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    Saturday, November 9, 2019

    Borderlands There is nothing worse than when you see a legendary drop...

    Borderlands There is nothing worse than when you see a legendary drop...

    There is nothing worse than when you see a legendary drop...

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 08:07 PM PST

    And it's a fucking weapon trinket.

    submitted by /u/Davel23
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    Borderlands 3 Shift Code - 1 Gold Key

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 08:06 PM PST

    What has Borderlands 3 done better?

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 04:19 AM PST

    Obviously the writing in this game wasn't stella, but I think that the community focuses too much on it. For me, the Bosses are some of the best out of any game i've played.

    submitted by /u/King3234
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    Finally seen the credits roll and oh my god what a good game.

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 12:34 PM PST

    I've been playing a Co op run with my gf, me zane she moze and a single run as fl4k. Last night we finally saw the credits roll on our Co op play though and I just wanted to finally chime in with how f##king fun this game is. The fact my none gamer gf loves it and talks to me about criticle hit spots and damage output is one of the coolest things. The fact I started and finished this game with my fiance is one of the best gaming experiences I've had. (I did get her into BL2 and TPS as a warm up). Co op glitches, menue lagand lack of verticle split screen aside we have ahad a blast. Can't wait to play through again and play the rest of the end game. That boss battle was one of the most fun and intense things I've played and I got to do ot with me fiance who was completely holding her own. I f##king love borderlands.. Side note, fianl vault loot was massively disappointing and mainly green, afte r all that

    submitted by /u/notlikeontv
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    Just finished my 4th and last play through for now.

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 09:31 AM PST

    Played through the whole campaign and every side mission with each character. Did almost every crew challenge with each aswell.

    BL3 has been an INSANE amount of fun since the 13th of September. And I absolutely cannot wait for the dlc to come out. The sheer amount of legendaries and loot to find is so much fun. A few fixes needed for sure. But honestly it lived up to my expectations.

    Also.. Fl4K is definatly the "Salvador" of BL3. So OP with certain builds. But that's the fun of playing him.

    See you in a month or two vault hunters.

    submitted by /u/Mostwantedmika
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    we need more sorting filters

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 02:26 PM PST

    So, I am currently trying to clean up my inventory by eliminating duplicates of the same weapon with worse parts/stats, and there is no easy way to find say all my "companion" pistols and just compare those, or all my rough rider shields and compare those. Can we please get a filter to sort by the actual "type" of weapon

    submitted by /u/jab136
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    Bad Legendaries.

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 09:12 PM PST

    These are the worst of the worst. The guns that stand out for being truly unexceptional. These are the guns that need to show up in the next hotfix.

    The Magnificent

    The only thing this thing has going for it is a massive mag size. Translation? It lets you burn your ammo supply twice as fast as normal while doing pathetic damage.

    If it just did normal damage and had a big mag, it'd be at least decent. As-is, it's actively harmful to use it, even on a bottomless mags moze, losing either ammo or damage or both.

    The Lob

    Even after the buff, this thing is still unfettered garbage. It also can't cause elemental effects for some reason. This is a shame, because the idea is really cool. Unfortunately, the slow projectile speed combines with the terrible damage to make probably the worst gun in the game. I'm pretty serious when I say I'd take a white pistol over a Lob.

    Just give it like 500% more damage and it'd be a cool niche gun. Oh, and increase its area of effect by like 50%.

    Rebel Yell

    The idea is cool, break their shields with the darts, then kill them with your tracking bullets. The implementation is terrible, the darts never do enough damage to break the shield, and the raw damage output is also bad. It has a high fire rate and low damage, so you burn more ammo to achieve the same thing other guns can achieve by default.

    Halve the fire rate, make it shoot two bullets for the cost of one ammo per shot. Also, make the darts have a taser effect. Then it would be really cool and pretty effective, like a legendary Q-System.


    I'm not sure if I'm missing something with this gun, but it feels like a blue with no real special effects. Burst Fire is incredibly underwhelming, and actively bad on a sniper. If I am missing something else, someone let me know.

    Give it a massive forward-facing shield. At level 50, most hyperion shields have about 4000 health, which is about enough to take maybe one shot - IE, completely useless.

