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    Wednesday, December 4, 2019

    Borderlands Yet Another Proposition for Zane - This time by an already fairly satisfied Zane player

    Borderlands Yet Another Proposition for Zane - This time by an already fairly satisfied Zane player

    Yet Another Proposition for Zane - This time by an already fairly satisfied Zane player

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 07:02 AM PST

    Bit of an intro

    I've put far too many hours into learning the ins and outs of this character, and I would just like to say that I'm actually pretty happy with his current place. His "weakness" is blown way out of proportion, mostly I believe by people who haven't quite understood just how gear oriented he is.

    I'd like to quickly elaborate on this. I'm of course not saying people are playing him 'wrong' or people that don't play him a certain way shouldn't have a voice. Play however you'd like. But I do believe if you're going to speak so heavily on a character, you should put more time into understanding strengths and weakness. Zane is a gear based character. He works to buff the shit out of a palystyle of complementary gear, and he does a damn good job at it. As an example, I mainly run a Jakob's crit build. All my skills are specced into ways to boost damage that specifically buff the Jakob's playstyle.

    The issues

    Zane suffers from a lack of "OP" skills/synergies and his COMs are for the most part garbage. This isn't exactly true, as he can be incredibly powerful with the right gear, to the point of melting bosses and clearing rooms in a shot or two much like the others. But I don't think it's going to stay this way if they keep adding more and more Mayhem levels. He'll stop being viable very quickly.

    His COMs don't help with this whatsoever. I'm not going to speak on the newest one just yet as I haven't been able to play with it (though I would like to). Executor and Infiltrator are the only ones I've been able to find a place for, and for the most part, they're really good. Executor is incredible as a sort of all around mod, but even better for a crit build. Infiltrator + Rough Rider is kind of insane, and throwing on a Stop-Gap for special occasions is always a good time.

    What I think could bring him up to the rest

    This recent round of buffs to him was really good. It upped his game a lot, and got me thinking. For a character with so many kill skills, not many of them utilize stacks very much. I think the skills that were just made to be able to double up (Donnybrook, Pocket Full of Grenades, Cool Hand, Violent Violence, and Violent Speed) could maybe use even more than that. I don't really use Cool Hand and Pocket Full of Grenades so I'm not too sure about the place those are currently in, but Violent Violence, Violent Speed, and Donnybrook should stack way more than 2. Zane is kill focused, yes? So why is it that he's already at his max power the second you toss out your skills. Deploying skills should still stack you up to two, but then you should be able to go further by actually racking up kills. I think this alone could easily get him up to where he needs to be to be able to continue to compete. This is another really good post outlining some more skill-based issues.

    Now to COMs. Honestly, all of these could use some touching up, others perhaps just an entire rework. Infiltrator, while good, I think should get an even larger bonus for depleted shields and Executor's added kill skill should also be able to stack with this proposed buff. Another COM that could be good for bossing if this suggestion were to go through would be one that immediately stacked all your skills up to max, though I do worry that this could then just be an issue where it completely outshines every other COM and forces them to obsolescence.

    Well, I think that'll about do it. Thanks for coming to my ted talk.

    submitted by /u/Arachnica
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    Does anyone know who was in charge of writing the DLC campaign?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 11:50 AM PST

    Man I really hope the same people who wrote some of those fantastic side missions like Life of the Party, Wildlife Conservation, and Homestead Parts 1-3 wrote the main campaign for the DLC.

    The obnoxious writing from the base game campaign makes it such a slog to play through. However, by leaving almost all the side missions to do after the campaign with the addition of the Proving Grounds, Circles of Slaughter, and farming for legendaries, I have found the 'endgame' as of right now pretty phenomenal.

    The mission structure, locations, gunfights and dialogue (for the most part) of the side missions is so reminiscent of Borderlands 2 it makes me wonder how I accepted the mediocrity of the main campaign in comparison. I actually found myself laughing out loud and appreciated objectives that had me do a little more than "go here and shoot them" after I was reminded of them.

    submitted by /u/tennisboy213
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    Zane QOL idea

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 09:58 AM PST

    Because he is supposed to be moving almost all the time and his speed = damage, then he should be able to possibly have the ability to sprint while shooting or be able to sprint in all directions. I think that would give him an extremely agile and tactical feeling while playing and would reward good usage of this with more damage

    submitted by /u/JAMBOBUBBLE
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    Snow Scourge Zane: A glitchless, Mayhem 4 Graveward One-Shot build.

