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    Wednesday, October 2, 2019

    Borderlands Mayhem Modifiers should be Crazy and Fun, not bland statistical nerfs.

    Borderlands Mayhem Modifiers should be Crazy and Fun, not bland statistical nerfs.

    Mayhem Modifiers should be Crazy and Fun, not bland statistical nerfs.

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 01:35 PM PDT

    Here's the deal; the game already does a good job of encouraging the player to switch elements and weapons based on the enemy you're facing at the moment. We have six elements to choose from, and each one has a specific niche in which it works best.

    So nerfing one of them doesn't make the game more fun, it just makes the game harder, while actually reducing the amount of player choice.

    For example, against Armor, you'll have a choice between Corrosive and Cryo, based on the specific situation. Now, say you have a modifier reducing corrosive damage by 50%. In TVHM, that means corrosive damage will now be dealing about 90% damage against armor, the same as just about everything else. Now, instead of two options you choose based on the situation, you have only one choice: Cryo. You have caused a net reduction in the amount of options available to the player, and have only succeeded in making the game more bland.

    Here's the sort of crazy changes you could have on Mayhem Mode:

    1. All enemies are 50% size and move 150% speed.
    2. All enemies are made of crystal, reflect bullets in random directions, take(and deal) bonus melee damage, and explode into crystals/cash on death.
    3. All enemies explode into tinks on death.
    4. Double enemies, and 75% of them are suiciders.
    5. Triple enemies, but 80% of them are psychos or other low-tier enemies.
    6. Reduced enemies, but all of them are badasses.
    7. All enemies spawn with Alien Barrel guns, drop bonus eridium on death.
    8. All enemies are 150% size, and deal double damage, but have reduced projectile and movement speed.
    9. All enemies release wisps on death that can enhance surviving enemies.
    10. Enemies from multiple factions spawn in the same area and fight each other.

    And that's just off the top of my head!

    The point is, the changes in Mayhem should make the game CRAZY, not ANNOYING.

    submitted by /u/EndlessArgument
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    Boss Locations

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 06:02 AM PDT


    I've had a hard time remembering where certain bosses are when trying to farm, so I ran through all of them and made myself a simple guide. I'm sure there are better tools out there, but all I could find were video guides on how to beat them.

    Again, I've just done this for myself, so it's not pretty or really well thought out... but I figured it may help some people. Feel more than welcome to expand upon or make this better to your liking.

    Happy farming!

    submitted by /u/jizzpellets
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    If you wanna know which boss to farm for class mods now that Katagawa and Pain & Terror have an increased drop chance

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 12:33 PM PDT

    It's Graveward.

    It's still Graveward.

    submitted by /u/xGundhi
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    This would make farming in multiplayer so much easier... Please add this.

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 04:20 PM PDT

    I like to farm bosses with my friends in multiplayer, but then comes the point when the host has to back out to the main menu and wait for everyone to join the game again.

    What if when the host backs out to the main menu it kept all players in a group, similar to how Overwatch works? You'd be able to load back in with your friends again immediately without having to wait for them to join or send invites, and if anyone decided they wanted to leave they could just navigate to Edit Group and leave the group manually.

    I'm sure most of you guys solo farm and that's cool, but I think this would definitely make multiplayer farming way less time consuming and it would be a great QOL change.

    submitted by /u/kozykodiak
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    It's a shame that half of the legendary artifacts have terrible ground slam / slide abilities

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 03:15 PM PDT

    I'd like to see something a bit more interesting...

    submitted by /u/R-con
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    Tyreen and Troy's jackets need to be player skins

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 06:07 PM PDT

    It was pretty sweet when we received Handsome Jack's mask has a 'Head' in BL2. I think it would totally badass if Moze and Amara got Tyreen's jacket and Fl4k and Zane got Troy's after defeating them, or just the entire game in general.

    submitted by /u/AMaxapolis
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    This is pretty bad-ass! Sunbeam unlocked cheat console and made some crazy cheats!

