• Breaking News

    Sunday, December 15, 2019

    Borderlands Gift of Mayhem: Echo skin

    Borderlands Gift of Mayhem: Echo skin

    Gift of Mayhem: Echo skin

    Posted: 15 Dec 2019 07:05 AM PST

    Reinskag echo skin



    Expires: January 10th 2020 @ 11:59pm PT

    submitted by /u/Eggsalad_
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    Fastest way to Kill Troy in Mayhem 4 as Zane?

    Posted: 15 Dec 2019 08:05 PM PST

    I keep on trying to kill him but it takes me almost ten minutes each try. I'm using the Clone/Drone skill tree with Clone tree maxed out.

    submitted by /u/greenbatborg
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    The Katagawa Boss Battle Soundtrack is incredible.

    Posted: 15 Dec 2019 11:54 AM PST

    So after being disappointed after buying the hype of BL3, hook, line and sinker, I took about a month off and started over. Yes, I bitched about a lot of things like cut scenes, performance issues, matchmaking, etc, but I was still itching for another run.

    And while many performance issues remain, there are a few brilliant scenes that I don't feel get enough credit.

    One such choice is the soundtrack for the Katagawa Ball Boss Battle. This is one of the most unique and cool choices for boss battle music I've ever heard. I realize in the middle of the fight that I'm just smiling from ear to ear and having the time of my life, and it's the soundtrack that's behind it all.

    This just blows my mind. How on earth could blowing shit up with the force of 1000x nukes be compatible with fucking jazz music!? Any time I ever thought of jazz music, I think of old people homes. But this track is entirely different. It's fast-paced, futuristic, and for reasons I can't describe, it's sexy.

    When the fight was done, I felt like I got off one of the coolest rides in the park.

    Here's a major kudos to Gearbox for picking an outstanding combination between boss fight encounter, environment, and music.

    And if anyone is into this type of music and knows of more tracks like this, please leave links in the comments below. I want to hear more!

    submitted by /u/GunLovingLibertarian
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    Constant bag reloading since hotfix

    Posted: 15 Dec 2019 12:16 PM PST

    Ever since the last hotfix anytime I scroll through my backpack or try to mark junk/favorite the bag has to reload for a second or two. Anyone else having this problem?

    submitted by /u/lazyxstitcher
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    Zane Legendary Class Mods Ideas V2

    Posted: 15 Dec 2019 02:21 PM PST

    Hello this is the version 2 of zane class mods ideas taking in consideration you comments. If you think this would awesome if implemented in the game upvote jaja. Any comments are appreciated.


    Class Mod Name: Cold Blooded Killer

    Red Text: Ice, Ice, Baby

    Special Effect: Critical hits have a 25 % to drop a micro cryo grenade that explodes and freezes enemies.

    Skills: Brain Freeze, Calm Cool Collected, Refreshment.

    Note: This should help increase Zanes Damage and freeze tougher enemies.


    Class Mod Name: License to Kill

    Red Text: My name is Flint, Zane Flint

    Special Effect: Whenever Zane Scores a Critical Hit, Zane will deal 10% extra gun Damage for 6 Seconds. This Effect stacks up to 15 times.

    Skills: Salvation, Playing Dirty, Violent Momentum

    Note: This is for meant for Zane to be able to deal great amounts of damage so he can be at the same level as other vault hunters.


    Class Mod Name: Zane's Best Friend

    Red Text: Who's a good Drone?

    Special Effect: SNTNL's duration is double and cooldown is reduced by 25%. SNTNL's and Zane's Gun Damage is increased by 25% while SNTNL is active.

    Skills: Drone Delivery, Violent Violence, Violent Speed


    Class Mod Name: Wall of Death

    Red Text: Four hundred thousand more to die.

    Special Effect: Shooting through the Barrier will increase Gun Damage by 50% and increased critical hit damage by 25%. The Barries duration is tripled. Barriers cooldown time is doubled.