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 02:47 PM PST

    Hi all!

    This is a Zane build aimed at one-shotting Graveward, without glitches, crit-swapping or forcing action skill ends. It also is not that gear intensive.

    The principles of this build can be used to one-shot any boss, though different timing might be needed.

    First off, here is the video:


    Now, into the specifics.

    The main principle here is that Violent Momentum damage is added when shooting, not when the projectile hits. Because of this, weapons that spawn a lot of extra projectiles (like the Hive, Scourge...) will have Violent Momentum damage added to all spawned projectiles. This makes these great for mobbing too: just slide, shoot your Scourge into a mob, and watch them melt.

    Basic strategy:

    - Jump down to the arena, activate the barrier as you're landing (make sure to NOT activate it too soon and cancel the action skill)

    - Activate the Clone immediately after.

    - Run forward, slide and almost immediately shoot. You have to get a feeling for the timing a bit, you basically want to shoot when you're at your fastest.

    - At the edge of the platform, swap with your clone.

    - Immediately after swapping, you hold down the key to destroy the clone with Doppelbanger.

    - The clone should explode just before the projectiles hit Graveward, for added 'on action skill end' damage.


    Here is the basic bossing build

    • Violent Momentum: This is what makes Zane bossing builds work. But, in contrary to other builds, this one doesn't use the momentum from falling off the platform. Sliding is more then enough.
    • Supersonic Man: Gives us extra speed when our action skills are active.
    • Violent Speed: Extra speed after kill.
    • Seeing Red: This is necessary to activate our kill skills.

    These are the most important ones (to any Zane build, really).


    As shown in the video, this can be done with somewhat minimal gear.

    • Scourge: This basically needs to be in the element that is most optimal for the bass your aiming to kill, in this case, fire for Graveward.
    • Infiltrator: Any infiltrator with as many points into Violent Momentum, and no points in Like A Ghost.
    • Snowdrift Relic: Any one will do.
    • A shield and grenade with elemental damage after action skill end: These are not that hard to get. it doesn't really matter what shield it is, so you can easily farm vendors for these.

    And, that's basically it.

    Enjoy killing poor ol' Graveward in one shot!

    submitted by /u/SonnyFelixo
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    Tips and tricks to improve performance and stability in BL3?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 08:36 PM PST

    i've seen a few things around like turning down volumetric fog but overall things are still pretty bad. With a gtx 1060, 8th gen i7, and 16gb of ram im averaging 45 fps on high. frames, Stability, and lag are much bigger issues in coop.

    Anyway any general tips and tricks to improve performance and stability?

    submitted by /u/RecoveredAshes
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    Any predictions for the next hotfix?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 10:08 AM PST

    My guesses are fixing pain and terror spawns after the boss fight, "adjusting" Amara, or toning down M4. I'm interested what others think

    submitted by /u/stevens12s
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    Why is matchmaking so bad

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 02:28 PM PST

    Why is the matchmaking for this game so terrible. I dont think ive once gotten a full group and if youre matchmaking for more people you get kicked from your activity and restarted once another person arrives, its insane. Its so player hostile. You wait 10 minutes minimum just for 1 other person and then you might glitch out in any number of ways that make all of it pointless. I just dont get how this games performance is so bad and multiplayer and matchmaking makes it exponentially worse.

    submitted by /u/BlackTestament7
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    What if this combination of rolls were possible?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 03:25 PM PST

    Consecutive Hits increase Weapon Damage by 1% per hit, misses remove all bonuses.

    The bonus is removed on reload. Now what would happen if this annointed roll was placed on...

    Amazing Grace, Rowan's Call, or Lucian's Call, all of which return ammo to magazine on reload. Would this be a new holy grail of loot rolls?

    submitted by /u/IndecentAnomaly
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    It Be Like That Sometimes

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 10:22 AM PST

    I heard about the Alchemist dealing self shock damage and thought "Hey, I have a Transformer shield and self damage will proc Mindfulness and send me flying around the world melting fools!" and looked up where to farm it.

