• Breaking News

    Sunday, October 6, 2019

    Borderlands Easter Egg? - When Krieg says in an echo recording that 'quiet can suck a railroad spike through my skull' it may be a reference to Phineas Gage, a railroad worker who took an iron pole through his skull, and whose personality drastically changed to be very aggressive as a result of the brain injury

    Borderlands Easter Egg? - When Krieg says in an echo recording that 'quiet can suck a railroad spike through my skull' it may be a reference to Phineas Gage, a railroad worker who took an iron pole through his skull, and whose personality drastically changed to be very aggressive as a result of the brain injury

    Easter Egg? - When Krieg says in an echo recording that 'quiet can suck a railroad spike through my skull' it may be a reference to Phineas Gage, a railroad worker who took an iron pole through his skull, and whose personality drastically changed to be very aggressive as a result of the brain injury

    Posted: 06 Oct 2019 02:04 PM PDT

    I think it's quite plausible Phineas was taken into account when coming up with that line.

    submitted by /u/helloitsmeyetagain
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    I want a rougelike dungeon with random enemies and bosses with a guaranteed legendary that you have to spend eridium on to enter.

    Posted: 06 Oct 2019 06:46 PM PDT

    This is the thing thing would keep me playing forever.

    submitted by /u/ZettaSlow
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    SHiFT code for a Golden Key for Borderlands 3: W9K3J-BFCS3-HKBKW-B3BBB-RBTSH

    Posted: 06 Oct 2019 08:07 AM PDT


    Live til 10am CST Monday

    submitted by /u/Hellige88
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    ***MINOR SPOILER***Add random bosses to Circle of Slaughter and Proving Grounds

    Posted: 06 Oct 2019 08:04 AM PDT

    Round 5 bosses in both of these activities should be a random boss like captain traunt, gigamind, or katagawa ball. Obviously some bosses won't work like troy who has interactions with the environment in his fight but most bosses could be added. This could add some replayability and randomness besides mayhem modifiers.

    submitted by /u/SubPar_KDR
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    [Spoiler] Can we talk about this side mission?

    Posted: 06 Oct 2019 04:41 PM PDT

    It's called "Life of the Party", a side mission that has you celebrating the birthday of a little girl named Gracey. You don't find out she's deceased until you actually get there. It might just be me but this mission really tugged at my heartstrings

    I couldn't help but feel awful and truly sorry for the dad the entire time I was there, especially hearing the pain in his voice every time he talked about his daughter. The mission even gives you the option to beat Gracey's record at various party activities (which Mordecai strongly advises against).

    I usually don't talk about the side missions in this game, but this one just has a(n) (almost) completely different tone from the rest of the game and I feel like it needs to be noticed.

    ( If you've already done this mission I wanna hear your thoughts. )

    submitted by /u/The_Big_Lame
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    Bullet reflection is a terrible modifier.

    Posted: 06 Oct 2019 07:30 PM PDT

    I don't want to be my own worst enemy

    E: Diablo did it correctly where an enemy would absorb the damage and then shoot it back at you in a slower moving projectile.

    submitted by /u/Erj2969
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    Increase Booster Pickup Area i.e. make it easier to pick up Booster Shield drops.

    Posted: 06 Oct 2019 02:21 PM PDT

    In BL3, Booster Shields seem much better, I especially enjoy the one that buffs your damage output.

    But with the increase of their usefulness since BL2, where they weren't that great, they've also appeared to get smaller (the booster item). and you got to be pretty accurate and close to pick them up. It'd be nice if you could pick it up just by pressing E and just standing ontop of it, or even just walk nearby and it'd automatically pick it up (after it hits the ground)

    submitted by /u/Islarf
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    Beating the Slaughterstar 3000 with my friend was the most fun I've had in any Borderlands

    Posted: 06 Oct 2019 07:30 PM PDT

    With a squad of 4 fresh after beating the game we couldn't even clear round 2, but after farming bosses for a few hours with my friend and picking up some legendaries--especially Kill-o-Wisp, a 75% melee lifesteal thing, and a Stop-Gap for my melee Amara--she and I barely managed to dunk it. After that we pulled up Mayhem 2 and almost cleared it first try, but went down together on the *very* last wave.

