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    Monday, November 4, 2019

    Borderlands The reason I don't like the Calypsos; they don't seem to earn any of their wins.

    Borderlands The reason I don't like the Calypsos; they don't seem to earn any of their wins.

    The reason I don't like the Calypsos; they don't seem to earn any of their wins.

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 11:38 AM PST

    The thing about Handsome Jack is, he was always ahead of you. Everything you do for the first half of the game is according to his plan, and just when you think you're finally getting ahead of him, he steps in and brutally turns things back to his advantage once again. Every step of the way, you feel like you're fighting against long odds, and that makes every Victory feel all the more significant.

    By contrast, when you look at the calypsos, it feels as if every one of their victories against you is due to stupidity on our behalf. For example, when Lilith is fighting them, do they beat her via skill, or superior power? No, Lilith stupidly gets distracted by tattoos on a man in the middle of a life or death fight, and allows tyreen to just walk up behind her and grab her.

    This happens again, when they are fighting Maya; do they use superior strategy, power, or their new Firehawk powers to defeat her? No, Maya, rather than phase locking them like she could reasonably be expected to do, allows one of them to touch her. Even worse, Troy only then discovers that he can suck away siren Powers other than his sisters. In other words, had he not at that precise moment discovered this new power, the Calypsos most likely would have lost that confrontation. In other words, they once again won because their opponent was dumb, and they were lucky.

    And it goes deeper than this. For example, had tyreen not leached Lilith, she would have had no way to get her followers to where they needed to go. Had Lilith not charged the vault key for her, she would not have known where to go. Had they not just happened to encounter Maya, they would have had no way to open the great vault. Etc.

    Again and again, their success has come as a result of stupid luck, and simple stupidity among their enemies, and this makes fighting against them feel pointless. After all, if everything that happens is simply going to turn out in their favor due to Blind luck, then there's nothing you can logically do to stop them. Plans can be foiled, but how do you stop someone who has no plan?

    Ultimately, it makes it feel as if they are cheating, which is never fun. Even if you beat a cheater, you don't enjoy the experience.

    submitted by /u/EndlessArgument
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    So my friend dressed up as a psycho for halloween, shaved his hair, got the makeup and everything!!

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 04:17 AM PST

    I was so concerned with whether I could, I didn't stop to consider if I should

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 06:48 PM PST

    So, I had the crazy idea to try a rough rider shield with a deathless artifact. I can confirm that this is a stupid idea and should not be tried, it reduces you to 1 hp with no shields and you die instantly to any damage, there are no hidden effects.

    submitted by /u/jab136
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    We need a way to "block" players, or stop joining the same person when matchmaking.

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 02:31 PM PST

    I like to actually use the in-game matchmaking feature, but it is becoming increasingly difficult to find a game without a hacker, or someone who is farming a boss and refuses to turn their privacy to offline/friends only.

    We need a way to block players so that we don't matchmake into their lobby.

    I just spent a good 20 minutes trying to join a normal game, and I kept joining either a Moze using AMARA's abilities and 1 shotting everything in Slaughter Shaft, or some guy farming Graveward who quits to main menu after every kill who refused to disable matchmaking. It's pretty annoying.

    submitted by /u/hersheydood
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    (Spoilers) The Final Vault

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 05:55 AM PST

    Did anyone else think it was completely wild that the final vault was exactly the same as every other minor vault? I mean I know they can give vaults flair because of the empty vault on nekrotafaio being a bit more...momentous? I guess?

    I was SO hyped for the endgame loot and to see the insane vault the destroyer must have been held in, the one that countless eridians died (for/in), but when I went inside it was like, "....oh. alright I guess."

    EDIT: A lot of people are pointing out that this isn't the actual vault of the destroyer, and I just wanna say that it kind of doesn't matter? This is the final vault of the game, regardless of it being a small piece of the puzzle, it still should have been much more of a triumph and a reward. It wasn't just bland, it was literally copy/pasted and we'd already seen this exact vault twice.

    submitted by /u/UndeadNecromancer
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    Clay teleported during "Cold as The Grave"

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 06:57 PM PST

    Current Objectives: Follow Clay

    When I talked to him he said his deal then flew across the map.

    "I'm by the waterfall."

    Okay thanks bud.

    submitted by /u/dlesinski
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    This should never happen...

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 05:56 AM PST

    If I'm playing TVHM on mayhem 3 as a level 50 character, I should never see a weapon drop below level 50. Getting hit with an omega Feelsbadman when I get a weapon I've been farming to drop with the perfect rolls......and it's level 48 or 49 D:

    submitted by /u/theboxyy
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    Last day to redeem the Halloween heads , they leave at midnight

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 09:13 AM PST


    submitted by /u/FutureDr_
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    STILL losing audio on ps4.....

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 04:59 AM PST

    Anyone else still have the game go SILENT or have no gun fx??? Happens all of the time for me still. It can REALLY dampen an otherwise glorious mobbing run 👎

    submitted by /u/revfunk0428
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    Elite Controller 2 for Xbox players?

