• Breaking News

    Sunday, November 3, 2019

    Borderlands SHiFT code for a Golden Keys in Borderlands 3: C9KBJ-6HXHT-9WJKW-BJ33B-SK95C

    Borderlands SHiFT code for a Golden Keys in Borderlands 3: C9KBJ-6HXHT-9WJKW-BJ33B-SK95C

    SHiFT code for a Golden Keys in Borderlands 3: C9KBJ-6HXHT-9WJKW-BJ33B-SK95C

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 08:17 AM PST


    Active for about 24 hours (until 10am Mon CST).

    submitted by /u/Hellige88
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    Tina is the best character in this franchise and you can't change my mind.

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 02:06 PM PST

    "Shorty you a full stack of wafflecakes. You gotta pour some syrup on that ass"

    I cried when she said that to me. Actual tears. Name one character with more charm than Tina, please.

    submitted by /u/daleksec54
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    I'd like Heck to be a permanent travel location

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 11:44 AM PST

    That way even after the ghosts in the main game are gone I can still farm terror gear and create terror builds for all characters. Idk how that special portal works but hopefully Maurice will share his wisdom.

    submitted by /u/Litterdud
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    Cute, minor detail I noticed in The Heck Hole

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 07:04 PM PST

    Moze's watch is frozen at 00:00 the entire time you're in the zone outside of conventional time and space. Spooky!

    submitted by /u/scizormytimbers
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    I don't understand the "There's an update, do you want to go to the main menu to apply it?" message

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 09:48 AM PST

    I load the game, load my last save and immediately get a prompt telling me that there's an update, and it asks whether I'd like to apply it by going to the main menu. Why not just ask it in the main menu? Also, if I click Yes I don't see anything happening... Does it happen in the background? What was even updated?

    Can someone explain this to me?


    submitted by /u/bei60
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    BL3 still shuts down Xbox One X

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 03:29 PM PST

    This has been happening since launch.

    Why do they ignore this critical issue which completely destroys the experience?

    I would think the updates/hotfixes would have addressed this by now.

    Please fix this Gearbox!

    submitted by /u/clownfused
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    I got my Borderlands phone case today!

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 04:44 PM PST

    My best terror anointed so far

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 05:33 PM PST


    What are your best so far? Any must haves?

    I'm still looking for a terror double shot protuberance, scourge or lump, increased crit monocle or high base purple sniper, and a few shields/grenades with good anoints. I'd love to have a terror on melee facepuncher too, just to play with, but I think the few seconds delay for the terror effect to kick in after weapon swap hurts this a bit too much.

    edit: tracker puck btw, wish it was darts but still about as good as I could have hoped for

    submitted by /u/rumblestiltsken
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    Wish for a Valentine's day special

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 05:14 AM PST

    I would Love to have a special for hammerlock and Jakobs because there was nothing in bl3 making me happier than this perfect couple.

    submitted by /u/propablydeadly
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    [PS4] Looking for new friends to farm loot with!

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 03:59 PM PST

    Been wanting to farm legendaries and make some friends in the process!

    My PSN ID is wetszn_

    submitted by /u/mafioso1
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    Nerf in Anointed items droprates explained

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 12:48 AM PDT

    Many of us have experienced a drop in the anointed drop-rates since the 31/10 hotfix hit. With some datamining, this has shown to be the case. First, this is where the number changes in the code with each hotfix can be found:


    Now for some history:

    1. On 22/10, we had the anniversary event for Week 4, which was the Mayhem on Twitch where the drop rates for anointed items were supposed to be buffed. And it was. Many of us were happily farming on TVHM M3 to look for that anointed item to complete our builds. (Sidenote: the Terror anointments that came on 24/10 did not help us in this though.)
    2. So let's look at some figures from the datamined info that correspond to the hotfix on 22/10. I am no coder but I think it is quite common-sensical: if we look under SparkPatchEntry467 to SparkPatchEntry472, with each entry corresponding to Normal Mayhem 1(entry 467) till TVHM Mayhem 3(entry 472). They all have to do with "Nonechance" for "Endgameparts" , which I will assume are Anointments.
    3. For Entry467 in the 22/10 hotfix, the value of this "Nonechance" was 6.0000, while the value for Entry472 was "0.5000". Thus, we can assume that the lower the value of this "nonechance", the more anointed items will drop.

