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    Saturday, February 1, 2020

    Borderlands Why are the vault hunters not in the BL3 cut scenes?

    Borderlands Why are the vault hunters not in the BL3 cut scenes?

    Why are the vault hunters not in the BL3 cut scenes?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 10:48 AM PST

    It's just extremely frustrating going through a pinnacle boss fight and having it cut to Lilith and her band of dumbassess. It's such a disconnect between the gameplay and the story I fucking hate it. Why did they decide to do this? It makes no sense.

    submitted by /u/ScrootMcgoot
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    Death Blossom Moze: Muli-elemental Carrier + Green Monster = everything dies. PC sav file inside.

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 04:37 PM PST

    Hi folks. For the #takedownchallenge I submitted a Moze build that shreds M4 back on January 24. I'm finally getting around to posting the details for everyone looking for an M4 capable build that DOESN'T rely on Vampyr or Splash weapons. No Cloning Maddening Tracker required.

    TL;DR: PC .sav files are linked in both the xbox and PC runs. Hop into IB to proc 125% fire n2m and go shred everything.

    17:45 min solo M4 Takedown run for the challenge on Xbox: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f1NsCupGh2k

    15:31 min solo M4 takedown run on PC (same gear): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bhsEpZ7-HQc

    Some M4 content, Athenas + a 13 second Traunt kill: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7iGw2vZoLE4

    Skill Tree: Skill Tree

    Unique build, using an interesting elemental projectile behavior of the Carrier which generates a new projectile for each element proc'd. It creates huge blooms of beautiful homing bullets, hence the name Death Blossom as a shout out to The Last Starfighter (1984).

    The core components are the Carrier, the Green Monster com, a Quasar grenade, and a Recharger shield. Both the grenade and the shield are ASE 50% elemental, which means by default we're generating 4 projectiles per shot (Fire from next 2 mags, Corrosive from Green Monster, Kinetic). When we hop out of Iron Bear, we add an extra 100% dmg across two other elements for a huge amount of damage, and everything gets wrecked. We literally don't need anything other than the Carrier.

    With this raid setup I'm getting 5:1 bullets per shot, and doing every element except Rad/Cryo. I could have added one of them, and bumped up to 6:1, but the Corrosive boost was helpful for speedrunning armor bars. An important part of the huge damage possible is the +5 Scorching RPMs com. It boosts our Crit damage 40% -- and the Carrier's homing projectiles crit A LOT.

    Note there are ZERO points in Vampyr or anywhere in the Blue tree, the entire tree is Green to the capstone and most of the way down Red. There is no healing necessary for this build, and the only time I swapped into any was for the final stage of Wotan where I put on a Last Stand Otto Idol. The shield recharge after 20s, coupled with Iron Bear and the Quasar grenade to pull groups of mobs off their feet means it's pretty straight forward to stay alive even on M4 Takedown solo. For normal M4 content this build absolutely shreds. Green Monster + Quasar + Carrier, FTW. The community build challenge was fun, I don't know that I would have tried out some of these things without the ban list.

    Shout out to my buddy Apollosyx for being a sounding board for ideas and suggesting the singularity grenade for crowd control.

    Fearless Dumb0

    submitted by /u/some_random_n
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    Borderlands 3 Power Creep Discussion, UPGRADING GEAR AFTER LEVEL CAP INCREASE.

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 07:13 PM PST

    Let me start off by saying that I completely love the Borderlands Series, and have Months worth of time invested across all its games, I start this discussion with hopes that if many agree and share this, the idea could possibly be seen by someone with influence and get implemented in the game bettering the experience for the Borderlands community as a whole.

    As we all know in Borderlands our gear is everything, The exact anointment on a specific weapon/shield or the perfect rolls on a class mod/artifact can truly make or break a build. Hours upon hours can be spent farming to get the exact item to drop with the exact rolls. The Reward and Satisfaction comes from finally acquiring the item and being able to see a significant improvement in your Vault Hunter's performance. In my Opinion if all those items which you spent day's collecting all of a sudden become obsolete that well…. Kinda sucks.

