• Breaking News

    Sunday, October 13, 2019

    Borderlands Forget Tyreen and Troy, there is one villain who is far worse than these two combined...

    Borderlands Forget Tyreen and Troy, there is one villain who is far worse than these two combined...

    Forget Tyreen and Troy, there is one villain who is far worse than these two combined...

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 03:01 PM PDT

    Its the jackass who plants those COV radio towers in really high hard to reach parkour spots....

    submitted by /u/taynn2012
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    A message to the sound designers of BL3

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 02:25 AM PDT

    Thanks to you I dread killing skags now. They sound like kicked puppies and I get sad everytime one of them dies. My FL4K would like to adopt all of them and build an army of adorable happy skaggos who never have to whine like that ever again.

    Seriously, curse you for using those sounds!

    Lots of resentment - Me

    submitted by /u/JustxJules
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    SHiFT code for a Golden Key for Borderlands 3: CZCTJ-CZ59T-HC35W-T3BJB-ZTZJC

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 08:54 AM PDT


    Active until 10pm CST.

    submitted by /u/Hellige88
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    I have a theory about why Sir Hammerlock is gay.

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 05:30 PM PDT

    Because he's gay.

    submitted by /u/NoiseHarvester
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    Wainwright Jakob’s a G

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 07:05 PM PDT

    Every time I hear Wainwright call Troy a punk ass rat boy I die laughing 😂😂😂. My dude WJ is a gangsta lol

    submitted by /u/SUMBLAKDUDE
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    Epic Games Store down, can't even play offline?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 11:08 AM PDT

    So it looks like theEpic Games Store is down, even though their official site says all systems are up. Fine that happens, but that's what offline mode is supposed to be for, so I log in offline, and it says BL3 isn't purchased or installed, even though it is. So we have a game that's capable of running offline, and a launcher that's supposedly capable of running offline, but none actually do. What a mess.

    submitted by /u/Granpa0
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    Amara's Guardian Angel should trigger at the END of the down timer.

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 08:49 AM PDT

    Give me a chance to earn a second wind, or be helped up, before burning that 2 minute cooldown. Please.

    submitted by /u/general__Leo
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    The biggest disappointment of Borderlands 3

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 04:03 PM PDT

    Justin MacReady's corpse is nowhere to be found.

    I was really hoping it would just show up on Sanctuary III with no explanation as to why.

    submitted by /u/legomaniac89
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    My fiancé made me a framed picture of the vending machines along with cut-outs of the classes we play and our favourite characters as a birthday present.

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 10:02 AM PDT

    Just picked up 3

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 04:17 PM PDT

    Fuck the character choices are awesome I'm actually really excited despite what I've seen about the bugs and problems. I'm ready to shoot n loot.

    submitted by /u/TheCuriousPsychonaut
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    [SPOILERS] Twelve relatively minor changes to BL3's story that would have made it 1000% better.

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 03:03 AM PDT

    Change Ava's personality to more reserved, quiet, borderline shy and afraid to open up to new people but with an underlying strength of 'she does what she has to in order to survive.'

    Add a Troy and Tyreen boss fight after the Rampager to show the Vault Hunters doing something. Cutscene plays out normally.

    Have Troy absorb Maya's powers, but dont kill her; leave her in a coma whereupon Ava blames HERSELF and no one else.

    Scrap the whole 'Siren's can choose a successor.' Have Maya know Ava will be a siren because she can sense it, not because she is going to give her powers to her.

    Scrap the hints that 'Troy will betray Tyreen' and scrap Tyreen's condescending attitude towards Troy. Replace that with Tyreen actually affectionate towards Troy, so she is actually saddened and influenced by his death. Or, even more poetically, give her an emotional dependance on him while he depends on her to live. Strain forms on Tyreen's end when Troy gets Maya's powers and no longer needs Tyreen to live, and Tyreen loses her shit when he is killed.

    Have Tannis' Siren abilities be a random occurence due to her chronic proximity to Eridian relics OR because she figured out a way how to obtain them on her own through science and a bit of eridium.

    Have Maya regain her powers and wake up when Troy dies.

    Augment Typhon's role and give Tyreen a better backstory. Even just having Typhon tell young Tyreen and Troy about his adventures and promise to take them on some, but he died before he could is better.

    Give Tyreen a realistic goal instead of 'literally wants to be a star.' Or if she is that insane and stupid, make that clear.

