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    Tuesday, October 29, 2019

    Borderlands Gearbox needs to re-think Moze anointed skills

    Borderlands Gearbox needs to re-think Moze anointed skills

    Gearbox needs to re-think Moze anointed skills

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 08:23 AM PDT

    Bottom line is Moze's anointed skills are clunky and not nearly as intuitive or useful as other characters.

    Fl4k, Zane, Amara all have action skills that are activated quickly and then can take advantage of the anointed abilities, but Moze has a long 'cast' time, and then more time to get out of the mech, making using anointed skills clunky to use. Additionally, some of her anointed skills are "While Iron Bear is active" which requires her to have the skill that makes iron bear fight after she jumps out.

    How can this be fixed? Well, you can completely retool Moze's anointed skills to work better with her style of play.

    But if they don't want to do that, I think the skill that make Iron Bear fight for 15 seconds after you jump out should be automatic. Additionally, you should be able to summon iron bear in Auto mode by holding the action skill button down.

    Also increase the speed at which Moze jumps into, and out of Iron Bear. Perhaps adjust her Anointed skills to scale with how much Fuel you used while in Iron Bear (to promote actually USING Iron Bear, rather than as a stopgap to trigger healing / anointed skills only)

    submitted by /u/R-con
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    Shift Code for Halloween Head: K9W3T-BJZ59-B9SHB-6B3JT-T9CFF

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 11:33 AM PDT


    submitted by /u/NerdJ
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    Zane’s barrier needs to be auto-deployable on himself if you hold down the action skill button upon deploying

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 12:53 PM PDT

    This has been said many times, but it's SO annoying to have to throw the barrier down and then have to manually cast it on yourself. It takes precious time away from the duration and just feels clunky overall. Gearbox, please fix this.

    submitted by /u/MichaelDorr
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    Custom color, neon-skin, FL4K is not only stylish, it's also practical. FL4K's pet often blends with enemies, so now you can distinguish it!

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 04:12 AM PDT


    Pro-tip: I'm sure you're aware each color can be divided into two. The brightness of the glow is determined by the second color choice. So in my pictures, the pink is Pink/Black, and the white is White/White. With Black as the secondary color, the glow is muted and you instead get definition in the texture.

    This has become super useful for me. I'm color blind, so I'm already mixing things up. Making my Spiderant glow helps a lot.

    submitted by /u/CivilizedPsycho
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    Fl4k is getting targeted during fade-away and it does not feel good

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 02:13 PM PDT

    Especially with the enemies in heck, it feels like the invisibility does nothing. I'm constantly getting air-kicked and grenades by the Maliwan troops while my pet is down and I'm invisible. What's the point of the invisibility schtick of the ability if I'm still going to get shot at white I'm invisible?

    submitted by /u/Madrigal_King
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    So, apparently the Watcher's warning from Presequel will he addressed in the next Borderlands game...

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 11:39 AM PDT

    Another Presequel, maybe? Borderlands 4? Beats me, but it seems the "war" the Watcher mentions is a few years off yet. Leaving us hanging, Goddamn, can't wait to see what it is tho, and to see every Vault Hunter presumably get together

    submitted by /u/daleksec54
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    Unlimited terror trick for Amara

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 05:33 AM PDT

    If you are playing as Amara, use anionted terror that gives you terror every 5 sec after action skill end then spam phasegrasp at ground/air, you get the terror buff and cooldown back.

    submitted by /u/nihilus2010
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    About the Takedown at Maliwan's Blacksite

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 07:46 PM PDT

    I came to this sub earlier looking for other peoples thoughts, but there wasn't a single post about the new info so... here we go I guess.

    The event will take about 30 minutes, and is balanced around level 50, 4 player co-op, and includes matchmaking. From what they said it seems like it will be possible to solo, but it will not be easy, similar to BL2s raid bosses. Speaking of raid bosses, we caught a glimpse of what appears to be the final boss of the takedown, Wotan the Invincible, who is a large robotic boss with a projected shield and big ass rocket salvos.

    On top of this, there are several new enemy variants, such as the Maliwan Stealth Trooper, who turns invisible (as the name suggests), and the unnamed variant of the Raid Trooper, which carries a shield that absorbs elemental damage, and reflects it back after absorbing enough. They also noted that these are not the only new enemy variants, and that there would be even more new variants in TVHM exclusively.

