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    Borderlands Borderlands 3 Hotfixes: October 17th

    Borderlands Borderlands 3 Hotfixes: October 17th

    Borderlands 3 Hotfixes: October 17th

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 07:09 AM PDT


    This week's Borderlands 3 hotfixes, which will be live on all platforms by or before 3:00 PM PDT today, adjust Legendary gear across all manufacturers. Our goal with Legendary gear is to enable a large variety of playstyles and builds for all characters. After looking through the data, we found that that some pieces of Legendary gear were greatly outperforming others and felt they were limiting builds instead of increasing them. In addition, some of the damage output of Legendary gear limited the growth in combat engagements for the future so we tuned everything to an acceptable median. We expect all Vault Hunters to be able to create amazing builds and we want to support that with more ways to grow and reach those power levels.



    • Westergun damage increased by 25%
    • ASMD damage increased by 28%
    • Cutsman damage reduced by 25%


    • Ten Gallon damage increased by 8%


    • Sickle reload speed increased by 25%
    • Faisor damage increased by 15%
    • Infiniti damage increased by 40%
    • Magnificent damage increased by 25
    • Jericho damage increased by 40%
    • Lucian's Call accuracy and handling reduced
    • Lyuda Critical Damage Bonus decreased by 30% and made a modification to address a reported bug that an extra bullet was spawned in the center

    The Lyuda's functionality is to split the projectile from 1 to 3 after a certain distance. It was reported that the original projectile was never destroyed in the process of splitting so 1 projectile actually became 4. Addressing this concern effectively removed a full shot's worth of damage which auto-corrects the base damage of the weapon. Since we increased all sniper rifle critical damage bonus in a previous hotfix, we reduced some of the critical damage bonus on the Lyuda.


    • Try-Bolt damage increased by 25%
    • Alchemist damage increased by 25%
    • Devils Foursum damage increased by 13%
    • Flakker now consumes the full magazine when fired and damage is reduced by 33%

    Flakker was greatly outperforming other shotguns due to the number of projectiles and the high rate of fire. We initially believed the resulting projectile spread would cause most of the explosions to miss the target, however this turned out to be false, so we reduced the projectile damage and allowed the weapon to only fire once per magazine. This change encourages players to capitalize on different stat bonuses to maximize the weapon's damage output.

    • Laser-Sploder rocket projectiles spawn interval increased by 0.4 seconds


    • Maggie damage increased by 35%
    • Hellwalker damage reduced by 8%


    We found that a couple of the Legendary Hyperion weaponry bypassed the Hyperion manufacturer playstyle too easily making their bonuses greatly outweigh the penalties. The Butcher was drastically outperforming all metrics and we chose to reduce the damage in order to keep the fast fire rate.

    • Conference Call damage increased by 15%
    • Crossroad accuracy reduced and it now fires 3 projectiles instead of 4
    • Butcher accuracy reduced and damage reduced by 25%


    • Vanquisher damage increased by 20%

    Children of the Vault

    • Skeksis damage increased by 15%
    • Linoge damage increased by 20%
    • Pain is Power damage increased by 25%


    • Ruby's Wrath damage increased by 10%


    Hex and Firestorm were calibrated to the wrong grenade modifier. These two grenades were envisioned to specialize by applying elemental DoTs to targets. Instead they were resulting in large amounts of damage and the elemental DoTs were minimal. We realize this is a drastic change on both of these grenades, but we did not want to remove the spectacle of the grenade (number of grenades spawned, number of targets hit, etc.) and focused on allowing their core identity to be emphasized instead of them continuing to just be high damage grenades.

    • Hunter-Seeker damage increased by 25%
    • Hex grenade damage reduced by 70% and duration reduced to 3 seconds
    • Firestorm damage reduced by 70%


    It was reported that the Legendary artifact, Elemental Projector, had a bug resulting in the max value being displayed at 183% instead of the actual max value of 113%. Therefore, we addressed the discrepancy and reduced the max value to 90%.

    • Elemental Projector damage max roll reduced to 90%


    The current state of Moze's Iron Bear, Zane's Digi-Clone, and FL4K's pets have made players focus on other elements besides those Vault Hunter's fundamental action skills in the late game. While longer term solutions to scaling their damage is explored, we have boosted the health of Iron Bear, the Digi-Clone, and the pets to make them more viable. We will have more to say about long term solutions for these characters in the future.

