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    Monday, October 14, 2019

    Borderlands Borderlands Anniversary Celebration Week 3: Show Me The Eridium!

    Borderlands Borderlands Anniversary Celebration Week 3: Show Me The Eridium!

    Borderlands Anniversary Celebration Week 3: Show Me The Eridium!

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 09:03 AM PDT


    We're continuing to celebrate Borderlands' 10-year anniversary with another week of in-game bonuses for Borderlands 3. This week is Show Me the Eridium!

    The first thing to know about Crazy Earl—besides the fact that he's completely off his rocker—is that he prizes the ancient purple element known as Eridium over all else. During this week's Borderlands Anniversary Celebration event, entitled Show Me the Eridium, you can make Crazy Earl envious of your Eridium reserves once the strange ore starts popping up all over the place. And if you don't feel like hoarding all that precious Eridium to yourself, Crazy Earl style, he'll gladly trade you for cosmetic items and Anointed weapons in exchange for your stash.

    The Show Me the Eridium event will begin courtesy of a quick micropatch deploying by or before 3:00 PM PDT on Tuesday, October 15. You'll receive an in-game notification if you're playing while the micropatch goes live; to ensure that the micropatch is successfully applied, verify that you're online then hang around the main menu for a minute or two. For the duration of this event, there will be Eridium drops added to standard enemies, increased Eridium drops in Mayhem Mode, discounted Eridium costs to use Moxxi's Vault Line slot machine, and a discount on all the coveted items at Crazy Earl's hideout in the Cargo Bay of Sanctuary III.

    In case you haven't done business with Crazy Earl before, he's the only vendor who deals in Eridium, the special currency earned exclusively through gameplay. Provided you're packing enough Eridium shards, he'll sell you all kinds of cosmetic items big and small: Vault Hunter Heads and Skins, Emotes, ECHO themes, Trinkets, Weapon Skins, and Room Decorations. Next to his little bunker, you'll find his custom-built Veteran Rewards vending machine, which takes Eridium in exchange for Anointed weapons. Anointed gear is powerful thanks to its ability to improve Action Skills in ways that may or may not be specific to one Vault Hunter.

    Show Me the Eridium will run from October 15 to October 22 when the next week's theme begins. The Borderlands Anniversary Celebration calendar is below—and if you want to know what this month of Borderlands 3 bonuses is all about, you can catch up here.

    Week 3 (October 15-22): Show Me the Eridium!
    Week 4 (October 22-29): Mayhem on Twitch!
    Week 5 (October 29 - November 4): Spooky Surprise!

    This week is the ideal time to collect Borderlands 3's wide assortment of cosmetics, giving your Vault Hunter everything they need to positively slay when it comes to fashion and flair. Those Anointed weapons will also provide a nice boost in power—and if you somehow amass more Eridium than you know what to do with, show off how big of a baller you are by firing weapons from the Eridian Fabricator with reckless abandon.

    submitted by /u/Ceiyne
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    I've spent years telling people that Borderlands 2 is my favorite game...

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 08:12 AM PDT

    From my first Axton playthrough, I was in love with the game. I had played (and adored, but to a lesser extent) the first, but it was missing something that I just couldn't identify.

    When I got BL2:GOTY for PS3, and heard Handsome Jack's first lines... I realized what the first lacked: a worthwhile antagonist. Not a bullet-sponge boss, that was present as anything, but a character who's sole purpose was to be an evil bastard in a way that was just fun to see.

    And now we've got Borderlands 3, and almost everything I hear about the Calypsos is that they're at best "disappointing after Jack" and at worst "only better than Steele by virtue of being there."

    And I just don't see it. I fucking love these obnoxious dickbags. Sure, they could've had more interesting developments, but... I just love what I've been given. The Calypsos are antagonists that bleed Borderlands: obnoxious, comedic, and very casual about slaughtering people.

    Realistically; they're the perfect "bandit leaders" type final antagonist. I never even think about questioning how they managed to amass a cult of bandits to bend to their every whim, because they make perfect sense as the gods of a Pandoran bandit cult.

