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    Thursday, December 5, 2019

    Borderlands Patch Notes 12/5/19

    Borderlands Patch Notes 12/5/19

    Patch Notes 12/5/19

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 07:16 AM PST

    [PSA] Wotan and Krakens can be damaged more after they are killed and can drop additional legendaries

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 02:26 PM PST

    I haven't seen it mentioned anywhere, but you can break kraken and Wotan's legs after they are killed and they will drop more loot

    Edit: their bodies collapse after they die and they will de spawn pretty quickly, but if you continue to shoot their legs they will break and more stuff will drop. I get extra legendaries every time on M4

    submitted by /u/SenSei_Buzzkill
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    Guardian Ranks won’t be working for another 2 weeks.

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 07:54 AM PST

    I'm just disappointed that I have to go another 2 weeks without being able to ADS in ffyl and get shield regen after a kill. These perks were huge for some people's builds.

    My bottomless mags/Shield of retribution Moze is really struggling to stay alive without the shield regen. Not to mention no topped off (tons of action skill cooldown).

    At least there's no more ghosts in December.

    submitted by /u/joetheminoin
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    Ya know...

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 05:32 PM PST

    I'm a Zane main and honestly killed it, unlocking all the achievements and doing the most, when it was only mayhem 3... But since DLC is around the corner I wanted to play each character to level 50.. MY GOD is FL4K ridiculous. I'm way late, but jesus christ is everything a walk in the park 😅😅😅

    submitted by /u/AndyC4N3
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    The Immune Phases with Annointed Enemies Ruin Those Encounters

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 11:03 PM PST

    As the title states. The annointed enemies that have immune phases last way to long, and are activated way too often. I don't mind immune phases but with certain enemies it's just ridiculous. I can encounter an annointed militant and spend 50% (or even more) of the fight just running around waiting for his immune phase to end. It totally ruins any kind of momentum you have in the fight and they're just awful.

    I don't think I've seen this brought up before in here (apologies if it has), but all of my friends I've talked to about it agree. Please make these immune phases shorter! I just encountered an annointed militant that cycled between his immune shield throw phase and his scorched Earth incendiary phase about 4x without any opportunity to damage him for over a minute. These fights are not enjoyable at all. It's just silly.

    submitted by /u/snarpsta
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    I made a psycho costume for the upcoming x-mas con in Krakow.

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 05:59 AM PST

    [BL3] Borderlands 3 – Moxxi's Heist of the Handsome Jackpot Gameplay

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 07:17 AM PST

    Borderlands 3 – Moxxi's Heist of the Handsome Jackpot Gameplay


    submitted by /u/Turbostrider27
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    Is leave no trace worth speccing into now for a crit build Fl4k? given that it was nerfed to oblivion then improved a bit

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 04:27 PM PST

    From what I understand in the original nerf they reduced the chance of the bullet being added back to the mag significantly but what really killed it was the one second cool down they added for the skill making it a laughably useless skill all in all.

    I know theyve reduced this cooldown now so is it now worth speccing into or should it still be avoided like the plague?

    submitted by /u/RecoveredAshes
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    New Fl4k class mod

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 08:57 AM PST

    Just saw it in a Killersix preview for the new dlc. It's big draw is that Crit damage increases until you don't hit a crit

    So uh that's pretty nuts . I assume there's a hard cap but still.

    submitted by /u/Variantr
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    A big part of the Zane problem has nothing to do with skills and everything to do with other game design choices.

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 11:48 PM PST

    Take Anointments, for example. Even if you just ignore stuff like Amara's crazy bonuses, other characters have ways of significantly enhancing their anointment bonuses.

    Moze, for instance. The Anoint that gives +50% elemental for the next two clips, might as well be a permanent bonus for a bottomless mags moze. Anointments that proc on skill end can be spammed indefinitely by a Rakk Attack Fl4k.

    By contrast, Zane can either choose to have 50% bonus elemental damage when SNTNL is active, or he can choose to only get his anointments after his action skills have ended - but when that happens, he also loses a significant portion of his damage, since much of it is tied to having his action skills active!

    And the Anointments Zane CAN effectively use - sliding and airborne bonuses - are typically less than the other alternatives, even though they're realistically less consistent and more difficult to use.

    The other Vault Hunters are simply better equipped to exploit the bonuses offered by most Anointments.

    Then consider weapons. Take Maliwan Weapons, for example.

