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    Thursday, February 6, 2020

    Borderlands Typhons name

    Borderlands Typhons name

    Typhons name

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 06:16 PM PST

    I never realized typhons name means "father of monsters". I don't know if the devs did this on purpose or it was just kind of like an after thought like "hey we could do this" but I thought it was pretty cool and wanted to share with everyone.

    submitted by /u/xXCLOWNEYXx
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    Playing Borderlands 2 As A Gamer Without Sight, Live Via Share Controller (Info Inside)

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 07:39 AM PST

    Edit: Thanks for all the upvotes and support, it's very much appreciated. We couldn't get Share Controller to work with the game in today's stream, but we'll look into it to see if it was just a Mixer/Xbox Live issue or a deeper problem with the system, both of which seem like possibilities at this point.

    Original Post is below: By way of an introduction, I'm an accessibility consultant and gamer without sight (GWS). I use this term as "legal blindness", often just shortened to being "blind" can and often does include usable and/or residual vision, which I've never had.

    I've always wanted to play a BL game, but haven't been able to due to a lack of accessibility in the franchise. Even when I tried BL2 via co-op, there wasn't enough to work with to allow me to easily experience the game even with a sighted co-op partner. BL3, even though it has released in an era where more and more titles are including narrated menus and UI (see the Xbox Games Studios recent releases like Gears 5, Sea Of Thieves, Forza Horizon 4, Halo: The Master Chief Collection and Crackdown 3 to see how that works) had no accessibility features when I played in on the show floor at a couple of events pre-launch to allow me to have an easier time.

    Now though, that's hopefully all about to change. After finishing Ryse: Son Of Rome and Star Wars Jedi: Fallen order via Share Controller, a feature of Microsoft's Mixer streaming platform, I'm going to try and see just whether Borderlands 2 can be played in the same fashion.

    If you'd like to come and watch and ask questions as myself and my very helpful CoPilot play, I'll be starting at 19:00 GMT today. Here's the link if you're interested: https://mixer.com/SightlessKombat

    I'll likely also create a thread detailing my progress as well, should there be sufficient interest.

    I'm really looking forward to seeing what this franchise is all about.

    submitted by /u/SightlessKombat
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    Borderlands 3 has sold nearly 8 million units worldwide.

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 02:05 PM PST

    Borderlands 3 cumulative sell in is now approaching 8 million units worldwide.

    Sell in for the game was 5 million units in its first week, with just under another 3 million shipped since.

    submitted by /u/Frocharocha
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    The bitch needs a serious buff..

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 04:00 AM PST

    Its not even that great on m0, let alone m4, pls gearbox buff the base dmg and crit modifier.

    submitted by /u/Dorksoulsfan
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    No hotfix today, more info on the February Patch on The Borderlands Show Tuesday, February 11 at 8am PT.

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 07:17 AM PST

    There will be no additional hotfixes to Borderlands 3 this week as we focus our efforts on upcoming patches. We'll have more news to share about the February Patch and future updates on The Borderlands Show Tuesday, February 11 at 8am PT.

    submitted by /u/WorkAccount2020
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    So I have a problem.

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 05:32 PM PST

    I just finished the base game yesterday, and now I'm trying to do the Handsome Jackpot. When my friend plays it, his enemies are scaled to his level, level 50, and when I play, my enemies are not. I'm also level 50 but my enemies only go to level 16 or so. Any way to fix this or any explanation?

    submitted by /u/bradeline
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    Just lost all data on 3 of 4 of my characters(Amara, Flak and Moze) and I ain’t even that mad.

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 07:12 PM PST

    I just tried doing a transfer of my system data on to a Flash drive and back again and the data for some reason corrupted on my Moze Flak and Amara builds(but not my Zane for some reason) and I lost all the gear and weapons etc.. that I've collected for them since last year. It sucks and I'm kinda pissed because some of that stuff took a real grind and a lot of monotony to acquire.. but now it gives me an excuse to play the games even more. Not that I needed that motivation because I love this game that much. No reason reason behind this post, just thought I'd share with the world lol

    submitted by /u/Brodieman182
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    Rumor: Telltale working on Tales of Borderlands Part II

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 04:57 AM PST

    A Redditor with the which has leaked Batman: Shadows Edition and Wolf Among Us 2 in December has said that Telltale is currently working on the sequel of Tales from the Borderlands, with a planned announced with a couple years from now on.

    No details given on the title.

    submitted by /u/Frocharocha
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    New vault hunter idea

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 08:52 PM PST

    Now what if (just spit ballen here) of gear box were to change their minds on new vault hunters They were to make a nomad as a playable character he could have the old nomad wraps but with a better looking rez and cooler and all that with small persanal touches

    His action skill could be his shield Maybe another action skill could be the bl2 nomads electric pack thing were apoun activation he has a zapping aura that slows enemies and buffs allies fireing rate Later down the skill trees he could have a skill with midgets He could have bonuses in shotguns so that possibly shotguns could become a much more viable option in the later segments

    Just a thought though i think it would make bl3 sooooo much cooler

    Also his back story is that he loves loot like nomads do and he hates how the bandits turned so quickley to the cov he saw that they were living garbage and became a vh in search of loot away from a easaly swayed group of idiots

    submitted by /u/danequile
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    Casual zane needs build advice

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 02:41 PM PST

    Hi zane gang,

    I reached lvl 40 on vanilla playing casually with gf, and after reading a lot insane builts online i wanna find a way to try them out without the hardcore farm she wouldnt bare.

    I gathered several key gears of different meta build without finding a full set for a specific build, that's when i need your advices to make this comes together.

