• Breaking News

    Monday, December 2, 2019

    Borderlands 3 more days until the Bloody Harvest event is over!

    Borderlands 3 more days until the Bloody Harvest event is over!

    3 more days until the Bloody Harvest event is over!

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 12:50 PM PST

    Just a little bit longer and then the stupid ghosts are gone!

    submitted by /u/mafioso1
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    New Legendary idea

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 07:09 AM PST

    Marcus' Broomstick ~Sweep all your troubles away~

    Primary fire mode acts like a vacuum, sucking up any loot lying around and automatically selling it as though at a vending machine. Alternate fire mode uses random ammo (perhaps 5 rockets, or 30 pistol, maybe even 45 assault) to cause huge knockback to all enemies in a cone. Much less effective on bosses. Grounds most flyers.

    submitted by /u/Jimi_Dean
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    The Last Straw

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 04:14 PM PST

    Hey there, Zane Mane here.

    I've been around here long enough to know what usually follows that admission, and I never thought I would be one of those people that would come here to complain about the state of the character, but this is the last straw.

    As a proud Zane main, from the beginning I always knew I was never going to be the crazy elementalist who could take down any shields or armor, or even a Tank who could dish out damage while also taking the brunt of it. I knew what I was signing up for. I was a finesse character. I was a witty character. But most importantly...

    I was a *fast* character.

    Now, we could all sit here and argue about the best Zane builds, and which builds are more viable, and *yada, yada, yada.* But I'm sure we can all agree that zooming around the battlefield why donning your shield and drone/clone, was incredibly fucking fun. All my friends who played Moze or Fl4k or Amara may have always outclassed me and out-damaged me, (and I mean reallyyyyy outdamaged me.) but I was always the fastest. That was enough for me to hold onto at least.

    Boy was I wrong.

    For those of you unfamiliar with some of the skill trees, let me give you a little rundown.

    A lot, if not most of Zane's skills in the SNTNL tree are based on speed. He runs faster, shoots faster, reloads faster, etc. And to even put further emphasis on him being built for speed, on a DIFFERENT tree, there's another bonus for movement speed on the the 4th row down. Now for the math bit.

    Supersonic Man: +16% Movement Speed per action skill. (I have 4 points in this ability so it would actually be less if you didn't have a class mod adding onto it.)

    Violent Speed: Movement Speed +35% after a kill. (Again, I have 7 points in this skill, so it'd much less that that.)

    So with my two skills based in movement speed, I could get around 67% movement speed. Unfortunately I'm not gifted enough to calculate the amount of damage I could dish out with that amount of quickness, but If you guys are into math go on ahead. (+28% gun damage at default walk speed, again 7 points.)

    Imagine my surprise when I get online today and my friend says, "Hey, lets race."

    Now, in my mind, I'm cocky as hell.

    *I have over 11 skill points into my movement speed you peasant. You dare challenge me? I AM SPEED.*

    Long story short, I got smoked.

    Apparently Amara, (Yes, The Amara who already demolishes everything with a single click of her action skill) has a skill that increases her movement speed whenever she takes damage.......

    This is where it gets absolutely hilarious.

    This Mindfulness skill only holds 3 points, YET it can stack up to 25 times. (Mindfulness: +4.2% movement speed per stack). So with the help of Amara's new class mod, and the all powerful Transformer, my friend can get over 125% movement speed just by running around in circles for a minute. I won't even go into the gun damage bonus she gets for this amount of movement speed...

    But I digress. This is already a pretty long rant. I don't even know if I have a conclusion for this post, but goddamn if I just didn't want to be good at one thing. I just wanted to be the speed king. And now Zane doesn't even hold that title.

