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    Tuesday, January 21, 2020

    Borderlands Fl4k is the most mysterious of the new hunters.

    Borderlands Fl4k is the most mysterious of the new hunters.

    Fl4k is the most mysterious of the new hunters.

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 03:29 PM PST

    In the other 3's intro and echo logs tells their backstory and deal. Fl4k's intro explains that theyre a pet class that hunts as a pack, and theirs comes right after their awakening self awareness. Everything in between those depictions is a mystery. The obsession with death and hunting makes some sense with their "thirst for murder" But they also talk about death like a person. Who is the grand archivist and what specifically caused them to achieve self awareness so suddenly. Why does fl4k know Zero? Why did theu join the Crimson raiders? How long in between achieving self awareness and present has it been; it seems like it's been a while because their clothes are ragged and their foot has been replaced with mismatched parts. When and why did they start picking up animals and augmenting them? They've presumably already been to Eden-6 because they have a jabber. How does a nomadic robot procure transport across these planets? Why does their Jacket have a Dahl military patch? Also worth noting that in the intro cinematic they come off as the unofficial leader of the 4, standing in front of the first group shot and front in center when entering the Saloon (maybe they consider the other members "part of the pack")

    submitted by /u/Redneckalligator
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    New fl4k classmod suggestion

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 08:26 AM PST

    I was thinking about how fl4k lacks lifesteal, which is needed in m4 to stay alive. So I thought, why not a new classmod which does this.

    I introduce the blood drinker classmod, 15% (or more) of crit damage is returned as health.

    the skills it would add sould maybe come from the hunter tree.

    Let me know what you think.

    submitted by /u/JonasMLRS
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    Farming frenzy- what is everyone going for?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 01:40 PM PST

    I've been farming rare spawns without a ton of success and am curious what people have been doing for the event? Wondering if it's better to to Rampager/GW/Slaughter Shaft runs

    submitted by /u/Lopsidedbuilder69
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    When did Tannis become a Siren?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 12:15 AM PST

    So, I've been playing BL3 and learned that Tannis is a Siren. However, WHEN did she become one? It can't have been right after Lilith lost her powers, because I feel like she'd have freaked out and run around in circles or something. Plus she said something about 'needing ANOTHER Siren- no offence, Lilith' when you try to head for Promethea. But if she was a Siren in the First game, she would've been able to stop the Crimson Lance from stealing the Vault Key off her. My theory is that either in the Pre-Sequel or BL2, she becomes one. Leaning more on BL2, since only 6 Sirens can exist at one time, and their power passes from one to another on death. Who's the Siren you encounter on BL2? Jack's daughter, Angel, who you kill with Eridium poisoning.

    submitted by /u/AkiraOfRoses
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    Legendary grenade mods need buffs

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 07:12 PM PST

    I love grenades in this game. Epics and such that is. They all feel so different, actually do surprising damage and are simply fun to use.

    On the other hands legendaries...if I'm generous theres like 8 legendary grenades that are actually good. Even those suffer slightly cause legendaries don't get the 4 bonuses that every regular nade gets (Mirv, radius, bouncing etc)

    It's absurd to me how stuff like the Fastball or Nagata even exist. They barely work on Normal mode. Why can't legendaries like that still get 3-4 of the regular nade bonuses?

    And no, nerfing the Hex, Quasar and Co. doesn't fix that, they're fine and actually fun to use. Just makes me legit sad when a Hunter-Seeker with a decent Anointment drops but it's legit pointless to use at all.

    submitted by /u/Geibschi
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    Just recently reached lvl 50 as Moze...

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 09:26 PM PST

    Which gear should I be farming for if I want to be able to solo Wotan and survive on Mayhem? For now I'm running a fairly standard Iron Bear build, but none of my legendaries are all that great (My best weapon is a green COV pistol). I don't have the Raging Bear mod yet nor do I have a good enough shock weapon to use with the Transformer shield. What are some generalist things that I should be farming for as Moze before I can solo Wotan and attempt higher levels of Mayhem?

    submitted by /u/Iberius_Huskus
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    Borderlands 3 easter egg

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 07:35 PM PST

    Has anyone else noticed in sanctuary in claptrap's room there's a torgue cereal box that if u hit it, it plays a guitar riff

    submitted by /u/ForerunnerExcalibur
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    The unstopppable

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 07:16 PM PST

    I don't know if this is a bug or not, but using the chain Zane build, shooting the unstoppable will not chain to other enemies. I've tried with a variety of guns and it doesn't seem to work

    submitted by /u/Buttblastoryeetsocks
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    Fl4k's Rakk Attack/Crit Build

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 05:10 AM PST

    I sincerely hope gearbox doesn't nerf this build, this is always something I am scared of when people post their insane DPS builds online. I guess here goes.

    My build really isn't anything new in the world of Fl4k builds, with that being said I kind of pride myself on not really basing this on anything; as in I didn't watch videos or look at someone else's build. I took my extra toon and just started applying skill points to abilities and made sure everything worked together. The link below is how all of my skill points were spent.