    I'm not gonna go in-depth for the late-game twist, but I fucking love it. It makes listening to the dialogues and monologues throughout the story so much more rewarding after your first playthrough.

    What I'm trying to say is that Borderlands 3 is my new favorite game, and that I'm constantly disagreeing with comments about the Calypsos.

    submitted by /u/La_La_Bla
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    How I view the Borderlands games in comparison to pizza

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 01:39 AM PDT

    Look, I'm 99 percent sure this sounds better in my head than it does in a Reddit post, but life's too short to not blurt out stupid shit.

    So, the first Borderlands game is like having a slice of your friend's pizza that you've never had before; it's a new experience, a well-realised taster into what could be, but you're not sure if you want more.

    Borderlands 2 is the big leap into buying a full pizza of that kind from the same place and enjoying it in full; it's a magnificent experience, one you're very happy to repeat again and again.

    The Pre-Sequel is like branching out to a different pizza place to try their version of the same pizza; it's both different and more of the same, and somehow enjoyable and forgettable at the same time, so you're not sure you'll be a regular returner.

    The Tales From The Borderlands is akin to the sides and/or extras you can get, like garlic bread or those lava cake things; they're good alongside the main product and help to break up what you're used to.

    Finally, in Borderlands 3, you've got the same pizza from the same place you always get it from, but it's like there's a new guy in the back making it who doesn't know how you like it but still gives it a shot; the product in your hands is enjoyable, but you can't help but look a little disappointingly at it because it might taste a bit weak or feel a little sparse, but you're gonna give it a pass and hope it gets better over time.

    I'm not expecting...well, ANYONE to agree with this because I'm just voicing personal thoughts. Downvote me to Oblivion if you wish; it's still my favourite game of 2006.

    And one more thing; what's the weirdest pizza you've ever tasted?

    submitted by /u/CorsairVI
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    It's a small detail but Mr. Blake being the one from Hyperion who sends you manufacturer loyalty mail really made me smile

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 12:37 PM PDT

    Mr. Blake is the senior vice president of Mercenary Relations and Tourism for Hyperion. He was featured heavily in the Claptrap's New Robot Revolution DLC for BL1 as a quest giver and also had some minor voice only parts in BL2 / Claptastic Voyage. It's nice to see he's still doing well with everything that's happened with Hyperion.

    submitted by /u/MojaveBreeze
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    I made a full list of all legendary and unique weapons.

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 08:29 AM PDT

    I made a list of all legendary weapons, what they do, and where to get them.

    This list may contain false, vague or missing information. If you find any missing/wrong info could you please inform me.

    List: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/101C7Nd3NxMnN6KLU74hMvsIHq-cZuKpWkygh7HopAks/htmlview?pli=1#

    submitted by /u/Fisheyu
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    The fundamental flaw of Moze's Iron Bear

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 06:57 PM PDT

    Before I get into the main point, let me clarify that this is NOT about how competent Moze is with or without her action skill. In other words, this is not about whether Moze at the current state needs a better Iron Bear, but rather about the fact that an action skill is mostly abandoned. I'm also not concerned with whether tweaking Iron Bear may result in her being over/underpowered, because that is a matter of intra character balancing. What I want to talk about is why Moze's action skll is fundamentally flawed, and how the devs might be able to rework it completely.

    Simply put, Iron Bear is flawed because for the duration of the skill it REPLACES the character, instead of ADDING something to her.

    Because Iron Bear completely takes over, any effects from her GEARS are suspended. Making Iron Bear stronger in terms of DPS is an easy work of tweaking some numbers. But even with any kind of number tweaking, Iron Bear as it is designed now will ENTIRELY IGNORE any effective/interesting gear combinations that the player has developed to their own liking.

    Also, Moze can't benefit from ACTION SKILL TRIGGERS, i.e., skills that are triggered by using action skills, whereas this mechanic is often such an integral part of other vault hunters. Zane's Seein' Red ("activating an action skill automatically activates all of Zane's kill skills") would be a prime example.