    Give the Woodblocker a shield that's 4 times that, with around 16000. At least that way you can take time to align your shots, and the gun actually has a decent special effect.


    Fun effect, terrible damage. Not worth using with or without the special effect.

    Make the melee damage bonus stack multiple times, and also make shooting them make the next melee attack do more damage, also stacking. So you unload a clip on them as you close distance, melee them for massive damage, then another time or two, then back up and finish them off with enhanced damage.

    Malak's Bane

    Ammo consumption, hoo boy. Five ammo per shotgun shot? Not to mention, the shotgun doesn't even do double the damage. Plus, the bullets move quite slowly for a sniper.

    At the very least, reduce the shotgun cost to 1. Ideally, reduce the sniper ammo cost to 1, as well. Otherwise nobody but Moze will actually be able to fuel the darn thing, and Moze has better options.


    Fun but useless. The way it bounces makes it almost impossible to hit with outside of point-blank range.

    Make it shoot a normal projectile that drops the bouncing projectile after hitting something. At least that way it will be moderately useful.

    Maliwan Snipers

    All the maliwan snipers - Storm, Krakatoa, Firestorm, and ASMD - are underpowered for what they offer.

    ASMD: Dramatically increase the splash radius and damage of shooting the bullets together. Simply not worth the effort at present.

    Storm:Increase the damage a bit.

    Krakatoa: Spawn the volcano under the target when you get a crit, not on death. When it dies, 98% of the volcano damage is wasted.

    Firestorm: Too much ammo consumption.


    Does far too little aoe damage to be effective. Double it, at least.

    Legendary Class Mods

    Some class mods provide awesome bonuses, like +100% splash damage. Others provide virtually nothing, like 5% chance to refresh SNTNL duration on kill.


    5% chance to refresh SNTNL duration on kill.

    Add +50% duration, as well.

    Cold Warrior

    Applies random elemental effects to frozen targets.

    Does 300 damage per tick, making the effect useless. Increase the potency of the elemental effects. Also, give a bonus to cryo damage in some way; currently, Zane is actually incentivized to use something other than cryo, because he can freeze with any element.


    Binary System Augment. Shock Nova when clone is meleed.

    Useless effects.

    Make Zane's clone Taunt as long as it's active. Give it +100% Health and Shields. Change "Best Served Cold" bonus to "Trick of the Light".


    Auto Bear lasts full duration.

    Give it an additional +1 to Auto Bear.

    submitted by /u/EndlessArgument
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    Do you need to complete Halloween challenges in 4 characters to get rewards or do all the skins unlock off one character?

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 05:25 PM PST

    Just wondering because I don't have all 4 characters with mayhem unlocked and haven't started the event yet, can I use my level 50 main for all the unlocks?

    submitted by /u/MrKnightCap
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    The real problem with TpS

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 03:04 PM PST

    As claptrap you can never get a fur mohawk as a head. Why? This is basically borderlands 2 again, you guys have the mohawk, give it to me.

    submitted by /u/Chagdoo
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    Does BL2 hold up over time?

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 12:52 AM PST

    Loved Borderlands 3 but after doing the story twice for regular and TVHM I don't want to do it again with a new character.

    I've never played BL2. Without nostalgia to boost it, would you recommend the game?

    It's 7 years old which makes me hesitant, but BL3 is one of my absolute favorite games so I wanted to ask the community here what you think.

    Thanks for any insight into this!

    EDIT: Thanks for the replies everyone! I'll check it out.

    submitted by /u/AryaRemembers
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    Weird Issue - Can't progress further

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 12:28 PM PST

    Hey guys I'm wondering if anyone else has encountered this issue. I just left the first Vault and during the cut scene with Maya, as she is screaming it kills my Xbox, fans start to rev up and then shuts off. I had the same thing happen to me with Fallout 76 until they patched the issue.

    Has anyone else encountered this or know how I can get around it? Since there is no skip cutsceen I am screwed...

    submitted by /u/Matt9340
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    The Night Hawkin seriously melts faces

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 02:56 AM PST

    A strange thing it is, that's for sure

    submitted by /u/Adequately_Insane
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    Need help with deciding which artifact to use for melee siren.

