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    Wednesday, December 25, 2019

    Borderlands HAPPY F****** HOLIDAYS YOU F****** BADASSES!!!

    Borderlands HAPPY F****** HOLIDAYS YOU F****** BADASSES!!!


    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 02:54 PM PST



    submitted by /u/hp958
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    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 09:08 AM PST

    I realize not everyone celebrates Christmas some celebrate other holidays but here's to one we can all agree on. Happy mercenary day I hope your day is full of legendaries and good RNG!!

    submitted by /u/Ludaversel
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    I got the very first Borderlands on Christmas 10 years ago, and I haven’t looked back since

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 01:24 AM PST

    It's amazing how long my love affair with this series has been but it seems like another ten years is inevitable. None of the games are perfect by any stretch but I've never loved a video game series more than this one. Happy holidays, vault hunters and I hope this amazing adventure has been as joyous for you all as it has been for me.

    submitted by /u/tastethevapor
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    Unpopular opinion (at least for some)

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 11:51 AM PST

    So discussion time, I actually think gearbox is addressing issues at a decent pace and I think the content patches have helped give the game longevity and this past DLC actually makes me hopeful for the rest to come. I love the Halloween event, blacksite may be too hard still but it has given me something to strive for, i think they are balancing the classes well but could still do with some improvement, and new gear and weapons are interesting and really fun to use. Sure the game isn't perfect but I do feel like it is an improvement in the series even if the story is lackluster and the writing in base campaign needs work I still feel like this game was made for borderlands players and they are doing well with keeping this game feeling like it was the game we deserved. There may have been some missteps but it doesn't change that they are really trying to make the game better and improve it for us to enjoy so gearbox thank you for the effort you do and keep up the good work.

    Edit: I wasn't expecting to drum up this much positivity but go you borderlands fans, makes me happy to see a community collectively (for the most part) have good things to say while still weighing in the negatives. I love this community and this game, y'all are the bees knees.

    submitted by /u/sircam789
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    Returning player: Zane or Fl4k?

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 02:59 PM PST

    Hello! I'm a returning player who stopped playing shortly after they beat the game. I'm trying to decide who I'd like to main, and I'm hoping I can get some good input from the community.

    Back at release, Fl4k was God tier and Zane was pretty much garbage. Looking at things now though, it appears they nerfed Fl4k down to a far more reasonable level and that the new COM and bug fixes have bridged the gap between Zane and the other vault hunters.

    Can anyone who has experience playing both tell me how they feel these days when geared well? I don't have any annointed gear and can't really tell how much of a difference it makes.

    submitted by /u/CitizenKing
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    Gamma Burst anointments need diversity

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 04:59 PM PST

    I've noticed that for FL4K there is only the one Gamma Burst specific annoint for guns, and none for shields and grenades that I've seen. However, Rakk attack has at least 3 for guns and at least two for grenades and shields, and Fade Away has at least 2 for guns and at least 1 for grenades and shields.

    The 65% extra radiation damage while Gamma Burst is active is really nice, but surely if the other skills can have multiple anointments, so can Gamma Burst.

    As a Gamma Burst FL4K I really struggle to find annointed gear that suits me because all the spawns are taken up by Rakk Attack and Fade Away annointments, or the generally garbage all-class annointments like gain 30% lifesteal after using attack command. If Gearbox really wants to make all builds viable, there need to be more Gamma Burst anointments.

    submitted by /u/SamCThe5th
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    Any tips for new bl3 player?

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 05:52 PM PST

    I just got the game today and im interested to know some thing before I play

    submitted by /u/Ilovefrench
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    Anyone else having trouble with the DLC final boss?

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 06:00 PM PST

    I'm ripping my hair out. There are so many stages to this stupid Jackpot. I was doing so good. I had gotten to the final stage (I THINK) where the little bastard is speeding all around the arena.

    Anybody have any tips for the final stage? He downed me right when I had chipped away half of his health. Could've screamed. I was using a fire SMG, but it really wasn't doing a dent in his health. He moves too fast for me to reasonably aim at his crit spots (I aim really slow).

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/GalPalPalGal
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    I know the game comes with it buttt,

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 09:54 AM PST

    If y'all want my gold weapons skin pack code or if you don't have it I'm not gonna use it all yours just dm me and I'll send it

    submitted by /u/frigginFrack22
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    Amara Fracture build?