    What this all means is that, overall, Iron Bear has POOR SYNERGIES with both her equipment and her skills, compared to other vault hunters. One of her strengths is, for example, endless mags, which allows her to maintain a very high offensive uptime. But when she hops on Iron Bear, she's suddenly restricted by an entirely separate set of rules for reloading and fuel consumption.

    Lastly, Iron Bear is a very rigid action skill, lacking versatility that the devs have tried to encourage with other vault hunters. All branches of Moze's action skills and augments change how Iron Bear's weapons work, but Iron Bear itself is fixed. It would've been more in line with the 'pick-n-choose' philosophy of action skills design if Moze had three different kinds of mechs.

    So, what can the devs do? All ideas I suggested below would require pretty significant rework of the character, so I'm not hopeful that any of them would actually happen. But here goes.

    - Make it so that while Moze is on her mech, she can still use her weapons, and in turn benefit from all the perks related to the weapons themselves and relevant skills. Again, balancing is a separate issue. This is about making her action skill conceptually sound.

    - Make a skill that allows Iron Bear to benefit from Moze's currently equipped shield. The primary goal here is not to make Iron Bear more tanky (not to say that is not important), but to allow the player to continue to utilize unique features of the shield.

    - Rework the action skill variants so that they change Iron Bear's behavior, not just its weapons' behavior. For example, allow Moze to simply summon Iron Bear as a temporary pet-like support, rather than force her to always ride it first. Maybe also add a related augment that orders Iron Bear to run toward a target and self destruct (because mech+explosion sounds perfect for Moze).

    - Add some action skill triggers to make Iron Bear interact more with non-Iron-Bear skills.

    submitted by /u/ecnel
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    So, a little something that I noticed about the intro song, "Put it on the line"

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 02:42 PM PDT

    "Think like a soldier, out on your own"- Moze

    "Think like a hunter, caught out in the cold"- Flak

    "I'll take my chances, no cause for alarm"- Zane

    "If I'm up in arms, then I'm gone, I'm gone"- Amara

    I'm sure someone pointed this out sometime somewhere, but these lyrics fit the 4 VH's pretty damn good, don't you think?

    submitted by /u/TemporaryTax
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    I hope the next major patch allows us to skip cutscenes

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 10:58 AM PDT

    I'm going through my second character, and it's pretty laborious having to wait through all the story cutscenes. It would help speed things along

    submitted by /u/Biggy_DX
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    Feature Request: Weapon Wheel

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 09:18 AM PDT

    I don't know about one else but I kind of liked the new control set up at first on consoles. Being able to switch between missions without having to pull up the echo device and being able to tag targets in multiplayer was very useful. However having to cycle through weapons during combat is way more inconvenient so I switched back to the classic controls. What would be very useful for the new controls to be useful is to add a weapon wheel if you hold down the Y(Xbox) or Triangle (PS) button that let's you swap weapons with the joystick or the D-pad. It's not a perfect solution but I think it would give you the best of both worlds. Just a thought.

    submitted by /u/Space_Cowboy81
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    Badass Zealots on MH3 aren't challenging, they're annoying

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 03:26 PM PDT

    I get that enemies have elemental rocket launchers to pose a challenge to our builds, but giving them rapid fire and unlimited ammo isnt really challenging, it's just annoying.

    Half the time I cant even see what going on because the rockets get spammed so rapidly that the splash covers the entire screen.

    Yes, I'm complaining about it and no, I dont care that this has been posted about millions of times. Bugs like these should be constantly discussed so that the Devs can take note from the community.

    submitted by /u/stevenrama
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    Anyone remember the hidden chest in Borderlands 1 with the eridian weapons?

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 04:47 PM PDT

    God damn I miss that moment. Finally finding that chest, and owning those weird unknown Alien weapons with 10101011 names. I was like 13 when it released, f-ing time flies by.

