• Breaking News

    Tuesday, November 12, 2019

    Borderlands Anyone else find executing pain and terror weirdly immersion breaking?

    Borderlands Anyone else find executing pain and terror weirdly immersion breaking?

    Anyone else find executing pain and terror weirdly immersion breaking?

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 08:35 AM PST

    They don't have any dialogue and just sit there. The story doesn't progress until you execute them. I mean at least with Jack his ranting and raving was entertaining, and I could let Lilith do it. I have no idea what the writers were thinking here.

    submitted by /u/willb2989
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    Prediction: There will be a Skag CEO in the near future of Borderlands

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 12:39 PM PST

    So, Borderlands has an habit of foreshadowing unexpected things.

    Jack talks about a diamond pony ? Buttstalion in flesh (?) appears ! Quite the long time afterward nonetheless.

    Typhon talking about "shape and size" ? Well, surprise, he is a dwarf ! (I actually saw that one coming, tho it wasn't that subtle)

    So, here come's my theory: On skywell, one of typhon's record present the guy laughing hard at the idea of a CEO skag.

    Thus, I predict that Tediore's CEO is a highly advanced Skag that wanted to make guns for every living being to rebel against humans, but failed miserably so just sold cheap guns for said humans.

    Also, Fl4k's pet will be in love, and together they'll have a baby that will be the seventh siren, aka the destroyer, mark my words.

    submitted by /u/Asminae
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    As a new player, please, don’t let ghosts spawn in main quest missions

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 07:22 PM PST

    Seriously, it's so annoying to get one shot out of your mech by the 2 badass pyrotechs that spawned, you kill them, then a badass ghost spawns that you can't kill in time then it just kills you because you didn't kill the second pyrotech in time and are being burned. It makes the story way too annoying.

    submitted by /u/MeiFromPali-Watch
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    Theory: Troy was a Victim

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 01:01 AM PST

    So I was playing through Konrad's Hold recently and I realised something that I should've connected the dots on sooner. Troy was just trying to please his sister.

    Let me explain, I found a pair of echo logs in Tazendeer Ruins that show a version of troy who was helping Tyreen repair a ship so they could leave Nekrotafeyo under the impression that their father wanted off the planet too. He later found out that was a lie and when Tyreen asked if he wanted to go he said "like I have a choice". We already know that he relies upon her for sustenance making it dangerous to be apart from her for long periods of time so it is best to assume that he truly had no other choice.

    Later when they started the COV Troy still appeared to have his own personality when he apologized after his attempt to make Tyreen seem like a god failed. I personally have not found any logs to show when his personality shifted to mimic his sister but in my opinion he knew that appealing to her narcissistic personality would give him a greater chance of survival.

    After The Rampager was killed and Maya was dusted we see an extreme personality shift from Troy as he ambushes us and monologues about his new power stating that "I've never felt this good in my life" and that he is "done getting table scraps". All this ties into what I heard Tyreen say in Konrad's Hold " Troy, come on, We talked about this" just showing me that Troy is no longer afraid of Tyreen giving him any power if he acts out of line and in his boss fight we see him leeching enough power from Tyreen that she fears for her life while he gives zero care to her condition.

    To anyone who thinks I'm defending his actions, I'm not. He is still one giant douche who should've been killed as soon as we first met but I at least feel a little sorry for how he ended as he was always stuck in his sister's shadow trying to please her. Apologies if this post was long or rambling about meaningless points but I wanted to share my theory. Thank you for reading.

    submitted by /u/Molodite
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    Legendary Gear: I get a lot of repeat items and not good ones

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 04:53 PM PST

    im not sure if anyone noticed this. I'll get a lot of legendary loot (thank you gearbox for uping the rates in this game) but a lot of it are repeats of guns and gear that are generally accepted to be bad. Do you think gear box did this on purpose to balance things out? Seriously I've spent hours farming and havent received a single hex grenade mod, or other good weapons I'd like to get while Ill get a bunch of snipers that I have no intention of using. I do have a wealth of good items, I just noticed "bad" legendaries drop way more frequently.

    submitted by /u/drewpannell
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    FL4K Paperclip Maximizer, the dangers of a self improving AI

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 01:58 PM PST

    The paperclip maximizer is the canonical thought experiment showing how an artificial general intelligence, even one designed competently and without malice, could ultimately destroy humanity. The thought experiment shows that AIs with apparently innocuous values could pose an existential threat

    An extremely powerful optimizer (a highly intelligent agent) could seek goals that are completely alien to ours, and as a side-effect destroy us by consuming resources essential to our survival.