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 10:26 AM PDT

    So there's a cheat engine out for Borderlands 3 now by Sunbeam and it has an itemspawner (including legendary items at will) ghost, fly and hide hud!

    submitted by /u/letmegame
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    Just read a statement saying Sony has agreed to cross play, is this possible for borderlands 3 to implement at all?

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 06:34 AM PDT

    I have very few friends (4) that play games at all and only one of those many will play online with me if we could. Problem always is he has a ps4 and I got an xbox x and we both are too invested in our systems and their own content to be able to switch. I would love if this were a thing.

    submitted by /u/Vyander1
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    Pain, and Terror

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 05:34 PM PDT

    Can we please take the time to appreciate that these guys are supposed to be Penn & Teller. I was actually like holy shit that's awesome.

    submitted by /u/Timmy2shoess34
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    Finished the Angel Missions. I Didn't Expect This Game to Give me so Many Feels.

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 05:43 PM PDT

    It's my first playthrough of the series and damn. I kept seeing people talk about how much better the writing is for BL2 but I wasn't expecting this. Roland was my pick for BL1 and I was so pumped to see him become this leader in BL2. The few times he fought beside me were pretty cool, especially with me having picked Axton. I would try to throw out my turret when he had his out.

    With all that, his death hit me, especially with how Lilith screams "ROLAND" when he gets shot. Going around Santuary and telling everyone he died and hearing them talk about what a good man he was, was another good component to the whole thing. Even Tannis (Miss bleeds profusely from the nose cause somebody said hi) showed some form of sadness over her death.

    Also, her being tortured makes me wanna bash Jack's face in, especially hearing her cry in her echos. I wasnt expecting her to get to that point over somebody else's pain. I figured that her torture would be very hard for her (beyond the fact she's being tortured) is how she is about socializing and people. I figured that it probably made it worse for her. But her listening to those echos while drinking some cocoa is totally something I'd expect from her.

    Back to Roland, having everyone in Santuary so shook by his death was a nice touch. So far (I haven't beaten it yet) this game has done death well. I felt something for Bloodwing, even though I didn't play as Mordecai. What happened to her was sick and twisted. It shows how fucked up Jack is. He did it for the sake of hurting Mordecai.

    Jack himself is a special character. He is the asshole you love to hate. In many ways, I find him to be funny but he's still so descipiable. His humor does not take away from the awful shit he's doing. I have got to give it to the writers for that. From his cold blooded murder of Peterson, to what he did to Tina and her parents, and what he did to his own daughter Angel, he is totally rivalling the hatred I have for Ted Faro (Horizon Zero Dawn's true antagonist).

    In some ways he does kinda remind me of Ted Faro. They both twisted the narratives in their minds that what their doing is right and they are just, despite the what anybody else says. It was wild and crazy to me how Jack kept saying how much of a monster I was to be attacking and killing an innocent girl, despite how Angel kept encouraging me to set her free. That man is the ultimate manipulator and there is no telling what fucked up shit he has said to his own daughter to keep her working for him. She alluded to it by saying how he twists things to make it your fault and alleviate himself of the blame.

    This post kinda got away from me but I have to give to the writers of Borderlands 2. They know how to hit you in the gut and despise the villain.

    submitted by /u/Kiki242
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    All in favor of a lively, active snow planet this winter?

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 10:43 AM PDT

    I feel like snowy areas in games don't have to be whitewashed like the beginning of BL2. Everything was snow or ice. No plants, no color, a few Rakk, but almost nothing else.

    Bitch, this is sci-fi! Give me wildlife and fauna that live in snow. Gimme a fucking tortoise that sleeps under six inches of it that when you interact with it, he walks away leaving a barren spot on the ground with 4 ammo pickups. How bout a tree that when you interact with it shakes of its snow and drops loot? Not everything has to die or wither in the cold. You're making the entire environment- if it's a planet of cold, you have to figure SOMETHING would be on said planet.