    • Iron Bear: health increased by 50%
    • All pets' health increased by 50%
    • Digi-Clone: health increased by 100%
    • Addressed a bug with Salvation where grenades were giving life-steal


    • Psychos will now use their True Vault Hunter Mode name in True Vault Hunter Mode
    • Removed the optional Rare Spawn missions from Galaxy Progress
    • Addressed a reported bug where Completely Sane Sid didn't always become hostile when using FL4K
    • Addressed a reported bug where Ratch would not properly spawn during "Ratch'd Up", which potentially blocked completion of that side mission
    • Included a modification so Lilith would continue to move toward the door in Shiv's confession chamber during "From the Ground Up"
    • Lowered the chance for a weapon to drop from the Pachinko machine
    • Included a modification so that Zane's Digi-Clone will no longer spawn into the cage in Cistern of Slaughter
    • Shield Boosters were modified and are now set for autopickup
    • An addition was introduced so Eridium chests are no longer listed as Red Chests in the ECHOcast extension on Sanctuary III
    submitted by /u/LuigiTheClown
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    Quick recap from tonight's Co-Op Couch stream from the official Gearbox Twitch channel

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 04:24 PM PDT

    If I got something wrong, don't judge me, I'm tired

    • The nerfs happened because they want to equalize all the items across the board to make builds more diverse, but more importantly, to "set the foundation for future stuff"

    • They're working on a lot of quality of life changes, shield boosters automatic pickup was just one of them. Expect QOL changes to constantly be reiterated upon

    • They plan on buffing more weapons where necessary, say they don't expect many more nerfs in general, they're doing nerfs and buffs in waves

    • They listen to the community, Reddit, Twitch, Twitter, Mixer etc

    • They're working on DEDICATED LOOT DROPS, farming for specific stuff is going to be easier

    • They're working on INCREASED BANK SPACE, but want to get it right

    • They will change Mayhem modifiers, especially the unfun ones like bullet reflection

    • Next week event will have increased Annointed loot drops chance, we should see a lot more annointed stuff

    • Different teams work on different stuff, nerfs/buffs team not the same as the performance guys, etc etc

    If I missed something let me know

    submitted by /u/gr4ndm4st3rbl4ck
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    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 07:10 AM PDT


    This week's Borderlands 3 hotfixes, which will be live on all platforms by or before 3:00 PM PDT today, adjust Legendary gear across all manufacturers. Our goal with Legendary gear is to enable a large variety of playstyles and builds for all characters. After looking through the data, we found that that some pieces of Legendary gear were greatly outperforming others and felt they were limiting builds instead of increasing them. In addition, some of the damage output of Legendary gear limited the growth in combat engagements for the future so we tuned everything to an acceptable median. We expect all Vault Hunters to be able to create amazing builds and we want to support that with more ways to grow and reach those power levels.



    • Westergun damage increased by 25%
    • ASMD damage increased by 28%
    • Cutsman damage reduced by 25%


    • Ten Gallon damage increased by 8%


    • Sickle reload speed increased by 25%
    • Faisor damage increased by 15%
    • Infiniti damage increased by 40%
    • Magnificent damage increased by 25%
    • Jericho damage increased by 40%
    • Lucian's Call accuracy and handling reduced
    • Lyuda Critical Damage Bonus decreased by 30% and made a modification to address a reported bug that an extra bullet was spawned in the center

    The Lyuda's functionality is to split the projectile from 1 to 3 after a certain distance. It was reported that the original projectile was never destroyed in the process of splitting so 1 projectile actually became 4. Addressing this concern effectively removed a full shot's worth of damage which auto-corrects the base damage of the weapon. Since we increased all sniper rifle critical damage bonus in a previous hotfix, we reduced some of the critical damage bonus on the Lyuda.


    • Try-Bolt damage increased by 25%
    • Alchemist damage increased by 25%
    • Devils Foursum damage increased by 13%
    • Flakker now consumes the full magazine when fired and damage is reduced by 33%

    Flakker was greatly outperforming other shotguns due to the number of projectiles and the high rate of fire. We initially believed the resulting projectile spread would cause most of the explosions to miss the target, however this turned out to be false, so we reduced the projectile damage and allowed the weapon to only fire once per magazine. This change encourages players to capitalize on different stat bonuses to maximize the weapon's damage output.

