• Breaking News

    Sunday, February 2, 2020

    Borderlands Had an anointed Red Queen grenade mod drop....

    Borderlands Had an anointed Red Queen grenade mod drop....

    Had an anointed Red Queen grenade mod drop....

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 01:37 PM PST

    First time I've seen this anointment on anything. It generates a new grenade on every action skill start. I'm a rakk attak fl4k with basically unlimited rakks, so now I have unlimited grenades as well. Super exciting drop for me

    submitted by /u/Collusion_illusion
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    3 Golden keys

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 01:30 AM PST


    Enjoy! :)

    submitted by /u/milgeomar
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    Anointed class mods?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 10:18 PM PST

    Anyone know why it's not a thing?

    submitted by /u/ChadMMart2
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    I genuinely despise Ava

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 08:19 AM PST

    Ava is the most annoying character in Borderlands. SPOILERS

    She gets Maya killed, and blames it on Lilith. This sucks because i played Maya in BL2 and watching her die because of Ava is awful. And the fact that she is given leadership of the Crimson Raiders despite there being many other people more suited for the role is just annoying.

    submitted by /u/tj_1690
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    TPS: Stuck at UVHM Deadlift

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 03:58 PM PST

    My roommate has The Handsome Collection on his PS4, and has been letting me play The Pre-Sequel on it. I started playing as Baroness, got through the first two playthroughs without much issue, but got completely stuck by Deadlift on the last one.

    I figured it may have been either harder to beat as Aurelia or that I haphazardly chose skills based on what sounded good or interesting. So I started a new Claptrap, and followed a build online (N0V4-TP, I think it's called?) and UVHM Deadlift STILL is impossible for me.

    I tried grinding for levels to try to get a bit of an upper hand, but he levels with me. I've been grinding for gear, but the only shock weapon I have is a level 50 Accessible Confidence SMG, which is great in most other situations when combined with the +36% electrocute chance and +35% electrocute damage from my class mod, but it barely makes a dent in Deadlift.

    I looked on a bunch of different places online, and a lot of the suggestions are outdated (people kept suggesting getting a lvl 50 Vibra Pulse from Moxxie's weapons crate, which has been patched out) or really didn't help me. I ended up re-equipping my level 50 Sticky Homing Shock Transfusion grenades and tried to just blast him with grenades and rockets from my rocket launcher, but since it's corrosive it barely does anything.

    I've gotten his shield down a couple times by hiding out in the far back corner staircase and just spamming grenades and spraying him with the SMG, but he eats through my shield like it's nothing, and I haven't found any shock immunity shields. I have no clue what to do, and it's super frustrating. Any ideas?

    My Claptrap is level 53, and I'd planned on adding a picture of the skill tree build I have so far, but I can't figure out how to add that. Sorry 😅

    submitted by /u/AwkwardAbsol
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    Xbox one x crashing

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 09:36 PM PST

    Anybody else still experiencing Xbox crashing from borderlands 3? It only happens whenever I try to play coop with a friend it'll glitch then shut off my Xbox completely. Any tips on how to fix it would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/2trill702
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    Idea for New Action Skill for Zane (if they add new skill trees)

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 07:38 AM PST

    Give that boy'o Rocket Boots! Activating your rocket boot action skill greatly increases movement speed, jump height, slide distance, and slam damage (maybe even a double jump) which would compliment a lot of his existing skills and allow all the slide/slam/airborne perks and anointments to finally serve a purpose.

    submitted by /u/SenSei_Buzzkill
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    Pleasantly surprised by this game

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 10:59 PM PST

    Just coming here for an appreciation post of BL3. I re-played through all of BL2 last summer - including all the DLCs - to get ready for 3. I was so stoked. When I got the game at launch, it was so buggy and played so poorly on my Xbox One X, that I didn't give it a fair shake. I stopped playing a few missions in. (I also had minimal access to my Xbox at that time). I decided to wait until the game was "fixed."

    Fast forward to January, I just started up the game again a week ago. And.....I absolutely love it. I had seen so much negativity about it online, on YouTube, on reddit, and I was ready to hate it and judge the writing and only really appreciate the gunplay. But dudes....I love it all. The gunplay AND the writing. The set pieces, the level design, the voice acting. It's all superb. Now that it's playable on my system, I can't get enough. (Worth noting that it should have been playable at launch)

    The writing feels more mature. It isn't as funny as BL2...not by a long shot. But I don't think it was trying to be. The stakes are higher, things are taken more seriously. And as a result, about 50% through the game, it may be my favorite Borderlands journey so far. I care more than I ever have. They took risks going to different planets - trying the borderlands/bandit/Pandora formula in completely different locals - and I think it paid off massively.

    TLDR: It's not a perfect game, but I'm enjoying it beyond expectation and it might end up being my favorite in the series. Appreciation post!!

    submitted by /u/SuperSinus
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    Best legendaries to farm for on this red chest event?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 04:47 PM PST

    As title says, in your opinion what are the best legendaries to farm from this red chest event ? Maybe with a sweet sweet god roll !