    TLDR; 11>3, Gearbox PLS, I am not speed.

    submitted by /u/ktorrae
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    Proposed Zane Buff

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 05:57 PM PST

    It always bugged me that even though Zane has the unique ability to have two action skills at the same time, they never directly interact. Having two skills out at the same time should trigger specific effects. Clone + Shield: the clone gets a full copy of Zane's equipped shield. Shield + Drone: the drone occasionally intercepts enemy line of Fire and reflects projectiles. Clone + Drone: double the drone.

    submitted by /u/chaosglory626
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    Borderlands GOTY: should I get it now or wait a bit? (PC)

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 02:27 AM PST

    I really enjoy playing all other BL games but never really got to play the first one because I didn't have a windows till recently. Steam currently has the game on sale (33% off at $20.99) , and was wondering if it's worth getting it now, or wait for another sale?

    submitted by /u/juniejunejune
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    Why play Zane when Amara is now Zane but better?

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 04:08 PM PST

    I don't want to complain further to Gearbox about the obvious balance issues between each of the VHs, I think that dead horse has been beaten enough and GB has clearly decided Amara is their golden goose this time around. My quarrel comes from my the treatment of Zane mains by GB. Why design a character to revolve around speed and maneuverability in place of survivability then decide to give Amara (already the most powerful VH) Zane's best skill violent momentum and violent speed with her new legendary class mod. Not only does Amara's new CM make he faster than Zane but also more powerful and much easier to farm...

    what did Zane do to deserve this disrespect?

    submitted by /u/Geashill
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    My experience with Mayhem 4 + a little extra

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 08:32 AM PST

    The first time I jumped in the Maliwan Blacksite at Mayhem 4, I was in shock, looking at the sheer amount of health of every enemy, taking 30 minutes to kill even a miserable ratch with my Zane, and I thought to myself "Well damn, I'll never reach Wotan, let alone beat it at this difficulty".

    But I tried anyway, I farmed a lot, theorycrafted a lot of builds, I even switched to Amara to get an easier time and slowly but surely, I managed to reach Wotan's arena for the first time in Mayhem 4, after weeks... And I just got demolished. Ran over repeatedly, mushed like play-doh. Did I give up? No. I died 39 times, every time more frustrating than the one before, especially because you have to do half the map just to challenge him again. But it didn't matter, I wanted to get it done, I wanted the sweet sweet LOOT.

    And when I finally killed him, I got only one legendary, the finest of them all... A Monocle unanointed.

    But I have to tell you the truth, I thought I was in for the loot: on the contrary, when I killed him I felt so pumped, my heart was pounding, my hands were shaking, I was nearly having an orgasm on my couch and then it clicked: the real reward was the experience itself, the pride gained by killing this mothertrucker just by myself, even if it was hard as fuck.

    I love Mayhem 4, I love Wotan, I love this game, it needs to get the bug fixed but this free content was a blast.

    That being said, I want to share my joy with you! I'll host a giveaway in which you'll find 30 over-the-top, god-rolled items, completely for free! The items will be given out at random, selecting from 30 comments here on this tread! The items include:

    • Shields like Stop-gap/Brawler ward/Re-Charger Anointed for damage

    -Redundant face-punchers Anointed for 300% damage on slam or other anointments

    • Loads of Rakk Anointed weapons and shields

    • All new weapons from the Maliwan Blacksite event, Anointed

    • Terror stuff including Butchers with extra-Projectile, Transformer with terror on ASE, Vindicator grenades

    • +5 mods like phasezerker full Anima, Bloodletter without Thin Red Line

    And many more! Comment below and let's celebrate this game together!

    (the items will be rewarded as soon as possible, probably tomorrow morning, since I'm heading to bed right now, leave me your PSN and I'll send it in your mail)

    submitted by /u/LordBalduin
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    50x kills of Killavolt, Hot Karl, Antalope, and a bit of appreciation for Rakkman.

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 08:09 PM PST

    In my opinion, Rakkman is the best rare spawn to farm. There's tons of chests around and you know immediately if he spawned or not with his awesome Rakk Signal. I got almost twice as many legendaries from chests than I did from Rakkman. Also, funny side note: I wanted the Night Hawkin from Rakkman. It did not drop. About 30 kills in I took a break to knock out the haunted quests and the very first trash mob I killed before getting to Borman Nates dropped a Night Hawkin. This game works in mysterious ways.