    I imagine a snow planet is on the way, but I just pray it's more lively than BL2 first 4 hours.

    submitted by /u/J1z03
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    Anointed cryo fix

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 11:03 AM PDT

    It'd be nice if anointed enemies weren't completely immune to cryo damage, it really messes with Zane in particular, but also if your main during a session is a cryo gun... it's annoying to have to switch.

    I suspect they're immune because gearbox doesn't want us to be able to freeze them and thus save 5-6 minutes fighting them and 10-20 hours fighting the anointed militant in particular.

    Jokes aside, is there a way they could take damage from cryo guns but simply ignore the slow/freeze mechanic? Just a QoL suggestion. Might completely break the game from a code pov idk.

    submitted by /u/McSchemes
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    [FL4K] OP Mayhem3 Boss Farming Guide - 33 skill points, no legendaries :O

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 07:49 AM PDT

    If you thought the nerfs to the pipe-bomb grenade meant the days of being able to kill bosses quickly were long gone, you were WRONG!

    I've just finished making and testing this FL4K build that is SO strong, you only need 33 skill points to wreck bosses in mere seconds in Mayhem 3.

    What's more, it only uses a normal Torgue Rocket Launcher and doesn't need ANY legendaries to do crazy amounts of damage (DPS).

    Video URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZR1V8HTUbY

    Edit: For those that can't watch - The 33 points you need are in This link

    Main weapon is a torgue rocket launcher and a class mod that gives bonuses to leave no trace :)

    submitted by /u/MadalsSC2
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    Katagawa Jr. Isn’t being very generous this week.

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 06:43 AM PDT

    It seems that everyone has already had their 20+ runs in Katagawa Jr and have not really gotten any of his "increased class mod" drops. Is this some sort of prank or is there some explanation for it?

    I gave up and started alternating Tyreen/Graveward and finally found one artifact that I've been looking for as Amara. That's my takeaway from the first day of this boss week.

    EDIT: Got home, update was pending. I updated hopped in and after 20(quick runs) I got ONE moze legendary mod, and a ton of blue and purple mods for Amara. I am on Mayhem 3, to clarify. I hopped into Graveward to test a few different skills and guns and I ended up getting g FOUR legendary mods for Amara, but not the ones I needed. I did also find my first slide speed legendary artifact so I was happy about that.

    Bottom line, other bosses seem to be dropping their expected loot. Pain and Terror along with Katagawa Jr. seem to be very stingy with their "limited time drop rates."

    EDIT 2: BIG REALIZATION. The only reasonable conclusions I've found is that it's bugged or not working. OR that the increased drop rate is really for ARTIFACTS cause they are dropping like candy for me now that I've noticed. Although I haven't gotten the one I really wanted.

    submitted by /u/Dragwolf720
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    when the prefix just fits the name of the gun

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 04:05 PM PDT

    Recently started playing BL3 and wondered why Ellie is in charge of catch-a-rides now..

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 09:24 PM PDT

    And then it hit me. I literally froze for a few seconds to let it sink in. I mean he wasn't the most interesting or memorable in the series roster but still I learned to like him and the story just won't be the same with a different paranoid mechanic..

    Edit: that last part kinda sounds like I don't like Ellie having a lead in the story, I meant the previous story won't be the same if it was someone else in the first place. Ellie is dope.

    I was initially going to tag this as a spoiler but realized it happened about 5 years ago. I'm glad I took a chance with a telltale game at least once. I never liked the gameplay.

    submitted by /u/ManEatingCarabao
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    Boss farming mode?

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 04:05 PM PDT

    There should be a boss farming mode in which instead of exiting the game and reloading the same map you just loaded 100 times you could keep the map loaded but just reset all the enemies and spawn you back at a spawn location. It's such a simple idea that would have a lot of impact, especially for us console farmers

    submitted by /u/joshdjd27
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    Gaming Research

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 11:02 AM PDT

    Hello everyone!