    • Laser-Sploder rocket projectiles spawn interval increased by 0.4 seconds


    • Maggie damage increased by 35%
    • Hellwalker damage reduced by 8%


    We found that a couple of the Legendary Hyperion weaponry bypassed the Hyperion manufacturer playstyle too easily making their bonuses greatly outweigh the penalties. The Butcher was drastically outperforming all metrics and we chose to reduce the damage in order to keep the fast fire rate.

    • Conference Call damage increased by 15%
    • Crossroad accuracy reduced and it now fires 3 projectiles instead of 4
    • Butcher accuracy reduced and damage reduced by 25%


    • Vanquisher damage increased by 20%

    Children of the Vault

    • Skeksis damage increased by 15%
    • Linoge damage increased by 20%
    • Pain is Power damage increased by 25%


    • Ruby's Wrath damage increased by 10%


    Hex and Firestorm were calibrated to the wrong grenade modifier. These two grenades were envisioned to specialize by applying elemental DoTs to targets. Instead they were resulting in large amounts of damage and the elemental DoTs were minimal. We realize this is a drastic change on both of these grenades, but we did not want to remove the spectacle of the grenade (number of grenades spawned, number of targets hit, etc.) and focused on allowing their core identity to be emphasized instead of them continuing to just be high damage grenades.

    • Hunter-Seeker damage increased by 25%
    • Hex grenade damage reduced by 70% and duration reduced to 3 seconds
    • Firestorm damage reduced by 70%


    It was reported that the Legendary artifact, Elemental Projector, had a bug resulting in the max value being displayed at 183% instead of the actual max value of 113%. Therefore, we addressed the discrepancy and reduced the max value to 90%.

    • Elemental Projector damage max roll reduced to 90%


    The current state of Moze's Iron Bear, Zane's Digi-Clone, and FL4K's pets have made players focus on other elements besides those Vault Hunter's fundamental action skills in the late game. While longer term solutions to scaling their damage is explored, we have boosted the health of Iron Bear, the Digi-Clone, and the pets to make them more viable. We will have more to say about long term solutions for these characters in the future.

    • Iron Bear: health increased by 50%
    • All pets' health increased by 50%
    • Digi-Clone: health increased by 100%
    • Addressed a bug with Salvation where grenades were giving life-steal


    • Psychos will now use their True Vault Hunter Mode name in True Vault Hunter Mode
    • Removed the optional Rare Spawn missions from Galaxy Progress
    • Addressed a reported bug where Completely Sane Sid didn't always become hostile when using FL4K
    • Addressed a reported bug where Ratch would not properly spawn during "Ratch'd Up", which potentially blocked completion of that side mission
    • Included a modification so Lilith would continue to move toward the door in Shiv's confession chamber during "From the Ground Up"
    • Lowered the chance for a weapon to drop from the Pachinko machine
    • Included a modification so that Zane's Digi-Clone will no longer spawn into the cage in Cistern of Slaughter
    • Shield Boosters were modified and are now set for autopickup
    • An addition was introduced so Eridium chests are no longer listed as Red Chests in the ECHOcast extension on Sanctuary III
    submitted by /u/otinar
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    This game NEEDS dedicated drop sources, especially with all the constant nerfs

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 12:28 PM PDT

    I think most of the people on this sub can relate to farming for a world drop only to waych it get nerfed if the next patch or the patch after.

    Farming for hours or days for a random roll of a random legendary from the world drop loot pool in incredibly frustrating! Theres some guns that I haven't even seen yet and ice put in a decent amount of hours!

    Another thing I've seen that I agree with is that all the legendaries that get buffed are ones that are usually left of the ground because they weren't good before ( this is practically due to bank space but that's a completly diffrent post altogether). They buff old guns and nerfed the ones everyone has been using and theres no dedicated way to farm for these new better guns to try! How did a game centered around farming for the best loot launch with a large majority of the legendaries being world drops?!?

    submitted by /u/Drewfuss123456
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    Borderlands 3: Perceived State of the Game as of Oct 17th

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 07:13 PM PDT

    This is a discussion on the current state of the game per the recent hotfix. In this I will place my thoughts as a player, along with my insight into beta testing, troubleshooting and understanding how a meta evolves within a games balance.

    First, we will cover the meat of the most recent hot fix, my thoughts on it, the recent hot fixes and issues that have plagued the game since launch. I will only be pointing out specific bullet points within the hot fixes and notes to clarify issues and problems I have noticed along with trends. This is and will be a long post of discussion with logic and reason.


