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    Wednesday, February 5, 2020

    Borderlands My Version of the BL3 Story

    Borderlands My Version of the BL3 Story

    My Version of the BL3 Story

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 11:45 AM PST

    So, as the community is within pretty universal agreement that the story of BL3 was weak, I've decided to throw out my idea on how the story should have been. Please note I am not a professional writer, and I fully understand the writers who worked on the game are 1000000X better at this than me.

    Change 1:

    You get the vault key from Shiv rather than Mouthpiece. The problem I had with getting the key from Mouthpiece is we already know at that point that Tyrene can't charge a vault key, so we already know that the bad guys are using us, but we don't change our actions. By getting the key from Shiv, we won't know that Tyrene needs us to open the vaults, and it makes sense for us to still pursue this goal.

    Change 2:

    We get what we need to leave from Mouthpiece, whilst Troy and Tyreen are there. Basically, Mouthpiece has an astroNav chip, we need it, we go to get it, whilst Troy and Tyreen are getting interviewed. Upon confronting the Calypso twins the players are left to fight Mouthpiece whilst Lillith fights the Calypso twins. Tyreen takes Lillith's powers, Troy stops Tyreen from killing her (VERY IMPORTANT), and we go to Promethea.

    Change 3:

    The VH is captured by Tyreen leading to Maya's death, Ava is not there. So after you loot the vault, Tyreen comes down, leeches the Rampager etc etc. However, Tyreen attempts to leech the Vault hunter, Maya grabs Troy, Troy kills Maya. Tyreen then tries to kill the vault hunter but Troy convinces her otherwise. They both leave. This gives Ava a reason to be so angry about Maya's death, because there was nothing so could do about it. She gets angry, swears to train harder to avenge Maya, is cold to the VH, not other NPC's.

    Change 4:

    Minor change, in Jakob's estate, Troy explains how he has convinced Tyreen to keep you alive rather than the other way around.

    Change 5:

    Axton takes the place of Clay on Eden-6 (This is relevant later). Similar to Zer0, Axton explains how he got a corporate job after leaving the raiders as the head of security for the Jakobs family. He feels guilt about what has happened to Montgomery Jakobs as he was the one who brought Aurelia to the raiders, without that happening Aurelia wouldn't have killed Montgomery as she would never have been in contact with Sir Hammerlock again. Thr rogue-sight story plays out the same, simply replacing smugglers for security guards. Axton rejoins the raiders after Eden-6.

    Change 6:

    Rather than fighting Troy on Pandora, he contacts you, asking to meet him on Nekrotafeyo. From this point on he takes the place of Typhon. Upon meeting Grouse and Sparrow, they comment on how healthy he looks, he asks to see his parents, you get taken to the graves etc. Tyreen appears, you fight Tyreen, you beat her, Troy tries to help her up, explaining that he's grateful she kept him alive all these years, but if she opens the great vault, all life in the galaxy could end. He offers her his hand, she takes then proceeds to kill him, taking May's powers. Her final line before leaving is "I didn't need you for this, I just needed your powers". (She can now charge the great vault herself).

    Change 7:

    We fight a fully charged Tyreen rather than Tyreen the destroyer. Another small change, but based on some end game lore, I think the grat vault should contain the very first siren, a 7th siren. Tyreen found out about how powerful she is and her goals is to take her powers. However, as she never opens tha vault this siren is never released.

    Change 8:

    Axton takes charge of the raiders rather than Ava, with Ava being taken under his wing. It ends with Lillith giving him Roland's cap from 1.

    submitted by /u/L4vendeh
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    Tales from the Borderlands is REALLY damn good.

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 06:37 PM PST

    I'll be honest that's it. I just want to scream with people about it. I finished it up yesterday and I've never felt so many genuinely overwhelming emotions at once. Please scream with me in the designated comment area. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/JD66613
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    I love how some of the ex-Vault Hunters and their allies refer to the New Vault Hunters as kiddo or kid, despite the fact that they all are around the same age group.

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 10:51 AM PST

    That's why when I play Axton, I just play him as this dude who seems like he just turned 18 and was drafted to Iraq (because our American bros in arms do that).

    submitted by /u/m0unta1ns
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    Wandering Debt Collector

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 05:51 PM PST

    Has anyone found the Wandering Debt Collector. I've been running around Spendopticon for about an hour every day and I can never find or get him to spawn. I already beat the sister mission, on all my characters and he won't spawn, Fl4k, Amara and now Zane nothing. If anyone knows if there's something else I should be doing please let me.

    submitted by /u/Cmguad
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    BL2 Community Patch Suddenly not working

