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    Monday, December 9, 2019

    Borderlands A missed opportunity I would've liked to see.

    Borderlands A missed opportunity I would've liked to see.

    A missed opportunity I would've liked to see.

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 07:04 AM PST

    While messing around in Sanctuary I was looking at the hole where Claptrap got stuck and has the caution tap on it.

    I think it would've been fun if his literal "assplate" had got stuck on the glass. Then for the remainder of the game his character model is missing the back metal plate. Then he could've continued to talk about how his ass is still keeping everybody safe.

    Just a thought.

    submitted by /u/The_Fallen_Star
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    The single thing I hate the most about the Calypso twins.

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 07:18 PM PST

    No, it's not the dialogue or even the plot. It's the fact that they can just warp anywhere they want. This is the ultimate superpower. If they are in any danger, just warp out (of course, they don't). If they want to kill the entire Crimson Raider clan without so much as firing a bullet, just warp in on the Sanctuary, drop a bomb and warp out. Buh bye entire crew. But they are both too stupid to figure this out, I guess?

    This is such an easy fix, too. Just make them NOT have this godly superpower. If they need to be in a scene, have them get dropped off by ships. Same if they need to evacuate. Or require a stationary device to warp. Anything but the no-consequence, warp where ever the fuck you want to power they have.

    I really hope for the next Borderlands, the villains actually have some limitations for the heroes to take advantage of. The Calypsos are unkillable gods.

    submitted by /u/GunLovingLibertarian
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    You are in charge of making a Borderlanda movie, what would be the plot? Who would you cast?

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 11:41 AM PST

    I would make a Typhon DeLeon movie, starring Danny DeVito as the main character and The Rock as Aslan DaVega.

    Can't think of someone to play Leda, and just realized I know very few actors and actresses

    submitted by /u/not_anakin
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    FL4K R4KK build question?

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 05:20 PM PST

    i know Flock'N'Load is a must, but why most build i see online go with Falconer's Feast than Rakkcelerate!??

    is it for tankiness and survivabiltiy for M4? i just wanna hear players pros & cons opinion with both skills for the build.

    submitted by /u/ecchisoba
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    QUESTION: Weapon Damage Explanation

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 03:27 PM PST

    New player to BL. When you look at a weapon and say it does 85 damage and at the bottom it has a 25% damage buff, does the stat number take that into consideration or is the weapon 85 damage PLUS 25% additional damage? Basically is the raw cold stats on a weapon the real damage dealt or are the modifiers added on afterward?

    submitted by /u/OFCFNG
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    Does Im Rakkman still drop the night flyer?

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 05:05 PM PST

    I wish I was joking when I said I farmed 8 hours today and not a single night flyer dropped. I kept count and I got well over 100 kills. Am I just stupidly unlucky or did something change?

    submitted by /u/RezorTEclipez
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    Commander Lilith and fight for sanctuary.

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 07:07 PM PST

    I haven't played the game in a long time. I got the fight for sanctuary DLC back in June/July when it was free. Now it has a price tag. It says the DLC is in with all other DLCs I have, but do I have to pay for it cause I got it when it was free or do I have it forever?

    submitted by /u/pyromaniac99999
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    Zane build recommendations

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 04:09 PM PST


    I've started playing borderlands 3 again and am looking for a new Zane build that stronger than mine. I really enjoy playing quite fast and with cryo, using a 0 shield build with barrier and stnl at the moment which I just did the way it felt good to me few months ago.

    I don't have any terror equipment and most stuff I find is for terror stuff.

    Can you guys recommend me a strong cryo build for Zane? I have a lot of equipment and some nice weapons but I don't mind farming more to get the required gear for the builds.

    Thanks in advance. Playing on Xbox.

    submitted by /u/Jabba41
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    Pvp is enabled for the jericho

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 04:14 AM PST

    Known about this since launch and haven't seen anyone talk about it.

    When playing on my 1st play through I picked up multiple Jericho and gave some to friends, a little while after while doing slaughters I started downing tons of times when I'm usually pretty invincible.

    Turns out my dead teammates were able to spam jericho into the arena, onto me and down me.

    submitted by /u/MrHanslaX
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    Annointed Militants

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 09:40 PM PST

    Idk if everyone else has the same problem, but whenever I come across an annointed militant or worse: two in one area I just feel like quitting. My main concern is how it spams it's immune phases, I barely have enough time to soak some damage in before it becomes immune again and again. The chunk of health alone is a chore but it takes so long to kill one of them and two of them takes twice the time, I'm fine with dealing with other annointed enemies but the militant is definitely something that really wastes my ammo, time and fun whether I'm in mayhem mode or not.

    submitted by /u/Lastgone
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    Rakk Attack freezing game repeatedly?