    I would like to note my main set of issues with the "State of the Game" (further referred to as SoTG), as the fact that gearbox has many a time stated that some effects were "Unintended" and they want to bring more build diversity by hitting the stronger builds to bring them in line with the weaker ones.

    One of the unintended effects was "Leave No Trace"-FL4K and "Means of Destruction"-Moze, giving too much ammo, and so they added a re-trigger delay of 2 seconds. Not only was this nerf a hard knee jerk that was heavy handed, it made no sense from an "unintended" argument. It was obvious based on the text that it was intended, along with being as powerful as they were. It seems gearbox is using the word unintended as a synonym for "not expected to be that powerful within a larger sandbox". My initial suggestion was a .5 second retrigger delay, which was eventually added as a .3 second delay. However making such large swinging adjustments week to week is poor not only for game balance, but for community health.

    Another issue, is some features or items just do not work correctly. For example the 125% anointment issue I posted a while back. It was fixed on the Oct 10th hotfix, but how did something as unique as an anointment have the wrong coding on it after testing. How come the anointment on my shield that gives me extra Rakk charges stop working after seemingly random occurrences (cutscenes, exiting the game, or going into FFYL)? How many of Zane's, Moze's, FL4K's or Amara's skill points are either incorrectly labeled, incorrectly coded, or just do not do what they state. I personally would love to sit down and troubleshoot everything gearbox but that was on your QA team.

    Your general understanding of game balance is severely out of tune not only with your player base, but also with your QA team. Anointed enemies of specific factions are complete problems from an "ability" standpoint for specific classes and builds, some bosses and enemies are just a joke from a design standpoint or are complete pushovers and you are targeting "popular" builds because they have attention on them. Case in point is the hot fix released Oct 17th.

    • Sickle, reload speed increased by 25%. Really? Its reload speed was the issue and not that it is completely weak on anything smaller than Graveward's chest because of the spread and bullet placement.
    • Devil's Foursum damage increased by 13%. Yes because the 1800x3 gun was not dealing enough damage, and is not hindered by its extremely limiting shot path and range.
    • Flakker now consumes the full magazine and reduced the damage by 33%. Either of these would have been the proper choice however both together is just painful for the usage of the gun, especially now that magazine size is 1 and it pulls from reserves for the other ammo. This was also poorly worded in the patch notes and should have stated "Magazine size reduced to 1"
    • Hex and Firestorm damage decreased by 70%. Your goal is to have these be DoT grenades. Firestorm barely works if you are even slightly inside a building or cover limiting most of its usefulness. Hex's general nerf not only hits the problem with MirvTacular/Recurring but completely butchers the regular versions of these as well. You should have just hit the affix damage amount allowing the regular version to stand better on their feet. These grenades still do well, but Storm front is now the strong contender and you decided not to hit that?
    • The Elemental Projector was reporting 183%, which was supposed to be reported at 113%, so instead of fixing the visual bug, you just said "Well, we are going to nerf it by 23% as well."
    • Iron bear health increased by 50%. Health was not the issue. It really wasn't. It was its realistic lack of utility beyond procing anointment's or giving a 15% damage boost. The other attachments are too weak on anything above Mayhem 1, and the extra health doesn't matter on anything below.

    In these patch notes you show me you only care about changing specific things that you DEEM a problem, and not the actual problems. The reason I know this? You hit the butcher with a nerf, and not the brainstormer. You hit the crossroads, and not the Night Hawkin. You hit specific weapons that somehow got spotted, but not the actually strong weapons. And not only have you hit most of these weapons by sizable changes, we can only hold 50 in the bank, and 40 on our person + equipped items. If you are going to make large sweeping passes with large changes this is very unhealthy for the state of the game as once a change is made where is not much we can do to affect our builds or items. Last I checked the issue with the Sickle was not the reload speed at all.


    Overall, the state of the game is plagued by three main problems (#1-3), and a side problem (#4).

