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    Saturday, December 7, 2019

    Borderlands All slide artifacts should boost slide speed

    Borderlands All slide artifacts should boost slide speed

    All slide artifacts should boost slide speed

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 07:57 AM PST

    Artifacts like radiohead and electric slide are basically elemental variations of snowdrift in every other way, except that they don't increase slide speed while snowdrift does.

    Their effects are minor enough to not be worth using by themselves, but would be fun to use with the speedboost, and would allow more tailoring towards your favoured flavour.

    submitted by /u/t0lkki
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    Does BL3 actually has less enemy variety than BL2? (regarding bandits)

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 07:01 PM PST

    I was thinking about this, the only new bandit/COV enemy class are the Hags, which are cool and distinct, bandit snipers are kind of a new thing too, but they were already on the Torgue dlc

    What I dislike is how the Nomads were completely replaced by the enforcers, who seem to be just Bruisers holding shields, not having special models nor issue commands to other bandits as the BL2 Nomads did. They also don't strap Tinks ro their shields, which is lame

    And the Rat kind bandits were completely removed, those being usually challanging/annoying due to their high mobility, and stealy habits. There were 3 or 4 kinds of rats, with different behaviours, including the Lab Rats, that were very cool.

    Bur correct me if I'm wrong, and some of this stuff actually shows up in TVHM. I'm hoping Tink shields do.

    submitted by /u/not_anakin
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    New to the series and very confused about how stats work (BL2)

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 03:02 PM PST

    Please be gentle. If anyone is willing to answer even one of the questions (verbal diarrhea) below I would greatly appreciate it! There's a ton of crap there I know but hopefully someone can take the time to help a new player. Thank you kindly.

    Edit: I have changed the layout of the post to help with readability.

    Hey guys! My brother got me into BL just this week and it is absolutely incredible. Crazy fun and super well-polished (at least imo). I've been looking at any sources of info I can get my hands on about game mechanics and min-maxxing and it's been thrilling for sure.

    However I am having a lot of troubles understanding character progression and good-ness of items based on the numbers shown. I come from games like r/pathofexile and r/leagueoflegends, where the numbers are datamined and interactions are extremely well-documented. Enemies have exact number-value attributes which can be looked up, skill interactions are painfully documented, etc. In contrast, BL seems to be more exploration-based and mapped out by the community more than the devs.

    Crit Damage and Bonus Damage

    Right now, my crits deal 4000 damage with my current weapons (lvl 24 Zer0). Sometimes I can kill Old Slappy with literally a single bullet. Other times, I'll spend 2 minutes shooting an average-looking enemy in the crit zones.

    Some interactions I understand. If Slappy's tentacles all line up, and I b0re through them and then hit Slappy's eye, my damage will be greatly increased.

    • But that increase, +100% per pierce, is it additive or multiplicative?

      • Is it additive with itself but multiplicative with crit?
      • Is it considered crit damage or just bonus damage?
      • How come certain enemies that I can hit multiple times with a pierce (like Crystalisks) appear not to take increased damage from b0re but Slappy does?
    • Why do I struggle to kill some enemies point-blank with my 198x19 damage shotgun with a crit but instakill them with my 500 damage sniper?

      • Surely the sniper crit bonus doesn't exceed 2-3 shots of the aforementioned shotgun?
    • The wiki mentions multiple times that Jakobs' crit bonus makes other bonuses relatively less impactful. How could this be the case?

      • It specifically mentions that a 25% crit bonus is worth 25% with regular sniper rifles, but only 10.7% with the Jakobs increased crit bonus. Nowhere in the various formulas I've seen is there diminishing returns so I am super stumped on this one.

    Elemental Damage

    • Does elemental damage just suck?

      • Does the elemental damage always apply, with a chance of applying a dot? Or does the damage only apply if the chance rolls true?
      • If I'm in a firefight, when will I have the opportunity to allow an enemy to slowly DoT to death?
    • When the game mentions "fleshy" enemies, is that a blanket term for enemies with hp but not blue shield or yellow armour?