    Now FL4K is a Index Unit AI for an individual known as the Grand Archivist.

    My theory is this individual mistakenly turned FL4K into a Paperclip Maximizer. FL4K became so good at its job, that essentially one day it was given a simple task, and in order to achieve that task it decided to become self aware and thirst for murder

    It also gained the abilities of Fadeaway, Gamma Burst, and Rakk Attack. And the ability to interact with various animals. Whom all seem very capable of Hunting.

    FL4K seems very fixated on hunting. So its likely this Grand Archivist forced the Indexing Unit to hunt something or someone down, which would normally be outside of its regular parameters, and in order to achieve that goal FL4K now has made adjustments to itself over and over amd over again. FL4K is on a never ending mission to fulfill one particular goal. What it was or is unknown.

    The paperclip maximizer illustrates that an entity can be a powerful optimizer—an intelligence—without sharing any of the complex mix of human terminal values, which developed under the particular selection pressures found in our environment of evolutionary adaptation , and that an AGI that is not specifically programmed to be benevolent to huamans will be almost as dangerous as if it were designed to be malevolent

    Thats why FL4Ks first line when he meets Claptrap is: "Youre allowed to call me FL4K until I decide to kill you"

    submitted by /u/Raymancer
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    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 06:23 AM PST

    Can someone explain in depth how lost loot works

    submitted by /u/ElDucklingo
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    Guns not scaling with level

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 04:27 PM PST

    I'm towards, what I'm assuming bc I haven't beaten the game yet, end game. Mission "blood drive".

    I'm level 36 and I keep finding guns, especially legendaries, at level 22-27 with the scores between 290-330 while the guns I have equiped are more towards 370-400+ score and I was just wondering if this is normal or am I having a one off experience?

    submitted by /u/filmorebuttz
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    Unable to open/run fullscreen on my gaming monitor

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 08:43 PM PST

    Hello folks, I have a technical question and was hoping I could get some fresh answers. For starters, the issue I am encountering is not a new one:


    I am using multiple monitors with different resolutions/framerates. The problem is, my Viotek monitor is PnP and does not have a driver from the manufacturer, and thus is not an option in the "Target Display" section of the BL3 menu. From BL3's perspective, the monitor does not exist. Below are some of the troubleshooting steps I've done in an attempt to convince BL3 that I do, in fact, have a 144hz 1440p gaming monitor:

    1. Adjusting resolution settings and fullscreen settings manually in gameusersettings.ini
    2. Adjusting DPI scaling settings in every BL executable I can find
    3. Changed the "primary" monitor in Windows Display Settings to every other monitor
    4. Moved the positioning of my multiple-monitor setup slightly (per some Fortnite workaround rabbit hole)
    5. Swapped DP ports (the fact that this is even recommended.. I dont even know)

    Can I please just pick my monitor in the BL3 menu? Please? Do I really have to change the resolution, use windows hotkeys to move the window around, expand the resolution again, hope that the framerate doesnt get jacked up, be forced to keep it in Windowed mode, then STILL have it switch back to the other monitor after each new load? Why cant I just play in fullscreen on my nice new monitor? What gaming god did I anger to deserve this?

    In all seriousness, will this issue eventually be patched? Or is there some workaround to the workaround that I can attempt? Please help

    submitted by /u/igmoismyname
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    Need some end game help - BL3

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 07:57 PM PST

    Finished the campaign a week back, I was around level 42 left a whole bunch of side missions to do after the campaign on mayhem difficulty. why is the difficulty spike this great? doing the side missions on normal difficulty is a breeze since I am way over leveled and on mayhem 01 they take ages to finish as all the enemies hit insanely hard, dont even get me started on the bullet sponge annointed baddies. Im playing as zane and my friend is fl4k. what am i doing wrong ? or is it just that i dont have good enough weapons to tackle even mayhem 01 ?

    submitted by /u/dilshanmalli
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    Why are all legendary shields so low capacity?

