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    Tuesday, January 21, 2020

    Borderlands Imagine if the Hyperion Bitch has unique prefixes for the elements

    Borderlands Imagine if the Hyperion Bitch has unique prefixes for the elements

    Imagine if the Hyperion Bitch has unique prefixes for the elements

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 07:31 AM PST

    Radiation: Rad Bitch

    Shock: Shocking Bitch

    Fire: Hot Bitch

    Corrosion: Toxic Bitch

    Cryo: Cold Bitch

    Non elemental: Basic Bitch

    submitted by /u/not_anakin
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    Dafuq why does everyone hate claptrap?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 05:57 AM PST

    I started the first game almost a year ago and since I have played every single one, and the only one where I haven't played through all the dlcs is the first and sure he is annoying, but a likable character, his lonelyness and heartfelt attempts at freindship is relatable and funny, but the only opinion I see is hate.

    submitted by /u/Sir-Mr-Monsieur
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    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 09:36 AM PST

    This is Part 2 of my Moze FAQ's. I had to split it into multiple parts because of the character limit I wasn't able to add new ones. If I come up with more I'll make a Part 3 I guess.

    Check out Moze FAQs Part 1 if you missed it.

    (If you read the original Part 1 when I posted it, #7-25 are new here)

    Link to My Full FAQ on Gearbox Forums Check here for the most up-to-date FAQ.

    If you find any misinformation, or you know of something not listed in any of the FAQ please let me know.

    MOZE FAQ's: Part 2

    Updated Jan 21, 2020


    1. Why does exiting Iron Bear increase my shield capacity for a few seconds if I'm not using the +75% bonus shield and health anointment?
    2. What Iron Bear weapons proc Vampyr?
    3. How do I speed up the recharge delay on Security Bear?
    4. What's the difference between artifact and class mod gun damage boosts?
    5. What are all the gear anointments specific for Moze?
    6. Does the splash boost from Blast Master work with Iron Bear?
    7. Which Iron Bear weapons work best with Auto Bear?
    8. What's the point in using Full Can of Whoop Ass if my shield charges inside Iron Bear anyway?
    9. If I'm specced into the Shield of Retribution tree, I should always take Phalanx Doctrine right?
    10. When I use the Mind Sweeper com, sometimes enemies are killed almost instantly, what's going on?
    11. Why am I healing when I use the Mind Sweeper com, it doesn't state anything on the mod card?
    12. How does the Face Puncher and Knife Drain work with the Bloodletter com?
    13. I have a Marksman com that adds 1 point to Experimental Munitions, when I put a point into the skill and have 2/1, it doesn't do anything?
    14. Is there anyway to increase the Dakka Bear turret's Damage and Utility?
    15. Torgue guns seem like they would be great on Moze, but how can I detonate Stickies without reloading while using the Blast Master com? Can Torgue Stickies crit to proc Mind Sweeper micro grenades?
    16. How much ammo does Means of Destruction regenerate?
    17. Is there a way to speed up the animation when you enter Iron Bear?
    18. Do any of Moze's skills increase the amount of damage Short Fuse does?
    19. How do I maximize the damage a micro grenade does while using Mind Sweeper?
    20. I never carry a launcher, is there really any point in using Some for the Road?
    21. Can only automatic guns with really large magazines make use of Green Monster?
    22. Why isn't my Rocketeer mod working?
    23. Can White Elephant sticky bombs proc Mind Sweeper micro grenades?
    24. Why does the It's Piss grenade set me on fire, doesn't it clear status effects?
    25. Does the grenade anointment while Iron Bear is active, taking damage has a 20% chance to spawn a grenade work?

    1. Why does exiting Iron Bear increase my shield capacity for a few seconds if I'm not using the +75% bonus shield and health anointment?

    Moze's gun anointment 160% Bonus Splash Damage After Exiting Iron Bear for some reason temporarily increases your shield capacity significantly. Why? I don't know. Note it increases your shield by 75% and it stacks with the shield anointment that increases shield and health by 75%.

    2. What Iron Bear weapons proc Vampyr?

    Any of Iron Bear's weapons that deal splash damage will proc Vampyr. These include Exploding Bullets, Molten Roar, Sabot Rounds, Wild Swing, and all weapons in the Demolition Woman tree.