    I secretly had some hope that we'll find something like that in 2 or 3, but I guess there's no chance. I mean how crazy would it be, an unknown new weapon manufracturer with no informations, lore, or anything, strange insect weapons or whatever, hidden in a hard to reach location. Everyone would go crazy and theories would go through the roof.

    I dont know. I miss moments like this. The weapons became stale rather fast in B3, because in the end its just.. bullets by old manufracturers again, maybe a few sawblades, and a few legendaries that we already had in B2. Not hating on B3, I absolutely love it and still play it, I just wish they would've added a new big Player into the gun Business because thats the core of Borderlands. Guns. Crazy guns. Im talking about bee swarms, lasers with continous damage, something absolutely weird in a hidden chest, which is an easter egg to a future DLC about a new gun manufracturer.

    Anyone else miss that feeling?

    submitted by /u/SexualStallion
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    Giving Zane the Grapple Grabber (and A Melee and Shock-based Skill Tree)

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 08:03 PM PDT

    Alright, I made a mock version of this skill tree a while ago before the game released, but I'm back with real skills and augments and also hastily drawn pictures, because I've played a buttload of hours as Zane and made a lot of changes to it. Hope you guys enjoy, I had a ton of fun with this idea.

    The general idea: this action skill/tree is geared towards a shock and melee-focused Zane.

    The actual action skill is that Zane will shoot an enemy with the grappling hook, which initiates a timer. While this timer is counting down, Zane is stuck in a medium/large radius (as to not cripple movement-based builds) around the enemy he shot (which could lead to some hilarity with fast moving enemies/flying enemies but shh). Once the timer is completed, Zane is sent flying towards the enemy at an increased speed (scales with movement speed increases) and deals a huge amount of melee damage.

    Some notes:

    • The hook itself is electrified and deals a small amount of normal damage when hitting an enemy, but will apply a shock dot to the enemy it hooks (with chance to stagger). The damage of the hook and the shock dot it deals scales with level
    • You can hold F to end the skill early and deal even more melee damage
    • If you kill the enemy you have grappled before you go flying, your hook returns to you and your action skill ends with no flying (aw) but with increased cooldown rate (yay)
    • Zane can do everything he can do normally while he has an enemy grappled, including shoot, but he gets an accuracy and handling debuff of, like, 20% or something to promote that cool melee playstyle. and also explain how he's holding a grappling grabber while shooting.
    • I image the base duration is 7-8s and the cooldown is 20-25s
    • This isn't meant to be used to move around the environment, it's strictly a weapon meant for hurting and, yes, sometimes, killing people

    I originally made this tree because I thought it'd be fun to play with the cryo build (cryo buffs melee and electricity decimates shields), especially with the electrified barrier. I realized it could also be a lot of fun with the digiclone, hooking yourself, flying into a group of enemies, then teleporting out. And the increased speed while being thrown could sync will with Violent Momentum (which appears to be getting a bigger damage bonus in the upcoming patch! hooray!)

    I based this tree off the digiclone and barrier skill trees with the way skills and augments are laid out.

    I also overtuned, like, everything because why the hell not. I'm not a dev and it's not like this is going to be in the game lol


    Skill Tree:

    Tier 1:

    5: The shock dot the grappling hook applies is increased by 10/20/30/40/50%

    3: Zane's movement speed and reload speed while an enemy is grappled is increased by 10/20/30%

    5: The duration of the grappling hook is increased by 20/40/60/80/100%

    Tier 2:

    5: Zane's base melee damage is increased by 15/30/45/50/75%

    1: Adds 25% bonus shock damage to Zane's melee attacks

    5: Kill Skill: Zane's gun damage is increased by 10/20/30/40/50%. Base time: 7 seconds

    Tier 3/Gamechanger:

    1: Zane creates a large shock nova that deals [level scaled] damage when he is flung at and hits the grappled enemy. 25% of this nova's damage is returned as health. Additionally, hitting the enemy breaks his shield