    Raw data

    Out of 50 runs I received only 6 legendaries.

    Nighty Flyer (x2), Safeguard (x2), Lucians Call, and a Tidal Wave.

    Antalope and raw data

    Antalope farming was kinda fun, best car (imo) if you want to farm him was an Outrunner with the flame thrower, Omni wheels, and the heavy missiles. I basically just strafed around him and set him on fire. Very straightforward.

    Out of 50 runs I received 12 legendaries, and he dropped double loot for me twice.

    Impaler (x2), Otto Idol, Static Charge (x3), Companion, Tidal Wave, Elementalist (siren) mod, Boring gun (x2), and a Maggie (!)

    Hot Karl and data

    I hate clowns. 50 runs, 7 legendaries.

    Widowmaker, Embrace the Pain, Pain is Power (x2), Sledge Shotty (x2), dragon Mod (Siren).

    Killavolt data list of drops

    Killavolt was made trivial by a Transformer shield. For the first few runs I said "why is this easy?" and then I remembered what shield I had on.

    Out of 50 runs, he dropped 48 legendaries, 36 of them unique, and he dropped more than one legendary on ten runs. Not bad at all.

    Assault Rifles

    Rowan's Call, Lucian's Call,


    Breeder, Hornet, Companion (x2), Wicked Wagon Wheel, Sawbar


    Destructo Spinner, 9 volt (x2), Ripper, Devoted


    Hellwalker, Boring Gun, Lob, Butcher




    Scourge, Jericho


    Moxxi's Bouncing Pair (x5), Widowmaker, Fastball


    Transformer, Back Ham, Black Hole, Red Card, Stop Gap, Front Loader


    Splatter Gun (x2), Deathless (x2), Victory Rush (x2), Cosmic Crater (x2), Loaded Dice

    Class Mod

    Elementalist (x3), Lasting Dragon, Breaker



    If anyone is on PS4 and would like to receive random legendaries, pm me. I have so many duplicates of stuff and I think the 2 dudes I've been sending stuff to are also starting to get duplicates from me.

    submitted by /u/Smeggywulff
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    Bloody harvest

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 04:54 AM PST

    Can some one tell me why the event is inactive?? Because i almost completed the Challeng's

    submitted by /u/vinnie1604
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    Nerfing is dumb in Borderlands

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 09:57 PM PST

    Gearbox please stop nerfing things, it's a single/Co-op game, there's no competitive to balance, we don't care if certain guns are stacked, they're harder to get so it all balances out.

    If you're very desperate to balance try the strat of buffing everything else so that everything is good, and when everyone is good, nothing is.

    Just stop nerfing a single player game, that's dumb especially when people don't want nerfs

    submitted by /u/creeperdude2006
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    Does Mayhem increase the AMOUNT of good loot, or does it generate BETTER loot?

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 11:41 AM PST

    I know stacking up Mayhem levels will result in higher chances of quality loot. My question is, does higher Mayhem mean higher numbers in the gun's data? i.e. does Mayhem 3 loot always outscore Mayhem 2 loot?

    submitted by /u/m4ss3y
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    After a long cutscene all I wanted to see is my Moze falling from the sky

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 10:34 AM PST


    5 min cutscene, 10 seconds of falling out of the sky. Gearbox pls

    EDIT: Nvm, I am keep on falling down after 2 minutes: https://imgur.com/SWm7DGi

    submitted by /u/ImSwaggy
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    Wny way to get the nog mask and some of the skins?

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 02:28 PM PST

    Missing skins and a head from missions and udek how to get them. Also didn't get moxxi skin for fl4k after completing the moxxi challenges as him. :(

    submitted by /u/Xenostera
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    Is the dedicated drop rate suppose to be so low?

