• Breaking News

    Tuesday, October 8, 2019

    Borderlands I'd REEEEEALLY appreciate it if GEARBOX added a "teleport to player" feature to BL3

    Borderlands I'd REEEEEALLY appreciate it if GEARBOX added a "teleport to player" feature to BL3

    I'd REEEEEALLY appreciate it if GEARBOX added a "teleport to player" feature to BL3

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 09:28 AM PDT

    Nothing like joining a players game and being spawned at the starting point of a map and the host is waaaaaay on the opposite side of the map fighting a boss.


    submitted by /u/dregwriter
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    Remove cosmetic items you have already received from the loot pool

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 05:09 PM PDT

    i LOVE to see that yellow star on the map only to find out it's a sirens mark trinket half the time. seriously. the only purpose they serve is to be dropped to friends and honestly we can all agree that it isn't worth it. the fact that they have the same loot pool as world dropped guns is just bad design. at least give us an option to remove them or not, i have literally gotten 4 legendaries from grave in one run and have them ALL be cosmetic items that i already have. the trinkets are barely visible anyway and if we're honest do many people care about room decorations? skins are the only good thing but there isn't enough to keep you collecting new ones and after 4 playthroughs i have them all. come on gearbox.

    submitted by /u/manlikermx
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    Numeric +/- modifiers aren't mayhem, they're math.

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 10:04 AM PDT


    I'm not trying to rip the game, I love the core mechanics of it, they're light years beyond BL2. I love the new Vault Hunters. The world's they gave us are some of the most vibrant and interesting places we've ever seen, and the sound of the game is completely on another level.

    I love the game and dropped $100 on it without a moment's hesitation. I'm just offering my personal feedback in an attempt to get a discussion going with other like minded people who want the game to improve.

    A AAA title like BL3 has social media people monitoring things like subreddits, Twitter and YouTube comments as well as their forums, so hopefully if enough threads like this get enough attention, we might see some official communication about it.

    One of my major gripes in the game is that currency quickly becomes meaningless. After all the SDU upgrades and buying the few skins I liked, all of that money/eridium is essentially useless, but you get more of at at Mayhem 3 than any other point int he game, so now I'm flooded with useless stuff. PoE, and to a lesser extent D3, have done a very good job of filtering currency/materials upwards, so that nothing is useless, though sometimes you need an absurd amount to get something you want. Every single piece of currency has some value from level 1 to end game.

    My other major gripe right now is the ceiling is too low. Mayhem needs some serious adjustment. Currently, it's about cycling map modifiers until you get a set that doesn't hurt or actually buffs your build. In BL2 at launch, you had Terramorphus to throw yourself at endlessly until the community cracked one of the few builds that could kill him. Granted, that method had it's own issues, like filtering out viable builds until it was only two or three who could do it, but ultimately, I think having a really high difficulty ceiling is good. I think the idea of global modifiers impacting the core game is a better way of ramping up the challenge curve.

    Mayhem mode is a great concept that fits perfectly in the BL universe, but was implemented extremely poorly. What I'd like to see is a complete rework of the modifiers, someone else posted about how one modifier could be all enemies explode into Tinks, or maps could have multiple factions fighting each other as well as you. Some maps could be nothing but badasses or anointed (after a Militant rework) That's the kind of stuff I'm looking for. Getting 50% resist for fire damage on my mainly fire build is the opposite of fun. Numeric modifiers aren't mayhem, they're math.

    Once modifiers have been reworked, I would like a system where I could purchase modifiers with cash, and unlock modifier slots with eridium, and each unlocked slot would increase exp/cash/loot gradually, instead of jumping when you increase Mayhem levels. Also, let us cycle map modifiers with cash, instead of having to log out of the game. Let us reroll weapon parts with cash or eridium. It would also make death more meaningful, rather than it being a minor inconvenience it is today.

    I'm sure other people have had better ideas or implementation methods than I have, I was just looking for some actual conversation around what people want to see. I think raid bosses are good. I think there also needs to be another avenue of challenge aside from raid bosses, since inherently they will eliminate some builds from being able to kill them. Anyways, just throwing my two cents into the pile.

    submitted by /u/Jaye735
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    This is what FL4K's robotic body looks like (official)

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 01:09 PM PDT

    Just got my first Borderlands tattoo over the weekend!

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 09:00 AM PDT

    Gearbox Please add more decorations spots!!!!