    1. Lack of understanding by Gearbox on actually powerful items, and how to handle the balance correctly within these outliers. They mostly just throw numbers at a wall and see what sticks. This can be spotted in recent changes to weapons and skills that had the wrong thing adjusted (IE Devils Foursum, Flakker, Hex, Firestorm, Means of Destruction, Leave no Trace, ect.) or nerfing something that is strong, but leaving other things that are nearly equally powerful alone (Brainstormer, Night Hawkin, Storm Front).
    2. Gearbox makes the changes above using the wording "Unintended" when in actuality some of these interactions are explicitly stated and are working as one would expect, making them intended. The lack of QA for general usage is astounding and instead the word unintended is thrown around because they "didnt expect" and not "didnt intend".
    3. With the majority of the games items being world drops, it is very difficult to keep up in changes on weapons and items because we have to hope they drop again. And with drops in general nerfed for anything that isnt a boss, or slaughter shaft you are widening the gap between the haves, and the have-not's.
    4. The game is supposed to be fun, and I do enjoy and have fun. I enjoy the earworm and the hellwalkers audio design. I enjoy Zanes Voice acting. I enjoy the fun weapons like Night Flyer and the many other pop culture references. However last I checked bandits don't die by fun they die by damage bullets so completely killing builds to encourage "fun" doesnt change the state of some items being useless just because they are fun.

    I will state something I do agree with. Some items in a single player experience do need to be nerfed, adjusted, or buffed. However by swinging in such large numbers and directions it is unhealthy for a general game state, especially when the changes you are making also ignore other strong options just because they are less known. Some items have been nerfed or buffed in excess of 100% of the original value OR MORE. How does something like that happen? I've had less drastic changes assisting with moves from Alpha to Beta to Release than has been done within the past 2 months.

    submitted by /u/WildLeon
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    We really need to be able to skip cutscenes

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 07:39 PM PDT

    Im on my fourth character. please. no. more. cutscenes.

    submitted by /u/Your_mate_Copen
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    Why was Firestorm nerfed by 70%? It isn't even on the same level as hex

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 11:58 AM PDT

    Rain firestorm and other rain variants didn't even come close to the same damage, survivability, and ammo regen. You needed the enemies to be in tight groups for any decent life regen. You didn't regain much grenade ammo from it since it doesn't hit as much as hex does. Enemies constantly dodge a lot of the projectiles and sometimes projectiles got blocked by the map.

    With a 70% nerf there is no reason to use it other than lagging out your party members. Its not like the burn damage was changed to compensate for the damage nerf. So I don't buy the whole "it was meant to do DOT" reasoning.

    submitted by /u/KTMetis
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    New Golden Key code active until Friday 10AM CST

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 05:53 PM PDT


    submitted by /u/MundiYT
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    TIL despite $99,999,999 being the max visible money limit, the game keeps track of your total beyond it.

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 08:57 AM PDT

    Not that we have a need for 100mil or more, but still.

    Too much money

    submitted by /u/Soodonim
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    Do heavy weapons need more love?

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 07:07 PM PDT

    In borderlands 2 I usually kept a norfleet or something on hand for sweaty second winds but in 3 I find them to be useless AF. They have generally slow stats across the board and just do not have nearly enough damage to make up for it. On top of that ammo is rare and the max ammo is smalllllll.

    Am I alone in this?

    I saw they buffed Ruby's wrath so they must be giving itsome thought, but I still get more DPS out of a nerfed cutsman than the wrath.


    submitted by /u/willb2989
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    Biggest gun winners this patch.

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 10:45 AM PDT

    The Alchemist receiving a buff is probably the biggest weapon glowup of this patch. Already doing solid damage the only downside is it does shock damage to you which is actually a pretty nice bonus if you're running the transformer. Definetly find yourself one of these.

    The Duc and the DP Devastator weren't touched and honestly making them some of the most solid elemental free damage dealers now. Would recommend finding either of these for a pistol slot. The one punch chump is also solid for this and wasn't touched.

    Rowan's Call was untouched, depending on how significant the Lucians call nerf ends up being it might just be more worth it to run this gun in situations where you would have run the other.

    If you don't have a Night Hawkin by now just get one. Other smgs were nerfed despite this one already being in contention for one of the best in the game. Big winner going unnoticed here.

    Brainstomer went untouched, still an amazing shotgun for melting shields and in elemental builds. Big winner as well.

    The Super Shredifier with the double chain gun barrel went untouched. It's basically the Lucians without the crit effect but a faster fire rate and more handling. If you can find this thing in shock you will be living life to the fullest.

    Looking forward to seeing which, if any, of the other buffed guns come forward into the m3 meta but early impressions. I think these are the new guns to get.

    submitted by /u/dudanator
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    How this patch effects Zane players, Insane digi-clone health buff + weapons and items you should look out for now

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 03:34 PM PDT

    Hey guys I just want to go over the most notable things from this hotfix and how I think it will change the meta for Zane Mains.