    3. How do I speed up the recharge delay on Security Bear?

    There is no way to decrease the delay on Security Bear. If you remember the initial charge being quicker (PC) it was changed and is now the same as on consoles (5 seconds after pressing the Action Skill button).

    4. What's the difference between artifact and class mod gun damage boosts?

    There are 3 types of gun damage boosts on relics and class mods, and there's also splash/AoE boosts. Generic gun damage, Manufacturer specific boosts (eg. Vladof, Atlas etc) , and Gun Type boosts (eg. SMG, Assault Rifle). Generic and Manufacturer specific damage boosts are additive to each other (Normal Hit), while Gun Type boosts (Special Multipliers) and Splash/AoE boosts (Splash) are multiplicative to (Normal Hit).

    Gun Damage = (Normal Hit x Splash x Special Multipliers x Critical Damage x Guardian Rank x Elemental Multiplier)

    Click here to learn what Additive and Multiplicative actually mean

    You generally want to go for multiplicative boosts when possible, in this case Gun Type and Splash boosts. Try to evenly distribute boosts over all categories for maximum DPS and versatility. If you're using a Blast Master for example, you already have a 100% to Splash Damage, so you're better off boosting other multipliers that will further increase Splash Damage.

    For more information and further understanding see this post

    5. What are all the gear anointments specific for Moze?

    Weapon Anointments

    a) When entering and exiting Iron Bear, create a nova that deals 20448 damage. (lvl50)

    b) After exiting Iron Bear, the next 2 magazines will have 10% increased fire rate and 20% critical damage.

    c) After exiting Iron Bear, the next 2 magazines will have 125% bonus incendiary damage.

    d) After exiting Iron Bear, gain 160% increased Splash damage for 18 seconds.

    e) While Auto Bear is active, deals 75% bonus incendiary damage.

    f) After exiting Iron Bear, the next 3 magazines will have 33% increased reload speed and 67% increased handling.

    g) After exiting Iron Bear, do not consume ammo for 5 seconds.

    h) While Auto Bear is active, constantly regenerate 8% of magazine size per second.

    i) After exiting Iron Bear, kills increase Iron Bear's cooldown rate by 30%.

    Grenade Anointments

    a) While Iron Bear is active, taking damage has 20% chance to spawn a grenade.

    Shield Anointments

    a) After exiting Iron Bear, gain 75% increased shields and health for 25 seconds.

    b) After exiting Iron Bear, kills increase Iron Bear's cooldown rate by 30%.

    6. Does the splash boost from Blast Master work with Iron Bear?

    Yes! It applies to all splash weapons Iron Bear has. Also note reloading Iron Bear's weapons does NOT restart the boost.

    7. Which Iron Bear weapons work best with Auto Bear?

    To keep the answer concise, any guns that require a reload animation generally don't work well with Auto Bear (eg Rocket Pods without an augment). He tends to reload after every shot. The Miniguns, especially the Explosive Minigun, work really well because he will fire them continuously until they need to cooldown. The Railguns work really well, Auto Bear is great at hitting crits with them. The Melee augments, and the Flamethrower augments work, however they are generally a bad choice because Auto Bear cannot move to close the distance.

    8. What's the point in using Full Can of Whoop Ass if my shield charges inside Iron Bear anyway?

    Full Can of Whoop Ass is an exceptional skill for some builds. If you plan on jumping out of Iron Bear instantly or shortly after to proc anointments or take cover behind Security Bear, Full Can will not only have your shield charged within seconds, it continues to charge while you take damage. The full duration is 7 seconds from Action Skill Start. This really helps to keep Topped Off proccing to get another Iron Bear quickly, or to fully charge your Stop-gap shield.

    This also can help any shield refill to guarantee another Tenacious Defense proc when your shield breaks.

    9. If I'm specced into the Shield of Retribution tree, I should always take Phalanx Doctrine right?

    Generally it is a great skill, especially combined with Drowning in Brass. However certain shields like the Stop-gap and any slow recharge rate shields with While-Shields-Are-Full bonuses can have a negative impact from Phalanx. Because it increases shields, it may cause you to have a harder time achieving the bonuses associated with certain shields.