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 03:23 PM PST

    Any thoughts on whether the Elite Controller 2 is a huge improvement over the standard Xbox One controller? I'm thinking it might help with sprinting, as my thumb gets sore pressing the left stick when I'm just trying to move quickly. That or weapon switching, so I don't need to take my thumb off the aim stick to swap. It works with PC, but I'm assuming most players use mouse + keyboard. Already have a One X with SSD storage, so I'm making the most of the console so far.

    Feel free to answer if you're playing with the Elite 1. The biggest improvements of the 2 are stick tension adjustment, 3 custom layouts instead of 2, and 3 trigger travel settings instead of 2. Drawback is unknown durability and only 90 day warranty, especially considering all of the problems with the first one. I'd get a third party warranty, so add $40 to the price if I go with Best Buy. I'm not sure how long Gamestop is going to be around, so I don't know if I'd go with their warranty.

    For those asking, you can't increase the number of in-game functions with the paddles. Microsoft allows you to map them to other buttons, or other functions of the Xbox, but AFAIK, you can't keep the default BL3 layout (with mission cycle and callout on the D-pad) and put the classic weapon switching on the paddles or vice-versa.

    submitted by /u/CrazyCatHusband
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    My method for leveling immediately after story completion...

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 07:42 AM PST

    Some light spoilers are in this post FYI. I am just posting this in case it might help someone along.

    In my first playthrough with Zane, I beat the game at 38 and felt the trek from 38 to 50 was tough. Countless proving grounds runs, graveward kills with suboptimal builds and gear didnt work, completing all of the side quests as well. All while barely feeling comfortable in Mayhem 1. It was honestly quite the chore getting to 50. I am a solo player as well.

    So on my next playthrough with FL4K I decided to speedrun it. Doing 0 side quests. I beat the game at 33 and then kicked mayhem right up to 3 and decided to farm "easy" side quests. This was also, incredibly tedious and I honestly just wasn't having fun. That is until I noticed something during one of the side quests...

    Now what I am about to suggest is NOT a fun alternative. But it is an alternative to get loot and money and eridium and level from 30ish to 50 relatively quickly. This technique is not gear dependent. You just need a LOT of patience. I'm sure this will get downvoted because leveling like this is unpopular and boring. But anyways, preamble out of the way.

    Immediately after beating Tyreen, run up to Tannis in Lilith's room. Open the chest and then go turn on mayhem. Immediately kick it up to mayhem 3. Then go down to see Ellie. She has a mission called "Pandora's next top Mouthpiece" or something similar. In this mission you have to kill an identical mouthpiece to what you killed at the beginning of the game. Now, being on mayhem 3, this could become very difficult so there is no shame for save quitting if you dont like your modifers when you get to Pandora.

    Once you feel comfortable with your modifiers, set out to do the 3 busy work tasks and then head to mouthpiece. If you can, just run by everything. All you need to do is make it to the boss arena and kill Mouthpiece. If you want to kill everyhing for the extra XP, all the better.

    Mouthpiece himself is not a difficult fight. With the swarm of tinks for second winds this should be an easy fight, even on mayhem 3. But if you are struggling, fear not that you only have to do the fight legit once!

    So you killed mouthpiece now. He just dropped some legendaries hopefully, cash, eridium and good XP. Now Ellie wants you to go play his organ and the way is clear to go upstairs.


    Instead, just quit and reload. You will reload up top by the vending machines and can drop back down. When you drop down, Mouthpiece is there but, since your mission needs you to play the organ, the door is open to go up. So what you can do is simply run right by him, head upstairs and go over to the DJ booth area that overlooks the boss arena. Now you are virtually invincible. He rarely shoots you up there, the speaker blasts can no longer hurt you and tinks rarely come up to bother you. Even if they do they are easy kills with any mayhem 3 modifiers. Just aim down and shoot him til he dies.

    So here is where the patience comes in. Depending on your gear, this could be very quick or it could be time consuming. On my newest Amara run, I am destroying him so quickly and rarely even have to run up there to hide. But on my FL4K run, my gear was trash so running up to snipe him was a necessity.

    I ran the stopwatch on this. It is about 22 minutes per level to level up with this method. So take 50 minus the level you are and multiply that by 22 and thats your total amount of time to get to 50.


    • Immediate switch to mayhem 3 with no worries of modifiers or underleveled gear issues
    • Cash, eridium, legendary gear and XP with this method, good boost going into endgame
    • Most legendaries will be discarded until level 50 but class mods and artifacts are typically good regardless of level so there is gear to keep here too
    • 22 minutes per level is far more consistent than any other method of post-story leveling I have found


    • It's REALLY fucking boring if you don't like killing bosses, you will be killing him a LOT
    • If you are not a solo player, the isolation may get to you (my suggestion is to put on some music and just zone out while you do it)

    TL;DR: Go fight mouthpiece in the post story sidequest WITHOUT playing his organ so you can farm him over and over above the boss arena without getting damaged on M3

    EDIT: formatting

    submitted by /u/xxICONOCLAST
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    Can we appreciate how good the main menu music is?