    Skills: Hearty Stock, Confident Competence, Nerves of Steel


    Class Mod Name: Liquid Nitrogen Assassin

    Red Text: Hasta la vista baby.

    Special Effects: Zane deals 25% extra Cryo Damage and gains 50% Cryo efficiency. While action skill is active the effects are doubled.

    Skills: Brain Freeze, Best Serve Cold, Refreshment

    Thank you for your time.

    submitted by /u/HELLSKING115
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    Can Gearbox please comment on the state of console and plans?

    Posted: 15 Dec 2019 08:13 AM PST

    The UI text size especially in split screen is horrible and it has been talked about since the game launched. Are there plans to fix it? How about vertical split screen? Are there more performance fixes coming? The console version of this game has felt very incomplete. The lag in coop only became bearable to me after this last patch months after the game's release.

    submitted by /u/dontcarebear316
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    Gearbox, if I reset my playthrough on TVHM, please still let me do events like Maliwan takedown.

    Posted: 15 Dec 2019 12:12 PM PST

    I like to reset my playthrough when new difficulty levels come out, but when I do I really dont like not having access to the events. Please, let me still access them.

    submitted by /u/d3adtreeKay
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    Techspert Idea - Give SNTNL a Barrier!

    Posted: 15 Dec 2019 08:58 AM PST

    So the Techspert class mod's garbage, everyone knows that. But I think I have a cool idea for how to at least make its special effect cool!

    Give the DRONE a barrier!

    Not a full size bubble like Zane has, just something big enough to absorb a hefty chunk of enemy fire as it orbits around you. Then, Zane could sic the drone on a single, high-damage enemy, and watch the drone fly around it, dealing a little damage, but more importantly absorbing a lot of the damage the enemy tries to put out!

    They wouldn't be shooting at the drone, the drone would just have a large enough barrier to get in the way while orbiting you, and to block a lot of the fire from a single enemy.

    I think it'd be a pretty cool/fun effect that would make controlling the drone a more fun and rewarding experience. Right now the drone is pretty 'fire-and-forget', but this would give it a more active player component that's not super overpowered, but still useful.

    Of course, the class mod still needs to boost different skills(since boosting low-tier skills that people only use as filler is pretty silly), but that's a different matter entirely.


    submitted by /u/EndlessArgument
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    Should I skip 2 and go straight to 3?

    Posted: 15 Dec 2019 02:54 PM PST

    I've never played a borderlands game before but it looks right up my alley! I'm super excited to start getting into the series but I can't decide if I should start by playing 2 or just jump in at 3? Maybe it's all the hype from 3 but I'm really tempted to just skip 2 and start at 3.

    I would eventually play them all but just looking for advice on where to start 🤷‍♂️

    submitted by /u/Carnifex217
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    New-U canon explained

    Posted: 15 Dec 2019 04:22 PM PST

    As said in a random quote when respawning in BL3:

    "we will bring you back, no exceptions. Unless you die in a cutscene"

    (This is a joke, I am not using this as proof but as a joke of the inconsistencies of the canon)

    submitted by /u/oofthe15th
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    toy box pack and booster pack glitch?

    Posted: 15 Dec 2019 01:07 PM PST

    I'm honestly really confused as to what happened when i redeemed these two packs. At one point I was able to use all the weapons i received from these packs but after i logged off and signed back in I'm suddenly not able to use them anymore?! It says it requires the toy box pack and the booster pack but i already redeemed both of them. I'm not sure if this is a glitch or i just did something wrong when redeeming these packs. Can someone please tell me?

    submitted by /u/Bcatral
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    How do weapon anoints work?

