• Breaking News

    Friday, October 11, 2019

    Borderlands I feel like if Troy was the solo villain of Borderlands 3 the tone of the whole story would be much darker

    Borderlands I feel like if Troy was the solo villain of Borderlands 3 the tone of the whole story would be much darker

    I feel like if Troy was the solo villain of Borderlands 3 the tone of the whole story would be much darker

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 12:48 PM PDT

    I'm going to throw this in here because of 2019 reasons. This post is NOT a gender targeted post. This is strictly based on the development of the two characters. Nothing more.

    Tyreen is obviously built as a comic-relief style villain.. maybe a bit too over the top but I wont get into that as it's probably been complained out millions of times.

    But Troy had far less IN YOUR FACE HAHAH IM GONNA KILL YOU DONT FORGET TO LIKE A SHARE K BYE moments. He was a lot more isolated, you never really knew what he was going to do next which I really find intriguing especially for villain development.

    Personally, I think the story would be far less overly comedic and more along the lines of dark humor if Troy was the solo villain, much similar to Jack but I'd say less sarcastic. What do you think?

    submitted by /u/stevenrama
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    It’s ridiculous that I have to beat the campaign again in TVHM to get mayhem mode.

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 11:09 AM PDT

    If you play on PC you do not have this problem. This is a console only issue. If you do not believe me then take a quick look through this subreddit.

    I would just like to play through the campaign again but with an actual challenge instead of being bored because I kill everything easily.

    EDIT: To the people confused. After you beat the game on Normal Mode you unlock mayhem mode. But I'm talking about mayhem mode in TVHM (true vault hunter mode). It unlocks after you complete the game in Normal Mode. TVHM not Normal mode. I know you unlock mayhem mode after you finish the campaign. I'm not dumb.

    submitted by /u/joetheminoin
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    Why is Pippie the little saurian running around on Sanctuary III?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 08:09 AM PDT

    Why is it here? It spawned after I completed that one quest on Jakobs estate. No idea what the name of the quest was

    submitted by /u/Battlebox0
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    SHiFT code for a Golden Key for Borderlands 3: CZC3B-RR5HJ-SKTWK-JJ3JJ-HKJZ3

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 12:27 PM PDT


    Active until midnight CST!

    submitted by /u/SirCaramell
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    What are some "must have" weapons and gear?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 06:47 AM PDT

    Reached lv50, started my second character lv32 now.

    I Want to farm good gear for my lv50 Fl4k now and I'm wondering what's the must have gear for BL3? For Fl4k and Moze especially for now


    submitted by /u/Mind_Infection
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    Borderlands 3 - Build Contest Results

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 02:49 PM PDT

    First of all, many thanks to all the participants!!

    In total, 28 builds were submitted (+1 disqualified for being too much of a "check my video"). There were plenty of interesting builds, and some really good write ups, even among the ones that did not receive any award. The voting in the competition thread was uhm... somewhat limited, we'll say. So don't take any of this too seriously. Congratulations in advance to the winners, and congratulations to the others too!!

    So, here we go:

    Rhys' Employee of the Month Bonus

    Winners: Mediore by GodWolfGaming, 1 Health Vladof Bulletstorm by Neighsus, and Infini-Hybrid by HK47_Raiden.

    Tyreen's Subscription for Multimedia Hype Mastery

    Winners: Demolition Man by flightx3aa.

    Gaige's 3rd Place Distinction for Fanciest Mathematics

    Winner: Lone Ranger by EndlessArgument

    Spatula Khan's Golden Spatula for Gourmet Excellence

    Winner: Hurricane Moze by I-am-a-sandwich, obviously.

    Buttstallion's Random Diamond Weisenheimer Drop by Favor of RNJesus

    Winner: Call of Shiva by NanotechNorseman

    Tannis' Distant Acknowledgment for Greatest Deal of Text

    Winner: Content Butcher by Wallach

    Lilith's Eridian Star for Most Popular Skill Tree

    Winners: Fist of the Elements (Amara), Hunter (Fl4k), Demolition Woman (Moze), Hitman (Zane)

    Scooter's Bestowment for Advocacy of Poetry

    Winner: SpongeShock FlareHands by JackyMehoff

    Handsome Jack's Majestic Honesty Award for giving credit where it's due

    Winners: Anointed Goliath Mob Melter by Erediv, Rush Stacks Abuse by Leureka, and Content Butcher by Wallach

    Marcus' Adoption Papers for Excessively Concise Storytelling

    Winners: Grenade Spam by connor20705, and Hurricane Moze by I-am-a-sandwich.