    ***FUCK*** that was fun. I was getting some full Warframe vibes, that shit was a raw endurance test. You had to be perfect in every 10-second span, back to back to back to back. It was just *so fucking good*, though we both burned out after. I can't wait to try it again on TVHM M3.

    submitted by /u/ClearCelesteSky
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    has any one else noticed the three dog easter egg?

    Posted: 06 Oct 2019 09:17 AM PDT

    if you walk up to the radios (at least on pandora, i haven't checked other locations) and change the station, a man does a fallout-style monologue with a very familiar voice. my speakers aren't quite clear enough to make out if its the same voice actor, but he sounds strikingly similar to three dog and with the same delivery and cadence.

    submitted by /u/Khelpie
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    My thoughts on the game (mostly story criticism)

    Posted: 06 Oct 2019 10:55 AM PDT

    So it finally arrived after so many years of waiting, and my impression is... it's OK.

    First a couple of caveats. I've logged more hours into the Borderlands franchise that any other series. Played all them and all the DLCs that had story content. Also played and loved Tales from the Borderlands.

    On BL3 they've done fantastic improvement to the guns and how the gun-play feels. Multiple choice action skills for PCs is great. The graphic details to the environments and characters are richer. Instant ammo purchase and fast-travel from anywhere are nice if softer upgrades.

    The game's story is crap. I rank that part below Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel.

    BL3 shipped with a lot of bugs. Not game-breaking bugs (although there are reports of those to from a small subset of players), but pretty annoying ones that still affect all platforms nearly a month after release. But bugs can be patched and these problems will likely be fixed before long.

    For the record, I did my play-through as Zane.

    Here There Be Story Spoilers. You Have Been Warned!

    My main problem is the story and the cast.

    Despite the sometimes choppy writing, Borderlands 2 had a great story, to say nothing of the Telltale Games outing. I was hoping the game would give us a story at least as good as BL2 or even better. Sadly, the Gearbox writing team wasn't up to the task this time around. The story didn't do any service to the now galaxy-wide scope of events set in motion by the Crimson Raiders. Lilith is the commander but she has no troops -- except you -- a very odd choice that doesn't logically fit with being the paramilitary outfit known to have opened two vaults. What follows is running from planet to planet to open more vaults and fight a few more bosses without any over-arching reason other than to stop some boring new villains from getting control of them. Intersperse a bit of history about the adventurer who opened the first vault and that's a wrap.

    This actually makes perfect sense given the shallowness of Commander Lilith and the Fight for Sanctuary. That DLC plot was incredibly thin and lacked a central, critical narrative to be a bridge story to BL3. It turns out it didn't matter. There's nothing in the DLC that contributes to BL3 in any direct way. Which means it was probably the same writers at work.

    So let's talk (briefly) about the good stuff.

    Zane is actually a great PC. One major improvement is that each PC participates in the mission/story dialogue with other characters. Zane's banter is exceptionally well done.

    Then there's the NPCs. Lilith and Tanis are the primary characters now and do a good job with the thin material that is offered. Ellie, Moxxi, and Marcus are all back in their traditional roles. Zer0 and Vaughn (from Tales) each get some nice time in the story. A completely new face, Wainwright Jakobs, is the primary mission giver on Eden-6 and hands in a great performance, albeit at the expense of Sir Hammerlock who let's his other-half do most of the talking.

    Unfortunately that's where the good story bits end.

    Starting with the most obvious, the Calypso Twins are crap. Trying to follow up an act like Handsome Jack is tough, but whereas he was an intelligent, charismatic megalomaniac with surprising depths and resourcefulness, the twins have about as much personality as several of the standard mid-game bosses that populate the previous games. They are annoying, self-absorbed hipsters with a YouTube channel -- and the plot keeps endlessly rehashing this point as if it's supposed to be funny. So unless you've managed to avoid being on the Internet for the last five years, this stereotype was the worst choice to try to exploit for laughs, much less nuance. It might have been interesting to do a humorous spin on the the dark side of social media and how people like the twins with evil intentions could do really heinous things with it, but that was apparently beyond the skills of the writing team.