    Fight Tyreen twice, once before absorbing the destroyer and once after (like Jack/Warrior). Maybe even have the option of who kills her.

    Have Lilith give Maya Sanctuary.

    Have another cutscene where Ava is shown looking at her new Siren markings (implying she obtained Tyreen's powers) which she quickly covers up when she hears Maya approaching (mainly from embarrassment and fear that these are the powers she has.)

    submitted by /u/Baylor888
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    So, rather than talk about the ending of the game... (Minor Spoilers)

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 05:21 PM PDT

    I'd like to talk about the beginning. It starts off fine, but once you've defeated Shiv and head out to The Droughts there are some odd choices made. While it might be true that the Raiders are on the back foot due to

    A: not having their floating fortress anymore and

    B: being hounded by the growing CoV, Liliths' choice of base is weird.

    So we clear out the CoV outpost to use it as a base and you're told to find the Sun Smashers, then head to Ellie's after you get back. Oh hey, Ellie's just around the corner, how about that? Hold on...why is Ellie staying about 100m from what I'd probably call a significant CoV outpost? I mean she's clearly an enemy of them, judging by what that one guy she has pinned up says. Tannis has her dig site further up the road, which is just off from the shipyard. That shipyard seems pretty defensible too, only 2 ways in one of which is a blast door... I really think they should've had the shipyard be the starting hub, rather than the CoV outpost. You've already got the Catch a Ride out front, just add some vending machines and a quick change inside, some NPCs/guards and hey presto, the one thing the Raiders would probably be guarding is actually guarded.

    It would also help the story a bit too, rather than just the Calypsos "sneaking up" on Lilith (Cause how can you sneak up on someone who's standing at the far end of a compound, of which the main gate and approach into said compound is clearly visible) you'd have the CoV invade the compound. Do a wave or so at the front gate, then move to the back door. THEN the blast door closes, cutscene happens. On another note a big annoyance I have with the cutscene as a whole, is why didn't Lilith just teleport behind the blast door, rather than just stand out in the open with the vault map and no backup. I mean...she can teleport, it's a thing she can do. She essentially lost her powers because she forgot she can do the one thing she'd been doing for the last 5-10 minutes.

    submitted by /u/fonfan121
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    I wish I had known sooner that you can put the Eridian Fabricator on the wall in your room

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 07:53 AM PDT

    I had the COV launcher from the VIP program on my wall since level 10 and had no idea you could get the Eridian Fabricator out of your inventory by putting it in the launcher display slot until I saw one of my friends do it. I know it takes no inventory space but seeing that thing every time I looked at my items or sold stuff got old real fast.

    submitted by /u/MojaveBreeze
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    DLC Ideas/Predictions

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 06:39 PM PDT

    DLC 1: Axton and Gaige's never ending vault hunt.

    • Axton and Gaige call for more vault hunters to assist them in their hunt as there are a lot vaults out there
    • VH responds, meet Axton and Gaige, and head to a random vault.
    • Vault is looted, but surprisingly, there still remains a vault monster to kill. But this vault monster is different from others they've seen. Its rotting and far more eldritch than the others.
    • Go to Another one, more of the same, but here they find some strange alien creature. Turns out its a weird corrupted eridian
    • Athena shows up and tells them how to kill it and head to some planet to do some things
    • They kill it somehow

    Obviously needs some more details in between. This DLC could also add a rougelike dungeon mode which has been thought of before on this reddit where you run random vaults with varying enemies, environments, modifiers, and random bosses at the end.

    DLC 2: The Perpetual war

    • We know vladof is in a never ending war in catch 22/1984 fashion
    • To begin the DLC, Vault hunter responds to a Vladof recruitment call
    • Vladof is actually in the middle of a three way never ending war between vladof, tediore, and an Anshin/Pangolian shield boy alliance.
    • Do some missions and decide who you side with/who you destroy
    • the end

    The new areas would be the Vladof, tediore, and the shield makers homeworlds. Plenty of Raid boss opportunities here. I dont know what else, but this would wrap up the remaining corporations we've left to really interact with.