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 12:15 PM PDT

    Please we have so many decorations 3 spots dont cut it. Give us a trophy room. Where each boss or animal may drop a decoration. Like the mounted spiderant and skag heads

    submitted by /u/RDS-CSTR
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    I was today years old when I found out you can throw grenades while shooting.

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 06:24 AM PDT

    What else can you do that wasn't shown or taught to you in game?

    submitted by /u/ZebrasForLife
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    Did anyone hear about Zane's infinite build yet?

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 11:31 AM PDT

    Basically Zane can throw infinite grenades using the skill Pocket Full of Grenades. They also heal his health using his skill salvation, check out this video for the rest of the build, it breaks it down much better

    Infinite Grenade Zane

    submitted by /u/flightx3aa
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    PLEASE fix Anointed teleporting into walls!!!!

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 04:39 PM PDT

    This is the third time now that an Anointed has teleported into a wall and never came back out, and the second time that it has impeded my progress! The first time, Archimedes teleported into a wall so I had to restart the game, and this time an anointed tink in the Cunning Proving Grounds teleported into a wall in the second area and I had to restart the whole thing! This is ridiculously frustrating this needs an immediate patch!

    submitted by /u/Bheirls2
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    Fl4k Mayhem 3 Melter Pet Build

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 04:03 PM PDT

    If you have been wanting to give fl4k's pet build a chance but thought it would not compare to his fade away build, then this build is for you. This setup gives fl4k and his pet the ability to tank damage on mayhem 3 and have almost unlimited revives offering a completely new playstyle.

    Borderlands Build website


    Imgur links of the build:



    Here are a video showing off the build no sound, somehow it was lost

    https://youtu.be/xCI10YH8yZw (Quick clip)

    https://youtu.be/bAIFuOvO-iI (Longer Video showing a few different weapons vs badass & anointed)

    Essential Gear

    · Stop-Gap – (anointed if possible) – 5 seconds of immunity, great for moments when you encounter rocket enemies

    · Otto's Idol –18% health regen per kill, shared to pet as well

    · Friend-Bot –Killing an enemy while you pet is downed brings them back to full health

    · Trans-fusion Tracker –Useful for healing you and your pet

    What to farm for

    This build has no required weapons, use whatever you like. Anointed legendries with the skill _"While Gamma Burst is active, gain 65% bonus radiation damage." _Is the best option, if you are lucky enough to find it.

    · Friend-bot class mod -- +3-5 Barbaric Yamp and +action skill cooldown + weapon damage + crit damage

    · Otto's Idol -- Last Stand effect (extra insurance if Stop Gap doesn't save you with its 5 seconds) +Luck +elemental damage +grenade damage or elemental resist


    Why aren't you using health on gamma burst?

    Ø Endurance is better in every way, gamma burst does radiation damage and for that reason you want to throw it into a group of enemies, you also get a 20% damage increase from empathic rage so you want more time to keep that damage increase for longer

    Why Great Horned Stag instead of Eridian Stag?

    Ø With a +3 or higher-class mod GHS offers 21% damage and +42% gun damage (or more!), while Eridian Stags offer 21% damage and 21% fire rate. One thing to consider is that Eridian Stags attack command skill is much better, the singularity allows it to pull in enemies which is helpful for badass enemies with rockets. It all depends if your willing to sacrifice that gun damage increase

    How well does this do on bosses?

    Ø It is not a 1-click delete like fade away but as you can tell from the videos It offers way more survivability and great damage output. It might not be a 5 second fight but bosses will go down almost as fast as a fade away build

    submitted by /u/defender190
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    The amount of story packed into this game is absolutely outstanding... On the first playthrough.

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 01:52 PM PDT

    Now that I'm on my second character, the unskippable cutscenes and dialogue is really annoying. I feel like I have to be doing laundry to play the game just so that I have something to do during the minutes worth of dialogue before and after every mission.

    The dialogue is fine, awesome in fact, but the standing around is not. My next waypoint should be assigned immediately, then while I'm walking there the dialogue should be playing on my Echo. If I get there before it's done, it's my choice whether to click the objective and cut off the dialogue or let it finish.

    And it would be another thing if experienced players could simply go blind to the next objective, but usually I have to check in with Lillith or whoever again after just so that she can give me a "Go get 'em killer."

    Cutscenes... should just be skippable. Not much else to say there.