    When these drop rates were going to stop at the end of the "Mayhem on Twitch" event, Gearbox twitter said this:

    " If you played Mayhem mode this past week, you saw: Less modifiers that give you weapon penalties And Increased drop rates for Anointed gear You'll also have that tomorrow and in the foreseeable future. We are keeping the anniversary week values . 📷 "

    Important to note that they said they were "keeping the values". Now let's see what has changed during the 31/10 hotfix.

    1. Looking at the hotfix numbers for parkPatchEntry467 to SparkPatchEntry472, there has been a change in the "Nonechance" values. For example, Entry 467 now has a value of 7.0000 instead of 6.000, so not much of a change there. However, for Entry 472, it has changed from 0.5000 to 2.6000!
    2. I have no idea what exactly does this mean in terms of the absolute numbers in the game, but I think it could mean that the chance of having a non-anointed item drop after the 31/10 hotfix on TVHM Mayhem 3 has increased by FIVE TIMES.
    3. Also, the value for entry471, which is Normal Mayhem 3, is also 2.6000 after the 31/10 hotfix (it used to be 1.000 on 22/10). This means that at the current moment, farming for anointed gear on Mayhem 3 has no difference whether you are playing on TVHM or Normal mode.

    Why did Gearbox change these values despite promising us otherwise? Why did they not tell us about any changes in this and why do I even need to farm on TVHM when Normal mode has the same drop-rate?

    Sidenote: strangely enough, the loot from ghosts and maybe in Heck do not seem to have been affected by the 31/10 hotfix. Could be because they are "new" to the code and are not affected by these line changes that have been made.

    submitted by /u/Gr3yham3
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    What legendaries should I look out for as a Gunner?

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 07:37 AM PST

    Guns, shields, the lot. Is it anything with explosions or do I have some flexibility with my choices?

    submitted by /u/Scooba06
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    Help With Round 5 Slaughterhouse?

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 10:15 PM PST

    I need help finishing B3 Slaughterhouse, don't want to quit because am on last round. Anyone able to?

    submitted by /u/StrangrDangarz
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    Torgue would be proud!

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 09:32 PM PST

    So I made a new build for moze I find it good I'm thinking bout making a video on it I just want to know if anyone would be interested in watching it?

    submitted by /u/IDKIDC0079
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    One Man, One Lyuda, 30 Hours. Short BL3 Film by r0ta.

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 01:41 PM PST

    What should I buy?

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 08:58 PM PST

    I trying to decide whether to buy Borderlands 3 or The Outer Worlds. I see good reviews for both of them, but in BL3 I see many negative reviews because of constant needs to builds. However, BL3 has much more playtime (I think) than OW and many YouTubers are always saying it is lots of fun. Are these nerfs reason enough for me not to get BL3, it should I get it anyways? I'm also really wanting to try outer Worlds, since I've always wanted to play through an open world experience for the first time, and the smaller scale seems nice. I'd appreciate your thoughts and opinions on which game is better and which game I should get.

    TLDR: Should I buy Borderlands 3 or the Outer Worlds?

    submitted by /u/DuckWithPTSD
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    “Borderlands Buddies”

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 08:45 PM PST

    I constantly play borderlands 3,2,1 alone, obviously not the pre-sequel idk who plays that. But I continue to get belittled by my friends for playing such a masterpiece of a franchise. I just wish to find a good group of people to chill and play with. I play on ps4 but will transition to PC

    Psn: Will08lee

    submitted by /u/willyphillylee
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    My game is bugged on the shadow of starlight mission, i need help. (XBox One)

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 05:21 AM PST


    So i was playing fl4k and i got to the mission in the shadow of starlight, i was just getting to the eden-6 pedestal when typhon wasnt following me. So i reset my game and he still wasnt going to the pedestal, so then i teleported out to sanctuary, but he was still bugged in the same place. If any of you have any tips, then it would be greatly appreciated if you helped me out.

    submitted by /u/Cakeofthegamer
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    Ghast Call

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 09:48 AM PST

    I could swear, this grenade does not exist...

    submitted by /u/EXSTIRPO
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    Steam Controller bindings for BL3. Just use as a Desktop binding.