    DLC 3: Vault Hunter Reunion Party

    • The names are getting lazy, I know. But this one starts off with Ava (and maybe Tina) telling the VH they should throw a reunion party for every vault hunter
    • Missing ones are Salvador, Kreig, and The Jack Doppelganger
    • First we find Sal, a madman with guns on the mind, starting a small gun manufacturing business for fellow gunzerkers (maybe adds a new akimbo weapon manufacturer)
    • Do misisons for sal to convince him to join you, then you head to find the doppelganger
    • doppelganger leaves in some slum planet, doing odd jobs trying to hide and survive. Do some stuff with him and he joins you
    • Then you search for kreig, but find him especially hard to find as he leaves echos all over of him fighting his insanity.
    • After chasing many leads, you find kreig somewhere in Athena and you fight him as the final boss of the DLC
    • He is still insane but has moments of brief sanity as you convince him to join you.
    • have a reunion party with a remembrance for all the dead Vault hunters at the end

    This DLC wraps up all the missing characters I think. Could add new manufacturer but that might be dumb. Fairly Story heavy DLC.

    DLC 4: Tiny Tina's War on Warlock's peak.

    • This would be Bunkers and Baddasses 2, name still a work in progress
    • Instead of a Medieval/Castle/Dungeon type setting. This would be more High fantasy/Wizardy/Lord of the rings type setting.
    • Game is hosted by Tina, who is joined by pretty much everyone we just found in the previous DLCs.
    • Roland and Bloodwing lead us against the new big bads: A Witch and a Warlock
    • Through this DLC, we encounter Lillith and Maya in the form of Valkyries or something, which most people have a problem with
    • At the end of the DLC, Lilith and Maya live happily ever after with Roland and bloodwing
    • Kreig has one final speech at the end, fully sane for the first time ever and fully accepting of mayas death, but then claptrap says something and drives him crazy again

    Obviously needs a lot of work and detail but I just wanted to put this out there so I can come back and see how close I was. This post obviously inst going to influence gearbox but I think they're decent ideas. What are some thoughts and Ideas you've come up with?

    submitted by /u/Brokehobo
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    Abusing your in game mailbox for wealth and riches.

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 12:54 PM PDT

    So I was thinking about the limited backpack capacity and wondered "Can we use the in-game ability to send items to friends to increase the size of our backpacks?". The answer to that question is YES! My husband and I did some testing and found there are a few ways to exploit the send items to boost your characters backpack. Gaming with my husband on a new toon increased our time before having to go sell stuff machine by 30-50%.

    1. Send your buddies your junk. When you tap out on the items you can carry you can start sending lower-level items to the folks you are gaming with. If you are both going to sell the shit anyway what does it matter WHO SELLS it? Just send them your junk and they send you their junk. You get to a Marcus box and sell your inventory items and then claim your mail and sell that.
    2. If you are tapped out on your backpack but your buddy isn't drop him an item to send to you.. (i.e. maybe you found something you really want to keep but don't have room for it).
    3. Use the mailbox for a character item transfer... If you have a gun that is good for another character drop it for a friend and have them mail to you. Leave it there and pick it up on your other character later.
    4. Start new characters out with a bang by mailing them some higher value guns to sell. I had a couple of high-value guns in my box when I started a lower character... and pulling them out I was able to sell them for about 100K on a new toon.

    Things to note:

    1. There is a limit to how many items you can send to one person. You can send 1 person about 20 items before you reach a cooldown of one hour. I think the cooldown starts with the first item sent so if you are sending over a period of time you might not hit that cap. But even if you are gaming with just one person that doubles your initial capacity. If you have a full four man crew that could give you 60 items an hour of capacity. (If there is no receiver limit)
    2. I don't know what the limit is for the person receiving the items... Someone with more friends could test that I guess... LOL... or you know you all could send your leftover shit to me and I will let you know when I am at my limit... LOL
    3. You have 7 days to pick up items in your box so make sure to clear it out on the reg.

    TL:DR Use your friends as mailbox mules to gain greater riches and guns! Why should you carry when the post office can?

    submitted by /u/jennkaotic
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    Future Skill Trees

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 05:33 PM PDT

    I'm really hoping that we will learn modified versions of old Vault Hunter's Skill Trees to expand our current characters. We could essentially take on a mentor from the previous generation of Hunters.

    For example, Salv could make a return and teach Amara a modified version of the Brawn skill tree - which would pair well with the Fistful of Elements tree.

    Mordecai could gift Fl4k Talon's hatchling, and develop a skill tree around using the new pet.

    Axton could return and assist Moze build augments for Iron Bear, while developing a skill tree based on Axton's Guerrilla skill tree.