    There will also be new legendaries exclusive to the takedown, and they will be mostly, if not all, shields. They said the shields from the takedown should be the strongest in the game at the time of release. I'm not sure if the legendaries they showed were just placeholders or not, but one of them was the "Re-Charger Berner", which is literally just the effects of the Re-Charger and the Nova Berner on one shield, so take from that what you will. There will also be new heads and skins that you get from the takedown.

    Finally, the release date is confirmed to be November 21st, and it will NOT be a limited time event, it is a permanent addition to the game. It will unlock upon completing the campaign once, but they did not specify if this meant for each character file, or just once in general.

    submitted by /u/RemyFromRatatouille
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    the nighthawkin

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 07:47 PM PDT

    what is the specific effect for the nighthawkin smg ive noticed at night it deal fire damage instead of cryo but for some reason its projectile count keeps changing as well ive had 1 projectile but sometimes when i fire it it gives me multiple and when i look at the item card the projectile count has changed sometimes its only one but ive had a projectile count of 3 appear and im wondering if thats its effect or if my game is glitched

    submitted by /u/cbp916
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    Most useless best in slot in the game.

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 07:22 PM PDT


    kind of too bad that you just can't slam at will. Double jumping is needed for the slam to have any use.

    submitted by /u/Kaining
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    Play Campaign For The First Time Without Bloody Harvest

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 09:09 AM PDT

    Hi all. My wife and I are about to start the game for the first time in a week. The Bloody Harvest event sounds super neat! But are we able to just play the campaign without activating it? Like if we don't talk to this Maurice guy on the ship, can we enjoy the vanilla campaign without all the spooky?

    It sounds fun, but I don't want the atmosphere of the actual campaign to be Halloween. We'd love to play it post campaign, but I don't want to have ghosts and skull flying at me all the time while I'm trying to listen to funny dialogue, or experience the normal BL3 game.

    submitted by /u/drunkboarder
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    Why is Lyuda considered the best sniper?

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 02:19 PM PDT

    On paper, its damage is quite low compared to Monocle and Crossbow. I know it has high fire rate but can it one-shot enemies?

    I am old fashioned and always prefer snipers and shot guns with slow firing but ton of damage.

    Will Lyuda disappoint me if I complete all Zer0 missions?

    submitted by /u/foxmindedguy
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    Plain Pandora

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 05:54 AM PDT

    Does anyone else feel that unlike bl1 and bl2, Pandora is very plain and boring? I hate to be crapping on the game because I love it but Pandora to me IS borderlands. The droughts, sandblast scar etc all feel the same with no unique feeling locations like the other games. To think all that magic is on the same planet as this and all we get to see is rock and abandoned mines.

    submitted by /u/GoobyDoo52
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    What does it mean for SNTNL to gain lifesteal from the new Zane anointment?

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 09:33 PM PDT

    I recently dropped this Crossroad, but the way the anointment is worded seems kind of confusing. As far as I know, the drone can't actually take damage, so lifesteal for itself seems useless. Does it mean that Zane himself would heal from the damage the drone deals? Has anyone tested the anointment yet to see if the healing is noticeable at all?

    submitted by /u/slaya33
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    What’s the best new lore about the Borderlands Galaxy in BL3?

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 04:33 PM PDT

    I was always fascinated by the universe outside Pandora and how it's world worked. Was there anything particularly cool and new exposed in BL3?

    submitted by /u/divvido
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    What was talked about story wise in the Borderlanss 2 show

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 12:56 PM PDT

    So a summary of the Borderlands 2 show story discussion :

    They tought about the Troy betrayal, but didn't like it.

    Tyreen with intention kill her mother( It definetly didn't feel that one in the story)

    They wont make the war dlc

    Lilith gave everything to Ava because she believed in Maya

    We aren't the main focus, just move the ploth forward.

    They get the criticisms of the jokes , but also now that some people liked them

    They like knowing what some people didn't like but hope for something more than : IT'S THE WORST STORY EVER

    In some way the dlc will develop more about Ava.

    Supposedly mostly the people that didn't like Ava was mostly do to the fact they didnt do the side missions with her (not my case)

    Any new thoughts in the story for you?

    submitted by /u/FutureDr_
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    The Borderlands Show Episode 2 rant [SPOILERS FOR THE GAME AS WELL]

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 08:57 PM PDT

    First, allow me to state I am in now way a professional game designer, writer, etc. I am merely a consumer and and this is my personal opinion and is up for debate, which I highly encourage. With that said, lets get started.