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 02:46 PM PST

    So I'm kind of tired of only using amara for her phasegrasp builds and want to swap it up. I used her green tree with a splash of blue on release and loved her fracture augment. It's just FUN seeing all those fists rippling out of the floor.

    Does anyone have a good build that incorporates fracture into it? I've been searching around but it seems like it's one of her least used augments. I mostly play on mayhem 2/3 since I'm usually in a group with friends that don't have any meta gear for mayhem 4. Doesn't have to be "meta" just something fun and slightly viable.

    submitted by /u/Racoonir
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    Trophy issues

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 02:36 PM PST

    I'm having a issue with the trophies on ps4. I have the trophy for having all of the named location in the game but am missing the two for some of ther other ones. Any advice?

    submitted by /u/somedudeonDPP
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    Moze Build: BM 3-4-1 (infinite ammo, high gun damage, high IB damage)

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 04:12 PM PST

    Merry Christmas fellow vault hunters! In the spirit of Christmas, I thought I'd share my favorite Moze build - one I finally found after trying out several builds for her. It provides everything I want out of Moze, fulfilling the promises of Bottomless Mags' infinite ammo, Shield of Retribution's high gun damage and survivability, and the Iron Bear bonuses & high splash damage of Demolition Woman. BM 3-4-1 stands for 'Blast Master three-for-one', with the idea that the build encompasses functionality from all three of Moze's trees into one build with the help of her Blast Master legendary class mod.

    While it's not perfect and makes some sacrifices along the way, I've found it to be a very fun & effective build for both solo & group play so far. The gear I use with this build only has 1 decent roll and no great anointments, so this build isn't dependent on god rolls at all. The most rare piece of gear it requires is a Blast Master class mod with the right point allotment.

    Main Build: https://borderlands.com/en-US/characters/moze/#t=%22cb__2329045862___p__411933563-1_3720693987-4_1557093796-5_4040396515-3_2605812238-1_1819376433-1_1931847974-3_2750630947-4_1064863104-5_2033013265-1_63742876-5_976063232-1_2146476666-2_630894015-3_924392435-5_2549882825-3_769197315-1___e__407933920-3651798349_3735514608-3651798349%22

    Alternate Build: https://borderlands.com/en-US/characters/moze/#t=%22cb__1265601393___p__411933563-1_3720693987-4_1557093796-5_4040396515-3_2605812238-1_1819376433-1_1931847974-3_2750630947-4_1064863104-5_2033013265-1_63742876-5_976063232-1_2146476666-1_630894015-3_696258140-4_924392435-5_769197315-1___e__407933920-3651798349_3735514608-3651798349%22

    The alternate build sacrifices reliable ammo sustainability (activating Redistribution through grenade crits) for additional incendiary damage when dealing splash damage. I find the extra ammo sustainability more valuable, especially against certain enemies where repeatedly striking critical zones can be difficult. It's also important to note that Fire in the Skag Den also makes regenerating your shields over time (shield regen delay) and healing through shock splash damage more difficult, as you'll take some incendiary damage as well (and possibly be set on fire).

    Class Mod: Blast Master legendary class mod

    You'll want a class mod with +1 Redistribution and +4 Vampyr. Without the boost to Redistribution, you won't have enough ammo regeneration to keep firing, and without a big boost to Vampyr you won't be able to keep Iron Bear alive in dangerous situations.

    Artifact: any Deathless artifact

    To get the most from Desperate Measures and gain additional shields, any Deathless artifact will do. Try to get one that has rolls with something useful - Action Skill Cooldown Rate, Splash Damage, Weapon Damage, Magazine Size, etc.

    Shield: Transformer shield

    With a 1 hp build and no Bloodletter class mod, you need a way to heal up in dire situations. Combining shock splash damage with the Transformer shield is the most effective method, especially given that all your health is shields and the Blast Master class mod boosts splash damage the longer we go without reloading.

    Grenade: multi-hitting grenades

    Any kind of grenade that hits multiple times over a duration will work for this build. Hex grenades, Storm Front, Atlas grenades that bounce, etc. The idea is to get a grenade that can proc Redistribution reliably & multiple times over a duration.

    Note that this build won't have access Means of Destruction, so you'll need to use your grenades more sparingly. I'd recommend saving them for when you encounter an enemy without easy-to-hit crit zones or for when you need an extra burst of damage.