      • Or does their physical appearance matter (graphically wearing clothes/armour but only have hp)?
    • If an enemy is slagged, will slag weapons deal bonus damage if they don't roll the chance to slag?

      • Or is the bonus damage only for weapons which have 0% slag chance, even if the particular bullet did not roll the slag effect?

    Items and rarity

    • Are unique items just worse legendaries?

    • Are legendaries better than good purples on average?

      • DLC's introduced various new rarities. Does this mean the best items from the base game are strictly worse than DLC content?
    • Weapons are made from individual parts, but how do levels interact with those?

      • If I'm level 50, do I unlock more parts that add into the pool or do the weaker parts get replaced?
    • Why does the game say a 900 damage grenade is better than my 510x10 legendary grenade?

      • If it's not counting the extra explosions in the comparison calculation, is the same true for shotgun pellets?
    • Why do most guns have awful base damage when they have added elemental damage but shotguns don't (ie they still retain their base damage but also gain the extra ele)?

    • On the BL wiki, the Neogenator is said to have 0.0005% default health regen... what?

      • Why have that regen at all if it will be less than 1 until 200,000 hp? Or is it 0.05% and no one's noticed the typo?
      • Or do players get hundreds of thousands of hp? If that's the case, why would this shield have such a low percentage when Gaige casually gets 2% from a tier 1 passive?
      • Why not 0% hp regen, and 3% if hit recently? Why include a number that has no impact?


    • Why does health appear to go down faster than shield even if I have more hp than shield?

    • Do item cards display bonuses from passive skills?

      • Or are the numbers strictly the base and you need to manually check how it stacks up?

    Anyway that's the kinds of things I'm thinking about when I'm running around. It would be greatly beneficial to me if some kind souls could help explain some of these. Thank you kindly.

    submitted by /u/RedditMattstir
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    Will i be able to play the game ?

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 08:26 PM PST

    Hello Reddit !

    I'm aiming to buy this game on PC and i'd like to know how it performs FPS wise.

    Here's my rig :

    - i5 4570 3.2Ghz

    - R9 280X 3GB

    - 16GB RAM

    I'm obviously not looking for Ultra settings, just wondering if i can aim for 60fps with this setup ?

    I've heard that the game has some serious performance issues, did those get fixe ?

    submitted by /u/TitaN974
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    Whats a good phrase grasp build for Amara?

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 08:54 AM PST

    Had a Flak and I started an Amara today. What's a good powerhouse/ phrase grasp build for her?

    submitted by /u/Davianio
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    Question about anointed drops.

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 06:33 PM PST

    Are you more likely to get anointed legendaries on tvhm as opposed to normal mode? I've been after an anointed brainstormer for hours and have plenty of regular ones but not a single one that is anointed.

    submitted by /u/TheIonWolf
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    RIP to our fallen heroes! Spoilers

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 08:55 PM PST

    I'm not bashing on anyone, but with the deaths of Roland, Maya, Lilith(maybe), and bloodwing, we are forgetting the true hero of the borderlands series, Rhys ball!

    submitted by /u/Walker42069
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    Anyone else’s King’s Call get a double effect on crit?

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 04:23 PM PST

    When I land a crit I spawn 6 projectiles and get six ammo back for some reason

    submitted by /u/Velcrowrath
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    Rough Rider farm

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 08:07 PM PST

    Anyone know a good place to farm a rough rider? I wanna use it for my build and urist mcenforcer isn't dropping it at ALL

    submitted by /u/kouyathebest
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    Mayhem 4 and Kings/Queens Call

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 12:48 PM PST

    Do they drop from Tyrene the Destroyer on Mayhem 4? I've gotten plenty of other stuff, But she has yet to drop one of them. I farmed her plenty before M4 came out on M3 and gotten a few, but unless I'm having some unusually bad luck I;m not getting any.


    submitted by /u/cmonbennett
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    Torgue rocket stickies don't work?