    Despite their prominent inclusion in the trailers, Brick, Mordecai and Tina only show up for a single mission in the game and don't take up residence in Sanctuary following its conclusion. What?! These are some of the most beloved characters of the series!

    Claptrap wasn't nearly as funny as he was in the previous games. Nothing to do with the new voice actor. But with all of Claptrap's antics being central to all the games plus two of the highest-rated DLCs, I had hoped he'd be in top form here. The writers mostly ignored him this time around by creating a parts-hunting challenge spread across all the maps where he'd comment if you found a component he could use.

    Ava is a new teenage character and an apprentice to Maya. Maya is briefly in the game and for awhile it feels awesome, but then she is killed suddenly and Ava takes her place, whining the whole time as some teenagers are prone to do. It feels completely pointless because by the end of the game Ava has not been given anything to do that Maya could not have done herself. So it feels like Maya is sacrificed solely to give the villains an obligatory "oh-look-how-evil-we-are" moment.

    Contrary to some critics calling Ava a Mary Sue, that's incorrect. Mary/Gary Sue's are impossibly perfect characters who are good at everything and trotted out to skim through impossible situations that need resolution but the story can't spend time dealing with. Ava isn't even that special -- she's a stand-in supporting character with no real purpose.

    Rhys is featured in the Promethea chapters, but he doesn't come across like the Rhys we know by the end of Tales. The writers ignored the character's development and returned him to the "company man" wuss personality from Chapter 1 of TftB. We get no explanation about what happened to him and Fiona in the Vault of the Traveler. Oddly enough, he and Vaughn never interact in the game. There's a picture in the credits showing them fist-bumping, so presumably they re-connected later -- but, another opportunity lost.

    The other vault hunters -- Axton, Gaige, Salvador, Krieg, Fiona, Sasha, and Athena -- are all absent from the game and their current whereabouts are unknown. Apparently none of them even merited being Lilith's second-in-command. Except for a brief hint of Rhys talking about Sasha, none of them are mentioned by the other characters.

    Zed's got all-new recordings at the health vending machines, but doesn't show up in-person. It's a minor nitpick, but with all the space available on Sanctuary it seems weird that Tanis gets installed in the medical bay instead of in her own lab. Maybe the team didn't have enough side missions created to put Zed on the ship?

    In the end, I suppose the writing team had to cut characters and chose their focus. And maybe the ones we haven't seen yet will show up in DLC. But being unable to deliver a good story with the characters they chose to work with is a pretty bad sign that the whole effort behind Borderlands 3 was primarily about competing with games like Destiny 2 since mechanics was the only significantly improved aspect of the game over previous installments.

    Oh well. It's still fun to run around and shoot things, which is largely the point -- never mind it's supposed to by a hybrid FPS/RPG that also implies at least a stab at good storytelling. But given how many hundreds of hours I've already spent shooting a bazillion enemies, I can't say upgrading that experience alone will compel me to give BL3 the same amount of time and attention without any other hook.

    I played each PC in BL2 to level cap, Mordecai in BL1, and Claptrap and Nisha in Pre-Sequel. For Zane I played through the main story and several side missions, but so far I have no great desire to do the whole thing again with him or any other character.

    submitted by /u/BigBlueWolf
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    I think this is a reference no one is talking about...

    Posted: 06 Oct 2019 05:28 PM PDT

    So there is a legendary shield in the game called the "black hole." It has the flavor text of "She's gone from suck to blow." I think this is a reference to the movie "Space Balls," which is an old parody movie of star wars. If someone can confirm this than that would be great!

    submitted by /u/Who_is_joe1400
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    The Next Corporate War and who would win

    Posted: 06 Oct 2019 06:36 PM PDT

    I was thinking about the corporate war arc on Promethea in Borderlands 3 (The best part of the story in my opinon) and was thinking to myself: "If all the coporations fought each other who would win?". I personally believe the Torgue would beat everyone else because Mr. Torgue himself is an army of his own, but I would want to hear what you guys think before I make my final decision (Corporations as of Borderlands 3: Tediore, Dahl, Vladof, Maliwan, Torgue, Jakobs, Hyperion, Atlas, CoV).

    submitted by /u/Hard_Bake_Oven
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    I love this game.