    I'm a final year psychology student at university of Buckingham, and I'm researching the ways gaming help people cope with difficult life situations, for the purpose of this study difficult life situations are negative, stressful situations in your life that made you employ some kind of coping strategy, things like relationship breakdowns, coping with loss, losing a job, moving to a new house, questioning your identity, etc.

    If you choose to accept this quest and complete the survey, your responses will be completely anonymous, and you can withdraw from the study at any point by closing the tab, it takes around 15 minutes to complete the survey, and every answer is very valuable.

    Link to the survey:


    submitted by /u/AvaLaboratories
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    Minor-Character Voice Actor Appreciation Thread?

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 07:49 PM PDT

    I went looking for the voice actor for the Goliaths, because I love those guys so much. Learned that it's a man named Chris Rager who also happens to be the voice of Torgue. Total props to that guy!

    While I was looking, had a good laugh discovering that Randy Pitchford has been the voice of Crazy Earl all this time.

    Anyway, just wanted to give some recognition to some not-as-recognized voice actors from this series.

    submitted by /u/rivensky
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    Zane: DEMOLITION MAN?!? (the most insane zane build yet???)

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 06:29 PM PDT

    Game Version: 10/03/2019

    Category: Mobbing, but also good at killing smaller bosses, example: traunt, aurelia, geneviv. Bad against graveward.

    Level: 50

    Summary: We took the most underrated skills and gear and threw them all together to creat a F\$#%^! BADASS!!* THIS is the most EXPLOSIVE Zane build you've seen yet! Who would've known that Pocket Full of Grenades would be the secret to unlocking Zane's EXPLOSIVE POTENTIAL!!!!!! MR TORGUE WOULD BE PROUD!!!

    Video: Circle of Slaughter Mayhem 3 - so sorry for the lag lol, it's the best my gpu could handle with so many enemies and explosions and animations near the end of video. One note, you will notice I did get +50% grenade damage, but I also got -50% radiation damage, and I'm using a radiation recurring hex, so it should make it neutral nade damage. Someone correct me if that's not how that works lol. Still just a quick showcase of this build on mayhem 3 :)

    Skills: Demolition Man

    Required Skills: Pocket full of Grenades, Seein Red, Salvation, Dopplebanger (augment)

    Recommended Skills: Adrenaline, Cool Hand, Duct Tape Mod, Fractal Frags



    • Radiation Crossroads SMG
    • Speedloadin Hellwalker
    • Incendiary Laser Sploder
    • Electric Storm Sniper


    • Band of Sitorak - if you had a choice for anointments, you'd probably just want action skill cooldown rate

    Class Mod:

    • Shockerator - As many points in pocket full of nades as possible, Most important perks are +grenade capacity or action skill cooldown rate

    Grenade Mod:

    • Recurring or Mirv-Tacular Hex Grenade - REQUIRED. RADIATION is the most important, you should have a backup ice when you fight any enemies with tons of armor.


    • Safeguard Otto Idol - This relic should preferably either be safeguard, or otto idol. Most important perks are Grenade Damage and Action Skill cooldown rate. Lookout for incendiary resistance if you are using the shield i recommend, but it is not required.

    Gameplay: This is the most F\&$^%! BADASS* Zane build I have played yet! MR TORGUE would be proud! Everyone building Zane right now has sold or thrown out their Shockerators, and it turns out it might be one of the most BADASS class mods there is! Anything to give us more points in Pocket Full of Grenades!!! The name of this build is obviously inspire by Demolitian Woman Moze. Between Seein Red, Pocket Full of Grenades, and Salvation, you will have bottomless nades that heal your health! That's right, Salvation seems to work with grenades because why not?!?!? Using Band of Sitorak shield, you will explode every time your shield is depleted, which is all the time because your shield is so small!! What's great is, the Band of Sitorak regenerates fully in seconds! This allows you to take advantage of Adrenaline along with Topped Off (guardian rank), meaning you will have huge action skill cooldown rates! (you need a shield for these skills to work, so no cheating with rough riders) Your digiclone will be back up and ready to go in seconds! Speaking of your clone, we even strapped explosives to your clone for even more EXPLOSIONS!!!! Doppelbanger allows you to reset your clone, to get seein red going as many times as possible! I don't need to tell you why you need Fractal Frags and Duct Tape Mod (more explosions, duhhhh).

