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    Sunday, November 10, 2019

    Borderlands New SHIFT Code

    Borderlands New SHIFT Code

    New SHIFT Code

    Posted: 10 Nov 2019 10:21 AM PST

    1 Golden Key


    Expires Monday (11/11) at 10am CST

    submitted by /u/polarbearik
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    Lost loot container interface?

    Posted: 10 Nov 2019 04:33 AM PST

    I would love to see the lost loot container have an actual interface similar to vending machines. You could mark the stuff you want to keep and the stuff you want. Push a button and it auto sells the stuff marked junk and dispenses the stuff you want to keep.


    submitted by /u/Guillotine_Nipples
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    If I've learned anything from playing amara...

    Posted: 10 Nov 2019 08:59 AM PST

    It's that proper form is the most important thing in not dying

    submitted by /u/Monkeylord2392
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    Completely missed opportunity with Torgue as announcer in the Slaughterhouses

    Posted: 10 Nov 2019 02:01 PM PST

    With how outrageous and over the top he is, im surprised the devs didnt consider having him be similar to the Halo announcer when getting multikills and the like. can totally imagine getting a multikill and hearing Torgue yell "MULLLLLTIKILLLLLL" followed by a sick air guitar solo.

    submitted by /u/tacotrucksteve
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    (DISCUSSION) What would you say is the best gun brand in the series?

    Posted: 10 Nov 2019 02:05 PM PST

    If you had to pick one gun brand to use, what would it be and why? I'm a Jakobs man myself. The high damage works wonders for my play style .

    submitted by /u/Zachthema5ter
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    Atlas troops

    Posted: 10 Nov 2019 08:35 PM PST

    Am I the only one who got confused in the beginning of the game and would try shooting my Atlas allies because I was so used to them being the enemies in Borderlands 1? I would always catch myself aim or shooting at them instead of Maliwan like it was almost instinctual. Any other OG Borderlands players accidentally do the same too or am I the only one?

    submitted by /u/filmorebuttz
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    [Borderlands 3] is it me or are the legendary classmods less interessting than in Borderlands 2?

    Posted: 10 Nov 2019 08:25 AM PST

    I love this game, but I have the feeling the legendary classmods aren't as impressive as the ones in 2. Same goes with relics.. what do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/Sjoerdjeboy
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    MOZE : Empty Clip Rocket Moze (post hex nerf version)

    Posted: 10 Nov 2019 05:44 PM PST

    Moze: Empty Clip Rocket Moze

    It took a total rethink of the build, a lot of gear grinding and a ton of testing, but my Moze is back spewing scourge rockets in M3 SS.


    Game version: Post Hex nerf.

    Level: 50.

    Summary: This build uses the underrated Scourge Rocket Launcher to absolutely nuke your way through Mayhem 3 without ever having to aim.

    As detailed below the scourges large ammo per shot, fast firing rate, damage, hits per rocket (for procs), and ability to hit enemies in any and all cover makes it the perfect launcher for empty clip firing,

    To work properly, heavy ammo must be kept EMPTY to prevent the scourges long reload, but allows it to be fired VERY rapidly as procs return a rocket to the clip

    Video: As per the top of the post.

    Skills: BL3Skills

    This build no longer uses SoR as "Some for the road" was required to generate enough ammo for the build to work and bloodletter class mods cannot be used as we need to use the class mod to buff "Means of Destruction"(MoD).

    The 2 points in both matched set and iron bank are required to get the scourges ammo capacity to 5, which allows 2 full spreads to be stored.

    Cloud of lead is crucial as it lowers ammo usage by 25% it also allows the "Tribolt Trick" mentioned below.