    Posted: 06 Oct 2019 01:49 PM PDT

    I didn't expect to see so much negativity for a game that otherwise is a GREAT time and enjoyable experience.

    I love the loot, I love the gun play, I love Gearbox for not selling a micro transaction cash machine.

    Also, I love that they continue to update and fix issues with this game.

    So thanks, Gearbox. Loving the game. Looking forward to the DLC and more loot and story to explore ❤️

    submitted by /u/MafiaGT
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    Anyone else like bl1 the most

    Posted: 06 Oct 2019 07:55 PM PDT

    Even with the shitty ending i felt more immersed in bl1 than i did playing bl2 and bl3. The feeling of progressing faster and faster was satisfying as fuck, dont really get that feeling from games now

    submitted by /u/Xamado
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    Am I blind or does Amara only have 2 decoration hooks in her room compared to 3 in FL4K's?

    Posted: 06 Oct 2019 08:28 PM PDT

    Amara has one hook above her bed and a second one under the "ZEN" sign. Is there a third one I'm too blind to see or does she really get less hooks than FL4K?

    submitted by /u/MojaveBreeze
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    Bank Keeps Disappearing

    Posted: 06 Oct 2019 08:02 PM PDT

    Okay, stupid me put loot in my bank once, twice, three times and it just disappears. What the hell is going on? I've just started maxing my backpack SDU and hanging on to everything but that's really not practical

    submitted by /u/viaminorviator
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    Fighting two annointed

    Posted: 06 Oct 2019 07:51 PM PDT

    Am I fighting these things wrong, I hit them with all the elements, and their immune to all damage 90% of the time. What am I missing?

    submitted by /u/whamo28
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    On Sanctuary 3 by the VH's personal rooms there's directions on the floor to a "Diamond Room" on Deck A

    Posted: 06 Oct 2019 07:15 AM PDT

    But no amount of searching has turned up an actual Diamond Room for me. It's supposed to be on the same level as the bridge, Hammerlock's room and Tannis' infirmary. If a future DLC doesn't add a new room (maybe by the "Sorry we're closed" door near the Mayhem settings) on the ship where Butt Stallion goes after rescuing her I'm going to die a little inside.

    submitted by /u/MojaveBreeze
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    I lost hope of a Krieg DLC, until I heard Krieg's Echo's

    Posted: 06 Oct 2019 08:38 PM PDT

    So much unfinished business in those. Most specifically... he's waiting for Maya.

    That, and he's still working on his inner voice. For them to ditch Krieg while he has what is (in my opinion) such juicy content to work with would just be stupid.

    I have some hope for Krieg content being added. Y'all agree?

    Edit: Also, he keeps saying "She". Who is "she"? It seems "she" doesn't mean Maya, as we see his last convo with her. That's another bit of lore I'd love to see revealed, and I really don't see any reason for Gearbox to not give it to us.

    submitted by /u/Michael0011357
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    I thought the bank glitch got patched.

    Posted: 06 Oct 2019 08:41 PM PDT

    That's what the patch notes say. Yet my bank got deleted again. I'm done with this game this is rediculous. There's no way of getting it back either.

    submitted by /u/GreyVoice
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    Fl4k healing build needs Bugfixes!

    Posted: 06 Oct 2019 11:55 AM PDT

    First off the healing sphere from our action skill is bugged that when you crouch (even directly inside it) you dont get healing and i have the feeling sometimes when you jump arround. Second Spiderant with blue action skill is bugged most of the time she just get teleported there and just starts to idle and do nothing until you swap her out for another beast.

    Please fix so i can do my Spiderant build :(

    submitted by /u/Denny_Blue
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    If you could make a crazy wild plot twist to the story of BL in the first DLC; what would it be?

    Posted: 06 Oct 2019 06:53 AM PDT

    My super crazy insane plot twist would be Crazy Earl being a super villain who's been collecting iridium to power himself and use that power to resurrect all of the Crimson Raiders enemies, then launch a full on attack against Sanctuary and the Crimson Raiders.

    Think about it though. We been giving earl all our iridium without even thinking about it.

    submitted by /u/BrostFyte
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