    How to play:

    1. Chuck 3 to 4 nades at enemies
    2. Activate your Digi Clone, triggering all kill skills (pocket full of grenades :D)
    3. Position your clone by running into enemies and swapping places, then explode it via Doppelbanger (pro tip, you can shoot your gun while activating doppelbanger)
    4. Chuck more nades and shoot your gun until your clone is ready again
    5. Repeat

    This playstyle is extremely fun and very simple to play! You just need to maneuver between throwing nades and activating your digiclone, you can shoot most of the time doing both, you just cant reload, which is why a bunch of points in Cool Hand is great (plus helps proc duct tape mod more often). Did I mention the explosions yet?!?

    Leveling Guide: Not gonna lie, I didn't start the game making this build so I'm not sure. I'd assume you're going to spend all your points in fractal frags because you're a BADASS!!!!!

    Credit: I'm giving all the credit to Mr. Torgue. Through his words of wisdom in the slaughter circles, I have decided to USE MORE EXPLOSIONS THIS TIME. No, in all seriousness, I want to give the credit to every zane player who uses reddit, I actually discovered that Zane could do this from someone using Zane and asking whether two action skills were worth it because they liked throwing grenades. I read a comment in the thread about how pocket full of nades can help regen grenades, and it hit me right there. I also want to give a bit of credit to RyanCentral, his Zane build used Doppelbanger to reset seein red as much as possible, and it turns out it fits perfectly into this build, and he's probably my favorite zane youtuber anyway. He started streaming on twitch by the way check him out :D!

    And most of all I want to give the most credit to: MYSELF! WITH MINE AND MR TORGUE LOVE OF EXPLOSIONS, I BRING YOU ALL DEMOLITION MAN ZANE!!!!!!

    submitted by /u/flightx3aa
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    Whacky grenade interaction with FL4K, looking like BiS right now! (Warning: a story boss fight is featured heavily in video)

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 01:39 PM PDT

    Video demonstrating the grenade on a boss

    TLDW; The Cloning Hunter Seeker grenade is a homing grenade that fires a ton of bullets on its way to the target. These bullets appear to not only be boosted by gun damage but also interact with all of FL4K's skills that affect bullets.

    Head Count, Leave No Trace, and Megavore all proc with this grenade. This means the grenade can reset your cooldowns, it can crit, and most importantly it can refill the magazine on your equipped gun.

    If you have a Bounty hunter class mod equipped it can also proc the 3% chance to trigger FL4K's hunter kill skills on each shot.

    submitted by /u/Chibi_Umaru
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    any one else dissapointed with how ugly and devoid of life sanctuary 3 is? And the lack of room customization?

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 08:18 AM PDT

    They hyped up room customization so much in the reveal of bl3 and I didnt even figure out how to even decorate the room until my inventory and bank were full of oranges... even when I did find out i was mad that I could only place down like 4 items that are rarely visible because of the ugly lighting in the ship.

    Also the ship is annoying to navigate, and I find myself rarely going to the vendors because its just so ugly in there and full of zombie like npcs. I wish the main npcs would walk around, but just like bl1 they just sit there and hand out quests like a bulletin board.

    submitted by /u/txter
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    The lab shotgun

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 07:41 PM PDT

    What the hell does this gun do? It just shoots a slow moving orb that goes through enemies but Does no damage whatsoever.

    Am I missing something about this gun or is it just terrible?

    submitted by /u/Burrbomb
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