    TLDR; https://youtu.be/8W8vs4yYttI here's this post in video form so you can listen instead of reading

    I'm going to keep this post to the point.

    First I will talk about the few Character things that Zane had changed, and how that will impact the playstyle of him. Then, I'm going to list the weapons affected by hotfix, most relevant to Zane Mains, and list whether you should keep using them or drop them.

    Digi-Clone Buff, the digi-clone got a whopping 100% health buff. This is actually insane, the main complaint about the digi-clone was it's survive-ability, and hearing from friends who have tested this already, this is a huge difference. It looks like difference on paper too. There's so much potential, especially with what shield mods you can equip your clone with as well. I am actually extremely excited to make some clone builds. With this + the recent clone swap 130% damage anointment buff, I think this could become the new meta. I am already working on a build with all this stuff in mind :).

    Salvation bug fix - This is a major hit to the infinite nade zane build. For those of you who don't know, I created an infinite nade zane build that got recognized in the build contest, and this skill held that build together like GLUE. If you couldn't heal, you would literally die in almost every mobbing situation. So the infinite nade zane is dead for now. I already have another build in mind for this, but for now it absolutely does not work. I'll still be excited for trying to make it work again in the future :).


    A - Cutsman, this gun is honestly still an insanely powerful gun, you should definitely still be using a fire cutsman to clear anointed enemies. Don't let this nerf fool you, don't forget this gun was already buffed, so it is now returning to a similar state of where it was on release.

    A - Lyuda, once again another gun I think you guys should still be using to farm graveward. The hotfix actually nerfed this guns damage by 25% from what you are used to, and 30% crit damage. So don't get frustrated, it'll just take a couple extra clips now, just make sure to only use them on his chest, or fist. Still very powerful as well.

    A - Linoge, this gun may just replace the cutsman in your inventory, this gun is better against bigger enemies than smaller ones, but this gun was actually very powerful before the buff. I want to test if the multiple projectiles are good for triggering brain freeze. Also I think the digi-clone will be able to abuse this gun very much with buffed reload speed, it will fix this gun and keep shooting insanely fast. The damage potential is definitely there. Definitely would rate this A+, but have not tested it just yet.

    B+ - Maggie, I am actually very excited about the potential of this gun now. If the damage buff was enough to make this a viable mayhem 3 gun, then this is a staple in brain freeze builds. Mashers are insanely good at triggering brain freeze, and they are also fast firing Jakobs pistols that do a TON of damage.

    B - Hex grenades, If you are running CCC, you should likely still be running a cryo hex grenade with your drone or clone. This grenade is good because of the high cryo efficiency at freezing enemies. If you aren't running CCC, then I can imagine you using a different grenade mod.

    B - Elemental Projector, this is a very underrated item for most Zane players. I wasn't seeing many casual players running this item. It's very strong for boss farming, which most builds (especially CCC) have more trouble with. This only actually got nerfed by 20%, and it still gives you the most damage+ than any other artifact in the game. Probably not good for mobbing.

    B- - Flakker, the gun damage nerf by 33% is kind of a big deal. It is still a powerful gun, and the digi-clone can probably still take advantage of it. The fact that it reloads every shot, and digi-clone gets faster reload speed via boom. enhance, there actually might be more potential for this guns effectiveness, needs testing.

    C - Alchemist, wanted to mention this here as a new tool for possibly farming graveward. However, the fact that it damages you is very bad for the digiclone to hold because the clone is constantly shooting and won't be able to recharge it's shield. Also bad for CCC builds, for the same reason it's bad for the digi-clone. However, this gun will definitely be powerful in the new meta, and graveward farming, or drone - clone builds might be able to take advantage of this.

    Anyways guys, love making content for the Zane community, tell me what you thought about the patch! What new guns are you excited to try, and will you be trying out double barrel now that the clone is way more viable now? Are you as upset as I am about the infinite nade build :( ! Let me know! I'd love to chat with you all :)

    submitted by /u/flightx3aa
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    Don't forget the community stream starting in 4 hours

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 10:53 AM PDT

    The weekly Co-Op stream with Tyreen's VA and some other people usually discuss the state of the game and such. It's important to join in and see what they're discussing.

    you'll find the stream in the link


    submitted by /u/bellystraw
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    Thoughts on balancing and how gear adjustments should be handled

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 11:41 AM PDT

    Here I'll outline where I think the Gearbox developers are right to step in and nerf, and where it is unnecessary, as well as unhealthy for the game.