    Twenty runs of TVHM Mayhem 4 Heckle/Hyde and he doesn't just not drop the Alchemist but he doesn't drop anything, no money or crap tier junk, zero loot, so I decide to drop down to Normal Mayhem 4 because that area has so many Daddy Goliaths and annointed fuckholes that I wasn't having fun while also not getting any drops.

    Load up Normal mode to find I'm outside Gigamind because he's my go to farm and decide to run him once before I go back to my regularly scheduled Alchemist farm. He drops five legendaries with one being the goddamned Alchemist. I was shook, friends, and immediately went to test my new gun...it does not proc Mindfulness with a Transformer shield on...I am dumb/disappoint.

    TL;DR: RNG is a weird demon that teases you but then it gives you what you want but you didn't actually want that thing because you're stupid and have no idea what you're doing and should leave theory crafting to the professionals.

    submitted by /u/B0dyByCake
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    Question about gun mechanics.

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 06:59 PM PST

    So I don't know if it's a skill I spec'd into or the effect of one of my items. But for whatever reason my guns barrel will glow the color of its element after a few seconds and the first shot fired will be a laser beam regardless if the gun is a laser or not.

    submitted by /u/RainbowSixShenanigan
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    Guardian rank skills not working...

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 04:43 PM PST

    For whatever reason my guardian rank skills don't seem to be working. I can't ADS in FFYL, my shields don't recharge when killing an enemy, and I don't second wind with full health. Anyone know a fix?

    submitted by /u/JackNJ5
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    Stop posting about the Gurdian ranks!

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 09:48 PM PST

    The gurdian ranks are bugged and disabled on all platforms. Stop posting so about the gurdian rank please

    submitted by /u/CringeLordSexy
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    [BL3] Gore system: Any mods or ways to make blood and gore stay longer before disappearing or even out the variety in the gore variation?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 08:43 PM PST

    Im happy to see a return to a better gore system like BL1 but theres a couple big problems

    1) the gory bits and blood splatters disappear very quickly. in like seconds

    2) It cheapens the effect when everyone just explodes into mist and chunks after virtually every crit death and half the other deaths. The head and limb gore variations are really good its a shame you barely ever get to see them.

    Any mods that fix this or any ways to manually fix it?

    submitted by /u/RecoveredAshes
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    Best way to farm cap haunt in the last 2 (ish) hours?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 07:06 PM PST

    I have all the challenges but him I have like 9/25

    submitted by /u/PM_ME_XBOX_CARDS
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    How to get kill quests to appear in sanctuary?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 06:51 PM PST

    Im trying to get the Mother of Grogans quest to appear so i can farm xp but it wont show up, how can i get it to appear? Am on PS4

    submitted by /u/PapaNootNoot
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    Notice how all the talk about Maliwan takedown being too difficult quickly disappeared.

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 06:47 PM PST

    Hell, people are doing solo speedruns on Mayhem 4 and completing it in under 10 minutes. Vids are getting posted all over youtube if you need help.

    Props to Gearbox for not caving in to the mob on this one. Other technical issues still need addressing, though.

    submitted by /u/GunLovingLibertarian
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    Dlc on Dec 19th

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 07:51 AM PST

    What content is coming? New gear, skill trees, a raid, or what? I can't find any information on it.

    submitted by /u/TheRealBigBurlyBear
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    TVHM VS Mayhem

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 05:59 PM PST

    Is it worth my time to go through the story a second time or should I just stick with mayhem levels? I'm currently running around on mayhem 2 trying to farm legendary gear with very minimal results. Does playing on TVHM raise drop rates?

    submitted by /u/BerserkerMP
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    How to avoid lag?

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 04:40 PM PST

    Any tips on how to reduce the lag? Mayhem 4 has been unplayable with lag every few seconds. I've played offline but it still continues

    submitted by /u/hellafressh
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    Flak Cryo builds

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 10:13 AM PST

    Need a bit of help in understanding of I were to build a Flak build around the Cryo is about, what gear should i be looking at. I understand that annointed gear would be the best but need to understand what type of gear helps me freeze enemies close to a Zane cryo build

    submitted by /u/28121986
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    Legendary drop clarification

    Posted: 04 Dec 2019 01:39 PM PST

    Can legendaries drop ONLY from the specific bosses in the spreadsheet or can we farm any boss.

    I need a phasezerker class mod and hag of Fervor is aids to try and farm.

    submitted by /u/gilroygun
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