• Breaking News

    Monday, October 7, 2019




    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 09:03 AM PDT


    We're continuing to celebrate Borderlands' 10-year anniversary with another week of in-game bonuses for Borderlands 3! This week is the Rare Spawn Hunt.

    If you've explored the untamed wilds and urban hideouts of Borderlands 3, you've likely found (and killed) a Rare Spawn. These named enemies are lurking around the many corners of the galaxy, and will sometimes show up on bounty boards wanted dead or… actually, just dead. But for the second week of our month-long Borderlands Anniversary Celebration, those Rare Spawns are about to be a lot less rare.

    Starting tomorrow, October 8 at 9:00 AM PDT, the Rare Spawn Hunt will begin courtesy of a quick micropatch. To ensure that the micropatch is successfully applied, verify that you're online then hang around the main menu for about a little bit. During the Rare Spawn Hunt, some Rare Spawns are guaranteed to show up in their designated locations and have an increased chance to drop unique Legendary loot. It's your chance to seek and destroy enemies you might've never known existed, or snag the unique Legendary weapons and gear you've been chasing after. Here's a list of all the Rare Spawns that are part of this week's event, along with their drops:

    Rakkman – Night Flyer, Legendary Pistol

    El Dragon Jr – Unleash the Dragon, Legendary Artifact

    Road Dog – Redline, Legendary Shotgun

    IndoTyrant – Random Customization

    Force Troopers – Random Legendary class mods

    Demoskaggon – Random Legendary Shield

    The Unstoppable – Band of Sytorak, Legendary Shield

    Thunk & Sloth – It's Piss, Legendary Grenade Mod

    Maxitrillion – The Horizon, Legendary Shotgun

    Borman Nates – Psycho Stabber, Legendary Pistol

    Princess Tarantella II – Hive, Legendary Rocket Launcher

    Mother of Dragons – Random Legendary Artifacts

    Red Jabber – Random Legendary Grenade Mod

    Urist McEnforcer – Masterwork Crossbow, Legendary Sniper Rifle

    The Rare Spawn Hunt is on from October 8 at 9:00 AM PDT to October 15 at 8:59 AM PDT when the next week's theme begins. The Borderlands Anniversary Celebration calendar is below—and if you want to know what this month of Borderlands 3 bonuses is all about, you can catch up here.

    submitted by /u/grifff17
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    I didn't realize how many problems the game has until I come here.

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 05:40 PM PDT

    I've been playing quite a bit - I got an endgame Fl4k, currently leveling Moze, and have a low level Zane and Amara... And I'm having a blast!

    Then I come here and every post is complaining about something.... Maybe I look for different things in games than others? Maybe I don't expect the game to be perfect? Maybe a little brokenness is what always has been the charm of Borderlands games? Maybe I don't compare my characters to those of insane YouTubers who get paid to play 12 hours a day and have the very best items and builds in the game and then complain that I can't achieve that in a couple evenings of playtime?

    I didn't realize the game was so "broken"

    I'm having fun.

    submitted by /u/Dreadnaught_IPA
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    SHiFT code for a Golden Key for Borderlands 3: W9C3T-RCW9B-ZKJKK-J3B3T-BHFFS

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 04:57 PM PDT


    This code was only live for 3 hours.

    submitted by /u/Hellige88
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    I miss finding legendary guns in vending machines

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 06:57 AM PDT

    I never farmed vending machines but I did a find a handful of legendaries in them over the years through normal gameplay of BL2. It was a good use for extra gold. Vending machines no longer seem to have them in 3, but at least we can still find some in trash cans.

    A lot of people seem confused about slot machines. Those are not vending machines.

    submitted by /u/MojaveBreeze
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    Handsome Jack continues to be the best villain in the series.

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 11:55 AM PDT

    I recently got the Handsome Jackhammer legendary which is a decent gun, but what really makes it a great legendary to me is that a copy of Handsome Jack's digital personality is inside it and will spout some pretty funny lines every now and then.

    The line that really gets me, though, is this: So, bandits across the entire galaxy, huh? Guess I was right.