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 07:51 PM PST

    Here is the Binding

    Click the link, let it open Steam, and save it as a template. You must have the SC turned on to interact with a binding, this includes saving it. After you have it as a template, you can add the binding to any game you want through Steam. It doesn't have to be applied as a desktop binding, that's just where I run it for BL 3.

    BL3 doesn't like being added as a non-Steam game. It won't hook with the overlay so the SC won't work as a game specific binding. You can make one, but BL3 won't use it in my experience. However, using this as a desktop binding, which can be set in Steam -> Settings -> Controller, works fine for me.

    If adding it as a non-Steam game works for you, great, it doesn't for me. I have it working fine, so I don't care about fixing what isn't broken.

    Been playing about 20 hours with this setup, works as advertised.

    It's focused around not ever having to take your hands off the pads during actual gameplay. I recommend setting in game sensitivity around 10-25 depending on how sensitive you like aiming to be with the SC. I'd start high and dial it down one tick at a time until you find your sweet spot. I like both aiming sensitivities at 15 personally, with vehicle sensitivity at 10.

    Anything you can't easily reach with both thumbs on the pads is set up for menu interactions.

    You may want to adjust the mouse pad rotation as it's not default. My hands are a bit big for the default rotation so I need to tweak that setting a little.

    I also have gyro sensitivity turned down a bit, you may want to adjust that up based on preference as well. I recommend trying it out as is, and then making adjustments if you're not satisfied.

    Binding Features:

    Left Pad movement with outer ring sprint

    Mouse aim on Left Pad

    Gyro aim enabled on RP touch

    Outer ring bindings for weapon selection [1-4] on left pad touch, no need to click

    Use on RP click and Melee on LP click with dampening enabled with mode switch bindings [prevents the cursor from jerking when you click]

    Abilities and Grenade on LB using regular and double tap

    Reload and Alt switch on RB regular and double tap

    Analog stick cycles weapons and missions

    Crouch and Jump on LG and RG

    Mouse dampening for both the gyro and touchpad on RP soft pull only, full pull lets you aim while firing normally [Prevents the cursor from jerking when you pull the trigger]

    Q on Y button, E on X button, Tab on B, and Enter on A

    Menu action set bindings that work in tab + esc menus, on the main menu, and when you use vending machines. [Via an action set that switches when the mouse cursor is displayed on screen]

    Menu action set analog stick bound to X, Q, F, Z

    Right Pad on menu bindings is the arrow keys on touch, no need to click

    Menu action set has alt set to X button and ctrl set to Y button. A and B are both still enter and tab.

    All instances of brackets, scroll up and down, and arrow keys set to repeat on hold at lowest interval

    That about covers it. The SC is really great with BL3 [or any BL game really] for couch gaming. If you've got a SC and BL3 I highly recommend trying these bindings out.

    submitted by /u/contrabardus
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    Borderlands 3 isn't what is said in the Pre-Sequel

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 07:10 AM PST

    So remember in the end of the pre-sequel where that eridian (I think it's called the watcher) said there was going to be a war and we needed to gather a lot of vault hunters, well it looks like it was ignored in the new game.

    Don't get me wrong the game is so much fun but its so focused on the sirens and doesn't feel like a continuation, it has a story but not the story that was supposed to continue and I don't think that the war it the calypsos is was it was referring to. Also in the holodome dlc Gaige and Axton go get Irelia but in Bl3 she appears in a completely different context.

    I don't know if there might be a borderlands 4 to explain that but it just got me thinking and wanted to know about you guys theories and ideas.

    submitted by /u/Hulord
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    Glitches in circles of slaughters that leave one enemy behind a wall?

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 07:27 PM PST

    I've tried playing 3 different circles of slaughter today on co-op with one or two other people and there is always an enemy that gets stuck behind a wall that can't be killed. Is anyone else having this issue?

    submitted by /u/Mybrainhurts917
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    Any good way to get through lvl 40-50 in a decent amount of time?

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 07:10 PM PST

    I forgot how i got my amara and moze to 50 but i finished my fl4ks story at 40 and just trying to get him to 50. Tried doing mayhem 1 circle of slaughter but got ganked by 5 annointeds at once so that was a no go. Any ideas? Thanks

    submitted by /u/EverBlack697
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