    10. When I use the Mind Sweeper com, sometimes enemies are killed almost instantly, what's going on?

    Mind Sweeper has 25% chance to drop a micro grenade. Sometimes those micro grenades can proc a 2nd one if you have points invested in Pull the Holy Pin. This can happen multiple times in a row with each doing exponentially higher damage. After a few you will see damage numbers in the millions.

    It's also worth noting that the element of the micro grenade will match with the damage that procced it, meaning you will get even more damage if you match the element to the enemy's weakness. For more info on maximizing micro grenade damage see Question 19 of the FAQ's

    11. Why am I healing when I use the Mind Sweeper com, it doesn't state anything on the mod card?

    If you have points specced into Vampyr and you proc micro grenades with Mind Sweeper, you will be healed from the micro grenades. This can be used to supplement throwing grenades to become tankier

    12. How does the Face Puncher and Knife Drain work with the Bloodletter com?

    Combining the Face Puncher and a Knife Drain allows for healing from shots with the gun. It works as expected with the effects of the Bloodletter mod, allowing you to heal your shields by firing unlike any other Vault Hunter.

    Be aware of the potent sound effect involved with the Face Puncher and Knife Drain though, it's very annoying.

    13. I have a Marksman com that adds 1 point to Experimental Munitions, when I put a point into the skill and have 2/1, it doesn't do anything?

    This is just a text bug, it does in fact increase the damage from 10% to 20%.

    14. Is there anyway to increase the Dakka Bear turret's Damage and Utility?

    Yes, there are a few ways. If Moze is equipped with a Mind Sweeper com, anyone riding Dakka will proc the micro grenades. These will increase damage. If Moze has Vampyr, the micro grenades will heal Iron Bear's armor. If Moze has Deadlines, Dakka kills will refund fuel.

    Green Monster works if Moze has it equipped as well. Note it only works if you proc it with your gun at least once before using Dakka Bear.

    If Moze is holding the Unforgiven, it will apply the bonus crit damage to Dakka Bear. This may be considered exploiting the critical damage mechanics of the game though. Note it must be Moze holding it, not your co-op partner that is controlling the turret.

    15. Torgue guns seem like they would be great on Moze, but how can I detonate Stickies without reloading while using the Blast Master com? Can Torgue Stickies crit to proc Mind Sweeper micro grenades?

    Torgue Stickies can be excellent on Moze. You do not need to reload to trigget them to explode. You can simply switch fire mode, or swap weapons to detonate them. This is the best way to use the Alchemist with Blast Master as well.

    If you're using Mind Sweeper most Torgue stickies will crit on contact and on detonation. The Alchemist is an exception, it does not have the ability to crit on contact, however it's a great gun to use with Mind Sweeper

    16. How much ammo does Means of Destruction regenerate?

    When Means of Destruction procs, it will regenerate 1 ammo. It should not be heavily relied on as a way of keeping your ammo topped up, it's far more useful for regenerating grenades. At 3/3 it has a 10% chance to proc and return a single bullet into your magazine.

    17. Is there a way to speed up the animation when you enter Iron Bear?

    Yes. If you press the action skill button while in the air the animation will be much quicker than if you press it while standing on the ground.

    18. Do any of Moze's skills increase the amount of damage Short Fuse does?

    Yes! But it won't be the one's you expect. Skills that increase Iron Bear's damage will increase the amount of damage Short Fuse does. These include Scorching RPM's and Stainless Steel Bear. Specialist Bear does not increase Short Fuse damage. Note that Iron Bear does not proc Short Fuse, oddly these skills increase Moze's Short Fuse damage on foot.

    19. How do I maximize the damage a micro grenade does while using Mind Sweeper?

    As mentioned in Question 4 of the FAQ's certain damage types are multiplicative to each other. Mind Sweeper, being based off the hit that procs it, allows you to double dip the multipliers with initial contact and micro nade detonation. Furthermore as mentioned in Question 10 of the FAQ's*, because the element that procs the micro grenade matches the damage that procs it you effectively double dip on that as well. Maximizing splash and elemental damage will greatly increase Mind Sweeper micro grenade damage. If you're chaining micro grenades with Pull the Holy Pin, grenade damage bonus stats will have a significant effect.*

    20. I never carry a launcher, is there really any point in using Some for the Road?

    Absolutely! Some for the Road is great for launchers to clear rooms or chip away shields quickly, however many other guns can greatly benefit. Guns like the Hell Walker, The Flood, and Scoville have high fire rates with relatively low magazine size or high ammo consumption. These guns are able to fire extremely quickly though and are only held back by reloads and extreme ammo consumption. Generally these guns have a very respectable DPS and Some for the Road can take full advantage of that.

