by /u/DiscoDanSHU
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    Loadout slots

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 07:53 AM PDT

    How about allowing players to use eridium to buy load out slots to create different skill builds to swap between on the fly via the manage loadout option on the skills menu.

    If you wanted to cap the number of loadouts,I think 3 would be reasonable so we could essentially have a build focused in every tree.

    Respec by equipping a loadout and going to the quick change station and resetting that specific loadout with the existing mechanics.

    I think it's an important quality of life improvement because builds can be rendered useless under certain circumstances ex:

    •Amara's melee build vs flying or distant enemies

    •Zane's cryo build vs cryo resist mayhem modifiers or passively resistant/immune enemies.

    Also because it's tedious to have to go back to sanctuary and respec 48 skill points everytime we wanna mix up our playstyle.

    submitted by /u/KatBranchman1
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    BL3 has a completely different lead writer.

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 04:22 AM PDT

    EDIT: This article is relevant and didn't age super well.

    I love BL3 and don't have too many criticisms for the story much, by going on this sub it seems the game is much worse than it is.

    Haven't seen anyone mention that Anthony Burch who was the lead writer for BL2, wasn't part of this game at all.

    I think that helps explain the different tone and possible minor missteps in a few characters or lack of.

    submitted by /u/JerrryGergich
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    Anyone else noticed the foreshadowing that never occurred?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 07:27 AM PDT

    Story spoilers

    I can't be the only who thought Troy was gonna kill Tyreen or betray her? I feel like it was foreshadowed when He absorbed Maya and Tyreen went "Wait what, I thought you could only absorb my powers..." . This to me showed that Troy was lying to her and has his own plans and just lied to Tyreen about only being able to use her powers , maybe cause he didn't want her to get too OP or absorb her

    The 2nd foreshadowing was at Jakob's mansion where Troy said that its his turn to take charge and that everything keeps revolving around Tyreen and how she's the center of the galaxy (he said it in a mocking tone, implying he's pissed off about it)

    The 3rd and best foreshadowing was during that mission where Hammerlock's sister tried killing him and Tyreen went " Wow, she tried killing her own brother, I mean who would do that haha.. hahaha... right??"

    at the Jakobs Mansion, you find an echo log between Troy and Aurelia in which Aurelia says that "Family is just another word for war, and the sister always wins" (pointed out by u/dubsteplemon

    I was 99% sure this was all foreshadowing of troy killing Tyreen or some sort of a betrayal happening, but nope story went on with 0 twists.

    submitted by /u/royalxassasin
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    Seems like most people’s problems with BL3 boils down to change.

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 09:11 PM PDT

    I've just been scrolling around, and every topic is some iteration of "Is it just me or..." and "They ruined....". Some guy was complaining that the red chest designs aren't the same as the ones from BL2. Some other guy actually made a topic saying these Vault Hunters, in regards to gameplay, aren't as fleshed out or fun as the previous ones; using the idea that because there are builds people use, the characters are somehow not as fun. As if you're being forced to use a certain build dude...

    It really seems like people just didn't want anything to change at all. I bet there is someone who has a problem with the climbing mechanic, or that guns are more varied now. You'd think they'd understand that the next installment in a series generally aims to not be the exact same as its predecessors.

    submitted by /u/ZoinksJeepersJinkies
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    Amara’s next skill tree’s action skill should just be rapid punches with her arms.

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 06:45 PM PDT


    For the record I do not watch JoeJoe so don't ask me about it. I have friends that watch it and I've seen the memes. This is just a cool skill I thought for amara.

    submitted by /u/Z_0_0
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    Is it just me or are Atlas guns not that good?

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 01:51 PM PDT

    Haven't found an Atlas gun that makes me go "oooohhhhhh fuck yeah!" when I fire it, even when I get a purple or a legendary one at lower levels. Am I simply missing some of the good ones? Probably would be better if they had some elements to them but as it stands there simply seem to be better options for every single Atlas gun.
    Maybe they'll get buffed in the future or we'll get some insane Atlas guns in the dlc's?

    submitted by /u/bellystraw
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    SPOILERS* Kreigs echo logs

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 12:26 PM PDT

    I finally collected all of kreigs echo logs and they are both hilarious and absolutely heart-wrenching. He basically cast himself to a cave in self exile as to not hurt any innocent civilians while trying to manage his schizophrenia, all in the hopes of one day to be reunited with the only person that seem to bring out his humanity, Maya......( oh my heart )

    submitted by /u/Deathmedical
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