    Although there are options to heal your shields through grenades, I've found they generally aren't worth it on this build. This isn't an Immortal Moze build, but fortunately similar grenades can work for this one if you've already got them.

    Weapons: Shock Splash weaponry + High-magazine weapons with matching manufacturers

    You'll want a weapon or two to refill your shields with shock damage to keep yourself alive. Aside from that, the idea with your weapons is that you want to build up Blast Master's bonus by not reloading, and take advantage of the magazine size boost of Matched Set.

    I personally prefer Vladof assault rifles for this purpose. You have several good options; I'll go over a couple of them.

    Faisor (Shock) - probably the best option for this build, if not a requirement. It has a decent magazine size and is useful for stripping shields, but that's not it's best use. I keep it on its shotgun attachment, which deals splash damage. If I need to quickly refill my shield, I'll swap to my Faisor and shoot the floor or nearby wall a few times to fill up my shields. Since it's shock damage, it'll heal you through the Transformer, and since it's splash damage it'll refill you pretty quick if you've been building up the bonus for Blast Master. One of the best parts: using up all the ammo of the shotgun attachment and having it switch back to its primary fire *doesn't* count as a reload, so you can feel free to use it without having to worry about ruining your Blast Master bonus.

    Shredifier - a solid assault rifle with a huge magazine and high rate of fire, that comes in several elements & attachments. I've got a Radiation Shredifier with Bipod, and it's excellent for ripping through most unarmored enemies. Anything similar should shred as long as you can consistently hit crit spots.

    Lucian's Call - another solid assault rifle, its unique effect helps keep its magazine full and spread out some extra damage. I personally use a corrosive one to melt armor.

    Ogre - a high magazine assault rifle with explosive bullets, it'll benefit from Blast Master's bonus but can't come in any element. Consider the alternate build with Fire in the Skag Den if you want to make the most use out of this AR.

    Honorable Mention: Handsome Jackhammer (Shock)

    The Handsome Jackhammer, on paper, doesn't match this build at all. It's a Hyperion SMG that breaks our matching manufacturer and its primary use is in reloading it, which resets our Blast Master bonus. I mention it for one reason: its shock version can help keep you alive with this build when nothing else can. For some content I like to bring one along to keep me alive in between Iron Bear activations. Repeated throwing on the ground can recover a lot of shields quickly - and since it uses SMG ammo, you'll have a lot of ammo in reserve to use for it.

    Playstyle: Build-up & Payoff

    While playing as Moze, kill enemies quickly by gunning them down with high damage, high magazine-size assault rifles. For most enemies, you should be able to take them out quickly - with Desparate Measures, Drowning in Brass, Experimental Munitions, and Scorching RPM's, you have a lot of damage potential, especially when aiming for the head. While doing so, 2/1 Redistribution will keep ammo in your magazine and allow you to build up Blast Master's bonus. Throw a grenade when Redistribution is otherwise difficult to keep going.

    When tougher enemies appear or you are being overwhelmed, enter Iron Bear. This build gives Iron Bear a monstrous amount of damage, putting points into basically every skill that boosts Iron Bear damage (Desparate Measures, Experimental Munitions, Cloud of Lead, Scorching RPM'S, Specialist Bear, Stainless Steel Bear, and even Fire in the Skag Den with the alternate build) not to mention Iron Bear benefiting from Blast Master itself. If you've been building up its bonus as Moze, Iron Bear should be able to tear through enemies. Make sure you're dual-wielding explosive miniguns or rocket pods to make the most of it, as well as making sure you can survive incoming damage through Vampyr (gained through the Blast Master class mod).

    After Iron Bear is over, you'll be at your most vulnerable. Make sure you survive by using shock splash damage + the Transformer shield to stay alive. Also, the best defense is a good offense, so be sure to kill enemies quickly to reduce incoming fire and gain back Iron Bear faster through Grizzled. Ideally, you'll build up your Blast Master bonus again by the time Iron Bear is ready again.

    Edit: formatting

    submitted by /u/castem
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    Fl4k survivability?

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 09:09 PM PST

    I'm having a lot of trouble staying alive as Fl4k. My damage is really good, but it's like the moment an enemy coughs in my direction, I'm in FFYL. Meanwhile my Amara and new COM Zane seem to do just as much damage while never really being at risk.