    And here's the obligatory: This is an awesome game, I'm absolutely loving it. This is a pretty small gripe all things considered. But since fans like to play these games 1-2x per character, and will do so again if/when dlc characters come out, it still needs to be said. I don't know if it can be fixed retroactively or not, but at least for dlcs and stuff.

    submitted by /u/Oshootman
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    Why does Moze occasionally instantly pop out of Iron Bear?

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 03:41 PM PDT

    I usually use IB to save my life in a pinch, but every now and then it totally wigs out and just spits me out as soon as I enter, consuming the skill completely and leaving me very vulnerable and usually very dead.

    What's going on there? My theory is that I deploy IB where it has space to spawn, but by the time it actually spawns, I have moved a bit -- even if just slightly -- to a space that is too small for it, so it vanishes.

    I kinda wish I would at least get it refunded... I also wish it had more armor. I was doing the trials on normal mode and sometimes it got fucking vaporized as soon as I hopped in. I've even buffed it to the max! Starting to think those perk points were a waste.

    submitted by /u/AsunonIndigo
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    Is it just me

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 09:46 AM PDT

    Or do these events make no difference at all .

    submitted by /u/GURETH1234
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    Loot as junk.

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 01:00 PM PDT

    That is all I really want. Honesty I can deal w the menu lag and I love everything else about that game. Just let me loot as junk. While leveling it would be such a QOL improvement. Thx!

    submitted by /u/chef_fuzzy
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    Probably been said many a time but skip-able cutscenes atleast in TVHM

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 04:17 PM PDT

    Skip the intro no worries but sitting through those 5 min 'siren wank off sessions'. I get up take a dump, make a cuppa, have a billy, come back and tyreens still just sucking life force

    submitted by /u/ollieisking
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    I really want to ability to summon Zane’s digitbot clone while sliding.

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 03:03 PM PDT

    So many times I go to slide right into the middle of a horde and press the action skill button, only to be disappointed.

    submitted by /u/mightylordredbeard
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    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 07:29 PM PDT

    Major issue for xbox players

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 08:40 AM PDT

    I have been encountering a major issue at different points playing the game where my Xbox One X will COMPLETELY POWER OFF while playing. Happens a lot when trying to join a friends game or map transitions. Gearbox!!! Please help!!!

    submitted by /u/pferranto
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    Can we get a "Reload map" button?

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 06:13 PM PDT

    So I don't have to quit and reload so much. It can send me back to respawn. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/DarkishSoul
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    Why do bats make the best Borderlands explorers.

    Posted: 07 Oct 2019 11:18 PM PDT

    Because they really do know their echolocation.

    submitted by /u/staffell
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    FL4K is fun, but he comes with minor annoyances.

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 08:10 PM PDT

    It's annoying trying to look at Loot on the ground, and your pet just comes walking by, blocking the item, either boss loot, or slot machines, kinda wish when we use the ping thing that everybody barley uses, our pet will move to that spot.

    The other thing is, some attacks don't give a fuck about cloak, I'll be cloaked, and those God awful annoited orb thing will still gollow you, sometimes projectiles from bosses will still go for you, eben though your invisible. It's just minor annoyances.

    submitted by /u/Monkey_With_Tankard
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    My Concept For FL4ks next skill tree

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 04:33 AM PDT

    As Gearbox intends to release new skill trees instead of new VHs this time round, I'd like to see if anything can reach them in regards to skill tree ideas.

    So Gearbox, if your reading this and you like what you see, I waive any rights to these ideas to you and I'll even sign off on that if it would make this skill tree happen.

    Anyway, The goal with this skill tree was to give FL4K a playstyle that fulfils a more active role as the Beastmaster with focus on buffing and supporting his beasts while wielding them as a collective pack against enemies which I feel should have been the playstyle of FL4K.

    To this end, I have attempted to come up with a skill tree where FL4K would really feel like a leader of his pack while being balanced around having AI doing the work for you. Numbers are pretty arbitrary without any in game testing so i would focus any criticism on the functionality or synergy of the skills themselves and with existing ones.

    The Skill tree has two major goals: Improving FL4Ks interaction with his pets and adding support for a sniper playstyle which works in conjunction with a classes set of skills.

    Fans of Aurelia in TPS will see some similarities between this skill tree and Aurelia as a whole.

    This skill tree would be FL4Ks dedicated mobbing skill tree as opposed to boss damage but i tried to tie it into his other trees in some ways so you can mix and match.

    For example there is support for his Rakk Attack! Abilities here too.