    I mean... yeah, he kinda was.

    submitted by /u/eragonisdragon
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    More corporate wars please.

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 09:09 AM PDT

    After reading some posts about favourite manufacturers and corporate wars. I realized all I want out of a dlc or even Bl4 is just an all out war between the different corporations. Obviously you would fight from the side of the Jakob's-Atlas-Raiders. But it would be hella cool if all the different corporations made alliances and fought against each other in a galactic size war.

    EDIT: After some more time, I thought of potential corporate team-ups.

    Atlas-Jakob's-Raiders: Obvious after the events of 3

    Hyperion-Maliwan: Mutual hatred of the AJR alliance + both Corporations do have more high-tech weaponry.

    Tediore-Torgue: Torgue likes explosions and Tediore guns explode +Tediore is a considered a joke of a corporation and Torgue is unstable so no one else would want to align with them.

    Vladof-Dahl: the last 2 big ones. After all the other corporations paired off both of them realized they can't stand alone, have an extremely tenuous alliance that is based off of necessity.

    All of the smaller manufactures could either join with the bigger alliances or make their own.

    Could have weapons that are a combo of both corporations. Hyperion-Maliwan could have elemental guns that gain more elemental chance and damage as you continue firing.

    submitted by /u/7ejk
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    I wish the devs were a lot more transparent in the direction they want to take the game with future updates.

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 02:14 PM PDT

    For example it's obvious they don't want ridiculously op builds destroying all the games content easily, so they want them nerfed. But just randomly coming out and nerfing them every once in a while with seemingly no concern to the weaker builds makes people angry. Meanwhile I think people would be a lot more understanding if they came out with a statement saying the direction they want to take the game and the changes that will come because of it.

    Because right now there is a lot of negativity, complaining, and criticising going on in the borderlands forums, and I would normally blame the people for being spoiled or whatever, but this time with all the problems in the game it's all people can do. A lot of this complaining might stop if people's concerns were verbally addressed and told they were being worked on or if that concern is on the back burner. Cuz all people can do right now is scream into the darkness and hope for a response.

    Maybe they are active in putting out info on future updates in the gearbox forums, but Me and certainly not everyone who plays the game checks those. Warn us of future updates and the content they will hold on the game.

    submitted by /u/Gokiburi-Sensei
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    Anyone Else Feel like Lilith is Lifeless in 3?

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 11:47 AM PDT

    After finishing tvhm on two characters in three, I went back to two and started a new character. And when I got to frostburn canyon, man it really hit me just how flat Lilith feels in three compared to her in two. In the first five minutes of meeting her she has more personality and life in her than the entirety of three. The Lilith in three doesn't even feel like she's Lilith, she's so dull and monotone it's more like a shell of her former self. Her voice acting is just so deadpan instead of having any of the emotion it did in two. I know I'm getting repetitive but man, threes Lilith as well be an entirely different character than twos and that's saddening.

    submitted by /u/nothankyounot
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    Zane's Cold Warrior class mod needs some serious enhancement.

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 05:10 PM PDT

    Its special effect is that frozen enemies get a random status effect applied to them. Unfortunately, at level 50, that status effect is doing ticks of about 300 damage, while status effects caused by my main gun are doing like three thousand. The bonus status effects are more or less unnoticeable.

    You could probably multiply the status effect damage by five and it would only be decent, not even amazing, even if you happened to get a damage type matching status effect.

    submitted by /u/EndlessArgument
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    I strongly suspect Borderlands 3 had a rework late in development

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 10:12 AM PDT

    now I'm not a journalist, I don't have hard evidence for this theory based on inside sources, but I've followed this franchise since the beginning and currently believe that around winter last year, Borderlands 3 suffered a huge shake up in development.

    the very first leak for borderlands 3 showed the new vault hunters, and it claimed that initially around december of last year the game was supposed to be revealed, but the announcement was delayed because of "Beastmaster Pet AI"

    Now, initially this doesn't sound too suspicious, not knowing anything about Fl4k I could have believed his pets to be complex and interesting, As I will outline below, I believe the line about Beastmaster AI to be a coverup for a serious delay in development that is the root cause of major complaints with Borderlands 3 right now (Poor performance across all platforms, lackluster story)

    When Borderlands 3 WAS finally revealed, we saw two main trailers, Prepare for Mayhem and the true reveal trailer, prepare for Mayhem features Tina/Mordecai/Brick in such a way I was led to believe they would be prominent characters, but the real questions arise from the main reveal trailer.