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 06:37 PM PST

    I've seen videos of people destroying bosses with torgue rocket stickies and I've tried it out several times with different rockets and it just doesn't work. And it's not like it's not doing enough damage it does NO damage like they don't even go off and i really have no idea what's going on am I doing something wrong? P.S yes I am actually on sticky mode.

    submitted by /u/EwokChalk
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    [BUG] Game enjoy kicking players out of the map

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 04:51 PM PST

    Running through the campaign as Zane: Used my shield when GenIVIV started her chant made me go flying through the textures and out of the map, basically falling into wisdom. Few days ago I posted a bug when as Moze I went flying after Troy's boss battle. Gearbox, pls fix <3

    Image: https://imgur.com/lcOzQXL, only one I got. After like 2 sec I just saw green void cause map disappeared.

    submitted by /u/ImSwaggy
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    I'm kinda curious

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 08:23 AM PST

    If YOU were a Vault Hunter, what would your powers/abilities/specials be?

    Edit- I love the imagination and detail! Personally I would go along the lines of Captain Scarlett. A Pirate Vault Hunter who's out for the booty. Was thinking possible cybernetic enhancements like Wilhem but my Special would be along the lines of a Cannon Turret. And each tree would branch off of that. Either adding a Harpoon, Flamethrower, or Additional Cannons. Also assisted by a wise-cracking Parrot.

    submitted by /u/AndyC4N3
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    Game crashed after completing Beneath the meridian quest and i didn't get anything, not even the 4th weapon slot

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 03:41 AM PST

    I was playing thorough the game with a friend on his server, and after completing the beneath the meridian quest my game crashed out. I didn't get anything for completing the quest, no SMG, no XP and no 4th weapon slot. When i logged back the game simply advanced to the next quest and i didn't have anything. Does anyone know how to fix this?

    Edit: the platform I'm playing is the PS4

    submitted by /u/Mortaljl
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    Terror weapons not immune to terror drawbacks?

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 02:58 PM PST

    So im trying to do the takedown with some terror items and one shot from my cryo brainstormer makes the gun want to fly out of my hands. It feels impossible to make continuous hits with it or my maggie (also cryo terror). Did something break? Because im pretty sure if a weapon had a terror anoint it was immune to the drawbacks of terror.

    submitted by /u/LionRed10
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    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 09:48 AM PST

    What is the fastest way to get to lvl 50 other than doing the quest?

    submitted by /u/Nerpoh
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    What happened to Graveward

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 07:16 AM PST

    I have noticed since tue night this week that when I farm Graveyard I have been getting very little legendaries. I was having great luck until then. What happened?

    submitted by /u/Dcharle383
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    What is the best Kyrbs worth

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 11:49 AM PST

    Someone gave me a radiation cryo one that shoots 3 bullets at a time and one with incendiary/corrosive one that shoots two bullets at one time. So does anyone have a full list of all the types of variation.

    submitted by /u/TaylorzRealm
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    What happened to Salvador and Axton

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 07:19 PM PST

    The only returning characters are. Moxxi,Lilith,Mayas,Brick,Mordecia,Tiny Tina,Marcus,Tannis and Hammerlock but what happened to Salvador and Axton Mayas dead and zero's working with Rhys.

    submitted by /u/whatislove2019
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    Legendary Drops

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 11:45 AM PST

    So I've just heard on a YouTube video that when farming for a legendary dedicated drop I'm better off not on a Mayhem mode. Is this what people have found? I'm guessing it works that I'm less likely to find a legendary but when I do it's more likely to be the one I want. Is there any truth to this?

    submitted by /u/sproaty88
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    About to start playing BL3 (most likely after Xmas) and as an avid melee fan, which class should I go for?

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 11:24 AM PST

    I know the siren has some melee skills but are there any other noteworthy melee characters as of yet? (Hopefully one will come w future dlc)

    And if there aren't really anyone besides the siren, how good is her melee through the game?

    Pls keep this spoiler free as well, discussing skills is no problem but area/story stuff would I like to avoid

    submitted by /u/WhatAreYou_Casual
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