    Finally, Zero could teach Zane a modified version of the Bloodshed skill tree, which would pair very well with his current action skills.

    submitted by /u/Ninja_Lazer
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    Cyclone wobble when you join a coop game.

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 07:24 PM PDT

    Me and my bro tested this out. When either one of us joins the others game, the cyclone wobbles uncontrollably. If you host the game its fine. But if you join you will have problems.

    Actually everything is wobbly. Wtf 2k?

    submitted by /u/IDKWTFamdoin
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    Playing destiny makes me appreciate Borderlands so much

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 08:11 AM PDT

    I know destiny 2 and borderlands 3 are different from each other in a lot of aspects so they really aren't comparable, but some of the issues with destiny make me appreciate how clean all of the borderlands games are. My gf loves destiny so I play once and a while with her but it feels so underdeveloped compared any borderlands game.

    We complain about quest tracking, but it's so much clearer in bl3 compared to previous games. The new map looks fantastic, getting gear so far has been fun and exciting instead of a grind, people say the menus are laggy compared to the old games but they're blazing fast compared to the destiny 2 menus.

    Most importantly though, the atmosphere of the game is vibrant. Little background noises and enemy sounds make it feel like there's actual life other than my character, and the hearing someone talk on the echo while you're running a quest gives you lore or some fun chatter.

    Thanks for reading this, go get 'em vault hunters!

    submitted by /u/Spr09
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    "HA! I shoved her ass in a hard drive and ejected the bitch..."

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 06:54 PM PDT

    BALEX is one of my fav characters but it kinda sucks that he repeats his mission line every time you talk to him. BALEX Nerf incoming.. /s

    submitted by /u/stevenrama
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    Anointed weapons and uniques with on/off special effects need visual cues

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 12:55 AM PDT

    Title says it all. Anointed weapons and unique guns (such as the Sleeping Giant) need some kind of shimmer or glow to them to indicate the fact that their effect is active. Or, since there are also anointed and unique shields, you could also add a kill-skill-esq icon on the XP bar to let the player know when it's active.

    submitted by /u/DubstepLemon
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    Epic is down

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 11:17 AM PDT

    Just to let everyone know. Epic is down due to fortnite event. Stay calm and ride it out.

    submitted by /u/tacticalAlmonds
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    A few thoughts

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 04:52 PM PDT

    Hey after playing for roughly 85 hours now(LV 50 Fl4k, 36 Amara and Zane and 16 Moze) I have thought that sharing some of my thoughts in this community might be a good idea to hear some other opinions and thoughts.

    So to start things off: I love Borderlands 3. The gameplay is fantastic and I enjoy all characters so far(Fl4k being the favorite since the first char leaks). However as basically everyone in this community, in my social environment(friends and colleagues) and on other social networks(mostly Twitter) has already realized the game has it's flaws. I did not expect a story masterpiece of Borderlands from the beginning, it's no red dead or last of us, Zelda or whatever. No matter what I have to say I am definitely mostly disappointed in the story. Comparing it to Borderlands 2(Only played part 1 for the first ~15 levels at a friends house and never played pre-sequel) the story lacked a whole bunch of interesting characters. The characters that are interesting to me(Brick, Mordecai, Tina, Maya, Moxxi, Ellie and even Claptrap)were all characters designed before this game and additionally only had their (extremely short) time in the spotlight during side missions. New characters lack basically any kind of connectivity to the player in my eyes. The antagonists are dipshits that aren't funny(in comparison Jack was funny, yet a dipshit. The funny part made him enjoyable though).

    Gameplay Looting, Shooting, Looting... Rating: 10/10

    To split it up by story progression: SPOILERS INCLUDED FROM HERE ON

    1sr Pandora part is as every introduction part: Lame. Learn mechanics of a simple game(really who are you targeting these days by explaining how to use nades, equip stuff etc)-more to this later. Vaughn is ok. I hated him at first but by now I got a taste for the humor of his character- Bandit Lyyyyfe.