    This is the main point i wish to bring up. I would absolutely love if in Borderlands 3 something like "Infusion" from Destiny was added. Infusion was when a player would acquire a new item of a higher level and have the old item absorb the new item bringing the old piece of gear up to current level. If this mechanic existed it Borderlands 3 it could work as such: You are playing through the story and find a legendary weapon at level 37 that you absolutely love, but once you reach the max level of 50 that lv 37 gun no longer damages enemies. Well with infusion you could find a new level 50 legendary gun and have the level 37 gun absorb it, (perhaps costing eridium) becoming a level 50 gun and being perfect to use at END GAME (This would also give Eridium a currently useless currency in end game, a very important function).

    If infusing a weapon of the same rarity and newly desired level is too simple and easy by Borderlands Standards then another good option would be to add a new "currency"/"consumables" called "Power Cores" which only drop from Raid Bosses with a 1 in 10 drop chance. Then if a player applied a power core to any weapon that weapon would jump up to the players current level. In the past Borderlands the level cap has always been increased, and if history repeats itself All the anointed gear we have acquired thus far will become completely useless. As a Console player, who does not have access to save editors or the ability to just copy and paste a youtubers save file, a method to make the gear I spent ludicrous amounts of time farming/trading not a complete waste of time would be the best thing I could ever ask for In this game.

    Please Let me know what you guys think or why you disagree.

    submitted by /u/D1V1DE-Z3R0
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    What is the unwanted legendary drop you keep getting over and over that just makes your head flop downward into your lap in defeat?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 12:26 PM PST

    Are red chests limited in items?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 12:55 PM PST

    Are the red chests in borderlands 3 limited in items or am I just super unlucky. For this chest event I've been farming chests and have maybe opened about 75 of them so far. So far I've obtained maybe 10 wagon wheels and the liked of other pistols and I have not been able to get a single boss drop. Can I not get these boss drops (like the dictator) from a red chest?

    submitted by /u/rymannss
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    I've been wondering this for a while but what is a better FL4K build Rakk Attack or Fade Away?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 04:46 PM PST

    I've been going for a Fade Away build but I've seen some Rakk Attack builds that also look fun and powerful what is personally better?

    submitted by /u/WamuuPillarMen69
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    Has anyone else experienced increased framerate after all these hot-fixes?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 09:38 PM PST

    I stopped playing for a little bit before most of these more recent hotfixes were applied, but Im getting at least 15 more FPS than I was when I first started playing. I have an RX580 and an R5 2600. I haven't messed with any of the graphics settings since I started as I found the perfect balance getting 60fps average, now I'm hitting 70-75fps average in most scenarios.

    submitted by /u/Brofey
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    Zane v Red Bar Bosses

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 01:21 PM PST

    So I'm running a Zane build similar to the popular Banjo build but without the banjo as I don't feel it's necessary if one of my weapons is a brainstormer so I have extra damage v frozen enemies. I have lots of different weapons with annointments and mainly rely on the 100% Cryo buff. However I've found that these are useless against bosses with red bars like Graveward.

    What have people been using as Zane against these bosses on m4?

    I have tried a few different fire weapons like the redistributer or the alchemist and many others but to no avail.

    Has anyone got any suggestions for this build or even a different one to help?

    submitted by /u/sproaty88
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    Mayhem Exp/Item farming~explain like I'm 5 please

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 08:04 AM PST

    Hey, I just recently picked up BL3, finished playing through the game on Moze, and finished at 37. I would love to start farming legendaries, however, as I'm not 50 yet, it feels pointless. I'm having issues understanding how exactly we farm EXP, or items even on mayhem. Can anybody explain like I'm 5 please? Much love


    Edit: Part of what I'm confused about is I keep seeing stuff about offline glitching, and that being patched. (rather not glitch personally anyway) Is that the ONLY way to farm EXP with Mayhem, or is there a non-glitch method?

    submitted by /u/SkiddoShadow
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    Borderlands 3 freezing at launch