    And what are the best you actually got farming until now?

    submitted by /u/Cris257
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    How is this guy killing graveward so fast?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 06:23 AM PST


    So I thought it was the Lyuda doing such massive damage. I mean he is killing him in seconds on Mayhem 4. So I have the same Lyuda, I think. And even though I am running Amara, I thought surely I could kill the guy quickly with that lyuda.

    Yeah no, that was a 40 minute battle of attrition. I mean other than the Badass lizards I never had a chance to die. Thank god for Recursion, I would wait until at least 5 things were on the screen grasp him and fire hoping to kill him. Otherwise I just ignored the single add and concentrated on Graveward. But freaking 40 minutes is stupid long.

    EDIT: The fight went on so long, I got 2 legendary from adds and gained 2 Guardian levels.

    submitted by /u/jsteph67
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    Borderlands 3 maliwan takedown?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 02:45 PM PST

    Does anyone want to do the maliwan takedown? (PC)

    submitted by /u/Tb_aquatics
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    Krieg Hellfire Burn, Baby, Burn vs Fuel the Fire?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 01:50 PM PST

    Which of these skills is better? I'm sure I've seen builds that go 3/5 BBB and 2/5 FtF; is that the correct point distribution to make? Any help appreciated <3

    submitted by /u/iAxc13
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    What guns are good with F4lks radiation anointment

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 01:15 PM PST

    I got a brainstormer and a maggie with the anointment but I want to know if I should farm any other weapons that are good with the anointment.

    submitted by /u/Kornrad_711
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    Do i have to Play the original borderlands to play the pre sequel?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 08:16 AM PST

    I found a really cheap offer for the pre sequel but I never played other games I was wondering if I have to play the first game first?

    submitted by /u/rrekaF
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    Atrocious input lag on PS4?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 11:56 AM PST

    I recently got a new TV (lg um7300, 55' if it matters) and BL3 has god awful input lag.

    I did extensive research on my TV before buying and made sure to pick a TV with incredibly low input lag. However my old vizio 32' had no issues running BL3, so im not sure if its my TV or the game. Im sure its a combo of both, but seeing as all my other games run fine im assuming its more the fault of the game than the TV.

    Is there any way to fix it? Ive looked into it and a lot of people had the issue in the past but i couldnt find anything recent or a conclusive solution. Its honestly so bad that i flat out refuse to play anymore. Have any of you had this issue and found a fix? I miss my blands :(

    Thanks in advance guys

    EDIT: All clear folks! Ended up enabling HDR settings on both my TV, BL3, and the PS4. Turned off the social notification frequency under the network & social menu. And what really did it was changing my tv's picture setting to game mode (which i swear i tried before, i promise im not a complete idiot, only kind of)

    submitted by /u/you_cant_eat_cats
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    Ahhhhh! COME ON!!!

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 10:00 AM PST

    Rant post. Why is it that when i get a piece of gear i been after for so long it has the perfect anointment and perks i want, look up [ 49 ] M***** F****** piece of S*** F****** F***. Rant over:

    submitted by /u/Deathmedical
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    Here is a tribute to Moxxis Bouncing Pair

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 01:39 PM PST

    body parts, flyinig through the air, because of moxxis bouncing pair.. explosions everywhere.

    zane is so fast. with the clone and drone and zane himself, there are explosions all over the place! i'm having more fun with Borderlands 3 than i even did with Doom 16, as far as fast paced action goes, and that says a lot, because Doom 16 is great!

    trying to traverse the battlefield, without getting my ass kicked by my own grenades is priceless! oh well, this was just a quick note on how great Borderlands 3 is. now its time to get back into the mayhem of slaughterstar 3000! have a good day.

    submitted by /u/mmrock2000
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    On Xbox: none of my skills exist anymore

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 09:53 AM PST

    Help please! My skills have been refunded, it says I have 44 skill points left to spend. But (operative level 46 Zane) the drone, clone, etc. aren't equipped and can't be, because I need to become level two in order to get them, I'm action skill-les and out of skills, as a Zane that is crippling. Please help!

    submitted by /u/Cup_juice
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    Favorite quick red chest farming spots

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 09:26 AM PST

    I do know about the slaughter glitch, not my thing.

    I do the droughts (4 chests) and metroplex (2 chests and boss). I can do those real quick. Any other locations you like to do?

    submitted by /u/raydawg2000
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    BL3 Ending

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 09:24 AM PST


    So does anyone think that Lilith is alive, in the credits it shows Tannis is looking for her.

    submitted by /u/tj_1690
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    Scoville not being given after finishing the collection.

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 12:35 PM PST

    So, I recently did all of Torgue's hot sauce bottle shooting, specifically hoping to net myself a scoville.

    Thing is, after shooting the last bottle, I got the achievement for finishing them, but, contrary to what I've seen online on how to get the Scoville, I got no mail.

    I've received the reward for every other collection from the DLC, but no Scoville.

    I've gone back, shot the bottle again, still nothing.

    Am I just out of luck? Or does someone know a fix? If not, am I able to get it in TVHM? Or do I need to level an entirely new character to do it again?

    submitted by /u/Dr-Dusk-PhD
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