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 10:23 AM PST

    I got Unleash the dragon and Grave artifacts and I'm not sure which one is better. https://imgur.com/lffauPO.jpg

    submitted by /u/TooGayToPayCash
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    Help with firing range

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 08:46 PM PST

    Would anyone on PS4 be able to help me with the firing range achievement? I'm really struggling with this one.

    submitted by /u/TexasStateBobcat1
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    I just had a really weird glitch

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 04:18 PM PST

    Hi all

    Just experienced a really strange glitch; wondered if anyone else has had this before.

    I picked up a Legendary Shotgun, can't quite remember what it was exactly - TK Baha Wave Rider? Something like that, and it was Annointed.

    Anyway, I quit the game, and then re-launched it a while later, and found that the Shotgun had been downgraded to a blue (Rare) type, no longer a Legendary.

    Has anyone else had this happen?

    submitted by /u/ArtofMotion
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    How do I avoid pausing the game when going through menus?

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 07:18 PM PST

    It's frustrating when I decide to look through my backpack, perks, quests, or map while listening to characters talk, and they just stop talking.

    submitted by /u/zoob_m
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    Funniest Base Game Borderlands no DLC?

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 07:22 AM PST

    Side Missions Included

    I thought 3 was absolutely hilarious, my memory from 2 was fuzzy, except shooting that one fucking bandit in the face, and just the base campaign having better and or more frequent jokes

    submitted by /u/Raymancer
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    Borderlands 3 glitch

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 12:59 PM PST

    I'm enjoying the game but I ran into a glitch where I don't gain level anymore. I killed multiple on level enemies and yet I don't get xp Does anyone know how to fix this?

    submitted by /u/ruvikbruh
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    Is anyone else getting these weird bugs? I can't play offline!

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 04:14 PM PST

    So I've been enjoying Borderlands 3 with my best mate, but we've been plagued with a bunch of bugs. We've been expecting them to be fixed since day one but I'm starting to wonder if it's just us.

    Playing ON Xbox One. Not the X, but still..

    • firstly, the game don't load without Internet connection. Thought it was weird no-one was complaining about it.. especially annoying if your familiar with the horrors of the Xbox console update. Can literally be forced into a patch update that eats up 90% of the time we have to play.
    • random sign outs. First p1 goes. Then after five minutes p2 goes. P1 can't rejoin (can sign in but can't join game) until p2 goes. This only happens for this game. This seems to occur along with an internet disconnect, but we sometimes get away with playing for ages when we disconnect because the Internet physically goes out.
    • elemental icon swaps. That gun that says corrosive? Yeah it actually does fire damage.
    • weapon icon swaps. That grenade? Looks an awful lot like a sub.
    • weapon cards sticking to the screen. Look at a gun, so you can see it's stats. Walk away, the stats stay on the screen for 5-10 minutes. Happens more with health. Looking at another item to change the info on screen seems to get rid of it immediately.

    Would love to hear thoughts. If anyone has experienced the needing-to-be-online bug and have a solution I would be much appreciates. We play at his and forced updates or sign out issues can eat up a large portion of the small time we have to play. The rest I'm posting for curiosity, but are ignorable.

    submitted by /u/Gnemlock
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    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 11:59 AM PST

    Is it just me or would it feel better if the annointments weren't "on action skill end" but "on action skill use" so you won't have to wait for your actions to be finished to get whatever bonus you're getting. This is primarily an issue for FL4K and I think moze though I haven't played her because both amara and Zane have annointments that allow them to gain buffs either while the skill is active or in amara's case they finish about as soon as they activate

    submitted by /u/PsionicHydra
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    Still cant stand the performance on PS4pro

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 07:25 PM PST

    Game looks awful on console. Sanctuary is a fps drop fest, menus have one of the worst performance ive seen on a console. Im not a 60fps lover, but the smooth game Handsome collection was, make me leave this game after 10 minutes playing. Hope they fix it soon.

    submitted by /u/Fuzer
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    Lyuda with right element?

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 02:25 PM PST

    Is there a way to «redo» the zero quest to get the exact right lyuda?

    submitted by /u/Monc69
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