    Now trailers are never representative of the final product, but there are many things in this trailer that seem to be completely inaccurate to the final game, or at least missing.

    Rhys has a hologram of the Promethea vault key that he presents to a gathering of crimson lance, there is a scene with Tannis, Marcus, and Moxxi together on what appears to be pandora, there is a group shot of the Hammerlock siblings and wainright together, no indication of Aurelia's true role in the game. On top of the already occasionally mentioned cutscene with all 4 vault hunters after Tannis charged the key.

    In addition, Fl4k features in the trailer, including some shots with his pets, indicating the pet AI had been hammered out, but this trailer is a big deal, and would have most likely been cut together long before it's showing, January of 2019 perhaps, or even earlier. The fact it shows multiple cutscenes that don't make it into the final game, makes me believe it's actually from even sooner, dating back before the initial leak.

    Cut to release, the game is plagued with performance issues on all platforms, performance issues that, with the game having a decently long timescale to be developed (3.5 to 4 years seems likely to me) are unacceptable in a game that isn't truly the cutting edge of graphical prowess. In addition, the entire plot feels cut together in a way that only nominally makes sense, Maya is introduced to the plot only to be killed off almost immediately, the twins seem to have a betrayal plot between them that amounts to nothing at all, Brick, Tina, and Mordecai amount to a cameo appearance.

    The game has also had a well publicized amount of drama around it, particularly relating to Voice Actors, Troy Baker and the original claptrap making it widely known they did not return to the game.

    So, my final conspiracy theory goes thusly, late last year, Gearbox was preparing for the final phases of development, polish and the hype cycle, they gave themselves a year or so to polish the game, clean up bugs, and make this truly, without a doubt, the best borderlands could ever be. But a voice actor backed out, it could have been the two I mentioned, or someone else entirely who remained quiet, and their exit from the project necessitated MAJOR story rewrites, so major that gearbox scrambled to recut the story over the next year, leaving no time for polish, and resulting in everything I've outlined above.

    submitted by /u/Draconilian
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    Am I the only one that misses the BL2 inventory layout where your character would look at it?

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 01:36 AM PDT

    I personally loved the look of that plus I miss the ability to press triangle on my skill tree to look at all 3 of them at the same time

    submitted by /u/alexedgelord
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    [BL3] Anyone noticed any boosts from the Bonus Boss Loot event? ME NEITHER!

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 09:44 AM PDT

    Borderlands intended to celebrate its 10-year anniversary with four weeks of bonus activities in Borderlands 3. The first of them being the Bonus Loot event, which has by no means been a rousing success.

    I read this from Paul Tassi of Forbes the day Gearbox came out with it, and unsurprisingly, it was spot on.

    As a player that plays this game at least 2 hours a day, I have yet to receive a simple legendary gun from those bosses in normal mode, and those who play in higher difficulties have yet to see the difference as well.

    Have any of you noted a boost in legendary rate? If not, wouldn't this just be a complete failure of an event if it's a mere few percentage points of an increase?

    Happy to hear your thoughts...

    UPDATE: I keep hearing different things from people, and look, this might be just a matter of luck — which is what we're dealing with when we deal with percentages and RNG. But FWIW here's a tweet from a few seconds ago on 15 Killavolt kills in M3 on PS4:

    submitted by /u/RemyTheAussie
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    Another story thread, but an optimistic one

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 09:59 PM PDT

    I think we all know by know that BL3 has a mediocre story at best, and that's something most people agree on. I enjoyed and am still enjoying the game but the story wasn't my favorite.


    I think the writers did some things right that we should acknowledge with all the criticisms.