    Iron bear is a big part of this build as it supplies 5 seconds of free rockets. Grizzled and Explosive punctuation ensure Iron bear is ready when you need it. Autobear is used for extra MoD procs and to serve as a decoy (annointed LOVE hitting IB)


    • Scourge Rocket Launcher with 120% splash after action skill use. Fire is an awesome choice as it gets 30% buff with Stoke the Embers. (KEEP IT EMPTY OF AMMO!)
    • A decent shield with 75% increased health and shield for 25 seconds after exiting Iron bear (I use transformer)
    • Otto Idol Artifact(for more heals- anyone got an Atom Balm one??)
    • Ruinous Gains Baby Boomer Class mod(+3 MoD)
    • Atlas Cloning Maddening tracker (for heaps of healing)
    • Option - Flakker is a nice addition for close range and a bit of a laugh. Once the free scourge rockets are in the air you'll have a LOT of time to spam Flakker without reloading as the MoD procs hit
    • Option - Tribolt - once you are on the free bullet from Cloud of lead, fire scourge, switch to tribolt, fire, switch to scourge, fire. Useful for fast running easy areaa without needing IB, need at least 1 rocket for this to work.
    • Option - Cloning Hunter Seeker Grenade. With the Short Fuse this grenade is a champion MoD proccer, You can spam it and scourge together all day long, it's a terrible Vampyr proccer though so this is only for easier areaa and won't stand up to SS.


    The scourge rocket launcher fires a large spread of high damage homing missiles, it has good firing rate for a launcher however, it's major weakness is that it fires it's whole 4 rocket clip at once and the reload is very long which destroys it's DPS. This build uses Mozes skills to completely negate that weakness and turns the scourge into a wrecking machine.

    The scourge is kept empty of Ammo (this prevents it from ever reloading which is a loooong animation). While the Scourge uses 4 ammo if available, it only needs 1 to fire a full spread. By keeping the launcher empty, it can be fired immediately upon a single rocket regenerating.

    The build works by spawning IB, then immediately exiting. Some for the road then allows you to fire rockets for 5 seconds, those rockets, in combination with IBs homing salvos will generate enough MoD procs to keep firing until IB refreshes and you can repeat.

    It is important to note that while the scourge is a homing rocket you still want to aim for max procs per rocket to ensure you have enough MoD procs to keep shooting until IB refreshes. If you do run out of rockets, just keep the grenades up, you will still regen the occasional rocket.

    The Atlas Maddening tracker is the king at Vampyr procs and is your main method of healing. It's important to note that they rarely proc MoD, so they cannot regenerate themselves or Ammo. The scourge rockets will regen your nades and ammo. The grenades are purely for healing and still do some nice damage. Keep spamming grenades and don't get lazy, they need to be in the air BEFORE the incoming damage hits. Always throw one before hopping into iron bear so you have incoming heala when you exit IB.

    Tip - There is a timing you can get into where launching a scourge just after throwing a grenade are almost simultaneous and just keep alternating between rocket and grenade. It's beautiful!

    Surivability. The 75% increased health/shield annoinment with Ottos Idol and the Vampyr Procs from all those grenades make this one tough customer..just remember to keep grenades in the air. There is a bit of an art to knowing when to spam grenades, when to let them build back up.

    For bosses. Just add a Trick Unforgiven. Exit IB, launch 5 seconds of rockets, swap to the unforgiven.

    For speedrunning easy areas. Fire any gun until the free ammo from Cloud of Lead procs, swith to another gun, fire 3 shots, switch back to scourge and fire the free rocket, repeat. Tribolt makes this easy as it fires 3 bullets in 1 squeeze of the trigger. The 2 points in Scrappy helps with this as well.. you must have at least 1 rocket for this to work.

    Also for speedrunning easy areas. A Cloning Hunter seeker grenade will provide enough MoD procs for unlimites nades and rockets, the lack of Vampyr procs means it's not tough enough for SS though.

    Leveling guide:

    This really is an end game build because you need a lot of gear, however I did develop it while levelling with a low Level Scourge. The Cloud of Lead/Tribolt trick mentioned above is excellent for levelling and seriously pisses of girlfriends who hate visual clutter.