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 03:52 PM PST

    Whenever I load in, I get to claptrap dancing and the game freezes. It started out of the blue, I could run the game before, though my fps wasn't perfect (frequently stayed at 30, dropped to less). Am playing at DX11. Tried following:

    Verifying game files

    Reinstalling the game

    Updating my drivers

    Adjusting virtual memory

    Running the game as administrator

    Reinstalling Windows(did it after doing everything aforementioned, then it did work for a day and a half and went back to freezing again)

    Can't provide my specs right now, but I do remember that I've got 8GB of RAM

    submitted by /u/BodhiTheSattva
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    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 06:42 PM PST

    So, apparently there is a few shield hybrids. Just recently I found a Redcard Recharger and also a Redcard Transformer. Though there is also some shields that have the affects of two shields combined into one, such as the Snowshoe which is a Redcard FrozenHeart combo. Has anyone else been finding a lot of these kinds of shields?

    submitted by /u/MongooseWeasel
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    Anyone else having this issue? BL3

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 08:34 AM PST

    Running through the Trial grounds and about every 4-5 runs one of the guys in it is invincible. I can take down his shields and health but he wont die. It doesn't matter if I change guns, leave the area and come back, use grenades, action skills or anything. I just can't kill him. I have noticed this most on the Trial of Discipline.

    submitted by /u/SonofGondor32
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    [BL3] Maliwan grouping broken?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 05:25 PM PST

    I don't group online ever, but I wanted to try Maliwan tonight. 5 times in a row, I queued for M4 Maliwan and would get matched quickly with a group. However, when we zoned in, there would be 2 or 3 players total; never 4. What gives? Is matchmaking broken? Back to solo..

    submitted by /u/A_Midget_Stripper
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    Do the chests at the end of the Proving Grounds count as "red chests" for the event?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 04:56 PM PST

    Title. Just curious if they fall into the same category or not.

    submitted by /u/CannibalCrow
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    Is there currently a viable melee build for Amara?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 03:35 PM PST

    Amara keeps talking about punching people so much that I started thinking it sounds fun. Okay, so I'd like to punch people, but none of the builds I tried seem to work as items were changed or nerfed in the meantime.

    I'm fine if it's not as op as Spiritual Driver and all that, but I don't want to have to punch a normal fanatic 5+ times to kill 'em. (On TVHM/M4)

    submitted by /u/TrixieButtons
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    Speedrunners PJ and Murphagator are trying a melee only run off the first game. It's going surprisingly well.

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 10:35 AM PST

    Check it out here:


    Highlights are definitely Mothrakk, Mad Mel, and trying to clear off the windmill. It's all hilarious though.

    submitted by /u/Steviewonder322
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    Where can I find a Mordecai Action Figure?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 06:35 AM PST

    Hello everyone!

    I was looking at action figures from borderlands, as well as these borderlands rubber ducks, and realized that my favorite character is missing. Does anyone know where I can find some sort of action figure/ rubber duck of Mordecai?

    I live in Europe but would be willing to pay for shipping, if there's no other option.

    Thanks in advance! :)

    submitted by /u/dizzyblurryvision
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    Which borderlands game do you guys think has the most interesting guns?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 12:44 AM PST

    I was thinking about this the other day as I was playing bl3 and wishing that we could have some more just ludicrous guns like there were in bl1 like SMGs that would shoot four bullets for one bullet, stuff like that. I know that things like this still exist in bl2 and bl3, but the variety is far less in my opinion. Anyway, I was curious what other people would think. So what do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/integralofEdotdr
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    annointed legendaries

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 12:09 PM PST

    what if every legendary was annointed? even if they scaled back the over all drop rate of legendary items I feel like this and maybe combined with dropping the usless annointed features (like exiting iron bear that just doesn't happen often enough I'm sorry moze) could make farming gear fun again. what are your thoughts? currently I have a bank full of legendary items I will probably never even use and don't see much point in farming most gear because the effort to get the right parts plus the right announcements and hold your breath it stays viable and doesn't get nerfed just feels like too much.

    submitted by /u/magisky
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