    Having many pets active at once could potentially make the game too easy as enemy AI struggles with who too shoot at. I addressed this by having many of the effects that buff his pets or use multiple pets at once have a side effect where FL4K is more likely to be targeted by enemies or will flat out make FL4K even more of a glass cannon.

    So I hope you like it and enjoy the read!

    Tree Name: Alpha

    Action Skill: Lead the Pack

    Duration: 20 Seconds

    Cooldown: 30 Seconds


    Fl4k summons all his other pets, causing him, his allies and his pets to share all FL4Ks pet bonuses. While lead the pack is active, all his pets deal 50% bonus damage, move 10% faster and are more accurate with their attacks however enemies are far more likely to target Fl4k over his pets while "lead the pack" is active.

    Each Beast will target a different enemy, unless an attack command is issued.

    Additionally, When Fl4k or his pets score a kill they all gain the buffs from Fl4ks hunter skills.

    While multiple Fl4ks are in the lobby, one less pet will be summoned for each extra pet currently alive, however other FL4Ks pets will receive the benefits of "lead the pack" instead.

    Finally, only 1 "Lead the Pack" action skill can be active at any time.

    New Pet:


    Grog Saurian:

    Fl4K is joined by a loyal Saurian which will grant FL4K +8% bonus health

    When FL4K issues an attack command, the Grog Saurian will shoot a projectile that creates a pool of sticky vomit that will slow enemies that walk through it. Shooting this pool with an elemental weapon will apply a DoT of that element to the pool.

    Cold Blooded Saurian:

    Fl4Ks Saurian evolves into a larger, Cold Blooded Saurian which will raise his health by +8% and increase his cryo damage by +10%.

    When FL4K issues an attack command the Cold Blooded Saurian will charge the enemy, creating a cryo nova when it hits the enemy.

    Tyrannical Saurian:

    FL4Ks Saurian evolves into a Tyrannical Saurian which deals increased damage and breath fire from range. FL4K will receive a +8% boost to his health and +10% elemental effect chance.

    When FL4K issues an attack command, The Tyrannical Saurian will spit large, slow moving fireball that FL4K can shoot creating a fire elemental explosion.


    Tier 1:

    - Animal Reflexes: 0/5

    Increases Fl4Ks weapon handling by +5% and his Sniper Rifle critical damage by +3%

    - Training: 0/1

    HUNTER SKILL: Every time FL4K or his pet damages or kills an enemy, FL4K gains a stack of Training. FL4K and all currently active pets gain +0.6% bonus damage and +0.6% health for each stack of Training Experience. (Max stacks 30)

    If FL4K or any of his currently active pets are killed, all stacks are lost.

    Stacks will begin to decay 12 seconds after Fl4K or his pets last kill.

    This skill is affected by Big Game

    Bonus stacks are earned from badass enemies and anointed enemies

    - Smoke Them Out: 0/5

    FL4Ks fire elemental damage is increased by 4% and his chance to ignite is increased by 3%

    Tier 2:

    - Hunting Holiday: 0/5

    Increases FL4Ks damage with Sniper Rifles by +6%.

    Additionally, kills with sniper rifles reduces the cooldown of FL4Ks action skill by 1 second.

    - One For All :0/5

    FL4Ks maximum shield capacity is reduced by -10% but all his currently active pets gain +10% extra health.

    Additionally, enemies are more likely to target FL4k over his pets

    - Evolution!: 0/1

    When FL4K reaches 30 stacks of Training, all stacks are consumed and his currently active pets will increase in size, causing them to gain +24% damage and +24% health for 120 seconds

    This can happen twice, causing the timer to be reset and granting all currently active pets an additional +24% damage and +24% health.

    After this reaching 30 stacks again will add 30 seconds to the duration of this skill but they will no longer be consumed.

    Tier 3:

    - Treats!: 0/1

    Touch Ability Overide:

    Melee Ability Overide:

    FL4K will gain a stack of Treats! Whenever he enters a new map, and every 25 seconds after this.

    If FL4K touches his pet, he will consume a stack of Treats!

    When FL4K consumes a stack of Treats! The pet he touched will have it's health restored by 50% of its maximum health, will gain health rapid health regeneration for 10 seconds and FL4K will gain 5 stacks of Training.

    FL4K can also throw a treat by pressing melee, causing his currently active pet with the lowest health to run over to it and eat it.

    Max Stacks of Treats! = 3

    - Retention :0/1

    You will no longer lose any stacks of Training when any of your currently active pets die.