    Posted: 15 Dec 2019 09:27 PM PST

    Specifically, do they apply only when that weapon is active, or also to other weapons? I have a gun on Zane that buffs damage while sliding and I'm wondering if my other guns will also wreck while sliding

    submitted by /u/n33z4
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    Devils Razor Locked Door

    Posted: 15 Dec 2019 11:30 AM PST

    There's a door in the Devil's Razor next to the Legendary Hunt Antelope, and I've been trying to figure out how to open it. Obviously there's something on the other side, or at least the map suggests there is. I've tried the usual follow the wires method and that got me nowhere. Anyone know how to open this door?

    submitted by /u/SamCThe5th
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    Matchmaking does not even work it seems on Xbox

    Posted: 15 Dec 2019 06:51 AM PST

    Any Xbox peeps search for 20 mins on circle of slaughter and new raid and get NOTHING I'm trying to farm for Rowan/Lucian call and shreddifier for the dlc and it's hard to do alone and takes forever in tvhm no mayhem (time and searching purposes) and I never get anyone .. anyone else doing similar farms wanna help on tell me where to get these weapons??? Or tell me why they said matchmaking would be better and it sux

    submitted by /u/lootershooterZACK
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    A small question about the loaded dice

    Posted: 15 Dec 2019 07:03 AM PST

    Does switching to the loaded dice as an enemy is dieing but before they drop their loot (ex. Anointed enemies) affect drop chances? I've been doing this while farming the graveward and I'm wondering if I'm just wasting time by doing so.

    submitted by /u/Some_Degenerate0
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    I'd like to ask a few questions after i just completed borderlands 3

    Posted: 15 Dec 2019 09:22 AM PST

    - I just finished Borderlands 3, but im not sure what i should be doing next. I played as Amara and i liked her, but i also liked to try Zane, but my job doesn't allow me to spend a lot of hours grinding the campaign over and over again to unlock TVHM for him too. What should i do? Just continue TVHM with Amara or just reset the entire game and try out a new character?

    - How do actually activate TVHM though? I know you can select it in the main menu, but do i then press 'new game' or 'continue'?

    - What should i do with the mayhem mode? Should i disregard it for now and start a TVHM run or should i keep playing on normal mode with Mayhem activated, and if so, which Mayhem mode? (1,2,3?)

    - Im not sure if i just didn't follow the storyline, but whatsup with the 'animals' that suddenly appear in Sanctuary?

    - I unfortunately missed the Halloween event, what exactly did i miss and is there any way i can catch up?

    Thanks in advance

    Edit: the reason why im in a bit of a hurry is that i'd like to have completed TVHM on a fun character by the time christmas dlc comes out, so i don't end up missing out on it like the Halloween event

    submitted by /u/ChimpMonkaS
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    BL2 level question

    Posted: 15 Dec 2019 11:20 AM PST

    I have all the BL2 DLC's except Commander Liliths. Ive heard it was free around summer but now it is 15 euros on steam.

    What is my max level in this game now? Level 72? or 80?

    Also how these OP levels work? Do i have to grind them on another DLC?(DIGISTURCT PEAK) can i grind them before reaching 72(or 80?)

    submitted by /u/moragdong
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    Unfortunately I missed out on the Halloween Event. That ended a week or so ago.

    Posted: 15 Dec 2019 05:59 PM PST

    It kinda sucks that it was a timed event. I can only assume that it will be back next Halloween. What I'm wondering is if I could change my clock to the day of the event and log in offline if I could play it?

    I'm not sure how any of that works honestly. Also, If I can't play it... Did i miss anything cool?

    Thanks all.

    submitted by /u/L1th1umHeart
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    Dynasty Dash best time

    Posted: 15 Dec 2019 01:36 PM PST

    What exactly is the reward for completing a Dynasty Dash with 9 minutes remaining? I just did it for Pandora and the New Car Parts icon came up but I couldn't find any new parts in the catch a ride.

    submitted by /u/SamCThe5th
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    Has anyone gotten the sunglasses head?

    Posted: 15 Dec 2019 01:31 PM PST

    I've seen images online of the Vault Hunters wearing a pair of lined sunglasses, and a pompadour style hair.

    Has anyone actually gotten that head?

    Currently I'm 24/29, trying to find all of the heads for Amara.

    submitted by /u/Aglance
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