    Here is my gear collection :
    *Class mod : shockerator / infiltrator.
    *shield : transformer / big boom blaster / berner / black hole / wtf. / stop gap.
    *artifact : electric banjo / random ice breaker.
    *cryo grenade : the best i got is cryo torgue mirv+mirv+mini mirv.
    *grenade : firestorm / nagata / epicenter / tran-fusion / surge / moxxy's pair.
    *heavy weapon : jericho.
    *weapons : some cryo legendary smg, various other elemental legendary pistol / smg.

    So what kind of "meta" cheap do u think i can reach ? Ccc build / bully / barrier nuke / infinite grenade ???

    Ps : i am running a clone money grenade build to buy sdu, money is not a problem anymore

    submitted by /u/hurricanebones
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    Voice chat (Xbox one)

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 08:03 PM PST

    Does this game not have in game voice chat? I'm asking because, my friends mic is weird when we're in parties, His mic always plays the sounds of his game through his mic even when his TV is on mute, But in game chats it doesn't.

    We left the party to try game chat but we can't hear each other, so I'm 2nd guessing if this game has voice chat or not right now lol

    submitted by /u/Quitsquirrel
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    Game keeps crashing when Knuckledragger takes claptraps eye when using Reborn

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 03:44 PM PST

    Wanted to try out Reborn but everytime I try to play, the game CTDs near the start of the game.

    The only mod I'm using is reborn and I'm using BLCMM.

    Anyone know a fix?


    Here's the error window

    *Fatal error!

    Address =0x0 (Filename not found)*

    submitted by /u/TheIrishInternetGuy
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    Iron Bear is so amazingly OP! I love it.

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 06:26 PM PST

    So far I'm on lvl 19 and have been dumping all of my skill points into anything that could give me a longer time in Iron Bear or increase the damage. I've decided to only do half the blue tree since the bottom half doesn't do anything for IB and then do half the green tree for the buff to having the same weapons equipped on IB.

    And I have to say it is so much fun. I ran FL4K the first time (I always seem to end up running sniper first) and was using Samara a bit before I decided I wanted to see how much fun having my own mech was. And with my rockets equipped I can just burn though anything in a snap.

    No boss so far has taken me more than one attempt. I killed Traunt before he could summon any adds or do much damage. I died two times to him playing as FL4K. And three times against the loud speaker guy. But as Moze I just melted him before I even ran out of gas.

    The only times things get hairy is if I have a lot of people shooting at me at the same time. But even then one blast from each rocket pod and they are gone.

    I'm sure not going all the way down one tree or the other will make the end game hard. And its already hard outside the suit since Moze seems to be the only one who doesn't have health regin (so either I need a shield to do that or just survive till I get in IB again) so that makes the normal play challenging enough. But I just love being able to go to town with the missiles.

    One downside to them though is that the lock-on mode does less damage so I'm not really able to "macross missile massacre" everything like I would like to.

    Moze might be my favorite character. I also might make a second Moze just to do endless mags (though with the way I'm building right now I should be able to get that skill).

    submitted by /u/TheMastersSkywalker
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    Do M4 exclusive class mods drop on all characters?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 06:00 PM PST

    Meaning if im playing Zane, can I farm tink of cunning for a rakk pack class mod?

    If so, does it have the dame drop rate as if i were playing fl4k?

    submitted by /u/awallace616
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    Is there any difference in normal vs tvhm when you activate mayhem mode?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 07:10 AM PST

    Assuming that you have hit level 50, is there any difference in normal vs tvhm mode once you activate mayhem? I tried both and they seem to be about the same in terms of enemy difficulty.

    submitted by /u/shmolex
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    Can You Pull Off Those Crazy Combos?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 07:50 AM PST

    I see these crazy combos streamers pull off where they're maxing out crit by swapping weapons, activating abilities, clearing shields, shooting a certain number of times, criting a small target from across the map etc.

    I'm an old man on console and I cannot pull these off these things! Playing Fl4k btw if it wasn't obvious :)

    submitted by /u/friendoffuture
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    Side mission trophy

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 12:59 PM PST

    Do you have to do the repeatable version of the dynasty dash quest for the trophy?

    submitted by /u/GronakTheOrc
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    What's the most prized pieces of loot you have found so far in Borderlands 3

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 10:01 AM PST

    1. Night Hawkins - I got this weapon with +1% weapon damage for consecutive hits anoint and its my go to for cryo/incendiary builds. Completely melts M4 with the right build and modifiers.

    1. Dastardly Lucky 7 with Moze (5s unlimited ammo anointment). Spin a god roll of 7s and Amp Critical Damage/activate the Anointment to destroy literally any boss.

    1. Rain Firestorm Grenade with (25% grenade,skill dmg Anointment) Deadly with the right builds and just so bad ass watching napalm just legit rain from the sky.

    1. Binary Incendiary Cutsman with 10s Bonus Shock Dmg Anointment. The best weapon I have for COV mobbing and Bosses with shields.

    1. Gatling Gun with 115% gamma burst anoint. Most underrated gun with the right anointments. This thing shreds both bosses and mobs with ease. Throw in a modifier that favors radiation or assault rifle damage and my dudes this gun becomes godly. .

    Your turn Vault Hunters!

    submitted by /u/Dethproof814
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    Which bl has most hours of gameplay?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 09:12 AM PST

    Just curious. Just finished bl1 and it was kind of short imo

    submitted by /u/mrs_halloween
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    Best Duo In TPS

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 11:18 PM PST

    Yo, badasses and lunatics!!! Me and my gf are looking for good duo in tps. We already played the borderlands 1 with Roland and Lilith, had a great time with them, currently completing bl2 with Maya/Krieg.

    I haven't found any info on which Vault Hunters in bl:tps are good in duo combo? Any advice would be heavily appreciated!!! Not looking for particularly the most OP combo to turn the game into a piece of cake... something fun and interesting to play :)

    submitted by /u/Fedorrro
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