    Tier 4:

    - Well Done: 0/3

    When FL4K sets an enemy on fire, they will take 4% increased non-elemental damage from him and his pets, and when he or his pets kill them, Fl4Ks pets will be healed for 5% of that enemy's maximum health.

    - Make it Count :0/3

    The Final shot in your sniper rifles will deal up to +20% bonus critical damage. The lower the total magazine count of your sniper rifle, the greater the bonus.

    Tier 5:

    - Precision makes Perfect :0/5

    Reduces the magazine size for Sniper Rifles by 10% but increases the damage dealt by snipers by 6% and their critical damage by 4%

    - Switching Out: 0/1

    Holding the action skill button will consume all stacks of Training to create a fire elemental explosion around your pet dealing X damage based on how many stacks of Training Fl4K has, summoning a new pet in its place. The new pets' passive buffs for FL4K will be increased by +12% for 12 seconds

    Additionally, if FL4Ks pet dies a new one will immediately be summoned in this way, but it's buffs will not be applied to FL4K for 60 seconds.

    - Finish It Off :0/3

    FL4K also gains increased +4% Sniper Rifle Damage

    When FL4K shoots an enemy with a sniper rifle and they are not killed, it will trigger an attack command on that enemy.

    Additionally, Attack Commands Cooldown is reduced by -8%

    Tier 6:

    - All Creatures Great and Small :0/1

    Replaces FL4Ks grenades with Rakk Attack action skill, but the cooldown is increased by 30%

    - Pack Animal: 0/1

    FL4K will be permanently joined by 1 extra pet that is different from his first. If "Tag In" is used while FL4K has two pets active it will switch both pets for the other two pets, creating two explosions that deal 75% of the damage of 1 explosion.

    Additionally, while multiple FL4Ks are in the lobby, the same 2 extra pets cannot be in play however all Fl4Ks will share the bonuses of each other's unique pets if they have this skill active.


    - 5: Trust the Pack:

    While "Lead The Pack" is active, your pets will take on roles to improve their effectiveness:

    Your Jabber will issue attack commands for the other pets against the toughest enemy nearby.

    Your Skag will always attempt to attack and gain the attention of the strongest enemy that is damaging you.

    Your Spiderant will always be the first to attempt to resurrect other pets (and FL4K if Lick The Wounds is active) if it is not down itself.

    Your Saurian will always target the enemy with the lowest health first.

    - 10: Feed with the Pack:

    While "Lead the Pack" is active and FL4Ks shields are depleted, FL4K will share receive 15% of any healing effects that his pets receive.

    - 15: Run with the Pack:

    While "Lead the Pack" is active, every kill made by FL4K or his pets will add 2 seconds to the duration of "Lead The Pack".

    Every Badass Kill will add 4 seconds.

    Every anointed kill will add 8 seconds.

    - 20: Protect the Pack:

    FL4K will project a copy of his shield to all currently active pets (including while "Lead the Pack" is not active) with all the benefits this brings, however he will incur a cumulative -25% penalty to capacity, recharge rate and recharge delay for each pet in play.

    submitted by /u/FMW_Level_Designer
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    Does anyone else feel like when you leave the game and rejoin to kill the same boss/unique the drops get progressively worse?

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 08:52 PM PDT

    It really feels like it to me. Just curious if anyone else feels this is true. I noticed it even before the mayhem loot nerf so its not something new.

    submitted by /u/JustHereToCode
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    Any verdict for the best mayhem for this week’s event?

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 06:54 PM PDT

    Seems like GB has learned from last week (at least a bit). Been farming Force Troopers on mayhem 3 for about 45 minutes and have been consistently getting "random legendary class mods" as advertised.

    I heard for last week's event that the drop chance increase for each mayhem mode had no impact on drop chance for the specific boss drops. Anyone know if this still holds true for rare spawn week? Is it best to keep farming in mayhem 3, or is mayhem 1 more efficient?

    EDIT 1: Farmed Force Troopers for about an hour and a half in mayhem 3 and got ~7 class mods. Switched to mayhem 1 about a half an hour ago and have noticed less-frequent class mod drops with only 1 dropped thus far. Will continue farming and make a second edit with findings.

    EDIT 2: After additional runs, I hereby conclude that rare enemy spawn event farming is a complete waste of time on mayhem 1. Farm on mayhem 3.

    submitted by /u/Chapter_V
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