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 07:14 PM PST

    I like to grind but only getting 5 transformers with only one of them being anointed in 12 hrs worth of farming kilavolt on m4 is kinda a kick in the face.

    submitted by /u/DeadlyDragon115
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    Help identifying unknown weapon prefixes

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 09:23 PM PST

    Hey all! I know theres a google doc that has a pretty solid amount of weapon prefixes (thanks!), but there are many others Ive come across that I couldn't really find searching the web. Some examples are "Dobby", "Loyal", "Super", "Apt", "Engulfing", etc. While were on the subject, are there any rare/super rare prefixes that you guys recommend farming for? a few ive seen are the vindicator ghast call, rain firestorm, recurring hex, etc.

    Thanks so much guys, happy hunting

    submitted by /u/slickjudge
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    Mh4 Raid group

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 08:10 PM PST

    Would anybody like to run the mh4 raid? Hoping to get a group together ive got me, my buddy, and we need 2 more

    submitted by /u/CoffeeBeansupmyass
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    If you wanna farm an easy chest, there is the white one in Bloody Harvest.

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 07:45 PM PST

    I don't know if anyone has said anything on here or found it before, but the white chest in the firstish section re-spawns every time you loot it and run back to the store.

    It gives good items, Even got some really powerful ones and a ton of really good legendaries.

    submitted by /u/ZombieSiayer84
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    Do you think they will do another Mercenary Day dlc for the holidays?

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 07:44 PM PST

    I only ask for another loot train

    submitted by /u/Nerdzilla88
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    Moze Final Build

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 01:49 AM PST

    I saw the infinite ammo build on YouTube and was super excited to play it, now that I'm lv.50 I went to look up where to get the flakker and hex grenade and saw that they were nerfed (especially the flakker) and was pretty disappointed. I still like the play style and was wondering if you guys had any suggestions for any better gear I can hunt for. Thank you

    submitted by /u/Centas-
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    Beat first takedown with help of the discord.

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 07:22 PM PST

    The raid is super fun. Will definitely be doing it again. Glad I brought shock and corrosive damage.

    submitted by /u/stupid-pos
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    Health Packs

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 06:54 PM PST

    Has anyone noticed that when you pick up a health pack your shield stops recharging?

    submitted by /u/BigDaddyBino
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    With all of the love I have for Borderlands 3, I wrote a review today!

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 03:04 PM PST


    I did post it with the date November 16th, but that's because I want one piece of writing per day (I'm definitely going to need to catch up a bit lol) on my just-for-fun website. If you don't want to give me those saucy views, I'll paste it here!

    After waiting almost ten years since Borderlands 2's release, Borderlands 3 was graced unto us. In my personal opinion, though it was agonizing, it was well worth the wait. Borderlands 3 blew me completely out of the water with each facet of the game: gameplay, graphics, music, level design... It was amazing to finally play through this entry as a long-time Borderlands fan.

    The playable characters in this entry had me a bit hesitant before release. Other than FL4K, I didn't have a huge interest in most of the characters. That is, until release, when friends and I played pretty much nonstop throughout the weekend, and I was opened up to the awesome trees and abilities of the rest of the cast. Everybody has been a load of fun to play, even though some characters and builds don't quite stack up to the highest difficulty in the endgame.

    FL4K, the Beastmaster, was easily my favorite character. Having one of three persistent companions at your command, along with action skills to augment their specialties and abilities, was a really fun change of pace. Even solo, it felt like you were playing with a companion, and up to the highest difficulties, I always felt that my pet was pulling its weight, especially when it had the good grace to res me if I wasn't able to snag a second wind. The customization was very fun to play with as well; most of FL4K's heads I unlocked were very distinct, and I found myself swapping skins and heads as frequently as I visited Sanctuary III.

    The gunplay in Borderlands 3 was leaps and bounds beyond what I'd grown used to in Borderlands 2 and the Pre-Sequel. The guns felt like they had weight to them, and it was reflected in the ADS, the recoil, and even the visual effects when firing. Each weapon and weapon subtype had a very distinct feel, and it always felt fun to immediately equip a drop, whether it was statistically better than what I was using or not.