    Ava is talked about and it did nothing more than fuel my hatred for her. According to the writer, shes supposed to be the golden girl. If she wasnt a Mary Sue before, she sure will be. She has something "special" that Maya saw, something so special it was unlike anything Maya has ever seen, something the universe has never seen! Because Lilith trusts Maya so much, Ava was given the keys to Sanctuary and THATS the reasoning behind that. The DLC will be focusing on Ava becoming "better" and her seeing her potential for the "future". Its also mentioned that "People who dont like Ava should play her side missions and youll hopefully come to like her more". Excuse me? Missions? As in plural? As far as I saw, theres only ONE side mission and it focuses on her Diary, and I already listed my qualms with that mission. But rather, I want to talk about a point I mentioned earlier.

    The "future"

    Lets talk about this. The podcast hints MANY times that theres is, indeed, going to be a fourth installment. However, I'm not cheering. I predicted this would happen because Gearbox needs an easy way to make money, and Borderlands is their cash cow. Not even a YEAR after release and there are hints at a Borderlands 4, and even more insulting, this was planned from the start of Borderlands 3. Apparently, The War we all eagerly awaiting WILL NOT be DLC. Thats right, the thing we all wanted the most, more than Ava, more than pointless deaths, and more than a loose, bland story, will NOT be DLC. Theres also talk about Lilith not being in any future DLC, but very obvious signs that she's definitely not dead and how it ties in with her teleporting Elpis and its inhabitants to.... somewhere. You heard me, The Pre-Sequel IS being acknowledged, but it seems answers wont come in any DLC.

    So why am I bothered? Its a new Borderlands game after all!

    This is obvious disrespect for the fans and the Borderlands series. Gearbox seems to be planning on just pumping out another Borderlands game because they KNOW its popular, but it seem they dont REALLY care about it. We did not need the events of Borderlands 3 to happen just so we can get a Borderlands 4 for the War we wanted to see. They joke about killing characters that we all came to love and talk about adding MORE new characters, something that added enough trouble to 3 the way it was. I, for one, know many would be happy just having a nice, simple storyline with some old characters coming back and helping us fight against some great War, similar to Borderlands 2.

    Bottom line for this rant, I find it insulting that a character that many didnt come to like is being pushed as the big hero, and that Gearbox seems to be planning a fourth game already.

    submitted by /u/CL4P_Channel
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    Terror fire rate and damage anointment stats

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 10:23 AM PDT

    I tested the anointment which is "While terrorfied, gain increased damage and fire rate. The more damage you have, the higher the bonus" to fins by how much they affect each stat (because annoyingly gbx is vague about these things)

    The damage is increased by 14.7 percent at max terror and fire rate was increased by 20 percent

    submitted by /u/xxtaitxx
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    Does Completing all Typhon Deleon (ECHO Logs), Moxxi, Cl4ptrap and Alistair Hammerlock quest give legendary rewards?

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 08:48 PM PDT

    Just finished all Zer0 quests and he sent me Lyuda (Legendary Sniper). So naturally, I was wondering if the rest also treated me the same if I completed all they ask of me.

    If so, what legendary do they give?

    submitted by /u/foxmindedguy
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    [Lore] Isn't it pretty shitty design to make a vault that can be opened?

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 06:05 AM PDT

    If the Eridians wanted to keep certain things locked away forever, why make the vaults in such a way that they can be opened in the first place? Why not just seal them away completely? Why are there keys, just make a box with no door. I understand that would be pretty bad for gameplay reasons, but lore-wise what's the reasoning for making the Destroyer (of everything, apparently!) a cage with a key? I am actually writing a TTRPG campaign and I want to do something similar in concept but it makes no sense to seal the end of the world away with a chance of escape, when you could just as easily have a box with no key.

    I hope this made sense, sorry if it didn't.

    submitted by /u/snovergaming
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    What Borderlands 1/2/PS gun that didn’t make it to 3 do you miss the most?

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 07:59 PM PDT

    For me its gotta be the Pimpernel. Such a fun gun that changed how you shoot and made you think about where you wanted to place each shot for maximum damage.

    Hoping to see it show up in future content.

    submitted by /u/aonyx
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