    Tier 4:

    3: Zane's shield recharge delay is increased by 15/30/45%

    1: Kill Skill: Killing an enemy creates a healing radius around them, healing 15% max health of allies in the radius per second. Base time: 7 seconds

    3: Zane's elemental damage is increased against grappled enemies by 10/20/30/40/50%

    Tier 5:

    3: The lower Zane's shield, the more damage he deals. Max Damage bonus when shield is depleted: 15/30/45%. Max Damage bonus while shield is full: 5/10/15%

    1: When Zane grapples an enemy, his grappling hook drops a free grenade at their feet

    3: Zane's damage and fire rate is increased while he has an enemy grappled: 10/20/30%

    Tier 6/Capstone:

    1: Kill Skill: Killing the enemy Zane grappled increases cooldown rate on pending skills by 25%, increases duration/damage of active action skills by 25%, and buffs Zane's damage by 25%. Base time: 7 seconds

    because damn it my man needs a good capstone skill


    Let's take a look at the augments now. I wanted these to change up the way this action skill is played and also wanted to add stuff I thought was fun, but didn't fit with the skill tree.


    Tier 1:

    1. Zane isn't thrown at the enemy at the end of the hook's duration. Instead, a large shock nova goes off at the end of the timer, dealing [level scaled] damage (I added this for boss fights/enemies that are outside the arena)

    Tier 2:

    1. Electrifies the grappling hook's wire. Enemies touched by this wire have the shock dot from the hook applied to them as well. Allies who touch the wire gain increased shield recharge rate of 20% for 7 seconds (I imagine this will be fun to equip and run around the battlefield, shield stripping everyone in the radius and buffing your teammates/digiclone)
    2. If an ally is down, Zane can grapple them and resurrect them after a few seconds (faster than normal revives, but not instant like Res). Increases cooldown by 25% when used (we don't have a character with a neat way to revive teammates yet, so...)

    Tier 3:

    1. The enemy Zane has grappled is slowed significantly and takes 20% bonus melee damage from all allies
    2. While being flung, Zane gets 25% bonus shock damage to all shots fired and gains 25% fire rate and reload speed

    We're not done yet...




    1. While Zane has an enemy grappled, he deals 150% gun damage as shock damage
    2. After Zane grapples an enemy, he deals 200% melee damage for 7 seconds
    3. If Zane kills an enemy that is grappled, deal 175% gun damage for 7 seconds


    1. When Zane grapples an enemy, his shield breaks and stays depleted until the skill's timer runs out
    2. While Zane has an enemy grappled, he constantly triggers shock novas dealing [level scaled] damage


    And finally...

    Legendary Class Mods:

    1. Class Mod 1: Melee-oriented:
      1. Buffs this tier 2 skill:
        1. Zane's base melee damage is increased by 15/30/45/50/75%
      2. Buffs this tier 4 skill:
        1. Zane's shield recharge delay is increased by 15/30/45%
      3. Buffs this tier 5 skill:
        1. The lower Zane's shield, the more damage he deals. Max Damage bonus when shield is depleted: 15/30/45%. Max Damage bonus while shield is full: 5/10/15%
      4. Unique skill:
        1. Enemies Zane melees are slowed and take 25% more melee damage for 7 seconds. The grappling hook's initial shot now counts as melee damage and scales with Zane's melee buffs and skills
    2. Class Mod 2: Shock-oriented:
      1. Buffs this Tier 1 skill:
        1. The shock dot the grappling hook applies is increased by 10/20/30/40/50%
      2. Buffs this Tier 3 skill [maximum 1 point]:
        1. Zane creates a large shock nova that deals [level scaled] damage when he is flung at and hits the grappled enemy. 25% of this nova's damage is returned as health. Additionally, hitting the enemy breaks his shield
      3. Buffs this Tier 4 skill
        1. Zane's elemental damage is increased against grappled enemies by 10/20/30/40/50%
      4. Unique skill:
        1. Gives Zane's grapple grabber the electrified augment. Additionally, whenever Zane applies a shock dot to an enemy, they emit a large shock nova dealing [level scaled] damage. This has a cooldown of 7s. While it is on cooldown, Zane gains 50% shock resistance.