    Ava's Special Medal "I'm way too cool to use a template"

    Winner: Hammer Cannon by _Mellex_

    Interlude: Brick Silver's saxophone solo.

    True Vault Hunter Prize for Best Amara Build

    Winners (out of 5 submissions): Anointed Goliath Mob Melter by Erediv, and Rush Stacks Abuse by Leureka.

    True Vault Hunter Prize for Best Fl4k Build

    Winner (out of 3 submissions): Hammer Cannon by _Mellex_.

    True Vault Hunter Prize for Best Moze Build

    Winners (out of 11 submissions): Mayhem Mode Moze by Zenjion, Everything Up To Infinity by MakiMovies, and Content Butcher by Wallach.

    True Vault Hunter Prize for Best Zane Build

    Winners (out of 9 submissions): Fortress of Zanitude by BlondiieBoy, and Frozen Heart Infiltrator by DelusionPhantom.


    (trumpets and drumrolls)

    Ultimate Vault Hunter Prize for Best Build

    Winner (out of all 28 submissions): Fortress of Zanitude by BlondiieBoy.

    Thank you all for watching. You can now safely go back to discussing more important things, like why Ava is a bad character, how the Mayhem modifiers should be modified, and whether there is any point in playing TVHM.

    You may also check the wiki page with all the builds that participated in the competition (I know it was supposed to be only the winners, but it seems I didn't want to take any chance of letting the award for Ultimately Pointless Effort slipping away from me). Kindly remember that with great wiki tables comes great responsability to keep your builds updated.

    submitted by /u/55tumbl
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    Please auto-pick-up shield boosters and such

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 07:50 PM PDT

    Running around staring at the ground attempting to pick up boosters with a tiny "hit box" rather than shooting at who's damaging you isn't all that great. Please, either widen up the "use" box on them or make them automatically pick up when in range like ammo and $ does from boxes.

    submitted by /u/MilkshakeChucker
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    Finally an answer to the absence of Borderlands Soundtracks from music streaming services

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 12:04 PM PDT

    I asked Jesper Kyd why were the Borderlands Soundtracks hidden from streaming services, and he replied in this tweet:


    Edit: For tweet impaired people:

    @JesperKyd: The record label Sumthing Else has closed down and so all the Borderlands music had to be transferred over to a different label. We are almost ready to relaunch the Borderlands music, will be out very soon.

    submitted by /u/W1b3
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    Amara fanart

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 08:32 PM PDT

    30% Chance to reflect projectiles back at player...

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 07:07 AM PDT

    Why is this even a modifier? It isn't a difficulty increase as much as it is simply annoying. It doesn't make enemies more powerful, it just makes it so you can kill yourself without using splash damage...

    submitted by /u/Booiseeu7
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    Class mod display on screen

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 02:24 AM PDT

    Please GearBox, let us display the full name of the class mod in the bottom left of the screen

    We all know Moze is a Gunner but let me show my « Peppy Zero Survivor » class mod

    It will also be an hint of your playstyle

    submitted by /u/FrenchOnionSoupp
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    Gatlin Gatling Gun

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 04:39 PM PDT

    My friend found one at level 50 finally and mailed it to my Moze. I clicked R3 to inspect it. It's now deleted. He's not speaking to me right now... 😭

    submitted by /u/Batmandal0rian
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    BL3 is a fantastic piece of meta-fiction, and this sub is the main character (spoilers for whole story)

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 09:46 PM PDT

    Like many players, I really enjoyed the BL3 story. From start to finish, I liked the characters and how they developed, I liked the self-awareness and humour, and most of all I liked how it placed us in a supporting role, letting the story happen around us between the lead characters, showing us little windows into their thoughts and motivations but letting us make our own judgements. No spoonfeeding in an action game!

    In fact, as I was going through it the first time, I was thinking "wow, this is pretty gutsy, it really subverts expectations about action game story-telling, not sure how this will go over with typical gamers."

    And then I finished the story (after rolling in laughter at the ending) and came to the sub, and I realised the story never actually finished, it just went meta. Perhaps the best meta I have ever seen. Y'all been trolled. Gearbox trolled you. The troll company making a troll game explicitly about trolling online culture got you good. They hit you in the self-centredness, in the gender-roles, in the shounen expectations.

    My high points of the meta-game:

    High point 1: Tyreen and Troy. My god. This... perfect. A masterpiece. This needs to be explored in depth.