    Some nerfs are good for the game, for example the comically strong Pipe Bomb grenade mod. This was blatantly broken and acquired with ease, trivializing all characters with one piece of gear (See also Shooting Star shield in BLTPS, allowing any class to instantly 1 shot melee all enemies / bosses regardless of perks and setup).

    What we see here instead, is the devs literally waiting and letting the community gravitate towards the best guns, develop a meta of sorts, then haphazardly lop off the top in an effort to look like they're actively balancing.

    Borderlands is a PvE game where classically OP weapons don't dampen the experience of other players just because some have them and others don't. If you think a gun is too strong or cheesy, make another build that excludes it, and bathe in your galaxy brain superiority to the meta-using plebs.

    The point of the BL series is that if you take the time to research and farm for perfect gear, you CAN in fact wreck face on the hardest mode. This should always be attainable given that a player has taken the time to farm for 3-5 pieces of rare, synergistic gear.

    This was always the case in BL2, and speaking for myself, the potential to become 'stupid strong' is what draws me to start a new character build on any game. If the devs ensure that no combination of gear can pass a certain dps threshold, why the hell do I want to max out a character if the gun damage will scale exactly linearly to the enemies as I level up, never giving a sense of ascension to badassery?

    Imagine if instead of shaving the top of the meta, they inflated the bottom. How much fun could be had if a new patch rolled out and previously trash legendaries were suddenly given LARGE buffs and made to compete with the big boys? Every patch would be a scramble to try newly refreshed gear, and 10 new possible builds would come to fruition. Current methodology just blatantly decreases the total number of fun strats, the opposite of what they claim to want.

    TL;DR Recent hotfixes lead me to believe that the good willed balancing actions of the devs actually limit the amount of builds and community engagement rather than promote it. Rather than focus on nerfing the top of the usage data, they should give special attention to the bottom, where many more builds could arise.

    submitted by /u/Test_Subject_001
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    Can we get attention to the slams? Nake them work a little better? I have a video showing how it should be all the time.

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 09:10 AM PDT


    Videos shows how my slam works in this one area for some reason. And I think thats how slams should be throughout the whole game.

    We have all these fun artifacts for slams that just go to the way side due to the impracticality of trying to slam things.

    submitted by /u/Tobi_Sings
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    The Tsunami

    Posted: 18 Oct 2019 12:05 AM PDT

    So I got the game on PC and was playing through the story with a friend, and we killed Katagawa Ball, and he dropped the Tsunami. I was happy as hell cuz that was one of my favorite Pearls in BL1 and I still love the gun even with it's interesting projectile pattern. What I didn't notice until today is apparently the gun itself doesn't list it's Elements or their DPS/proc chance. I also noticed and was sad when I realized this meant it did not count for Amara's Deep Well when I put a point into it. Anyone know if this intentional or some sort of bug. Cuz I feel like it should definitely be listed as an elemental weapon even if it does do normal bullet damage too, since the Companion only ignites with crits, but because it's listed as an elemental gun it gets the mag boost. Was just kinda disappointing to see one of my favorite guns that's definitely doing elemental damage not benefit from that skill due to what seems like some sort of technicality.

    submitted by /u/Revan_Shepard
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    Vehicles have always the same issue as Iron Bear

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 03:55 AM PDT

    And they're fixable.

    Simply put, the games about loot and skills and it scales according to such. Late game the numbers scale to the crazy loot and skills you have, while you're stuck with a paper car that fires squirt guns at people.

    So I suggest such:

    1: Let our vehicles get full benefits from our skills. Armor gain benefits health would, shields as shields would (more into that later) and guns accordingly.

    2: At Catch-A-Ride stations, let us outfit our vehicles with our own gear.

    • Each vehicle has a shield slot. Reduce the base armor accordingly, of course. Passengers add their shield onto the vehicle as well, bonuses and all.

    • Add the ability to replace vehicle guns with regular guns (save rocket launchers). Guns behave as normal, with their own magazines, which are used until they need to be reloaded, all as normal. Ammo is ignored.

    • As you might guess at this point, Outrunner rocket launchers can be replaced with your own rocket launcher, which gets its own slot because again, ammo is also ignored, allowing rocket spam.