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 07:12 AM PST

    Been playing my second playthru of the game as fl4k, lvl 50 and mayhem 3 and I have been using the same chameleon shield for a while now that has 14,2k capacity. Almost all lvl 50 legendary shields I find have 5-7k capacity only. Is this really all they have or is something wrong lol. Whats the point of legendary shields when you just lose them instantly while taking a couple of hits

    submitted by /u/tabben
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    Help on Borderlands GOTY

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 12:54 PM PST

    Looking for some help on crawmorax whenever possible just to finish off the last few achievements needed for 100%. Gamertag is JustBananaBen ❤️

    submitted by /u/JustBananaBen
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    I wish you could save found weapons looks and apply them to guns found later. Had Jakob's guns that were pretty but found better weapons and ended up with four really blah looking guns in comparison.

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 06:46 PM PST

    It'd be cool if there was some kind of hologram generator for guns so you could have your new guns looks hidden by a hologram of a gun you really liked. Maybe have a limited number of guns you could fav for this feature and an SDU kit giving you the option to add more weapon appearances to it down the road.

    submitted by /u/ziddersroofurry
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    Is cryo buffed by Amara's elemental skills?

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 03:52 AM PST

    Especially the rush stacks status effect perk, if my status effect chance is boosted a lot by having 99 stacks will my cryo freeze chance go up really high?

    submitted by /u/tiemiscoolandgood
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    I am now the owner of The Handsome Collection

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 09:12 PM PST

    After playing 1 a while ago and recently getting a PS4, I was keen as to play more of the series. Now im about 30 minutes in and I love it.

    submitted by /u/KingDylbag13
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    Have there been any more details on the upcoming "november patch"?

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 01:45 PM PST

    I've been trying to look for stuff on it but I can't find basically anything other than the stuff they mentioned in the post they made a few weeks ago. Has there been any mention on this patch or when it is going to be coming? I'm very much looking forward to this patch as my two characters are clone/drone zane and demolition woman moze lmao

    submitted by /u/ItsReallyJustAHorse
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    borderlands 3 artbook

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 07:34 PM PST

    has anyone bought them yet? i saw 2 versions from different publishers and i want to know the difference between them.

    submitted by /u/ladyofthecoven
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    I'm getting a lot of lag and texture pop in on my PS4, has this been addressed in any way? More details in post.

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 07:19 PM PST

    So when I first got the game, I started playing about a day after it came out. I made it to about chapter 8. Lots of lag, and many bugs that wouldn't save my game and save checkpoints ect.. So I figured I'd wait a while and come back.

    Now I started playing again on Sunday, and the lag is BAD on split screen. Opening menus basically freeze the game for a solid 7 seconds and sometimes crash the whole game. Split screen co-op is basically unplayable for me.

    As for single player, not as bad of lag, but lots of texture pop ins that really make character models look hideous, and I have to wait 10 solid seconds after loading the game in before waypoints and the minimap even appear. Has Gearbox addressed a fix coming to Consoles on these issues orrr are we basically in "oh well" territory?

    submitted by /u/Helpmeastroscareme
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    Found a shortcut for farming Private Beans (recommend 2x watch speed) [Video]

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 06:39 PM PST

    Does anyone else think the glowing effect on your weapon when your amp shield is charged is a bit distracting?

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 05:44 PM PST

    I thought the very subtle way they did it in BL2 was pretty nice, your shield bar just kind of changed colors. I don't hate it, I just wish the flares were toned down a bit

    submitted by /u/Brofey
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    Mad Moxxi by @MitternachtCosplay

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 01:26 AM PST




    Just want to show some excellent photos of cosplay from our partner. Hope you like the cosplay

    submitted by /u/-Cosplaysky-
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    Do we know what happened to Fiona and Sasha?

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 11:28 AM PST

    Or what was contained within the Vault of the Traveler, for that matter?

    submitted by /u/aarondigruccio
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    I need help with options

    Posted: 12 Nov 2019 05:12 PM PST

    I want to buy the game cause I absolutely love the borderlands series and I'm wondering if I buy it will I get the psycho bundle for fortnite I play on xbox one

    submitted by /u/xxxbigboi
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