    • 1. They give us an loud (outwardly obnoxious) female lead with a socially awkward, downtrodden and marginalised brother as back up. Who will the community favour?
    • 2. Give the brother powers. Not just any powers, but the powers to drain sirens. Like his sister. Now start dropping hints that she is a bit scared of him and he is becoming more assertive. Obviously, the community will love him for this, and get frothy and turgid thinking of how he is soon going to kill her. (as opposed to thinking he is a tragic character who never actually grew up since he had been sheltered by a woman his whole life, and has no idea how to be an adult. #nosatiretoseehere)
    • 3. literally play out the scene where he kills her. He drains her against her will while she screams in the background, and drops to the ground apparently dead. Cue players climaxing.
    • 4. subversion time. Not only rip away the new power, but also rescind Tyreen's death and give her power back to her (and Ava of course, we will get to Ava). Note that if this is done well, players will completely forget that he did actually drain her "to death" in the first place and feel like the story got changed half-way through. Cue outrage that the all the foreshadowing that he would deliver her comeuppance was wasted. Bonus points for "awww, you thought you were gonna win?" talking to the player through the screen (your vault hunter certainly isn't in that camera).
    • 5. cap it all off with a literal, explicit troll sequence. Haha, that was pretty funny. I'm still a bit steamed that Troy got killed, but at least now we get to kill the joke lead character, right?
    • 6. continue on with the game since Tyreen was actually the lead villain in the first place. Wait for how the community decides the second half of the game is a let-down, despite really fleshing out the story and producing some pretty amazing character beats (her reaction to Troy's death, her stuff with TDL).

    High point 2: Ava. Well written teen in over her head, emotional at times, mature at times, constantly running into danger to try to save others (and succeeding at least once). Probably my favourite character. The meta is strong with this one: she gets Maya's powers from Troy. Like, triple whammy for us, we were Maya before, and we really wanted Troy to be the proper baddie we knew he was. Who does this twerp think she is, acting getting powers from nowhere, after training on Athenas for years to prepare for them? I bet that Lilith, Maya, Tyreen and everyone else earned their powers the old fashioned way, just like Troy did.

    High point 3: VH voice actors. So good, deeply characterful. Some real powerful moments, even for the most light-hearted and absurd. I wonder why players seem to prefer two of them specifically?

    High point 4: keeping the VHs out of the cut scenes. This honestly trolled me good too, it felt weird and stilted (as did the strange camera angles) but I worked it out. The cut scenes aren't for the VHs, they are for us. It was all for us. See point about Tyreen after the Troy fight ... who else could she be talking to? If you see the cut-scenes as explicit communication with the player rather than the VH, it all makes sense.

    High point 5: unskippable cut scenes.

    So, yeah, magic stuff. I loved the story, enjoyed the game, now I'm grinding loot like nothing else matters in life, and whenever I want a break and a chuckle, I come here and look at any of the millions of threads bemoaning all of the above and more. I particularly love all the threads that lead with "this isn't about gender, but..."

    So kudos to the top-shelf trolls at Gearbox. Keep the troll patches coming! Keep over-nerfing popular skills, only to partially return them ("yay, it has been buffed! Finally!" snerk). Keep writing absurd patch notes about how certain core mechanics weren't intended or that someone just wrote in a number wrong in multiple places at multiple times. Keep offering both too many and too few legendary drops at the same time. Keep providing tiny reductions to sniper rifle zooms.

    I mean, do fix some of the few actually broken skills, like you have been. But otherwise, keep on doing what you do best. Troll the shit out of us, satirise us, and have fun at our expense.

    submitted by /u/rumblestiltsken
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    Multiplayer - host quitting game disconnections are frustrating

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 01:18 PM PDT

    Slowly getting frustrated with the number of times being kicked back to the lobby in a proving ground or circle of slaughter in the social matchmaking when the host leaves the game.

    Please allow us to continue fighting on even if the host decides to ditch because of their own reasons.

    I understand that not all disconnections are intentional and at times someone's network just goes down.