    1. The corporate war between Maliwan and Atlas was up there for my favorite part of the story. It introduced a lot of cool characters, had a cool, if a little generic, villain, and very little "busy work" objectives. It always felt like you were working towards something.

    2. The writing for the returning BL2 vault hunters was pretty solid. Both Maya and Zero seemed to stick to the personalities Anthony Burch kinda establishes with character voice lines in BL2 and they were cool characters. I especially enjoyed Maya's character, even though I think she was severely underutilized.

    3. I loved Wainwright Jacobs and Eden-6. Wainwright is now easily one of my favorite characters in this franchise now. Cool dialogue, interesting backstory, and some representation that people like me appreciate a lot. The dynamic between Wainwright and Hammerlock feels natural, and I doubt it would have changed had it been a heterosexual relationship instead of a homosexual one, which is a sign of good writing.

    4. Pain and Terror. This could not have been more Borderlands if it tried. On my first play through, this felt like the most badass section of the game. It felt chaotic, it felt crazy, the dialogue from Pain over the loudspeakers was hilarious, and the boss fight itself was over the top. To me, that's what Borderlands is in a nutshell. Chaos and Humor. I like the serious story aspects, but it's nice to have a giant knife swing by a giant robotic skull sometimes.

    I'm not BL3 has a perfect story. Far from it. What I am saying, is that its not all bad. There's a lot of cool parts that can and should be enjoyed. They just seem to get drowned out by all the criticism.

    TLDR: Game not all bad. Has good parts. They deserve more conversation.

    submitted by /u/ultra_geek
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    Can we please get a compass on the full sized map? Such a basic map feature.

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 06:23 PM PDT

    With this many hotfixes, I'm surprised this hasn't been touched upon. The problem is exacerbated by the fact that map rotates with the player, so it's a different orientation every time you pull it up.

    submitted by /u/shibbypwn
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    History of the Corporate Wars V1

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 10:30 PM PDT

    Centuries ago, when the known universe was united under a single banner, the original Galactic Government maintained its power through the use of the Atlas Corporation, the finest supplier of arms in the Six Galaxies. Their technology and weapons research, funded by a seemingly endless supply of government money, exceeded any competitor, and cemented the Galactic Government as an unbreakable pillar of the universe.

    As time passed, however, and as endless research and development money put more and more cash into the hands of the Atlas CEOs, that money naturally led to changes in the Galactic Government. Small things, at first, but soon larger things, until eventually those CEOs functionally were the galactic government. Their word was law, and they only sold guns to those who agreed with their laws.

    Unfortunately, this, plus their constant warmongering to keep themselves in power, eventually turned into a financial recession; that, in turn, created the opportunity for competition. Into that gap appeared...the Dahl Corporation.

    Dahl didn't take over planets outright. They didn't dare to, at first, when the Galactic Government was still in power. Instead, they used subtler, more economic means. Their original greatest strength was their mercenary operations, and their opening move in the ensuing Corporate War was the invention of Mercenary Day. "For one day a year, all mercenary operations are free!" Of course people would take advantage of that!

    Except...mercenary actions never take just a day, do they? But Dahl would keep their prices artificially low, causing the unsuspecting residents of planets to hire them in droves, for defense, for attacks, for any purpose under the sun. Soon enough, all local organizations would be out of business, and the next day, Dahl would decide they owned the planet. Nobody would be left to argue, especially after their personal bodyguards turned on anyone who resisted.

    They expanded across three galaxies that way, before the Atlas Corporation finally stepped in to curb their spread. Dahl naturally resisted, and in a single stroke, the Corporate Wars began. It wasn't long before other corporations joined in; the fall of Atlas had been predicted for decades, and the last thing any corporation wanted was to be bled dry supporting a war they had no stake in. Atlas, entering the war relatively confident of success, suddenly found itself without the vast majority of its power, and over the next few decades, was beaten down to a mere fragment of its original power, taking the remnants of the Galactic Government with it.

    Dahl seemed poised to take absolute control of all six galaxies.

