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    Sunday, December 8, 2019

    Borderlands [Fan Theory] Tyreen's influence

    Borderlands [Fan Theory] Tyreen's influence

    [Fan Theory] Tyreen's influence

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 12:33 PM PST

    I have noticed a lot of the criticism of Tyreen is her lack of motivation for wanting to kill and eat everyone in the universe, which is true.

    My theory is that the siren with the vampire powers (like tyreen and the eridian writer), are the "chosen" of the destroyer, the destroyer can exert its will on this siren to help it achieve its ultimate goal of consuming everything in the universe. Siren's of impeccable will, and high moral character can resist the influence, which is what the eridian writer did.

    Furthermore, the violence of Pandora (and the borderlands universe), can possibly be the destroyer's influence it exerts on the world around to free itself from its prison, this causes the insanity in bandits all across the universe, and the massive amount of violence on Pandora.

    Edit: Wow, I really didn't expect this to get so much traction.

    I wanted to add another point, in the beginning her main goal is to be worshiped and gain power rather than literally consume, but as the game progresses then she becomes obsessed with becoming the greatest and brightest star in the galaxy by consuming everything, as the progresses her motivations seem to align more with the destroyer's, as she becomes its literal avatar.

    The thought of the vampire siren being an "avatar" of the destroyer got me thinking about what the sirens actually are, and why there is only 6 of them. Each siren might possibly be a chosen avatar of an eldritch deity, who may either be malevolent, benevolent, or completely indifferent to the struggles of lower life forms. At any point in time only 6 sirens exist because it is the nature of these powers to "gift" their powers to lower life forms, whether they intend to or not. The destroyer's influence might not even be purposefully malevolent, it might very well be in its nature to spread chaos, and to consume, it's presence influences life around it.

    The destroyer influencing lower life forms has some evidence in game, in one of the writings it's mentioned that in the height of the destroyer's conquest on the Eridians, cults started appearing that attempted to appease the destroyer (hoping to evade destruction), and they attempted to sabotage efforts to create the prison called Pandora.

    submitted by /u/AveTrueToKeto
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    Something fun to try

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 02:14 PM PST

    So i was recently playing with my younger brother and as normal i booted up a server and sent him an ivt. He joined and when i asked him what he wanted to do he told me about a genius way to play the game i never thought of but its completely obvious. Him and his friend do what they call "Battle royal" style. Basically you take your character and put all your gear in the vault. I mean everything shield, nade mod, weapons, everything. You load into an area and you can only use what you find. We had loot set to co-op not co-comp. It is a shit load of fun. When you're done with that area you can literally just sell everything or keep anything really good. Did this on Slaughter shaft with some randoms last night, had ridiculous fun having to melee everything until someone got a weapon drop. Funny watching 4 people chasing down one skag with knifes. It's my new favorite way to play. If you try it and like it you can thank a 10 year old.

    submitted by /u/Deathmedical
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    Some of these rare spawns are way too rare (Urist McEnforcer)

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 06:57 AM PST

    I've been farming Urist McEnforcer in Lectra City trying to get a roided rough rider shield on Mayhem 4 TVHM, PS4.

    in 100 runs, he spawned SIX times. In those 6 appearances, he has only dropped a green or once a blue.

    I know it's been said before, but Gearbox really needs to up the rare spawn rate or greatly increase the dedicated drop rate. I went back to farming some other bosses hoping for a lucky world drop, but nothing so far...

    submitted by /u/oldtimergamer
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    The harvest event had a big oversight with how it was handled and reminds me of the same oversights bungie made with house of wolves in destiny.

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 04:18 PM PST

    I remember seeing in the house of wolves expansion where they had fallen enemies related to the dlc show up around Earth. And even if you were a level 1 just starting out, they had level 30+ fallen from the dlc ready to meet you. I remember telling my friends "wow. Sucks to be a level 1 going through the first few missions only to have a random encounter with this enemy you're not supposed to be seeing until you're higher level."

    The House of wolves dlc basically added unkillable enemies randomly for low level players, and it was a huge inconvenience to them. It was forced and if you came across them as a low level player you'd just have to run away until they despawned or worst case scenario, just restart the game hoping they didn't show up again.

    With borderlands, essentially you can't enjoy the actual game because this event totally overrides the entire game, and it can't be turned off.

    Future timed events need to have the option to be turned off.

    submitted by /u/ZXE102Rv2
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    PSA: for the love of the twins, get a corrosive Cutsman before farming Pain & Terror on M4

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 05:24 PM PST

    It saves so much time, I was foolish and did not realizes this sooner. do not repeat the same mistake as me.

    submitted by /u/minnowz
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    I just beaten Wotan as Zane solo

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 08:22 AM PST

    Holy fuck that was difficult. After many hours, attempts and panic attacks. I have beaten It. All hail Zane's shield.

    submitted by /u/minnowz
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    Mayhem 4 Moze builds.