    Maliwan Guns have a charge-up time. That's pretty much insignificant on Moze; she can run while charging up and while shooting, and because she can shoot virtually forever, she never has to charge up twice. Amara has a skill that can shorten the charge-up time to almost nothing. And Fl4k deals the most damage while stationary, so having to pause to charge up doesn't particularly hurt him.

    But Zane needs to be moving! He gets the largest part of his damage while in the air or sliding, which offers a very limited time window. By the time he finishes charging a weapon up to fire, he will have lost the vast majority of his potential damage.

    This also applies to a great number of other weapons. All guns with a windup time, for instance; Zane can't really use them effectively, because it slows him to a walk and costs him a HUGE amount of damage! And how about the guns that offer increased damage the longer you hold the trigger? Moze can get 250% damage from them, Zane will at best compensate for his lack of high speed movement, and likely lose damage overall.

    This is why you end up seeing a lot of Zane players essentially forced into using a Maggie; it's one of a very few weapons that has decent DPS output without needing to waste critical time to activate it.

    And that's not even optimal for him! Playing Dirty functions very poorly with the Maggie, giving only about 16% of its maximum bonus at best! Only the Lyuda really offers everything he could need, but of course, he doesn't have the ammo supply to sustain it.

    Another problem is with enemy AI. Many of them have perfect aim, most notably those guys with rocket launchers or sawblade guns. Moving fast and dodging around is only an effective strategy if it actually reduces the chances of enemies hitting you. But against enemies with perfect aim and large splash radius? Moving fast just makes it harder for the PLAYER to hit enemies. If it weren't for the recent boost to Violent Momentum, running fast would be virtually unusable. Even as it is, it's taking a great risk for a marginal benefit. Other characters can sit back in cover and protect themselves, but Zane is FORCED to sprint into combat, putting himself at risk for greater performance.

    So really, much of the problem isn't just Zane's skills. Which isn't to say they couldn't use some help, but even if they did get help, he'd still be hamstringed by a game that seems determined to deny him options.

    submitted by /u/EndlessArgument
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    I think BL3 should handle events like Path of exiles

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 05:32 AM PST

    Bloody harvest was fun, albeit the persistence of ghosts in every zone probably wore on some people. It would be a shame if this event went away forever, and we never had a chance to farm terror annoints/ghast call ever again.
    I think they should take a lead from what POE does in seasons. When a particular event is successful or popular, they bring it back as a possible map modifier in the future. In BL3 it could work as a possible Mayhem modifier. One of the rolls that you can get is "enemies can spawn with ghosts". It would only be one of a list of many mayhem modifiers, and I would prefer it be set it up to be very rare so maybe you only get ghosts once every 100 runs. And if people still hate ghosts, just reload, you don't need to play with that mod. They could even let you reopen the heck hole if you farmed enough hectoplasm. The concept would be that bloody harvest never fully goes away, it just becomes a rare event. IMO, Why delete content?

    Edit: so new patch says it will be back next October, hopefully they update it so it's not just the same thing. So terror gear isn't gone forever. And I'm hoping they take people's advice and do something where you can avoid the ghosts of you don't like them (for instance ghosts only appear if you have accepted the quest).

    submitted by /u/Overlordz88
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    [Suggestion] Automatically pick up quest items.

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 11:31 AM PST

    TL:DR; A option to automatically pick up quest items would change the pacing of the game, much like the change to shield boosters a few patches ago.

    For a game that's supposed to be fast paced where your character should always be on the move and doing something, gather quests slows down this process by having your character stop what there doing to pick up the item making them lose all of there momentum. This is extremely noticeable when you're doing a car chase mission, where you have to destroy x vehicle(s) and collect a part from the wreckage. If this was BL2 all you'd have to do is drive over the item and it automatically picks up the item for you, however in BL3 this isn't the case. You have to exit your vehicle to collect the part. Also unlike BL2 (maybe BL:TPS it's been a few years), BL3 doesn't let you hold (X) to collect all quest items but instead you have to pick each item up one by one. I get that a quest item can tell a story in itself with its flavor text but I rather focus on the core gameplay and not have to worry about hitting a pixel perfect (X) in a clutter of other items to complete a mission. So with all that being said a option to automatically pick up quest items would change the pacing of the game, much like the change to shield boosters a few patches ago.

    submitted by /u/Royal-Rayol
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    PS4 groups?