    Still it's frustrating and I wish Gearbox would invest in looking at server migration.

    submitted by /u/Quelle2000
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    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 12:00 PM PDT


    submitted by /u/Mehdals_
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    Character Full Names

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 04:42 PM PDT

    So it is clear that the naming conventions on pretty much every planet is First Name and Last Name. See examples:

    • Alistair Hammerlock
    • Alphonso Knoxx
    • Aurelia Hammerlock
    • Erik Franks
    • Ernest Whitting
    • Jeffrey Damien Blake
    • Marcus Kincaid
    • Moserah "Moze" Hayussinian Yan-Lun al-Amir Andreyevna
    • Patricia Tannis
    • Rhys Strongfolk
    • Timothy "Handsome Jack" Lawrence
    • Torgue High-Five Flexington
    • Troy Deleon Calypso
    • Tyreen Deleon Calypso
    • Typhon Deleon
    • Zane "Ferocity" Flynt
    • Zed Blanco

    So what are the full names of below:

    • Amara
    • Athena
    • Axton
    • Brick
    • Felix
    • FL4K
    • Fiona
    • Gaige
    • Krieg
    • Lilith
    • Lorelei
    • Maya
    • Mordecai
    • Nisha
    • Roland
    • Salvador
    • Sasha
    • Vaughn
    • Wilhelm
    • Zer0
    submitted by /u/foxmindedguy
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    First Vault Hunter (BL3 storyline spoiler)

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 10:13 AM PDT

    After BL3 uncovering so much lore on Typhon, how cool would it be to see a spinoff game where you play as/alongside the first vault hunter and lovable turd farmer? A chance to witness the first vault opening and escape to Nekrotafeio first hand.

    submitted by /u/HallMonitorHarry
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    Zane and FL4K relationship

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 07:39 PM PDT

    Anybody else think that the Zane and Fl4K relationship could be really cool? Like Zane basically hunted for a living to survive due to his hit contracts and FL4K wants to learn the meaning of the hunt. Playing with a friend and seeing how they respond to quests made it seem like there personality really clicked.

    submitted by /u/JISTER016
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    Build your own Vault Hunter (BYOVH) If you could have complete control over the creation of a Vault Hunter that could be added to the game what would they be like?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 02:16 PM PDT

    After hearing that GearBoxes current stance is that there will be no DLC characters for BL3 I'm going to fill this void for hearing what the community has come up with so maybe it won't sting so bad. Go nuts.

    submitted by /u/Snoubalougan
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    What are best non-legendaries and non-uniques in the game?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 07:57 PM PDT

    Basically what wrecks and us easier to obtain

    I know about mashers but I've seen some torgue and tedoire weapons that people use I can just never find ones that make me want to keep them

    submitted by /u/lifeasdennis
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    My Moze Wish: Make her Capstones work with Iron Bear

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 09:15 AM PDT

    After a little testing, I'm pretty sure none of her capstones actually work with Iron Bear. Ammo isn't regenerated by Forge, the shield isn't regenerated by Tenacious Defense, and she doesn't get tertiary explosions by Short Fuse.

    And why don't they work together? It seems really strange that they wouldn't effect her action skill, and would really drive the power difference between the character and the mech. After all, if Moze has a capstone, and her mech doesn't, that has to make her significantly more powerful by comparison, right?

    These seem like simple ways to make Iron Bear better that actually make sense. Just make the Capstones work on the Mech, too.

    submitted by /u/EndlessArgument
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    SDUs and new characters

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 03:19 PM PDT

    Hey, so, a friend of mine is going to be picking the game up to play with us. He recently won the giveaway Zane PC and has decided that it's only proper to play Zane. Our little group tend to want to play as only one of the VHs at a time, so I'm going to be leveling up Amara.

    I was curious if anyone who's an altoholic has already checked if SDUs will carry over or if I'm going to need to purchase them on Amara (we're going to power level her so I'm not overly concerned about cash).

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/thehallow1
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    Side missions great.

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 08:34 PM PDT

    So beat main campaign which was very lackluster and would put it far below TPS let alone 2. Now iam doing all the side missions in mayhem. I saved them for after main story. The side missions are much better written its weird.

    submitted by /u/Waldsman
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    (Amara) Slaughter Shaft in 16:25 (All Rounds) on TVHM Mayhem 3 (Neutral Modifiers) + Build showcase

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 02:05 PM PDT

    Hey guys,

    I've been playing Elemental Amara for the past couple days and think I found a fairly competitive and fun build, that I want to share with you.

    Link to video (Sorry for the low quality, Youtube is still processing the video)

    I showcase my current loadout and skill trees followed by a 16:25 slaughter shaft run (all rounds and waves) on TVHM Mayhem 3 (modifiers are neutral and shown in the video). I think this is one of the best mobbing builds currently out there. However, it could be further improved with annointed gear.

    I play online with the latest hotfix (10.10.2019).

    Feel free to comment and post your best slaughter shaft times + Build!

    submitted by /u/Toemmsche
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