    Rating: 4/10

    Promethea is probably the strongest story part to me. I like the technology-heavy look, Rhys is funny, Lorelei is ok as an introduction character to the area and has a funny side mission(coffee), Katagawa is one of the 2 best designed Bossfights and the General Grievous Mono-wheel Vehicle is my fav(when playing solo). Plus the planet offers other good side missions and doesn't have really long routes However Gigamind is lame and the vault monster has to many immune phases to be an enjoyable fight(more later)

    Rating: 8/10

    Athenas: I habe to rate Athenas separately from Promethea because otherwise it wouldn't be fair for Promethea. Maya is here: Yeah! With a fresh new haircut as well. And we have a funmy boss: Traunt Jr.: Love that guy. However: Ava...The first time I still was ok with the graverobbery part and her childish/teeny attitude. However even on the first playthrough and just in the time of being on this graveyard I became less and less positive towards her. Throughout the whole story and looking back to this point one of the worst if not the worst borderlands character I have seen so far has been introduced here. I can't really tell what exactly it is. It starts from the lack of badassery that any good borderlands character has. And if not neing a badass a character in borderlands needs to be funny(e.g. claptrap) Ava however: none of these. Ok story part, cool boss, however: Ava

    Rating: 4/10

    Wainwright as a character was cool to me however the story part on eden 6 is terrible. Long routes, low amount of either thrilling or fun parts in comparison to the total length and the worst vault boss: The Graveward.(Nice to farm however the fight design is not that good in my eyes->Huge orange heart SHOOT HERE and no real threat. Was able to do the graveward on mayhem 3 after finishing the story once on lv 35)-looks cool though. Probably one of the best designed bosses(epicness) The Rogue missions with clay had some fun parts but especially when re-playing those the long waiting times etc make it way less enjoyable. Hammerlocks re-appearance is a nice nostalgic bonus plus we have the only real impact of Brick, Tina and Mordecai here, yet Eden-6 remains worse than it could've been. Bonus: Balex-Navigated Bitches. Probably the best new character and the most enjoyable part of eden 6 for me is the family jewel and finding and later "recruiting" balex. I laughed my ass off when GenIVIV started doing jabber mating calls.

    Rating: 6.5/10

    2nd Pandora part: Carnivora. Mad Max vibes are heavy here. The vibe given by a huge driving arena of chaos are the best part about this story part, yet it is one of the weaker parts gameplay-wise(anything including cars-especially "escorts"- are the worst gameplay parts to me) and somehow manages to turn a cool idea into something way less enjoyable just by being forced to chase the rolling city tank and getting it to stop. I would rate this way higher if you would manage to barely jump into carnivora before it starts to turn it's rounds and you would be fighting in a driving city/arena all the time. Relatively short, ok bossfight(low amount of immune phases) and a nice but already way earlier expected plot twist(obvious on first playthrough way before)

    Rating: 7.5/10

    3rd Pandora Part: Roland's Rest. Tannis history lesson and start of the grand finale. After running through a mine and escorting a huge machine with our bandit-bro Vaughn(escort sucks, medium to big sized areas without real bosses suck) we get to begin what we first think is the grand finale. After fighting through a bunch of COV fanatics of all kinds and raiding the great vault with all our old and new friends we end up fighting one of our main antagonists: Troy. Besides from Kagawa, Troy is my favorite boss design-wise only. The immunity phases are pure dogshit and a waste of time. After getting rid of him we get "jebaited". However dipshit ava saves anyone of interest from getting hurt and we get a call from our legendary first vh: Typhon.

    Rating: 6/10

    Nekrotafeyo: On the legendary eridian home planet we meet Typhon the first vh and whip-fanatic. Typhon was a funny character yet way too rushed(Would've enjoyed to see some more story of typhon and therefore getting a shortened version of eden-6). Big Bro Traunt is here and we need to kill him to rescue pandora and the galaxy from certain death. However after all efforts Tyreen crushes our plans again and Tannis teleports us into the grand final boss battle vs God-Queen Tyreen. Besides including immunity phases and hard-to-hit movement phases like on the ravager, the fight is ok, however the story feels super rushed towards the end after having a huge built-up to the first vault a (at least it felt like it) third of the whole story on eden-6 for the second vault and suddenly it all goes down in (what feels like) no time.

    Rating: 7/10

    Conclusion of the story: I feel like me not liking the antagonists is the worst part about the story. The story has a borderlands feel to it and includes some if not many cool characters. However not having any kind of emotion other than cringe and disappointment towards antagonists doesn't benefit a story line. Without some uplifting(mostly good bosses or fun-)parts insise the story I probably wouldn't have finished the story once and now I am abput to.do it the 5th time. Nevertheless the antagonists and partially tedious story really only are worth the playthrough since the gameplay at the end is reward enough to fight through the bad parts of it.