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 06:59 PM PST

    Hey, I'm new to this sort of thing but hoping to try and find some borderlands 3 buddies to game with, I wouldn't say I'm high end or anything, just wanted try getting into a gaming group, any help on where to go for this sort of thing would be appreciated

    Edit: user I.d. Is Joel3124

    submitted by /u/B9J9P3
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    "I like my monsters rare"

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 07:42 AM PST

    I just wanted to say fuck whoever was in charge of the spawn rates of the slag spores specifically I hope they were fired. I've only found one so far but the rest of the monsters I had no trouble with. I get they're supposed to be rare and all but goddamn is it so mind numbingly dull to just save quit every time if there isn't one there.

    It's just not a fun quest. I enjoyed the rest of the dlc surprisingly since it's famously the "bad" dlc and since I'm 100%ing it I would have to agree now.

    Edit: Well I switched to ardorton station after taking a break and I found the slag spores so much faster. Now onto the real fun of 100%ing BL1 achievements. The most fun will be the clpatrap achievements blech.

    submitted by /u/Treevon_Martin
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    Just lost my flak with 96 hours played...why god

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 06:25 PM PST

    Got hit with the cloud sync bug. Everyone please be safe out there. I'm going to go cry in a corner for awhile

    submitted by /u/Niqquahs
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    BL3 boss loot tables ??

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 09:57 PM PST

    Did they release the update where bosses have specific loot pools now? If so, is there a chart or something that someone made to show the loot pools ??

    submitted by /u/stoplockingmeout
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    Skins/Heads Guide

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 05:05 PM PST

    Is there any good head and skin guide out there? I'd like to collect the handful of each I'm still missing but unable to really find any good sources.

    submitted by /u/GoL_Melchior
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    [BL1] split screen game not saving characters from previous play through

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 08:37 PM PST

    Myself and two friends stared BL1 on split screen on PS4 the other day. We each used a separate psn accounts. Hopping on to play today, and only one character, the main PS4 owners account, saved. Others are gone and there's no option to retrieve the data. Help? I'm not sure what we've done wrong. Now every time we go in, the two characters we've played have disappeared.

    submitted by /u/vivalaraptor
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    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 04:12 PM PST

    Can anyone please explain what the Mayhem 1-4 system is before I buy the game. Been a massive fan of every other borderlands but have been seeing issues with the 3rd...

    submitted by /u/rje618
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    Connection to the Raid

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 07:35 PM PST

    Has anyone else had issues with mid raid being kicked out and getting a connection error? Im on solid wifi and no other games do that except this one.

    submitted by /u/Jfalcon64
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    I made an epic trap banger with a borderlands sound clip right before the beat drops and it sounds fire!

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 07:19 PM PST

    MH4 Melee Amara

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 07:07 PM PST

    So, I'm sure I'm not the only one(hopefully), but I had a hell of a lot of fun with melee Amara and the spiritual driver. I'd made a few comments and mentioned a few things on Facebook, and people are telling me it's still viable online MH4 even after the driver patch. I just don't see any possibility how. Anyone know?

    submitted by /u/Nightowl1254
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    Gorillas in the Mist glitch?

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 06:36 PM PST

    Yesterday morning (12/4) I was farming graveward as my FL4K. I used my 15 round Lyuda with fade-away. While I was doing so, I was able to unload, reload and fire off a couple more rounds in 1 use of fade-away with gorillas in the mist augment activated. This never happens. I check on my build and scroll over the augment. The game said it lasts 8 seconds with 50% crit damage. I assumed this was an amazing patch that gearbox just implemented.

    I get back from work and farm again. Now GitM is back to 5 seconds with 25% crit damage. I'm trying to figure out if this was a glitch or maybe I had gear that allowed it to last for 8 seconds and do extra crit (I searched thoroughly and found nothing). And I've yet to see it like this again.

    Has anyone else seen this? Or know what I'm talking about? I play on PS4 btw.

    submitted by /u/crewking102
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    Will I lose my character if I uninstall on Xbox One?

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 05:54 PM PST

    I apologize if this has been asked before but I couldn't find an answer anywhere. I'm running low on storage space and I have a digital downloaded copy of borderlands 3 that I considered uninstalling temporarily so I can play a game I rented but i don't want to uninstall if i will lose my character.

    submitted by /u/aaronc19
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    Never realized how sexy Krieg was until I got this print art set

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 04:53 PM PST

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