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 09:34 PM PST

    Track name is mainmenu (day) by Jesper Kyd.

    submitted by /u/davidhalston
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    New to the series

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 09:32 PM PST

    Want to get into borderlands after some time at a friends house playing bl3 and want to play it but dont know of i should play 1 or 2 for experience and backstory before i get the 3rd one

    submitted by /u/no_bread27
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    I need help

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 09:21 PM PST

    My deathless got erased by a glitch, does someone have an extra I could have? Ps4

    submitted by /u/TonyBravo99
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    What's the best way to farm for Unforgiven?

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 08:51 PM PST

    Hey all-- trying to figure out how to best get the Unforgiven for Graveward farming.. I've tried farming Chupacabratch, Capt Traunt, and Gigamind for hours on end to no avail... In normal mode Mayhem 3.


    submitted by /u/RyanTargaryen
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    Barbaric Yawp Values not working?

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 07:35 PM PST

    Is the barbaric yawp skill bugged or is the value wrong entirely? I have a class mod that boosts the skill to 9/5, yet with the great horned skag, I only get 13% damage inc and 26% gun damage inc. I'm not sure if this is only on PS4, but Xbox and PC are displaying/adding the proper values.

    submitted by /u/TheHAMR64
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    Looking for new Zane builds

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 05:07 AM PST

    I am Playing Zane but I don't have a good build so could you guys help me?

    submitted by /u/chrirei
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    Best Amara build?

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 01:28 PM PST

    I haven't hit lvl 50 yet, close though (~45) I swapped to a melee oriented build with stacking melee damage in every position. Now I melee for like 2K or so (hella fun) but I was wondering what legendaries you fellow community members are utilizing? I really enjoyed the green tree and double casting my spell but right now this melee build is just so op I cant swap away from it...

    submitted by /u/Advacus
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    Need Help with Moze (TVHM M3 Slaughter Shaft)

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 04:59 PM PST

    Hi, all. I'm pretty much at the point of giving up on Moze. I really don't want to. So I'm hoping someone here can help.

    Before the grenade nerf I was obviously pretty immortal but my damage was never great. So I could survive long enough to eventually kill off badasses in TVHM M3 Slaughter Shaft but it wasn't quick. Since the nerf, I go down often because I just can't kill things fast enough and no longer have the survivability to outlast.

    I tried the following two builds:

    Used this pre-nerf

    BM/DW build

    Here is a link to a gallery of my items

    With the first build I was using the Bloodletter and the Front Loader shield. With the second I use the Blast Master and have tried both the Transformer and Re-charger. I mostly stick to Lasersploders for the first build and Ogre for the second. Grave is for the first build. My artifact for the second build doesn't help me really at all, to be honest. I've tried all the grenades but none replenish my health reliably enough to counteract the damage I'm taking.

    Even with neutral modifiers it takes 15-20 seconds of constant damage to kill a single badass, depending on how shielded/armored it is. If I come out of cover long enough to do that in one go, it's pretty guaranteed that I'll be in FFYL from the rocket spam of the other badasses. So I try to keep moving to dodge what I can but with the spin-up time from the Ogre and its inaccuracy combining with my generally-below-average aiming skills, I end up overwhelmed often by enemies on all sides and go into FFYL too many times to get a second wind. That, or I just literally can't kill a badass fast enough to get a second wind on my first FFYL (has happened often, three times in my testing while writing this up).

    I know I'm doing something wrong. I watch videos of other people who are using similar builds and items and they seem to have a much easier time whittling down multiple enemies. The biggest issue seems to be getting through the armor. I try to switch to the cryo or corrosive Lasersploder but neither seems to make enough difference to counteract the DPS time lost to weapon swapping. Because I take so long to kill things I end up having too many to maintain any reasonable cover as well.

    If you made it this far, thanks for using some of your valuable time for me. If you can offer any advice, I'd really appreciate it. I don't want to abandon Moze but I just don't enjoy dying so much.

    submitted by /u/Enygmatik
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    Weapon Skin & Trinket Suggestion: Elemental Themes

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 01:03 PM PST

    I've been using the trinkets / weapon skins to mark my intended usage for each weapon:

    My incendiary has a red skin with the "God King's Bling" trinket (orange glow sticks), Corrosive has a green skin with the Neon Green Skelly, etc.

    After that they get a little more abstract, but it would be great to have future trinkets/skins designed for that. And, in general, more neon glowy trinkets because they're the only ones I can see at a glance...

    submitted by /u/taximes
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    Can we play with these filters?

    Posted: 04 Nov 2019 08:10 PM PST

    Bc the neon color schemes would be pretty fun.

    submitted by /u/willb2989
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