    That's it, we're done.

    I wanted to give Zane some gun damage on his own, because damn this boy needs it. I also sprinkled some kill skills in there for all of my brothers using the kill skill build. I mainly wanted Zane to have a shock based AS because I have a rough time shield stripping with my cryo build. Plus I wanted him to have a good capstone because, as it stands, I'm currently running a build with none and doing better than my build with one. So I think he deserves it. I also thought a capstone kill skill would be hilarious with Death Follows Close, so... That's what we're doing.

    Plus, I mean, who doesn't have fun running up to people and punching them in the face? This is basically the Execute skill on Zer0, but made into an entire skill tree because I love it that much.

    tl;dr: grappling hooks are cool

    submitted by /u/DelusionPhantom
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    Gearbox please buff the fastball

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 02:41 PM PDT

    I feel like it should be able to one shot standard mobs and deal a crapton of dmg to badasses like in bl2.

    submitted by /u/Dorksoulsfan
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    All circle of slaughter maps should have a quick change station

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 10:06 PM PDT

    Just a suggestion

    submitted by /u/jedipaul9
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    Zane should get his bonuses when he carries his shield

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 08:36 AM PDT

    Seriously why tf is this not a thing.

    submitted by /u/thewiseoldbaby
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    I am speed. I am death. Death heals. I need no shield. I am Zane. Witness me.

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 08:39 PM PDT

    Cryro weapons, night hawk, trevinator, Lydia. Ogre. Cryro artifact. Need freeze damage. More. Give me more.

    Clone. SNTNL. Me. We are my team. We hunt. They can't keep up. We are many.

    Grenades. More grenades. MORE. I rain them. I generate them. My clone rains them. My drone rain them. I crave them. I freeze. Cyro recurring hex. My love. Freeze them all. All of them.

    4 shot burst. Night Hawk. Aim for the skull. Ice.

    Run. Run fast. No, faster. How is this possible. Band of Sitarak. No shield. Protection is weakness. Shield mustn't exist. Fire rate when depleted. Weapon damage when depleted. With less protection come more death. I heal myself with damage. Max health. Max health again.

    Run. Don't stop.

    Infiltrator. SMG/sniper dmg. Run. Gun. Action skill cool down. Less cool down. I need my team.

    Explode with death but Rez myself. Death is fuel. I'll see you soon, clone. Very soon.

    SNTNL. Give me kill skills. All of them. All. Of. Them. I am death. Can't fire fast enough. Clip is empty. Fast reload. Quick with weapon swaps. Need four. They are me. They are my hands.

    Run. Kill. Grenades. Teleport. Fast. Freeze. Kill. Heal. Rez. Kill.

    I am Zane.

    I see you. Do you see me?

    submitted by /u/BeezyBates
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    Not big on the main story/villains but

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 07:17 PM PDT

    Oh man, I have to admit, the coffee mission is just brilliant. At first I was thinking, eh..it's just another fetch quest but oh man, the escalation was just hilarious.

    Also, on the gun play. I have to admit, this is the first time I've actually been changing weapons to deal with those shielded enemies and it's a nice change. It might be just me but they seem to have increased the early game difficulty compared to BL2.

    submitted by /u/Boblawblahh
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    Incredibly necessary QOL improvement

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 02:07 PM PDT

    Circle of slaughter ammo containers should be on 60 second timers like the ones in the TPS Eclipse fight especially since not all characters have ammo regen abilities and ammo crates are far too scarce for the amount of enemies present.

    submitted by /u/stefangrahovac
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    I'd love to auto-pickup shield boosters

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 01:47 PM PDT

    Having to stop running and look down and hit a button to grab a shield booster seems redundant. Especially since most of the time you're needing one, you are close to going into FFYL and need the booster fast.

    submitted by /u/czaja25
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    Bruce Zane - Original Batman Themed Zane build

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 04:20 AM PDT

    Game Version: 10/14/2019

    Category: Mobbing, Bossing, General Zane uses

    Level: 50

    Summary: This build was inspired by the Night Flyer Batman easter egg! This gun has insane DPS, but has one rule: it won't deal the final blow, just like Batman won't kill. So I wanted to play around with this and found some cool ways like applying elemental DOT's to enemies, finishing them.