    This is my Moze and she is the prettiest Siren :)

    If anyone with an Atom Balm Otto's or a 125% splash annointed Fire Scourge uses this build... I'd love a PS4 copy!

    submitted by /u/FlashAhAhh
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    Lost legendary

    Posted: 10 Nov 2019 01:57 PM PST

    Anyone else have loot go Into the hole after defeating captain haunt? I just lost a legendary down there and it didn't go into lost loot in sanctuary III. Very sad day.

    submitted by /u/oneFnef
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    Ghost skull keeps killing me.

    Posted: 10 Nov 2019 02:15 PM PST

    I'm on the Impeding Storm mission on Athenas at the moment and i'm at the part where I need to meet Maya in the courtyard, for some reason I keep getting killed by those ghost skulls that show up. It's not every one them, but there will be a ghost that hits me and then it will completely drain all of my armor and health really fast and if there's not someone I can kill for a second wind fast enough I'M DEAD. It seems like this just started yesterday and would like to know if anyone else is experiencing this problem.

    submitted by /u/L_MO88
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    Is there an official soundtrack?

    Posted: 10 Nov 2019 04:15 PM PST

    Title, I want to listen to the theme from the Haunt battle on blast 😂

    submitted by /u/JakeHawley
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    Borderlands Theory

    Posted: 10 Nov 2019 09:42 PM PST

    I believe Handsome Jack isn't dead.

    So in Borderlands 2, you kill handsome jack, either by bullet or Lilith. Everyone knows this...

    But in Borderlands 3 there is dialogue from the New-U stations saying "We can revive anyone, unless they died in a cutscene." Now go back to every major character in the game and their deaths have been in the form of cutscenes, except Handsome Jack. And the reason he hasn't shown back up? Either Lilith's blast or the damage done by the player was too much for the New-U station , so he's left as a weak version of himself waiting for his moment as the one who starts the vault Hunter war

    submitted by /u/ttropic_
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    Game just wiped my vault and all my cosmetics

    Posted: 10 Nov 2019 10:26 AM PST

    Fucking stupid

    submitted by /u/Zippudus
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    INSANE Tony Tina fan art of Cosplayer KanonKuroy

    Posted: 10 Nov 2019 08:27 PM PST

    I've seen this more this weekend than I have legendary drops.

    Posted: 10 Nov 2019 05:55 AM PST


    Starting to get a little annoying.

    submitted by /u/Gearfried
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    TFTB Key

    Posted: 10 Nov 2019 03:41 PM PST

    If I bought a Tales key right now and put it in steam would it work or would I be out of luck?

    submitted by /u/ThatKidWembley
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    Possibly a dumb gameplay question

    Posted: 10 Nov 2019 03:19 PM PST

    What is the point of TVHM now that mayhem mode exists and enemies level up with you? A genuine question, I'm not being facetious

    submitted by /u/POSoldier
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    [BL3] Is there a comprehensive list of all the player skins and heads yet?

    Posted: 10 Nov 2019 06:42 AM PST

    I've looked around and I can't find a complete list of skins and heads for Amara. I'm still missing 2 heads and 13 skins. Any help is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/Harley_Djent
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    So Borderlands Remastered and Borderlands 3, do they still both crash your Xbox One X?

    Posted: 10 Nov 2019 05:02 AM PST

    I'm looking at getting these games on Xbox but both have reports of crashing your Xbox One X as early as a month ago. I can find news for 2K saying there was gonna be a patch, but no news of whether the patch was released and if the issue is actually fixed.

    Figured you guys would know.

    submitted by /u/Dwight_Schrewd
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    Guardian Rank Rewards

    Posted: 10 Nov 2019 04:11 PM PST

    Hey everyone, So I beat Borderlands 3, got access to Guardian Rank Rewards. I'm at Rank 12 (almost 13) and for some reason, I can't select the weapon skin "Leather and Regret." I have invested 10 points into Survivor tree and it won't let me claim it.

    Do I need to save up 10 Guardian Tokens to get this weapon skin?

    submitted by /u/TropicalSkiFly
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