    What's the deal, is there any way to fashion Fl4k into something more than a glass cannon?

    submitted by /u/CitizenKing
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    Constant Xbox One X crashes

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 02:58 PM PST

    For fucks sake, this is getting more ridiculous by the day. Since the release of the game, the game runs to horrible on my Xbox One X that it every now and then would turn itself off with the overheating problem some people experienced. Although this is annoying, it did this on a bi-weekly basis, which wasn't too horrible. After the last few updates, the problem has been happening a lot. Since the last content update, I have played for a few hours yesterday and today and without exaggerating, my xbox has crashed more than 10 times. Anyone else who has been having these issues more frequent since the latest updates?

    It's become unplayable for me, as cutscenes and bossfights make my xbox crash immediately now. It's the only game it overheats on, I have lots of space on all sides of the device, I have tried reinstalling the game, putting it on different storage and I don't know what else to do now except just not playing anymore. Gearbox, get your fucking act together. You don't ask 100+ euros for a game, only to have users have technical issues with it since day one.


    submitted by /u/tan2hard
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    This was the best DLC I've ever played.

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 05:31 PM PST

    I'll say this first: I never played through each BL1 DLC, but I did play through all of BL2, and although the Assault on Dragons Keep is it's own incredible experience, Moxxi's Heist is my new favorite. Not just from the Borderlands series, but any game at all. I don't play enough to have any specific builds, or even more than one character, but the amount of loot I got gave me the opportunity to really set my own path on how I wanted to beat it.

    The base game (imo) was really weak, but this DLC gave me everything I expected that I wasn't given in the base game. I'm honestly struggling with how to properly convey what this DLC did for me. I generally hate holiday season, so this was the best Christmas I've had in a long time. Major props to GBX for pulling this off.

    submitted by /u/dvltonwillvms
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    Wotan’s legs aren’t being destroyed when shot

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 12:48 PM PST

    I've seen that you can shoot Wotan's legs to get extra loot after you've killed him, but no matter how much I shoot them they aren't being destroyed. I'm using the facepuncher/brawler ward to do around 2 Million a shot, so I know damage isn't the issue. Is anyone else having this problem?

    submitted by /u/NYelite13
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    Am I fighting Gigamind wrong?

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 03:15 PM PST

    I've been trying to farm Gigamind since he usually drops 3-5 legendaries every kill but it takes me forever to kill him. His shield goes down in a second but it takes me over two minutes just to get his health down (At about 75% health left, he instantly loses 25% of his health, don't know what that's about). I've tried using Fire Linoges, Crossroads, etc. but it still takes forever. I don't think it's my build, I'm playing Radiation Fl4k and can kill Katagawa Ball and Traunt in around 30 secs. Even on my BM/SoR Moze it takes forever to kill him

    And yes, I know about the crit spot on his back and shooting his little drones to get rid of shield.

    submitted by /u/FieryBlizza
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    Having problems w/ Moxxi’s Heist

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 06:25 PM PST

    I've bought the DLC, downloaded it, but when I try to install it, it says that it can't find the game. The disc is in the PS4. Help?

    submitted by /u/TRIGGERHAPY1531
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    Does anyone know if Three Horns Valley levels?

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 11:42 AM PST

    I wanna get an infinite on level but I don't know how to get it to level to me. Any help?

    submitted by /u/GigaKaramaz
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    Phasezerker Class Mod not dropping.

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 08:26 PM PST

    I've been farming Hag of Fervor for 2+ days and it just won't drop the freaking Phasezerker class mod! Any advice at this point is much appreciated, I just can't farm that stupid trial anymore. Is there any other bosses who have increased drop for class mods in general?

    submitted by /u/SobekDLizzard
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    Best ion cannon stats?

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 08:11 PM PST

    Found one for 202k x2 to start with, is it even worth farming for an improvement?

    submitted by /u/redrocket6999
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    Green monster

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 08:11 PM PST

    So after blasting at the jack cut out I learned the class mod hubs about 28 bonus corrosive damage after 12ish shots and the max bonus damage is only 1437 I think? Something around that number it capped out and stopped rising so an extra 1437 per shot in corrosive damage isn't that worth it and I can't seem to make this work. Trying it on graveward with a lucians call litterally not letting go of the trigger the damage shifted depending which crit I hit but max was still like 2600.

    submitted by /u/LukeASylva
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