    Video: Bruce Zane - Full in depth build guide and some gameplay, made by me. Drop a like and a sub if you want to :). I worked hard on this build and video!


    Skills: Bruce Zane

    Required Skills: Synchronicity, Brain Freeze, Bad Dose and Static Field (augments)

    Recommended Skills: Violent Speed, Violent Momentum, Salvation



    • Night Flyer - The gun that inspired this build, burst fire rate while walking, but run and jump through the air like the dark knight and you'll have a full auto beast
    • Night Hawkin - This gun is our sidekick Night Wing, and it shreds enemies.
    • The Horizon - One of our awesome gadgets, this thing packs a hard punch, and won't let bad guys escape when you reload.
    • Firesale Long Musket - Another awesome gadget, walkin talkin flamethrower that deals tons of incendiary damage up close


    • Recharger - keep shields full for adrenaline and confident competence

    Class Mod:

    • Cold Warrior - Mine specifically has 4 points in Synchronicity, which is INSANE. This is also the main way we will be applying those DOT's to enemies, finishing off that last hp when we freeze them.

    Grenade Mod:

    • Electric Mirv-Tacular Hex - works well with relic
    • Electric Banjo - Another great way to apply DOT's, gives every bullet a proc chance, and boosts all the elemental damage we end up dealing.

    Gameplay: This is a super fast paced run n gun Zane build, I know I brought the infinite grenade build last week, but I really enjoy playing this style. All your skills and weapons are perfect for running, jumping, and flying through the air. If you didn't know, you're at your highest speeds when in the air, so not only will it make the Night Flyer fully auto, it'll also take advantage of Violent Momentum. If you wanna zip around the battlefield, this is the build for you. Don't underestimate the other weapons in this build though. The night hawkin actually melts enemies so hard, it's probably my actual most used gun. The Horizon is another one that just wrecks, and has bonus explosive damage. The firesale long musket is just a fun one to use lol, I could see this being something better in that slot.

    Credit: Original build inspired by the night flyer! This gun is awesome, I just loved the idea of it, and I thought of making a build with an insane cold warrior class mod I found.

    submitted by /u/flightx3aa
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    Which non-Borderlands character do you think could be a potential Vault Hunter? And what would be his/her action skill be?

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 09:34 AM PDT

    With that I mean characters from video games other than Borderlands.

    I, for example, think that Rex Power Colt from FC3 Blood Dragon would an awesome Vault Hunter and his action skill would be his Killstar.

    This is pure fantasy and I don't want gearbox to actually add characters from other games. This is just me being bored.

    submitted by /u/LibertyPrime34
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    Insane Annointed spawn rate?

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 01:48 PM PDT

    I'm farming Mother of Drogans in The Anvil on Normal Mayhem 3 and I've noticed an absurd level of annointed here, like 4-6 spawn in every mob. It makes the place nigh unplayable and their follow range is huge, by the end of the area I had 20 following me. They all have so much HP I can kill quite a few bosses in the time it takes me to kill one of these suckers. They're also immune to everything...it's so anti-fun.

    submitted by /u/Good_ApoIIo
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    Tina's Tea Party question

    Posted: 14 Oct 2019 07:16 PM PDT

    For those of you have the Tiny Tina board game where you build your own claptrap; are you allowed to use the "New-U" card on other people?

    Is there other cards you can and can't use on other. I played a game where the "New-U" could be played on anyone and the game lasted over an hour.

    submitted by /u/Robfer21
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