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 04:25 PM PST

    So I finally broke down and found people to dupe a Fl4k P4k and relevant gear. Today I've been trying to run some trials to get better versions of class mods, but my game keeps freezing after using Rakk Attack. This has happened 3 times so far, which is more than the total I've had happen before. Has anyone else had this happen? On base Xbox one.

    submitted by /u/Tamed_Trumpet
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    Fun builds that arent shit 65% of the time?

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 12:35 PM PST

    I have each character at level 69, and want a fun playstyle. I tried melee mordecai, spent a better part of the day getting it set up, and hate it. So if you have fun builds or playstyles youd like to recommend, do so. If the build is "fun" bc its a challenge, then its gonna get ignored

    submitted by /u/gracefulhuntress
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    A pre sequel for 3

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 04:13 PM PST

    This post might get down voted to heck. But I digress (good way to start a post)

    I'd like to see a pre sequel for 3 to add more character to well the characters. It could show how the Troy and tyween (?) Came to power and how they started the cult.

    I just hope it would have more then the pre sequel did like quests and what not. But it would be nice to see the twins before they were asshats. Make us feel sympathetic to them. The intro cutscenen could be them leaving their home. We have the audio.

    Maybe have the twins get help to find a vault (shocker) from some vault Hunters and boom she finds out she can take the power from the vault monster. Making descend into wanting more power

    Now the vault Hunters I'll touch up on onto in a later post

    Feel free to add on to this post and please let me know if I misspelled anything (probably a lot). And if you don't like the idea tell me why and feel free to down vote the post. I'm expecting it

    submitted by /u/Kain1107
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    A Rant on why I think Borderlands 3 Plot is Lacking.

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 06:47 AM PST

    Hey everyone, like many people have adressed before borderlands 3 plot is a bit of a mess. While the gameplay is extremely fun and a step up from previous iterations, the actual story is all over the place and the optimization and other stuff, so I''m just gonna post a few topics off the top of my mind and my opinions on them. Probably a lot of it is gonna be venting, so just a warning.

    Also spoilers ahead since I'm going deep into the story.

    Previous Vault Hunters

    • Lilith - Let's start with the big one, Lilith the VH that from the five main borderlands games has been in four. The first one being a playable character, and the other three a giant factor in the story.
      • Not only did I think I had enough Lilith from BL2, borderlands 3 is centered all around here and rising from the ashes as a phoenix, real original there not gonna lie.
      • Having this sort of approach with Lilith again is not only repetitive and dull, but also takes a lot of the power away from the player. In borderlands 2 it was acceptable because she still was a side-character for like 80% of the game and only in the end does she actually become a vital character to the plot and it was reasonable.
      • And of course the amazing dialogue that comes with her, such as "Sup Killer" for 30 times and not once actually call out your name like Fl4k or Amara. And other annoying stuff such as "Talk to Lilith" after every main quest but that's more in terms of gameplay design than story.
    • Brick / Mordecai / Tiny Tina - All had extremely small parts in the story, being around like 10 minutes in the game. Still nothing to really talk about since they atleast expanded the "2 Dads and Tina" thing that started. Only complain here is once again the dialogue that seems that was written by someone very amateur. Pizza toppins, hilarous right?
    • Zer0 - Also a small part but was a fun addition and a nice throwback to BL2. Only thing that I didn't see explained but that could be my stupidity is why Zer0 started to work as a bodyguard / mercenary instead of still being a VH since it's clearly understood that in BL2 he always wants the highest challenge.
    • Maya - This one is one of my biggest grips with the game. One of the VHs with a really interesting background and could really be turned into something way bigger in Athenas, but alas we only get a book and monks, oh and Ava but that's later. One of my favourite characters turned to dust in 1/2 hours for plot.
    • Everyone else (Krieg / Salvador / etc...) - Barely any information about these ones, besides some echo-logs around the world, and zero information on interesting stuff or any sort of character development, especially sad to me considering Krieg was my favorite.

    Current Vault Hunters

    • All Four of Them - I think this one of the few things that is actually right in the writting part of the game. All four of the new vault hunters are fun, unique and interesting. The dialogue from them is captivating and their backstories well done.