    • Bandit Technical heavy weapons can be replaced to lob grenades. If proven to feel too weak, maybe lob multiple at once.

    But wouldn't this unbalance the game? Well, yes. That's the fun of it. Late game Borderlands is about reveling in the loot you have, and vehicles have never been a part of it, being boring, stagnant and weak. Please gearbox, let me pimp out my ride.

    submitted by /u/Zedmas
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    Honestly, would you say it's worth playing again?

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 11:05 PM PDT

    I've finished the game twice as Fl4k and Amara. Both were fun, but bitter sweet. The game is not BL2, that game I was able to play countless times and still find enjoyment out of it. This game, I've played it twice and I keep getting annoyed with it. Not that it's bad, but the story is forgettable, there's only a few fun planets and the side-quests are also forgettable compared to BL2.

    I'd hate to just rip on this game cause it's the 3rd game of the series I've always wanted!

    Although those two are fun, my vault hunter that I was gonna take beyond normal was Moze... but I don't know if I wanna go through the story again, collect everything again and complete all the side quests... again. I was never like that with BL2, maybe one or two quests but I highly enjoyed the crap outta BL2.

    submitted by /u/WeissLegs
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    What Planets do you consider the slow part(s) of the game?

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 11:29 AM PDT

    For me it's the entire of Eden-6 and Nekrotafeyo.

    • Eden-6 - This planet took so long just to get one freaking part of the vault. Add in a sub-plot that I really, really didn't care for with boring enemies and---that part was just slow and boring for me.

    • Nekrotafeyo - Pretty much the same as Eden-6. Boring enemies, very overly drawn out quests (that felt like time fillers) and it was just very slow. It was also at a part where I thought I was gonna be done with the game, only to have them spring out this Planet! And being forced to follow this slow, slow very disappointing mystery character. With a "twist" that wasn't even shocking. For the last Planet, it was boring sadly.

    submitted by /u/WeissLegs
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    Cistern of slaughter bug

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 08:15 PM PDT

    I was playing on mayhem 3 and me and two randoms got to round 5 wave 4 and we finally killed everyone after what felt like 2 hours to find out there was an enemy glitched out.......

    We spent all that time and tried everything to try to kill the last guy but nothing worked. Probably spent an extra hour trying to kill it.

    submitted by /u/arbiterrecon
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    Anointed Shields Need a Change

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 06:06 AM PDT

    I haven't seen it mentioned, but I have had a problem with anointed shields losing their effect.

    This came to mind when I was doing my first playthrough with Fl4k and I got a shield anointed for an extra Rakk Attack charge. It worked as intended when I equipped it, but if I ever got put into FFYL, the effect would stop working, and I would have to re-equip the shield in order to get the effect back.

    With that anointment, the loss of effect is very obvious, and I have to imagine that a lot of less obvious anointments would be harder to notice if that happened.

    I figured it's a bug with the game recognizing your shield in general after FFYL, since FFYL doesn't have a shield or anything, but I'm no game designer so I can't really figure the specifics of that.

    Anyone else have this issue?

    submitted by /u/ROCO_Sweatshorts
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    Cryo Damage? BL3

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 10:04 PM PDT

    I got a artifact that says (+% cryo damage). I thought cryo just freezes the target?

    submitted by /u/krossfaith
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    What about Helios?

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 09:06 AM PDT

    Is it just me or would anyone else like to see us go back the the wreckage of helios in a DLC? I know we just got to see it in "The Fight for Sanctuary" (though it was a little underwhelming), but I feel the scope of BL3 could allow for a very interesting map or two in that area. Maybe we could see stores of old loaders now modded with bandit parts, or maybe Maliwan takes an interest in the old wreckage and we prevent them from finding secrets within. There is still plenty that could be done with such an interesting area. Thoughts?

    submitted by /u/Phawckz
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    Hi guys

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 11:05 PM PDT

    I'm trying to platinum the game and I'm finding it hard to complete the slaughter house rounds with randoms. Has anyone been able to complete them? I'm on ps4 and I need a good team

    submitted by /u/lostinspace-
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    The Rogue-Sight

    Posted: 17 Oct 2019 06:33 AM PDT

    Does anyone else think it would be cool if we could keep the Rogue-Sight outside of the quest and be able to find marks around other planets and areas for secret locations and loot stashes?

    submitted by /u/Booiseeu7
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