    But there was one problem. For centuries, Dahl had brutally subjugated thousands of worlds. In that time, they'd brutally put down dozens of attempted revolts with a simple method; let the revolts win. The VAST majority of revolting planets had no plan beyond, 'Drive Dahl away, go back to the way things used to be.'

    So Dahl would just...withdraw, after a cursory resistance. The planet would celebrate their victory, and settle into reforming their government. But soon enough, someone would need mercenaries, and Dahl was always there, carrot on the stick waiting. In every case, within a decade, the planet in question would hire new Dahl Mercenaries, and within two, the planet would be firmly back under Dahl control once again.

    But they never foresaw Comrade Vladof.

    Vladof saw further. He dreamed bigger. When he first rebelled, Dahl followed their standard procedure, and withdrew. When he seized merchant ships and led his army to a nearby factory planet, they grew more concerned, but were too busy cleaning up the remains of Atlas to directly interfere. When they heard the rebellion had removed their proprietary Burst Fire technology, sacrificing all stability in exchange for insane fire rates, they actually laughed.

    But they never anticipated Comrade Vladof's ability to incite the masses. They never expected the fervor of people following not money, but a common dream. And they never realized the sheer rage against them that had quietly built across the galaxies in their tide of conquest.

    In less than a decade, what had been two planets and a weapons factory became a thousand planets and ten thousand weapons factories. Farmers put down their plowshares and beat them into bullets, guns, ships, anything that would let them strike back at the people that had once oppressed them. Like Wildfire, Vladof's Revolution exploded across the stars, forcing Dahl to turn away from Atlas before they could be completely obliterated, to face this new threat.

    And they did. They fought against Vladof and his Revolution in star systems and in cities and in streets. They fought with economics and with bullets, assassinations and nuclear bombardments, but eventually, they realized they couldn't win. So they did what they had always done; they decided to wait.

    An uneasy truce was finally declared. Vladof hailed it as a victory. Dahl knew it was just the calm between two storms. But for the people of the galaxy, it was a sigh of relief.

    The First Corporate Wars...had finally ended.

    Since then, many other corporations have sprung up to fill the gaps once covered by Atlas. Hyperion, Maliwan, even Tediore. And Atlas, under new management, has even been seen, poking its head cautiously back into the galactic waters.

    But in the distance, the two giants still loom, burnt, bent, but not broken. Each side rebuilding, waiting for the right moment, the right opportunity to strike, and finish the war they once started. When the next war comes, it won't be a tired battle between a war-weary corporation and a burgeoning revolution; it will be a clash of titans, of two enormous economic giants, fully prepared and equipped to wage a war the likes of which the galaxies have never seen.

    Their footsteps will shake the stars.

    But they should be wary. Because they've forgotten...there is more to the universe than the Six Galaxies. There is darkness beyond the edge of the map.

    And footsteps sometimes draw monsters.

    submitted by /u/EndlessArgument
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    Calypso Twins Don't Annoy Me

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 10:08 PM PDT

    Probably because I haven't gone far enough but they do not annoy me(at what point do they annoy the rest of you?). I don't them good, but not awful. People build them up to be god awful. But they are just villains who talk in the hip youth like swag.(Idk)

    submitted by /u/Odd_Sy
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    What’s up with this corridor on Sanctuary?

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 03:52 PM PDT

    If you slide in the corridor that leads to Marcus' shop in Sanctuary, it causes a harmless explosion. It only works once before reloading the area. Does anyone know why this happens? Is it just a really weird glitch? If so, it's repeatable.

    submitted by /u/B_Skizzle
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    Tediore Snipers

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 01:29 PM PDT

    I wish there were tediore snipers that you can through like javelins and pin enemies to walls.

    submitted by /u/The_Pickle_Chronicle
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    The quest filter is broken and needs to be fixed [Location Spoilers]

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 04:19 PM PDT

    As I try to do all of the side quests, it's frustrating to clear out areas but then see that there are more quests that I didn't see in the quest log. This screenshot of my quest log has TWO duplicate locations - Sanctuary and Devil's Razor - Roland's Rest. Super frustrating to try and organize doing quests

    submitted by /u/UnKn0vvn_NinjA
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    BL3 needs to bring back BL2's FFYL sound effect or something similar.