    Rakk Attack/Crit Build

    As far as the gear goes it looks something like this:

    Maggie (Rakk anointed)

    Brainstormer (Rakk anointed)

    Corrosive Cutsman for the takedown, Fire/Cryo Kyb's for mobbing (both with elemental anoint)

    My fourth weapon slot kind of doesn't matter, I've been rotating between an Ion Cannon, Stagecoach, or whatever else I have with the Rakk anointment.

    Transformer Shield (whatever anointment helps your stay alive)

    Bounty Hunter class mod with +Weapon damage, +Crit damage, and +Cooldown rate. The cooldown doesn't matter for this build since Rakk Attack is pretty quick anyways. I wish I had Jakobs damage on that last spot but not one everyone can by lucky enough to have a perfect class mod.

    Every Man For Himself (cryo) artifact with +Shock damage, +Cooldown rate, +HP. Again, cooldown here doesn't matter but this what I had. The shock damage is insane for the Brainstormer, the HP is just a bonus on top. I went for the cryo EMFH just so that I can slide around the map super quick, you could easily use another version of this, this one just works for me.

    The grenade is up to you. I personally swap between the MIRV-Tacular Hex either radiation or shock for general mobbing. If i'm soloing the takedown I like to use my Quasar that has the ability to regen a nade whenever your action skill is finished; you seriously never run out of nades with this thing, it's pretty amazing. The Quasar also has the added bonus of potentially dragging and dropping enemies off the side of the map so that always helps.

    Let me know what you think. If you see anything that ether doesn't work or could be improved post it. I would love to modify and play with this to make it stronger.

    submitted by /u/djnato10
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    Bl3 mayhem

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 06:40 PM PST

    Mayhem modes should be accessible for all characters once unlocked. I love it and I wanna play with other characters but dont wanna grind to have to unlock it

    submitted by /u/aarron0418
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    Level cap discussions

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 05:43 PM PST

    If/when they decide to raise the level cap what is the level you would like them to raise it too. Should it be lv 72 like in BL2 or should they keep it at lv 50. Personally the bigger the better for me. I love spending skill points. It's an addiction don't @ me

    submitted by /u/TheUglyPugly
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    Found a weird annointment in my vault

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 03:46 PM PST

    Its a Baby Maker with the annointment After Phase grip Amara fires terror skulls at the target for X damage( dont recall the exact number) It does not work. Do I have to be terrified for it to trigger? The text doesnt say that.

    submitted by /u/Variantr
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    On Borderlands Enhanced I accidentally imported my characters more than once.

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 03:36 PM PST

    What will happen if I delete the extras? Will that affect anything?

    submitted by /u/Dan50
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    Help with gunzerker

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 09:27 PM PST

    Looking at various builds and whatnot I keep finding people who say Salvador basically breaks the game. So far I've played up to level 70 as Maya, and 50 as Sal, and I have to say so far playing with Maya was way easier. At these levels enemies do so much freaking damage, you can't hardly break cover for 2 seconds before you're dead. But with Maya's phase lock, the pulling of enemies into the phase lock, and the lock seeking new targets after the death of the target.... all that CC is really helpful. Salvador has no CC at all. If he can fire at the enemy, the enemy can fire right back. All it takes is like maybe 3 bullets to connect and he's dead.

    Any tips for playing as Sal? I have no real special gear for him. Maybe I'll farm a Bee for him. That worked really well for Maya, because her CC meant that he shields were topped off a lot of the time. I dunno how well that shield will work for Sal though.

    submitted by /u/issr
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    Favorite Vault Hunter from Borderlands 3

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 02:45 PM PST

    Sorry in advance if my formats incorrect, I'm on mobile.

    Hey everyone! I've decided to go ahead and start another borderlands 3 playthrough but I'm unsure of who to play, so this prompted me to ask who's everyone's favorite character overall? This includes early game leveling, farming gear for, and playing on mayhem 4. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated, happy gaming!

    Edit: I probably should have stated that my first playthrough was with Amara.

    submitted by /u/Diinkiii
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    Just reached lvl 50 what’s next?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 12:31 PM PST

    So I just reached level 50 and I don't know what to do. Is there op levels like in borderlands 2? Is there a true vault hunter mode like bl2?

    Don't have much time to game these days so I can't submerge myself into borderlands like the old days.

    submitted by /u/xyloben1
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    Why doesnt BL3 have host migration?

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 12:21 PM PST

    This tech was introduced to CoD with MW2 in 2009, a multiplayer game released 10 years later should have this feature. Getting tired of the host quitting because they died halfway through the Takedown.

    submitted by /u/Dire_Zenith
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    Moze question

    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 11:54 AM PST

    Which weapons would you say are best for moze bottomless mag build ?

    submitted by /u/jbinksKTG
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    Posted: 20 Jan 2020 11:31 AM PST

    I don't keep up with this games community and don't use reddit, but I don't know what to do. As far as I know this game (Xbox one btw) has been laggy as fuck on multiplayer. I can't even play maliwan takedown without lagging out. I don't know what to do and I don't even know if gearbox is doing anything to stop this.

    submitted by /u/poopypoopypoopyfart
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