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 04:46 PM PST

    Hey Moze mains, I'll apologize in advance if this topic has been brought up before. My 1hp Moze is needing a serious upgrade from Mayhem 3 to 4. With my Guardian points shut off my shield isn't able to keep up with the damage hardly now. Is the Iron Bear worth going back to or is it still more of a struggle than it's worth?

    submitted by /u/danyboy501
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    Do the cutscenes seem unfinished, or is this just a PS4 issue?

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 03:37 PM PST

    I noticed how stuttery the cut scene after you kill Troy was and then realised how poorly the talking animations lined up with the audio, has this been in the game for everyone?

    Ps I also fell through the map after the cutscene ended so that's why I'm here... 5 minutes later.... still falling...

    submitted by /u/Geashill
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    Level increase?

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 05:47 PM PST

    Does anybody know if we are going to get a max level increase with the DLC that is due to release on the 19th?

    submitted by /u/SmoothCrimin41
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    I actually liked Tyreen (and Troy.) + a few other ramblings. *Spoilers* [ LONG AS HELL.]

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 07:32 AM PST

    Tl;Dr - Maybe an unpopular opinion, but I think Tyreen's (and Troy's, I guess) story was pretty damn good. It felt original and the end was impactful. Final bossfight could've been meatier. Tannis is my favorite NPC. And now siren. Ava still sucks. Hopefully will be a better siren once she's older.

    I have no idea why it hasn't been done in Borderlands until now; A manmade god, enslaving bandits and even taking advantage of the vault hunter ourselves to carve out a path of destruction. We unknowingly play the part as her 'Superfan', killing her slaves, her anointed, and massive vault monsters; just to have her right behind us, even predicting what we'll do next. She goes so far as to give you a unique legendary if you sacrifice yourself for her view count in a pretty cool side quest. Tyreen kills Typhon De'Leon, who, unknown to us a handful of quests ago, is her FATHER?! That was a Shyamalanian twist if I've ever seen one. Lillith's siren powers were succed out of her? Unexpected. Tannis is a fucking siren? Wow.

    Killing Troy felt deeply satisfying after his constant need to feel more powerful; They really made him feel like a leech, in personality and power. It is great acting, but it can be a bit much at times. His character design, I do like a lot. He looks just like how he acts; A douchebag.

    Tyreen plummeting into the vault monster's mouth was something I didn't really expect. Overall the ending bossfight left me SLIGHTLY disappointed in comparison to the other bossfights in the game - Especially the first vault. The rampager made me shit myself the first time I heard it. - But killing Tyreen felt like it made a huge impact. For like 4 minutes. Lillith got her powers back, then promptly yeeted herself into a melting, dying on impact. Tannis, who was revealed to be a siren, keeps Tannising, I guess. Ava continues being a melodramatic preteen, and everyone's least favorite character. Amara still doesn't get siren recognition ingame, leaving Tannis as the only active siren we actually recognize for now, (afaik?) and Ava as a future siren. Celebration/Mourning ensues. Roll credits, start from scratch on mayhem 2000. On a final main note before the real rambling begins; one of he only thing that would make this game better in my eyes, is if they added DLC characters. Like Krieg, since theres already some story in this game for him already. Or another playable CL4PTP unit? How about another Tiny Tina DLC, honestly. We need a legendary bunny launcher! I'm sure there's plans for DLC, though. As a diehard Krieg main, BL3 would win over BL2 if he was a playable character again. His skills are just too damn fun. And with this skill tree style? It'd be psycho insane. Borderlands 3 though, is a great game, with a fantastic story. I'm still finding pieces of it now

    A little on Tannis! Tannis being a siren is honestly not surprising if you paid close attention on Pandora; after you kill all the bandits while Tannis does 'whatever' with the map that leads to Promethea, she comes outside and places it on a table. She then "charges" the map and makes it work, using her hands. No technology, just hand motion. Not even giving the map a twist. When has a non siren ever charged anything eridian, besides possibly the vault hunter? Never. Somehow I was still surprised when it was revealed! Nonetheless, Tannis is the funniest character in my opinion. When you first get on sanctuary and her lab freezes, she takes shelter in a dead fucking dino. Then births herself out of the mouth, covered in viscera. I can't say how many times I've screencapped the process from different angles. Her standoffish personality is hilarious to me, her awkward mannerisms and downright fucking weird blurbs and conversations make me laugh my ass off.

    But I do play high as a plane's nutsack, so I laugh all the time anyway. Keep farming, keep waiting for DLC, and keep smoking if you toke. Sorry this was so damn long, I've been in love with this game since it came out and need to get all my nerd rage off my chest.

    submitted by /u/Spvcehead
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    “Connection Active” cell in bottom right that covers everything behind it...