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 08:26 PM PDT

    It just seems to me it's harder to notice if one of your team members are down in this game. By the time I usually notice it's too late. Especially when you're fighting off hoards of enemies in mayhem 3.

    submitted by /u/ph34r-X
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    Zane's digicloned Atlas weapons should track to enemies that the player marks

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 03:37 AM PDT

    A tracked enemy should be a tracked enemy. When I hit an enemy with the dart/puck/grenade my digiclone should be able to benefit as well. The atlas rocket launchers specifically suffer from this the most.

    I also think it would be fair for other players/your other guns to benefit from a prior Atlas mark.

    submitted by /u/gumbo100
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    Just noticed that on Skywell-27, time moves more quickly. (Sorry for the poor vid quality)

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 01:02 PM PDT

    Borderlands 3 Speedrunning Community

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 05:38 PM PDT

    So I've been enjoying trying to find skips in BL3 and have considered trying to help develop speedruns for it. I looked around and saw that there isn't really an established community for it yet, so I decided to create one. There have been posts on here by some others asking about or discussing speedrunning of BL3, so I figured I'd share the link here. Keep in mind this server is for general discussion and speedrunning of Borderlands 3 only, and it is brand new as of today, so there will be many changes to come. Feel free to stop by if you are interested. Let's break this game.


    submitted by /u/Phawckz
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    List of bad Zane skills, and ways to fix them.

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 07:35 PM PDT

    Doubled Agent Tree

    Duct Tape Mod

    Duct tape mod is highly inconsistent, has a fairly long cooldown, and also has a high chance of killing yourself depending on the grenade deployment type.

    Either make it a 100% chance on the first shot, or remove the cooldown. Also, make it spawn the grenade where the bullet hits, not at your feet, so it doesn't instantly kill you.


    Not so much bad as just lame, it provides a very mediocre bonus to clip size and nothing else, and has no interaction with other skills.

    Make its bonus scale with action skill duration. That way you can combine it with Borrowed Time or Good Misfortune to expand your clip size. It should not have any interaction with Cool Calm Collected.

    Trick of the Light

    Consistently getting enemies to not target you is almost impossible, so this skill ends up being nearly useless outside of a multiplayer environment.

    Halve the bonus, make it constant, and double the effect when targeting an enemy that's not focusing on you. That way it's always at least somewhat relevant.

    Like a Ghost

    Really cool idea in concept, awful in execution. By the time you've finished deploying your action skills, you'll have lost a substantial portion of the skill duration, and with the enhancements to duration available, it makes its uptime virtually zero. Even when enhanced by a double action skill activation, the bonus is still so inconsistent it might as well not exist.

    Increase the default dodge chance to 5% per level, and make it 100% for a very short time(0.5/1/1.5 seconds) after swapping with your clone, allowing the player to use it to skillfully dodge heavy attacks.

    Digital Distribution

    Fun in concept, worse than useless in practice, because many attacks that break through to health will instantly reduce both Zane and his Clone to critical health, not only leaving Zane in exactly the same place, but also most likely taking away his chance to resurrect with the clone after going down.

    Instead, have the health replaced a moment after the attack hits. Now Zane will be at 75% health and the clone will be at critical health(or dead) rather than leaving Zane at critical health AND with the clone dead.


    Just fix the skill, it doesn't do what it says it does, but instead starts shield regen when the clone's shield breaks.

    Hitman Tree

    Cold Bore

    Doesn't last long enough to be useful in any respect. Swap speed is already quite fast in this game, leaving the skill more or less useless.

    Make it boost the next five shots, making it more useful in general and reinforcing its synergy with Playing Dirty.

    Violent Momentum

    Honestly, I don't think this skill is too bad. The damage bonus is relatively small but can be enhanced by running and jumping, or by sliding. The problem is, it really enforces a certain playstyle, especially combined with Cold Bore and Playing Dirty. You do the most damage at the crest of a jump after sprinting, so the player is heavily encouraged to just constantly run and jump, and the number of guns that work well with this playstyle are heavily limited. Not to mention that the damage bonus is inconsistent at best.