    The graphics were amazing. Keeping with the comic-book-inspired aesthetic that has been a staple of the series, you could still tell how much extra detail had gone into all of the textures and skins, along with the greatly-improved particle effects. It was so much fun just trodding around the Borderlands that I often found myself not bothering with vehicles, even though the newly-added monocycle was a load of fun to ride in as well.

    Movement felt much better in this game in general- with the ability to mount upon jumping into a ledge, and the various speed buffs available to some characters, it was a joy to explore every nook and cranny of each new settlement. The one caveat I have to this is the experience with low gravity. You're spared the double jump and have an off-brand version of the butt slam mechanics from the Pre-Sequel, and it just makes fighting and moving in low gravity very floaty and frustrating. Luckily, you're not there for long.

    The music has always been a positive for the series in my eyes. Very recognizable introduction and epilogue songs, along with fast-paced and intense ambient soundtracks ensure that I'll always have the music on in-game rather than listen to my personal playlists. This entry specifically even took a song that I was very much not a fan of, and turned it into an epilogue song that redeemed the entire thing to me. I thought it was very cool it was able to pull that off. (No spoilers on the song)

    With all of that said, and while overall I do love Borderlands 3 and plan on putting hundreds of hours into it, it does have some flaws. Most of which can be found in the various UIs present, Borderlands 3 seems to have taken a step back in simplicity in order to show off its new design. The most annoying I found this was in the inventory and shop systems. Instead of giving me a name of a weapon, with rarity and stats all neatly compact in an easy-to-read visual, it instead replaces them with images of the actual gun, which you need to hover over to get the same information. While it's still not hard to navigate, in my opinion it used to be much easier to sort guns at a glance, and it was enough of a detriment that I noticed it multiple times.

    Along with that, it appears that any feedback the developers had been given regarding vehicles, and their scaling, had been entirely disregarded. While the driving itself felt much more solid and enjoyable, the combat in the vehicles has always been weak, and it feels like that hasn't been touched on at all. Coupled with the fact that in higher levels and difficulties your vehicle fails to soak up more than a few shots before exploding, it's just not fun to fight in a vehicle, so the portions where you're forced to, or forced to endure heavy fire as you drive, end up being chores where you're constantly trudging back to the Catch-A-Ride system to respawn your car.

    Finally, I think I've decided it's just going to be impossible for a Borderlands game to have an actually epic cutscene. The animations the characters go through are just mechanical and lifeless, so the couple of fight scenes just end up being awkward waiting until I'm allowed to play again. The only animation I like is Vaughn's running, and if that was intentionally made to look just ridiculous, I'd like to publicly applaud that animator. Good on ya, guy.

    I personally played on PC, and didn't experience any notable bugs or gameplay disturbances, which was nice, but it sounds like our console brothers didn't have the same mercy. I didn't research much into the issues, but it seems the most notable of which were loading times. Being that these consoles are starting to show their age, I may be able to give that a pass.

    As an experience, Borderlands 3 was a blast to play through, and I think it would be an awesome game for any gamer to hop into. To date, I've put in a little over a hundred hours, but with multiple DLC packs on the horizon, and even frequent in-game live events, I can easily see myself maxing each character and farming up endgame gear.

    submitted by /u/therealfefnir
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    What’s the amara endgame meta on launch patch?

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 02:31 PM PST

    Currently running thru Tvhm to get those level 50 mayhem 3 goodies.

    My build is mostly fire/shock shotgun phasegrasp madness, using a level 48 hellwalker with shock action skill. Mostly spec'd into red and green trees, with enough points in the blue to get Ascendant.

    What sort of shields, relics, and classmods should I be looking out for? Is graveward pipebombing the best M3 loot farm on this patch?


    submitted by /u/Gast8
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    Anyone else can't ADS in FFYL anymore?

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 06:02 PM PST

    It looks like the guardian perk has stopped working, this happening to anyone else?

    submitted by /u/DonPepperoni587
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