    Actual Story / Plot

    • Player acknowledgment to the story - And here's one of the biggest flaws of this game. The actual player is barely noticed, your triumphs and victories are swept away for the true stars of the borderlands franchise and you're treated like a super-soldier who does nothing but obey commands.
      • Cutscenes - Oh boy these ones are so stupid. Hey Lilith is behind this steel door, that's why you can't interact in this cutscene, okay that makes sense. Hey maya is getting sucked like a mosquito, and you're 3 meters away but you don't appear in the cutscene and you don't do anything. Hey you just killed Troy? You're non existant in this next cutscene, Ava protects the true heroes of this story, you're not included.
      • Final Boss Fight - Congratulations Vault Hunter, you just killed the being that was going to eat all the stars while being at like 8 meters tall, but whatever, you did it! Oh wait nevermind, your actions are useless, watch Lilith nuke the moon and kill everyone on there while "This Girl is on Fire" plays.
      • Importance of Sirens in the Story while Amara being Ignored - The new story focus a lot of it's time on sirens and their powers but seems to forget that Amara is also a siren, once again part of feeling like you're not in the story at all.
      • No Personal Stakes - In borderlands 1, you're just a vault hunter looking for a vault and that's it. The villain was bad because it just appeared out of nowhere and didn't do much. Borderlands 2, you're looking for a vault, you almost get killed by handsome jack, putting personal anger towards him and a reason to go after him. In Borderlands the pre-sequel, you're hired to find a vault, and have to help in defending a vault after this guy saves you by risking his own life, therefore you're linked personally. Borderlands 3, you're hired by Lilith and are her errand boy while the twins are a minor inconvenience. In both borderlands 1 and 3 you have no personal stakes in the story line.
    • The Twins - While they started out bad and in my opinion got better, they are still bad villains. In the beggining they are unbearable, but not the kind of "I want to kill you" but more like "Get off my screen please". Still they do become a bit human as the story progresses, especially Troy. But that doesn't make up for the fact of things like these :
      • No Actual Plan / Everything happens by coincidence - The biggest problem with the twins in my opinion is the sole fact that what they do towards you is based on pure luck. Hey we got Lilith powers because she was shocked that there a male siren existed. Same thing for Maya, where they got lucky Ava was there and Maya was forced to fight, and instead of just phase-locking decided for the first time in her life to grab Troy with her hands, and even then they were lucky to learn that Troy could also suck sirens up like a slurry. Compared to Handsome jack, where everything he did, he planned it. Where everytime you think you had the upper-hand he in fact won you over, and so forth until the very end where he would have won if the warrior was actually as strong as he predicted.
      • Terrible Character Design / Dialogue - While the "streaming culture" is popular right now, it's extremely weird to make a villain out of it and harder to execute, which they clearly didn't execute well. The dialogue is bland and even cringy at times and the actual personality design falls in the same hole. I do admit that atleast the visual design is pretty cool and different.
      • Nonsensical Motivation - I have no idea who wrote this and thought it was good. We are stuck in a planet looking at stars with out father. Therefore our (Tyreen) motivation is to go out there and destroy every single star in the universe. What?

    There was a lot of minor stuff that I didn't post here that were also to blame for this mess, but I see no point in refering to them as it may seem nitpicking. Feel free to tell me if you don't agree with something and what's your opinion on it.

    Sorry for the gigantic text wall

    TL:DR - Lilith too much time in Borderlands. Other old characters not given same treatment and should be more in the games. Current vault hunters are good, but aren't acknowledged in the story. Twins aren't well designed and have bad motivation / plan. Dialogue bad.

    submitted by /u/Mrf12345
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    +200ish guardian points glitch.

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 03:27 PM PST

    Suddenly I opened my guardian rank and the enforcer skill tree was at 218. Ive only ever put a couple points into it, because I don't want those game modifiers. To give some more context my guardian rank is 152, hunter is at 138 and survivor at 12. Do we know if this is getting fixed or if they've confirmed that disabling it is coming?

    submitted by /u/weenieboop
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    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 06:50 PM PST

    Is there a specific source for facepuncher? I'm looking to farm a 300% annointed phaseslam one and am not looking forward to it if it's a world drop only.

    submitted by /u/guyfellamanboydude
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    Story Mode Help

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 06:02 PM PST

    My friend has yet to beat the game on any mode, but he wants to play with me on TVHM to level up faster,. My question is will the missions we do be unlocked for him when he goes back to normal mode?

    submitted by /u/WaitwhoRu
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    Least amount of stealth

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 05:57 PM PST

    Hello all, longtime borderlands player but I'm going to start bl3 in the next few days. Just curious who has the least amount of stealth because I loved playing Salvador in bl2! Thanks for the input in advance!

    submitted by /u/FUZZYWUZZY6561
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    anyone wanna play borderlands 2 with a noob

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 05:30 PM PST

    please my username is hex: DC

    submitted by /u/XxMLGSWAGGERZxX
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    Maliwan Blacksite - Is this designed for team play only?

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 09:43 AM PST

    Curious before i bother trying to solo

    submitted by /u/PM_ME_YOUR_ANT_FARMS
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    I recently got Borderlands the Handsome collection. Which game should I play first?

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 03:15 PM PST

    Borderlands 2 or the Pre-Sequel?

    submitted by /u/IndianMoonlight
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