    Instead of considering the instant speed of the player and giving irregular results, give the player stacks of the skill, increasing to however fast the player was moving, and have them decay by something like 40% per second.

    In other words, while walking, you get 10 stacks, with each stack giving 2% bonus damage. If you stop moving, you'll drop to 6 stacks in one second, 4 stacks in 2 seconds, 2 stacks in 3 seconds, etc. That way the player can stop to make a precise shot if you want to, as long as they start moving quickly.

    If the player slides with a double slide speed relic, they'll get 40 stacks for going 4x walking speed, and deal 80% bonus damage(note that this is currently possible, it just lasts a very short time). In the first second, that will decay to 24 stacks, then to 15 stacks, then to 9 stacks, etc.

    Violent Violence

    The biggest issue with this skill is how it compares to the skills of other characters. When boosted by Death Follows Close, it gives 25% fire rate for 15 seconds. Compare this to Moze's 'Scorching RPM's', which gives 15% fire rate AND 20% critical damage constantly.

    A small buff wouldn't be uncalled for.

    Almighty Ordnance

    This skill, despite being buffed, is still far too weak for a skill that can only be used once every 30 seconds at best and that requires a substantial degree of player involvement. It can't even kill a single psycho or fanatic on its own, and definitely can't do so faster than the player can.

    Instead of a limit of 4 rockets, have it start with 4 rockets, and accumulate one extra rocket for every player kill while it's active. Then the player can accumulate a powerful attack that's actually worth using. Also make getting a kill reset the duration of both SNTNL and the other action skill the player has active. That way it's actually worth focusing on for a little bit.

    Good Misfortune

    Is it really necessary to make this skill stop working entirely after a certain period of time? If the player is killing enemies very quickly, this can result in the skill wasting much of its bonus time capping out your duration time, and then stop working entirely.

    If it must diminish in returns, cap the diminishing at 50% or 33%, so in ideal circumstances the player can still keep their skills going, and the skill never becomes useless.

    Under Cover Tree

    Stiff Upper Lip

    Again, a skill that pales in comparison to the skills of other characters. Moze, for example, gets a skill that gives +6% shield capacity AND +15% shock resistance, basically a significantly better version of this skill in every way, or a skill that gives 13% damage resistance AND 15% gun damage.

    A small buff wouldn't be uncalled for.

    Rise to the Occasion

    AGAIN, a skill that pales in comparison to the skills of other characters. Amara has a skill that gives 5% health regen, doubling after using an action skill. To be fair, that's missing health, but on the other hand, when you're missing health is the primary time you need health.

    A small buff wouldn't be uncalled for.

    Best Served Cold

    The damage on this skill is very mediocre for something that requires killing enemies, and the way it scales with additional levels doesn't work very well at all. The damage with 5 levels in the skill, at level 50, is less than a single shot from an average pistol, and the radius is relatively small.

    A small buff to damage and radius would be nice.

    Futility Belt

    Would be a good skill if it didn't convert fire and corrosive damage to nonelemental, making them deal significantly more damage to your shields. Also, it doesn't properly function with Death Follows Close.

    Fix those two things and it'd be great as it was intended to be.

    Distributed Denial

    This capstone functions very poorly, because most shield effects that actually work aren't particularly worth sharing or applying to the shield. IE, the Red Card lets you use up your shield by sliding into an enemy, dealing heavy damage in return. An effect that's interesting but only useful when specifically built around, for other players that effect actively hurts them.

    Just make it enhance all the shield modifiers, too. Wouldn't have to by by a huge amount. IE, +40% shield bonuses, +7 second duration after leaving the area of the shield. So Charged Relay would give +28% reload speed, +15% Movement Speed, for 15 seconds after leaving the vicinity of the shield.

    That way the skill isn't dependent on having a specific shield that benefits the skill.

    Do all that, and I think Zane would be in a pretty good place. Thanks for reading!

    submitted by /u/EndlessArgument
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