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 08:43 PM PST

    I already searched for a fix for this and couldnt find anything, it says it executes properly and tells me to check the badass rank page and i do and theres nothing there, and i confirmed that is not just a visual thing by testing cutscene skip and it didn't work

    submitted by /u/bl33di3lack
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    Red chests not respawning?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 04:32 PM PST

    My red chests dont reset when I quit the game any idea how to get them to reset?

    submitted by /u/Kiix45
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    Update Idea

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 05:29 PM PST

    They should add an update where if you beat the game on TVHM you don't need to reply the story with each character you make.

    submitted by /u/Lukiido
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    Help! Has anyone experienced this bug? (BL3 PC)

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 03:41 PM PST

    Occasionally I cannot move forward. Physically. I can move left, right, back, and jump. But I cannot walk forward. It's like the "w" key decides to stop working. I know it's not my computer because this isn't an issue with any other games.

    Anyone know of a solution?

    submitted by /u/shnozdog
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    Does anyone else get a warm and fuzzy feeling of playing Borderlands?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 09:35 PM PST

    I've never actually beaten a Borderlands game, I got about halfway through the first two and got sidetracked, played them when either when I was too young, with too many people or never actually gave them a fair chance.

    Currently playing BL3, pretty early on too, just did the Ace Baron quest and after leaving his little area looked out into the city and heard the music in the background and just felt all warm and fuzzy. It's an odd feeling that I only tend to get with games that speak to me in a way that I can't even really describe.

    I've heard that the story in the game isn't very good but just about every quest I've done so far in the game has put a smile on my face in one area or another, it's just an endearing little game. Think I'll have to give TPS, BL2 and BL1 all another try after this.

    submitted by /u/fritodelay22
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    Help finding a fan song?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 08:35 PM PST

    Hey, reddit, wondering if you can help me. There was a Handsome Jack song on youtube, and I cannot find it for the life of me. It was sung by a single man, and it was basically Jack narrating the pre sequel. Contained the lyrics 'how a techie from Hyperion rose from obscurity to glory'. Wasn't a GMV or voice edit. It was just a really awesome song a guy sung. Any help would be greatly appreciated and rewarded.

    submitted by /u/queerkiora
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    BL2 Unkempt Harold

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 07:12 PM PST

    I'm like level 42 or something like that, and I'm in TVHM and the Savage Lee is not scaling to my level-no enemies are. I have got about 4 unkempt harolds and they've all been level 34 or under but savage lee is 37. I tried my internet, I thought enemies didn't scale if I wasn't connected.

     I'm just wondering what could be the problem and any tips on any other legendaries or on how to get the enemies to scale to my level. 
    submitted by /u/PatTHICC_6969
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    Any quick ways to power level a character?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 02:43 PM PST

    I want to play end game content with Amara and Fl4k, but the thought of grinding through the story 4 more times has kept me from doing so. My brother and I co-op a ton, so if I could just get said characters to max level I'd be set.

    Any one know of quick ways we could level up characters? On XBox unfortunately. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/seco8548
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    So I finally beat borderlands 2 story for the first time.

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 10:41 AM PST

    I have 1000s of hours across the series, most of which were put into 3 and 1. Now after experiencing so much of 3 I decided to just enjoy the story or B2 on normal the first time around. I only did maybe 5 side quests. I really just took a mainline through the story.

    Now I'm back on sanctuary for the second time. Im ready to enjoy the DLCs or maybe some epic side quests but i need your help vault hunters!

    I need recommendations on where to go! What to experience first! I'm level 35 and would like to hit the cap but I've also never done any of the DLCs.

    Help me VH!

    submitted by /u/Dethproof814
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    Is it just me...

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 01:10 AM PST

    ....that's missing searching for vault symbols? I've not seen anyone else mention it so I'm thinking yeah!

    submitted by /u/CaptainEmTheRed
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    Is it possible?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 11:35 AM PST

    If any PS Vita emulators on a high end phone work out there, would it be possible to get borderlands 2 working on it? Or would the game be too big? Just a thought

    submitted by /u/Iceboundmew3
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    what glitches are happening that have been patched out on xbox one? [BL3]

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 04:39 AM PST

    i just wonna know technically what i'm getting into. I've heard there is some glitches an just wonna know how bad it is.

    submitted by /u/H311LORD
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    Any recommendations for F4lk builds that can do Takedown on m4

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 07:55 AM PST

    I don't care about doing it crazy fast I'm looking for a build that can consistently run the takedown with little to no issue's.

    submitted by /u/Kornrad_711
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    Who can and can't solo raid at OP10?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2020 10:27 PM PST

    I assume Sal can because he's Sal.

    What's the situation with everyone else? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/iAxc13
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    Chest event disappointment

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 06:43 AM PST

    Is it just me or does it seem like the majority of the legendaries popping up in red chests due to the event are all level 49?

    submitted by /u/lazyxstitcher
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