    21. Can only automatic guns with really large magazines make use of Green Monster?

    Not exactly. Any gun that you hold to charge and release to fire can take advantage of Green Monster. The Ion Cannon is a great example. While you hold the trigger Green Monster begins to ramp up the same as if you were firing a gun.

    22. Why isn't my Rocketeer mod working?

    Don't forget you still need to put a point into Auto Bear.

    Note there is also a bug with co-op, if you are not the host you may find Rocketeer does not extend Auto Bear's duration.

    23. Can White Elephant sticky bombs proc Mind Sweeper micro grenades?

    Yes. this will be far easier to do using a Face Puncher. The Face Puncher counts bullets as melee attacks. Although the gun cannot directly hit crits with Moze, the sticky bombs from White Elephant can crit on detonation and in turn proc micro grenades with Mind Sweeper.

    24. Why does the It's Piss grenade set me on fire, doesn't it clear status effects?

    You likely have Fire in the Skag Den on, which still procs with It's Piss

    25. Does the grenade anointment while Iron Bear is active, taking damage has a 20% chance to spawn a grenade work?

    There is a bug with this. For some people it seems to work, for some it works sporadically, for some it will proc one time, and for others it will not work at all. In most cases switching the grenade or unequipping it and re-equipping it allows it to work again, however as it is a bug there is no solid fix for everyone

    END OF MOZE FAQ's: Part 2

    Read Part 1 Here

    All FAQ's were either tested by me or other members on the gearbox forums. Special thanks to them for helping me put this together.

    submitted by /u/AdditionalPizza
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    Glitch on BL2 - Roland is covered up and I am unable to turn in

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 06:55 PM PST

    In the "A damn fine rescue" mission I took out the w4r d3n and he fell in Roland, now I can't turn in to collect my reward. Any suggestions or am I screwed?

    submitted by /u/GiantSack
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    Anyone else feel like BL3 legendaries aren't very ... legendary?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 04:58 PM PST

    Recently went back to TPS after getting Fl4k Amara and Zane all up to lvl 50.

    TPS legendaries feel like how legendaries should be. BL3 legendaries I feel like are just stronger guns. Some may have a unique bullet pattern or elemental effect but for the most part they're just blues and purples with better stats.

    Even after finding a few oranges in TPS, it feels like how BL should be. I grabbed a pistol whose magazine increases every second, there's all sorts of luneshine buffs like Piercing Rounds which hits enemies through shields. Legitimately fun cool effects that make picking up a new orange exciting.

    Maybe I just played BL3 too much but it feels like so many of the oranges that drop are not good whatsoever. Another Malak's Bane or Woodblocker? Great.

    A few of the HJ DLC legendaries are cool I like the Cheap Trick (?) SMG which buffs itself as you shoot and pick up chips. The Scoville pistol is really good as well.

    Anyone agree/disagree with this?

    submitted by /u/infinitemile
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    Anointment idea

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 02:33 PM PST

    The longer you have your action skill up the more damage you and your skill do. Have it max out at 20% at either 12 or 15 seconds. Most of the best anointments apply on ASE which I think it is unfair to iron bear, Zane's skills, gamma burst, and fade away. I believe this would be a nice boost without being over the top considering it's fairly easy to make these skills last an incredible amount of time.

    submitted by /u/RandomPedestrian1
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    Should I buy a lottery ticket?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 06:10 PM PST

    Ok so I just killed a normal skag on mayhem 1 and it dropped an annointed Lucians Call which had god rolls. Did I just get a royal flush or what?

    submitted by /u/Retr0Mxsked
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    Borderlands 2 Challenge run ideas/unique builds?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 05:53 PM PST

    In the mood to fuck around in Borderlands 2. I've gotten every vault hunter to 72 at least once, OP gameplay really isn't my thing. Right now I've had the thought of doing a common only run. Any other ideas?