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 02:16 PM PST

    Is there any way that thing to go away?

    submitted by /u/br00tahl
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    Mistakenly Sold Legendary Weapon

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 06:57 PM PST

    I accidentally sold the weapon 'Sell Out', a Maliwan gun given by Tyreen from completing the side mission "Sell Out". Can this weapon be obtained by a random drop?

    submitted by /u/vexisoje
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    What are the best moonstone farms?

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 12:59 PM PST

    I was thinking the sentinel but maybe eclipse?

    submitted by /u/memelovers577
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    Everyone was really kind about my last post

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 12:15 AM PST

    Edit! I posted the wrong gallery link. Fixed.

    Everyone's responded to kindly to my cosplays, I thought I'd share some more! Mostly some of the props and detail pieces! gallery

    submitted by /u/jaimelgn
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    New to B3 - Can someone tell me what the glow is about?

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 12:01 PM PST


    Killed a badass Rakk and the corpse is glowing on the ground. I don't want to leave unless a legendary drop has bugged under the ground or something! Help!

    submitted by /u/Wheelersam
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    Guardian rank skins not working either?

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 06:50 AM PST

    Quick question, I have all the skins unlocked for the guardian ranks, and they appear on all my characters except for my moze. Is this a glitch, like the guardian rank perks not working? Is there a fix?

    submitted by /u/jimmysnaps
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    I don't want to play the campaign again but I want to play borderlands

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 07:49 PM PST


    Basically I want to enjoy the gameplay of this game for a new character/ true vault hunter/ mayhem without having to go through the campaign again. Is there any way to do that?

    submitted by /u/AveTrueToKeto
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    I really like Photo Mode. In the future, it would be cool to have a feature that places all of our Vault Hunters together as a group for a photo.

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 11:00 AM PST

    Like a class photo or something. I like all 4 of these characters so it would be cool to capture their progress together.

    submitted by /u/m4ss3y
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    Party Quests Issue

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 12:11 PM PST

    I played Normal mode and TVHM (~50% story mode) with a few friends and I always hosted the games.

    Now I decided to switch characters. But somehow they are at the first quest in TVHM.
    In normal mode they have all the story quests done.

    Any ideas how to fix this ?

    submitted by /u/nextar18
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    Moxxi's Underdome

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 10:29 AM PST

    Hey all, do I have to beat the game to access Moxxi's arenas?

    submitted by /u/Wicked_Republic
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    New Zane Main Looking for Advice

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 10:27 AM PST

    Hello everyone,

    I was hoping some of you might have some time to help me understand the game better and help me with my Zane build.

    To start off I recently power leveled my Zane by using my wife's level 50 Moze and running through the campaign on TVHM. Then I loaded my Zane playthrough and beat the story on regular mode and unlocked TVHM and Mayhem Modes. I'm working on gearing him up now and this is where I need a better understanding of the game. Does TVHM and the Mayhem modes increase the quality of loot drops, the quantity of loot drops or both? How do I even farm bosses in any mode?

    Now with my Zane build I used a speed build to speed run the game and that work fine, but while clearing designated areas I started to notice while the speed was nice for getting around it made it hard for me to get quality shots off and I found myself not enjoying the play style as much. I started looking into Zane build and found that Freeze Shut Down Build may be more viable, and I could avoid the speed upgrades. So I made this build here. It pretty much focuses on his Digi-Clone and Shield, grabbing all the Cyro abilities along the way. I guess here I'm just looking for general feedback about a decent build not involving the speed buffs that are available to him.

    Now where they tie together is gear, I read that Night Hawkin is a great Cryo weapon for him especially if you can get it with an Arctic prefix but I'm not sure where to farm this or on what modes. What other weapons are recommended for Cryo Zane?

    All recommendations for Zane build, weapons, shield, artifact, grenade, class mod.. I don't even know where to begin! Any help is really appreciated, hope to see you out there in the Borderlands soon!

    submitted by /u/dukereuchre
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    I noticed there is quite the mod community... but no mod to silence jump grunts. why not?

    Posted: 07 Dec 2019 11:25 PM PST

    possibly the single most annoying thing in the game is the noises some of the player characters make, and even when you disable player callouts, some of them continue. like the jump grunt. was just trying to play BL2, all the way through this time, was reminded just how bad it was pretty quick

    and there are no mods i can find to disable them. why has no one done this? i have seen i am not the only one to complain about these voices (though my research did not give me any clue how to make a mod myself), so it seems really odd no one made one for that yet. is there any specific reason why it can't be done?

    edit - i was wrong, there is one

    submitted by /u/Duthos
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