    Overall Story Rating: 7/10

    So whoever read so far: What are your thoughts? Maybe just point out a major disagreement or write a quick ratings only comment, I'm interested to see what other players think.

    I am not finished yet though: To round up the post I wanted to add some improvements I feel.the game could use, so here we go:

    1. Fix bugs HUD displaying wrong icons, partially still some minor bugs + game crashes(So far I didn't have crashes myself but all my friends did and some of them quite a few as well)
    2. Do not nerf things, buff things Games in general these days could really use this imo. The nerf hammer gets abused way more than strategic buffs. The only time something should get nerfed imo is when it is literally broken(Pipe-bomb) and not simply very strong(e.g. Fl4k's leave no trace). Instead of nerfing things, what should be done is to buff other things. E.g. if there is a meta build and they want to.force variety: Buff a different weapon, or skill tree/action skill. Or of there is a boss getting oneshot on 20 different builds(Graveward) buff him. I know it's fun to oneshot graveward on mayhem 3, but e.g. my fl4k has all the legendaries any build ever uses and I only have ~50hours on Fl4k but got a fire lyuda relatively early so graveward farm it was. So now my fl4k basically is sitting in a waiting room for dlcs...
    3. No vehicle escort missions/escort missions in general I have never met anyone who likes either of these mission types. Some rpgs manage to include escort missions in a way where they don't feel restrictive and offer a nice way of story telling however in borderlands there is no need and no way I could think of to make escort missions cool. Especially when you are forced into a vehicle...

    4. And this is the most important point:

    LET ME SKIP CUTSCENES (AND TUTORIALS) I already dont get it when devs force someone to watch cutscenes on the first playthrough but ok you want people to see what you worked for. But in tvh mode and on new characters on the same pc: Why can't I skip.cutscenes?! ... The game already has a way too high amount of parts where you need for npcs to finish their talking or whatever to proceed, but in addition to that being forced to watch cutscenes over and over is just a pain in the ass.

    1. Change Lilith running animation I have never seen something this unnatural and dissatisfying as watching lilith run. It killed the whole.vibe of the final scene. Also I do not like the choice for the cast of lilith "ghost" actress. Everyone I talked to so far agrees with me on that. The look just doesn't fit the character in-game whereas Tannis' actress fits her in-game character way better.

    2. Immune Phases suck If you want to disable oneshot builds offer a heavier difficulty with more health and especially more moves and damage on bosses, rather than wasting time of end-game farmers.

    To wrap it up: As I said in the beginning: I love bl3 and I will keep playing for quite a few more hours anyway(want to get all chars to 50) however it defnitely has it's issues.

    Overall Game Rating: 8.5/10

    submitted by /u/Jake7even
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    My (and yours if you wanna share) favorite legendary guns by manufactures.

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 07:24 PM PDT

    these are just the ones I have so far that are usuable.

    Vladof: Lucian's call- I like its fire rate and I was able to get one with high accuracy and fire damage since I have an Amara pyro build. that and its a freaking doubled minigun.

    Tediore: The bangarang- I got one with radiation and when I am in a pinch I just chuck it and it always gets me out of a scrape. that and I like the old school game sounds they make as they are getting low.

    Maliwan: The cutsman- I got one with fire damage and its just really strong with whatever flesh target I set my sights upon.

    Dahl: The Night Hawkin- Just a strong gun to use when I just let the bullets fly (unless its those stupid anointed). that no pause between bursts is nice.

    Hyperion: The Brainstormer- I just love seeing my PS4 near exploding when i get multiple lightning procs and enemies reduced to dust in milliseconds.

    Jakobs: King/Queens call- this one is hard because I love Jakobs the most and I like all of their weapons but if I had to pick it would be between the king and queens call. both solidly strong weapons that I take everywhere.

    Torgue: Roisens thorns- I keep this one for when I am farming Katagawa ball and agonizer 9000 as the sticky mode lets me pop off shots then get the big chunk of damage while I run around.

    submitted by /u/MrShankMcDank
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    You can turn in the named vehicles that spawn near the end of the Blood Drive quest.

    Posted: 13 Oct 2019 08:51 PM PDT

    There is one vehicle in particular that has the heavy armor, turbo booster, and flak cannon for the technical. The vehicle drops out of the huge mobile fortress while you are shooting it's fuel tanks.

    submitted by /u/Itz_The_Bees_Knees
    [link] [comments]

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