    Preferably stuff I can jump into from level 1 and not need multiple specific items for.

    submitted by /u/Lumenition6
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    Created a SHiFT account with the wrong email.

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 07:36 PM PST

    So, as the title clearly states, I messed up. So I tried to log onto the SHiFT account on the computer, and it tells me I need to confirm the account. So, I made an email using that email, and on the right platform. However, when i ask SHiFT to send another confirmation email, it just says my account has already been confirmed, but when I try to log in again, it still says it needs to be confirmed. I'm not sure what to do. I sent in a help request to SHiFT also, but wondering if anyone else has ever made this mistake, and how they fixed it.

    submitted by /u/pastxlwintr
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    Does anybody know if people that had the season pass for BL2 had to pay for the MTX skins and heads that came out for the game when it first released?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 07:19 PM PST

    Only asking because im surprised they didnt put in MTX yet. Only from what i saw theyre selling the super and deluxe version add ons . and feburary is coming up and havent heard news of any new content drop for that month

    submitted by /u/EverBlack697
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    How to kill Traunt in just one trigger pull

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 07:11 PM PST

    Is the writing in BL3 any better than BL2s?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 06:44 PM PST

    Hey so I recently played BL2 for the first time as my introduction to the series (missed out on BL2 and I never picked it up. I'll get to it eventually though) and I did enjoy the gun play, but I couldn't endure the cringeworthy writing which seemed ripped straight out of a 2012 time capsule. Characters fighting over each other to see who can be the loudest, the "XD Random" humor, and Claptrap being...claptrap just killed the experience for me before it really even started. I figured if that is how the rest of the game was going to be then I don't want to endure terrible dialogue for the sake of good gameplay. I do like Handsome Jack though, he seems like one of the few redeeming qualities in terms of writing, but I don't wanna play the game with the audio muted.

    I heard this is a stellar series and I really want to give it a proper go, so Im wondering if I have to play BL2 to understand the third, or if BL3's writing is a step up from the pop-culture centered cringefest I was greeted with in BL2. Also sorry in advance if this post bothers you. I guess I would have liked BL2 more if I had played it when it came out.

    submitted by /u/SandCastleSam
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    Characters we havent seen AT ALL who I'd like to see get some focus:

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 10:44 AM PST

    Moxxi's remaining children. We've met Scooter, we've met Ellie, and theres at least 1 more Scooter out there since he was named after his sister I think that leaves 3 more.

    At first I thought they would make a cool vault hunter, focused on life steal with a thoughtlock-style ability. Then I realized how gross it would be for Moxxi to flirt with her own child.

    submitted by /u/xRedxDragonx
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    Rank the DLCs you have played and why!

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 11:28 AM PST

    1) Claptastic Voyage. What a perfect DLC. A new, fun weapon category, unique and fun environments, awesome soundtrack, cool enemies, great side quests, challenging, and of course its story. I think it's underappreciated because it released for TPS, but it's by far my favorite DLC.

    2) Secret Armory of General Knoxx. The first part of Borderlands to have a real story. It acts very well as a sort of replacement third act of the game, and it had my favorite humor out of any part of the series. The armory and crawmerax were awesome, and while it suffers from lack of fast travel, it gives time for vehicles to shine.

    3) Scarlett/Pirates Booty. The new characters were good, the raid bosses appreciated, and vehicles fun. Also, there's some awesome unique guns in it. It should be the standard for DLCs.

    4) Assault on Dragon Keep. The environments in this are beautiful, plot entertaining, and loot good. But, the enemies aren't as fun to fight, and a lot of the "random" humor hasn't aged well.

    5) Moxxi's Underdome. IF, you isolate it, and realize that it's not supposed to be a story pack like the the others, it becomes very fun. The modifiers can spice up Borderlands 1's already very snappy gunplay, and it's almost relaxing.

    6) Big Game Hunt. You probably expect it to be a little lower, but what saves it is that I ADORE the environments. Everything else is very meh, though it was nice for Hammerlock to have more screen time.

    7) Claptrap's Robolution. It was too short, recycled too much, and had a terrible final boss, but fighting claptraps was fun, and the gift shop is great (hd remaster)

    8) Campaign of Carnage. I haven't played this one in forever, so I don't remember it all, but I remember the bosses being pretty bad and the boring story. Has some nice mobbing areas, though.

    9) Zombie Island. Boring enemies, boring plot, boring environments, bad everything. The best section was Dead Haven, but everything else...

    submitted by /u/Coolguy4002
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    Gutti... What's?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 04:57 PM PST

    Anyone know what the "guttiwuts" prefix on the Ion Cannon means? Looked all over and it seems not many people know.

    submitted by /u/re-toed_sloth
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    A few things.

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 04:23 PM PST

    1) What is up with Breath of the Dying? I know it does no dot damage but it still tears through armor. Is it just really good normal damage?

    2) I've been playing a lot of Zane and I prefer the Skeksil over anything as my main mobbing weapon. The Maggie is a bit better but constantly hitting the trigger actually hurts my forearms after a while, I play on Xbox and it's a full workout for my right forearm. I think people are sleeping on the Skeksil but is there a better main for him? Like I heard people like the Dictator but I don't.

    3) I was lucky enough to get a shock Redestributer and with my chain Zane I really don't want to use anything else for shock. But I think a cryo/fire/radiation would be a better main. I don't like the Brainstormer. So would a shock Rowan's call or something else work better?

    4) I loved using the Ion Cannon for downs and the annoited. Now that it's nerfed is there anything close to this for these situations?

    5) I like using the com on Fl4k that your pet taunts during Gamma Burst. I'm more of a throw your action skill out and forget about it. Fade Away is boring and I die too much and the Rakks are annoying to have to constantly throw out. Are there any good Gamma burst builds for Mayhem 4?

    submitted by /u/shamus4mwcrew
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    Any good ways to get straight to 50 after beating the campaign

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 03:49 PM PST

    Sense the offline mode tactic has been patched is there Any other good way?

    submitted by /u/EverBlack697
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    Little question, what is better the Cutsman or Kyb's worth?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 03:47 PM PST

    I can't decide between them both and they're great smgs so if I use both my ammo will be eaten. Zane player if that helps

    submitted by /u/WamuuPillarMen69
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    Original Vault Hunters Merch?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 03:12 PM PST

    So I was browsing around, looking for merch for the original 4, but I noticed that Lilith was the only one that had a whole bunch of things. Brick only had one piece of merch and there is absolutely nothing for Mordecai and Roland! I love Lilith, but Mordecai is my favorire character and Roland is awesome. Why don't we have anything for them at all? Does anyone know where it is that I'm not looking for merch for these characters? I'm mainly focused on finding Mordecai stuff, but Brick and Roland will be welcomed with open arms.

    submitted by /u/LostPotatoHotPotato
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    I remember a glitch, but wasn't sure which game it was.

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 02:09 PM PST

    I'm half sure it was BL1 or 2 but I can't be sure. It was two guys, one with a modded shotgun and another just doing whatever. The shotgun man would crouch on the ground and look up, while the person would jump up. The shotgun guy would shoot, and the other guy would soar across the map. Me and my friend tried to get into impossible areas with this, and succeeded sometimes. Just want some clarification on which game it was.

    submitted by /u/Bolivia_The_Wolf
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    What is the best and worst pistol in borderlands 3?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 01:39 PM PST

    The best pistol in Borderlands 3 is either the Maggie or the Lucky 7.

    The worst pistol in Borderlands 3 is the Magnificent.

    submitted by /u/Retr0Mxsked
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    95/96 Missions!

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 01:19 PM PST

    hi everyone, I just popped the trophy for completing all missions and got the platinum, but it says 95/96 missions on my galaxy progress tracker. anyone know why this might be?

    submitted by /u/IanChisholm
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    Just finished my first playthrough, if I want to play another character, do I need to play though the story to unlock third/ forth and class mod

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 03:24 AM PST

    So I just finished the game, and I want to try different toons, do I need to replay the story to unlock 3/4 weapon slot and the class mod? If so,is there any faster way to do it?

    submitted by /u/kwaninthehat
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    As someone who stopped playing around the time of right before the Halloween event, can someone catch me up on what's been changed or added since then?

    Posted: 21 Jan 2020 12:43 PM PST

    Basically title. The game was getting stale and my best builds were being nerfed one by one so I took a break. What's new in terms of balance and additions for me to return? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Test_Subject_001
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